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Utopia Talk / Politics / US soccer teams pay gap-women/Biden lie
Sun Aug 01 18:59:33

This just seems like more pay gap lies, deception and pure sexism.

So the US women's soccer team, is well, better than the men's atleast comparablyto their competition.

But they are also greedy liars.

The biggest lie is that they are paid LESS. The fact is they are routinely paid MORE in total pay, per game and WAY more if you factor in total compensation (the US men's team does notbget benefits or minimum salary)

But they had the balls to lie and say they get paid less, which in every way possible they get paid more.

The men's team has the ability in their deal to get paid more cash per win, in exchange for zero benefits.

Unfortunately these days this is common place in the modern feminist movement, they dont want equal pay for equal work, they cherry pick issues and refuse the risk/work that affords men in certain industries.

And Biden stumps fornthis inequality.
Sun Aug 01 19:06:16
The judge, R. Gary Klausner of United States District Court for the Central District of California, sided with the federation’s argument that the women had earned more “on both a cumulative and an average per-game basis” than the men’s team.

A Call Judge can even see how clear this is.But not Biden.

Sun Aug 01 19:22:06
Also I should point out that the women were offered a similar merit pay system to the men, they declined it in favor of medical benefits, paid leave and guaranteed salary.Which is fine, but dont pull buywrs remosre if your not wilking to take the risk.
Sun Aug 01 19:24:29
He is just the president, you have lower your expectations. They even let a reality show star take a swing at it. I guess eventually as the position loses all importance a woman can become president. Which is good news for these women whining about a contract they signed.
Sun Aug 01 20:31:00
Fair enough.My gripe is more with the movement of actually unfair pay.

I see no problem even with paying our female soccer team more, they win more.

But to claim unfair pay for women, here its just a lie.A lie that is propoagated by our media and many people to this day beleive the myth of unequal pay for equal work.

Sun Aug 01 20:31:01
Fair enough.My gripe is more with the movement of actually unfair pay.

I see no problem even with paying our female soccer team more, they win more.

But to claim unfair pay for women, here its just a lie.A lie that is propoagated by our media and many people to this day beleive the myth of unequal pay for equal work.

Wrath of Orion
Mon Aug 02 01:35:29
And what are you going to say if their case is upheld on appeal?
Mon Aug 02 02:41:19
Woo, Under the same set of facts? The same thing.
Mon Aug 02 02:49:03
Again, I have qualms with paying the female team MORE than the male team, they have earned it air and square by being a better team in their division.

But, to claim to be getting paid less, is a lie. They are not only paid more in total, but more per game.Plus the non cash benefits they CHOSE when they denied the riskier merit pay is just greedy and deceitful.
large member
Mon Aug 02 03:14:19
Even if true in this specific case, it is a well established fact that women are paid less than men for the same work.

Mon Aug 02 03:39:02
Jergul, I don't beleive that to be true, at least not in the US.But, I'll keep an open mind that I may be wrong, the evidence Ive seen is that they choose to work differently, such as working fewer hours, taking lower paying jobs for the exchange of more flexibility and such.

Freakonomics had a good podcast about ride share apps for example.And why some people are paid different amounts, it was different work.

But again, feel free to try and change my opinion and I'll keep an open mind.
Mon Aug 02 03:41:40

For anyone interested in the pay gap for Uber drivers.
large member
Mon Aug 02 03:53:38
No matter. It will sort itself as women continue to massively outperform men in education and learn to stop having children.
Mon Aug 02 04:17:08
That may be. I personally am ofnthe belief it has sorted itself out.

Women do go to college at much higher rates. Public and private policy encourages it, so it makes sense.

Why would businesses hire men at all? Doesnt make sense if they could hire females cheaper for the same jobs and the same work.
Mon Aug 02 05:26:09
True or not, it has no bearing on the fact that these women signed a contract. Now they regret that contract (despite being given two options like the men) and want more, much more (a third option). Which is fine, you can go to your boss and ask for a fat raise, but to bullshit like this and try to garner public sympathy by way of gender discrimination is quite cunty and distasteful.
Mon Aug 02 05:56:43
I also think it is highly unlikely that women will pioneer any field any time soon, for several reasons, but I would lift the fact that men to a much higher degree identify with and find happiness in their work/career while women find it in personal relationships. I think that is a huge psycological factor that have costs and benefits.

Another huge factor is that men and women value different things in potential mates. Earning power isn’t very high on men’s list, while it is for women.

For these things to change, high earning women need to marry low earning men in quite drastic numbers. Not even in Sweden, the most equal country in the world (tm), is this the case, not even close.
large member
Mon Aug 02 06:24:32
What on earth is the upside for women to both care for and pay for a low earning male?

Expect instead for the number of single person households to continue to increase.

Women for practical reasons, men because they can't find anyone who will look after them.
large member
Mon Aug 02 06:25:59
large member
Mon Aug 02 06:27:08
It takes 50 years for current educational trends to fully express themselves in the job market.
Mon Aug 02 06:36:00
People want partners. That is the primary driver. Lonely people are unhappy people generally. It is the same upside as for men who earn more than their female partners and take care of them.
Mon Aug 02 06:41:23
”The age distribution of individuals living in single-person households in 2020 differed between men and women. The most common age for single-person households among women was from 75 to 84 years, followed by the age group 65 to 74 years, while the highest number of single-person household among men was found among the 25 to 34-year-olds.”

Which is concordant with others fact.
1. Sweden is an aging population
2. There are more women than men in those brackets
3. Men are more lonely early on life and women later in life.

Those numbers are not showing what you think they are.
Mon Aug 02 06:50:44
So, it isn’t young single women who are opting out of long term relationships. It’s the men. Or rather I think the age of maturity has gone up, a 40 year old man who is 15-10 years into his career and has stable economy is far more valuable on the mating market than a 40 year old women with the same.
large member
Mon Aug 02 07:57:58
lol, no. Why so reluctant to change?

Men are not opting out, they are getting their dead beat asses thrown out if lucky enough to get into a female household in the first place.

Then they die. Lowering the number of single male households later in life.

Tinder has data on gender mating popularity. It certainly does not suggest males at any age are more popular than females.
large member
Mon Aug 02 08:09:03
Betting on a traditional household in Sweden is betting on immigration from developing countries.

They are pretty much the only ones still maintaining those kinds of patterns.
Mon Aug 02 08:27:31
It isn't about age, though there is correlation with age as I explained, 10-15 years into a career. It is about money and status. 80% of women want 1% of the men, I posted the dating app data a while back. So eventually standards are lowered, since to my knowledge there are few men with harems. It is however true that as far as contemporary dating goes, those men are getting almost all the "dates", or as some call it, pussy.

The reluctance to change is actually rooted in reality. A 40 year old man making decent money can have a 30 year old woman or a 25 year old. The opposite is an exception. As it happens women prefer older men and men prefer younger women.

You are thinking too much in the extremes here. Most men are middle income and middle class that will happily settle down with middle class women or lower. Middle class women on the other hand prefer upper class men. Unfortunately for them, the math just doesn't add up.
Mon Aug 02 08:42:26
I have plenty of male friends btw, ranging from very successful to obscenely successful that have simply opted out of long term relationships for motorcycles, Jaguars and unlimited access to "dates". Can't really blame them, but it isn't something I would choose if I got to go back and choose again. Some day I will be old and dying, surrounded by my children. I view happiness in the long term.
Mon Aug 02 08:55:05
In principle I have nothing against women being providers and men doing housework, it is the women who have a problem with that, judging by their choice in who they have kids with.

Recently I found out a not so shocking news. A childhood friend of mine, who went on to become a culture type feminist. I learned that she makes roughly 10k Euro a year, while her husband makes 300k. My wife looked at my shocked and asked, how is that possible?!? I smiled and told here, because _she_ can :)

What is in it for him you could ask, but we already know the answer. Not the first feminist type I know that marries up and then spends the rest of her life pursuing a hobby while her man pays for everything. Traditional upper class life since the ages.
Mon Aug 02 12:47:35
"So, it isn’t young single women who are opting out of long term relationships. It’s the men. Or rather I think the age of maturity has gone up, a 40 year old man who is 15-10 years into his career and has stable economy is far more valuable on the mating market than a 40 year old women with the same"

The thing is, their are two dynamics.

When it comes to short term sexual relationships, it favors women.Supply and demand.

However when it comes to long term relationships and Marriage, men hold the cards and can be choosy, again simple supply and demand.

Jergul has an odd vision of the future with asexual households.

Jergul, "Tinder has data on gender mating popularity. It certainly does not suggest males at any age are more popular than females."

Tinder? makes sense. Short term.sexual partners favor the women and they cam be choosy.

the reverse is true for marriage, it favors than men since women desire it more than men and men are in higher demand for such relationships.
large member
Mon Aug 02 13:06:44
Asexual households? What does that even mean?

Any hard data to support your anectdotes?
large member
Mon Aug 02 13:21:18


Total households: 2,5 mill
Couples with or without children: 1.2 million.

The rest are single person households, single parent householdsl, and households with adult children still living at home.

The classic nuclear family: 300k of 2.5 million.

Will you become more of believers when that last number drops below 10% of all households?
Mon Aug 02 13:21:51
Jergul, You seem to want women to live alone in an odd female run world.

It's an extremist view IMHO even for lefties.

I think its common knowledge that in general men desire short term sexual partners at a greater rate than females, which affords women the option to be choosy in that aspect.

However, the opposite is true with marriage, more women want to be married than men, so men are able to be pickier when it comes to long term partners.
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 02 13:44:57
"it is a well established fact that women are paid less than men for the same work."


Also, rofl at those woke cunts losing.
Mon Aug 02 14:22:17
It is pretty well documented in the sociological literature that women prefer men of higher socioeconomic status then themselves while this isn’t a high priority for men.
Mon Aug 02 14:25:10
Also something that is skewing these raw numbers, this may apply to all of scandinavia, but Swedish youngsters are exceptionally early at moving out of their parents household. This drives up the single household numbers a lot.
Mon Aug 02 14:29:51
I’m in a car right now on mobile, but there is even a technical term for it if you feel lile googling, hypergamy.
Mon Aug 02 18:10:29
"It is pretty well documented in the sociological literature that women prefer men of higher socioeconomic status then themselves while this isn’t a high priority for men."

Men will sleep with sexy homeless chicks no problem.#facts
Mon Aug 02 18:11:38
> sexy homeless chicks

Those are a thing?
Mon Aug 02 18:26:06
Take the term homeless loosely.

Having your own nice place to stay was a big boom to my sex life in my younger days.Oh your bouncing around and looking for a place to stay? You clean and suck dick and really like ass massages? Sure I got spare room.
Mon Aug 02 18:38:16
Casual sex is something else I would say, men as a group pretty much have no standards at all for where or what they put there dicks in. This is a fact. Three headed she monster, a corpse, a three headed she monster corpse - you name it, we fucked it. Settling down with is a totally different ball game, there are standards, she has to have a pulse and have a vagina. Preferably also a name.
Mon Aug 02 18:56:52
For me personally, I couldn't do total ugos, especially fatties.But Ive banged my fair share crazies and regular drug users.

Ive definitely turned down ugly women.That said I've on occasion made some moderate exceptions.

I know this chick Lindsey that we had an understanding.We were good freinds who would occasionally shack up. She was reasonably attractive, and wasnt great at head. But she made up for it with the tightest pussy ever, lus she was really cool.Even tried to set up a 3 way with me, her freind Jackie and her, long story short, I never met Jackie in person, she died, crazy shit.
Mon Aug 02 19:17:31
lol that story really took a turn there.. was NOT expecting DEATH.
Mon Aug 02 19:27:45
Yeah, so, her freind was in rehab for pain killers, its a shame she was a pretty girl from pics I seen. Anyway like as soon as she went and got high and did more than her body could take due to lowered tolerance from the rehab and she overdosed.It was a shame she was in her early 20s
Mon Aug 02 19:31:55
As soon as shenledt the rehab*
Mon Aug 02 19:41:40
So Ive held no punches that I enjoy moderate use of drugs.Not like crack or heroin or anything, and of course no needles but 2 girls and some speed or mushrooms with wine at a bonfire was just a fun weekend for me in my 20s.

Doing lines of some tits, or having her do a line off my dick then let her suck it off was etc. Was great fun.

Some people think chicks that get high are like junky chicks that look disgusting, that's not the case, two separate groups of chicks.
Mon Aug 02 19:44:53
Now Im old with kids and these days are mostly passed this.

Anyway...back to the pay gap.
Mon Aug 02 19:56:47
> Take the term homeless loosely.

Ah, sexy welfare chicks. Yes, I can see that. Plenty of those.
Wed Aug 04 07:06:02

Of Jergul had a podcast.
Wed Aug 04 07:06:13
Wed Aug 04 07:13:45
Nhill, Yeah, to be fair at first I was just saying like, men would bang a homeless chick if she was hot, and then I started to think about it when you asked.
Fri Sep 17 20:30:26
The United States Women's National Team Players Association (USWNTPA) on Wednesday labeled the U.S. Soccer Federation's offer of identical contract proposals for both the men's and women's teams as nothing more than a publicity stunt.


So the US womens soccer team gets offered an identical deal as the mens team....they complain its a PR stunt.

More evidence that they don't actually want equal pay.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 17 21:13:31
Lol if the chick played the men they would lose 37-0.
Fri Sep 17 21:16:40
"We still need to chat about the statement given by US Soccer. But any commitment to equal pay publicly is good," Morgan said.

"However, we need to look line by line at what they're actually providing, because if you have equal but it's not even what we got before, or to the value that we are, then we still consider that to be not good enough."

It won't be because the women were getting paid more than the men. The men have a contract that is based on the number of games they play and how the place. Because most play professional league soccer they really don't need a lucrative contract to play for the US team.
The women were offered that same deal quite a while back but rejected it. They instead wanted health benefits included a guaranteed base salary the men do not get and several other types of compensation the men do not get. A part of that agreement resulted in lower payout per game played if all other benefits were not considered but the women accepted the deal.
Then as soon as they won they said hey look we are not getting paid the same per game that the men are getting paid and that isn't fair. They didn't mention all the other stuff at all. So now here we are. They are being offered the identical contract again but because it doesn't have all that other stuff as a part of the contract of course it will not be as good.
They basically want to be paid the same per game and keep all the other benefits on top of that.

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