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Utopia Talk / Politics / end cash bail! defund!!
Sam Adams
Wed Dec 01 11:54:54
Everyone deserves a 47th chance!


Lol libs are fucking retarded.
the wanderer
Wed Dec 01 12:02:07
if the murder rate grows enough it will eventually resolve itself
the wanderer
Wed Dec 01 12:10:01
As of 2018, Cook County was 42.1% white, 25.5% Hispanic (of all races), 23.0% black and 7.7% Asian
The medical examiner's office said African Americans were the victims of 81 percent of homicides and Latinos accounted for just under 15% of homicide deaths so far this year. In 2021, 88 percent of homicide deaths were male.

could be racist misandrist white women doing all the killing
Wed Dec 01 12:24:20
I think cash bail issue is being unfairly targeted.Especially non violent offenses.
Wed Dec 01 13:08:30

Dirtballs shooting at dirtballs is a win/win proposition. Sure some innocents get killed as the cowards spray bullets wildly, but it's mostly black people dying so ...

Wed Dec 01 13:09:25

"I think cash bail issue is being unfairly targeted. Especially non violent offenses."

Yes. Especially since some people spend years behind bars before they ever go to trial.

Wed Dec 01 13:43:18
Murder, Even smaller crimes its VERY common for people to wait in jail longer than the sentence would be.Even more common for those on parole.

But basically mostly Republicans have been trying to link getting rid of cash bail for cases of violent repeat offenders.

But a guy going to jail for not paying fines or drugs is not even in the same ballpark as a violent crime try for starters.

Now even in violent crimes bail should be used with great caution as not to just punish poor people or people who have a hard time accessing cash from in jail.

I knew plenty of people who would have cash but couldn't access it from jail so they sat.

Honestly a more fair system may be if you don't pay it they would attach wages or tax returns etc.

Atleast its better than just locking people up and afterwards demanding they pay to get out and then very often charging them to even make phone calls.
Wed Dec 01 13:48:11
But basically mostly Republicans have been trying to link getting rid of cash bail for cases of violent repeat offenders to adjusting our cash bail system at all.

Its a false dichotomy plain and simple.

Wed Dec 01 14:35:18
Member Wed Dec 01 13:08:30

Dirtballs shooting at dirtballs is a win/win proposition. Sure some innocents get killed as the cowards spray bullets wildly, but it's mostly black people dying so ..."

Black people can be killed by the thousands in this country, and no one really cares.

Make the killer a policeman though, and its time for nationwide riots.
Wed Dec 01 14:43:04

Yes because in that case the people being killed are paying the people killing them ...to protect them from being killed.

Right-wingers are always confused by that distinction.

Wed Dec 01 14:43:53

Although it's perfectly understandable why you have trouble distinguishing cops from street gangs and thugs.

Wed Dec 01 16:33:52
You clearly have zero understanding of proportionality.
Wed Dec 01 16:54:20

There is no proportionality. If your kid comes home and tells you he got his ass kicked at school, it's a bad day. If your kid comes home from school and tells you he got his ass beat at school by a teacher, it's a whole other thing. If he comes home and gets his ass beat at home by his mom/dad, it's an entirely different thing.

It makes a world of fucking difference whether it's some street punk whole assaults or kills you, or whether it's the cops. It makes a world of difference if the people assaulting/killing you have government sanction to do it.

For people that have a cow over the government mandating shutdowns, masks, and vaccines, you all sure do have a hard time understanding why the government kicking someone's skull in is an evil ... well beyond just their skull being kicked in.

Wed Dec 01 16:55:34
^ ignore that first sentence. I forgot to delete it when I rewrote the post.
Wed Dec 01 17:14:48
I think a closer analogy would be whether your got his ass beat by a classmate or the teacher.

But, IDK. Making it about kids sort of changes the dynamic.
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