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Utopia Talk / Politics / Stephen breyer retiring
Wed Jan 26 14:34:50
Trying to slip in an appointment before the Republicans take the Senate.

It sounds like they are aiming for finishing the SC session first, which I think is July.

So 4 months before midterms. Can we stall for 4 months?

Even then Biden gets to appoint, and never underestimate the Republicans to fuck up before 2024 so probably best to leverage Manchin to get a moderate, a Roberts kind of Judge, I'm cool with that.
Wed Jan 26 14:42:16
Manchin has been completely unreliable in terms of moderating Biden's judicial picks.
Wed Jan 26 14:52:48


So 9 Senate seats up for grabs, 7 labeled toss ups.

NH- Maggie Hassan

NV- Catherine cortex Mad to

PA- Open (Dr. Oz)

WI- Ron Johnson

NC- Open

GA- Raphael Warnock

AZ- Mark Kelly

CO- Michael Bennet*

the article calls this a safe seat, I'm more skeptical as they give him + 6.4 and call it safe but consider GA a toss up with a higher Republican lean, plus its GA, look at the shit fest it took to get 2 Dems in a special election.
Wed Jan 26 14:55:12
Rugian, IDK, I think it might be a tough sell for him to get an anti gun pro abortion judge in WV.

But Manchin is sort ofnloose cannon.
Wed Jan 26 14:56:39
NV- Catherine Cortex Masto*
Wed Jan 26 14:57:13
Fucking autocorrect!

the wanderer
Wed Jan 26 15:10:13
Scott Jennings on CNN says R's should mistreat the nominee as revenge for Kavanaugh & Barrett

plus advised that no Rs should vote for the nominee as then they can claim every single D was the 'deciding vote' on the 'radical abortion' nominee when running campaigns against them (who cares who the nominee is)

no indication he realized how fucked up those comments were
Wed Jan 26 15:13:53
Yeah I forgot how civilized the left (including CNN) was with Kavanaugh and Notorious ACB.

As long as the Republicans don't accuse Biden's nominee of being a drunken rapist and white supremacist who hates his adopted children, they maintain the moral high ground.
Wed Jan 26 15:24:08
*cue the usual tw gaslighting attempt by claim the left "never did that" (they did) or that "that was based on reliable information" (it wasn't)"
Wed Jan 26 15:31:09
I think a Justice Roberts type would be a reasonable comprimise for both parties.

Democrats may barley have the votes, and if so they won't suffer much if any if they decide to push a nominee through.

Unless Republicans can use their nominee as leverage to show how radical they are, like on school issues/wokism which overwhelmingly favor Republicans.

Democrats if done properly could use this to fire up their base a bit though on abortion and gun issues though.Which might be their best play, a hail Mary though. But at this point what do they have to lose? Bidens numbers look to be in the high 20's to low 30's with no gung to support.
Wed Jan 26 15:32:21
If they can't get the votes though, a comprimise may be in both sides favor.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 26 15:35:23
the woman accuser was tripped up by no questions... & actually answered all of them, unlike the beer guy

however, not the point... it's the guy shamelessly promoting 'two wrongs make a right' (as w/ Newt did... or actually went further... 'these people are abusing their Jan 6th committee powers to harass, so we'll make another committee & abuse our powers & put them in jail')

plus disgustingly, Jennings advising to automatically vote against the unknown nominee so you can make campaign ads saying xxxxxx was the 'deciding vote', for every D as 50:50 senate (while just assuming you can claim they have radical views on abortion... which of course they can & will do, who cares if any truth to it)

so vote for the ads, don't bother considering the person at all
Wed Jan 26 15:42:02

The Senate has killed the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. Not that the GOP needs it with Democrats in the minority.

Wed Jan 26 15:44:48
The woman accuser was trotted out by Feinstein at a politically opportune moment and she was making claims about some alleged event that took place nearly 40 years ago.

The only people who thought her "credible" were Democratic senators and CNN analyists.

"however, not the point"

That is the point. You guys have made this the norm, yet cry foul when you get treated the same way. Too bad, so sad.
Wed Jan 26 15:45:15

Oh, shut up already.
Wed Jan 26 15:45:30

I bet Joe Manchin is excited about getting to appoint whoever the fuck he chooses to the Court.

Maybe he'll appoint himself.

Wed Jan 26 15:47:21
Murder, I know. Obama got it kicked for federal judges and Trump/Mcconnel got it kicked for SC judges.

But the Senate is 50/50 (sort of 50/48/2) but if they can get every Dem then Harris can break the tie.
Wed Jan 26 16:08:17
I'm not really sure President Biden should put a rush on this. He has to much dissention in his own party. The progressives are not going to be happy with anything less than a true socialist advocate and the moderate Democrats will want obviously a more moderate judge. Pushing ahead now is going to alienate a chunk of his party no matter who he picks. If he instead waits until after midterms he can use the Republicans as an excuse to not nominate a progressive judge.

Then again he did promise to nominate a black female so the when might not really matter. He already kind of limited his options.

Either way it is bad timing. If they push through a nominee the Republicans get to use that as a rally cry to get out and vote. If they don't push it through Republicans still get to give out the rally cry. Last thing the Democrats need is another reason for Republicans to get out and vote.
Democrats also get to use the nomination as a get out the vote issue if the nomination is delayed. A delay helps them at the polls way more than rushing a nominee through will.

Guy is 83 though so it is time for him to go.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 26 16:48:55
it's not rushed... Amy took 1 month...

and waiting til after election would give Mitch ability to hold it til 2025
Wed Jan 26 17:20:54
the dems are incompetent, there is a real chance they blow it and the spot isn't able to be filled until 2024.
Wed Jan 26 17:34:22
I think the Dems have a decent shot at 2024.

Midterms will hand both houses to the Reps easily. Republicans are better at winning than governance.

Its hard to sell the countries faults are all on Biden when you control the house and Senate.
Thu Jan 27 01:35:10
Republicans probably win the house barely and the Senate is up in the air.

Republicans really want to run on inflation but the economy should be running on all cylinders Omichron is done in 2 months.

+ Don't underestimate democrats ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of vicotry.
Thu Jan 27 02:04:25
though* don't underestimate ...
Thu Jan 27 07:15:52

It doesn't matter when Omicron is done. There could well be more variants and possibly worse ones.

Thu Jan 27 07:35:23
I doubt covid is completely going away any time soon. Will it get better or worse? Its kind of a scrap shoot, I would think with better vaccination rates and at risk deaths it's not going to be ad bad, but who knows.
Sam Adams
Thu Jan 27 10:08:45
Remember when candidates were selected for their competence rather than skin color?
Thu Jan 27 12:21:51

No, when was that?

Thu Jan 27 15:45:11
How appropriate that the court is considering finally yeeting affirmative action, just as the senile shitbag in chief is deciding who the next justice will be on explicitly racist and sexist terms.

That's all this justice will ever be: a skin color and a vagina. Thats why she was selected, those will be her qualifications for office.

We've seen how Biden's last affirmation action hire (Harris) panned out. My hopes for this next black vagina are equally in the dumps.
Thu Jan 27 15:52:14

"... just as the senile shitbag in chief is deciding who the next justice will be on explicitly racist and sexist terms."

No doubt a first for the Court.

Thu Jan 27 15:57:12
Its a first since at least...January 20 2017.
Thu Jan 27 16:30:36

Oh for the good old days when you could always tell if the most qualified person for the job had been hired because they always hired the white guy.

And you could always tell if the wrong person had been hired because the white guy hired wasn't the white guy you wanted hired, but some other white guy.
Thu Jan 27 17:11:10
I think Rugian and Sam are fine with Clarence Thomas.I like him.
Thu Jan 27 17:46:49

We're not living in 1930 anymore. Stop dwelling in the past. Neither race nor gender has been an effective barrier to getting on the court for as long as you and I have been alive.


Thomas is my favorite judge of them all. And it has nothing to do with his race - I just think he's the best person sitting on the bench.

Democrats are the modern day racists who want to boil everything down to what your skin color is. Conservatives don't care what your background is, they just want the most qualified individual.
Thu Jan 27 17:57:21
Rugian, Like a year ago ish, I seen a documentary on him, I want to say it was on PBS. Very good show, he explained how he was a Democrat until he became disillusioned with him.

I miss Scalia.
Thu Jan 27 18:01:29

"We're not living in 1930 anymore. Stop dwelling in the past. Neither race nor gender has been an effective barrier to getting on the court for as long as you and I have been alive."

The first woman wasn't confirmed to the court until 1981. The second one wasn't confirmed until 1993. Women didn't account for even 1/3 of the Court until 2010.

There have been all of two African Americans on the Court. The last one was confirmed 30 years ago.

Thu Jan 27 18:02:35

"Conservatives don't care what your background is, they just want the most ..."

White supremacist misogynist.

Thu Jan 27 18:13:43
"The first woman wasn't confirmed to the court until 1981. "

As I said, in our lifetimes.

"The first woman wasn't confirmed to the court until 1981. The second one wasn't confirmed until 1993."

Yes, because change is generational, and it took decades for female judges to start gaining the requisite experience to be qualified for the court.

"There have been all of two African Americans on the Court. The last one was confirmed 30 years ago."

A demographic that makes up 12% of the population doesn't make up a majority of court nominations? The horror!

But maybe you're right on this point; after all, Clarence Thomas himself was faced with plenty of racism during his confirmation hearings:

Thu Jan 27 18:17:27
"There have been all of two African Americans on the Court. The last one was confirmed 30 years ago."

There is also an abundance of Catholics.I think 6 currently.
Thu Jan 27 18:19:48
Technically speaking, putting another African American on the Court would mean that African Americans would be OVERrepresented.

Seeing as how people like murder look at everything through the prism of race, he might want to be concerned about that.
Thu Jan 27 18:38:00
Tyrus on Gutfeld! is of the opinion President Biden already fucked this up. His point is if you want to hire/nominate a black woman just do it. Don't announce you are going to do it beforehand just do it. He went on to say announcing ahead of time just causes doubt. Some people will even if the person is absolutely qualified always wonder if they were given the job on something other than merit. Even the person that gets the nomination will wonder. Tyrus called it passive racism if I remember correct.

Thu Jan 27 21:03:30
While I strongly want to laugh at tw's indignation, it is simply a predictable symptom of the state of the courts. How could the post-FDR power-centric courts be anything but hyper-politicized?

"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so. They have, with others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. ... Their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves."
the wanderer
Thu Jan 27 21:33:51
it was a campaign promise he had to announce it

& Trump promised pro-life justices which also limits the pool

& Reagan promised a woman justice

& Trump saved Amy for if the RBG seat opened as he knew a woman would be expected
Thu Jan 27 23:06:44
Being a campaign promise doesn't change that it was stupid and undermining.

You are playing but he did it first game again.

And still reading minds I see.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 27 23:39:05
no, i don't care that they did it, i'm mocking the freakout by the Right (although i did care that Trump was making picks at all, as he never puts in any work & chooses people based on entirely the wrong reasons)


"reading minds"

nope... Amy was under consideration when he chose w/ Kavanaugh as:

"I'm saving her for Ginsburg," Trump said of Barrett, according to three sources familiar with the president's private comments. Trump used that exact line with a number of people, including in a private conversation with an adviser two days before announcing Brett Kavanaugh's nomination.

and i'm not one who instantly decides all sources to be lying

it wasn't an outrage story so not even a reason to lie, plus fits his behavior perfectly
the wanderer
Fri Jan 28 01:14:32
seems Fox in standard total bullshit mode

Hannity suggesting Biden is picking -only- on black & woman & not considering any qualifications

& Tucker similarly saying Biden should just appoint George Floyd's sister, she's not a judge or lawyer, but who cares as it only needs to be a black woman

yeah, good analysis, i'm sure that's what Biden intends... any black woman at all...

is that their legitimate beliefs?

constant deliberately misleading bullshit
Fri Jan 28 01:18:49
Well black female and eligible for SC does severely limit the options.

And as for only picking a black female, has he expressed intent over ANY other qualifications what so ever?

Fri Jan 28 10:46:09

"Technically speaking, putting another African American on the Court would mean that African Americans would be OVERrepresented."

Only in the present. And I'm OK with that since historically they've been shit on.

Besides, Thomas is an Oreo anyway.

Fri Jan 28 10:52:54

"& Tucker similarly saying Biden should just appoint George Floyd's sister, she's not a judge or lawyer, but who cares as it only needs to be a black woman"


"given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes."

Fri Jan 28 10:58:11
It is a little odd we have never had a Muslim , east or South Asian.
Fri Jan 28 10:59:15
Like female of color is so much more open than black.
Fri Jan 28 11:20:30

"It is a little odd we have never had a Muslim , east or South Asian."

Maybe when we get more white men off the Court.

Fri Jan 28 11:22:02
Nah, we apparently only want black women.
Fri Jan 28 11:33:25
"Besides, Thomas is an Oreo anyway."

Yes I get it. Democrats believe that any black person that doesn't stay on the plantation and vote for them is a traitor to their race.

This is why it literally means nothing to me when you farcically accuse me of white supremacy or whatever. Of the two of us, you're the one that's proudly and explicitly racist.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 28 11:55:14
and for kargen, if unable to believe Trump was saving Amy for it, here are (mostly lying) comments he made before pick which would still show he picked on gender:

- "It will be a woman, a very talented, very brilliant woman."
- "I haven't chosen yet, but we have numerous women on the list."
- "I think it should be a woman because I actually like women much more than men."
Fri Jan 28 12:02:59
Pretty sure Amy Coney Barret was the only one interviewed for the job.

So yeah, he likely had a short list ahead of time and because of the public outrage already it was more politically feasible that the most famous female SC judge (Sorry Sandra) be a female.
Fri Jan 28 12:07:45

"Yes I get it. Democrats believe that any black person that doesn't stay on the plantation and vote for them is a traitor to their race."

He's on the plantation. In the house where it's a little more comfortable.

"This is why it literally means nothing to me when you farcically accuse me of white supremacy or whatever."

Yeah it was clever of me to trick you into objecting to a black woman being appointed just like you have all the times that they've been excluded.

Fri Jan 28 12:13:04
I oppose a black woman being picked solely because she's black.

That's literally the dictionary definition of racism.

Are there any other basic concepts you'd like me to explain to you?
Fri Jan 28 12:13:32
Again, has Biden listed ANY other qualifications?
Fri Jan 28 12:18:12
That said I grow bored arguing over flawed decision making prerequisites.

Who do you think he will pick and will he be able to get them voted in?
Fri Jan 28 12:22:09
A mainstream Democratic position is that selecting people based on their individual merits is a form of racism. So I'm expecting that whoever Biden thinks will be a mediocre disaster.
Fri Jan 28 12:28:07
My gut says it will be a DC judge....Im sure their are a few great black female judges, he won't consider any of them.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 28 13:34:28
"has Biden listed ANY other qualifications"

"The person I will nominate will be someone of extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity, and that person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court" ~Biden

what more would you want him to say?
Fri Jan 28 13:43:20
No that's pretty good.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 28 14:40:42
Hannity: "Speculation ramps up that Harris could be Biden’s Supreme Court pick"

that speculation is entirely amongst the Right, but apparently ramping up amongst them...

the wanderer
Fri Jan 28 14:41:11
(^Kamala Harris to be clear)
Fri Jan 28 14:48:59
No sane person thinks that actually going to happen. Fan fiction at best.
Fri Jan 28 14:50:39
I think his best bet would be like a Stephanie Davis. She is a black female federal judge, even a Democrat. The hitch? She was appointed by Trump.
Fri Jan 28 14:51:19
That would be difficult for Republicans to torpedeo.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 28 15:04:02
real news outlets are speculating...

seem strongest possibles:
- US Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
- US District Judge J. Michelle Childs
- CA Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger

some also mentions:
- US District Judge Wilhelmina M. Wright
- US Circuit Judge Eunice Cheryl Lee
- US Circuit Judge Candace Rae Jackson-Akiwumi
- Law Professor Sherrilyn Ifill

(not George Floyd's sister, nor Kamala Harris, nor a random black woman pulled from a hat as Fox News is pushing)
Fri Jan 28 17:16:25

"I oppose a black woman being picked solely because she's black."

So support her because she's an accomplished jurist. If you can look past her being black.

Jesse Malcolm Barack
Fri Jan 28 18:37:19
Member Wed Jan 26 16:08:17
I'm not really sure President Biden should put a rush on this."

Yeah dude after Trump pushing through 3 picks to try and overturn womens rights Biden should wait to let the nazi party have a chance to put a 4th in?

They didnt let obama make a pick cause it was an election year then let trump do it a week before he lost an election just stfu dude
Sat Jan 29 21:53:14
in an extraordinary year-long campaign was launched to pressure Breyer to rethink his loyalties and focus far more on the political party that helped secure his appointment and the court’s dwindling liberal minority. A group of Democratic operatives circulated an online petition. Activists protested his events. Op-eds appeared in newspapers. A truck circled the Supreme Court building with a billboard that read: “Breyer, retire.”

It was the start of a remarkably public push on the political left to pressure Breyer, 83, the high court’s oldest justice and one of its three liberals, to retire while Democrats controlled the White House and Senate and make way for a younger nominee installed by President Biden.


Hahahaha, I hope it gets delayed.
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