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Utopia Talk / Politics / Jan 6th daughtergate hearings tonight
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 12:00:13 real news outlets will be airing it i imagine... Fox News will not be, and has been having multiple hosts/guests to pre-smear... including such neutral commentators as Trump family members, Trump administration vampires, & loyal Trump politicians (with no actual defense of Trump's treasonous behavior, just 'hoax' style nonsense claims) ('daughtergate' = possible headline if Ivanka testimony shown... Trump is making his loyal henchmen fight legal battles to avoid testifying, but didn't require that of his love interest) |
Member | Thu Jun 09 12:08:44 It was on FOX live, or will be as is my understanding. Impeachment 3.0 basically....yawn. Pretty sure someone should be held accountable for the unconditional arrest of Peter Navvarro btw. |
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 13:00:30 Navarro's begging for up to a $ million to cover legal expenses, feel free to help god forbid he just goes & talks to the committee... he talks about the scheme in his book & on TV already http://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1534723673009037313 subpoena: from Latin sub poena = ‘under penalty’ |
Member | Thu Jun 09 13:45:57 God forbid they go to a judge who actually would have said authority. Its probably a bad precedent to set now that they will all be investigated in a few months. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 13:47:51 The FBI just arrested a Republican politician on 1/6-related riot charges. It's good to know that federal law enforcement is timing its arrests to give maximum oomph for the commission. Trump needs to purge them all when he wins in 2024. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 14:07:03 http://us....1250877529/thejanuary6threport Maybe he can sell a book and earn some loot. |
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 19:19:09 some Bill Barr testimony played, so presumably a childish attack on Barr incoming |
Member | Thu Jun 09 19:25:23 Yeah I'm watching. How is this any different from first two hearings? Liz Cheney's last ditch effort to be current. I'm not really sure where this is going. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 19:28:15 Habebe let us know how it goes. I won't be watching, total waste of time imo. |
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 19:28:58 Liz Cheney is carving up the turkey nicely it’s different from impeachment #2 as now much more info on behind the scenes stuff |
Member | Thu Jun 09 19:30:24 TW is masturbating to this....gross. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 19:31:41 TW, What effect do you think this will have. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 19:38:13 Still harping on "find some votes" I'll await the hearings against this criminal committee when the Reps take power. But still wont get any actual governance. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 19:44:36 Now they are showing clips of the guy who offered China details of our military actions and usurped power from the potus. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 20:28:15 http://twi...?t=RMs3NSxmpvQKGontGtQzrg&s=19 Odd how a man trying repeatedly to get people to break into the capital , on film, isnt questioned by this commitee....very strange. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 21:02:41 Also fake news said FOX wouldnt be airing the story. http://youtu.be/UIfIB1G9EDk Literally type FOX news into YT, first one that pops up. |
Member | Thu Jun 09 21:26:01 Anybody that hears something they didn't already know has either just awakened from a prolonged coma or suffers chronic memory loss. |
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 22:13:19 very solid first hearing some description for anyone who wants to view portions: first 15 minutes skippable (though includes a good Barr clip) then a solid ~30 min from Cheney outlining Trumps definite treason (unclear how Rs get past that attempted letter to States from DOJ lying that they had indication of mass fraud... I believe Cheney said that would be detailed in 3rd hearing, should be a good one) then ~15 min video timeline of Trump’s mob attack after a break, 2 witnesses who were present on the day with one providing some good video/info of Proud Boys and some on Oathkeepers and a cop describing her experience |
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 22:16:18 “Anybody that hears something they didn't already know has either just awakened from a prolonged coma or suffers chronic memory loss.“ was that a stupid Fox comment or your own stupid comment? obviously there was new stuff in the various testimony clips and the guy embedded with Proud Boys |
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 22:32:15 “TW, What effect do you think this will have.” anyone who pays attention will never consider voting for Trump and wonder why he’s not in prison the cult will maintain their inability to notice any of the absurdly fucked up behavior, but theres still a slice of population that’s important to reach and remind what a total shitbag he is, given places like Fox working hard to rehabilitate him and hide all his continued efforts to undermine all faith in elections |
Member | Thu Jun 09 22:39:23 Did they question say Epps? |
the wanderer | Thu Jun 09 23:08:03 iirc they did, yes (not in this hearing, unsurprisingly) |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Thu Jun 09 23:21:30 But I remember it, too, Rupar is the liar!!!!! http://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1534956986067984384 |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 00:16:38 yep, she's on video leading a charge through a broken door window |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 00:21:18 "So the Unselect Committee of political HACKS refuses to play any of the many positive witnesses and statements, refuses to talk of the Election Fraud and Irregularities that took place on a massive scale, and decided to use a documentary maker from Fake News ABC to spin only negative footage. Our Country is in such trouble!" ~ traitor what positive witnesses & statements would those be? & they -did- talk of the fraud & irregularities, like Barr saying Trump's claims were bullshit & a year-and-a-half later hadn't changed his opinion (& another person on team Trump saying they couldn't find anything either) to you Fox watchers, let me know if Fox ever talks of massive fraud being found (as Trump claims regularly), or even lets Trump mention it on air when it's clearly his only focus |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 02:00:25 Newt claims a coup is an attempt to change who controls Washington, and that there is no evidence of that happening: http://twitter.com/acyn/status/1535088712454791168?s=21 that marble 3 monkeys gift that Trump got and didn’t report must have magical powers preventing Rs from seeing, hearing or speaking of the clear evil done by the Toddleraitor |
Member | Fri Jun 10 02:35:58 "obviously there was new stuff in the various testimony clips and the guy embedded with Proud Boys" No there was new perspective on old stuff. These hearing are doing exactly what Democrats do and nothing more. They are distracting a portion of the population. That is all they are meant to do. It is all they were ever meant to do. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 07:55:14 "what positive witnesses & statements would those be?" Maybe a record keeper who can detail the leftwing protests that occur in the capitol building several times a year |
Member | Fri Jun 10 08:28:35 "These hearing are doing exactly what Democrats do and nothing more. They are distracting a portion of the population. That is all they are meant to do. It is all they were ever meant to do." Just a little insurrection distraction. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 10:40:06 Lol Who watched this? It was a media spectacle the dems created for the idiots like tw to tune into. The ratings will be so low because no one but the far left really thinks the Jan 6 incident is anything more than a bunch of morons getting excited and screwing around. In no way do the cosplay guys intend to overthrow the government and if you think they did then you are a true moron. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 10:44:28 I would like to see the ratings too. The MSM had been hyping this thing up nonstop for weeks on end, so Day 1 might have some good numbers, but I agree with the earlier statement that this is just Impeachment 3.0. If your entire existence revolves around hating Trump then this spectacle is for you; for the rest of us, yawn. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 10:54:14 "If your entire existence revolves around hating Trump then this spectacle is for you" So, the Tumbleweeds of the world. But yeah, I agree. Wonder how breaking points will cover it today. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 11:07:33 I watched about 10 mins.It was just liz Cheney playing random clip exceprts and ranting. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 11:36:20 "Who watched this?" apparently Fox was worried as they had no commercials for the two hours it was on, apparently fearing viewers would flip over & become captivated consciousness of guilt ============== "In no way do the cosplay guys intend to overthrow the government" well, they did... and more importantly so did Trump of his many strategies, for Jan 6th, he had his Pence strategy of sending votes back to States; a stooge to make Attorney General & send a total bullshit letter to states to say they suspected mass fraud to give cover to the state legislatures which already had plenty of Trump loyalists willing to trash mail-in votes w/o the letter (letter already drafted); & the electors all coordinated by his team to meet & send in their votes as if they had authority... that's a whole package for installing Trump a plan the traitor still advocates to this day should have happened |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 11:40:35 a clip of Ivanka was played where she said she respected Bill Barr & accepted his conclusions, so enter the fucking moron: "Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful of Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!)." at least nice to know how fuming he must be & possibly scared as he clearly committed crimes |
Member | Fri Jun 10 11:49:11 Fox News was smart. Hey provided full coverage on their digital platform and gave viewers the choice of watching that shit show or tuning in to regular programing including top rated shows. If I thought these hearings would somehow stop President Trump form running again I would say fine let them play out. But they won't. He will either run or he won't and these hearings won't matter one bit. These hearings are not going to change any minds. They are not going to find anything new. Maybe the rally a few voters who might otherwise sit out the midterms to go ahead and vote. I doubt even that though. Nope this is just the left trying to distract from their failings and a few politicians trying to get in a soundbite they can use later. For most viewers (like tumble) this is just a form of porn. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 11:50:06 " apparently Fox was worried as they had no commercials for the two hours it was on, apparently fearing viewers would flip over & become captivated" Wouldn't the reverse argument be that when the legacy media attacked FOX for not airing the trial? Even though that's a blatant lie.They just aired it online while Tucker talked about the commitee. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 11:55:24 there was no question it was newsworthy Fox is -obvious- garbage, and they are protecting Trump as they are basically the president when he's in office... he gets the bulk of his info from them & their segments determine what he has an interest in... plus multiple hosts in regular contact with him |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 11:57:50 childish attack #2: "Bill Barr was a weak and frightened Attorney General who was always being "played" and threatened by the Democrats and was scared stiff of being impeached. How do you not get impeached? Do nothing, or say nothing, especially about he obviously RIGGED & STOLEN Election or, to put it another way, THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY! The Democrats hit pay dirt with Barr, he was stupid, ridiculously said there was no problem with the Election, & they left him alone. It worked for him, but not for our Country!" (Bill Barr being the guy who corruptly deliberately misled the public on the Mueller report, massively helping Trump... but suddenly accepts an 'obviously' rigged & stolen election as fears impeachment? from a job he's about to leave...) |
Member | Fri Jun 10 12:07:07 "there was no question it was newsworthy" As a cliff note, yes. On EVERY channel PRIMETIME? That's desperate. As if MSNBC doesn't act as the advisors to Biden. Who has even worse ratings and even lacks party support. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 12:13:58 just a 'president's clear efforts to overthrow the government no biggie plus there's more info of how he did NOTHING to stop it & definitely could have he contacted no one & his main concern was spinning narrative (unshockingly), whereas Pence gave orders to many |
Member | Fri Jun 10 12:17:08 Its what happens when dems cry shitwolf all the time. No one cares about another with hunt trial...again.They are all sooo important. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 12:35:08 Semi related. Biden says we have the fastest growing economy in the world, in the worldx3 What?! How is that based in reality? |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 12:50:19 probably some metrics on us coming out of pandemic vs other countries --- also, i know of no one on MSNBC known to be in regular talks/dinners w/ Biden, unlike Hannity for Trump... Hannity even making an appearance in last night's hearings w/ his instructions to Kayleigh McEnany on steering the unhinged orangutan (which clearly didn't work out): Hannity/Kayleigh exchange: http://pbs...WIDQbNM2?format=jpg&name=large i wonder if #3 is Hannity recommending a pardon of Hunter Biden as show of unity or something (as #4 & #5 seem similar motives) surely something Hannity wants to hide, like all his other communications |
Member | Fri Jun 10 12:59:20 1. Its a blatant lie about the economy. 2. Id have to check, but off the top of my head Harris gets her advise from the morning Joe group. No one has dinner Biden because he eats dinner at 2:35 PM. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 13:08:14 to anyone not having a problem w/ Trump or against these hearings: do you recognize the -fact- Trump was pressuring for states to switch their electors various ways (not related to court fights), direct intimidation/pressure on governors, secretaries of states, members of legislatures, fake letters from DOJ & with NO PROOF WHATSOEVER? (claims of fraud/rigging he had made -every- election from at least the 2016 primaries, including before voting ever occurs) how do you find that ok? why in the hell should legislatures switch who was voted for without evidence... worse than evidence, just made up claims, like '10,000 dead voted' & heaps of other zero-support claims Trump has paid no price for it, so saying 'meh, move on' isn't the right answer, especially given he's front-runner for 2024 & he does nothing but imply he's running thus, i'm right, you're wrong :p join the right side |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 13:09:56 + it's not just the pressure/intimidation, he's now actively working to replace all those who didn't obey... a fucking dangerous piece of shit fraud |
Member | Fri Jun 10 13:47:23 "how do you find that ok? " I don't see it rising past the level of all the other crazy. Definitely not worse than illegally throwing political opponents in jail on some 3rd world shit. " it's not just the pressure/intimidation, he's now actively working to replace all those who didn't obey..." Perfectly legal. Way more above the bar than the shadow campaign against him. Which was also legal, but shady as fuck. In short he is the lesser of the corrupts. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 13:53:26 "not worse than illegally throwing political opponents in jail" who are you referring to? Navarro? he's not in jail & was lawfully charged although one guy who repeatedly called for political opponents to be put in jail was Trump... even as acting 'president' (who is leader of the branch that puts people in jail)... ----- "the shadow campaign against him" the shadow campaign against an unfit criminal traitor who hasn't been held accountable for anything... |
Member | Fri Jun 10 14:05:53 "who are you referring to? Navarro? he's not in jail & was lawfully charged" Navarro and Michigan Gubnatorial candidate. The commitee doesn't have this authority. They can go to a judge and get a judgement in court. No comitee has had this authority, a judge does. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 14:15:03 the committee didn't send out henchmen to arrest anyone --------- "Former White House advisor Peter K. Navarro has been indicted by a federal grand jury on two counts of contempt of Congress stemming from his failure to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 breach of the United States Capitol. ... " http://www...rro-indicted-contempt-congress ------------- Michigan guy arrested by FBI on 18 U.S.C. § 1752(a)(1) - Knowingly Entering or Remaining in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority, 18 U.S.C. § 1752(a)(2) - Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds, 18 U.S.C. § 1752(a)(4) - Knowingly Engage in any Act of Physical Violence Against Person or Property in any Restricted Building or Grounds, 18 U.S.C. § 1361 - Willfully injure or commit any Depredation Against any Property of the United State ----------------- lawful charges |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 14:23:50 ...& being arrested for Jan 6 will only help him in the primary given the fucked up cult |
Member | Fri Jun 10 14:44:56 Cuckservatives deflecting and gaslighting like always. No more honest conservatives it seems. Just all a bunch of gaslighting, braindead reactionaries. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 15:21:09 Tw, did you think anything would come of this? Did you not realize this was just a ploy by the left politicians to galvanize their voter base? |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 15:26:15 Liz Cheney: left-wing politician trying to galvanize Democrats... you are the fool please address my [Fri Jun 10 13:08:14] post questions |
Member | Fri Jun 10 16:06:06 Cheney is a token. Like when the yacht club has one black family so they can say "See look, we're inclusive" It would be like bringing on the Lincoln project crew and saying "See its Republicans, Durr" Its disengenous and you know It. Its not even the level of Tulsi, who Ive actually been a fan of long before she pivoted towards Republicans, she was more innthe Bernie crowd, which happens to be rather anti HRC crowd. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 17:37:34 "Its disengenous and you know It." no, it isn't... at all your side claims Liz Cheney is only going against Trump as she wants revenge... revenge FOR WHAT? also the attacks aren't baseless spin, what Trump did was soooo clearly wrong & beyond the pail also... nearly ALL R's AGREED with Liz Cheney at the time... including spineless worm Kevin McCarthy & Mitch McConnell but they saw the cult leader w/ his propaganda networks managing to whether the storm & ran back to him in Kevin's case, or just returned to his cabin in the woods in Mitch's case who is carrying Trump's message? hardly anyone, yet all beg for his endorsement & live in fear of criticizing/angering him... it's totally fucked |
Member | Fri Jun 10 19:19:35 Tiffany is his favorite now. Never go against the family. |
Member | Fri Jun 10 20:00:44 Cheney is a Bushite.Trumo has destroyed her chances of a political future, putting a nail in the coffin of a dynasty. She is now out for blood. Like a guy who knows he is fired. She sought political clout for blaming Jan. 6 on him and seen it as a chance to reclaim the party I suspect. But sure tell menhow brave she is. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 20:23:12 that timeline makes no sense... Trump deciding to destroy her was only caused by her blaming him & not stopping. Liz could’ve been a cowardly shitbag like McCarthy and multiple others and just toss out their morals and backed off (or never blamed him at all if she’s just faking it) her keeping her ethics and dignity is the only reason she continued, and is the only reason she’s now hated by the cult of fools also, it’s not hard to understand her views is it? do you believe Barr actually did find obvious mass fraud and only hid it out of fear on impeachment? (which makes no sense) If you recognize that is more total bullshit from the lord of bullshit, how is it hard to understand how people have a huge problem with him? -everyone- who investigated his claims told him they found nothing, and yet he persisted... to the present, maintaining he won with nothing suggesting it, and not even loyal propaganda networks pushing it, yet his cult believing it |
Member | Fri Jun 10 21:12:18 The timeline makes sense. I said now that's her motivation currently*. Nothing like a woman scorned. She probably was always hesitant of Trump but put up with it for any multitude of reasons.She like many jumped on the blame Trump for Jan. 6th. She seen the writing on the wall, he lost, the party support was down. But she bet on the wrong horse and got too deep to flip flop unlike others who have like Nikki Haley. Now she has nothing to lose and is out for blood knowing she has no future except as a token Republican who hates Trump like the Lincoln project pedos. I agree his claims are BS. But Again, considering Hillary's Russia gate, this isnt any worse IMHO. Politicians gonna politic. This is nothing new, look into the election of Jefferson. It took Hamilton to chill it out. |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 21:45:12 or she is acting in good faith and believes what she’s saying which isn’t remotely hard to understand... Trump spewing bullshit claims of mass fraud is known fact, his cult believing it is obvious, Trump working through pressure and intimidation to get results changed is fact (a long shot ploy but a ploy nonetheless), with Trump told by multiple people who actually investigated that his claims that they were nonsense and not ONE ever proven (unsurprisingly as all were baseless from the start), so people having a problem with that is completely expected and understandable (the ONLY understandable reaction in fact) and wayyyy worse than Hillary... the ONLY thing even semi-linked to Hillary was that meaningless Alfa bank story which wasn’t even false, but also had NOTHING to do with why Trumps campaign was justifiably investigated by the FBI nor Mueller (its not even a possibility to be a reason as didn’t involve the campaign)... neither did the Steele dossier for that matter (which would be a shock to Fox viewers) she played up the narrative, much like every politician does of their opponent, much more analogous to any of the many overreaches team Trump made about her email server or (real) charity foundation not remotely analogous to trying to overturn an election with bullshit (and inciting a mob to storm the Capitol... and slow-walking any tiny bit of action to help despite a multitude of pleas from his own allies) |
Member | Fri Jun 10 22:02:05 Pretty damning evidence. Too bad completely overshadowed by inflation. Republicans saved by foreign actors trying to hurt the US economy (China with their idiot lockdowns still and Russia with their pointless war). |
Member | Fri Jun 10 22:15:46 How was alfa bank not false? Regardless, let me put it this way, regardless of what happened, this committee would have found the result they wanted. What's the saying? Show me the man and I'll show you the crime? |
the wanderer | Fri Jun 10 22:54:32 "How was alfa bank not false?" there's been no allegation it was false, he was charged about lying as to whether he worked for Hillary or doing on his own (and was acquitted on that) but story never had any conclusive results, that's why i say meaningless... plus didn't implicate anyone that the FBI looked at (it didn't implicate anyone at all as was only about internet traffic) "regardless of what happened, this committee would have found the result they wanted" maybe, but what DID happen was so clearly fucked up... i have seen numerous Fox clips smearing committee, NONE by defending Trump's actions |
Member | Sat Jun 11 10:04:21 "there's been no allegation it was false" Is there any evidence it was true? |
Member | Sat Jun 11 10:11:19 Also, wasn't he found not guilty after admitting under oath that HRC gave the order? Now that could Bentsen with a grain of salt because he seemingly had a reasonnto blame someone else and not go to jail. |
Member | Sat Jun 11 10:11:34 Bentsen=taken |
Member | Sat Jun 11 10:11:57 Be taken* |
Member | Sat Jun 11 10:14:09 (CNN)Hillary Clinton personally approved her campaign's plans in fall 2016 to share information with a reporter about an uncorroborated alleged server backchannel between Donald Trump and a top Russian bank, her former campaign manager testified Friday in federal court. http://amp...nton-robby-mook-fbi/index.html |
the wanderer | Sat Jun 11 11:40:19 "Is there any evidence it was true?" i believe so... if it was completely manufactured it would be really weird as it was weak evidence of anything... i never cared about the story from the start as had no conclusive determinations & i worked in a bank IT dept, there was constant mysterious pinging & shit going on... investigate it further yourself if you want ---------------- "Also, wasn't he found not guilty after admitting under oath that HRC gave the order? " no your CNN article is Hillary approving giving story -to the media- (which is helpful to Hillary), not to the FBI (which does nothing for Hillary... especially if it's a made-up bullshit story) |
Member | Sat Jun 11 13:36:44 "(CNN)Hillary Clinton personally approved her campaign's plans in fall 2016 to share information with a reporter ..." With a reporter. |
Member | Sat Jun 11 13:49:45 Everyone over looks the word uncorroberated. The question was, is there any evidence to suggest of the alfa bank-trump connection real or is it a hoax. It seems to be a hoax. |
Member | Sat Jun 11 13:52:49 So it seems, even CNN is admitting that HRC personally approved of planting a fake news story about Trump-alfa bank. That's the issue. Because she leaked it to the media, doesn't make this ok. |
the wanderer | Sat Jun 11 15:16:28 "It seems to be a hoax" based on what? click the "uncorroborated alleged server" link in the CNN article includes: " These leaked records show that Alfa Bank servers repeatedly looked up the unique internet address of a particular Trump Organization computer server in the United States. In the computer world, it’s the equivalent of looking up someone’s phone number – over and over again. While there isn’t necessarily a phone call, it usually indicates an intention to communicate, according to several computer scientists. What puzzled them was why a Russian bank was repeatedly looking up the contact information for mail1.trump-email.com. Publicly available internet records show that address, which was registered to the Trump Organization, points to an IP address that lives on an otherwise dull machine operated by a company in the tiny rural town of Lititz, Pennsylvania. From May 4 until September 23, the Russian bank looked up the address to this Trump corporate server 2,820 times – more lookups than the Trump server received from any other source. " the guy took it to FBI to investigate, not to declare any crime "planting a fake news story" no... at most she overreached on the meaning, again as every politician does every campaign not remotely similar to trying to overturn an election w/ intimidation & bullshit |
the wanderer | Sat Jun 11 15:17:49 something probably IS criminal knowing Trump |
Member | Sat Jun 11 21:56:24 Insurrection 2.99 "The activist group “Shut Down DC” plans to “blockade the streets around the Supreme Court” on Monday, according to its website, as part of a protest that aims to “shut down” the Supreme Court as it prepares to hand down a ruling that could overturn Roe v. Wade." http://www...witter.com&utm_campaign=buffer |
the wanderer | Sat Jun 11 22:50:44 "insurrection" requires violence |
Member | Sat Jun 11 23:04:24 Are there more hearings or just then one? |
the wanderer | Sat Jun 11 23:47:30 yes, 6 or 8 or something i recall #3 & #4 & final one sounded like good stuff in particular next one is 10am Monday morning, not a great time slot so Fox may not have to avoid commercials again (which was amazingly pathetic) |
the wanderer | Sat Jun 11 23:58:27 i guess 7... descriptions from Liz Cheney's excellent prosecution: 2nd - "In our second hearing, you will see that Donald Trump and his advisors knew that he had, in fact, lost the election. But, despite this, President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information – to convince huge portions of the U.S. population that fraud had stolen the election from him. This was not true..." 3rd - "In our third hearing, you will see that President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Attorney General of the United States so the U.S. Justice Department would spread his false stolen election claims. In the days before January 6th, President Trump told his top Justice Department officials “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen.” Senior Justice Department officials, men he had appointed, told him they could not do that, because it was not true. So President Trump decided to replace them. He offered Jeff Clark, an environmental lawyer at the Justice Department, the job of Acting Attorney General. President Trump wanted Mr. Clark to take a number of steps, including sending this letter to Georgia and five other states, saying the U.S. Department of Justice had “identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election.” This letter is a lie. The Department of Justice had, in fact, repeatedly told President Trump exactly the opposite – that they had investigated his stolen election allegations and found no credible fraud that could impact the outcome of the election. This letter, and others like it, would have urged multiple states to withdraw their official and lawful electoral votes for Biden..." 4th - "In our fourth hearing, we will focus on President Trump’s efforts to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to count electoral votes on January 6th..." 5th - "In our fifth hearing, you will see evidence that President Trump corruptly pressured state legislators and election officials to change election results..." 6&7 - "In our final two June hearings, you will hear how President Trump summoned a violent mob and directed them, illegally, to march on the U.S. Capitol. While the violence was underway, President Trump failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol..." http://www...mittee-full-statement-00038730 the Fox segments i've seen just over & over say 'this was not an insurrection!' but offer no defense for any of it... who the fuck cares what you call it... Trump tried to install himself with zero evidence he won election, that's a BIG fucking deal |
Member | Sun Jun 12 00:17:15 Yes , no commercials was somehow more pathetic than every other station playing the same thing. Anyone have the ratings? Smart play was to be one unique channel. They definitely had better ratings than if They played the same thing as everyone else. |
Member | Sun Jun 12 00:20:36 Also, Biden replaced almost all od Trumps appointees. Why? Because they serve at the pleasure of the POTUS, not nefarious, not illegal or corrupt. |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 00:27:14 "no commercials was somehow more pathetic than every other station playing the same thing" extremely so... commercials is how they make money, they chose to lose money to keep their audience from seeing facts (& their own hosts involvement) ----------- "Anyone have the ratings" 20 million viewers is the # i've seen tossed around or there's lying shitbags on Fox who just claim it was a ratings disaster including by Ingraham the minute it ended... -------------- "Biden replaced almost all od Trumps appointees. Why? ... not nefarious, not illegal or corrupt" what are you finding that analogous to here? Trump trying to replace Biden as winner of election is the same? |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 00:29:13 if you're referring to replacing the AG... that's Trump replacing his own AG with a corrupt stooge as the current one wouldn't completely lie to States that they found indication of fraud so he could get his loyalists to switch the electors man, Trump needs to be in prison... just reviewing those ploys is so disgusting... & somehow you don't see a thing which is very annoying... |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 00:30:16 foiled only by mass resignation threats of DOJ & his own White House counsel (lawyer) |
Member | Sun Jun 12 00:32:01 Or they offered an alternative to draw in new viewers. Like COSTCO selling 1/4 hotdogs they lose money on. No not Biden. , Barr. |
Member | Sun Jun 12 00:47:21 '"insurrection" requires violence' I'm sure your deranged California leftist arrested with guns in Kavanaugh's neighborhood was there to give flowers |
Member | Sun Jun 12 00:52:33 Which is where a normal person would say, even I don't agree with Kavanaugh, murdering him in order to sway the court to be pro abortion is crazy, and probably somewhere along the lines of a putsch, atleast if Jan 6 was an attempted coup, this was definitely a putsch attempt. |
Member | Sun Jun 12 00:56:26 Here is the thing 1. No sane person thinks Jan. 6th was a good thing. They were wrong, they broke the law and damaged property. 2. The left thinks this was as bad as 9/11. That's insane, not even comparable. It was a protest that turned riot. It weakens their argument by making extreme examples. Like when ppl call everyone Hitler, it now has no meaning, so many Hitler's, how are we alive. |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 01:08:41 "Or they offered an alternative to draw in new viewers" that doesn't explain the no commercials, it was still an alternative with commercials ---------- "I'm sure your deranged California leftist arrested with guns in Kavanaugh's neighborhood was there to give flowers " one guy isn't an insurrection either... a guy who called the cops on himself ------------- "It was a protest that turned riot" i barely care about the riot... have a MASSIVE problem w/ what Trump did all the way leading UP to the riot (plus his inaction during riot, but that's just more of his complete unfitness) you should have a massive problem w/ his behavior throughout his 'presidency', but trying to have the Dept of Justice LIE about voter fraud to the public & state legislators so they would trash the vote & change electors is a new level of FUCKED UP (& that's just one bit of it) |
Member | Sun Jun 12 01:42:23 1. You have a MASSIVE problem with anything Trump does, as does the DNC, its lost all weight. As for the commercials, it makes sense. At any given time the other shows would probably have something on, commentary or what not. Whenever they had a commercial, they could turn on FOX and mabey draw im some curious viewer. This spectacle pulled out all the stops, hiring tv producers , trying to emulate Trump actually. My bet is FOX's plan paid off in the end. And again, saying FOX didn't air the hearing is a blatant lie. It aired on FOX live 1. I posted the link. Tucker had 3 million views that night, much lower than the hearings ratings at 3.5-4.8 per channel. Except fox's coverage channel which only had 200k. |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 11:35:58 "It aired on FOX live 1" yes, i'm sure their average age 65 audience knew all about that & how to view it that way did the channel ever mention it? & i don't recall any tweets about it from them it is 100% clear they wanted -their- audience not to leave the misinformation drug they were pushing to add to the bullshit, at several moments on the Fox main channel they had the hearing airing live without sound in a box (useless), while hosts smeared it... but those moments being only when Liz Cheney or the Dem chair speaking, then they would switch to still frames of the speakers when any rioting was being shown to hide that -------- "My bet is FOX's plan paid off in the end... Tucker had 3 million views that night" so his average viewership... yes, their plan paid off & kept those gullible fools from changing channel & seeing anything -------- & yes, I have a -massive- problem w/ Trump... & am shocked how anyone doesn't no, his lies are NOT like every other politician, not remotely close... he operates completely detached from truth & the law, he decides his own reality & decides what is right & wrong himself |
Member | Sun Jun 12 12:26:18 Why SHOULD this have gotten nonstop live primetime coverage? It wasn't even a "proper" Congressional hearing, where both parties would have a chance to air respective findings and/or challenge each other's conclusions. This was an unprecedented star chamber composed exclusively of Democrats and two disgruntled GOP turncoats. Relegating the hearings to page A20 of the following morning's paper would have been most appropriate (as the NYT did to the Kavanaugh assassination attempt...which if anything is a much more important story than this charade of a hearing) |
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Member | Sun Jun 12 12:29:47 "exclusively of Democrats and two" Dude you know that the Repubs refused to be involved and tried to pretend Trump didnt just try to make himself dictator |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 13:09:02 "It wasn't even a "proper" Congressional hearing" McCarthy -chose- not to have an independent commission then McCarthy -chose- not to include other R's after Jim Jordan & Jim Banks properly excluded but PLEASE give 'the other side' to Trump's actions... Fox isn't trying, no one can defend it Liz Cheney is one of the few showing any moral compass in that pathetic party who won't repeat what Trump says, yet won't refute it as he will destroy them if they do (loyal cultist Mo Brooks losing Trump's endorsement for merely suggesting R's have other issues for 2022 than whether Trump won 2020... which he didn't... NOTHING suggests he did) |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 13:11:06 the Kavanaugh assassination would be a major story if he was a tackled charging up the driveway w/ his gun not arrested after calling the cops on himself |
Member | Sun Jun 12 13:23:57 "yes, i'm sure their average age 65 audience knew all about that & how to view it that way" Literally just search YT for "FOX" and it came up. Yes I realize old ppl often can't internet. I literally get phone calls from my parents because they can't use the android tv remote at 68 yrs old.But even they have a 50/50 chance of finding that. IIRC they said it was carried by thenfox business channel(s) I guess FOX 1 live is considered a biz channel? Not sure though. ----- Regardless, for ppl complaining about breaking of norms, nothing is normal about this hearing. Also TW, your definition of moral.compass is correlated to how anti Trump someone is, regardless of all other factors. |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 13:44:43 because Trump is not a 50/50 figure... there isn't a side that makes him ok stuff to defend: -before election: repeated bullshit about how it was rigged, such as claims that mail-in ballots weren't being delivered to R areas whereas ballots were being dumped in the streets in D areas... that's not merely him 'exaggerating', you can't exaggerate off zero, it was totally made-up false bullshit constantly (heaps of other bullshit from him prepping his rigged/fraud claims JUST as he did in 2016, so nothing to do w/ covid changes) - after election: multiple claims of mass fraud a day, thousands/tens of thousands of dead voters, votes being brought in by vans from other states, voters being bused in from other states, the real votes counted on servers in Spain? for some reason that were being seized by the military... (yes, he retweeted that story)... defend all that - pressuring governors & secretaries of states & legislators to change electors... including telling Raffensperger all his zero evidence claims, & Raffensperger (who -investigated- them) saying nope that didn't happen, here are the real numbers... Trump ignoring & first going w/ the carrot approach saying Raff would be a hero if he did as asked, then when that not working threatening him that he was breaking the law if he didn't do as Trump asked... defend all that (Trump also told by others (EVERYONE who investigated) that his claims were nonsense, including his own people) - Trump asking DOJ to just claim they suspected fraud when they told them they didn't, then Trump planning to replace the AG to get a stooge to declare it (the letter already drafted) - defend THAT - Trump's team arranging for all his electors to meet & send in votes, Trump's team with multiple bullshit plans of how Pence could either discard the 'disputed' State's electors or return them to the States w/ R-led legislatures to change them (w/ fake lies from DOJ to help entice) - Trump calling his completely misinformed cultists to Jan 6th, & amongst other things telling them if Pence doesn't do as he 'should' they will lose their country, then sending them to Capitol & tweeting out that Pence failed them... how could that lead to violence???... then one weak tweett -after- they already bashed thru cops to not to be violent to the cops... nothing more from Trump, despite pleas from numerous allies, til the cultists were already being pushed out by the cops, where he told them finally to go home... & that he loved them good luck w/ all that defense |
the wanderer | Sun Jun 12 13:44:56 & i'm sure i missed tons... |
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