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Utopia Talk / Politics / What an actual coup attempt looks like
Member | Mon Jan 24 22:11:41 "Military forces seized control of Burkina Faso in a coup and detained the country’s president after a wave of street protests against his failure to stem the advance of Islamist militants in the north, opposition officials and Western diplomats said, thrusting the West African nation into uncertainty." http://www...resident/ar-AAT5Ygr?li=BBnb7Kz |
Member | Mon Jan 24 23:16:10 Coups have more selfies and silly faces. Where are pictures of them lounging and stealing chairs and podiums? |
the wanderer | Tue Jan 25 00:54:15 it's undeniable Trump attempted multiple methods of seizing the presidency despite losing the vote, but whatevs some people went along w/ it, but some didn't, thus solving the problem forever... |
large member | Tue Jan 25 01:42:58 Failed coups have more selfies and silly faces. FTFY. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 01:54:20 I want to see Hitlers beer hall putsch silly face. |
large member | Tue Jan 25 02:34:53 Your Aunt may have pictures of your great-granddad from it. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 03:05:40 The russian revolution had the whole pillaging of the Tsar wine cellar... if smart phones had been a thing back then, there would've been a whole lot of silly pictures and videos. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 04:53:16 She has been asking for us to visit. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 25 06:29:06 "it's undeniable Trump attempted multiple [legal avenues of challenging 2020 results] despite [DNC-appointed judges shutting down lawsuits not on the merits but on judicial purview which ignored election laws and which justified the ignoring of those election laws by saying that the thousands of ballots that would have to be thrown out would reduce voter confidence, even though accepting faulty ballots itself probably did the same], but whatevs" True, true. .. "What an actual coup attempt looks like" I dunno. If you want to seize a government, you clearly would need to tell a group of mostly out-of-shape and aging protestors to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. Using an armed and equipped force which "included all sections of the armed forces" in military fatigues who attacked government defenses, physically held the president hostage, and "riddled with bullet holes" presidential vehicles in the process isn't really a "coup" so much as good HR conflict-resolution in action. And, if we can sell it, this was about "equity", which means that it can't be anything more than an end to "problematic" ways of dealing with "systemic" issues using "mostly peaceful" means. Besides, CNN and a yellow-text/black-background hate-meme funded by a DNC-propaganda think tank told me that Boebert, MTG, and Rand Paul were all insurrectionists and that the only way to stop their ongoing insurrection would be to take legal actions which strategically remove them from the 2022 mid-term ballots so that unpopular and otherwise totally-fucked DNC opposition candidates can run unopposed. Only by wielding the DOJ for a witch hunt to remove these politicians from the ballots and deprive voters of choice can the DNC's insurrection — I mean, rather, their "fair pursuit of equity" — take hold. Other targets of our Two Minutes Hate should include.. • Ted Cruz (he could run for president in 2024, so we have to seed the hate early), • Steve Bannon (people should not hear what he has to say! He's spreading "lies" about DNC election engineering! We have to make people hate him so much that they don't look at his own words outside of a DNC-framed article or clip!), • Matt Gaetz (up for 2022 reelection), • Madison Cawthorn (up for 2022 reelection), • Paul Gosar (up for 2022 reelection), • Ron "Death-Sentence" (up for 2022 reelection; potential 2024 presidential candidate; if we can make that clever nickname stick, I think this one is in the bag!) I mean.. it's because they're "guilty of federal crimes".. not because they're up for reelection. 2022 midterm propaganda is totally not the motivation. We should also follow Colbert's lead by targeting Democrat Kyrsten Sinema for stepping out of line. She actually thinks that politicians should reflect a "cross section" of the U.S. instead of our strategy of sheer numbers from groupthink cities. It's like she took her lessons on this issue from the city v. rural debates held by the Founding Fathers rather than from a DNC-meme. Who needs a "cross section" when sheer authoritarian force can crush the pesky threat of liberty? So! The DNC 2022 strategy shall thus.. • target these key figures to get them off the ballot or (backup plan) simply to turn voters against them, • boost the signal on January 6th; little drops of "news" regarding January 6th "conspiracy" will need to be strategically placed throughout this year to keep the tempo of useful idiot outrage. The useful idiots will need a mantra about the "deadly attack to overthrow the United States government" ( http://imgur.com/gallery/M1ejiZr ) — this will maintain a persistent belief in a threat in even the most goldfish-like memories. • seek January 6th convictions before midterms, delay convictions but promise that convictions will totally happen after midterms — "[if only we could be elected by you, the people, to make it happen! :'( :( :'( ]", or say that convictions didn't happen because the DNC-owned DOJ isn't DNC enough.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ • make Roe v. Wade review appear to be a threat to DNC eugenics plans. The propaganda signal will need to make it appear that the Supreme Court is making abortion illegal rather than the reality of it just returning that purview to states. The propaganda signal here will create a much-needed polarization boost; misinformation here will re-divide people on tribal lines for sure. That should activate the useful for months of rage. • Accuse Republicans of manipulating voter laws and suppressing the vote while, of course, doing it themselves. The useful idiots will need to be fed a diet of belief in illegal activities by the GOP. • continue to cover for Biden's dementia, of course. Every time Biden shits his diaper, Psaki will have to say, "[What the president meant by shitting his diaper was actually...]" The Media Matters crew will have a lot of fun editing together a pretty exciting false narrative for the year! Should be exciting. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 07:39:54 "What an actual coup attempt looks like" That's what a military coup looks like. There's more than one flavor though. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 09:03:24 Coup participants typically give up their dastardly plot and leave when regime police politely ask them to. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 09:33:32 murder Member Tue Jan 25 07:39:54 "That's what a military coup looks like. There's more than one flavor though." Yes, that's true, there's also coups launched by those inside the halls of government. Those types of coups usually involve removing institutional safeguards that place limits on the ruling party's authority. You know, moves like eliminating the filibuster, federalizing elections, packing the Supreme Court and Senate, and issuing executive edicts that are blatantly unconstitutional. These things are far more likely to actually change the powert structure in America than a bunch of fat idiots marching around the Capitol with maga flags. You want to argue a coup attempt is underway in America, I can certainly buy it. Problem is, it's your side that's doing it :o |
Member | Tue Jan 25 09:36:58 CC "Besides, CNN and a yellow-text/black-background hate-meme funded by a DNC-propaganda think tank told me that Boebert, MTG, and Rand Paul were all insurrectionists and that the only way to stop their ongoing insurrection would be to take legal actions which strategically remove them from the 2022 mid-term ballots so that unpopular and otherwise totally-fucked DNC opposition candidates can run unopposed." Oh yeah, I forgot about this one. Democrats are also pushing to bar their opponents from even running for office, and also want to censor their social media accounts. Classic third world shithole behavior. Democrats have more in common with Maduro than Jackson these days. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 10:52:36 "You know, moves like eliminating the filibuster ..." That is retarded. There's no such thing as a filibuster in the Constitution or in US law. That is just something that Senators arbitrarily decide to impose, and something that has been altered repeatedly through the years. Elections and majority rule on the other hand ARE in the Constitution. "federalizing elections" This is actually a Constitutional requirement which we simply don't enforce. "packing the Supreme Court" 1. Hasn't happened. 2. Nothing wrong with it since there is no set size to the Court ... and at least it's not a violation of the Constitution like Mitch McConnell simply refusing to vote on Obama's nominee to the Court. "and Senate" That's hilarious. The Senate is packed ... in favor of red rural states, which also packs the electoral college in favor of red rural states. "... and issuing executive edicts that are blatantly unconstitutional." Blatantly unconstitutional would be something like trying to nullify the results of the presidential election by fabricating phony electoral votes. "These things are far more likely to actually change the powert structure in America than a bunch of fat idiots marching around the Capitol with maga flags." Yeah ... marching around the Capitol ... and then smashing their way in and trying to hunt down the Speaker of the House and the Vice President. Fortunately 1 officer had the balls to put an end to it with one well placed shot. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 11:09:50 Rugian is so brainwashed. Hopefully he can join his dad in hell soon. |
Member | Tue Jan 25 11:21:32 "It's only a coup if it actually succeeds guys!" |
Member | Tue Jan 25 11:28:51 "Rugian is so brainwashed. Hopefully he can join his dad in hell soon." WTF is wrong with you? |
Member | Tue Jan 25 11:48:16 I don't give AF. Just laying out the truth. People who lack the capacity to learn and grow belong in hell. |
the wanderer | Tue Jan 25 11:52:22 "it's undeniable Trump attempted multiple [legal avenues of challenging 2020 results] despite [DNC-appointed judges shutting down lawsuits..." nope, you're again applying your own concerns, not what Trump talked about... he continually was claiming mass voter fraud (like multiple times a day), & barely any lawsuits were about voter fraud (as that requires evidence), so why would he care about those unsexy ones - Trump applied pressure to GA secretary of state to 'find fraud' ignoring the guy telling him he's looked at Trump's complaints and NONE true, Trump accepting NOTHING the guy who actually looked at things said & instead felt his no evidence info was true... including Trump threatening guy that he was breaking the law (Trump now primarying that R secretary of state) - Trump called other election officials w/ similar motives (there's at least one other recorded to some woman) - Trump pressured GA governor to hold a special session to vote to change electors just on claims of mass fraud, no evidence (Trump now primarying that R governor) - Trump invited swing-state legislators to the White House to talk... pretty obvious that about the same thing, and he repeatedly claimed they were going to change electors due to all the fraud (even posted a letter from PA ones about it)... & as turns out, was part of their Jan 6th plots - Trump's team ensured all swing states sent in fraudulent sets of electors - Trump pressured DOJ to investigate the alleged mass fraud even though typically not their role, but Barr agreed & looked into Trump's claims and found nothing & told the public (did Trump then say 'oh ok'... no, hostility at Barr for not playing along) - Trump wanted DOJ to send out a letter claiming FBI suspected mass voter fraud (completely falsely), DOJ wouldn't do it, Trump moved to install his shill as acting AG (who already drafted the letter), & DOJ members threaten mass resignation getting him to back down - Apparently, the WH legal team also threatened to mass quit over Trump actions according to Hannity - Trump publicly & privately massively pressured Pence to chuck the votes right up to the last minute (which we now know a lot of these things were related... there were plans from 2 different 'lawyers' on how Pence could fuck w/ electors from the allegedly disputed states) - & of course Hannity was still worried what Trump would try -after- Jan 6th i'm sure i missed some |
the wanderer | Tue Jan 25 11:56:12 and toss in: - Trump sitting back enjoying watching the Capitol attack... the idea it took hours to craft messaging makes no sense in relation to Trump's typical behavior, or the fact it was an ongoing attack... all his allies knew he should act, proven pressure put on him w/ people saying (in real time) that he was resisting & the emotional support daughter needing sent in twice |
Member | Tue Jan 25 13:35:46 "That is retarded. There's no such thing as a filibuster in the Constitution or in US law. That is just something that Senators arbitrarily decide to impose, and something that has been altered repeatedly through the years." So sort of like the electoral count act? "Rugian is so brainwashed. Hopefully he can join his dad in hell soon." WTF is wrong with you?" Dukhat is an angry hateful little man who's wife fucks other men (seriously) Like we all bump heads, some more the others. I argue with TW and Jergul all the time. I fucking love TW and Jergul (no homo, well mabey a little) this would be a boring forum if we all agreed all the time but Dukhat is just out there. I can't imagine him socialising with mammals. |
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Member | Tue Jan 25 16:59:05 "You know, moves like eliminating the filibuster," http://con...-filibuster-in-historic-moment "A Republican Senate majority killed the chamber’s historic filibuster rule for Supreme Court nominations in a contentious Thursday vote." |
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Member | Tue Jan 25 17:00:33 Stfu dude repubs eliminated the filibuster for supreme court picks to stack it to scrap roe vs wade |
Member | Tue Jan 25 19:37:53 They did. AFTER Obama scrappedit for federal judges first. Not that it was a prerequisite for it or that the Republicans have integrity. But the filibuster should stay in place for legislation.You would think the democrats would support it more, considering the Senate in general will favor Republicans in the long run. |
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