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Utopia Talk / Politics / "I will end rape"
Fri Sep 10 08:40:47
Abott just surpassed Desantis as the dumbest and most evil Republican governor.

But not surprising from a party of pussy-grabbers and their enablers.
Fri Sep 10 08:57:49
"I will force you to shoot drugs into your veins, and if you don't I will have you fired from your job."

-Joe Biden, way more dumb and evil than Abbott
Fri Sep 10 09:01:22
Every enlisted man has to get a wide array of vaccinations and shots already but suddenly it is some violation of their rights to make them get a vaccine during a pandemic.

You stupid shit.

And it's still not even a good deflection from a horrible comment about rape.

This is why Rugian's girl dumped his sorry ass and he came whining onto this forum about it.
Average Ameriacn
Fri Sep 10 09:03:40
Fri Sep 10 09:10:37
Every "enlisted man?" Did the entire employment base of America suddenly join the military or something?
Fri Sep 10 09:16:04
How the fuck did you manage to hear about Abbott's rape comment but were unaware of Biden's new mandate? Lol Dukhat you dumbass.
Fri Sep 10 09:42:56
You're just running in circles dumbass.
Fri Sep 10 10:45:51
"This is why Rugian's girl dumped his sorry ass and he came whining onto this forum about it."

Sorry about the loss of Mary Palm :(
Fri Sep 10 10:48:30

That time when she was stricken by carpal tunnel was one of the worst in my life.
Fri Sep 10 11:44:10
Fri Sep 10 11:58:49
Rugian, that is the time when you get to explore your ambidextrous abilities.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 10 13:33:39
"I will force you to shoot drugs into your veins, and if you don't I will have you fired from your job."

there's the alternative of weekly testing for most affected

and what exactly is the plan of R's to solving the problem of full hospitals? i only see lots of complaining (against every single measure put out to help)
Fri Sep 10 13:50:27
The Republican's plan is to say we would like you to get the vaccination because we think it will protect you but if you decide not to that is your choice.
Democrat's are saying get it or else we will make you get it.

Looking at the demographics of the unvaccinated, the actual demographics, not the ones CNN and MSNBC are trying to pass off as accurate which approach do you think is going to work better?

A hint... many of the unvaccinated do not give in easily to coercion or they would already be vaccinated.
Fri Sep 10 14:48:25
"and what exactly is the plan of R's to solving the problem of full hospitals? i only see lots of complaining (against every single measure put out to help)"

Valid point, but its working fornthe Rs goal, which is to makena come back in the midterms next year. Biden has mostly flopped as a potus (approval in the 30s)

He has started a few things that may pan out well in the longterm, strategic partnerships against China for example.

But in the heqr and now the best thing he had a part in was early vax rollout.
Fri Sep 10 15:03:56
Forget the partisan politics and just ask the question, what business does the government have in making you make healthy choices?

Unvaccinated people aren't a threat to the vaccinated, so the mandate isn't for the people around them. This is purely for the sake of people who, whatever their reasons, decided to not get the shot. Not only is the mandate incredibly nanny-statish, its pretty clearly not lawful.

What tw fails to realize is that NOT doing anything is a valid option as well. Often, its the best option. But since tw has been trained to think that government is only doing its job when its actively intervening in a situation, we can't have that.
Fri Sep 10 15:11:11
This whole thing is really making me feel good about the direction the country is headed in though.

I can't wait for it to be 2030 and have tumbleweed on here defending President AOC's mandate that you either achieve a BMI of <25 or she'll have you fired from your job.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 10 15:43:38
"Unvaccinated people aren't a threat to the vaccinated"

Not entirely true.
Fri Sep 10 15:46:06
Basically true.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 10 16:02:34
Herd immunity and the lack of perfect vaccines means the greater the vax rate, the greater the protection for everyone.

Not to mention the economic damage being prolonged, in part, by the antivax crowd.
Fri Sep 10 16:07:34
We are quickly approaching herd immunity anyway with natural immunizations. The Biden policy disregards those altogether but its still a thing.

And the economic damage is minimal at this point, businesses have been able to reopen for a while now.
Fri Sep 10 16:08:35
Pandemic-era government aid programs (get paid to stay at home! etc) have probably done more damage to the economy than the pandemic itself in recent months.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 10 16:35:47
That last bit is probably true. The government aid should have ended in may.
Fri Sep 10 17:13:45
Well, they definitely have done something.

Beneficial or harmful is up to personal opinion, but it effectively has raised wage growth.
Fri Sep 10 17:16:44
While also incetivizes people to not go back to low wage jobs.

My local Mcdonalds has a sign 15/HR and $500 sign on bonus.Now that's in Florence, goe down here its a big city, but its a typical suburb size area from up north (south east PA/NJ/NY)
Fri Sep 10 17:42:14
Real wage growth has lagged behind inflation.
Fri Sep 10 18:03:33
"and what exactly is the plan of R's to solving the problem of full hospitals?"

Lol hospitals were full long before Covid
the wanderer
Fri Sep 10 18:15:39
"The Republican's plan is to say we would like you to get the vaccination because we think it will protect you but if you decide not to that is your choice. "

so no plan (for the hospital issue)


"Valid point, but its working for the Rs goal, which is to make a come back in the midterms next year"

yeah, probably... that's all politicians do... stoke problems to get elected, never fix anything


"Lol hospitals were full long before Covid "

also true... they are for profit so only keep enough beds for normal flow

though again, one ought to prefer improvements in the situation
Fri Sep 10 19:47:27
"so no plan (for the hospital issue)"

the government doesn't need to stick their noses into everything. In fact we have a problem because government decided to get involved. Not a new problem but one that goes back a decade or two.
Fri Sep 10 21:13:08
Can't wait until Kargen's generation is mostly dead. Fucking morons who always chose a conclusion and try to find "facts" that fit it.
Fri Sep 10 21:16:21
Rugian, Also true.

In theory atleast Id think it would put pressure, perhaps not enough to beat inflation though.
Fri Sep 10 22:58:51
Everything I said in this thread is true Duk.

The Republicans don't want to force people to get the shot the Democrats do.
The government tends to fuck things up a lot more than the government fixes things. Hospitals are no different.
You got nothing. Not even a good insult to try and detract. I bet you can do a great Beavis impersonation just by being you.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 11 00:53:27
Republicans want heaps of misinformed morons to perpetuate the pandemic & who, when they help create a vaccine-resistant variant, will then gloat about being right about not taking vaccine instead of killing themselves as they should
the wanderer
Sat Sep 11 01:28:07
wanting to do nothing, and instead undermining belief in science and spreading misinformation is also the Republican strategy for climate change... #maga
Sat Sep 11 02:16:44
Any entity can fuck things up without proper checks and balances. When government fucks up, it's because power was too concentrated. But it's not something unique to government. Private companies and indivduals fuck up shit all the time. That's how we got the financial crisis and climate change running amuck.

Conservatives aren't wrong that government fucks things up but they chose to deliberately overgeneralize and ignore context. Monopolies of power in the private are just as bad if not worse because at least our government is democratic unlike most corporations nowadays and can eventually change.

Sat Sep 11 07:39:43

"The Republican's plan is to say we would like you to get the vaccination because we think it will protect you but if you decide not to that is your choice."

The Republican plan to end rape is no doubt to tell people that they shouldn't do it because it's wrong, but if you decide to do it, that is your choice.

Republicans seem to firm up a little when it comes to forcing women to carry a parasite to term and stopping trannies from using whichever bathroom they feel more comfortable in.

Sat Sep 11 08:32:13
Its not rape, its called being Italian_cuomo.
Sat Sep 11 17:08:46
"The Republican plan to end rape is no doubt to tell people that they shouldn't do it because it's wrong, but if you decide to do it, that is your choice."

Beats the Democrats plan which is have the person raped hug the person that raped them before they settle down to have a conversation about how tough the rapist has it.

But you are wrong.

I think on this one the Republican plan would be bullet in the head. Because as you know rape is a crime and so long as Democrats don't gain 2/3s control not getting a vaccination is not a crime.

The trannie thing is kind of a good argument. Who gets to be comfortable? Personally I think the bathroom thing should come down to strictly what parts do you have. Not what chromosomes, feelings or any of that. Ya got a dangly thing twixt your legs or not?
Some people are not comfortable with getting the vaccination and some are not comfortable with being around people that did not get the vaccination. So who gets to be comfortable?
Sat Sep 11 17:17:19

It's not about you. It's about the people you endanger.
Sat Sep 11 17:33:38
yeah, about that.

Does the vaccine work or not? If it works then I can sit next to someone not vaccinated with little concern. Not enough concern to force them into something they may not want to do.

This fire people if they do not get the vaccine is a stupid stupid idea unless your ultimate goal is a society more dependent on society. People that are fired for not getting the vaccine are of course going to be eligible for government funds.

How do you think the Democrats would react if Rand Paul announced all welfare recipients should be required to be fully vaccinated?
Sat Sep 11 17:34:55
should have been " more dependent on government"
Sat Sep 11 17:44:28
You have to make a lot of retarded assumptions for your argument to make even only a shred of sense. Cuckservatives are so stupid.
Sat Sep 11 18:01:17
sorry you can't understand what I am saying. Public education can be a bitch.
Sun Sep 12 01:39:10
durr government badd durrrr
Sun Sep 12 02:32:34
you almost got it. Someone help you structure that thought?

And not all government is bad. Just the farther up you move from local government the better chance you have that they will fuck things up.
Sun Sep 12 12:08:31

Longing for the days of city-states?

Sun Sep 12 12:24:59
It is ironic that the same people mocking those who are weary of big government hate big government when its run by Trump and or Trumpists.
Sun Sep 12 12:30:37
Trump didn't run big government. He ran government for the rich, run by the rich, in order to favor the rich.

In some cases, it was big government, some cases it was for less government so the rich can get away with polluting or crushing smaller businesses.

In all cases, it was crass kleptocracy which Kargen and the "libertarians" should be against but they are so cucked, they believe the MSM is always wrong and the Koch-funded media and social media echo chambers they indulge in are correct.

Sun Sep 12 12:37:09
Im general the Repiblican mantras of small government and low taxes I think are devolved oversimplified mantras.

At some point we need some taxes.

Even Miltom Friedman opted.for a negative income tax (basically a UBI)

And the "free market" while a great tool and even general philosophy is not a magic bullet nor can it be properly used in certain industries or oligopolies.

So I can see Dukhats frustration with things like this.
Sun Sep 12 16:38:20
Duk you do realize I was not and am not a fan of former-President Trump? I liked some of his policies but I didn't like his use of executive orders and I didn't like his increased spending. Also didn't care for his threat of cutting off federal funding to cities if they didn't act according to what he saw fit.

You do realize more Forbes Top 500 contribute to Democrats and in larger amounts. It isn't true any longer that the Republican party is the party of the rich.
That being said I still feel both sides in Washington for the most part are there to get the people that donate to their campaigns even richer and anything else that happens is just kinda a second or third thought.
Most the rhetoric is a distraction to divide so they can keep the power.
Tue Sep 14 01:55:45
"Unvaccinated people aren't a threat to the vaccinated"

They absolutely are. If a vaccinated person bonks their head and has to go to the hospital, the adult voluntarily unvaccinated isn't pushed out of their hospital bed to die and make room, which could delay treatment of the vaccinated.
Tue Sep 14 02:00:42
I'd be totally fine with the coercive measures to vaccinate going away, provided the adult voluntarily unvaccinated be (de)prioritized appropriately in the event of any shortage of beds, staff, etc.

If we all have the freedom make our own choices, so be it, that must cut both ways. That means the individual gets the upside of either choice, AND the downside.
Tue Sep 14 13:51:34

Forcing the unvaccinated to face the consequences of their own bad choices? I could get behind that.

Instead of taking up ICU beds they can be hauled out to a field hospital and given all the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine they want along with whatever vitamin/supplement regimen they believe is going to cure them. They can even wash the stuff down with bleach.

But we're going to need them to pay up front because we're probably not going to be able to collect from them later.

Tue Sep 14 13:59:46
The media is trying to make Ivermectin the new hydroxychloroquin , but its not.

Most people should still go and get vaccinated, but if Ivermectin could help, it should definitely be studied more.

In the lab so far, we have seen it can kill covid 19 in a Petri dish.We also know its about as safe as aspirin or Tylenol.

The down side is that so far we have no solid evidence that it helps covid patients in vivo.

But AFAIK its still relatively harmless and CNN and MSNBC still think its crazy to even look into it but they also take pedophile medicines.
Tue Sep 14 14:55:10

According to my research ... which consists of a quick visit to Wikipedia and quickly scrolling down to the section on Ivermectin covid-19 research ...


The dosage necessary to achieve any antiviral effect is too high and likely to be toxic.

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