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Utopia Talk / Politics / Aliens from another dimension
Tue May 18 11:28:09

We have now seen a lot of footage over the past couple of years coming from the worlds most powerful military, with the best technology and they are releasing all kinds of stuff and they can't explain it and it seems to defy the capabilities of the enemy the USA is expecting.

We had that whole omuamua thing pass through the solar systems. A LOT of shit has been going on friends.

I want to believe.
Tue May 18 11:47:08
rofl no surprises there, ur as dumb as they come.

all of it are debunked. its ducks, balloons and planes, u dumb fuck.

butbutbut murican military says...yea they arent exactly da brightest bunch.

Tue May 18 11:52:21
Omuamua is relatively well explained (almost certainly not a space craft).

The US stuff is intriguing.

I'm still thinking it's likely sensor misinterpretation or malfunction.

It seems unlikely Russia or China has developed a technology this impressive, and if the Americans had it I'm not sure why they would be busy leaking it out like this: they would be buzzing the Chinese and Russians and scaring the shit out of them rather than vice versa.
Tue May 18 11:53:06
u dunt think its strange that aliens only visit murica as if murica is some special place but no other country is visited somehow...

or how they always fly away the moment murica military spots them, they never come down and say hi. why not. get the f outta here.
Tue May 18 11:54:29
Aliens still requires violating too many priors to easily entertain.

Particularly with recent results basically invalidating warp drive as a means of circumventing the speed of light limit.
Tue May 18 11:54:42
", ur as dumb as they come"

Didn't you lose all your monies in Gamestonk?

Anyway, Im glad there is finally a thread on this.Im not sure a balloon drone can explain all of these....

The truth is out there.

Also an odd group of military/government folks from around the world are saying ETs exist and have made contact, atleast I vaguely remember something like that happening from a US and Israeli higher ups.
Tue May 18 12:02:18
rofl u watch video?
everythings xplained. all u need is know how a camera works. u peoples r dumb fuckers.
Tue May 18 12:11:15
yeaaaa... i thought so.

Tue May 18 12:20:57
"u dunt think its strange that aliens only visit murica as if murica is some special place "

Well considering the Chinese routinely crash into their own ACCs and we all know how asians drive any intelligent aliens would know better not to an area where they can't unsquint there eyes.
Tue May 18 12:21:41
Did I watch the video? It's 24 mins long with a dozen commercials, of.course not, I seen like 30 seconds of it.
Tue May 18 12:23:10
haha who the fuck watches commercials on youtube.

block that shit, noob.

owned owned owned

Tue May 18 12:24:31
"It's 24 mins long"

>> aaahhh yea i dunderstand that u can only focus for 30 seconds straight so anything beyond that is simple lost on ya.

my bad. he didnt draw enough cartoony drawings 4 ya in da video
Tue May 18 12:27:17
is called adblock, noob.

get urself upgraded.
Sam Adams
Tue May 18 12:28:25
Things in the air are indeed sometimes unidentified by clowns on the internet.
Tue May 18 14:17:38
They were gearing up to invade in case Trump got a 2nd term which would certainly lead to a long term cascade effect in which humanity would threaten the galactic order.

Now that Biden won I expect these visitations to drastically decrease.
Thu May 20 04:42:47
Omuamua. There is one Harvard professor Avi Loeb who thinks otherwise. To the tune of, when these out of the ordinary things happen, we should investigate them instead of giving them the mundane explanations. He makes a good case for why it was worthy of closer inspection. If we are always going to explain these with what we already think and know, then we are doomed to never finding anything out of the ordinary.

There are probably aliens out there, or traces of advanced civilizations, we should look for them.

Thu May 20 04:57:59

Omuamua certainly was looked at a lot though!

We've theorised about extrasolar objects for a long time, and expect such objects about 1 per year, but they were normally difficult to see.

What's unusual about it is largely because of the differences to an Oort cloud comet. But that's to be expected if it's extrasolar.

The best explanation is it is a nitrogen or hydrogen ice fragment from an extrasolar object.

Thu May 20 05:33:33
Like sending a probe close. The looking that we did produced a lot of hypothesis, no solid answers. I WANT THE TRUTH!
Thu May 20 05:40:46
Member Tue May 18 14:17:38
They were gearing up to invade in case Trump got a 2nd term which would certainly lead to a long term cascade effect in which humanity would threaten the galactic order."

So you're saying that Donald Trump would have singlehandedly transformed humanity into a power player on a galaxy-wide level?

That's quite the compliment!
Thu May 20 06:24:08
"Like sending a probe close."

We are not even nearly at that level of technology. By the time it was detected it was already well on its way out of the solar system.

To be able to quickly dispatch a probe to something like that is pretty much in the realm of star trek like technologies.

It was definitely studied as much as it could be.
Thu May 20 06:46:21
Technology wise, we are there, but we sort of lost the will some where along the way. Look at Nasas budget during 60-70's and look at it now... In nominal dollar is is about half.

There is also apparently an academic stigma attached to looking for aliens.
Thu May 20 06:57:20
Star Trek, the documentary series?

That shots been aroumd since the 60s...
Thu May 20 07:22:01

No chance of that unfortunately, it's far, far too fast for us to catch up any time soon.

Remote diagnostics are good enough though - I mean we've imaged a black hole accretion disk, how cool is that - and we will see several more of this kind of object over the coming years.

"There is also apparently an academic stigma attached to looking for aliens."
Not really a stigma in looking *for* aliens, cf. SETI, but definitely a stigma for invoking aliens as an explanation over natural phenomena when a new phenomenon is encountered. As there should be!

Largely because it is too easy to fall into confirmation bias and other kinds of circular reasoning.

There is a robust academic field that thinks about what a signal that could be distinguished from natural phenomena might be and then goes and looks for it.

Thu May 20 09:12:46
Everything I said is from the lips of a Harvard tenured professor in theoretical physics. Minus poorly wording things, but in context it is what he claims. Not my field, so I am, like we all are at the mercy of the arguments from The authority.

One way of questioning the authority is by listening to the fringe voices, those who have the merits and competency and who can not reasonably be construed as cranks. And this fringe guy calls it ”a crisis in science”.
Sam Adams
Thu May 20 10:55:37
"We are not even nearly at that level of technology."

We could be if we didnt waste trillions of dollars per year on useless poor people.
Thu May 20 11:35:17
Im a Harvard twnured professor in theoretical phys-ed.
Thu May 20 11:48:01
Also, I have misunderstood exactly how early we detected omuamua, it was already too late to send a probe. But god dam it we should have a space carrier loaded with drones and probes orbiting Jupiter!
Sam Adams
Thu May 20 11:59:49
We should have the technology to catch up to that rock. But we are too lame, our priorities are in the wrong places.
Thu May 20 14:50:22
no it aint a star destroyer run by snoke.

it just bookuh!


u fuckin idiots. told ya so didnt i.
so seein da lights blink and u already know it a commercial plane.

now u know da level ur government is at.
Thu May 20 15:01:14
"Sam Adams
Member Thu May 20 11:59:49
We should have the technology to catch up to that rock. But we are too lame, our priorities are in the wrong places."

People like Bernie Sanders actually have the balls to accuse Elon Musk of putting space exploration ahead of feeding poor people.

Socialism is literally killing humanity's drive to expand into the stars. Blah.
Thu May 20 15:13:06
no bookuh u dumb fucks.
Sam Adams
Thu May 20 15:31:23
"People like Bernie Sanders actually have the balls to accuse Elon Musk of putting space exploration ahead of feeding poor people.

Socialism is literally killing humanity's drive to expand into the stars."

A single mars landing is worth all the socialist mooches that ever existed. Fuck sanders, regressive anti-progress millstone that he is.
large member
Thu May 20 17:04:19
Your strategic impatience is exactly why the human race is never going to colonize other star systems.
Sam Adams
Thu May 20 23:47:43
Nah, your systemic socialist laziness is much worse.
large member
Fri May 21 04:22:45
Things that have delayed human expansion to the stars:

1. Religion
2. Mass extinction events
99. Anything else

How is the US doing on religion and nuclear arsenals?
Fri May 21 04:57:17
What is Europe's excuse for pretty much not having a space program then?
Cloud Strife
Fri May 21 06:21:38
"I'm still thinking it's likely sensor misinterpretation or malfunction."

I am of the opinion that these phenomena are just a result of complex lensing configurations that would occur in certain specific ambient conditions.

Few things can move faster than shadows, or reflections.
Cloud Strife
Fri May 21 06:34:08
Aside from that, another explanation I find satisfying is early generations of RC quadcopters.
Fri May 21 07:02:35

Fri May 21 11:53:48
You should be able to recreate them then?
Fri May 21 12:10:42
I just really want it to be aliens, I am willing to take the existential risk! We can be the generation that made first contact and then enslaved by a god like alien specie. They would use is for terraformimg earth to their needs. There would be human collaborators of course, the ”house humans”.

Yes it would be miserable, but it would be block buster level suffering and eventually we would learn their ways and destroy them. You guys talking about sensors and ambient stuff are going to look really foolish. Just saying.
Fri May 21 12:18:57
If they were a godlike alien species that wanted to invade, don't you think they would have done so by now?
Fri May 21 12:41:27
Oh they are coming, these are just scout drones. You can be all skeptical if you want and I will make sure to tell our alien overlords about it. How your people have a long history of doubting prophecy!
Fri May 21 12:44:34
The only thing I'm doubting is your assumption of their intent.
large member
Fri May 21 12:58:26
The kinetic impactors are incoming. It just takes a while (rofl@sublight speeds).
Cloud Strife
Fri May 21 13:05:26
"You should be able to recreate them then?"

I mean, yeah. It's literal smoke (I'm not sure a cloud counts as smoke but practically it is) and mirrors.
Cloud Strife
Fri May 21 13:06:56
I mean, I'd get Chris Nolan to do it though. He's better at the reality based film making. Surely you can dig up a few hundred million to pitch the idea to him to recreate UFO vids in high def.
Fri May 21 13:40:35
Hood is just throwing out cover.

Ancient aliens (Jews) did come and took over our world as overlords already through shadow governments and secret societies that control the front governments,banks and institutions.

Hood is like a foot soldier in the Jewish Liberation Army.Many experts on the situation agree.

And by many experts I mean Paramount.
Fri May 21 17:11:13
Robert Bigelow is an interesting character.

Obviously the U.S. isn't the only interested Country and a huge amount of resources are being put into understanding the phenomena.

A considerable number of high level officials around the world are wanting answers.

I found the Prime Time video below intriguing. Mostly because it had a scene in it that I experienced in the early seventies. CrAZY sTUFF...

"Flying Objects-A State Secret"
Sat May 29 19:04:44

More information has surfaced. This was recorded on multiple sensor systems, including radar on more than 1 ship.
Sat May 29 19:15:25
The Neil degrasse Tyson was on Joe Rogan talking about this a day ago or so.I didn't mean for that to rhyme, yo.

*Drops a beat*

Well my name is HaBeBe and I'm here to say say.....trails off.....
Sam Adams
Mon May 31 00:06:24
Just once could someone provide ufo video that looks more clear than a drunken arab on the back of a drunken camel using a first generation iphone with a dirty lens?
Mon May 31 02:25:59
The chance of this being some novel sensor malfunction is almost zero now. Seberal sensor, on several ships, for several days. So, far the debunking I have seen has been really really stupid. E.g. thunderf00t: ”It’s a bird”, it’s a ship going over the horizon”. Right...

Some people have made debunking into their new religion. Thought I understand thunderf00t he is an active scientist with a big social media presence, he is expected to serve the religion of debunking, for the public good. What is the excuse of the pleb on this forum?
Mon May 31 03:08:05
*proudly dons tin hat*

What if the US Navy is putting these out to make people think that they dont have this or greater technology.

Or its a way to show off to other countries that we do have it while also saying we don't.


That patent sounds pretty fucking crazy.
Mon May 31 03:11:23
craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.


What if this patent from.2 years ago by the US Navy is what were seeing?
Mon May 31 05:27:25

Several other patents from same engineer.
Mon May 31 12:29:53
They've been tried and failed.

Basically the guys using an equation that neglects the side of the cone.
Sam Adams
Mon May 31 12:38:54
"inertial mass reduction device"

Mon May 31 13:32:05
Considering the images draw a.striking likeness to somemvideos released.by the Navy, maybe it's to make others think this is possible, and lead then down a rabbit hole.
Mon May 31 14:01:20
As Tyson and Rogan were saying, it just isn’t realistic that someone leap frog propulsion technology given the slow and iterative process that produces these things, and in secret to boot.

I think you all know the truth. These are autonomous alien probes from another dimension. Ooooo I want it to be true! Ever since I was a child it was always my dream to see us make first contact and witness the annihilation of our civilization :,)
Mon May 31 14:23:03
Nim, Wouldn't it make more sense to have the Navy just want to moslead people into thinking they have these? Or question it atleast?

Then again, wasn't GPS launched in the 70s? At a time when it wpuld seem to be crazy advanced tech. Darla comes out with some crazy shit pretty early comparatively.If not what have they done lately?
Mon May 31 14:34:59
Whilsy googling I also just.found out DARPA was partially responsible for the MRNA vax tech.
Mon May 31 15:11:32
Too many unknowns to say anything makes sense to be honest. I have chosen my truth habebe, and I will die defending.
Mon May 31 15:44:38
Fair enough. I wish it was contact.
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