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Utopia Talk / Politics / Russia-gate lawyer charged for making it
Mon Sep 27 11:21:05
Mon Sep 27 11:23:16
So apparently HRC had a campaign lawyer leak fake news to the alphabet boys and the media.

So...that happened.Unless henis found innocent or suicided.
Mon Sep 27 11:27:28

Not fake news.
the wanderer
Mon Sep 27 12:14:48
the lawyer took info about the computer activity between Trump Org & a Russian bank... which was real & never explained one way or the other afaik (i bet the info much more meaningful than the data My Pillow Guy dumping out)

he's only charged for not saying Hillary was a client of his (& as Durham desperate to have some kind of results)

this was not the origins of Russia investigation, and don't recall it being a particularly major story
Mon Sep 27 13:18:32
The hoax he helped start was a major story for a very long time. Him getting caught of course was not a big story because the mainstream press was in on the hoax and do not want any scrutiny to fall on them.

"In the context of the 2016 election, in which the Clinton campaign had elevated Trump's alleged ties to the Kremlin to center stage, this secret communication channel was peddled by Sussman — both to the FBI and to Clinton-friendly journalists — as smoking-gun proof of nefarious activities between Trump and the Russians,"

"The FBI went on a wild goose chase to investigate Sussman's conspiracy theory. But the Bureau quickly concluded that there was no evidentiary basis to believe any of it."

"Spurred on by Hillary Clinton herself, the liberal sector of the corporate media used this fake claim to bolster their narrative that Trump and the Russians were secretly in cahoots. And the story of how they spread this disinformation involves not just the potential criminality outlined in this indictment of Hillary's lawyer but, even more seriously, a rotted and deeply corrupted media,"

"The indictment reveals for the first time that the data used as the basis for this fraud was obtained by another one of Sussman's concealed clients, an ‘unnamed tech executive’ who ‘exploited his access to non-public data at multiple internet companies to conduct opposition research concerning Trump,’"

"There will, presumably, be more disclosures shortly about who this tech executive was, which internet companies had private data that he accessed, and how that was used to spin the web of this Alfa Bank fraud. But the picture that emerges is already very damning — particularly of the Russiagate sector of the corporate press."
the wanderer
Mon Sep 27 14:38:06
"The hoax he helped start was a major story for a very long time"

no it was not...
the wanderer
Mon Sep 27 15:30:59
the hoax/fraud claims being thrown around pretty liberally too

but i see the fraud media really running w/ it though:

"You still have Americans who think that Donald Trump had something to do with Russia in fact the opposite it was true, it was the Democrats and the Clinton campaign and the Bidens who had something to do with Russia."
~ Devin Nunes
(him saying that and more shit:)

yeah... Trump didn't have a secret Moscow tower deal in the works... Jr didn't try to collude w/ Russia... Trump didn't publicly ask for their help... Papadopolous wasn't repeatedly meeting w/ Russians... Manafort didn't give polling data to a Russian agent...

no connections at all
the wanderer
Mon Sep 27 15:59:29
also he says "you can't use lawyers just to conduct dirty tricks to dirty up your opponent"

...um... Giuliani...
Mon Sep 27 17:32:46
You don't remember Russia and President Trump being in the news in 2016-2020?

Fuck man you really are gone.
the wanderer
Mon Sep 27 17:52:19
so you stupidly believe this bank story started the Russia investigation? (& that the investigation all a hoax?)

i mean i saw Hannity pushed it... maybe one of your other crap sources did too
Mon Sep 27 18:30:38
"O'Brien stopped Winston with a movement of the hand.

'Another example,' he said. 'Some years ago you had a very serious delusion indeed. You believed that three men, three one-time Party members named Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford men who were executed for treachery and sabotage after making the fullest possible confession -- were not guilty of the crimes they were charged with. You believed that you had seen unmistakable documentary evidence proving that their confessions were false. There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.'

An oblong slip of newspaper had appeared between O'Brien's fingers. For perhaps five seconds it was within the angle of Winston's vision. It was a photograph, and there was no question of its identity. It was the photograph. It was another copy of the photograph of Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford at the party function in New York, which he had chanced upon eleven years ago and promptly destroyed. For only an instant it was before his eyes, then it was out of sight again. But he had seen it, unquestionably he had seen it! He made a desperate, agonizing effort to wrench the top half of his body free. It was impossible to move so much as a centimetre in any direction. For the moment he had even forgotten the dial. All he wanted was to hold the photograph in his fingers again, or at least to see it.

'It exists!' he cried.

'No,' said O'Brien.

He stepped across the room. There was a memory hole in the opposite wall. O'Brien lifted the grating. Unseen, the frail slip of paper was whirling away on the current of warm air; it was vanishing in a flash of flame. O'Brien turned away from the wall.

'Ashes,' he said. 'Not even identifiable ashes. Dust. It does not exist. It never existed.'

'But it did exist! It does exist! It exists in memory. I remember it. You remember it.'

'I do not remember it,' said O'Brien.

Winston's heart sank. That was doublethink. He had a feeling of deadly helplessness. If he could have been certain that O'Brien was lying, it would not have seemed to matter. But it was perfectly possible that O'Brien had really forgotten the photograph. And if so, then already he would have forgotten his denial of remembering it, and forgotten the act of forgetting. How could one be sure that it was simple trickery? Perhaps that lunatic dislocation in the mind could really happen: that was the thought that defeated him."

tumbleweed in a nutshell
the wanderer
Mon Sep 27 21:07:06
just sick of the fraudosphere pretending there was no reason to be suspicious of Trump and Russia, and that there was no justification for the investigation, and that Hillary started it all

all 3 total bullshit...

under Comey they were investigating 4 people, not in any way related to this minor bank story and not Steele dossier... in Mueller I don’t even know if this bank thing mentioned as it wasn’t something I recalled or cared about, and Steele only referenced somewhere in Trumps obstruction section

and no hoax established at all on any of it
Tue Sep 28 01:39:21
"so you stupidly believe this bank story started the Russia investigation? (& that the investigation all a hoax?)"

No that is your eyes seeing one thing and your brain registering something else. I said this helped start the hoax. It was a key component of the overall strategy to discredit then candidate Trump.

Someone put a match to a twig and he threw on a can of gas.

And yeah the Trump/Russia angle was an absolute and complete hoax. There are many many steps between hey let's do business together and hey let's rig an election.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 28 11:53:10
do you know what 'hoax' means?
Tue Sep 28 16:18:31
Hillary may or may not have startwd it, but she is the largest dorce that's been pushing Russian conspiracies on everyone.

She called shit wolf.

Tumbleweeds reasoning behind Trump being guilty is mostly based on him speaking highly of Putin.

The basic idea around Russia gate is that Trump has ties to Russia for major business deals and that as as such he would give them beneficial deals if they would help him nefariously steal the election from HRC.

Now yes, plenty of details are left out , but that's the gist.

The thing is that narrative is made up and pieced together with very minor true connections.

It would be like having dinner at bobs house in reality, while story is that you stabbed Bob.

Its true you were there and handled a knife but it was just dinner.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 28 16:47:03
i didn't say he was guilty... they had no need to formally work together (required for a crime), & he's too stupid to be of any use, so no need to include him

however, there was incredibly ample reason to be suspicious* (not requiring Hillary at all)... & the investigation was completely warranted (& was NOT focused on him personally at all, he's the one who kept saying it was)... & none of it has been shown to be a hoax (including the non-essential Hillary-related bits)

*and it's still unclear what his complete devotion to Russia revolves around (it's either illicit shit or mental illness... there is no good explanation)
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