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Utopia Talk / Politics / CANZUK crushing at Olympics
Thu Jul 29 22:17:26

135m people
61 medals

CANZUK is a sporting superpower.

Thu Jul 29 22:41:23
Isn't it normally Canzukus?

Taiwan though may be the per capita champ, 23.5 million people and like 30 medals.
Thu Jul 29 22:47:59
Actually, exactly 30, 3rd place overall with a nation of only 24 million? That's insane.

The US has 41

PRC has 33

These are big major powers.Hats off to that island.
Thu Jul 29 22:48:15
Thu Jul 29 23:11:59
Doesn't that say they have 6 medals?
Thu Jul 29 23:36:01

The ROC has

9 gold

12 silver

9 Bronze

Thu Jul 29 23:38:47
I thought Taipei was just the capital of the ROC, Im not really sure why it's seperate.
Thu Jul 29 23:41:54
Im not really sure who was who now, it does seem that Taiwan competes as Chinese Taipei (6 medals)

But then who is the ROC?
Thu Jul 29 23:51:12

Ok, my bad, here is the confusion

ROC is Russia. NOT the Republic of China (Tiawan)

I thought it seemed amazingly strange that this tiny island nation was punching WAY above its weight.

Maybe they go by Taipei to avoid openly calling them the ROC and having the PRC bitch and moan.
Thu Jul 29 23:51:27
r u as moronic as u sound.

i told u before u got OWNED, OWNED OWNED OWNED (song).

and ur still blabberin on about this. How fuckin stupid r u really? hahaha

Fri Jul 30 00:08:27
Yes, my bad, ROC normally means Taiwan.My bad.

You should be happy with how well the UK has been doing.
Fri Jul 30 00:47:50
ur bad? hahaha thats an undastament.

u been OWNED man. i cant believe ur so dumb, even when told already, u still make a fool of urself da next day...lmao
Fri Jul 30 01:27:51
It was an honest mistake. Unlike yours where you just let threads die when you make a fool of yourself instead of owning up. OWNED
Fri Jul 30 01:42:05
First off I dont read all your posts for good reason.

You set a very low bar for ownage.

It did seem strange this tiny island od super humans...lol.

Fri Jul 30 01:58:29
I wonder how the Aussies and Kiwis - who love a bit of sorts rivalry - would react to being told that they are actually competing for Shannon's bargain bin British Empire 2.0 rather than their own merit.

Can't think of anything more likely to fuel republicanism there's tbh.
Fri Jul 30 06:37:45
honest mistake? idiot, he was already told yesterday what ROC stands 4 and how he was stupid and made a mistake.

so yea...no mistake. he selfowned himself. period.
Fri Jul 30 08:17:49

Seb can never get over the fact CANZUK has always had a single head of State…

As for Republicanism, it’s dead and buried, unlike CANZUK which has overwhelming support across the political spectrum.

A superpower in all but name, with no downsides for any member.

CANZUK beating all other easily this Olympics.

Fri Jul 30 13:24:09
The Russian Olympic team is still sanctioned because of the doping scandal so they can't represent the country of Russia. They found a loophole though that allows them to compete. ROC stands for the Russian Olympic Committee and when a Russian athlete wins the Olympic anthem is played not the Russian anthem.
Some are pissed about the decision to let them compete but I think it is a decent compromise. The athletes competing otherwise would have been punished for what others had done.
Fri Jul 30 21:53:17

“It did seem strange this tiny island od super humans...lol.”
That would be New Zealand. Or Australia if you think small continent.
Fri Jul 30 22:05:23

Habebe, CANZUK has a single Head of State and a Westminster system of Government. This is not to say that the USA is not a friend, it closely alingnex, but it falls outside this tight-knit political structure.

With the UK freeing itself from EU interference, CANZUK is once again reasserting itself as a genuine world power. Free trade, free movement and mutual recognition of all number of policies and practices has been reestablished.

Military integration is proceeding with the Type 26 warship programme and a RN carrier strike group operating in the Far East.

Fri Jul 30 22:35:12
Shannon, I meant Taiwan when Inthought they were pulling in Russian medals.

Canzuk or Canzukus has been a tight knit collective for some time (5 eyes for example)

Canzuk i guess is closer to each other than the US, but the US does have a unique relationship with them, being a former Colony and all and yet oddly a paternal nation figure as well.
Sat Jul 31 03:53:03
it aint bout pop size either.

china has 1,5 bill but they didnt send 1,5 billion people to compete, now did they.

they send 200 athletes to compete. murica send 400 athletes. OWNED OWNED OWNED!!

Sat Jul 31 04:24:08
Wow, your slow.

Population size clearly has an impact, its not the sole factor, but it's one of the most important.

If you have to pick the best athlete you have from a group of 20 guys or 2000, which do you think you will have a better shot at getting a better athlete?

Notice the populations of the nations that routinely dominate the Olympics.Usually well off, large populations.

Sure athletes in certain areas have niches.

Ethiopian runners, strong men from "the Giants sof Iceland", skiing tends to have winners from colder mountainous nations.
Sat Jul 31 10:09:33

"Seb can never get over the fact CANZUK has always had a single head of State…"

That doesn't make them a single county, and I don't think Aussies take well to us riding on their sporting coat-tails. Hence why I think it's probably a bad idea for the UK to be citing shared head of state - is most likely to erode support for the monarchy in Australia. Which is far from dead.


Re republicanism
Sat Jul 31 10:12:23
Brits loudly proclaiming that Canada, Australia and NZ are somehow in a virtual federation with the UK now the UK has left the EU is exactly the kind of thing that will fuck our relations with these countries. They are not looking to become dominions or politically integrate with the UK.

God, the arrogance.
Sat Jul 31 11:11:45
Imagine hating your own country so much that you are actually INSULTED that someone from the daughter states of the commonwealth shows some solidarity with you.

Good god Seb. The indoctrination that you received in school during your formative years must have been something else.
Sat Jul 31 13:21:02
In what country does Shannon reside?
Sat Jul 31 13:46:19
He's from Johannesburg.
Sat Jul 31 14:21:24

Shannon is English you fuckwit.

I've got nothing at all against solidarity. What I think it's incredibly arrogant is Shannon, a Brit, talking about Australia, Canada and New Zealand as though they were extensions of the UK.

This at a time when the UK itself is at risk of breakup due to the English failing to take Wales, Scotland and Northern Irish identity seriously.
Sat Jul 31 14:56:42
Isn't it pretty well documented that they are a cultural and ethnic extension of Brits? I may not understand the intricacies of Shannons "insult" here, but I regularly refer to Kurds, Tajiks and other relevant groups as "Iranian-(people)". Some of these people may be offended (often people with an unhealthy and provincial attitude, which I can forgive and understand to some degree), but I don't really care because it isn't meant as an offense, but as an expression of historical and cultural solidarity.

Are you saying you are offended?

"This at a time when the UK itself is at risk of breakup due to the English failing to take Wales, Scotland and Northern Irish identity seriously."

Honest question, does it occur to you that maybe the dissolution of your union, is for the better? I wrestle with this question myself regarding Iran.
Sat Jul 31 15:22:00
Seb you think you know things, but really don't...

I'm 6th generation Australian, a descendant of the British Isles, of AngloCeltic pioneers and war heroes...

Wikipedia is in the words of it founder completely captured compromised by the Left, and is no way way a credible source on political matters.

Republicanism is a lefty boomer thing, the younger generations have no time for it...latest poll is only 1 in 3 support it in any shape or form; even then Republicans
are evenly split between direct elect and parliamentary appointed. It's dead and everyone knows it.

CANZUK is not a federation but a voluntary and decentralised group of like minded and ethnically related countries that share a deep and broad cultural, legal, political and military friendship and alignment. *Deal with it*.

CANZUK has the highest public support in New Zealand and Australia...

The current Opposition Leader in Canada has made CANZUK the Conservative Party’s central foreign policy.

Seb didn't understand the EU and doesn't understand CANZUK. The bitterness and bile is simply the good old Seb contra indicator of what is right and just.

Sat Jul 31 17:12:32

If you are the same Shannon as many years ago, you claimed back then to be English. You've been claiming to vote in UK elections in since the 90s here, so you must at least be resident in the UK and this is the first time you have claimed to be Aussie and previously you'd claimed to be English..

So either you are BSing or are not the same person.

As for CANZUK - it's not a formal thing other than in your imagination.

We have some shared heritage and alliance, but it's no deeper than that. There's no shared foreign policy (cf. NZ and five eyes), and certainly we are not a single team at the Olympics.

Closer ties is a lovely idea, but mostly platitudes.

Ultimately we are talking about an alliance and political cooperation that is far less deep than that the UK had with the EU - and I don't recall anyone ever totting up the EUs medals.

It is delusional and looks desperate, and if you are Aussie, not a Brit, perhaps best not to act like the representative of John Bull.

Sat Jul 31 18:29:07
"they send 200 athletes to compete. murica send 400 athletes. OWNED OWNED OWNED!!"

Yeah OWNED OWNED OWNED but not the country you think. China only sent 200 because only 200 qualified. The Olympics several years ago decided letting countries send their best regardless of skill wasn't in the best interest of the athletes or the games. The decision was reached in part because of the Jamaican bobsled team but that was just part of it. Athletes in some events were getting injured bad because they lacked the skills and training to do the sport safely. So now there is a minimum time/score athletes must meet to be allowed to compete at the Olympics.

China has 200 because more didn't qualify.
Sun Aug 01 04:22:56

30 G
20 S
36 B

86 medals

Outstanding effort!
Sun Aug 01 04:34:36

Seb, one of the many advantages of CANZUK is the historic family ties between the component nations...my father was born in London and I have a British passport. I lived in London for years, but returned home for the birth of my first boy.

My wife is Canadian, so my kids also have Canadian and of course Australian passports...

You are under the mistaken impression CANZUK means rule by London...about as absurd as your EU delusions of grandeur. CANZUK are equal and independent. But also joined at the hip.

You don't recall anyone rotating up the EU Medal count? Ok well we will just put that in the big flaming dumpster of things labelled “Seb’s Ignorance”.


“The European Parliament caused a stir on social media Monday when it claimed the EU topped the medal table at the Rio Olympics.

In a tweet, it gave the EU a top-of-the-podium finish for winning 325 medals, way ahead of the United States at 121 and China at 70.“

Sun Aug 01 04:47:53

“Ultimately we are talking about an alliance and political cooperation that is far less deep than that the UK had with the EU”
Who is the Head of State of the EU Seb?

CANZUK has one, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, long may she reign over us.


Note the Govenor General and Prime Minister holding a portrait of the Queen at the commissioning of a new warship in Her Majesty’s service...did the Royal Navy do that with the EU Presidents portrait? Lol too funny.

Sun Aug 01 05:15:38
China only sent 200 because only 200 qualified.

China has 200 because more didn't qualify. "

>> it dunt matter who or what. dunt care.

it about gold/ athlete

and any way u slice it, we win. we win. we. win.

Sun Aug 01 05:20:46
IDK, I mean the queen anymore is just a figure head, its sort of like claiming Japan is Christian because they celebrate Christmas.

I would focus more on their tight knit military cooperation, trade deals, culture even.
Sun Aug 01 05:34:44

The Monarchy has been a “figurehead” in England since the Civil War. Cromwell, Parliametary ascendancy, etc...and arguably before that in essence since Magna Carta in 1215.

The fact remains the CANZUK Armed Forces and all civil authorities including all Ministers of the Crown swear allegiance to the Queen, alone.

The CANZUK relationship is far too nuanced and historic to be summed up in a few words. But it is very contemporary, as each nation regards the others as the most closest friends in the world. The healthy Sibling Rivalry disappears the moment there is a threat to any other member. Note the RN Carrier Strike Group first mission is the SCS, not the Nth Atlantic...

Sun Aug 01 05:45:14
Because there is nothing going on in the north atlantic, that sea is squarely under the dominion of the USA and Europe.
Sun Aug 01 06:33:52
"The fact remains the CANZUK Armed Forces and all civil authorities including all Ministers of the Crown swear allegiance to the Queen, alone."

But its an empty allegiance, like Japanese KFC Christmas, perhaps a fun tradition, but not indicative of a true union.

I would say CA and OZ are closer to the US, really, but yes of course the UK is in the mix.

When dealing with Europe for example, I think most Americans would agree that the UK is sort of like the freind you know at a party of strangers.

I beleive in canzuk, or rather Canzukus*.

But I see it currently as more of a loose collection of nations with related roots and similar ways od thinking.An extended version of the special relationship if you will.

Although Ive heard that term has fallen out of favor with Brits these days, you all get my point.

Sun Aug 01 06:49:08

That sounds like a foreign curse word or some exotic food.

You know what, you are a damned canzukus, that is what you are!

Our vacation was lovely, we had canzukus for breakfast almost every morning.
Sun Aug 01 07:05:46
Our vacation was lovely, we had canzukus for breakfast almost every morning."

Yes, well I just found out that the UK and much of Europe call Frosted flakes "Kellogs Frosties", ...savages.

I also had a bad case of Canzukus myself after ffucking this dirty bitch in the ass, had to take antibiotics.
Sun Aug 01 07:30:37
"The European Parliament caused a stir on social media Monday when it claimed the EU topped the medal table at the Rio Olympics."

Equally ridiculous claim - let that sink in: you sound like a deranged Euro Federalist.
Sun Aug 01 07:50:37

The carrier strike group (the strike being provided by us navy) in the South China Sea because the EU is trying to signal that it wants to play a role in that theatre because we can no longer play a role in European theatre without signing up to EU led structures which we have less influence over and haven't been able to block since leaving the EU.

You'll note though that the American defence sec last week politely pointed out we add little to the Pacific theatre and maybe we could help out elsewhere (cough Europe cough) to let the USN focus on the Pacific region.

As for how we are all great friends, you'll recall that NZ just put two fingers up to the UK trying to make Five Eyes into a more formal military alliance.

This CANZUK stuff just looks embarrassing and desperate.
Sun Aug 01 07:54:26
The sensible coalition to build now, if working with the EU is irreparably broken, is with countries surrounding the EU where we have a shared interest in preventing the EU throwing its economic weight around.

Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Caucuses, Syria, Israel & North African states.

This is pretty much impossible for internal political reasons and the fact that it would mean a beach with US foreign politics.

Basically the UK long term strategic position is pretty much adrift.
Sun Aug 01 08:11:35

Now that you've been proven wrong on Shannon's nationality, I'll take an apology for the fuckwit comment. Thanks.
Sun Aug 01 08:51:48
As seb’s representative on matters of honor, I have the following message from my client:

While new facts have emerged about the origins of the poster known as Shannon and such I must admit I have commited an error, it remains my deepest conviction that Rugian is an incorrigble fuckwit for reasons I have detailed over the last two decades.

Sincerely, seb

End of message. I will take your questions now.
Sun Aug 01 09:25:28
Sun Aug 01 10:16:41

Not convinced this is the same Shannon as pre migration - pretty sure if you go back he was banging on about being English in the 90's and 2000's.

In any case, you suggested he was from Joburg, and if you read my point as being insulted he's offering solidarity for the UK you're so far off base.
Sun Aug 01 10:16:59
And you are most definitely a fuckwit.
large member
Sun Aug 01 11:57:14

Nice to see the "Anglosphere" so completely debunked, its proponents had to rebrand.

Canzukus indeed. Lulz.
Sun Aug 01 13:08:16
Jergul, Well, there is a shared history, culture (to a degree) and a great amount of cooperation amongst the nation's, I just think much of it ends there, freindly cousin nations, not a concrete union past the 5 eyes.
Sun Aug 01 13:13:10
Habebe: that's pretty much what everyone thinks.
large member
Sun Aug 01 13:41:05
If I were to dispute anything, it would be client states thinking they are friendly cousin nations and not deeply vested in a client-patron relationship.

Sun Aug 01 17:01:48
Jergul, Thats fair I guess. I do think cousin nations is fairly apt considering the shared history and such, but not as close as say OZ and NZ which I would consider sister nations, at least from my US perspective.

But in general a loose general "alliance" and strong military cooperation at best does not an empire make.
Sun Aug 01 23:12:59

Comrade Saddamite fails to understand the difference between the Anglosphere and CANZUK; no surprise there. Perhaps you can ask someone fluent in your High Retardese to explain it to you. Or write a simple jergulmaths equation…

Seb, one of many differences is that CANZUK is supported by its member nations. Unlike the EU, which I guess will need to remind you, does not have a single head of state…or even a single shared language, culture, legal system, ethnicity and history!

The UK long term policy is quite clear, CANZUK cooperation, and more broadly the Commonwealth!

Sun Aug 01 23:14:32

Seb: blah blah blah EU. let it go, the war for you remainiacs is over.
Mon Aug 02 01:24:04

And yet for lacking all of those things, the EU has much deeper and meaningful cooperation between member states and a body of shared law and legal enforceability across them.

CANZUK simply isn't a meaningful foreign or trade policy platform.

"let it go"
Objective reality doesn't stop existing just because of a vote.
Mon Aug 02 01:25:28
Let me know how CANZUK will help address the dire shortage of freight drivers. Perhaps by Transatlantic RORO ferries.
large member
Mon Aug 02 03:24:01
What is the difference between CANZUKUS and the Anglosphere?
Mon Aug 02 04:33:13
The Anglosphere is the current reality.Cooperative relations of English speaking nations with ties to England/UK.

Canzuk or Canzukus is an idea amongst a few people within the Anglosphere to turn it into the next EU style union, except from very far distances.

I think.
Mon Aug 02 04:44:07

A good channel btw. Goes over the canzuk (us) group pretty well in a short condensed form.
Tue Aug 03 18:56:41

No Seb, blah blah blah EU. Go live there if you think it’s so wonderful. “Objective reality” lol your failed ideology you mean.

Freight drivers can be employed locally of course. Higher wages will need to be offered of course. It’s a win win for British workers.

Habebe/ Jergul
CANZUK is not a federation, or a political union of any type. It is merely a recognition of existing mutual standards. There is no need or intention for a central government. It is simply a return to the pre 1970 situation. ie free movement, residency and work rights.

For example a Canadian citizen can travel to New Zealand with no visa requirements, live and work, vote and participate in local politics as long as they like and have all their qualifications recognised.

CANZUK is essentially granting citizenship to all four countries.

On a larger scale CANZUK would integrate military procurement and R&D. The Type26 warship programme is an early example of this.

For example military deployments would be integrated as it was in the Korean War, when each nation contributed to the 1st Commonwealth Division.

The Anglosphere is different in that there would be no citizenship rights, it’s an observation of a shared cultural and historic identity, with a wide range of diversity within an English language and legal tradition.

Wed Aug 04 02:37:17

"Go live there if you think it’s so wonderful."

I literally can't because of Brexit.

"Freight drivers can be employed locally of course."

Let me introduce you to the joys of international cabbotage. Locally employed freight drivers aren't able to legally transport goods within Europe, which means their loads are highly inefficient an uneconomic.
Wed Aug 04 02:38:10
It also takes some time to recruit and train HGV drivers and we are short by many tens of thousands.
Wed Aug 04 03:39:20
Anyway, if you love Brexit so much, why don't you live here?
Wed Aug 04 03:44:40

Sure you can Seb. Go ahead and become a EUropean. You would feel so much happier. The mental burden of being British and free of your beloved EU is clearly too much fjr yiu to cope with.

As for drivers, the free market will provide. So train them. What’s the big deal. 10s of thousands of good paying jobs! Great for British families.

As for you claim of inefficiency I just lol really. Trade with the EU is shrinking. And it will for years to come. If they cannot trade efficiently then they can watch their trade surplus shrink even faster!

Wed Aug 04 03:45:37

CANZUK Seb, keep up!

Wed Aug 04 03:45:38

CANZUK Seb, keep up!

Wed Aug 04 03:53:38

CANZUK medal tally
38 G
30 S
43 B
Total 111

Next best is China with 69 and USA 76.

CANZUK is a sporting superpower, first in the world by a big margin.

Wed Aug 04 04:42:03

It is not feasible. They no longer v recognise any of my professional qualifications.

Besides, I like Britain. I just hate what you lot have done to it.

This idea that you lot are the patriots (even as you personally have fled to the other side of the world) is a joke.

"As for drivers, the free market will provide."

Only if prices rise dramatically. Congratulations, we have created inflation.

"So train them." Takes months, if we can find people and the rolling stock.

"Trade with the EU is shrinking"
Another way of saying consumers have less choice a quality of products, at higher prices.

"If they cannot trade efficiently then they can watch their trade surplus shrink even faster!"

Not really when you look at it holistically. Firstly UK services experts have dropped off a cliff, UK based exporters are in many cases relocating operations to the EU, and the UK has less options for substitution.

So all in all, the EU economically wins from this, as Boris preferred not to try and secure many economic guarantees in the exit negs in order to avoid any trade off with alignment with EU standards regime. This effectively allowed the EU to cherry pick access to UK goods markets, erect non tariff barriers to UK exports to the EU, exclude UK services. If some of those non- tariff barriers prevent certain product classes from being exported to the UK, there's more than enough wins elsewhere to compensate, not least excess EU demand not being met by UK exports.

Wed Aug 04 04:43:56
You are as bad at LARPing being an economist as you are at LARPing being a Brit.
Wed Aug 04 05:47:46

poor Seb the sad loser EUrophile. Cries and whines as the world passes him by. Sad.

the EU is a protection system. Prices for UK consumers are falling. Wages and living standards for British workers are rising. Try again.

Your qualifications lol…a low level plodder? Go anyway Seb, it will make you less of a hypocrite and save us all your constant whingeing.

It warms my heart that after all these years you are unable to correct any of your 20+ years of failure.

Wed Aug 04 06:27:39

"Your qualifications lol…a low level plodder"

Don't know how to got that conclusion. Various prof. consultancy qualifications.

EU workers in high end professional services are in higher demand than UK *in the UK* right now as they can work here and in EU once EU based offices set up; whereas UK based staff cannot.

You know none of this because you are at the other end of the world and LARPing Britishness.
Wed Aug 04 06:30:23
Prices for UK customers are rising (that's a fact, inflation is at 2.5%) and stock choices in supermarkets declining, not increasing.

Evidently you've been so successful you've fled the UK for Australia.
Wed Aug 04 23:14:56

Seb I was born in Australia…a country with far higher incomes and standard of living than the UK and everywhere in the world.
Consultancy qualifications. It would burn you to know CANZUK qualifications are mutually recognised LOL.

Haha too funny. You are a failed physics student right. Now a cucked plodder with no doubt a third world wife. Sad and pathetic loser.

Thu Aug 05 02:08:46

What is your basis for claiming I "failed" as a physics student? I got a masters, a doctorate, did a post doc appointment, published a string of papers. That's a funny definition of failure.

Secondly, mutual recognition between UK and Canada is based on the CETA signed with Canada and the EU and rolled over. This is less extensive than the EU single market.

I know you hate the EU, but it's crazy to pretend it didn't have far deeper integration.

Finally, why on earth would moving to Australia or Canada be something I'd want to do? I know it's difficult for you to imagine but I like my country; and I'd rather have deep economic integration to the EU than Canada, NZ, and Australia because on an economic point, the EU is bigger and represents a far greater economic opportunity for the UK than Canada, Australia and NZ which are, comparatively tiny and so far away as to represent pretty poor trading opportunities. The EU can sign better trade deals with Canada, NZ and Australia.
Thu Aug 05 06:39:25

Consultancy in what Seb? Not your physics That’s for sure. Low level plodder is what you are. A failed student that wasted a great deal of your own time and other people’s money.

Running massive trade deficits with the EU protection racket was holding the UK back. That you have not the first inkling of what this means merely highlights your myopic world view.

In any case, I am still highly amused at your sad yearning for what will never be, the UK subservient to the EU.

The future for the UK is very bright, and CANZUK will strengthen every member. Deal with it.

Thu Aug 05 08:36:11
This discussion is super uninteresting to me, but I do want to know why Australia doesn't get any letters?
Thu Aug 05 09:12:36

"Consultancy in what Seb?" Strategy, for the most part. Normally to CXO's and board level on how to adapt their business models to better exploit technology changes.

"Not your pphysics"
Well, you seem to be incapable of considering a career broadens, and success is to keep working away in a narrow field - the very definition of a low level plodder mentality.

But you'd be surprised how a deep education in physics is transferable to all sorts of things. A deep and rich quantitative and analytical toolkit.

"e and other people’s money."
I paid my student loan back years ago. Whose money did I waste?

Shannon, are you sure you aren't projecting?

The UK *now* is subservient to the EU. We've been forced to impose a trade border between GB and NI, so as an economic entity, there's no United Kingdom. Not any more. Whereas we used to set the agenda for the commission and single market, we need to beg for them for permission to send sausages.

CANZUK is a waste of UK efforts - they have little of benefit to offer, and nothing so far better than we had from them when we were members of the EU.

Your views anyway are not particularly relevant as an Australian.
Thu Aug 05 09:13:21

Canada Australia New Zealand United Kingdom is, I suppose, how it goes...
Thu Aug 05 09:24:54
That makes sense... thanks, that had been slightly bothering me :)
Fri Aug 06 22:47:10
So The US is having a poorer than average showing, China is having a better than expected showing.

China is currently winning in with the gold's, The US is poised to take that back with upcoming events, but who knows.

US killing it on total medal count, and a slight lead on a weighted average (bronze=1, silver=2, Gold=3)

The US jumped way ahead this morning (99 medals), but china recouped some finishing out with 81.

For population, Australia is killing it.Highest per capita medal count of a major nation.

Fiji and the marion islands technically beat OZ per capita with one medal each because of such tiny populations.
Sun Aug 08 12:39:27

CANZUK 135m people
53 Gold
40 Silver
62 Bronze

155 medals
Sun Aug 08 15:37:34
Sweden already won the Olympics. We won everything that matters.

Athletics – Men's discus throw

Athletics – Men's pole vault

Equestrian – Team jumping
Sun Aug 08 22:42:33
CANZUK 1,436 athletes
155 medals

USA 613 athletes
113 medals

0.107 medals per athlete

0.184 medals per athlete

USA earned 71% more medals per athlete.

Dominating CANZUK with ease.
smart dude
Mon Aug 09 22:31:42
If we're just arbitrarily combining countries together, why not just combine all of them and declare everyone the winner?

Oh the things people cling to in order to feel better about their dismal lives.
Mon Aug 09 23:01:47
The real winners are the transgender minority horses who the Germans casually beat.

I mean they are both minority and transgender horses....double win.

And all they get is a ribbon while the oppressors get medals.

Dolphins swim faster than humans.

Horses run faster than humans.

Elephants are stronger, and are probably cis and transgender, nome are white males....

Out of respect I do urge you not to add them into this monstrosity. I've seen better looking piles of shit.


#worst flag ever
Mon Aug 09 23:05:59

Queers make the worst flags.


They look like those off channels we used to get on analog tv.
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