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Utopia Talk / Politics / da best greatest winter olympics eva
Thu Jan 27 03:13:17
once again china ups da ante and sets da bars and shit.

like all other olympics after beijing 2008 were measured against beijing and so will da winter olympics.

it already is da highest tech olympics.
but everything else is top notch.

da beds, da roomz, da food. man looks like a great time. we shuldve all been told da truth when we waz kids in school. that athletes and movies and showbizz is where da moniez is.

but ofc they culdnt tell us that becoz in reality we waz always meant 2 become wageslaves...
Thu Jan 27 03:13:28
Thu Jan 27 03:14:47
fucked up society groomed us 2 be wageslavezs. they all knew. thats why if u think back, they just let us do whatever. coz we waz always meant to do dirty jobs in society...

Thu Jan 27 04:16:00
No, you fucked up. Most the rest of us did alright.

The food looked good. The rooms looked like a dorm room you will find an most any college.
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