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Utopia Talk / Politics / Social media is tearing us apart
Sun May 09 15:24:53
Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans say social media platforms are tearing us apart

WASHINGTON — Most Americans admit they use social media at least once a day, but they also believe platforms like Facebook and Twitter are doing more to divide the nation than to bring it together, according to brand-new results from the latest national NBC News poll.

Overall, 66 percent of adults say they use social media once a day or more, versus 33 percent who don't.

The numbers are essentially unchanged from when the poll asked this same question in 2018 and 2019.

But 64 percent of Americans think social media platforms do more to divide us, and that includes majorities of Republicans (77 percent), independents (65 percent) and Democrats (54 percent), as well as majorities of whites (70 percent), Latinos (56 percent), young adults (61 percent) and seniors (71 percent).

By contrast, just 27 percent of all adults believe that those platforms do more to bring us together.

Notably, Black respondents are the one demographic split on this question, with 42 percent saying it’s more divisive, while 40 percent say it’s more unifying.

When the poll last asked this question in March 2019, 57 percent of respondents said social media platforms do more to divide us, while 35 percent said they more to unite us.

But there’s a different finding when the question turns to quality of life.

Among daily social media users, 49 percent say social media platforms make their lives better, while 37 percent say they make their lives worse.

Democrats, women and college graduates are more likely to say that social media make their lives better, versus Republicans, men and those without college degrees who are more likely to disagree.

Sam Adams
Sun May 09 15:40:15
I generally like free speech, bit twitter needs to go.

The concentration of dumb is too high.
Sun May 09 15:51:38
It is possible that the world was a slightly better place before twitter.
Sun May 09 17:32:30
The rate of teenage suicides started to rise shortly after Facebook went live to the public.
Sun May 09 17:52:47
Does anyone use FB for.more than keeping in touch with old freinds and family periodically?
Sun May 09 18:23:18
Yes, many people use it to troll, much like every online platform in existence.
Sun May 09 18:48:46
Sun May 09 18:52:05
Is it just me or has Rugian gotten more spunky over these past 3-5 years?
Mon May 10 01:59:12
Rugian joined the cult of Trump. We just don’t know if that is a serious commitment or mostly a meme.
Mon May 10 02:02:56
Trump was fun. Our whole political system's a fucking joke anyways, might as well have the president be one too.
the wanderer
Mon May 10 02:13:59
Rugian's reference is the same thing that came to my mind
we are always on the same page
Mon May 10 02:37:31
Oddly enough they are...like.two sides of a coin.

However TW is more stubborn. He finds ways to argue his point well, but in a way, he is also like debating a brick wall, especially anything Trump related.

Bit I fucks with both of them.
Mon May 10 02:53:25
You keep fucking around like that and eventually, your dick will fall off.
Mon May 10 03:07:13
I have a spare. I grew the back up because of my overly cautious nature. I want a back up dick and a back up planet, the Mars!
Mon May 10 05:58:09
We should all have a second dick, you know like you have milk teeth, you should have a milk dick that you can fuck around with, until it falls off. You put it under your pillow and the Dick fairy comes on your pillow...

That sort of got out of hand, but that is what you get when you try to one up, my dick joke. I have no boundaries once I am challenged.
Mon May 10 11:57:57
twitter, fb, youtube, reedit, etc.. are a net negative to society. it's amplifies the worst people with the most time of their hands to spout off about crazy conspiracy theories and white nationalist ideologies. it creates an illusion of a society that is much more divided then it actually is and gives foreign adversaries opportunity to exploit it.

with that said, self-regulation in response to normal people being outraged at the content that is being generated is likely the best result.
Mon May 10 12:09:19
"black nationalist ideologies."

Mon May 10 12:12:01
there are a few loons of that variety, yes. but mostly a venue for white nationalism, which is a much bigger threat (christchurch, brevik, charleston, el paso, etc...).
large member
Mon May 10 13:28:09
Maybe you do have one, but it is just stuck? Tie a rope around it and a doorhandle, stand back and get your wife to slam the door shut.

That should help extracting that milk dick.
Mon May 10 13:46:54
Member Mon May 10 12:12:01
"there are a few loons of that variety, yes. but mostly a venue for white nationalism, which is a much bigger threat (christchurch, brevik, charleston, el paso, etc...)."

How many people has BLM (a black Marxist movement) gotten killed compared to those guys? Please provide results on an annualized basis.

Seriously, how nutty do you have to be to think that WHITE nationalism is prevalent on social media? It's literally a bankable offense on most platforms (whereas any other type of racial nationalism is okay - completely hypocritical, but that's the reality of the matter).
Mon May 10 14:09:23
Like what would you say is an example of a prominent white nationalist outlet on social media?

I'm sure there's SOME out there, but they are completely outside the realm of having any significant influence.
Mon May 10 14:13:06
In the last 2 years compare BLM movement to all the WN movements combined.

Which has been a greater threat to a peaceful society?

If your saying WN , Id say unless you come out with hard facts, your either being disingenuous or are delusional.
Mon May 10 15:06:19
Habebe, you are not arguing in good faith if your response is that anyone who disagrees with you is either lying or insane.
Mon May 10 15:08:21
His basis for saying you're insane is that white nationalism literally isn't ALLLOWED on social media.
Mon May 10 15:09:18
there are entire social media outlets full of white nationalist shitheads (DLive, Telegram groups, 8kun, Parler, Gab, etc...). Where do you think they got their message out before being "cancelled"? Many of these fools still have accounts on major SM platforms as they are smart enough to not explicitly break the rules.

Mon May 10 15:21:04

But we're talking matters of scale here.

How many of the 66% of Americans who say they use social media are hanging out on the likes of 8kun or Gab? How many of them are even THINKING of 8kun or Gab when someone asks them about "social media?"

I don't have figures in front of me, but I'm guessing it's a really small minority.

Gab isn't driving conversations on the national stage; Facebook and Twitter are. And those guys slap down anything and everything even approaching WN.
Mon May 10 15:28:51
"Habebe, you are not arguing in good faith if your response is that anyone who disagrees with you is either lying or insane."_Y2A

"unless you come out with hard facts"_Habebe
Mon May 10 20:16:51
"How many of the 66% of Americans who say they use social media are hanging out on the likes of 8kun or Gab?"

A minority of radicals are able to do a HELL of a lot. IT only took 19 hijackers to do 9/11 and 2 men to do Oklahoma City. Radical leftist suck at terrorism almost as much as they suck and convincing people to their side.

"Gab isn't driving conversations on the national stage; Facebook and Twitter are. "

The Richard Spencer/Gavin McGiness types were able to get their guy to be president for four years. They are driving the conversation way more than any campus Trotskite-Leninist-Gramscite-Gueverist-LGBTQA+ talking about "black bodies" and "latinx".

"And those guys slap down anything and everything even approaching WN."

Then how does avowed white nationalist Nick Fuentes still have a Twitter page? How is it that whenever I go to a local news Youtube video of a shooting there are endless "It must be Joggers!", "Joggers did it, shekel-media won't show the pic", "Jogger's lives don't matter", etc...
Mon May 10 20:17:46
*...talking about "black bodies" and "latinx" could ever dream of.
Mon May 10 20:27:50
The all-powerful socialist left within the Democratic party can't even get the top two candidates in the biggest left-wing city in the country to agree with "defund".

Meanwhile the extremist right was able to get the clown to play the "both sides" game when a loon ran over and murdered a woman in Charlottesville. They were able to get the same clown to not denounce David Duke and to get the Proud Boys street gang a shout out during a national debate.

And yet, we are led to believe by some that these two are equally powerful factions or even that the "far left" is more powerful. It is ridiculous on it's face.

Mon May 10 20:48:48
"A minority of radicals are able to do a HELL of a lot. IT only took 19 hijackers to do 9/11 and 2 men to do Oklahoma City. Radical leftist suck at terrorism almost as much as they suck and convincing people to their side."

I think a big problem is calling them either radical.left or right. It seems to imply they are connected to say either side generally.

It gets hairy when certain groups viewed as radicals from the other side say Charlottesville or BLM.

Your more left, Im more right but neither of us support the crazies that may have a vague relationship to our respective spectrums.

Also radical /terrorist are all or nothing terms. In reality there is levels to this shit.

ISIS would be say a level 10/10.

Even within groups there are major discrepancies.

Look.at white nationals. I'd say the vast majority are ugly rednecks posting dumb shit on reddit or whatever.

But some definitley take it to an extreme.and violent level.

Same with BLM. Now that's.a.different bowl of Jello.

I personally beleive BLM is an inherently racist and violent group.

However, those huge crowds of people are mostly good sane folks that for many reasons we wont gwt into now we're upset at what they seen was the cops going to war on black people and are not involved with the deeper core beliefs but could still have a propensity for violence or are at risk for radicalisation.

Actually not to far off from "WN" in many ways.
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