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Utopia Talk / Politics / US to compensate Havana syndrome victims
Thu Jun 23 16:52:47
The Associated Press @AP

The State Department is preparing to compensate victims of mysterious brain injuries colloquially known as “Havana Syndrome" with six-figure payments, according to officials and congressional aides.


But absolutely not because we're actually responsible for it. ;o)

Thu Jun 23 17:05:47
I've never seen the claim credibly made that "we," as in the United States gov't, are responsible for it. But it also hasn't been on my radar.

The precedent from the military is that service-connected disabilities, even if it's via enemy action such as getting shot, are something the VA takes care of you for, or at least attempts to, including financial benefits well into the six figures.

So I don't think this is unprecedented, nor do I take it as any sort of admission that the State Department or Federal gov't "did" anything.

I'll be curious to find out what was/is actually going on, whenever we do learn. I wouldn't bet money either way, personally.

- Did some new anti-espionage anti-spying hardware get installed that never had to go through OSHA safety checks because it's for "national security"? ("oh no, foreign spies have new listening devices that can spy through walls from across the street and hear everything we are saying, but not if we paint the interior of our embassy buildings this new RADIOACTIVE DEPLETED URANIUM PAINT!" is not something so dumb that I would put it past us, as a made up sci fi example)

- Is this Russian shenanigans?

- Is it shenanigans from our good friends the Israelis?

I literally have no specific suspicion, that's just random shit I'm throwing out there.
Thu Jun 23 17:11:48
A question I have, that I'll likely never have answered:

Are there clusters based on the security clearance level of the people that got it?

If there were hypothetically certain types of rooms in some American embassies where certain things are deemed more sensitive and only discussed in said rooms, you'd spot that if there was a cluster of TS(SCI) that had it, and the TS folks did not have that same prevalence. And then you could look at how much time folks tend to spend working on said things in said rooms, and so on. If such hypothetical rooms existed, that is.
Thu Jun 23 17:19:20

"I've never seen the claim credibly made that "we," as in the United States gov't, are responsible for it."

Common denominator.

100% guarantee that it was caused by some form of equipment that the CIA is using to communicate with dissidents.

Thu Jun 23 17:20:44

"I'll be curious to find out what was/is actually going on, whenever we do learn."

That will be never.

Thu Jun 23 23:03:48
They burned industrial shit in huge fire pits that fucked up the health of soldiers. Probably something just as fucking idiotic causes Havana syndrome,
Thu Jun 23 23:20:51
"They burned industrial shit in huge fire pits that fucked up the health of soldiers."

And FINALLY we are paying them for medical care.It took Jon Stewart to push The issue into the main stream.

It seems like a no brainer. Politicians should have jumped at that, great publicity vs terrible publicity. Oh yeah and it's the right thing to do.
Fri Jun 24 01:11:57
"They burned industrial shit in huge fire pits that fucked up the health of soldiers. Probably something just as fucking idiotic causes Havana syndrome,"

At the time, we honestly didn't even give doing that second thoughts.

FWIW you were supposed to wear your gas mask while being the fire pit tender (you had to stir it to keep the fire going). But of course no one did, it's hot as balls in Iraq.
Fri Jun 24 01:31:40
Thought there were plenty of family members effected, which put the suspected site of act exposure in residences.

You don't take your partner or kids to the STRAP room.
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