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Utopia Talk / Politics / A fair analysis of Biden so far
Mon Mar 22 10:11:43
First and foremost, this is early, but this and the Trump Administration have hit the ground running so to speak, so an evaluation so far* I think is valid, however admittedly its still early.

1. Covid response- So far so good. Now much of this was already in motion ahead of time.That said at the very least he has noy dropped the ball, and continued a great response by vaccinating Americans at an amazing rate, for that he deserves credit.10/10

2. Covid relief-Well, he got out $1400 checks, but did so a d's late and a dollar short as he promised $2k checks leading up to the GA elections.It wasn't targeted very well, for 2 trillion we could have got 5 monthsnof 1400 dollar checks.5/10.

3. Border policy-Terrible.2/10.

4. Foreign policy- We were told the world would love us again, Biden wpuld be the belle of the ball, instead

Canada-Pissed off over pipeline.

China-Sees him as a weak leader and is pushing their limits more and more.

Iran-Bombed US military bases again, so he blew shit up in Syria....diplomatic prodigy there.(sarcasm)

EU-Well, they sanctioned China with the uighyers, not sure of his influence on that.

NK-Bidens been calling, they wont even answer, hahaha, snubbed by rocket man.

Taiwan/Philippines-China has been more aggressive with luttle to nonesponse from Biden.

But our military is lgbtq friendly (FAB-U-LOUS!)


Feel free to add whatever I missed.
Wrath of Orion
Mon Mar 22 10:16:41
Trump fluffer detected.
Mon Mar 22 10:35:49
^From the guy whos catch phrase entails him seeking out man on man oral sex....
Mon Mar 22 14:52:35
"With President Biden at work in the West Wing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki held her first briefing with the White House press corps, vowing to bring “trust and transparency back to the briefing room.”"

1/10 even CNN is beginning to complain about lack of access and lack of transparency and they are the Biden cheer squad.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 22 15:24:45
remember when the prior admin went 400+ days without a press briefing? (& the leader lied every time he spoke) what score did you give that admin?
Mon Mar 22 15:27:06
Because getting briefed by the President of the United States in his own words is less valuable than getting briefed by a press secretary whose entire job is to spin?
Mon Mar 22 15:27:18
lulz @ tw
the wanderer
Mon Mar 22 15:29:02
"Because getting briefed by the President of the United States in his own words is less valuable than getting briefed by a press secretary whose entire job is to spin?"

w/ Trump... kinda yeah...
the wanderer
Mon Mar 22 15:34:15
also, if not clear, i was directing that question to kargen... if Biden is 1/10... are we just on a new scale now?
Mon Mar 22 15:36:26
I could have sworn this thread was titled "A fair analysis of Biden so far".

And we pretty much new what was on President Trump's mind 24/7.
Mon Mar 22 16:12:01
My fair and objective analysis:

Winning the Midwest by repping himself as a moderate centrist, only to pivot upon entering office and unleashing what may end up being the most radical administration in modern history. 1/10

Ditching his decades-old views of the filibuster and doing a 180 on that front, even though the GOP hasn't even used the filibuster yet. 1/10

Acting like the Obama years were the golden age of the American Republic, and the only thing they got wrong back then was that they didn't do a good enough job of telling the opposition to fuck off. 1/10

Reversing Trump's ban on CRT training in federal workplaces (on Day 1 of his presidency no less!). 1/10

Going all in on the concept of "equity," which basically says that all minorities are disadvantaged and therefore legal discrimination against whites should be allowed. 0/10

Implying that the recent Atlanta shooting was evidence of anti-Asian racism, when that motive has not actually been established. 1/10

It looks like he'll be pushing to bring rape tribunals back to college campuses. 1/10

Putting Becerra in charge of HHS. 1/10

Using US credit to dole out free money to the majority of Americans, regardless of their financial needs, in order to boost his popularity. 1/10 (his predecessor also gets that score on this front)

Backs the Democrats' attempt to federalize elections and eliminate voter ID requirements nationwide via HR 1. 1/10

Supports the AWB and the formation of a gun registry. Negative 100/10

He explicitly picked his Cabinet based on nominees' skin color and gender. 1/10

He explicitly picked his VP based on her skin color and gender, AFTER that same person basically accused him of being a racist on a national forum. 1/10

The mainstream press has effectively been turned into adoring state media for him (to be fair, it was more the media themselves that did that rather than Biden, but still...) 1/10

Not using Twitter to accuse Joe Scarborough of murdering his intern. Okay, 5/10.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 22 16:46:22
habebe's analysis seemed more fair

but i'm glad you're somewhat opposed to presidents accusing enemies of murder without evidence
the wanderer
Mon Mar 22 17:21:44
some pass/fail fitness grades

- hasn't undermined all faith in our elections purely for his own benefit (or any other reason) ✓
- hasn't undermined all faith in our intel agencies purely for his own benefit (or any other reason) ✓
- hasn't undermined all faith in our courts purely for his own benefit (or any other reason) ✓
- hasn't undermined all faith in our health agencies purely for his own benefit (or any other reason) ✓
- not completely susceptible to enemies via flattery ✓
- values qualifications beyond personal loyalty ✓
- aware of the concept of truth ✓
Mon Mar 22 17:27:58
"values qualifications beyond personal loyalty"

That was already covered. There is no loyalty check nor a competency check. Only check is gender and race.
Mon Mar 22 17:35:22
Im going to adjust two.

9/10 on Covid, only because I think he should have barred Euros/UK travel with the new variant.On vaccines he has exceeded my expectations, couldnt ask for more.

I'll give him a 4/10 on the border, because he did realize his fuck up and sent FEMA, but that was after the fact. Trump IMO had a clearly better border policy.
Mon Mar 22 17:35:40
"Supports the AWB and the formation of a gun registry. Negative 100/10"

the spa shootings really got to Rug.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 22 17:47:22
"Only check is gender and race"

because Ben Carson was offered Secretary of Housing and Urban Development because of his brain surgery experience...

and which Biden picks have as little experience or qualifications?
Mon Mar 22 18:08:23
"As with many government jobs, applicants were asked to disclose past marijuana use on their background check form, and according to reports the Biden administration told new hires that it would "overlook" those who answered yes."

Whitehouse asks people who smoked pot in past to resign.

Flipflopping 10/10
Mon Mar 22 20:10:22
"the spa shootings really got to Rug."

In what way do the spa shootings fall under the purview of the federal government?
Mon Mar 22 23:50:16
"because Ben Carson was offered Secretary of Housing and Urban Development"

When did President Biden offer the position to Carson?
Mon Mar 22 23:51:13
To those on the right tearing into Biden, and I agree on FP, but I knew that ahead of time.

I think its only fair to say with the exception of not banning travel from the UK/EU, his covid response has been top notch.

Even if you say that Trump set him up with the vaccinnes, is it not fair to say he has followed through spectacularly? It was aleays a chance the administration could fumble late in the game, he hasn't.

For those that would argue, Trump would uave done great as well, Id say we should measure his merits for what they are on their own as well.

The checks, while again, not thrilled myself with the outcome, honestly I wasnt a fan of the Republican plan either, its a liveable compromise.

Border and FP, yeah they're terrible, Id argue objectively so. But we knew this.

His FP may be less horrible at time goes on as well.Id bump him up to 2/10 if he played a role in the EU. Sanctioning China.Maybe 3/10, maybe.
Mon Mar 22 23:55:50
To put it another way, on covid, what specifically would you eant him to do different?
Tue Mar 23 02:12:37
I'm thinking he is getting blame for all the pork stuck in the relief bill. Not fair to him maybe but it is his party that did it.
Tue Mar 23 05:39:25

Plans on a 3 trillion dollar Infrastructure bill.If done right, this could be awesome.

Kargen, He pushed for that.So he deserves responsibility.Im just saying on vaccinnes, the most important factor in fighting the virus, his admin. Has met my expectations.

I'm thrilled Infra os on the table. For me it was Trumps biggest failure, to not even push a bill out.Honestly, I could be ok with a larger 5 trillion dollar bill from what Ive read up on it.
Tue Mar 23 06:11:58
"Even if you say that Trump set him up with the vaccinnes, is it not fair to say he has followed through spectacularly?"

No? I mean sure, vaccine administration rates have continued to increase under Biden, but what about this trend line suggests that that isn't just inertia from Trump's rollout?


Put it another way, what exactly has the Biden administration *done* that has made vaccination rates significantly more higher than they would have been under Trump?

Yes he did get funding for vaccines in the latest Covid package. We also got $1.6 trillion of garbage that has nothing to do with Covid. That's not a selling point in my book.
Tue Mar 23 06:28:26
Rugian, He hasnt fucked it up, I honestly beleive as do you Trump would be killing it as well and that Trump helped lime up this rollout.

But I find value on just not fucking up.In which case Im stuck between 2 cases.

1. What value has he added to the rollout?

2. What would I have him do differently?

Even if he added nothing new and just didnt fuck up, there isn't anuthing else I would want him to add, other than to close the border and ban travel from Europe, so to better monitor this new variant.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 12:31:31
Trump didn't do shit (to help)... he was barely a part of his administration
Tue Mar 23 13:00:26
TW, Unfortunatley you are incapablenof being fair in judgement when Trump is involved. Republicans perhaps, but trump is a special case with you.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 13:06:56
some evidence in case anyone plans to dispute:

i don't recall Trump ever saying "mRNA" off prompter (i did hear Biden say it off prompter long before elected, important later*); Trump had no understanding of trial process, or that taking time was the whole point; Trump's timelines were always at odds w/ the experts, so where did they come from? (NOWHERE, like all his claims); he attacked the FDA for not meeting his timelines, when they were literally incapable of doing so

what does all this & so much more indicate? he had NO FUCKING CLUE what was going on... much like on EVERYTHING

...also he got the vaccine in secret (if at all, the only source is an adviser of his), he hasn't confirmed nor denied afaik

*every indication is Biden IS keeping informed, as one would expect from any adult being the president

yes, the thread not about Trump... yet he was the idiotic unfit alternative choice that R's decided to put up... & the current R platform is 'whatever Trump wants'
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 13:16:19
...his message all october long 'we're turning the corner'... what was that based on? (NOTHING... i hope you guessed right, as that's always the answer...)

he should be imprisoned for negligent homicide in countless thousands of deaths
Tue Mar 23 13:29:47
TW, Means nothing that he said mrna, no one expects politicians to discover vaccines or even to fully understand the details. JFK couldnt build a rocket, thats fine, not his job.

What Trump did was play a political/Business side of it. Put people in places, talk to rmcompanies involved in the research and production and provide them with an easing of red tape, capital and whatever they need from that aspect of things.

And apparently he outperformed his European counterparts.
Tue Mar 23 13:35:50
And again, at the absolute very least he deserves the credit that Biden gets now just for not fucking it up.

Even more so he obtained early orders for multiple vaccines.He acted bold while europe not picked.
Tue Mar 23 13:39:49
Not to mention stashing almost 2 trillion dollars aside....
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 14:02:24
what makes you think Trump personally did anything? what suggests it? how does him never knowing anything lead you to believe he has involvement? (the 'peace' deals also come to mind when he couldn't answer the most basic of questions)

i'm certain he didn't stash money (unless he thought he got to keep it when leaving)

why would he be ordering vaccines while saying it would go away without vaccines

there is no chance he was doing anything, there just isn't... he talked all the time, he would've noted personal actions if any existed as he absolutely loved taking credit, yet he couldn't be bothered to learn jack shit

and even if you believe he was 100% different in private, how does that excuse publicly -attacking- the FDA on its vaccine approval process (w/ complete misinformation)? or not understanding trials & constantly giving impression he was cutting corners... everything he did only undermined confidence without helping -at all-

no idea where your faith in him comes from other than just unable to comprehend someone so unfit was in office... he was
Tue Mar 23 14:27:35
"i'm certain he didn't stash money"

And there is the problem. Your incapable of seeing Trump in a faor light.
Tue Mar 23 16:09:00
"Even if he added nothing new and just didnt fuck up, there isn't anuthing else I would want him to add,"

I've used this argument with the president and the economy in the past. Sometimes just staying out of the way is the best move.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 16:44:36
what evidence is there Trump was involved in that Mnuchin move? did Mnuchin even say so? why would you even think Trump was involved?

Mnuchin isn't the type of person Trump would hang around & want to talk to, Mnuchin would be a 'stiff' to Trump
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 17:28:43
also... you're talking about setting aside money for future stimulus bills when Trump didn't even participate in the current stimulus bill... nothing but tweets of 'stop all negotiations!' or 'get it done!'... & absolutely no effort put into getting the $2k checks til it was wayyy too late

so no, there's no chance he gave that direction to Mnuchin between his golfing, TV-watching & tweeting
Tue Mar 23 18:11:48
"U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Wednesday that President Donald Trump had told him to keep negotiating with Democrats to try to get a fresh coronavirus relief package.

“The president has said to me, keep at this until you get this done,”"
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 18:18:42
a) that's not the money stashing topic... also, do you think that counts as participating?

i already acknowledged he tweeted to 'get it done'... that would be his sum total of involvement even by your example

b) that was said one week after Trump tweeted to "stop all negotiations" (which wasn't popular w/ anyone), so sounds very much like Mnuchin trying to pretend that impulsive idiot Trump didn't really mean that
the wanderer
Tue Mar 23 18:22:04
Trump's tweet: "...I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election..."

<unpopular reaction across the board>

Mnuchin (a Trump representative): “The president has said to me, keep at this until you get this done”

sounds extremely like clean up to me
Wed Mar 24 11:49:05
”We were told the world would love us again, Biden wpuld be the belle of the ball, instead”

Really? Who told you this? I think Trump was a valuable lesson for the world, you can’t plan around US foreign policy. Once you fuck things up, they don’t unfuck easily, things are in motiom, you see this with regard to Biden and Covid, but not regarding Iran? Ehum, you have yet to comply by the deal you agreed on and that Trump withdrew from.
Wed Mar 24 11:59:17
I loves Trumpian FP.

WHO? Terrible organization that is more concerned with licking chink ass than world health. One demand should have been recognizing Taiwan before we rejoined.

Paris accord? Unenforced silliness.

TPP? Difficult to enforce against non compliant nations, better to do smaller deals to leverage compliance and better deals

Befriend Iran who still was developing nuclear tech? Terrible idea.
Wed Mar 24 12:04:26
Not to mention halted Nordstream 2.

Got Germany and others to pay some of their fair share of defense.
Wed Mar 24 12:07:03
Supported freedom in HK and Taiwan.

Better relations with Mexico ( even in their words)

FP has gone down hill since Biden took over.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 12:59:46
Biden seems mentally capable of answering questions at his press conference... a blow to faux news reporting

(although i i'm sure the clip of him rethinking saying what he had thought of saying on the filibuster is making the rounds... i'll note it when obaminated posts it :p)

My God.

The difference in tone, knowledge, substance, cordiality, respect between a @JoeBiden
press conference and a Trump crazy, incoherent, self-serving, shit-show....it just could not be greater.
~ Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (classic republican)

(...to which people will insult -her- rather than find issue w/ her assertion which is obviously accurate)
the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 13:36:18
having knowledge is the most stark difference to me... a low bar, but boy was it missed

Biden gets briefed & actually pays attention & learns info... such a welcome change
Thu Mar 25 17:19:56
"Biden seems mentally capable of answering questions at his press conference... a blow to faux news reporting"

Well of course he does. He has a list of reporters to call on and a script to read from. Follow-up questions are bungled or dismissed. This wasn't a press conference so much as it was a chance for the president to show he can still read.

And though he was able to answer them his answers weren't particularly good answers a good part of the time.

When you are asked to step over the limbo bar and walk under the pole vault bar chances are you will pull it off.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 19:56:39
“He has a list of reporters to call on and a script to read from. Follow-up questions are bungled or dismissed. This wasn't a press conference so much as it was a chance for the president to show he can still read”

total nonsense as would be expected from you... you likely didn’t even see it
Thu Mar 25 20:03:07
I listened to it and yeah he had a call list of reporters. He knew who to call on and a general idea of what would be asked so he could refer to notes.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 21:33:23
having a list of the reporters names is not suspicious

and referring to notes is hardly inappropriate... god forbid he should be prepared

Biden was aware of actual infrastructure issues and wanting to cap old oil wells... with Trump we’d hear that windmills cause cancer and people allegedly need to flush 15 times
Thu Mar 25 21:49:24
Ten percent of the questions asked were about the filibuster rule. He was asked multiple times if he would run in 2024. He was asked about Republicans passing laws curtailing voting rights.

Only ten reporters were called on. He said conditions on the border are "totally acceptable" and refused to lift the media blackout in the facilities.

"When a Bloomberg reporter asked specific questions about economic policy and China, Biden instead embarked on a lengthy verbal treatise on relations between the two countries."
that from ABC News.

"Some reporters, noting the unlikelihood of being called on again as Biden consulted a list for reporters to take questions from, made queries on multiple topics."

No reporter from a conservative news agency was given a question.

This wasn't a press conference. It was a controlled event done not to share anything new but to try and placate the press. In that aspect it failed.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 22:06:24
here's Hannity suggesting preparing is stupid... go Trump!


there were numerous tough questions on immigration/border, none is a softball as there is no positive aspect to that

the filibuster is extremely relevant as is GQP voter suppression (although i agree too many questions on filibuster)
the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 22:14:57
here's video of it for anyone interested (& to prove kargen once again pulling shit out of his ass about reading from a script)

the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 22:27:09
judging by the Hannity & Laura Ingraham clips out there i can see why kargen & all Fox watchers always so misinformed... including Trump for that matter

Trump's on Laura saying the insurrectionists were never any threat, totally peaceful... just as Fox keeps pushing... the 100+ injured police all faked it & staged those combat videos i guess

& Trump claims arrested ones being persecuted thus still smearing our DOJ when it's his criminals in trouble (the law & order 'president'!)

Trump saying it: (warning an Aaron Rupar video, him being totally deceptive by including the question & answer)
the wanderer
Thu Mar 25 22:58:52
Fox is attacking Biden for having a list of the reporters (obviously), so nice blast from the past someone dug up:

(and that guy in fact was a kurdish reporter... not named Mr. Kurd however)
Fri Mar 26 00:50:27
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 02:14:22
devastating... much better to call them "Mr Kurd" (& Tim Apple)

those images also disproving your made-up bullshit theory it listed their questions
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 02:20:14
never in Hannity's lifetime has he seen someone consult notes (+ more Trump embarrassments):

& probably how kargen got the idea Biden was reading his answers (or from a different shit Fox show)... Biden wasn't as proven in video above, just consulted them a few times for figures or whatever as he should instead of making shit up continuously as the last ridiculously unfit clown did
Fri Mar 26 10:44:44
"those images also disproving your made-up bullshit theory it listed their questions"

I said a general idea of the questions. Your reading comprehension is abysmal.
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 11:57:20
Biden was actually able to pay attention at briefings & absorb info (unlike your guy), deal with it (again, not some incredible feat, should be expected)
Fri Mar 26 14:13:26
My guy didn't win the 2016 election. My guy this time wasn't actually a guy.

"& probably how kargen got the idea Biden was reading his answers (or from a different shit Fox show)..."

Meant to comment on this in the above post. Did you not see where I referenced an ABC article?

The only program I watch on FOX News is The Five and that is for entertainment.
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 14:36:52
actually that was an AP writer (not ABC), and hopefully you noted his bias
Fri Mar 26 17:13:37
We also see President Biden reading a written statement when asked about North Korea.


When did the Associated Press get bought by FOX News? You claimed I got my information from FOX News. You were wrong... again.

the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 17:55:51
except that AP story didn't claim he was reading from a script so that's not where you got your bullshit

and i already posted the full press conference video where it's clear he wasn't reading scripted answers... but congrats on finding one tiny moment where he read a prepared statement on a sensitive foreign policy issue... obviously there was no risk of Trump coming prepared on such a thing (which apparently Hannity thinks is a positive)
Fri Mar 26 18:56:29
"except that AP story didn't claim he was reading from a script so that's not where you got your bullshit"

Did you not see the clip I posted? He had cliff notes for the whole "press conference". He knew what reporters to call on he knew the topic they would be asking about and he had the particulars in front of him. Sad thing is even with all that he still floundered around on some of his answers.

A press conference is suppose to give us information. We didn't get shit out of that except wait and see type of answers.
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 21:56:08
so he picked who he called as they all do, he presumably had ideas what questions would be asked as anyone paying attention would, and he gave answers sometimes consulting his notes and which didn’t fully meet your expectations

so completely normal (unlike every single unfit fraud appearance)

(and this: “He said conditions on the border are "totally acceptable"” is another lie by you, he said the opposite)
Fri Mar 26 22:03:30
You are beyond hope. Did you not see the cheat sheet with all the reporters with the circles around the ones he would call on?

Yeah you saw it. Your brain simply doesn't know how to process it. We can take this back up next time President Biden is allowed to speak to the press again. So three months?

yeah I got that last one wrong. I had a moment there where I suffered from what ails you. I got better though and will admit I got it wrong. You will continue to embrace your delusions.
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 22:41:06
"Did you not see the cheat sheet with all the reporters with the circles around the ones he would call on? "

what does this mean to you? how is that cheating? there's zero indication of having questions in advance based on that sheet, in fact the opposite as the questions -would- be there

also anyone who watched it would already know he had a list of the reporters & was calling people in some order as he looked down at it between questions & said such things as "ok, who's next?" to himself as he browsed it... thus not clandestine nor requiring sleuth work


meanwhile, here's the press release Zippy just put out (see the small words at bottom)

it's Fraud wondering where the Durham report is... the report he thinks will show the DOJ, FBI leaders, the Obama admin, etc all conspired in a coup against him (it won't show that & there's nothing suggesting that happened including the fact it was an impossibility to occur & every investigation so far has not supported it, including those led by R's... -but- i imagine Trump media will now speculate about it again)

so, Mr. Fraud is not content to maintain our elections totally rigged & that he won, he also wants to still make sure Americans think the entire DOJ corrupt too

so to Biden's report card, let's add:

- distinguishable from a Russian agent ✓
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 22:51:39

also... when that report does come out & doesn't show a massive conspiracy w/ sweeping arrests, guess who will say it was rigged?

he already has reason to turn on Barr as Barr didn't back his made-up fraud claims

...& sort of related he's also campaigning against the Georgia secretary of state as -he- didn't back Trump's made-up fraud claims... totally normal shit
the wanderer
Fri Mar 26 22:53:28
actually "didn't back Trump's made-up fraud claims| is too weak... he didn't corruptly switch the election results to saying Trump won... yep, that's Trump's only problem with him...

& some of you voted for that... thing
Sat Mar 27 00:43:55
"thus not clandestine nor requiring sleuth work"

Who the fuck said it was clandestine? It was controlling the event so he didn't get asked a question he wasn't prepared for and expected.

Again this is about President Biden. I know you will go into convulsions if you don't say something negative about President Trump every few minutes but start a new thread or just shout out your window at your neighbors.
the wanderer
Sat Mar 27 00:50:14
"It was controlling the event so he didn't get asked a question he wasn't prepared for and expected."

well you posted images of the list like it was shocking... & how is deciding who to call before the event substantially different than deciding who to call during the event?

and no it doesn't prevent a question he doesn't want

Trump is just so ridiculously god awful all the time it's hard not to note it... plus he's who your diseased insane team put up as the only viable choice besides Biden... & who still is treated as leader of your diseased insane party
Sat Mar 27 02:36:43
"and no it doesn't prevent a question he doesn't want"

Sad thing is you believe that.
Sat Mar 27 11:32:08
It went from America first to Africa first :)

The U.S. [...] is committed to stopping the Ebola outbreaks. I am pleased to announce the U.S. government has allocated up to $30 million in assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea

the wanderer
Sat Mar 27 12:07:52
"Sad thing is you believe that"

sad thing is you don't... you believe the entire 'liberal' media is working in collusion w/ Biden, conspiring ahead of time to decide questions

it was completely obvious there were questions he was uncomfortable with

(also, WSJ was one of the reporters called, so your 'no conservative' outlets a lie too... if you have to be OAN & Newsmax or even extra-shitty Fox these days to count as 'conservative', you have a real problem)
Sat Mar 27 12:16:09
"sad thing is you don't... you believe the entire 'liberal' media is working in collusion w/ Biden, conspiring ahead of time to decide questions"

Sat Mar 27 12:18:36
The DNC has been shown to do such things before.

You may still prefer them to Trump, thats fine, but they still can be shady scum.
the wanderer
Sat Mar 27 12:19:38
you'll have to be more specific

Donna Brazile revealing a question to Hillary before a Sanders debate? (for which she was fired... butnow works for Faux News... they like unethical types i guess, & probably why there was continuous exchange w/ the Trump admin)
the wanderer
Sat Mar 27 12:21:33
reporters in general trying to ingratiate themselves to get stories is not abnormal

there is zero indication Biden given all the questions for this press conference ahead of time as krazy kargen thinks occurred just by having a list of the reporters
the wanderer
Sat Mar 27 12:32:41
here's Faux flat lying to the public as usual:

dickhead Bongino claiming no one's fact-checking Biden, & some dick i don't know agreeing & claiming the CNN factchecker didn't come out after Biden's presser... i know for a fact he did, i saw him do it (& he did have some fact checks for Biden, & also put on his twitter)

although the -obvious- reason fact-checkers get less airtime is there's A LOT LESS lying to cover...

Fox = trash

(also they do this often... they claim CNN or the media in general not covering something when they actually are... they just know the cult will never watch anything but the cult media & never figure it out)
the wanderer
Sun Mar 28 12:46:15
more fair analysis of Biden:

Trump-loving Maria Bartiromo is shocked & disgusted that Biden has gone to his Delaware home for 5 weekends of his presidency
...and consulting Eric Trump for his opinion on it...

what the fuck man...
Sun Mar 28 20:13:54
tw, He isn't being fact checked to the degree of Trump Partly because Trump made hourly statements.

But EVERY utterance was put under a microscope like.none before or after.
the wanderer
Sun Mar 28 21:46:40
because Trump lied every time he spoke... making shit up was his _norm_

and the reason CNN fact checker (Dale) was able to come out quick with tons of fact checks was because the fucking fraud repeated the same lies over and over
the wanderer
Sun Mar 28 22:24:41
also explain why Fox is still putting Trump & his fraud kids on the air... like if they couldn't figure out the other 50,000 times that he just made shit up, you'd think the "they were zero threat right from the start" insurrectionists claim would be pretty easy to fact-check false even for total idiots

also they are being sued for over $1 billion for spreading the lies he pushed to undermine all faith in American elections based on total bullshit... he's a fucking traitor

meh, let's keep putting him on...
Cherub Cow
Sun Mar 28 22:47:15
[kargen]: "This wasn't a press conference. It was a controlled event done not to share anything new but to try and placate the press. In that aspect it failed ... He had cliff notes for the whole "press conference". He knew what reporters to call on he knew the topic they would be asking about and he had the particulars in front of him. Sad thing is even with all that he still floundered around on some of his answers ... It was controlling the event so he didn't get asked a question he wasn't prepared for and expected."

Yep. It seemed like they were trying to get a check in the box. The White House knew that they were well beyond how long a new president should go before having this kind of press conference, so they were trying to put to rest that historical precedent. Psaki had tried to claim that Biden had met with press on "40"-plus previous occasions, but that distortion only sits so long before people realize that Biden's public appearances have been extremely controlled.

In order to put *some* claims to rest, they had to heavily manage Biden to reduce the potential for his dementia/sun-downing to be visible, but even in an hour block with controlled questions, pre-prepared answers written as bullet-points on cards ( http://www...photo/1231929775?adppopup=true ), a call-order designating which safe DNC-supporting reporters to call on and when ( http://i.imgur.com/zJ8f8Co.png ), and a reference notebook, Biden was painful to watch. Between forgetting chronology, taking too long to come up with answers, speaking slowly, changing topics without realizing it, and going into glassy-eyed stares when he forgot where he was, this press conference showed a terrible thing: that he is indeed a puppet being protected by the White House.

Jen Psaki's high level of alertness during the press conference was notable. She looked super worried about the level of reporter compliance with the questions and the level of damage control that she would face afterwards. Imagine having a press conference *that* controlled and still being worried.

I imagine that the White House believes that they're doing a great thing. When Biden dies of natural causes [this summer?], I'm sure there will be an article in "Time" Magazine about how the White House came together like was done for FDR, protecting this good and noble man from the evil cynicism of the press. Thus, they "fortified" Biden's public image, with Jill Biden changing Biden's diapers and speaking in his ear to manage his vexations like a virtuous Salemite. Oh how the DNC media will fawn over those virtues. And when it's brought up that the opposition knew all along that Biden was mentally incompetent and that the DNC has at last admitted it, the DNC will be able to take the high ground, pretending that seeing that incompetence makes you a bad person — and racist, if that can be shoehorned somewhere.
the wanderer
Sun Mar 28 23:47:48
i disagree :p

& a notecard w/ facts & figures on infrastructure seems like a completely reasonable thing to have... i wouldn't want him trying to cite road & bridge figures from memory (& it was clear when he read from that infrastructure card & he wasn't reading from cards most of the presser)

there is no question he is way better informed than the prior guy... & those were the only 2 choices in our system
Mon Mar 29 00:23:34
Biden was perfectly cogent. CC deep in that misinformation hole again. But you don't have to ask me, ask the layman women or man who watched the conference. Oh wait, you don't know any because you spend too much time online.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 29 00:58:28
here's where Biden reads those infrastructure facts/figures off that note card (in reasonable fashion):

was one of the happiest moments of the presser :p

the guy actually cares about information! & real issues! (now if it turns out he made all those figures up let me know :p)
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 29 20:40:41
[tw]: "he wasn't reading from cards most of the presser"

True, he favored his notebook for most of the press conference. He read from his notebook before and during responses to get his thoughts moving on nearly every question. When he did not, he made mistakes, like his misstatement on most immigrants being sent back. He also used note cards not just on infrastructure but on the filibuster. He had a thick stack of them with perhaps 10 cards.

But in fairness, I was not talking about whether or not he used notes (it's good to stay organized on the issues after all); I was talking about the high probability that he had bullet points prepared for specific questions that he knew in advance. Part of testing Biden's mental competence requires reporters asking questions that he cannot predict.

[Dukhat]: "CC deep in that misinformation hole again. But you don't have to ask me, ask the layman women or man who watched the conference. Oh wait, you don't know any because you spend too much time online."

Misinformation? I watched the press conference on CNN. CNN's coverage included Psaki's reactions in the background of many shots. That being so, would you stick with your "misinformation" claim and admit that CNN's coverage was misinformation even though it had no commentary during the event? I.e., is raw footage of Biden himself "misinformation"? (CNN coverage; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W4eEGApBfA )

I suspect that people not crippled by partisan intellectual dishonesty can see when a slow-speaking old man is struggling to put thoughts together. Enemies of the U.S. will certainly recognize it and strategize accordingly.
the wanderer
Mon Mar 29 22:18:53
i don't see Biden as on his last mental legs, but i'm not here to promote Biden (he wasn't my preference, just my definite pick over the alternative... as would be almost anyone)


on the vaccine discussion above, here's Fraud essentially admitting he had nothing to do w/ it in his childish response to Fauci/Birx interviews:
(it's a real press release, even though that twitter person is a cultist)

note Fraud says it was his pressure on the FDA that made it not take years (also again showing his absolute no knowledge of the process in general)... the FDA would have given emergency approval under any administration... the UK did it a couple days before we did for the one, we would've sat for years more? (+ FDA speeding up approval just because Trump said to would be a very BAD thing & we were assured they didn't)

but of course Trump has no understanding of anything, that's why he smeared the FDA for not approving a vaccine when they didn't even have anything submitted to them yet

so Fauci pushing for vaccines in Jan totally believable (that is the claim Trump upset about)... Trump doing anything at all productive is not believable (+ an embarrassingly low level of knowledge... on every topic)
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