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Utopia Talk / Politics / Ethereum Settle >$6T in Transactions
Tue Oct 05 02:30:59
In the past year.


Yes, 6 trillion dollars USD.

"NFTs and DeFi boosting Ethereum


Two niches that are pillars of the Ethereum network are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance (DeFi), both of which have been having a tremendous 12 months. NFTs, in particular, are showing great signs of growth, pulling in companies, major brands, and celebrities."

Look, this article is shit. It's written by someone with little understanding of grammatical subtlety and it leans on hyperbole.

But, it's true.

NFTs and DeFi have been powering the digital revolution commonly known as "cryptocurrency" (even though the tech has very nothing to do with currency, it's simply one of infinite use cases).

I'm here to do you a favor. NFTs are hot, sure. They will get hotter. DeFi, too. But they aren't early. They were early last year. NFTs and DeFi are mainstream enough to be mentioned in The Economist.

The next cryptocurrency revolution is Web3, Metaverse, and Gaming.

You heard it here first, being the stodgy luddites that you all are.

But this is a gift, from me to you. Research, and grow your knowledge. Don't remain static and stuck in the 2000s just because you played some shitty text-based strategy game together.

The future is the metaverse (ty COVID), the web will transistion from Web 2.0 to Web3 slowly (ty metamask and killing OAuth), and the future of gaming (a 200 billion dollar industry within the next few years) will be based on cryptocurrency.

And you have a chance now to get in on the ground floor by researching and learning the technology.

Don't be an idiot falling for Shiba Inu, Doge, or $HEX scams. The scammers are all over the Internet because they realize it's the next BIG thing, you dumbasses. Not because it's not, lol.

Take some time to understand what it's all about.
Tue Oct 05 02:33:24
BTW my grammar suck, too. I'm autistic.

Fuck you.

I'm doing you a favor, you ingrates.
Tue Oct 05 02:39:19
The URA (unreal asset) bubble is going to collapse. It's implausible that they are not over-invested in.
Tue Oct 05 02:40:19
Tue Oct 05 02:44:12
If enough of the haters ask very nicely, I will tell you about a cryptocurrency token that will increase your money by 10X within 2 years, based on the novel use-case and intrinsic fundamentals.

Not some shitty dog-based meme coin, but something which gives value to the burgeoning digital frontier, yet less than 0.000002% of the world even knows about at this point. It's like buying Apple stock in the 80s.

People following along the crypto thread most likely already know what I'm talking about, but fuck all you haters if you think I'm going to drop it without a bit of humility displayed on your parts.

(psyche, I ain't gonna tell you shit)
Tue Oct 05 02:45:36


Comparing a technological revolution to speculative tulip bulbs.

Go back to your real estate, kid.
Tue Oct 05 02:47:43
"The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in 'Metcalfe's law'–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."

- earthpig's sprit animal, circa 1998
Tue Oct 05 02:55:10
The thing I love about this argument is it isn't speculative or opinionated like most of the shit on UP.

This type of opportunity comes once every 20 years or so.

And earthpig is the idiot in the early 2000s talking about how "Amazon only sells books".


This argument is quantifiable. Despite bear markets, regulation and a million other unpredictable factors at this point (hence why I've repeatedly discouraged investment in the space beyond a maximum 10% allocation in a well-balanced portfolio); cryptocurrency is the future.

And I will be proven right, demonstrably, and quantifiably, over the next decade.

And y'all will be groveling at me feet asking for the newest development, if I even care to visit.
Tue Oct 05 02:58:48
Earthpig: http://imgur.com/sCyCezI
Tue Oct 05 04:18:01
Look at Star Atlas an unreal engine 5 creation, it is very very early, but that is the kind of AAA title that if executed right will lead to great things.
Tue Oct 05 04:56:12
I just paid the invoice for my new computer screen and it will take 1-2 bank days for the payment to settle.

I used to not care about this stuff, because that was all I and everyone else knew, but now I wonder, are they sending the money on horse back, what is going on here? lol :)
Tue Oct 05 05:02:26
Lol, we get spoiled with the sub-second *settlement* times on Avalanche and Fantom. Or a few minutes on a PoW network like Ethereum.

A glimpse of the future, we are privileged to see it before the luddites. ;)
Tue Oct 05 05:07:48
Don't get me wrong, though. I'm actually very grateful there are idiots like earthpig and Dukhat still around.

I wouldn't be early if they admitted they were wrong. :)
Tue Oct 05 05:29:43
Thing is, I got over the initial fear years ago. I bought BTC via a Swedish site BTCX and ETH on Coinbase. I checked the dates and this was in september of 2017. Many things happened between then and now, lost 75% of the initial 15k USD some on Bitconnect (trusting real non anonymous "friends"), some putting it on Neo and ripple. I look back at that now and I feel sorry for myself and how stupid I was. But ultimately it worked out, I sold the disaster that was Neo and Ripple into BTC and ETH (2018) and it actually ended up turning into double the Fiat value I had gone in with in 2021. I can mourn the over 100k USD that I could have had, but I consider it a cheap life lesson ultimately.

If I had not made that journey to the abyss and back, who knows how this summer would have played out.
Tue Oct 05 05:51:35
Right now I have about 50K USD in value spread over binance, reaper, and solfarm. In the comming weeks I will transfer 20K off chain, then I don't have to worry a single second about an eventual fat tailed astronomical chance of everything going into the garbage disposal. My goal is turn the remaining 30k into 3 million+, I see that as doable currently with some luck avoiding terrible legislation. Feel free to unravel my delusions, please!
Tue Oct 05 06:01:54
It's always good to take profits on initial investment (I did this long time ago), if that is your goal.

BitConnect was a huge scam. You need to diversify into 8-10 small caps to prevent such an effect right now, unless you can read and have confidence in your understanding of code.

Even myself, being a coder by trade, got burned initially by tomb.finance. I had read the smart contracts but didn't see the uniswap exploit that would allow one to bypass the gatekeeper tax or understand that it would cause a panic sell if found. Even if I had spotted it, I wouldn't have expected it to cause such a panic.

Fontunately, in this case, the exploit was mitigated by a new team taking over so I was able to triple my initial investment anyways. But for a bit there I had almost lost my profits.

My advice would be to stay diversified unless you have rock solid conviction!

(full disclosure, I'm heavily into $OHM and $TIME right now beyond my usual advice, but I have also heavily reasearched the whitepaper and code for both...so do as I say, not as I do ;D)
Tue Oct 05 06:08:09
If you want to get into crypto the biggest thing to research is the liquidity flows.

Nothing is more important for securing your money than understand how the liquidity flows.

If a crypto price is determined on a DEX by its BTC pair, for example, then understand that you are, quite literally, buying leveraged $BTC.

Most people get scammed because they think everything is denominated in dollars. Not the case in the crypto world.

Many projects choose to seed their liquidity pools in other cryptos, in order to take advantage of their fiat price appreciation by default. But that also increases their risk.

^nobody talks about this and understanding this deeply will make you very wealthy if fully grokked :)
Tue Oct 05 06:18:16
Btw, this can also run into the inverse, where a project explicitly seeds its liquidity into stablecoin pair because it expects to be able to inject enough liquidity to counter a bear market (example: $HEX).

There's nothing easy here, yet. You gotta be smart still.

If you ain't smart, just invest 75% $ETH, and 25% $BTC. Or follow the diversified portfolio I posted a few months ago that outperformed both. I don't care, to be honest. Just here to share so y'all can't claim foul play when Nim and I are the ruling class over your punk asses.
Tue Oct 05 06:19:26
"BitConnect was a huge scam."

It was, you remember one of my earliest comments when seeing DeFi the first time? That it was on the _surface_ very similar to Bitconnect. You traded BTC for their token BCC, locked it in the platform and then they paid you in BTC every day. The scam was that it was then used to trade with and pay people.

That was the part that was sold to me, because I knew of trading pools, so it sounded legit. Stupid.

"You need to diversify into 8-10 small caps to prevent such an effect right now"

"I'm heavily into $OHM and $TIME"

Yes, indeed :) I am sold on OHM.

So, right now % wise how are you spread?

For simplicity just 3 categories:
SCs (farms and liquid)
Reserve currency stakes
Coins (farms and just token)

If that makes sense, at least I see these 3 as the principles ways in which I should allocate money on DeFi and then change the ratios depending on the quads and economic circumstances.
Tue Oct 05 06:29:04
I'm a bit embarrassed to post this... but I'm 67% reserve currency right now for my crypto holdings. It was around 5-10% but I was so right on my reserve call it has dwarfed everything else.

I need to rebalance soon, as this is an uncomfortable level of exposure to a single crypto asset class. My problem is I'm incredibly bullish on both projects. They started out as a 10% allocation and have appreciated so fast that now they are 67%. I bought $TIME under $500, and $OHM under $300, plus they have compound interest on top of that...

My current crypto bags:
67% Reserve Currency ($TIME, $OHM)
10% Stablecoins

Tue Oct 05 06:29:45
Oops, I just messed up the thread. But now y'all have full disclosure.

But that doesn't include my NFTs ;)
Tue Oct 05 06:33:17
I didn't include all my cryptos there, but basically that's the majority of them.

I have so many wallets from different times it's not uncommon for me to find over $100,000 in forgotten crypto.

I have one wallet from 2012 where I lost the seed phrase.

It's worth over $10,000,000 right now. But oh well. :) Part of the game. I bought Bitcoin for pennies back then and lost the seed phrase over the years.
Tue Oct 05 06:34:44
Oh, I forgot to add OSMO, ATOM, and AKT to that list. That's in my Keplr wallet. :) Great projects, all three of them.

I'm very bullish on $ATOM long term because of the IBC tech.
Tue Oct 05 06:39:49

You're doing this wrong. You're supposed to end with "And I have a massive cock!" :o)

Tue Oct 05 06:43:57
Losing over $10,000,000 is a brag?

You live in a strange, twisted world of cognitive dissonance. :o)
Tue Oct 05 06:45:07
I will be honest, it was a bit difficult to admit this. There were a couple of times I actually typed a post about it... then I erased it. I still remember that day waking up, got an instant head ache. It was and is still a lot of money to just throw away. I was so struck by how unlike everything I have ever done it was. Doing the post mortem I could see all the mistakes, all rooted in psychology. Once you are in the scam, critical thinking becomes the enemy for your mental well being and you insulate yourself from the warning signs appearing or dismiss them.

So trust me, I totally understand the skepticism better than anyone. Being of middle class "wealth" and already scammed once, I don't blame you.

This is however different, there are DeFi scams that we will learn of in the coming years, but DeFi as a concept isn't a scam. Even if all the decentralized currencies go extinct, DeFi is not. Platform like AVAX are specializing in totally different domains even, they are not going after the digital gold market that BTC is going for, but the asset market off chain*. They want to bring that over to DeFi and they will succeed, because it is superior for the user in terms of profit, cost and speed. Ultimately that is what I am putting money on, DeFi platforms (start ups) and technology that I believe will disrupt the current way of doing finance. The tokens are simply shares in the projects.

*To tie back to what Nhill said a while ago, everything that can be coded can be migrated on chain.
Tue Oct 05 06:50:24

"Losing over $10,000,000 is a brag?"

Yes ... yes it is.

Tue Oct 05 06:51:40
No worries, brother. I've been scammed a bunch too, over the years. How do you think I got so conservative? ;)

The key is to stay in 10 small cap projects minimum. 3 of them will 10x, 5 of them will 2x, and maybe 1-2 will 0x. That's the reality of the wild wild west, and why I'm looking forward to regulations.

People like Dukhat think I don't want taxes, but the truth is that at my net worth (~10 million) even paying 50% taxes doesn't bother me. I don't live lavishly. The regulations are welcome, twofold. One, they provide investor protection and, two, they encourage further participation in the market.
Tue Oct 05 06:52:08
67% Reserve Currency ($TIME, $OHM)
10% Stablecoins
23% Diversified Crypto

This was sufficient my friend. Would you say this a normal for you in this quad, or are you really loving the reserve currencies? I admit I thought you would be heavier in the cryptos.

I am 70% crypto, 30% SC.
Tue Oct 05 06:53:37
"Yes ... yes it is."

Curious why you think I'm "bragging" about being dumb enough to lose over $10,000,000 worth of crypto. To me, it's the exact opposite.

But, then again, we've already established that you're an intransigent idiot on this subject.

So I'm only mildly curious.
Tue Oct 05 06:57:51
"Would you say this a normal for you in this quad, or are you really loving the reserve currencies? I admit I thought you would be heavier in the cryptos."

Well the reserve currencies are partly a hedge against quad 4, as they are the only safety valve I have other than USD, which god knows is being printed into obvlivion.

So it's partly strategic, and partly simply letting my winners run. When $TIME was $800 I was considering taking profits and seeing how things played out. Now it's $4,500. So I guess I'm glad that I took the wait and see approach.

My reserve currencies have such a huge buffer on them (remember, they've been compounding) I think I'll probably be highly allocated to them (staked, of course) until they experience a significant correction.

Definitely a first world problem.
Tue Oct 05 06:58:52
"People like Dukhat think I don't want taxes"

In my experience, these are the people who pay the least tax and do everything to avoid them. Then they have all these lavish ideas about society wide social safety nets. Jesus, if I had a penny every time I met someone like that, I would have dozens of pennies :)

I pay so much taxes, I live in Sweden I pax taxes on taxes on taxes! I will end up paying 30% taxes on all profits when I bring money back. I don't want lower taxes, my thoughts on taxes is on how they are wasted.
Tue Oct 05 07:06:10
We can share financial details without it being bragging. It is a fact of life that we have accumulated different amounts of wealth.
Tue Oct 05 07:11:33
> In my experience, these are the people who pay the least tax and do everything to avoid them.

Very true. The virtue signaling crowd. Bunch of losers.

I'm happy to pay taxes to help others. I realize the majority of my money goes to bureaucratic bullshit, but, oh well. Not much I can do about that.
Tue Oct 05 14:56:15
Some interesting news.

1. Bank of America Launches Research for ‘Too Large to Ignore’ Digital Assets. The nation’s second-largest bank by assets starts coverage three months after creating a crypto research group.

2. Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, has revealed that he has more crypto exposure than gold for the first time. He hopes to increase his crypto allocation to 7% in the next few months, emphasizing: “I don’t see a situation where crypto’s ever going away.”

Tsk tsk tsk, suckers don't know they are getting scammed.
Tue Oct 05 16:53:27
Oh no, someone protect these little naïve investors! XD
Tue Oct 05 21:45:11

"Tsk tsk tsk, suckers don't know they are getting scammed."

Yeah, like this isn't every scam ever.

"2. Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, has revealed that he has more crypto exposure than gold for the first time. He hopes to increase his crypto allocation to 7% in the next few months, emphasizing: “I don’t see a situation where crypto’s ever going away.”"

Good thing there isn't another "shark" on that very show that got torched investing in crap just a few short months ago.

The thing is those guys have plenty of money to gamble with.

Tue Oct 05 23:13:22
@nhil, damn, triggered much? You mentioned "go back to your real estate," so be it. The mania now around crypto is vaguely reminiscent of 2008. I own crypto, but have been *mostly* selling since around when my grandma told me to buy doge coin. I feel like I should be selling more than I am, but a) it's fun money and b) yeah, the hype, it's hard to completely ignore it.
Wed Oct 06 02:23:53
When in Rome ;)

But comparing crypto to tulips is simply idiotic, can’t let it slide.

Selling here near a local maxima is fine. Grandma buying Doge is indicative of a dog coin bubble.

But crypto can hum along just fine without it.

I don’t even care about the price, the tech and adoption is more important.
Wed Oct 06 03:31:41
What you, specifically, are doing is just tulips. This one is slightly more purple than that one with the blue hue, here's a bunch of technically correct terms, but really just gibberish, about why that matters. Don't be ripped off by those pushing the purple lovers!

At least it's not tupperware.
Wed Oct 06 03:37:00
You clearly have no understanding of technology, lol. No wonder you stopped using Linux and went into real estate. Was a bit much for you.

It'll be a fun decade seeing people like you come groveling to my feet one by one!
Wed Oct 06 03:41:19
The funny thing is that you don't even know what I'm "specifically" doing, yet you come in here all high and mighty like a little wage cuck.

Hint: I'm using crypto projects like http://akash.network/ to run cloud servers and http://fetch.ai/ to run AI models to help detect tumors in patients around the world. I work directly with neurosurgeons.

Probably nothing. ;)
Wed Oct 06 03:42:07
Tulips did not lower the fees and radically improve transition speed of tulips from buyer to seller. Tulips do not protect you from censorship, tulips don’t operate along a decentralized network inproving the resiliance of the tulip exhange business, tulips do not increase the transparency of the tulip peddling business, Etc. and so on. You want to call this a tulip bubble, then you are trying hard to not understand certain realities about tulips and everything else in the world. This is a tech bubble pure and simple, but that isn’t enough for people who lack a cursory understanding, they have to turn the knob all the way up to 11, muh tulip mania!
Wed Oct 06 14:47:01
Soros is the latest hedge fund to have entered the crypto fray following in the footsteps of Steve Cohen's Poin 72 and Dan Loeb's Third Point. “We own some coins -- not a lot -- but the coins themselves are less interesting than the use cases of DeFi and things like that” she said, noting that "cryptocurrencies have gone mainstream."

lol :)
Thu Oct 07 03:08:37
Probably nothing.
Cloud Strife
Thu Oct 07 05:03:13
"settle", "transactions", "revolution"
Thu Oct 07 05:14:13
I am sure that is suppose to mean something. Better keep it a secret.
Thu Oct 07 05:15:00
^nothing of substance to say so quotes random words to hide his jealousy
large member
Thu Oct 07 07:37:54
Deleted threadbreaker as nimi had quoted it. On tulips.

They were high tech at the time. All kinds of selective breeding went into mark capping the highest possible value through variations in colour arrangements.
Thu Oct 07 07:55:38
That has nothing to do with the value proposition of cryptocurrency, and you know it. Stop playing coy. :p
large member
Thu Oct 07 08:39:47
It does have to do with thinking the inherent difference is that one is high tech, the other not.

I have no idea how it will play out long term.

Gold is another example of something valuable mostly because we assign it value. And that has gone really well for close to forever.

Thu Oct 07 09:24:53
There are great articles out there explaining the tulip mania. It's not even close. Arguing against people who think the crypto bubble bears any resemblance to tulip mania, is like arguing with someone who think the moon is made of cheese*.

*Copyright seb
Thu Oct 07 09:27:14
Yeah, semiconductors have done pretty well, also. As has the internet.

Your comparison is about the same as saying "all websites are the same because they use the hypertext transport protocol". lol

Comparing it to gold is idiotic, too. You can compare Bitcoin to gold, as Bitcoin doesn't really have many use cases. But cryptocurrency as a whole is as wide of scope as the internet itself. Arguably wider.

Don't be a Paul Kruger.
Thu Oct 07 09:58:23
Krugman, that is.
large member
Thu Oct 07 10:27:02
Shrug, if you dont get that the price is driven by sentiment, then I cannot help you.
large member
Thu Oct 07 10:28:46
Also, getting damned close to religion in terms of going krugman on any comparison to things people invested in because they thought is smert. Be it tullips, gold, or crypto
Thu Oct 07 10:39:07
Price of individual tokens and adoption of technology are two separate discussions. The former is a derivative of the latter.

Cryptocurrency is the future of finance, web, gaming, and the metaverse.

Whether Bitcoin trades for 1 million USD or 1 USD.
Thu Oct 07 10:53:59
You will not find a single post in these forums or anywhere else advising to invest in cryptocurrency. In fact, you’ll find the latter. I’ve repeatedly discouraged it as an investment, but, should you choose to include it, I would treat it as a commodity exposure (10% of a well balanced portfolio).

I use cryptocurrency. I’m happy it’s worked out well for me, financially, but that was never the goal.

I’m a visionary, not a capitalist. :p

I consider my stock portfolio to be my investment portfolio. Crypto is my bank, through decentralized finance. And so much more (metaverse, web3, and gaming). The only reason I trade it (with only 1% of funds) is to hedge my risk.
Thu Oct 07 10:54:25
Single post from me, that is.
large member
Thu Oct 07 10:57:40
I was thinking of pricing. My liquid assets have existed in digital form only for decades already anyway.

The price being derivative would assume there is some inherent limit to the number of, and number of different kinds of bit coins in existance.

This is less revolutionary than you think. Don't get be wrong, I like block chain tech, but that does not make me think that digital barcodes, not matter how maleable, have very much inherent value :D.

With that said, I am not dismissive of your investments. It was worked out great for you. But the past is not a predicator of the future. Most financial investments have that disclaimer.
Thu Oct 07 10:58:23
> find the latter.
Find the opposite, I mean. Damn I need sleep. gn!
Thu Oct 07 10:59:36
Thanks jergul, I think I may have misinterpreted your statements, then. Consider it a fault of mine. I agree with your assessment there.
Thu Oct 07 11:00:45
I would suggest, however, to look beyond the blockchain and start to understand smart contracts. :)
large member
Thu Oct 07 11:07:51
I understand smart contracts I think. I have been talking about self-enforcing treaties for as long as this forum has been around :-).

Smart contracts have self-enforcing mechanisms as their core concept.
Thu Oct 07 11:14:49
Yep, and they are powering a decentralized digital revolution in how the internet works, money works, and gaming works! Power to the people.

For example, I can run my cloud computing servers on the cloud through decentralized smart contracts. No risk of AWS saying "sir, we don't server your type here".

Then there's the metaverse...an entire new digital frontier with assets (including digital land and art) secured through smart contracts.

Gaming...where now I own the in-game assets and can buy/sell/transfer in-game items anywhere at any time.

Web3...your cryptocurrency account serving as the gateway authentication for accessing a whole new web. Solves the 100 billion dollar problem of authentication across providers and adds composable smart contract capabilities on top of it!

It's the future being built before our eyes. :D
Thu Oct 07 11:18:44
And the really cool thing about the cloud computing, is that I can also provide my own servers and lease them out to others. No middleman! I can either use AWS or be AWS, without having a Amazon being the middleman. :)

But that's simply one of 100s of use cases. I don't even know half of them.

Andreessen Horowitz famously said software is eating the world a decade ago.

A decade from now, he'll be saying crypto is eating the world.
large member
Thu Oct 07 11:19:22
It is literally powr to the people as self-enforcing mechanisms remove barriers to justice.

Imagine the Trump tower small contractor with a self-enforcing contract to see an inkling of what I mean.

No need to have lawyers on retainer to get your contract honoured. It happens automatically.
Thu Oct 07 11:37:47
"if you dont get that the price is driven by sentiment"

That describes a lot of prices though, like ordinary stock prices, driven by sentiment or broadly psychology. There are discussion to be had here about a bunch of things, I not saying you do that, but it's on the table now, those discussions evaporate when someone says "tulip mania". It's not a serious take.

We already have a word for this, speculative bubble and those exist in real estate, tech, tulips that one time. Crypto is a speculative bubble, people are FOMOing in like complete degenerates and it has and will destroy people. Shit I have already been burned once.

"No need to have lawyers"

:,) it's beautiful innit? Just think about this, we have these things now call Decentralized Autonomous organizations (DAO). There is no CEO, no board of directors, you have a community of investors of different sizes and developers.
Thu Oct 07 11:40:06

I honestly believe that blockchain and the DAO concept specifically has the power to blow new life into Social democratic thinking, take it to another level.
large member
Thu Oct 07 11:41:59
Well, yes. Anything that redistributes power (wealth and income are just aspects of that) is social democracy.
Thu Oct 07 13:50:27
Crypto has utilitarian use value, there's no doubt about that. Call this component A.

Then you've got the hype on top of that. Call this component B.

There are other things, C, D, E, etc, but let's just stop at A and B for now.

Both of those contribute to the current nominal values of crypto. Or any asset.

Right now, my estimation is that B far surpasses A. That's why it's a tulip.

Note that this does not mean I am denying any of the value-adds in component A. Nhil, you are responding like you're TC and I just insulted something made in China, or said something made in Japan is good. That, specifically, is exactly what I am referencing in terms of component B. The hype, the emotion, the euphoria, and exuberance. Not just of you, but all over the place.
Thu Oct 07 13:57:04
There's speculative value, paying today's price based on estimations of tomorrow's sales price. That's where emotion gets in, and things get overbid.
Thu Oct 07 14:20:35
Then don't bait with flippant tweet size posts. You could have written this from the start and explained you are using the tulip mania as a metaphore for any speculative bubble. Of course this will miss out on some important details between tulips and... everyone other bubble in recent history, since tulips have exactly zero utility. So the comparison breaks down on fairly fundamental grounds.
Thu Oct 07 15:00:07
Cute little bait and switch. Doesn't make you any less of an idiot for entertaining the comparison. Especially since you don't even realize that the price is irrelevant to the subject at hand, lol. I'm talking specifically about the tech, and have been since day 1.

People get jealous because my passion for the tech incidentally made me significantly more wealthy, and can't see beyond their envy.

The reason I take this tone is because you are simply another childish crypto hater in the line of haters this crusty forum has collected. Going to treat you like all the other naughty kids.
Thu Oct 07 15:02:25
Thu Oct 07 15:28:58
Thu Oct 07 15:42:31
But if we are talking about bubbles in general, yes crypto is forming a bubble. A very speculative bubble fueled by retail frenzy. There's even individual bubbles that foment and pop within days.

That's so obvious it doesn't even require mentioning. Just recently a coin called Shiba Inu pumped like 400% over a few days and then dumped 25% today, leaving a bunch of poor speculators that bought the top with a huge loss.

That's why I focus on the tech and projects with everything from category A, and almost no hype.

Nim is my witness, I find little gems that aren't even in the top 50 coins and nobody talks about, examine their code, and use them based on their compelling fundamentals. I have never shared a dog coin project or obvious pyramid schemes other than in a mocking way.

The projects I find don't pump and dump 400% in days, but they do increase in value similar to how small caps benefit from value investing in the stock market. Just takes time for people to find the value proposition.

The crypto bubble is exactly like the tech bubble in the 90s. 99% of these projects will go to zero. But if you're discerning enough to spot the Amazon in the rough, you'll be fine.

However, we are near the start of the bubble right now, not the end.

In dot-com bubble (1995-2000) terms, crypto is 1997.
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