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Utopia Talk / Politics / The book of Bobba fett
Wed Jan 12 19:31:27
Anyome else watching this?

I you liked Mando for more than just baby Yoda , that's basically what it is.
Wed Jan 12 22:53:42
I'm watching it with my kids... It not even close to competing in my mind with something like "The Witcher"... but, it's Star Wars entertainment. You can watch it with anyone. If one enjoys Star Wars, I think one would like it.

I very violent, rated "R" Boba Fett would have been epic... but alas the Disney appeal to the masses needs to be met.
Thu Jan 13 18:13:22
It is not as good as Mandalorian - not because baby yoda.

I bought Mando as "the man with no name" in Spaaaace.

I do not buy the idea that Bobba Fett is now all about ruling with respect and fairness. He's supposed to be a ruthless bounty hunter. Fuck this shit about "cut your prices".

Also, space mods on space Vespas is tonally wrong for Tatooine.

I do like the whole dances with wolves flashback stuff which I suppose is trying to explain the character reset on Fett.

But I really think they should have leant into this being an 18/R rated gritty gangster/mob series - though I can see why that is hard on a streaming platform where the bulk of star wars stuff is pitched as family entertainment.

Thu Jan 13 18:25:22
Definitely would have been better if rated R or MA.

Mando is better but they are not that different.

I Absolutley like the better world building a series makes over a movie, but that's always my preference.
Fri Jan 14 19:47:15
It's really not good. I only watched the first episode. The actor playing boba has zero charisma
Fri Jan 14 20:09:44
Well, you know who he was if you watched mandalorian, same guy...but yeah, admittedly not the best charismatic actor, but who expected Bobba fett to be charismatic?

That said, I still enjoy the show. We got see black krysantaan, more hurts and pikes. All enjoyable IMHO.

It's still infinitely better than the last three trilogy movies....all garbage.

I did like Solo. I know that's not a popular take, but I like what I like.
large member
Sat Jan 15 02:54:02
"He's supposed to be a ruthless bounty hunter"

Rebel propaganda. Fake news.
large member
Sat Jan 15 02:56:26
Just joking of course. But I think the freedom to reimagine is sacrosanct.

Fuckups will happen, but "different" in itself is ok in my opinion.

I visualize when reading novels, so dramatizations are always off the mark :D.
Sat Jan 15 03:02:53
I lold
Sat Jan 15 04:39:52

It's a problem in that he doesn't feel a credible internally consistent character in the way Mando did.

Why does this just and fair Bobba Fett want to be a Mafia Boss if he insists he does it via getting people to like and respect him and his tributaries charging only fair prices?

It just seems a bit odd. But enjoyable enough.

I think though - given star wars is enjoyable enough when it is doing genre movies in spaaaace - it is hogging the spot where starwars scarface/godfather should be.
Sat Jan 15 04:40:38
Anyway, what happened to starwars topgun?
Sat Jan 15 05:30:07
Seb, I think they already seem to be setting him up to fail with this method of governance though.So mabey they want a show his turn from that to something more crimebossy.

We didn't know very much about Fett as a person, he was portrated as more of a machine than a dynamic character.

And now he is very "I'm not a bounty hunter" mid life crisis guy.

Or not, what do I know.
Fri Jan 28 02:43:18
Best episode yet.

But it was really a mandalorian episode.

The dark Sabre!

Anakin starfigher!

Fucking awesome.
Fri Jan 28 02:57:09
It Unfortunatley proves Seb is right. Even without Grogu, the Mandalorian is much better. But referencing "his little friend" and making him a chainmail suit of Beskar.
Fri Jan 28 04:12:41
Din Djarin is just a more interesting character than Boba, and by rights he really shouldn't be.

Partly it is the actor as well as the writing.

The guy playing Din Djarin is able to somehow provide far more emotional range in an impassive suite of armour with his body language - and more obviously conflicted.

He's a bounty hunter, he doesn't want to be a capital H HERO and lead Mandalore, but he believes in his code so he knows he can't just give up the sabre. He feels close attachment to this little kid (he seems to like kids generally, he was an orphan himself), he is honourable and will repay his debts, but not too honourable. Somehow, all of these come across in a naturalistic "show don't tell" way.

Boba feels like a cardboard cut-out by comparison. Partly I think because the actor just isn't that good, but also because of the writing which is just "wham wham wham" on the nose.

"I have the credits, what I lack is muscle" "Credit can buy muscle".

He's a fucking bounty hunter. Does he need this explained to him? Do we?

"oh, I know, as this is gangsters, lets do some starwars Mods. But like, Mods in spaaace. Hey, like, maybe cybernetic Mods? Get it? And we can give them like, space Vespas.."

Fri Jan 28 04:25:16
"Din Djarin is just a more interesting character than Boba, and by rights he really shouldn't be."

Right! This is a supposed bounty hunter that hunted down fucking Jedi!

Supposedly only fearing Star killer, and that was only in part because he was crazy strong but more so because he was unstable/kind of crazy.

He literally bested Luke motherfucking Skywalker. Not overwhelmingly but even holding his own would have been an accomplishment.

And yeah, the actor has the charisma of mike bloomberg.

I like the book of bobba fett, but they turned him into a soft old man...mabey that changes and he pulls a mike Tyson and reignited his ego or whatever.
Fri Jan 28 04:45:51
I think Bobba ought to be:

1. A lot more street smart and cunning
2. I'm not really convinced as to why he suddenly wants to be a crime boss.

In a way, I think I'd rather have seen a whole series about him post Sarlac but pre mandalorian. The whole Tusken stuff was very interesting just because how a radically different context and without armour etc.

That's rather interesting because it gives the space to re-establish the character. Then maybe we could have a series that's him doing something else more like this.

Either revenge on the Pykes for killing his tribe, or maybe he's had it with the kind of people that employ him and wants to take them down and make the streets safe for the little guy.

But this kind of "I want to LARP being a crime-lord but a good one" - you know what it reminds of a bit? "Bored to Death" where this writer decides he wants to be a hard boiled detective.

Brilliant that series.
Fri Jan 28 07:09:33
I mean - this last episode - you can see the resignation when he is challenged.

You get no sense at all that he wants to keep the sabre for personal glory or as a ticket to leading mandalore (though perhaps he does because it is his and he won it).

He really doesn't want to fight this guy, but he knows he has to because it is *his* duty to hold the sabre and he can't even throw the fight to get rid of it.

And you get all of this from nuance and body language.

Fri Jan 28 13:17:56
I don't disagree with you.

Speculation* they've already strongly* hinted that Mandalore is still habitable. And now all but confirmed it since he has to go to the living waters under the mine.

So it seems he goes there. But Grogu has to factor in strongly as well, even if only for popular demand..

So yeah I do think he will try to rule Mangalore but that he may not survive driving Grogu mad with a rage to rival Darth Vader and he will become the force sensitive Mandalorian ruler.

Come on we all want see Grogu fully powered get really pissed/upset and just demolish shit.
Fri Jan 28 13:18:54
Djin has a Ned Stark esque quality.
Fri Jan 28 15:27:35
Then there is the admiral Thrawn bit, therenis just so much loaded up to explore. Obviously there will be a lot of crossover between the shows which I think we all called as soon Bobba and the assassin chick had that tedious conversation.

Which as Seb pointed out is nearly a useleas conversation except that it was when they played Mando's theme music signaling Djin would enter soon.

But it is dumb to havento explain to the most famous bounty hunter in the universe how muscle is bought. It would be like explaining meditation to Yoda.
Sun Jan 30 11:35:49
The best episode of the show had zero boba fett in it.
large member
Sun Jan 30 11:38:14
Somebody explaining something is not proof the first person was unaware.

We have captain obvious mansplainers in this forum to make that point clear.
large member
Sun Jan 30 11:40:07
habebe: "Djin has a Ned Stark esque quality"

Jergul: "Bobba Fett takes place in the Starwars universe, not GoT"

You see?
Sun Jan 30 11:43:58
Jergul calls me a mansplainer and sits to pee but thinks im the one who should be embarrassed.
large member
Sun Jan 30 11:49:12
Now I think you should be embarrassed. The point went right over your head.

I was captain obvious mansplaining that Bobba Fett is starwars in response to you mentioning a GoT character.

It does not prove you did not know Bobba Fett is star wars.

A faceatous assassin sarcastically mentioning someone with cash can hire muscles does not prove Fett was unaware.
Sun Jan 30 11:59:48
Fair enough.Your still a wretched woman.
large member
Sun Jan 30 12:05:46
Tell us more about your intestinal pain and related health issues. Careful. We already have one "Broken Asshole Down" from this forum.
Sun Jan 30 12:06:48

But in context, is that something the
Assassin would say.

Maybe "I'll reach out to my contacts tomorrow"?

She's saying that because the exposition is felt necessary.
Sun Jan 30 12:07:01
Hence "Do we?"
large member
Sun Jan 30 12:12:54
She is probably saying it because Disney is using buckshot to hit a wide target audience.

My take on it was her being sarcastic. Explaining to a bounty hunter that hiring muscle is possible can only reasonably be understood that way.

But if you insist on unsuspending your disbelief, then be my guest.
Sun Jan 30 12:31:02
It's a plot device, like how in sitcoms people will drive home and wait until they walk in the door to say something that normal real world people obviously would have talked about on the car ride home.

But yeah , its also a sign of sloppy writing.
Wed Feb 02 22:06:24
Another great episode...but again hardly any BobbaFett.

Clearly the two shows will be intertwined.

I'm thinking that choice Grogu is given will be him taking the third way...choosing neither path.
large member
Thu Feb 03 02:48:23
Luke is about as good at parenting as his father.
Thu Feb 03 12:31:35
Luke is also a much less interesting character.

That's my biggest beef with the new trilogy (Rey and Kylo) is that it makes the tragedy of Anakin storyline seem pointless. If your going to bring back the emperor , why not yoda or Anakin/Vader? Which Im not calling for either just that they would both be just as silly.

Thu Feb 03 23:15:51
No boba fett, but they managed to stuff everything else in this episode, including Marshall Raylan Givens
Thu Feb 03 23:25:44
Yeah, honestly I thought they would have brought him back sooner when Bobba was building his army so to speak.

Obi wan, Ahsoka and Baris reef are all supposed to get their own shows.

Very likley intertwining all together. The Obi wan might less so as its a different time frame.But Ive also heard that Darth Plageus the wise is supposed to get his own show , so mabey they will cross over.

The Solo movie hinted at Darth maul, so they might give him a series too. Its Disney, their gonna milk it for everything they can.
Thu Feb 03 23:28:28
I hope they do a way back prequel, like anciwnt Sith stuff.
Fri Feb 04 03:58:34

Lol. That's what I thought. Also, why can't he have a lightsaber and a chain mail vest?


There's a leaked script for "duel of the fates" - the original 3rd movies of the sequel trilogy. It's pretty good and follows on much better from Kylo killing Snoke and what happens next.
Fri Feb 04 09:36:04
The jedi in general are boring. Why do they have to have zero emotional attachments to people. Sociopaths would make great jedi.

But it is still nice to see Luke actually being capable and not a milk chugging hobo.

And yes, guru or whatever should be able to take both. I mean, Luke went to jabbas palace to rescue han and leia, so emotional attachments there.
Fri Feb 04 11:41:33
Jedi of the old Republic deal with the attatchments bit better than the later Jedi.

The Jedi are fucking evil IMHO. Ask yourself which side opted to use clone soldiers as pawns and which used droids.

They had no problem playing politics and using the force instead following the will of it to suit their own political Desires but saving his wife in child birth is evil? Crazy shit.

Now there was a group of Jedis who did break off to follow the will of the force.I forget their names, they may have been the yellow lightsaber guys. The universe is too big to keep track of.
Wed Feb 09 15:14:08
Well, not that surprising of an ending - all in all a bit meh.
Thu Feb 10 05:59:16
I liked it. It was pure fan service and pay offs of red herrings. It wasn't epic, but plenty of cool Godfather references if your fan. Mobster movies were always my favorite.

That flying force hug to mando? Adorable.
Thu Feb 10 09:18:47
I enjoyed the first three episodes
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