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Utopia Talk / Politics / Jan 6 Tuesday revelations
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Jun 28 13:11:05
Trump White House Counsel says if Trump marched on Capitol "We'd be charged with every crime in book"

Trump was so dedicated to march on Capitol Hill he attacked his driver putting his hands on his neck and on the wheel of car.

the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 14:03:32
add ‘assault’ to his crimes
Tue Jun 28 14:18:25
No. One. Cares.
the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 14:55:46
the deranged lawless toddler is influencing other candidates even if he doesn't run again, all -should- care

especially given you're posting in a politics forum
Tue Jun 28 15:13:25
"Tue Jun 28 14:18:25
No. One. Cares."

Only traitors say this.
Tue Jun 28 15:36:13
Hate to break it to you. People care about their bank accounts more than this bullshit carnival the democrats are putting up.

January 6 was a revolution. It was a bunch of a morons acting like morons. Everyone but you morons have gotten over this moronic situation.
the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 15:43:57
and the head moron is implying to his cult that he will run again & minimally still helping fellow morons get elected to your cult/party

(& it absolutely was an attempt to overthrow the gov't... the non-riot elements being more concerning)
Tue Jun 28 15:45:35
"January 6 was a revolution. "

Only traitors say this.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Jun 28 15:48:36
-obaminated How is POTUS attacking his own Secert Service agent "NOT NEWS"?
Tue Jun 28 16:37:45

"Trump was so dedicated to march on Capitol Hill he attacked his driver putting his hands on his neck and on the wheel of car."

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to see video or listen to direct testimony from his Secret Service detail.

1. If he wanted to go to the Capitol, why the fuck did he get in his car instead ... going to the Capitol with the mob?

2. How the fuck is Trump fat ass going to reach into the front seat and grab at the steering wheel?

3. He did get out of the car at some point right? Why didn't get walk over to the Capitol?

the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 17:00:11
Kayleigh McEnany said he -did- still plan to still walk over once adults took the pouting child home

but apparently the toddler doesn't know how to do things on his own
Tue Jun 28 17:06:24

Trump was never going to the Capitol. His MO isn't to do criminal shit, it's getting others to do criminal shit while he maintains deniability.

Anarchist Prime
Tue Jun 28 17:28:24
the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 17:36:44
as to reaching for wheel, it wasn't the full limo, but an SUV

& i agree he makes others do his criminal shit but he apparently had some kind of toddler envisionment of how he would heroically stop congress flanked by his 'patriots'

Giuliani seemed to as well having real excitement for the day

& not sure why Kayleigh would now lie under oath about him still wanting to go, & a very weird in-car story for someone to make up... plus other supporting evidence from secret service & Meadows all trying to arrange it

the li(n)e they put out at the time was he was only being metaphorical
Tue Jun 28 18:28:05

"& not sure why Kayleigh would now lie under oath about him still wanting to go"

She wouldn't have to lie, just repeat what he said ... which he was never going to follow through on.

If he didn't want to walk, he could have had his supporters carry him on their shoulders. It's not like they wouldn't.

Trump got in his SUV and went to the White House because that was his plan all along.

the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 18:37:41
i don't think so

the only pressure for secret service to make it happen would be coming from him (& there's lots of supporting evidence that was going on)... plus an upset Kevin McCarthy yelled at Hutchinson that he had been promised Trump wouldn't be coming (after Trump announced he was coming at rally)

plus Giuliani expected it was going to happen

whether the altercation embellished is unknown... but she heard the story right after & thought the secret service guy looked shaken
the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 18:47:17
the secret service has announced they will respond to the allegations so we'll hear a second account sometime
the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 18:49:47
some chat log from hearing confirming he wanted to go & the planning going on:

Tue Jun 28 19:59:31

I don't need to wait for the story. Obvious bullshit is obvious bullshit. The evidence that the President didn't really want to go to the Capitol is that he didn't go to the Capitol.

For some reason people are under the impression that the President of the United States is a prisoner of the US Secret Service and can only go where they allow him to. The President is not a prisoner. He can go wherever the hell he damn well pleases and the Secret Service has to do the best they can to keep him safe regardless of where he chooses to go. They can object until they turn blue in the face, but they aren't in charge. If the Secret Service attempted to kidnap the President, they would all be facing charges, or the President could call the National Guard and have them all hauled out in body bags.

All she did by repeating that story is cast doubt on the rest of her testimony and the work of the committee.

the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 21:05:10
I wouldn’t be surprised if the secret service learned they had to treat him like a child just like others such as Kellyanne Conway did

that chat log shows they were going to go through with it despite objections, then rioting going on and it’s conceivable the SS put their foot down
Tue Jun 28 23:07:25
That part about grabbing the wheel , I hope is true, that's pretty bad ass.

I want to see an 80s themed movie, starring Mel Gibson to reenact it.
Tue Jun 28 23:14:50
"that chat log shows they were going to go through with it despite objections, then rioting going on and it’s conceivable the SS put their foot down"

But kidnapping the POTUS sounds like a coup de tat if I ever heard of one.
the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 23:18:39
here's a video that a Trump ally put out

the wanderer
Tue Jun 28 23:19:40
"But kidnapping the POTUS sounds like a coup de tat if I ever heard of one"

it wouldn't be the first time we heard about members of his administration ignoring his demands
Tue Jun 28 23:30:24
Yes, Molly should executed as a traitor and hung on the steps of the Supreme court.

How that comes off remotely as OK with you is insane.
Tue Jun 28 23:34:44
I could only watch 3 seconds of it, my sister's WIFI is out, presumably she is on or.near her back porch because ita running slow as balls this late.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 00:35:33
a moron toddler had the powers of the presidency... tough choices had to be made
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 00:57:51
this car story seems to be the only hearings-related thing being discussed on the fraudosphere

no one seems to doubt he smashed dishes & threw food

& of course no attention to him attempting to overthrow our democracy
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 29 02:54:37
I don’t know about you all, but I believe The Party. The Party would not lie to us and likely never has. I feel that The Party can simply assert and that that assertion is itself evidence. This latest assertion by The Party *feels* true, since it is consistent with other narratives of The Party that I similarly believe, and thus it *must* be true — for “our democracy”, comrades. I believe that The Party’s plan to dissolve the Republic and install a “democracy” of mob rule under The Party’s propaganda is ideal. This is the way to be ruled. For Party!
Wed Jun 29 03:29:27
Dear Americans: will you make this retard President again?
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 29 03:48:52
I don’t think even the DNC is dumb enough to put Biden up in 2024, so, no.
Wed Jun 29 04:37:24
I don't know about you, but Trump has always been truthful and never has in any way lied, manipulated, or attempted in anyway to fraud the American people. Shit was just made up. This has to be an elaborate plot concocted by the party to paint the picture that Trump was unhinged, because he is a stable guy.
Wed Jun 29 04:44:38
Trump attack a Secret Service Agent???? For what??? Was the agent not getting him to a safe place quickly enough??
When has Trump or anyone in his family exhibited enough guts to actually get their hands dirty? Lot's of demonstration of him talking tough but always asking others to do the deed.
Wed Jun 29 06:29:01

"That part about grabbing the wheel , I hope is true, that's pretty bad ass."

Donald Trump trying to climb over the front seat to grab the steering wheel would be more exercise than he's gotten in 4 decades.

100% his fat ass has trouble getting off the can without help.
Wed Jun 29 11:30:45
“He told me, that she heard from him, that she heard, from another guy, that she said he told her that she heard, that Trump may have said something, which was overheard, by her, about something, to the best of my knowledge.” -Cassidy Hutchinson

Compelling stuff....
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 11:44:41
^ that was one of the many childish nonsense tweets put out under the "House Judiciary GOP" twitter account (clearly just Jim Jordan or an even bigger asshole staffer posting)

she basically only said he reached toward wheel, agent put hand on his arm, Trump then lunged at agent (no choking alleged, no turning of steering wheel)

afaik SS is denying grab of steering wheel & attack of agent but that he was indeed furious... is he furious w/ hands in lap? it's probably very minor changes

agent Engel told Ornato, Ornato told Hutchinson (while Engel sitting there, so could've corrected), Hutchinson told committee

lots of room for changes to story not intended to be lies

also Ornato sounds like a full Trump loyalist, was recruited by Trump from SS into White House (so had to be showing full loyalty) & another Trump admin person testified to something (under oath) that Ornato also denied (out of oath), where the Trump person sticks to her story & says half a dozen others could confirm, so him saying anything doesn't mean much


plus that was her only testimony that i recall using a chain of hearsay (fuck Jim Jordan)
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 11:50:54
and i guess CC's idiotic belief is the DNC made this Republican Trump admin staffer who also worked for Republican Meadows, Republican Cruz, & Republican Scalise to make up a story about Trump that isn't particularly relevant to anything

also, CC, how about you explain how no one was trying to change the election results Jan 6th... you wanted links to all my claims, they've pretty much all been covered by hearings, what part do you think didn't happen? what else is the DNC making the Republicans (including Trump admin members) say? and that is also proven by what happened publicly or is on tape?
Wed Jun 29 12:16:58
The selective outrage is what gets me.

Why is it kosher for the FBI to answer nothing. But General Flynn does it and he is an asshole?
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 12:38:52
the FBI not giving details is standard & Cruz knows it, i don't know their specific policies

i know Cruz asks 'agents -or- informants' each question, they definitely had informants, doesn't mean the FBI orchestrated anything, but Cruz hoping for a 'yes' or even the non-answer to imply something, just for viral moments

presumably after investigations over & trials they are more free to talk

and i'm sure the Jim Jordan clown show will launch investigations (that go nowhere) when they take over after midterms
Wed Jun 29 13:04:28
And the military or WH counsel don't generally keep private convos?

Especially in a case where they are looking for dirt of any kind.

Seems standard.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 13:23:30
Flynn wasn't being asked about private conversations

he was asked 'do -you- believe in the peaceful transfer of power?'

seems like an easy question

Flynn is another corrupted psycho... spouting QAnon oaths & fully in the coup camp
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 13:28:42
you can make the case to just answer 'fifth' to everything so no particular answer suspicious (although not sure why he needed to consult his lawyer for 90 secs during the questions, seems like you'd decide that ahead of time)... plus still suggests stuff to hide

that brief Flynn part not a particularly important part of hearings & completely reasonable for them to show they are -trying- to get the supposed "other side" but key witnesses refusing to testify at all or pleading the fifth
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 13:34:45
i would bet at the absolute minimum John Eastman gets charged with 'conspiracy to defraud the US gov't' & maybe other things, & maybe some other henchmen (hopefully Giuliani)

kinda doubt they'll go after Trump... as with Michael Cohen, even though Trump fully aware & a participant in the crimes, he probably won't get charged for political reasons (& he can say these 'lawyers' said it was ok)

Trump's biggest exposure may be his GA sec of state pressure call
Wed Jun 29 13:36:50
Flynn answered 5th to EVERYTHING. Liz was asking dumb questions to get news clips.

I get that perhaps key witnesses should testify , if the goal was the truth.

We already know its not.

The FBI won't answer if they had employees (agents/informants etc.) Committing and encouraging crimes because

1. They probably did.

2. If they did, that still doesn't actually mean that its 100% on them, *but that would be the perception.*

the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 13:39:42
i've seen no one else talking about that brief Flynn stuff (& -not- dumb questions as Flynn was in the seize voting machines / declare martial law camp)
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 13:42:19
also, apparently Flynn was considering answering questions as they asked to specify if she meant 'morally wrong' or 'legally wrong' about the violence

but i bet he actually did support the attack & that's why not answering (why else would you want clarification)... plus he's on team lunatic
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 29 16:50:40
[Most Illustrious Bolshevik]: “you wanted links to all my claims, they've pretty much all been covered by hearings”

Yes, comrade! No need for links or proof! The Bolshevik show-trial is all the proof we need! We will destroy the Republic by installing a popular vote and then control the people with the Bolshevik state’s monopoly on propaganda! This is the way to save “our democracy”! I am with you, comrade! Do not report me to the Party police for not having Faith in Party!! I assure you, I have always believed in The Party! You are all witnesses to this!! Please over-write conflicting memories!

And here is further proof that we must destroy the republic for “our democracy”!!

“Source: Trump Cried Out 'Witness Me!' While Jumping From Car To Blow Up Democrats' War Rig
POLITICS · JUN 29, 2022
“WASHINGTON, D.C. — Cassidy Hutchinson, a former assistant to Trump-era Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, testified Tuesday at the Jan 6 committee hearing that Trump cried out 'Witness me!' while jumping from the presidential limo to sacrifice himself in a fiery explosion that destroyed the Democrats' war rig.

“Hutchinson testified to having overheard an unnamed Secret Service agent talking to White House janitor Odor Malone about another agent who claimed to have seen the whole thing happen in a vision.

"The president said, '[unintelligible] I'm the president! I came here to commit literal treason!' and then he grabbed the car's wheel," Hutchinson said. "Then he hauled himself up to the roof of the limo and dove headfirst into the other vehicle."”

If this is true — and indeed The Party says that it’s true — then it is true! We must stop the populist scourge and unite the country and the world under the Banner of The Party!! For “our democracy”!!
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 17:03:21
"Yes, comrade! No need for links or proof!"

i listed many many things, most/all which seemed obvious as were public or clearly revealed... i don't know what you don't know, so was not hunting down 50 links

"The Bolshevik show-trial is all the proof we need!"

what. part. do. you. think. didn't. happen? (preferably substantive parts)

was Trump putting out crazy baseless bullshit mass fraud claims? did he have multiple people investigate them & did those people detail how he was totally wrong? did he keep repeating them? did he pressure Sec of State to find fraud/votes? did he pressure States to change electors based on proven false claims? did he pressure DOJ to back his lies? did he attempt to change AG to unqualified stooge who would do what he asked when others wouldn't? did he pressure Pence to reject votes? did he act slowly on stopping riots?

debating you is pretty pathetic as you DODGE EVERYTHING
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 17:08:20
as i already know you dispute his reluctance to act

of the many urges to act from allies, Laura Ingraham's were time-stamped 2:30...

his 'i love you, but go home now' video was 4:17

other than that one tweet of not attacking capitol police (after already inside), which his own son said was not enough

work that into your... well, your response will be another complete dodge w/ no explanations...
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 29 17:12:47
We must not fight, comrade! Your assertions are all that are needed since your assertions are fueled by Faith in Party! I am with you! Let us end this republic for “our democracy”!!
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 17:27:52
bye... i'd mute you if i could
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 29 19:44:06
Why would you mute your own voice, comrade? *Our* voice! Our Voice cannot be muted! Only the cowardly Kulaks would mute, but *we*! — we have the Voice of the Party with us! We own the media! “Our democracy” will triumph! The Bolshevik show trials are just the beginning!! We must not part! Not in our moment of triumph!!

This show trial will illustrate to the good Party Members that the republic was weak with its many checks against “our democracy”! We must annihilate the Kulaks and their belief in their regional sovereignties!

Just imagine! Pence was legally allowed to send the vote back to the Kulaks! Clearly this should not be allowed by “our democracy”! And Comrade Secretary Raskin has seen this and said as much! The show trial will thus list this as a problem and seek to remove it for “our democracy”! Comrade Secretary Raskin will also see to removing the Electoral College — that “undemocratic relic” — with this show trial merely being the pretext that Our Great and Benevolent Party needed to justify bills that he passed in 2007 (e.g., Senate Bill 634)!!

The Party Members will see the good in this! Without the Electoral College, we Bolsheviks can do whatever we want on the back of “our democracy”! The Bolshevik Party will be the *only* Party, and the show trials will be the *only* trials — unencumbered by contrary testimony or dissenting opinions. We will “mute” those as soon as we can. But we must not mute each other!! For The Party, comrade!!
Wed Jun 29 21:29:36

"bye... i'd mute you if i could"

Just tell her to go make you a sandwich. That tends to shut her up.

Wed Jun 29 21:31:38

Just don't expect that sandwich to ever show up.

She is sloooow.

Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 29 21:54:46
“to go make you a sandwich. That tends to shut her up.”

Not shutting me up so much that obvious troll is obvious.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 29 22:06:50
as to OP story, i've seen two outlets (including Fox News) saying the agents aren't disputing the Trump being furious part

so why exactly did she have that info?

did they say, "hey Cassidy, come hear this story... Trump was furious... that's it, bye"

so, in all probability they did tell a more interesting story

plus she has no reason to lie about it & no reason to put an extra person in the room who could refute it
Wed Jun 29 22:17:53
She is amusing:)
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 30 05:01:39
Babylon Bee has been on it for this one:

"Jan. 6 Committee Says Cassidy Hutchinson Told Them That She Heard Mark Meadows Say That A Secret Service Agent’s Friend’s Cousin’s Husband Once Heard That One Of Trump’s Other Aides Said She Thinks She Heard Him Say He Wanted To 'Do An Insurrection'"
[June 29th, 2022]

Big if true.
the wanderer
Thu Jun 30 11:34:53
^lying liars pretending her whole testimony relied on stories by others instead of that ONE unimportant story

100% of fraudosphere comments is the car story, that's the only thing she said in all her testimony
the wanderer
Fri Jul 01 18:17:13
"Then-President Donald Trump angrily demanded to go to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and berated his protective detail when he didn't get his way, according to two Secret Service sources who say they heard about the incident from multiple agents, including the driver of the presidential SUV where it occurred.

The sources tell CNN that stories circulated about the incident -- including details that are similar to how former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson described it to the House select committee investigating January 6 -- in the months immediately afterward the US Capitol attack and before she testified this week.

While the details from those who heard the accounts differ, the Secret Service sources say they were told an angry confrontation did occur. And their accounts align with significant parts of Hutchinson's testimony, which has been attacked as hearsay by Trump and his allies who also have tried to discredit her overall testimony.

Like Hutchinson, one source, a longtime Secret Service employee, told CNN that the agents relaying the story described Trump as "demanding" and that the former President said something similar to: "I'm the f**king President of the United States, you can't tell me what to do." The source said he originally heard that kind of language was used shortly after the incident.

"He had sort of lunged forward -- it was unclear from the conversations I had that he actually made physical contact, but he might have. I don't know," the source said. "Nobody said Trump assaulted him; they said he tried to lunge over the seat -- for what reason, nobody had any idea."

The employee said he'd heard about the incident multiple times as far back as February 2021 from other agents, including some who were part of the presidential protective detail during that time period but none of whom were involved in the incident.

The source added that agents often recounted stories of Trump's fits of anger, including the former President throwing and breaking things.

so sources backing up the anger & "I'm the f**king President of the United States, you can't tell me what to do." & also hearing of a lunge of some kind

yet fraudosphere ran wild demanding she be charged w/ perjury... idiotic

obviously she was told the story or very similar story, not intentionally making it up (& her testimony was not full of stories only heard)
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