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Utopia Talk / Politics / Who does the FBI answer to
Thu Jan 13 11:36:37
If a sitting senator of the US can't get an answer out of them, who can?

Now we have a new "domestic terrorism" group which looks like the 9/11 legislative response 2.0 with homeland security and such.

All based on something were not allowed to know about more than what a small group of people who are politically invested in wantnus to.

Masks are not tyranny. This is tyranny.
large member
Thu Jan 13 11:53:04
"The FBI’s activities are closely and regularly scrutinized by a variety of entities. Congress—through several oversight committees in the Senate and House—reviews the FBI’s budget appropriations, programs, and selected investigations. The results of FBI investigations are often reviewed by the judicial system during court proceedings. Within the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is responsible to the attorney general, and it reports its findings to U.S. Attorneys across the country. The FBI’s intelligence activities are overseen by the Director of National Intelligence"

As an aside. The NDA in chief lost the election. If you think secrecy is tyranny, then you must be thankful he lost.

Or like tyranny.
Thu Jan 13 12:54:22
Tyranny is having groups get more and more powers to harm Americans who are above the law and having their basis of this not be permitted to be questioned.

The FBI has long history of creating dragons to slay.This isnt even a left or right wing issue.

We have suspicions over the FBI's role in the Portland BLM riots.

The best documented pattern of this is making "terrorists" out of vulnerable young middle eastern men.

So at the very least if were going to have politically motivated Jan. 6th committee to actually investigate what the fuck happened.

Slow responses today....pretty hungover.
Thu Jan 13 18:43:34

The FBI can't prosecute anyone, so I don't understand what it is that you're worried about.

"The best documented pattern of this is making "terrorists" out of vulnerable young middle eastern men."

Entrapment is bullshit. It always has been and always will be.

"So at the very least if were going to have politically motivated Jan. 6th committee ..."

Politically motivated? Defending the Constitution is the job.
Thu Jan 13 19:18:31
Made up of all democrats and two rinos.

Its a witch hunt.

And there is plenty to be concerned about.They slay fake dragons and harras and terrorize the public.

Look at the Whitmer kidnapping.It was funded, supplied, transported and thought up by FBI employees.

Basically without the FBI there would not have been a kidnapping plot.

I do suspect* they had a role in encouraging Jan. 6th and possibly agitated last summer's BLM protest in Portland.

This response is similar to the war on terror. A war I beleived in at one time, I was duped. I dont want a patriot act 2.0.
Thu Jan 13 20:35:23

"Made up of all democrats and two rinos. Its a witch hunt."

The witches made that decision.

"Look at the Whitmer kidnapping.It was funded, supplied, transported and thought up by FBI employees. Basically without the FBI there would not have been a kidnapping plot."

Yeah, I remember that time that the FBI talked me into kidnapping Ron DeSantis. Totally unfair!

Thu Jan 13 20:44:20
Bottom line without the FBI there would not have been a kidnapping plot.

They target vulnerable people the same as they did with muslims.
Thu Jan 13 20:48:14

They target people who are prepared to commit acts of violence and who are stupid enough to trust strangers.

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