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Utopia Talk / Politics / Claire foster PHD
Tue Jun 21 02:54:25
Hands down the funniest parody account Ive seen on Twitter.

And consistently. If you havn't seen her online, Inwholly reccomend it.

To not use up a whole thread, we can make this a comedy based thread.

Here is a taste

Marijuana is not harmless, it ruins lives. My daughter went to prison for 10 years after I reported her to the police. Tough love is always better than an overdose.

Overheard this waitress complaining about the economy (loves putin). Then she had the audacity to confront me about not tipping. Lucky for her I know the owner. Hope her kids like camping. Tips are earned not guaranteed.

We should send oil to Ukraine

Every time I drive by a school I can't help but think about how many people all those selfish children murdered by being too young to get vaccinated.

Even in replies in threads, its best when people take her seriously.
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