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Utopia Talk / Politics / wokeism is a disease
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 24 11:18:23
Fri Sep 24 11:34:11

In this case it's just stupid.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 24 11:36:24
Very "scientific" of "scientific american"... suggesting genes exist is racist and bad.
Fri Sep 24 11:51:30
It's just a cute acronym. It's not that deep. That opinion piece doesn't deserve space in the letters to the editor section of a weekly community newspaper.

And it took 5 people to write it. lol :o)
Sat Sep 25 06:51:29
Always more of a Sith kinda guy myself.
Sat Sep 25 06:51:30
Always more of a Sith kinda guy myself.
Sat Sep 25 22:13:21
You forget...all acronyms are racist.

and wokeism isn't a disease it is a drug. A highly addictive drug that addicts quickly build a tolerance to so they need more and more always jonesing for a quick cancelation of someone or something to tide them over for a few hours.
Sun Sep 26 08:18:01
"Jedi are inappropriate symbols for justice work. They are a religious order of intergalactic police-monks, prone to (white) saviorism and toxically masculine approaches to conflict resolution (violent duels with phallic lightsabers, gaslighting by means of “Jedi mind tricks,” etc.). The Jedi are also an exclusionary cult, membership to which is partly predicated on the possession of heightened psychic and physical abilities (or “Force-sensitivity”). Strikingly, Force-wielding talents are narratively explained in Star Wars not merely in spiritual terms but also in ableist and eugenic ones: These supernatural powers are naturalized as biological, hereditary attributes. So it is that Force potential is framed as a dynastic property of noble bloodlines (for example, the Skywalker dynasty), and Force disparities are rendered innate physical properties, measurable via “midi-chlorian” counts (not unlike a “Force genetics” test) and augmentable via human(oid) engineering. The heroic Jedi are thus emblems for a host of dangerously reactionary values and assumptions. Sending the message that justice work is akin to cosplay is bad enough; dressing up our initiatives in the symbolic garb of the Jedi is worse."

Are we sure this isn't a satirical piece? This sounds 100% like a parody.
Mon Sep 27 05:25:39

No, I don't think we are. :o)

Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 27 22:12:12
This seriously sounds like a James Lindsay hoax paper. It rides that edge of insanity and academics. It also checks all the boxes by using "problematic" in the title ("Why the Term ‘JEDI’ Is Problematic").

Incidentally, Lindsay has been defining/explaining all the woke terms and has defined "problematic(s)" in a way which makes this paper's clichés readily visible:
"The chief occupation of critical theories and other critical methods, including the Theory of Critical Social Justice, is to identify “problematics” and make recommendations for their remediation. This it often does actively in a process called “problematizing,” which means to look for ways in which circumstances, statements, texts, spaces, or any other phenomena imaginable are “problematic,” by which is meant somehow potentially upholding, producing, reproducing, justifying, or legitimating any form of systemic dominance or oppression, such as racism, sexism, misogyny, ableism/disableism, fatphobia, homophobia, heteronormativity, cisnormativity, transphobia, or the inequitable status quo. This is often done through critical methods including highly intrepretive and subjective ones that look for problematics where there aren’t any, (see also, discourse, discourse analysis, and close reading)."

So, for instance, the "JEDI" paper has to do a huge misinterpretation dance to get Jedis to fit their toddler's shape-puzzle-box. They claim force powers get inherited, but is that total canon? No. Episode VII shit on that canon with the Casino planet children. Episode I also revealed that Anakin did not inherit his powers from anyone. So they had to selectively grab from the Star Wars canon to even make that point, focusing on the Skywalkers while ignoring all of the other Jedi. All they're doing is using more slave morality to take down another Western icon.
large member
Tue Sep 28 08:33:17
The best satire is when a certain % of people who hear about it think it in earnest.

A modest proposal (swift) is perhaps the best known example.
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