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Utopia Talk / Politics / Dems try to pack the court
Wed Apr 14 21:31:48
While most agree is a go nowhere bill, I would like to point out one of my favorite politicians is pushing it.

Hank "Islands will capsized" Johnson D-GA.

probably the dumbest politician of all time...at least up there.

Wed Apr 14 21:41:10
If this happens then we are gonna go to war.
the wanderer
Wed Apr 14 21:49:13
it’s not happening... not that you won’t hear about it every Fox show
Wed Apr 14 21:59:51
the fact that your side actually wants to do it says a lot.
Wed Apr 14 22:01:16
TW is right.

Biden has to "look into it" just like reparations.But nothing will come of it past that. Small chance that some bill or EO will go through which in name only addresses it but that's about it.
Wed Apr 14 22:02:28
Its surprisingly popular among democratic voters.
the wanderer
Wed Apr 14 22:20:13
"the fact that your side actually wants to do it says a lot"

but it isn't all Dems... Biden doesn't support it & everyone knows his commission won't recommend it which probably is only reason this small group of short-sighted fools pushing it now

however, as to the ones supporting it:

Obama was elected twice & got 7 years of picks
Trump was 'elected' once & got 5 years of picks

+ there's Mitch dropping it to 51 votes (no Reid didn't do that), so there's some justification

in no way is the country 6 to 3 Republican 'values'

w/ R's outsized rural state influence over the Senate, D's getting screwed on picks is far more likely to keep occurring so the real problem is the selection process (& congress in general needing flushed & redone without parties or something... & absolutely no Trump cultists)
Wed Apr 14 22:56:26
The rural state advantage doesn't explain how the Democrats only have a 2 vote lead in the House of Reps.
Wed Apr 14 22:58:27
6, sorry.***
Wed Apr 14 23:16:41
Quite a few of his Executive Orders are exploratory committees or studies to look into something so we know one of his advisors has some smarts. They are studying things the radical left really really want to try and placate them but are not actually trying to make the changes because that would be political suicide for the party come 2022.
the wanderer
Wed Apr 14 23:33:48
R's also winning in gerrymandering... & misinformed voters
the wanderer
Wed Apr 14 23:35:15
"Quite a few of his Executive Orders are exploratory committees or studies"

was true for Trump too, although not sure he knew it... he either lied his ass off about them (quite possible) or the adults lied to him to placate him (also quite possible)

Thu Apr 15 00:18:49
Republicans all whining when they broke the rules to force down their regressive bullshit on us. No way should a majority of Americans accept a supreme court forced on them by a minority of voters and obstructionism.
Thu Apr 15 01:59:34
Broke what rules?
Thu Apr 15 02:16:14
"was true for Trump too"

This thread is about Democrats and their efforts to stack the court. I know former-president Trump used to be a Democrat but that has been a long while.
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 16 06:11:58
[Habebe]: "Its surprisingly popular among democratic voters."

Yep. The DNC has already been focus-group-gaming this issue. The proles on Imgur (heavily DNC site) already think that "court-packing" is the same as "making appointments to existing seats" (false), so they think it's justified to get back at the Republicans for "packing" courts. So the low-information DNC base already believes the narrative and will back the move.

[obaminated]: "If this happens then we are gonna go to war."

I do wonder if DNC leadership realizes the volatility of these moves. Their wish list of abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and making D.C. a state represent egregious power plays which would not be taken lightly if successful. But they must have gamed it out, including the resulting political violence and how they would narrativize that violence for more power. They've already seen success in public perception numbers following their amplification of the little violence that took place at the Capitol in January. They could be feeling pretty bold with their corporate powers consolidated behind them.

But this may also just be another dry run in their ongoing insurrection. They do this sometimes with Puerto Rico, where they run partisanship votes among the Puerto Rico population to see if their financial investments in Puerto Rico politics have paid off via a guaranteed loyalist state (like D.C.). When they finally push for Puerto Rico statehood en masse, it'll mean that they've finally locked in another DNC stronghold.
Fri Apr 16 07:15:29
What a fucking dumbass cherub cow is. Holy shit.
Fri Apr 16 13:29:58
Coming from Dukhat or TC that's a compliment.

This board has defective asians, I want a refund.

Well, TC is entertaining and has some taste.
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