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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump starts his own media platform
Sun Mar 21 15:59:07
Possibly tied to Mike Lindel saying he was going to start his own hosting, IDK, didnt read the article yet, just skimmed.


The Trump shall rise again!!!
Sun Mar 21 16:55:50
Mebe it shuld b caled Trumpbook or trump newz
Sun Mar 21 16:56:57
The Swedish pillow guy?
Sun Mar 21 17:05:24

Paramount, here is about it. Maney he is Swedish?
Sun Mar 21 17:15:18
He has a Swedish surname/family name (Lindell).
Average Ameriacn
Sun Mar 21 20:14:46
It will be like Twitter but called Trumper.
And there will be Trump Coins to promote a trumps, a trumps is like a tweet.

Also it will include an online shop where you can buy MAGA hats, ammo and the Bible.

It will have full freedom of speech for
registered Republicans, no censorship at all.

This could mean the end of the Big3: Twitter, Facebook and even UP.
Sun Mar 21 20:18:21
Dont worry liberals, the US government and tech companies will find a way to shut this down.
the wanderer
Sun Mar 21 21:33:40
I’ll guess Trump’s page will have a bigger font and unique gold coloring
Mon Mar 22 04:45:27
Obaminated thinks death threats and insurrection is protected by free speech. If only he had died instead of his innocent grandmother. The world would be better off.
Mon Mar 22 05:42:01
Jesus you're a chore.
Mon Mar 22 05:55:17
Unlike your dad who is now dead.

Tick tock bitch.
Wed Mar 24 13:12:13

Mike Blundell launches frank page.
Wed Mar 24 13:12:14

Mike Blundell launches frank page.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 24 14:33:41
"Frank is set to launch fully in 10 to 14 days"

so... "two weeks"... (Trump's time table for things that never happen)

also, those silhouettes are clearly white people... so racist!
Wed Mar 24 15:46:32
Well, I'm not sure if ita linked to Mike lindells "Frank"

Trumps timeline was more vague but I wouldn't be surprised if these two were somehow linked, mayne through hosting or something.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 24 17:31:31
no, i just meant Trump always would say something was coming in "two weeks" when he was just making shit up
the wanderer
Wed Mar 24 17:43:45
i'll guess MyPillow Guy just being scammed by someone who said they'd make the site for $x million

He also said that the site is "reverse-engineered," and that when influencers join, "they will now have a platform where all the people down here follow them instantly."
"They don't have to earn their followers," he added.

not entirely sure what he means by "down here", but sounds like nonsense
Wed Mar 24 20:09:20
> not entirely sure what he means bdy "down here", but sounds like nonsense

I didn't read the article (pro-tip: never read TFA!), but I could imagine a world where when he says "reverse engineering" and the "influencers will have a platform....." but, it's tech illiterate idiot speak for "when you join, we will access your other social media accounts, try to match up your followers there with members here, and make them auto-follow you without you having to re-earn the same followers on a new platform."
Wed Mar 24 20:10:13
*bit, it's tech...
the wanderer
Mon Mar 29 12:19:52
if it works at all, i'll be impressed... although it's just a matter of throwing his pillow money at the right people i guess (although he seems like he'd be easy to scam)

here he is still expecting to go before the Supreme Court & that they'll toss the 2020 election & that "Donald Trump will be back in office in August."

he had a 2 or 3 hour documentary 'proving' Trump won, yet i didn't hear one word about it even from the fraudosphere... i kinda suspect it didn't prove Trump won
Mon Mar 29 18:02:14
"yet i didn't hear one word about it even from the fraudosphere... i kinda suspect it didn't prove Trump won"

Dominion has been censoring the truth by threatening ridiculous lawsuits against anyone who dare speak it.
Mon Mar 29 18:04:04
Also, Democrats are literally trying to steal an election right now (the Iowa House seat)...but sure, they did absolutely nothing whatsoever to overturn Trump's legitimate victory in November.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 29 18:48:19
if you don't want people thinking you're in the cult you probably shouldn't repeat their crazed beliefs... they do it w/ no sarcasm

as you find humor in his severe mental illness, you may enjoy Fraud crashing a wedding to lie that he was just about to get a deal w/ Iran, same w/ China, to claim the border a humanitarian mess (great wedding talk), that he got 75 million votes but election stolen... 'you're a beautiful couple':
Mon Mar 29 19:11:49
Of course I enjoyed that! Trump using a wedding as a platform to give a stump speech is frikken hilarious lol.

The real question here is who stole your sense of humor.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 29 21:12:11
he wasn’t court jester, he was ‘president’ and still leader of a cult who is still influencing vast numbers of people with his mentally-ill detached-from-truth spewings.

maybe he won’t run again, but he fully intends to influence races (and political discourse), with his support solely based on who praises him most or makes him look good, not on a single political position or having any qualifications

so it can be hard to appreciate his unintentional buffoonery (unless you are delighting in his continuing damage to the country)
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