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Utopia Talk / Politics / Biden has gone too far.
Sun Apr 25 11:08:29
I be damned if he'll force me to drink plant based beer!!!! It's un Merican. Next thing you know the SOB will want me to eat beef based 'ham'burgers!!!

Sun Apr 25 11:16:42

Agriculture accounts for 10% of all US greenhouse gas emissions. Do you really think the industry wouldn't be seriously impacted by Biden and his far-left endorsement of GND?
Sun Apr 25 11:25:14
Best bang for our buck is to encourage Tesla semi trucks.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 25 14:42:16
aside from the plant-based-beer stupidity, the fraudosphere again in full lie mode about green new deal:


"Biden says we can have four pounds of meat a year"... really, when did he say that?

"Biden's climate plan includes cutting 90% of red meat"... nope, that's not in the plan

fucking liars, & fueled by Fox News as usual
Sun Apr 25 14:52:51
We shouldn’t make fun of people having a stroke.
Sun Apr 25 15:09:14

A non-hack would have taken the time to figure out why people are making that claim, rather than just lazily repost some leftist hack's "gotcha" tweet (thank you though for at least not using Aaron Rupar).

No, Biden has not said we'll need to cut meat consumption. He has however committed to cutting US emissions by a massive amount in only 9 years, which according to a recent University of Michigan study would require drastic cuts in meat consumption.

The GOP's statements are therefore based on what Biden's GND could potentially require.

"Cutting animal-based foods in US diet by half could prevent 1.6 billion tons of GHG emissions by 2030

ANN ARBOR—Replacing half of all animal-based foods in the U.S. diet with plant-based alternatives could reduce climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions 1.6 billion metric tons by 2030, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Michigan and Tulane University.

The report, “Implications of Future U.S. Diet Scenarios on Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” was commissioned by the Center for Biological Diversity, a nonprofit conservation organization.

It found that replacing half of all animal-based foods (red meat, poultry, fish/seafood, eggs, dairy and animal-based fats) with plant-based alternatives would reduce U.S. diet-related emissions by 35%. Based on U.S. Census Bureau population projections, that would amount to a savings of 224 million metric tons per year in 2030.

A reduction of 224 million metric tons is equivalent to the annual emissions of 47.5 million passenger vehicles and represents 24% of the reduction needed for the United States to meet targets under the Paris climate agreement, according to the new study.

The target of a 50% reduction in animal-based foods assumes that the dietary shift would occur gradually between now and 2030, resulting in an estimated cumulative emissions reduction of 1.6 billion metric tons.

****And if, in addition to cutting animal-based foods by half, U.S. consumers also reduced beef consumption by 90%, the emissions savings would be even greater, according to the study. Dietary emissions would be cut by 51%, resulting in a cumulative reduction of 2.4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.****

In the absence of dietary change, emissions associated with producing the food we eat are expected to increase 9% by 2030 due to population growth, said Martin Heller, lead author of the study and a research specialist at U-M’s Center for Sustainable Systems at the School for Environment and Sustainability."

Sun Apr 25 16:14:57
I still say best bang fornthe buck, semis are a huge amount of the emissions issue, plus have you seen the new Tesla Semis? Its a truckers wet dream, more comfortable, safer, faster, more reliable and per mile** they are more cost effective.Plus it could help us transition to much faster shipping with hyperloop shipping.

As for live stock, maybe we could farm seaweed, livestock have much lower emissions and are probably healthier to boot when they eat that instead of corn.
Sun Apr 25 16:52:41
We need to eat less beef and more rabbit.

Seaweed for cattle would cut on methane emissions and it wouldn't take much seaweed per animal to do that. Problem is the cattle involved would need to be in a feed yard and not pastures. Seaweed could be a good substitute for corn but for now there isn't a viable way to get the seaweed to the cattle in the amounts needed to be the primary feed. Defiantly worth more research as a future solution.
Sun Apr 25 16:53:55
definitely not defiantly. Those words mean something completely different!
Sun Apr 25 17:01:27
Yeah I wondered about the logistics for inland cattle, say Colorado.

But places like FLA would.be fine, mayne it could create some industry for LA.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 25 17:07:11
yes, i know Fox was citing that study... then the little fucking liars misrepresent it as much as possible as always

a study claiming "if, in addition to cutting animal-based foods by half, U.S. consumers also reduced beef consumption by 90%, the emissions savings would be even greater"

is nowhere fucking near saying it's Biden's plan

also reducing consumption isn't the only path to fixing cow gas, as altering their diet being looked at too as kargen noted
Sun Apr 25 17:14:40
TW, While I agree they really twisted it up , I feel if it was CNN doing the similar you would have a defense for it....ala mostly peacefully....which technically it wad but so are some wars for that matter.

Also I mentioned the diet, Karen was responding.

Mine was sloppy and a run on sentence as is my standard MO.

the wanderer
Sun Apr 25 17:47:40
"mostly peaceful" has been proven repeatedly to be accurate

ok, you get credit for first bringing up the diet thing, sorry


somewhat on topic, here's Newt on the drunk angry lady's show:
- Biden "threatened" everyone who believes in the 2nd amendment (what 'threats' were these? the EOs that did nothing remotely close to violating 2nd amendment?)
- Biden "attacked" everyone who believes in right to life (what 'attack' was this? allowing Planned Parenthood funding? which is NOT all about abortions... that's what 'not intended to be factual' asshole was lying about... also, Biden should just do what pro-life people want? pretend he's a Republican & abandon Dem position?)
- Biden "attacked" people of traditional values by allowing gay pride flags at embassies... really? R's still against homosexuality?

& claiming Biden being "deliberately anti-American"... so non-cultists are unAmerican enemies... just keeping that divisive hateful Trump message alive, you piece of shit liars...
Sun Apr 25 18:32:44
""mostly peaceful" has been proven repeatedly to be accurate"

The war in Afghanistan was mostly non violent as well, but its clearly a twist to say so.

According to that article, that statement could be technically true, but its a vicious twist of reality.

Drunk angry lady with tv shows doesn't narrow it down much, but I'll guess jusge pirro, is she actually a judge?
the wanderer
Sun Apr 25 19:05:25
it's not a twist to say so... if you're again referring to that 'fiery' still photo, the larger demonstrations in the day were peaceful, then turned violent at night... which is basically a quote from the reporter... why should you not mention the mostly peaceful part? not mentioning (Fox style) is far more misleading... cultists think BLM is just a terrorist organization

Rugian's own posted study said only 7% of the protests had violence

& if CNN was trying to hide the looting/burning, why did they cover it live continuously on the worst nights?

now can we please stop talking about the 'mostly peaceful' accurate reporting...
Sun Apr 25 19:58:26
Did they also describe Jan. 6th as mostly peacefull? As a matter of fact there was hardly any violence at all, one lady got shot by police.

Other that some windows got broken, some pushing and shoving and one case of bear mace ( whatever the fuck that is)
Sun Apr 25 19:59:34
But we can agree to disagree.
Sun Apr 25 20:04:42
"cultists think BLM is just a terrorist organization"

Any person with a firing synapse realizes BLM is becoming more of a terrorist group every day. They didn't start as one but they have morphed quickly. When you threaten violence to affect political change you are well on your way to being a terrorist group.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 25 22:05:10
"hardly any violence at all"

sounds like Tucker

"Other that some windows got broken, some pushing and shoving and one case of bear mace"

ok, slightly more honest than Tucker

if the cops surrendered the Capitol over a little bit of pushing & shoving they should all be fired (although we know this isn't the case)

is there a single instance of a BLM mob engaging in melee combat w/ cops? how about fighting -through- cops to get into some place?


as for being terrorists...

the vast majority of BLM protesters were peaceful, & i'm quite certain for the vast majority their only issue was their perceived unfair treatment of black people

& i would bet the vast majority of looters were opportunists out for free stuff & not fighting for some cause at all

& the extremely few arsonists included opportunistic white supremacists & probably just anarchists
the wanderer
Sun Apr 25 22:14:00
back to semi-on-topic... Gov's of Idaho & Texas jumping onto the fraudosphere:


note the Fox screenshot is titled "Biden's Climate Requirements" before listing "cut 90% meat, only 4 lbs of per year, 1 burger a month" TOTAL BULLSHIT

yet i guarantee the vast majority of the cult will believe Biden is calling for that (why wouldn't they, fucking liars keep saying it, & the same fucking liars who convinced them not to trust any other source)

Dr Seuss all over again... & presumably they'll keep deliberately misinforming people like this all the way to the midterms

so great for America
the wanderer
Sun Apr 25 22:22:22
...and if claiming the 'left' did same for Fraud, cite the examples... & none of 'russia gate' qualifies as the individual stories were mostly true (& the few that weren't were corrected) but none count anyway as no one knew if the campaign colluded or not (& they did)

this fraudosphere shit is -deliberate- misleading & it's constant
Sun Apr 25 22:31:04
The Republican base is fatass morons so the less meat angle is meant to trigger them. My mom has to deal with them all the time as a pharmacist. They all weigh over 300 lbs and are rude to her because she's a minority. Taking a shit ton of diabetes medication with a fucking cheeseburger in their car.

These people eat like ridiculous amounts of low-quality, fatty red meat. It's a win-win if their diets get better and we cut emissions.

As for the rest of us, it won't affect anything if you're not eating like a fat dumbass. Plant-based protein is cheaper and comes with healthier fats and slow-carbs.

Just think of it this way cuckservatives, if you eat less cheap shitty meat, you'll probably live longer and vote longer and be able to show up those dirty libs.
Sun Apr 25 22:32:11
To be clear, I'm not saying anyone should will have to go vegan (I certainly won't) but there'll be plenty of meat for people to live a healthy lifestyle and have a burger whenever they want even if we cut emissions.
Sun Apr 25 22:48:57
I live in an area that voted 84% for Trump and I can guarantee most of them eat way better meat than you are going to find.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 00:39:27
"I live in an area that voted 84% for Trump"

how disturbing
large member
Mon Apr 26 04:16:02
"Seaweed for cattle"

It also buffs omega3, though by the same way grass fed does, through microorganisms that follow with the feed.
Mon Apr 26 04:22:50
What is wrong with grassfed though? Plus, alot of the feed that comes from corn and soy or biproducts from making oil, that are not fit for the human digestive system anyways.

These aren’t the CO2 sources you are looking for.
large member
Mon Apr 26 04:57:54
Meat from agro-industrial output is definately a CO2 source we are looking for. No matter what the drones say.
large member
Mon Apr 26 04:58:56
There are ways to lower it dramatically. Mostly from dual use output like grinding up old milk cows and making meatballs.
large member
Mon Apr 26 05:00:46
If CO2 output is 1.4 kg per liter milk, then it is close to 0 per kg ground milk cow.

No point in double counting ground cow.
Mon Apr 26 09:59:00
"I live in an area that voted 84% for Trump and I can guarantee most of them eat way better meat than you are going to find."

Maybe they burn their shitty steaks to a crisp and dip it in ketchup like their god-emperor Trump does *rolls eyes*

The best meat is expensive AF. That's good quality tuna belly and good Waygu (American Waygu is pretty good but doesn't come close to the Japanese kind).

I know you live in Colorado so you're probably referring to a rural area there. Farmer's markets with a healthy supply from small families and a yuppie consumer base often produce good stuff. I am willing to pay several times grocery prices per pound for some good free-range meat, even if it's much leaner than the factory meat bullshit.

American grading is retarded and based on marbling. Yeah, that well-marbled prime meat pumped full of antibiotics when growing and finished with farm byproducts to fatten it isn't my cup of tea. All that fat is where mammals store toxins anyways.

You can get a nice, free-range filet mignon and just use the beef tallow from a waygu grade source to baste it in. Hell even a lean piece basted in good butter tastes just as good as some overpriced hunk of meat that the USDA says is prime.

Anyways, red meat is trash for your health. Fish and chicken is healthier and cheaper and less environmentally impactful if you buy the right kinds. A man needs to eat a lot of protein to stay muscular anyways. Red meat often comes with too much bad fat to be worth it.
Mon Apr 26 10:08:27
Tw whining about the "fraudosphere" when CNN pulls the same shit Every. Damn. Day is seriously hilarious.

Habebe and me have been more than ready to admit that Fox twisted the facts here some. Because at the end of the day we're capable of thinking of ourselves, and Fox doesn't mean anything to us anyway (I don't even watch the fucking channel).

Meanwhile, tw will go on for entire threads defending CNN on even the most indefensible pieces possible, because he has some sort of weird brand loyalty to the channel of Brian "conservative media should be forcibly shut down" Stelter, Don "I only care about black people when they're being killed by police" Lemon, and Chris "I literally used my position as a journalist to play propagandist for my brother" Cuomo.

Its so bizarre.
Mon Apr 26 14:45:35
tHeY'rE nOt CoMiNg FoR yOuR mEaT

"Condé Nast’s food media brand "Epicurious" has stopped publishing recipes with beef in them, the magazine announced Monday.

“In an effort to encourage more sustainable cooking, we won’t be publishing new beef recipes on 'Epicurious,'” the company stated.

“Beef won’t appear in new 'Epicurious' recipes, articles, or newsletters. It will not show up on our homepage. It will be absent from our Instagram feed,” the publication added."

the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 15:53:46
Biden forcing something and some company encouraging something are extremely different

(& any CNN propaganda isn't leading to a completely unfit piece of shit fraud getting elected president, so Fox News is clearly a bigger problem)
Mon Apr 26 15:57:03
"& any CNN propaganda isn't leading to a completely unfit piece of shit fraud getting elected president"

Have you seen the current guy?

Also, it's not exactly a new development where Democrats and woke companies act in concert with each other...

...put another way, the fact that this story is dropping immediately after Biden's GND announcement isn't a coincidence.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 16:02:57
your own article says they started limiting beef recipes 2 years ago

& the current guy nor any other president in history is similar to the entirely-detached-from-truth moron toddler
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 16:07:10
also you should be happy about methods that get people to just voluntarily change behavior to help the planet... while your side works to develop a meat-based beer to 'own the libs'
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 16:11:25

Conservatives Are Purposely Making Their Cars Spew Black Smoke To Protest Obama And Environmentalists

Last month, Vocativ noted many coal rollers focus their fumes on "nature nuffies," or people who drive hybrids, and "rice burners," or Japanese-made cars.

"The feeling around here is that everyone who drives a small car is a liberal," a roller named Ryan told Vocativ. "I rolled coal on a Prius once just because they were tailing me."


fucking environment...
Mon Apr 26 16:20:49
"the entirely-detached-from-truth moron toddler"

"Vote for me, I'm running as a moderate. Okay did I win Psycho? PSYCH, I'm actuslly gonna be the most 'transformative' president in a century."

-Joe Biden

"The attack in Georgia was an example of anti-Asian hatred, even though I literally have no evidence to support that. In fact, let's advance FEDERAL FUCKING LEGISLATION based on that lie."

-Joe Biden

"Georgia's voting law, which would have been one of the most liberal in the nation pre-Covid, is JIM CROW ON STEROIDS. In fact, it's JIM EAGLE."

-Joe Biden

(That last one goes beyond lying and is *actually* offensive...as if somehow having to show ID to get an absentee ballot is on the same scale as negroes being wholly disenfranchised and subjected to routine lynchings...what the actual fuck you senile idiot)
Mon Apr 26 16:23:07
"while your side works to develop a meat-based beer to 'own the libs'"

That sounds fucking delicious.
large member
Mon Apr 26 16:29:35
Gangrene sounds delicious?
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 16:46:23
did Biden specifically say any legislation was only over the Georgia hand job killer? there's plenty of anti-asian hate around (& only increased by Fraud)

as for exaggerating the voting laws, that's normal political behavior & the 'right' lying right back about it such as saying 'it's just like Colorado!' NOPE

whereas Trump lied/bullshitted about any topic big or small, whether any reason to or not, probably often because he had no idea what was true as he NEVER prepared or learned anything, he winged his whole presidency, the rest of the time purely to make himself look good (his primary focus in life)

also, he undermined all faith in elections w/ BULLSHIT... dozens of tweets a day about mass fraud allegations, NONE of which have any evidence that held up at all, some just obvious nonsense from the start & that's going to be lasting damage

(& undermined all faith in FBI, just to benefit himself, not for any reasons Forwyn might have... same for DOJ in general & courts & any & everything that exposed what a piece of shit he was)
Mon Apr 26 20:29:34
...I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry. I'm out.

I can literally get the same experience by just yelling at CNN while playing it on my TV. You are *literally* an NPC.

If you don't see the massive problem with what Biden did here, then there's nothing more to discuss. Political debate requires a minimum of respect for each other, and I have zero for you now.

You're really fucked in the head tw. Please get help.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 21:13:51
he’s been a lot less extreme than he’s being portrayed by your outlets

he has done nothing to the 2nd amendment, he has done nothing to pro-lifers, he has done nothing to Dr Seuss, he has done nothing to red meat

the infrastructure plan may have a decent amount of green energy in it, but that IS the future, and perhaps he made it with so much in it knowing it would get trimmed to pass
Mon Apr 26 21:27:23
"he has done nothing to the 2nd amendment, he has done nothing to pro-lifers, he has done nothing to Dr Seuss, he has done nothing to red meat"

Yeah someone on his team has some smarts. They know they need to placate the left so they have President Biden express interest in all those things with studies, committees, whatever. He isn't actually going to do anything though because that would lose his majority house and senate.

They are going to run his presidency like they did his campaign. Keep him out of the spotlight and do as little as absolutely possible.

The danger lies in the far left feeling empowered by his placating to them even if it is only in words.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 21:28:49
...and (iirc) he has expressed views -against- expanding supreme court & for ending filibuster, & while his tax plans alter the cuts done under Fraud they don't massively reverse them
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 21:30:09
"do as little as absolutely possible"

so you can fight Rugian then... although he may find you as insane as myself
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 21:45:05
apparently Fox News lied so badly they felt they needed to do a correction

now how many cultists who saw the spread of bullshit from all the fraud minions will also see that weak correction

& how many fraud minions will also retract their comments... i'm guessing Don Jr will not... (nor any of the others)
Mon Apr 26 23:39:57
He did commission a committee to study possible changes to the Supreme Court including adding more members. He did it through executive order.

He expresses views all over the place and either is unaware he is contradicting himself or doesn't care.
Kind of funny the things he polls positive on are things that were already going before he took office (vaccines as example) and things he polls really bad on are policy changes he made (border as example).
the wanderer
Mon Apr 26 23:46:28
there is no question the Biden admin improved vaccine distribution (if you actually ever heard facts)

& Trump personally put no effort at all into that, & hid that he even got it (for what reason???)... he was 100% consumed by convincing Americans there was mass fraud in our elections w/ total bullshit which everyone should now be totally disgusted by & never ever put the total fucking lying fraud on air again...

& Biden didn't contradict himself by having that review, he expects it to come to same conclusion he has himself
Tue Apr 27 10:31:17

Meat is about 3-4% of all global CO2. Meat is going to be replaced by something, that may have lower CO2, but that has other environmental issues. A mono-culture of soybeans isn’t good for biodiversity for instance and like I said, pigs and cows eat bi-products from the production of vegetable oils that we can’t. Meat can be produced virtually carbon neutral and contribute to a healthy ecosystem, large fields of corn and soy can only provide less carbon emissions. There is more to taking care of this planet than CO2 emissions. There are simply bigger fish to catch here, electricity/heat production and transport. We need bang for our proverbial bucks.

Matthew 23:24

Then there are the other parts of reality, food is just a much hard thing to go after politically, because meat is a big part of many cultures. So, to waste bandwidth, goodwill and political capital on it, seems like a great way to piss people off while getting less things done. When I contrast these difficulties with 4% that maybe we can reduce to 2% or 1% by going vegan and the other environmental aspect... These are not the CO2 sources you are looking for.
large member
Tue Apr 27 11:06:43
14.5% of CO2.
Tue Apr 27 11:46:15
So getting back to the original subject. Just how much beef goes into a bottle of beer?
Tue Apr 27 12:46:33
My bad, my figure was for the US. We can reasonably expect that the world can rise to the level of the USA, through better practices. It is an on going process.
large member
Tue Apr 27 12:53:04
Its not better practices. Its higher CO2 on other stuff.
Wed Apr 28 02:13:44
Like a game of GHG wack-a-mole. Even if this, as an observation, is true, it isn’t inherent to the activity of agriculture. We can make the production of meat better in terms of GHG and almost carbon neutral, through better practices and technology. You already know Jergul, that we are not going to make a lot of global progress on this, because it will strike people at their core, it will be an assault on their cultural identity (the same way if you were telling Indians to eat cows), in ways that the production of electricity, heat and transportation will not. For whatever reason though, people insist on shooting themselves in the foot on these things. Suit yourselves :-)
large member
Wed Apr 28 02:57:23
We can eat less meat and better meat. Which is implicit to your better practices theme.

Meat appreciation is cultural. Unless you meant that gluttony is the core of the cultural experience.
large member
Wed Apr 28 03:23:34
I get what you mean culturally. My point is more that I don't have to eat minke whale meat 3 times a week in season, but could live with doing it 6-8 times a year.

Less than that? You would have to pry the harpoon out of my cold, dead fingers.
Wed Apr 28 03:45:03
"Which is implicit to your better practices theme."

It really isn't, I am talking explicitly about animal husbandry and agriculture (technology and best practice). These implicit things you mention, are exactly the behavioral patterns and cultural stuff, I am saying are very difficult to tackle (even gluttony). They will be met with resistance, backfire and turn counter-productive.

We can all hope that people behave better on a wide range of issues, not just meat consumption. Like, when are women going to be equals legally in Islamic cultures? You would think it is abundantly obvious that certain cultural practices are better that others, but here we are in the world we are, with the people we have. *shrugs* waddayagunnado?

The GHG problem requires systematic solutions and the biggest sources by far are electricity/heat production and transportation. Luckily these things are not widely complicated by cultural values and traditions. Yet they are going to be a huge challenge, and at the end of the day, overcoming challenges require effort and resources, temporally finite things we shouldn't waste.
Wed Apr 28 03:54:04
"My point is more that I don't have to eat minke whale meat 3 times a week in season, but could live with doing it 6-8 times a year."

You also don't smoke, you work out, you are not fat, you are abstaining from a lot of stupid activity. Generally a responsible person.

Most people are not as thoughtful and disciplined as a man in the wiser part of his life. Most people are prone to bad decisions. You can call them "retarded". We have to live and work around the retards. I have just accepted this human retardation at scale, as a constant problem we have to deal with. Like, I would personally do away with religion in most of its' forms. And food, is more like religion. You can find muslims for instance, who fornicate and drink alcohol, but the mere thought of consuming pig will disgust them until the end of their life. We are born into food culture and it bears resemblance to religious activity.
large member
Wed Apr 28 05:13:45
Getting rid of perverse incentives like misguided agricultural subsidies would be a huge step towards best practices.

One pet idea I have is mandating adding 5% (dry weight) treated (to avoid getting technical) biochar to all feedstock and artificial fertilizer.

Locking carbon into topsoil is perhaps the easiest way to sequester CO2.
large member
Wed Apr 28 05:14:21
Also, flattery will get you everywhere :D
Wed Apr 28 06:11:13
haha :)
I don't disagree with most of what you say. At our house we have for a variety of reasons cut back on meat. The woman in the family was never a big meat eater and while I like meat I am actually quite picky with meat (have been since I was a child).

I also love fish because it is good for you. We try to go for every other dish being fish. Only the boy is consuming milk and we do eat quite a lot of vegetarian dishes.

We have completely excluded poultry, since I found out 50% of the chicks (the males) are just thrown into a meat grinder practically at birth. I am not a bleeding heart on these issues, but the ethical implications of this industrial scale waste-murder was just too much, even for me. I knew we were only eating the hens, I just never put 2 and 2 together :(
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