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Utopia Talk / Politics / Cuomo-The fallen angel
Wed Feb 24 13:58:45
Mr trust science, trust the experts.

Now after he got caught covering up his slaughter of the elderly doesnt trust experts and says experts with air quotes.

Not censured by big tech for spreading misinformation.

I will say that the left in general has at least calles him out and 9 of his "experts" resigned.

Talk about 15 minutes in the sun.
Sam Adams
Wed Feb 24 16:02:49
He just sexually harassed a female employee.

But since he is not a republican supreme court candidate, its not big news.
Wed Feb 24 16:47:58

Damn Cuomo-Sexuals.

This is all at once, maybe Hillary thought he was growing too popular.
Sam Adams
Wed Feb 24 17:33:26
Cnn should be forced to fire his faggoty brother too.
Wed Feb 24 18:15:36
I mean he is an italian from new york. Is anyone surprised that he is corrupt and a rapist?
the wanderer
Wed Feb 24 18:44:42
the allegations are not Trump level or even Kavanaugh level, worst claim seems to be a kiss

...yet Trump superfan Elise Stefanik is outraged & calling him a "criminal sexual predator"... hmm
Wed Feb 24 19:20:13
Not everything is about former-president Trump there tumbleweed. Your obsession can take a day.
Wed Feb 24 19:55:56
Could you imagine if JFK was given today's scrutiny....hahahaha
Wed Feb 24 20:55:27
Please, everything you cuckservatives do is to justify Trump so you try to make everyone else seem worse.

Cuomo did fuck up. But he still better than the dipshit govenors in Georgia and Florida by a mile.

In this age, everyone with a brain knows, blue no matter who. We can vote Cuomo out in the primary.
Wed Feb 24 21:07:05
"In this age, everyone with a brain knows, blue no matter who."

Is Dukhat getting more retarded?Or has he always been this bad?
the wanderer
Wed Feb 24 21:36:25
"Not everything is about former-president Trump"

get used to 4 years of hypocrisy claims against R's... they don't get to completely ignore Trump's continual unfit behavior then start complaining now w/o hypocrisy noted

Elise Stefanik's only claim to fame is being a female Jim Jordan at impeachment hearings

Biden gets jumped on for saying he's proud of his son's book when asked about it during an interview, vs Trump openly urging everyone to buy his son's book (& RNC buying huge amounts)

Cuomo being called a "criminal sexual predator" for an alleged unwanted kiss (& more minor things not even close to crimes) when Trump's whole stated reason for his tic tacs was giving unwanted kisses... does anyone doubt he gave unwanted kisses?... i'm sure it was standard practice w/ beauty pageant contestants & Ivanka & whomever else he could... (plus i don't doubt the much worse behavior that he also admitted to & many many allege)
Wed Feb 24 21:44:41
"they don't get to completely ignore Trump's continual unfit behavior then start complaining now w/o hypocrisy noted"

Sure they do. Only fair. Democrats lauded President Obama for things they decried President Trump for. Hell they even used photos of detained children from the Obama era to try and undermine Trump.

Now Democrats are giving President Biden a pass for doing some of the things they wanted former-president Trump removed from office for. Again look at the children being detained.

If someone made a thread asking what peoples favorite pies were you would make a post about Trump putting ketchup on steak and follow it by saying he ruined pie for everybody because he is Hitler.
the wanderer
Wed Feb 24 21:44:56
what'll be interesting is seeing if Trump personally did everything R's ever complain about way worse than the person they're complaining about (as Trump such a total piece of shit)

- Biden promoting son's book (Trump did way worse)
- Cuomo's misleading about COVID info (Trump did way worse)
- Cuomo's sexual harassment allegation (Trump's way worse)
- Neera Tanden's mean tweets (Trump's way worse)
Wed Feb 24 21:50:15
Should we just stop replying to tw already? I mean, he's going to be bringing up Trump no matter what, even when he has no relevance whatsoever.

We as a board need to teach him to move on in life. If that takes a little tough love to accomplish, then so be it.
the wanderer
Wed Feb 24 22:07:12
not my fault your lord & savior is guilty 100x over of everything D's are being faulted for

plus the cult is claiming he's still the head of the party & some saying he will run again (supposedly announcing that Sunday, though i'm skeptical) so the plan to pretend he doesn't & never existed will be tricky
Wed Feb 24 22:17:42
Actually TW has assimilated bwtter than I thought.

Obviously I disagree with most ofmhis assumptions since they're based on Trump being as bad as MSNBC claims he is.

But I don't know why you wouldn't respond to him. He actually will research his claims and argue rather than just sling insults like many on these boards.
Wed Feb 24 22:18:34
To clarify he slings plenty of insults, but they're focused on Trump.
the wanderer
Wed Feb 24 22:45:10
Fox tweet & article:
"ABC, CBS, NBC avoid explosive sexual harassment claims against Andrew Cuomo on evening news broadcasts"

those networks do 30 minutes of national/international news (minus commercials), them not noting the NY governor was accused by one woman w/ the 'explosive' allegation of being made to feel uncomfortable at work isn't that amazing


"they're based on Trump being as bad as MSNBC claims he is "

nope, mostly extensive direct observation... whereas Trump defenders never seem to defend him w/ any of his actual quotes...
Wed Feb 24 23:11:02
Direct observation, but same result.
Wed Feb 24 23:12:30
Cuckservatives have to project their failures onto others. It's a fact of life.

Cuomo did fuck up but at least he took steps to lessen the fuck up (even though the nursing home thing was and is very bad).

He expanded testing and imposed lockdowns when hospitals were being overwhelmed.

Instead, Trump tried to suppress testing in order to pretend the virus would go away and let states leave everything open which caused even more people to get infected and the economy still sucks anyways.

Even now cuckservatives blame the economy on the lockdowns like the fucking idiots they are. Every responsible country that locked down as the circumstances permitted and re-opened when conditions improved is doing way better than we are. It's not a political thing either, Australia and Germany are run by conservative parties.

Right-wing populist moron bullshit is all about blaming someone rather than finding solutions.
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 25 00:26:53
"Right-wing populist moron bullshit is all about blaming someone rather than finding solutions."

Imagine being cuckhat, saying this, and not seeing the irony.
Thu Feb 25 01:35:37
Trump didn't try to suppress tests. He made some unfortunate off the cuff comments at a rally and later clarified he was all for tests to continue and even increase.

Nice try though.

Back to the Cuomo sex thing though. Even if tumbleweed is correct what the fuck does it matter? It isn't a contest. Inappropriate sexual advances are just that. Pointing at someone else and saying he got caught first isn't a defense.
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 02:20:07
Trump was a total failure start to finish across an insanely wide variety of topics on covid (like the absurdity of actually -discouraging- masks, not merely failing to encourage them, actual discouragement... or saying everyone gets a free covid cure... or making up that it was going away, stated repeatedly over months... or rallies where precautions not only not taken but actively removed... things no remotely fit leader would've done)

& i'm not defending Cuomo, just noting the ridiculousness of Fox News calling it an 'explosive/bombshell' & Elise Stefanik calling him a "criminal sexual predator" over these fairly mild accusations (her opener is that he joked they play strip poker on a cramped flight) & much of which seem like assumptions on her part
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 02:21:37
...or smearing the FDA for not approving a vaccine before any had ever been submitted to them... or the bleach speculation -DURING- a public briefing...

...goddamn he was so fucking unfit
Thu Feb 25 09:52:03
At least he supported a vaccinne unlike Harris who said she wouldn't trust it if Trump supported the vaccinne.
Thu Feb 25 10:22:48
Nobody trusts Trump on anything. He tried to say the vaccine would come before the election (or something close to that, he lies so fucking much it's hard to keept track of it all).
Thu Feb 25 10:30:40
Well especially with fact checkers actively trying to elect Joe Biden.
Thu Feb 25 10:45:21
Tw is sorta sad at this point. Trump isnt in office, has no effect on anything to do with your life and you keep bringing him up because? Why? You need a boogeyman? You cant judge any other politician without first coming at trump? Sad and pretty pathetic.
Thu Feb 25 10:48:16
In all fairness Obama was the boogeyman for a while after he left office.
Thu Feb 25 11:40:29
And TW was in the crowd saying "How long are you going to keep blaming Obama and not Trump" (paraphrased)

But he its unfair to act like we didnt boogeyman Obama into everything.

TW has turned down his Trump rhetoric a great deal.And compared to many of the leftwing posters hebis far more reasonable.But he does have an Nemesis, and his name is Trump.
Thu Feb 25 11:58:38
"And compared to many of the leftwing posters hebis far more reasonable."

He is utterly incapable of conceding a point. He's as unreasonable as they come. This is such a bizarre reading of him.
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 12:14:49
when Obama left office he was gone (also, he wasn't a completely obvious unfit fraud liar who turned tens of millions of Americans against the country for his own benefit)

& Trump still claims he won the election, his cult still says he's the leader of the party, & some (likely criminal) around him says he plans to be the nominee in 2024

so a big difference... if you buried him like Mitch McConnell & Liz Cheney (& all sane people) want, then you'd have more of a point
Thu Feb 25 12:21:38
TW: *Points out the drastically different behavior of every Republican under the sun from January to February*

Thu Feb 25 12:25:42

What the fuck does Trump (or FISA-abusing Obama, or any other politician) have to do with ANDREW CUOMO, you know, the subject of this thread (at least before you hijacked it)?

Either you find his behavior objectionable or you don't. And so far, you've said literally nothing in this thread that doesn't imply a sentiment of "well what he did was fine, because orange man."

You obsessed monkey.
Thu Feb 25 12:33:58
Anyway...of course you are all capable of seeing this absurd shift in behavior.

The problem is that you excuse it as par for the course. You're perfectly capable of seeing the disingenuousness but you offer pro forma defenses nonetheless.

Modern right is nothing but realpolitik through and through. Only the ends matter; being disingenuous in support of the cause? If you're not, you're not fighting hard enough.

Republican worldview now is basically "Vice in defense of the party is no vice, and virtue in detriment to the party is no virtue."
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 13:07:32
"Either you find his behavior objectionable "

i haven't researched Cuomo's behavior... based on SNL, Cuomo being blamed for hiding nursing home deaths as hospital deaths as Disneyland does... i don't know (or care that much) if any evidence showing Cuomo directed that or did for deception, if he did it's wrong (however, nothing on Fox News can be trusted any more... they've learned from Trump no need to just be biased, just make shit up)

as for this woman, i read her allegations... if she was made to feel uncomfortable it's wrong, if he kissed her it's wrong

as for the thread, i chose to focus on the ridiculousness of the coverage by Fox News & Trump superfans like Stefanik

the R party & Fox News is thoroughly repulsive at this moment... (like all the R's & Fox segments still either downplaying the Capitol riot or claiming it wasn't really Trump fans)

facts are dead in that world
Thu Feb 25 13:08:36
Rugian, "He is utterly incapable of conceding a point. He's as unreasonable as they come. This is such a bizarre reading of him."

He is stubborn, granted. But compare that with a sizeable group of posters who font even post a real argument on the topic and will just post how

"Retarded cuckservatives are just cultist racists, vote blue no matter who"

For every post regardless of the topic.
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 13:09:22
...i don't live in New York, Cuomo has no impact on me... Trump was 'president' of the country (& his lying corruption spreading across the country)
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 13:10:47
& thanks for the support, habebe... even though you find crazy equivalence on things :p
Thu Feb 25 13:21:22
Chuck, "Republican worldview now is basically "Vice in defense of the party is no vice, and virtue in detriment to the party is no virtue."

Is your claim that the DNC does not behave in this manner?

TW, Well, basing your knowledge of the tipic of SNL is.....odd.

That said from what I understand, he kissed her and she wasn't down with it.

Honestly if thats all it was, he owes her an apology. If she seriously felt that uncomtorable about it because of the boss/secretary dynamic of the relationship she should be placed elsewhere for work.

But it really shouldn't be that big of a deal if that is where it stopped.

However the nursing home thing IS a big deal. Bottom line he knew he was sacrificing the elderly for what he thought was the greater good, but he knew it was fucked up and wrong.

Further he should have been able to go to Trump and ask for national guard assistance in housing, or talk to his billionaire buddy(ies) like.bloomberg to help figure out a temporary nursing facility, but he didn't and it cost people their lives and family fornhisnown self.gain/covering his ads and incompetence.
Thu Feb 25 13:21:57

If the sum total of your knowledge on this subject is derived from a goddamned Saturday Night Live sketch, maybe you have zero fucking business whatsoever posting in this thread.

And yes, a reasonably aware person should be at least somewhat knowledgeable of Cuomo's activities even if he's not a NY resident, given that Cuomo is governor of one of the largest states in the country, has been routinely featured on national news throughout the Wuhan flu crisis, has been cited as a "model" leader for his response to the virus, and has been seriously floated as a candidate for national office.

It literally astounds me how ignorant you are of any political subject that doesn't revolve around Donald Trump. You're an embarrassment of a poster here.
Thu Feb 25 13:25:46
"get used to 4 years of hypocrisy claims against R's... they don't get to completely ignore Trump's continual unfit behavior then start complaining now w/o hypocrisy noted"

Get used to four years of hypocrisy claims against D's... they don't get to screech about every single minuscule thing, and then go initiate silent treatment across all legacy and social media without hypocrisy being noted.
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 14:05:53
the general nursing home story is old news, afaik the only fairly new element is him potentially trying to hide deaths as SNL summed up nicely

"It literally astounds me how ignorant..."

i seem to know more than most of you on the woman (2 of you questioning if the kiss really is the worst allegation... yes, it is, quite easily found at link in thread & its link direct to her full allegations)

Trump's behavior is orders of magnitude worse & in a higher position (even now really, w/ 90% of the party beholden to him, & having to censure anyone who speaks their mind against him)

the hypocrisy deserves noted & will continue to be done... (especially if that fucking moron fraud is again embraced as candidate)


"Get used to four years of hypocrisy claims against D's"

go for it... good luck avoiding how Trump was orders of magnitude worse (as someone recently noted) & is still the GQP party leader
Thu Feb 25 14:14:32
So tw doesnt care about rape if it doesnt involve trump.
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 14:21:32
^ the most clueless person of all

please describe the rape allegation against Cuomo
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 14:22:55
& not coincidentally, obaminated also the biggest Trump cultist here
Thu Feb 25 14:46:41
The kiss was simply the final straw that caused her to come forward. According to the complaint "Cuomo "sexually harassed me for years.""

Also we have "Governor Andrew Cuomo has created a culture within his administration where sexual harassment and bullying is so pervasive that it is not only condoned but expected," Boylan wrote. "His inappropriate behavior toward women was an affirmation that he liked you, that you must be doing something right. He used intimidation to silence his critics. And if you dared to speak up, you would face consequences."

Of course he is innocent until proven guilty but he still has to answer for potential crimes in covering up the number of deaths that occurred in nursing homes. That is what will keep him from winning another term.
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 16:12:02
you are an idiot

you don't claim sexual harassment then hide the worst allegations... she explained what she considered the harassment (as one does when claiming sexual harassment)

& the kiss is the most extreme allegation
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 16:13:04
"He used intimidation to silence his critics. And if you dared to speak up, you would face consequences."

& yeah, the GQP really opposes that kind of thing...
Thu Feb 25 17:22:32
You are pathetic.
Thu Feb 25 17:35:14
No the most extreme is years of abuse and a feeling there was nothing she could do about it if she wanted to remain employed.

But you stay in your own little world with your demented self.
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 18:09:50
you can't claim 'years of abuse' & not cite examples

and she did cite her examples... like she claimed he was keeping tabs on her, citing an email from someone (not Cuomo) asking if she'd be at some event, which she interpreted as him stalking her... maybe he was, hardly proof

and that he showed her a box of cigars he got from Bill Clinton that she interpreted as a Monica reference

and he sent her a rose on Valentine's Day (along w/ many other women)

if Cuomo was doing worse conduct & on a regular basis, she would've noted it, she wouldn't cite just those isolated incidents

obviously if he made her uncomfortable it's wrong, but these aren't criminal bombshell allegations
Thu Feb 25 18:39:23
He may or may not have been stalking her...Not super concerned about that compared to the nursing home issue.

Even if he dead to rights raped her, which he didn't, you know what trumps that as an issue, dead people!
the wanderer
Thu Feb 25 19:08:36
like Herman Cain
Thu Feb 25 19:11:52
Thing is usually when you are about to accuse someone with the kind of influence and power Cuomo does you consult a lawyer. They help with your initial statement and every lawyer will tell you to keep the really damning stuff out of the public eye until trial time.
If these accusations are true we probably haven't heard the worst.
And Habebe is correct. His trying to cover up that his policies directly got people killed is much more serious an issue than this.
Thu Feb 25 19:22:38
The main problem Cuomo has is that he was a dick to everyone/anyone who didn't back him. That has the real possibility of backfiring right now.
Thu Feb 25 19:28:54
For those that don't understand, in local politics Cuomo is viewed as a centrist Biden-style democrat in opposition to more progressive democrats like De Blasio.
Thu Feb 25 19:28:59
Y2a, That definitley plays a role. Plus he was the golden boy during the pandemic fighting the goof fight against Trump and the virus in the eyes of half the country.

Falls are only bad for those up high.
Thu Feb 25 19:34:54
alot of progressive dems wanted to get rid of him pre-pandemic. there is this kind of complicated thing with the NY state senate where it used to be controlled by the repubs for a long time because of ridiculous allocation of seats to upstate ny and when the dems finally took it back a few corrupt and opportunist dems broke off for form their own caucus (the IDC) to coalition with the Repubs. There is a belief among the progressive dems that Cuomo was behind this whole thing until the IDC dems finally got primaried out.
Thu Feb 25 19:37:42
the problem with the progressive dems is that they couldn't get a strong candidate to primary him out. they ended up with Cynthia Nixon of all people, the embodiment of the out of touch rich know it all manhattanite who could never related to working class minorities as their opposition candidate. she was so bad that De Blasio wound up backing Cuomo (for practical reasons of course).
Thu Feb 25 19:39:31
Well, for progressives ( aka the far left) a NY Den isnt a California Dem.
Fri Feb 26 18:41:30
Looks like the entire progressive left in the state is turning the knife now that it is in. Like I said, his problem was that people never forgot he was a dick.

Dear Neighbor,

Unfortunately, bullying and intimidation are nothing new with the Governor. My colleagues and I have experienced it firsthand, whether it's a late night phone call or a tweet by one of his henchmen.

But, the news in the past few days and weeks concerning Governor Cuomo has been immensely concerning, and outright disturbing.

Harassment has no place in any workplace, let alone the office of the Governor of New York State. There must be an immediate launch of an independent investigation into these allegations.

We cannot back down from holding Governor Cuomo and his administration accountable. Whether it’s uplifting the voices of survivors, or speaking out with Assemblymember Ron Kim on the lies that the Governor spread about COVID-19 in nursing homes, I refuse to sit back while elected officials attempt to act above the law. I will NOT back down.

Can you help me continue my work of holding our leaders accountable?

Throughout my entire life and career, I have fought to put affected communities at the center of my advocacy and decision making. This time will be no different.

I will continue to fight for all those who have suffered and survived under a system of abuse, harassment, and intimidation. I will ensure that our leaders are held accountable for their actions, their conduct, and their words.

The stakes are high, and we must join together as a united front.

Justice must be served.

In Solidarity,

Jessica Ramos
Sam Adams
Mon Mar 01 21:12:15
On a scale of 1 to england-trying-to-track-and trace-covid, how fucked is cuomo?

Totally fucked at this point right? Now theres pictures.
Mon Mar 01 21:16:05
as expected, de blasio turns the knife, must feel great for him.


NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: If allegations against Cuomo are true he shouldn't be in public service
Mon Mar 01 21:36:00
pic referred to above


Evan Hill
A third woman has accused Governor Cuomo of unwanted touching and sexual attention, saying he placed his hands on her face and asked if he could kiss her at her friend's wedding. A friend took a series of pictures of the incident as it occurred.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 01 22:22:48
these accusations are getting progressively less notable

i mean he's probably screwed for garden variety workplace harassment, but asking a stranger if he can kiss her is a headline?
i guess maybe for pattern of behavior it's slightly notable

the 2nd woman specifically said he didn't touch her, so kargen's theory of just presuming it's much worse than they claim isn't quite panning out
the wanderer
Mon Mar 01 22:24:26
no rapist.. no criminal sexual predator
Tue Mar 02 00:25:10
The 2nd person has nothing to do with the first persons allegations and whether or not she is holding some details back.
All the 2nd person does is start to show a pattern.

Tue Mar 02 00:44:44
These situations are almost always tough. The timing is always in clusters. None of these women filed complaints before? he is under investigation for covering his big fuck up and bam, they all come.out of the woodwork.

Now I get it in the past, but these days post the first phase of #me too, I dont see why they held back if this was really an issue.

It could have happened like they claim, but I'll save my judgement until there is evidence beyond reasonable doubt.

That said, what needs to be thoroughly investigated first is Nursing-home gate.

Again I'll even give him the benefit of the doubt, but there is enough evidence that we need to know who knew what when and the full extent of the act and cover up.

It had to be more than just him involved.
Tue Mar 02 00:47:42
Lol. I still find it funny that tw is still obsessed with trump. No sexual misconduct was ever established against trump. He paid a prostitute to suck his dick.
Meanwhile cuomo has developed a history of real sexual harassment and tw still attacks trump.

What a pathetic loser.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 01:00:44
in what way is Cuomo's history more established?

also, every single accusation by the 3 women is far less severe than every single accusation of the ~30 women for Trump

...& Trump admitted doing it
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 01:03:26
and kargen remains crazy

the pattern emerging is that it does NOT include worse stuff
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 01:16:46
all of the Trump allegations are criminal behavior

the first two Cuomo would be civil... although I guess they could try assault on the kiss claim...3rd girl has nothing, I would assume

although, I’m really not trying to minimize :p... just taking issue with the gross misrepresentation as shown by Stefanik in Fox article ( & as obaminated illustrates as a consumer of the garbage news outlets)
Tue Mar 02 03:00:22
Are you still going on pretending that the kiss was the worst part of all this?
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 02 10:23:45
Trump sucks and cuomo sucks. That is all.

And its not just the minor sexual harassment. Dont forget trying to cover up the nursing hone deaths that he ordered. Much worse.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 12:01:11
"Are you still going on pretending that the kiss was the worst part of all this?"

the worst individual allegation (& only thing that could be charged as criminal, though seems unlikely)

of all the celebrity & Fox News personnel accusations of the past several years, this is way on the mild end of the spectrum
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 02 14:24:25

Lesson: never trust any politician
Tue Mar 02 14:40:33
^that list is like a who's who of tumbleweeds usual sources. Add Aaron Rupar there and it would have been a perfect fit.

Rofl tw.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 14:52:15
because his nursing home fuck-up nullifies everything else he did that was good?
Tue Mar 02 14:56:00
He didn't do good. New York is one of the hardest-hit states in terms of both Covid and economic damage.

Cuomo is a charlatan and a bully. You claim not to have liked Trump for similar qualities.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 15:09:43
New York City is a travel hub of the world & the most densely packed city in the country

i would be absolutely shocked if it wasn't one of the hardest hit

outside of the nursing home issue, show me the lies/nonsense/misinfo/made-up-shit Cuomo spoke at his briefings... i can find such in ANY Trump briefing, on any topic for that matter
Tue Mar 02 16:53:27
Why are democrats saying cuomo should resign if he din do nuffin, tw?
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 17:20:10
i didn't say he din do nuffin... and Dems have zero tolerance over this stuff, so i fully expect he will be brought down over this

the presumed malevolence of his actions w/ these women seems unwarranted, but that's the way things are these days
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 17:25:34
& if i may bring up Trump for a change... he dangled an Apprentice spot to get Stormy Daniels to sleep with him & she's not even one of his ~30 accusers & that's way worse than Cuomo :p

(& she wrote a book about it & didn't get sued by the guy who sues everyone... plus he paid her $130k to keep quiet before election... therefore it's incredibly obviously true... except to kargen probably)
Tue Mar 02 17:30:50
"because his nursing home fuck-up nullifies everything else he did that was good?"

Two examples?
Tue Mar 02 17:33:30
"show me the lies/nonsense/misinfo/made-up-shit Cuomo spoke at his briefings..."

He plagiarized those. He basically repeated what Trump had said just a couple of days earlier and everybody acted as if Cuomo was the 2nd coming for having said it.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 17:37:52
did you make that up on the spot as seems typical for you? why would anyone repeat Trump? even his defenders avoided it

Cuomo's briefings seemed nothing like Trump's
Tue Mar 02 18:04:10
Nah I watched/listened to the briefings. Being of sound mind I was able to make the connection.
Tue Mar 02 18:11:35
"therefore it's incredibly obviously true... except to kargen probably"

Your delusions have really altered your memory haven't they. I never once suggested that Trump didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels. You were claiming the pay-off was a felony and should keep Trump from being able to be president. I said Trump did nothing illegal in that whole situation.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 18:20:18
"Nah I watched/listened to the briefings. Being of sound mind I was able to make the connection"

you're just lying (again)... Cuomo's were specific to New York so he wouldn't be able to use Trump's idiot-fests even if he wanted to (which no one would)

"You were claiming the pay-off was a felony and should keep Trump from being able to be president"

it -was- a felony, that's why Cohen convicted of the felony thus proving a felony... you believed Trump had no knowledge, yet he had complete knowledge
Tue Mar 02 18:41:43
"it -was- a felony, that's why Cohen convicted of the felony thus proving a felony... "

Sort of a seperate issue, but there are clearly atleast two seperate meanings of proof of guilt , actual and legal.

You use legal guilt as the bar for the First guy, but you change the goalpost so to speak for Trump.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 18:51:39
well kargen was lying again about me saying "it should keep Trump from being president", we didn't even know about it til after election

but you're right, Cohen being guilty doesn't make Trump guilty (if that's the point you're making)... although he was definitely involved & the act was entirely for his benefit
Tue Mar 02 22:48:53
Well, sort of. Im speaking more globally by using this point.

I mean I think wr can all agree that some people are found legally guilty of something whondidnt really commit the crime.

Also plenty of people are actually guilty of a crime and are legally innocent.
Tue Mar 02 23:17:48
"you're just lying (again)... Cuomo's were specific to New York so he wouldn't be able to use Trump's idiot-fests even if he wanted to (which no one would)"

Inserting the words New York every once in a while doesn't make the speech all of a sudden unique.

"It -was- a felony, that's why Cohen convicted of the felony thus proving a felony..."

This is the typical shit you always pull. I clearly said in the past and above that Trump did nothing illegal in that whole thing. You respond by pointing out someone who is not Trump was convicted of a felony then make a grand canyon crossing type of leap to equate that conviction to also apply to Trump. Get help.

And no I wasn't lying. You don't remember saying he should be forced to resign or be impeached because the felony you imagined disqualified him? You used this as a reason Trump was unfit to be president and thought he should be removed from office. I could have been more elegant in saying you thought it should keep him from being president but the point still stands.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 23:48:07
"Inserting the words New York every once in a while doesn't make the speech all of a sudden unique"

are you just accustomed to talking to gullible fucking moron cultists or something? i'm not buying this obvious bullshit one bit... the briefings are on video you know, it's quite easy to spot Cuomo having no similarity to Trump (& obviously he didn't just swap 'New York' into a Trump script... i don't need to look it up.
"the time for stupid statements is over" ~Martian guy)


"You respond by pointing out someone who is not Trump was convicted of a felony"

because he was a co-conspirator in the crime? a crime that was entirely for his benefit, not the guy who got convicted of it... so it's kinda related, don't you think? & Trump quite possibility will face legal issues if he wrote off repayment as a legal expense


"You don't remember saying he should be forced to resign or be impeached because the felony you imagined disqualified him?"

nope, you made that up too...

but he sure as fuck was unfit, i do recall saying that & for MANY MANY reasons
the wanderer
Wed Mar 03 12:43:44
"I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable. It was unintentional and I truly and deeply apologize for it. I feel awful about it and frankly, I am embarrassed by it"
~ Cuomo

i'm sure most will assume that's disingenuous, but from the allegations i've seen, it seems perfectly plausible

it wasn't the 'sleep w/ me if you want a job/raise/promotion' stereotype or any deception (like Trump :p)
Wed Mar 03 13:25:00
lol, get cuomos dick out of your mouth tw. he literally gave the typical scripted apology that every politician gives when caught up in a controversy.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 03 13:44:17
not on your side now... he should be calling them all liars, no apologies ever

also, it was how i viewed it before his comments... it seemed like an unmarried guy joking/flirting w/ no evil intentions... i don't believe any of them said that they told -him- they felt uncomfortable w/ his comments (i realize that could be awkward, but that's also what leads to the guy continuing)

i'm not saying it was appropriate to do in the workplace though, obviously a violation of those HR videos
Wed Mar 03 14:10:59
A lot of people dont know when they are sexually harassing subordinates. Tw agrees and will defend that.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 03 14:17:18
the type of sexual harassment matters #ttoshm
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