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Utopia Talk / Politics / Bunker joe turns into dictator joe
Thu Apr 08 15:17:07

Why do you need Congress when you can use EOs to circumvent the constitution?
Thu Apr 08 15:38:15
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
Thu Apr 08 16:00:28
This senile idiot is so obvious being fed his talking points by his handlers.

Remember "Moderate" Joe? He certainly doesn't.
Thu Apr 08 16:02:01
” 'Nothing I'm about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment. ”

He is going to ban ammo.
the wanderer
Thu Apr 08 16:06:15
remember when Fox News flipped out about Obama's 10? executive actions

they did nothing at all to hinder gathering all the guns you wanted
the wanderer
Thu Apr 08 16:38:57
Biden is threatening our 2nd Amendment rights.

He just announced a new liberal power grab to take away our guns.

We will NOT allow this in TX.

It's time to get legislation making TX a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State passed and to my desk for signing.
[link to article on executive orders that don't do anything to take away guns]
~ Texas Governor Abbott (hey, Abbott!!!)

so many total fucking liars
Thu Apr 08 16:44:08
No, because the only person here who ever watched Fox News on a regular basis is now dead.

Anyway, whose idea was it on the campaign trail to use executive action against law-abiding gun owners again? Oh right, now-President Harris.

Biden is getting completely dominated by his VP...who he picked AFTER she all but called him a racist on national TV. Since then he's turned into a woke warrior, talking about "equity" all of a sudden and spreading lies about Georgia's election laws, as if he's trying to shield himself from that accusation. And now he's adopting Harris' campaign plans for guns...

The man has no sense of shame whatsover.
Thu Apr 08 16:44:43
Lol. An estimated 30+ million items will be added to the NFA.

This will make criminals out of whoever doesn't go through the tax stamp process.

National red flag blueprint
Background check process added to kits and innocuous parts

tw's and the like will pretend these are minor changes while cheering his common sense measures with the same breath.
Thu Apr 08 16:48:29

You are assuming tw knows anything about gun laws, or gun advocates' objections to gun control proposals...big mistake.
Wrath of Orion
Thu Apr 08 18:21:39
"muh guns"

Thu Apr 08 18:30:36
The Ghost gun idea is fucking idiotic. Any criminal or want to be criminal is going to print the gun without the serial number or file it down while constructing the gun. They are basically throw away guns as they are only good for a couple of shots.

The other type of ghost gun typically you need to do some machine work on the gun during construction. Anybody with the equipment to put the gun together has the equipment to remove the serial number.

The brace thing if it stopped at that I don't care. If you take the time to become proficient with your gun you don't need the brace.

The red flag templet is a waste of time. It would be something states could follow or not as they choose. Plenty of suggestions on red flag laws now no need to waste time with another. And because it is President Biden the templet will be one he borrowed from some state legislation anyway.

I don't think it was part of his six executive orders mentioned today but his plan thinking on the background check is asinine. If the government can't get the background check done in three days that is on them for their own incompetence. Just saying well three days have passed and we still haven't heard back so your application is denied is beyond stupid.

I don't see how holding gun manufactures responsible for the actions of people that use their product would in any way be constitutional. Hold them accountable for known defects they hide or other stuff like they do other manufacturing companies but hold them accountable for what others do is bullshit.

And President Biden said this is only a start.

There was one good idea out of the five. THe proposal to track weapons trafficing is the only one that makes any sense. It is the one thing that would have an affect on illegal guns and have no impact on legal gun owners. You know what would really help with tracking gun traffic? A secure border! President Biden should build the wall to keep illegal weapons out of our country. I think both sides could agree to that.
the wanderer
Thu Apr 08 19:17:29
the ghost gun one does nothing except ask DOJ to look into addressing them (& as they skirt the law by definition who cares if it -did- do something)

the pistol thing is about making rifles being called pistols still considered rifles

the red flag one does absolutely nothing other than providing a standard set of -optional- rules that states already could do if they wanted anyway
the wanderer
Thu Apr 08 19:24:24
the actions straight from the white house so not getting reinterpretations:


nothing close to 2nd amendment violations
Thu Apr 08 19:39:02
It says so much about you that you think a White House Press Release would contain an "objective" characterization of executive branch actions.

Especially from this administration, which has been lying its ass off to the public since Day 1.
Thu Apr 08 19:45:27
"the ghost gun one does nothing except ask DOJ to look into addressing them"

meaning a complete waste of time because even if they pass a law it stops nothing.

"the red flag one does absolutely nothing.."

that is what I said. Did you not read or not comprehend?

Basically we all agree President Biden is taking advantage of a few national tragedies to try and placate the left by making the ignorant think he has actually done something about guns. Sadly a topic most on the left know squat about.
the wanderer
Thu Apr 08 20:39:32
that White House doc is exactly what little they will do... as the president doesn’t have power to do anything meaningful, hence why Obama’s did nothing as well

yet another stream of fucking lies will be told by Fox and other liars like Gov. Hey Abbott
Thu Apr 08 20:47:03
"the ghost gun one does nothing except ask DOJ to look into addressing them"

Which would require a redefining of what constitutes a firearm. Currently, that is the lower receiver.

To expand that to kits, you would need to vastly broaden the definition, making the upper receiver, and possibly even constituent parts, also considered to be a firearm.

"the pistol thing is about making rifles being called pistols still considered rifles"

And is highly likely to be retroactive, forcing the owners of tens of millions of braces and short barrels, that have been purchased since Obama's 2015 ATF issued the opinion, to go through the tax stamp process or become criminals.

I doubt the Gabby Giffords senior policy advisor and longtime ATF SWAT goon nominee will be especially partial to compromise.
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