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Utopia Talk / Politics / Quebec re-enters full lockdown
Fri Dec 31 08:02:07


- schools closed until January 17th (suppose to open January 5th)
- restaurants limited to take out and delivery
- bars/gym/casino/etc closed
- 50% capacity at stores
- grocery stores are once again closed sundays
- grocery stores close at 9:30 to meet the 10PM curfew
- 10PM - 5AM curfew
- no private gatherings
Fri Dec 31 08:54:27

This will never end.

We gave these people a taste of power, and now they refuse to lay that power down. These restrictions will come and go for the rest of our lives.
Fri Dec 31 09:22:44
It's based off hospital capacity numbers which are open to the public.

You stupid shit.
Fri Dec 31 09:45:31
Let's go all the way back to 2019.

Your local politician suddenly comes out and says "hey, the hospitals are having a momentary issue, so I'm just going to lock down the entire area and take away your liberties."

Everyone would just laugh at his dumb ass and continue going about their lives.

It sure didn't take long for sheep like Dukhat to get acclimated to the new era of state tyranny, did it.
Fri Dec 31 10:25:58
You're such a cuckservative retard cukchat
Fri Dec 31 12:41:13

Let's go all the way back to 2019.

Your local politician suddenly comes out and says "hey, people are in the streets protesting the murder of black people by police, so I'm just going to lock down the entire area and take away your liberties."

Everyone would just laugh at his dumb ass and continue going about their lives.

How many people died during BLM protests?

Tue Jan 11 18:18:00
Quebec announced today that they will be taxing unvaccinated individuals.

And Canada's health Minister recently spoke about being at the point where we have to consider mandatory vaccination.
Tue Jan 11 20:09:02
How hard is it to build up some redundant hospital beds? Surely cheaper than shutting down society.
Tue Jan 11 20:51:28

It's not the beds. It's the staff.

Tue Jan 11 22:58:22
The Coronavirus would kill at the rate the flu does if everybody would get vaccinated. It will still kill a lot because everyone is eventually going to get it because of the lack of innate immunity in the population.

Without vaccination it kills anywhere from 4x to much higher for people in at-risk groups like the elderly and immunocompromised.

For someone under 50, they shrug this off because both numbers are still very small. But why take any unnecessary risks?

And public health officials have every right to take steps to protect the greater good. It's not like these are permanent changes. Just until hospital numbers are manageable. Yet every time, cuckservatives scream like the Karens they are about their freedoms like fucking morons.

Tue Jan 11 22:59:25
Sorry, it would kill less than the flu does if people got vaccinated because the flu only kills so much because many people fail to get flu shots as well.
large member
Wed Jan 12 04:29:31
Flu transmission rates typically will give a person the flu every 3 years.

Omnicron and mutations will be caught yearly if not more often, suggesting a fatality rate at least 3 times greater than the flu.

Sure. You thinking of retraining as a nurse?
Wed Jan 12 06:03:16
(CNN)The Canadian province of Quebec announced Tuesday that residents who have refused a Covid-19 vaccine will soon have to pay a fine.
Wed Jan 12 07:13:26

Get 'em Frenchy! :o)

Thu Jan 13 18:24:48
Quebec announced today that as of January 24th, you will need a vaccine passport to enter big box stores.

This means that non vaccinated individuals are banned from everything but gas stations, grocery stores, pharmacies, and stores under 1500sq.


Meanwhile 2 years of non stop Frontline retail, with thousands of customers a day, no vaccine, and still haven't had corona.

Fuck you faggot ass bitches and your vaccine pass bullshit.
Thu Jan 13 18:46:55

"Meanwhile 2 years of non stop Frontline retail, with thousands of customers a day, no vaccine, and still haven't had corona."

lol! Less than 20% of the country has caught covid. You're not special.

Snowflake. ;o)

Sun Jan 16 14:22:18
Never said I was. I'm saying corona is a bullshit cold and your vaccines are garbage.

And obviously jergul is btfo with his retarded annual Rona infection bullshit too.

Bunch of propaganda loving cucks
Sun Jan 16 21:53:11

"I'm saying corona is a bullshit cold ..."

A bullshit cold that will easily top a 1,000,000 body count just in the US.

Sun Jan 16 22:43:14
Pillz kind of took it seriously until it became politicized. Then he took his marching orders like a good little cuckservative last year.
Mon Jan 24 15:55:22
I never took corona seriously because there's nothing to take seriously. And if anyone was going to pretend they did at any point, they'd be lying.

A global pandemic but we can't be 'racist' towards China or Africa, can't halt all international travel immediately, etc. Joke response and politicization from government should have been met with joke response from the public. But you're a fucking cuck.

Anyways I have corona. Day 6 of being sick I guess. Not sure how long I was not-sick, I'd been fighting a cold for over a week.

Day 1 was a lot of coughing. Day 2 was fever and sweating and ungodly fatigue.

Since then it's been just congestion, high temperature but not a fever, and fatigue. Sleep every 6 or 7 hours. It is best compared to the worse point of a cold, when your sinuses are blocked and you just feel a malaise. Except that it doesn't progress. For 4 days I have not felt better, or worse, it has just been the same constant shitty cold.
Mon Jan 24 16:28:41

If you start having trouble breathing you may want to consider taking your fake pandemic to see a real doctor.

Mon Jan 24 18:03:46
My lungs feel fine. Coughing disappeared after the 1st day. Now it's just flem.

It's been unreasonably cold to smoke outside with a cold so I do need to smoke more, keep those lungs coated and protectes
Tue Jan 25 07:00:32

Congrats! You got Omicron. Delta or a previous variant may have killed you.

Tue Jan 25 09:07:19
How are you so retarded?
Tue Jan 25 09:10:29
Like as a Mexican piece of shit democrat, you've been among the boards dumbest posters for 20 years, but how is it in the last 2 you've sunken below rob levels

Tue Jan 25 09:15:52
You've demonstrated a complete lack of even basic math skills, a predisposition to parrot only the most asinine and false talking points about the subject, and you think that the world is still ending despite the fact the rest of the world has effectively moved on

I hope they have support groups for you after this is over, where you can sit around in your hazmat suit with the rest of the Karen's and commiserate about how nobody is taking you seriously.
Tue Jan 25 10:36:06
^ he has a point. The stats don't suggest that pills was ever likely to die of Covid, unless pillz is a 75 year old cancer patient or something.
Tue Jan 25 10:39:25

"I hope they have support groups for you after this is over, where you can sit around in your hazmat suit with the rest of the Karen's and commiserate about how nobody is taking you seriously."

3 posts later I hope you've gotten it all out of your system.

Not the covid though. :o)

Wed Jan 26 15:03:44
"Of the new hospitalizations, 16 are under the age of four (an age group not eligible for vaccination) and two are between the ages of five and 11.

An additional 27 people under the age of 59 and 49 aged 60 and older are unvaccinated or received their first dose less than 14 days ago.

Four people under the age of 59 and five aged 60 and older have one dose of vaccine, while 30 people under the age of 59 and 65 aged 60 and older received their second dose of vaccine more than seven days ago.

Four people under the age of 59 and 70 aged 60 and older received their third dose more than seven days ago."

CTV News Montreal: Quebec COVID-19 deaths surpass 13000 since the start of the pandemic.
Wed Jan 26 15:23:58
< 11: 18
< 59 unvaxxed: 27
< 59 1 Vax: 4
< 59 2 Vax: 30
< 59 3 vax: 4
> 60 unvaxxed: 49
> 60 1 Vax: 5
> 60 2 vax: 65
> 60 3 vax: 70

# of people aged 59 or under = 65 (31)

# of people aged 60 or over = 189 (54)

Clearly the problem is the unvaccinated, and not the elderly.

And let us not forget the 13000 dead health anti vaxxers!

Fucking retarded fat cuck piece of shit murder
Thu Jan 27 11:32:55
"On a Quebec talk show, children asked about what should happen to unvaccinated people said they should be cut off from everything “until they submit.”

The program aired on Noovo — a Canadian French-language network — and had a host interviewing half a dozen people, including what looked like two siblings and their mother.

The host then asks the children if they are in favour of mandatory vaccines to which the young boy said, “yes.”

“It looks like I drill them,” said who appears to be their mother.

The host first inquired whether the kids were vaccinated and the young daughter responded, “Yes, we both have one dose.”

The host then asks what we should do “people who don’t want the vaccine.”

The young boy answered, “We should call the police,” to which a number of guests agreed with his answer.

“If they don’t have the vaccine it can make a lot of people in danger,” said the young girl.

“So like what the government does right now, we should cut everything from them little by little until they submit and get vaccinated.”

The audience applauds while the host called the young lady a future politician."

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