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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump first rally of 2022
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Jan 16 20:53:20
I honestly don't know if he's running considering he spent most of his time bitching about 2020 and claiming contradicting conspiracy theories.

the wanderer
Sun Jan 16 22:18:59
everything he's said to his fans indicates he's running (but he's a total fraud liar to them most of all)

him continuing to hold rallies suggests he's running (yet he also loves being cheered at)

he's raising lots of money & not using it on anyone but himself afaik... (yet, he's not known to use money for the benefit of others)

i'll guess the mentally-ill piece of shit fraud moron is waiting to see how many of his loyalist scum election denier picks get elected in midterms to decide

he's already made it clear that the top R issue should be that he won in 2020 (as he's mentally-ill)
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