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Utopia Talk / Politics / Succession:Mass in time of war
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Oct 24 18:44:25
Roy ends his balkans airport tour. Kendall tries to get his siblings, as well as Stewy and Sandi on his side. Fearing his legal situation, Greg asks Ewan for help.

What is your favorite country without a US extradition treaty?

If you slipped a geo-political theomater in America's ass in real life what would it say?

how graphic do you want Jerry/roman sex to be?

Sun Oct 24 18:48:50
Turn your homo down a bit.
Mon Oct 25 22:21:13
I like this show. It's good but not great.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Oct 26 14:06:11
Its great not good.

What other show does a main character talk about standing up for women's rights only to tell his sister "your only value is your teats!!"
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