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Utopia Talk / Politics / FBI caught sabotaging court case
Tue Jul 13 07:11:31
FBI agent audio raises questions about sabotage in Whitmer kidnap case, defense suggests
ROBERT SNELL | THE DETROIT NEWS | 6:50 pm EDT July 11, 2021

A lawyer for an accused bombmaker charged in the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case raised questions Sunday about whether the FBI is trying to sabotage defense teams ahead of a landmark trial.

A filing by the attorney for Delaware resident Barry Croft revealed the existence of a recording Sunday in which the lead investigator, FBI Special Agent Henrik Impola, discussed creating "disarray and chaos" for defense lawyers, whom he labeled "paid liars."

Defense lawyer Josh Blanchard included excerpts from the recording in a court filing Sunday that asked U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker to have prosecutors produce a witness list by late August.

The request comes despite concerns about the safety of confidential informants and undercover FBI agents who helped infiltrate the alleged plot last fall — and whose names would be expected to appear on a witness list.

Defense lawyers are not entitled to witness lists in federal court though judges have discretion to demand the lists be shared before trial.

Men behind alleged plans to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, overthrow government
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Men behind alleged plans to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, overthrow government
Blanchard cited an audio recording of Impola and an unidentified informant who described being afraid of his identity being made public. The recording was made in December during an apparent strategy session, Blanchard wrote.

"Having done this with a lot of sources, we can cloud the water," Impola told the informant. "And it can be completely — we can send everybody into disarray and chaos where the last thing they’re worried about is (the informant's name)."

It was unclear how defense lawyers obtained the audio and whether it was provided by the government along with evidence collected during the investigation.

Adam Fox, the accused ringleader of what the FBI calls a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, is being arraigned. Here he is with an 800,000-volt stun gun prosecutors say was going to be used in the kidnapping pic.twitter.com/OKLE8BVdaf

In another excerpt Sunday, the FBI agent was quoted saying the “best chance is to create utter confusion and chaos” and also told the informant defense lawyers involved in the case were "paid liars" whose job was to “take the truth and portray it in a different sense."

An FBI spokeswoman could not be reached immediately for comment Sunday.

There is no indication the agent's intention to create "chaos and disarray" is shared by federal prosecutors, Blanchard wrote.

"However, it appears that his behavior has infected the discovery produced by the government as demonstrated by the disorganized and highly duplicative way it was produced," Blanchard wrote.

He pointed to certain files being shared with defense lawyers 16 times.

"One 40-minute audio recording was produced 15 times with 15 different file names," Blanchard wrote.

The request is the latest legal development in a high-profile case that has focused attention on anti-government extremism in Michigan amid fallout from lockdown orders aimed at stemming the spread of COVID-19.

Brandon Caserta fires a weapon while training with other accused members of a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Brandon Caserta fires a weapon while training with other accused members of a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The FBI thwarted what it described as a plot to kidnap and kill Whitmer last fall. Five men are awaiting an October trial in federal court in Grand Rapids while eight others are facing charges in state court.

The criminal case relies heavily on undercover FBI agents and informants who recorded audio and video of accused plotters training to kidnap Whitmer and attack her bodyguards.

Croft, 45, of Bear, Delaware, is portrayed as the group's bombmaker and a ringleader. On Oct. 8, agents in Delaware seized a brand of "Dr. Atomic's Exploding Targets," boxes of rifle primers, propane canisters, a box of 6,000 ball bearings and containers of smokeless powder.

"He was the prime mover behind the group’s construction, testing and detonation of weapons of mass destruction," Assistant U.S. Attorney Nils Kessler wrote in a court filing.

Croft and others were simply airing grievances and lacked a plot, Blanchard has said. Other defense lawyers have portrayed their clients as tough talkers who were exercising their First Amendment rights who never carried out any kidnapping plot. They also suggested federal agents and informants entrapped their clients.

One informant, identified only as "Dan," testified in state court in March about his safety concerns.

"Dan" testified he sold his home at a loss after agreeing to work with the FBI, as well as a vehicle due to concerns about his safety.

"If they're wanting to seek out law enforcement, what would they do to me?" Dan testified.

Last year, U.S. Magistrate Judge Sally Berens issued a protective order barring the disclosure of witness identities beyond members of the defense team. The order was prompted by a request from prosecutors who feared the premature identification of informants and undercover agents could lead to witness tampering or worse.

The Detroit News identified one informant in March after federal prosecutors indicted him on a gun charge, a rare legal development and the first sign of trouble with the high-profile counterterrorism case.

The indictment of Wisconsin resident Stephen Robeson, 58, after a prolonged period of cooperation suggests the relationship between Robeson and the FBI is destroyed and that prosecutors do not plan on using him at trial, legal experts said.

Without Robeson, prosecutors have secured the conviction of plotter Ty Garbin of Hartland Township and compiled a voluminous amount of evidence. The evidence includes hundreds of hours of secretly recorded audio and video, approximately 23,000 electronic files, and more than 13,000 text messages and social media posts, though criminal charges against a confidential informant could be exploited by defense lawyers.

The lawyer for another accused ringleader, Adam Fox, 38, of Potterville, is framing the case around the First Amendment.

“This case presents a complex mixture of social and political speech and advocacy for action in the indefinite future (both legal and illegal) that is protected by the First Amendment,” Fox lawyer Christopher Gibbons wrote Sunday.

He wants the judge to require prosecutors prove that violent or unlawful action was imminent to support a conviction for conspiracy to commit kidnapping and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Tue Jul 13 07:16:55
But, yeah , of course these are the guys we should trust their motives and actions without question....
the wanderer
Tue Jul 13 11:50:58
[the agent said] "defense lawyers involved in the case were "paid liars" whose job was to “take the truth and portray it in a different sense."

completely true... of nearly all defense lawyers (& plaintiffs lawyers)


"Having done this with a lot of sources, we can cloud the water," Impola told the informant. "And it can be completely — we can send everybody into disarray and chaos where the last thing they’re worried about is (the informant's name)."

sounds to me like an FBI agent trying to calm an informant about defense lawyers attempts to get his/her name* (& the ensuing death threats from cultists that would result)

(& it does NOT suggest corruptly trying to frame the criminal in anyway)

*it says earlier "Defense lawyers are not entitled to witness lists in federal court though judges have discretion to demand the lists be shared before trial."
Tue Jul 13 14:44:30
"completely true... of nearly all defense lawyers (& plaintiffs lawyers)"

Point? The pointnis the FBI is deliberately sabotaging a legal proceeding.We have amendments against this protecting due process, everyone gets a fair trial.
FBI Special Agent Henrik Impola, discussed creating "disarray and chaos" for defense lawyers,

Having done this with a lot of sources, we can cloud the water," Impola told the informant. "

Again , talk about the irony of paid liars....apparently this sort of thing is standard practice.

The defendant seems like a bad guy, but bad guys get fair due process, not FBI agents "musdying the waters" as standard practice.

The fact that he has done this a lot before seems far more worrying.Ever case this guy worked on should be re looked at and perhapsnthe FBI should be scrutinized more in general.

Tue Jul 13 14:52:11
they did da same thing 2 chinese professor accused of spion.

da man got fired from his job, friends and collegues shunned him, reputation ruined, his researches gone only 4 da courts 2 realize da "evidence" was false and da claims were BS

ur country is a corrupt cesspool
Tue Jul 13 14:52:36
Tue Jul 13 14:55:20
"ur country is a corrupt cesspool"

Well, our government at least.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 13 14:57:04
"The pointnis the FBI is deliberately sabotaging a legal proceeding.We have amendments against this protecting due process, everyone gets a fair trial"

according to the defense lawyer... the whole article is what the defense lawyer claims

there's no indication of some frame job & if they aren't following the law the judge can rule on it

lawyers complain about the other side all the time
Tue Jul 13 15:16:19
"completely true... of nearly all d̶e̶f̶e̶n̶s̶e̶ lawyers"

Tue Jul 13 15:19:05
TW, However the statements are from recordings.Id like to listen to those.

Judges also get things wrong all the time.
Wed Dec 29 04:16:14
Sun Nov 20 09:49:42
Maybe now we can get some investiagtions into their corruptness.
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