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Utopia Talk / Politics / new fake times caught lyin bout china
The Children
Sun Feb 14 02:33:38



yankee fake news tried 2 lie and distort WHO scientists but WHO scientists came on twitter 2 set da truth straight. shame on new fake times.

no wonder people wanna block them by makin app lmao. they havent had any ounce of streetcredz left.

just another fake fuckin propaganda channel
Sun Feb 14 03:14:07
Western media is very dishonest. Particularly when it comes to China and Russia. Media is definitevly being used as propaganda channel.

The credibility of the media must be questioned. I’m not saying that everything in the media are lies, but there sure are a lot of lies in Western media.
Sun Feb 14 03:34:57
Paramount, I've noticed an increase of certain phrases such as

" unknown/named sources"
"People close to x"
"Accorsing to reports"

The last one is my favorite, reports? Reports from who? Sounds official but very often I find it is just a way to make a story from a shitty/non existent cite.

They did that with Trump a lot.It was always unnamed " high level" people and the story would generally be something that his opponents would suspect or delight in hearing, like " he was furious over XYZ" ays high level in named source.

Turns out it eas a janitor who wasn't even working the day the event took place or some shit.
Sun Feb 14 03:44:13
Im not sure what the discrepancy was between peter D. And the spurce of the NYT claim....but the NYT is a shit paper that should be checked out before believing what they post.

They had some reporter from there on the JRE and she clearly was just reiterating DNC talking points against Tulsi but didn't seem to know what she was talking abput.


Its a short clip to shed some insight into the people behind the NYT....zero thought.
Sun Feb 14 03:48:16

Here is some more evidence, where they got caught making shit up, Joe Rogan called them out and they fixed it.
Sun Feb 14 05:03:52
" unknown/named sources"
"People close to x"

Sometimes journalists can’t reveal their source because the source may then become a target of reprisals. Might even get killed. So not naming the source is not controverial.

” According to reports”

This however. They should be able to name the report they are reffering to. If it is a classified report they should say ”according to a classified report from ...”, and not just "according to reports".
Sun Feb 14 05:52:18
Paramount, And I get that, but it also leads the door open to abuse.

I forget the details, but I remember one such story that later came out to be from a SS member supposedly recalling a specific meeting aftwr he was fired, so he wasn't there.

Or hell, Trump abused it as well, I'm sure you have seen him say " Ive heard things, from very smart people" or something to that effect, bit he can't name names.

At the point your putting full trust in the source who isn't identifying the source.

As for the reports, they frequently loop citations. To try and male it seem more legitimate.

They will take the most inflammatory headline that was written about something and use it to push a narrative imstead of using the original source material and try to pass it off as kist as good, its not, the man in the middle often adds spin.

My advice is to stay well informed we have to question the spurce material and its origins aa well as some critical thinking of our own.
The Children
Sun Feb 14 14:51:02
this is just downright evil. pure evil.
trying to place blame and paint a negative picture again.
pure distortion, lyin cheatin and stealin.

Sun Feb 14 15:14:43
TC, Always be waey of the NYTs.
Sun Feb 14 15:25:57
"New Fake Times"

I'm sure that sounded cleverer in your head.
Sun Feb 14 15:26:28
Would you say the New York Times is not something that we should get addicted to, TC?
Sun Feb 14 15:52:29
Rugian, Shut up, your gonna break the kid.

If you watch that clip (JRE) take notice how many thumbs down bar I Weiss got while she was clearly talking out her ass.
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