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Utopia Talk / Politics / Health & fitness
Wed Jun 29 10:01:10
Every so often we have these threads.

Well, I'm going back on a "diet" which is a modified Keti/Atkins. I still keep blueberries and strawberries as a staple, this time the only difference is I'm aiming to keep my sodium levels down too, I have to figure out ways.formmy dad's meals anyway, so far Ive head much more success than the hospital, but that says more about the hospital cafeteria than me.

In place of salt, he cant has pottassium so the fake salt is a no go as Well.

Benson's table tasty uses a mix of seasonings but the salt like taste comes from yeast extract.

Ive also been looking into MSG, it surprisingly seems to be much lower in sodium and doesn't retain fluid. Still probably use it sparingly, but so far I havn't seen any reason why it is bad for congestive heart failure patients.

For me, I figure, making my heart and kidneys work harder now probably isnt the best thing anyway, plus I was eating WAY more sodium than I thought anyway. Especially in soups.

Ive heard nutritional yeast can give a cheese like texture in some cases too.

Planning on 1 cheat day a week for, probably hoagies, if given the choice of any food I want, I usually just want hoagies.

Thought about intermittent fasting, I might have a 2 day fast before I start the diet anyway, then then the 4th can be me my chest day anyway.
Wed Jun 29 10:44:40
I always thought yeast extract was MSG, at least partly. May be wrong though.
Wed Jun 29 10:48:18
It might be. Jergul is usually pretty knowledgeable on this stuff.

I'll Google it some more.
Wed Jun 29 10:48:37
The biggest things you can do for your diet is buying locally and never eating processed foods. Like the canned soup at the grocery store has killer levels of sodium, but cooking it yourself at home (due to increased flavor of fresh ingredients) doesn't.

Also buying straight from farms (like getting whole pigs and cows butchered).

One butter hack for your heart: Grass-fed butter is actually healthy for you. Regular butter is a bit unhealthy due to the Omega-3/6 ratio being less than ideal. Grass-fed (and finished) has a better ratio for your heart. I use Kerrygold unsalted because I know that brand is truly grass fed and finished (a lot of brands are just grass finished but they market as "grass-fed").
Wed Jun 29 10:55:34
Organic or not doesn't matter too much if you're shopping local. But it is a pain going to farmers markets and such. Most small farms don't bother getting organic certified but are healthier than the big business organic farms (which cut corners wherever possible).
Wed Jun 29 10:56:26
Build up a network of farmers, like chat them up at the market and when buying livestock. :) Very useful people!
Wed Jun 29 11:06:47
Nhill, Have you tried crowd cow?

Veggies I get alot local, and Venison seasonally.

Most store bought meats are "enhanced" with salt water.

Im going to look around for more local chickens, I wish I had a Turkey farmer, growing up we ate alot of Turkey eggs cause we had a guy.
Wed Jun 29 11:45:44
We have had a lot of luck growing parsley, coriander and chives. Staples ingredient in a bunch of Persian dishes.
Wed Jun 29 11:48:01
Only way to lose weight is really:

1) Have a calorie deficit.

Best tricks to supplement that:

0) Have a scale and track your weight every day. Accontability is the most important thing.
1) Eat lean protein. 20 grams of animal protein stimualtes a protein synthesis effect which makes muscle instead of fat.
2) Lift or do some kind of resistance training. Food becomes either energy or fat unless you lift. Lifting adds a third route where the food can become muscle. A pound of muscle is about 100 extra calories burned a day as well though it takes months to build muscle for most people. But that extra metabolism helps with maintenenance after a diet.
3) Deal with whatever emotional problems/addictions you have. People often eat to compensate for whatever. Deal with it directly instead of being an emotional eater.
4) Do what Nhil says and stop eating processed foods. They are mass manufactured and made from a bunch of ground-up ingredients for efficiency. That massively increases the surface area of the food you're ingesting and causes big up and down spikes for blood sugar among other things. Your body's natural response to deal with a spike is to make it into fat and then you feel hungry an hour later because there's no more sugar in your system.

It helps to have a plan where if you "cheat" it doesn't fuck you up.

For example, I fast during a cut but if I feel hungry, I drink a protein shake with a bunch of different fruits and vegetables I like.

Fasting is really good because your body just adapts to it over time. Slowly move to one meal a day and your body just becomes use to eating a meal a day and it is incredibly difficult to overeat if you only eat once a day.

So a combination of fasting and lifting and moving towards lean protein is generally how men lose weight.

And be glad you're a man too. Women have to eat like rabbits to lose weight because it's hard for them to put on muscle. They also have more emotional instability when fasting because it hits them a lot harder hormonally.
Wed Jun 29 11:51:47
Also don't do Keto. It's a shit shortcut diet. Being in constant ketosis is an interesting experiment but any significant amount of carbs knocks you out of it and it takes days to go back into "ketosis."

Your body is always burning some fat as well as making some fat througout the day anyways. Weight loss is simply about a calorie deficit.

You can easily still get fat off Keto if you eat more fat than you use in a day in terms of calories and it is very easy to overeat fat because it's so dense for the size.

Wed Jun 29 11:57:53
Who was trying to lose weight?
Wed Jun 29 11:59:10

I've never heard of crowd cow. We're farmers ourselves so we just talk to people at the feed store.
Wed Jun 29 11:59:56
He said diet. And he also said keto/atkins. Nobody does keto/atkins unless they are trying to lose weight. It's not a lifestyle for maintenance at all.
Wed Jun 29 12:06:46
u tried liver, man.

raw bone marrow, raw bulls testicles, and some raw cow liver.

cure all ur diseases.

Wed Jun 29 12:12:49
Wed Jun 29 12:25:13
Dukhat, Increased insulin retains fluid.In much the same way as sodium does.Also he is diabetic.I prep most of his meals and often just eat the same but with more hot sauce.

Diabetes runs in my family, Ive always been extra conscious of my carb/sugar intake which is why I have a decent Ac1 level.

This isn't aiming for ketosis, hence fruit is still a large part of the diet. Beans as well.

Just mainly cutting out bread/noodles and heavy starches.

But I appreciate your input. And I do plan on starting to lift again.

Wed Jun 29 12:29:20
flush it down with some blood like a vampire.


lungs, heart, bone marrow, testiscles, liver, kidneys, da rawer da better.

cavemen diet, kid.
Wed Jun 29 12:30:59
I'm surprised you aren't recommending tuna sandwiches with fresh ciabatta bread (straight from the oven; you should have seen the hot air when I sliced it in half!)
Wed Jun 29 12:39:16
fresh hot bread with fresh tuna is bad, how?
do u idiots got brainz. shits delicious.
Wed Jun 29 12:41:40
Did someone say it was bad? Sounds ok to me. I cook fresh bread mostly every day, and eat fresh tuna steak occasionally. Will make a sandwich outta the two next time, just for you buddy.
Wed Jun 29 17:48:56
Intermittent fasting has been working well for me the last year and a bit. I'm not too hardcore about diet besides only eating between the hours of 5pm to 9pm. I eat as much as I feel like during those hours, of whatever food I want. I drink water, tea, and zero calorie soda during the day. I have a cheat day whenever something is going on socially that has eating as part of the occasion. Couple times a month typically.

I lost about 20 lbs in the first 6 months I was doing it and stayed stable since. My insulin resistance numbers look better as well. Never got to actual diabetes but doc could tell I was on my way without a change.

For my psychology of really enjoying eating a big meal this has been much more life long doable than trying to eat smaller portions all day every day. Feeling quite hungry and then satisfied with a big meal once a day is much more doable for me than feeling slightly hungry constantly.
Thu Jun 30 05:28:54
I have started puting on fat.. I have no idea how it happend :) oh right, wifey got pregnant and I said, well hey ”we” are pregnant ;) Put a stop to it at 87kg and have stabilized at 84. Still need to drop 7 kg to make imaginary welter weight.
Thu Jun 30 08:12:01
Hrothgar, Good for you, sounds like your doing better and missed a bullet.

I'm always weary since it runs heavily kn both sides. My sister has it now. Whem I was a kid I didn't think it was that bad. But it fucks with every aspect of your body (diabetes)

Eating small portions like a bird doesn't seem up my alley way.

As for drinks, I buy alot of "vie" which doesn't have any sweetner, its basically tangerine flavored seltzer water.

It takes a little getting used to, but I really like it and it doesn't have all the chemicals as diet sodas. Even if you just have it once in a while.
Thu Jun 30 08:28:38
rofl nim haz bitch titz
Thu Jun 30 08:42:11
that da first sign
first sign of bubble gut


Sun Jul 03 08:48:30
Well I had another eventful morning. I couldn't wake my dad up.He was breathing and heart sounded fine, I thought he was in a coma. *He is fine now*

I had noticed that his sugar levels have been much lower lately, Ive even had to give him ice cream twice to tey and get it up to good levels.

According to the doctors, with the lower sodium (I aim for 1500mg/day)

His heart is actually working better, thats the good news. However his body is naturally removing sugar better. Well long story short, some glucose and he came to, he is in the hospital to get checked out, but they say he should be out by tommorow.

I'm gonna see if we can get him a Dexcom constant sugar monitor.

So heads up, even when parts of you get better the bodies response is quirky.

Its crazy though, I didn't known what to think. A little sugar and he was fine, just a little groggy.
Sun Jul 03 08:50:06
Also, his lungs they said are doing worlds better, even his leg is lookong better. The sodium was really doing a number on him.
Tue Jul 05 03:01:19
The health and fitness craze of recent decades has to a large degree been new-age garbage mixed up with the recent narcissistic ideologies that western cultures have been infected with. Nothing symbolizes superficiality and emptiness more than the bodybuilder who everyone knows doesnt live healthily and isnt as strong as real weightlifters but who LOOKS strong and healthy on the surface. Content is worthless, outer appearance is king.
If a hypothetical magician changed fashion over night to make people think that big, toned muscles looked horrible, I bet 90% of people who say they just love being healthy and work out regularly would stop. I was a gym rat myself for decades until I had to admit that if I really was about being healthy and not concerned with trying to make my butt look pretty for the girls, I'd be doing completely different stuff.
Tue Jul 05 03:05:10
Also, one has to laugh at the health nuts who go around saying "a healthy mind in a healthy body" and work their glutes out for 10 hours a week but last read half a crime novel 15 years ago
Tue Jul 05 03:14:31
"My body is my temple". Thats some obsessive, narcissistic shit right there
Tue Jul 05 04:16:12
This is WTBs idea of ”socializing” and the reason why he is living alone. Imagine being so high on the smell of your own shit that you have imaginary conversations with imaginary people where you can act all high an mighty and wise.

Tue Jul 05 04:17:06
Tue Jul 05 04:19:03
Tue Jul 05 04:19:08
I bet he's into new age "mindfulness" too, lol
Tue Jul 05 04:40:12
lol bitch :) there’s a reason I measure my weight according to the weight classes of martial arts.

Call us next you’re in Sweden mate, let’s meet and talk about it over some coffee.
Tue Jul 05 04:41:25
So you do do new age mindfulness, dontcha :D Profound philosophy for people whose literature – to keep their minds as sharp as their temples of a body that they sweat over for hours a week – consists of reading nutrition labels on protein bars and Jordan Peterson quotes on twitter
Tue Jul 05 06:12:28
So you have given up the bodybuilding angle? Good move. I am blessed I think that my first meeting with "working out" was Judo as a 7 year old. I was done with the whole strictly lifting stuff in my 20', moved on long ago. I work out as a Spartan, in my Spartan gym that I built in the basement.

Which next thing should be talk about? Protein bars, meditation or Peterson? You pick the topic, I will pick the place. Deal? I have a hypothesis I want to test: you are much more civilized in person and when the other person isn't a mentally ill man well into his 70's. I can bring a camera and document the experiment.

What do you say?
Tue Jul 05 07:13:42
Actual image of Nimatzo.:)



Anyway, finally gonna stop buying Kefir and just use milk to make my own.

Gotta figure out something to do with these pears, I have like 20lbs of not quite ripe pears.

But I have to pick them a little early or the squirrels will anhiliate* the as in not one left. Never underestimate how much squirrels love asiam pears.
Tue Jul 05 07:16:36
oh man, do moonshine
Tue Jul 05 07:18:29
Ive made moonshine from pears, apples, barley, corn, bananas, as part of my imaginary homestead project. Loads of fun, they all tasted good, the banana rum was really good. Add oak flakes in small bottles to speed up the oaking process.
Tue Jul 05 07:43:14
Look he is already more civilized changing the subject to his artisan crafting of spirits. The mere thre.. I mean offer of a face to face sit down calmed him down.

Fair enough.

You know the first years in Sweden, being unemployed and unable to communicate with the rest of society, my parents out of sheer boredom crafted all sorts of stuff from yoghurt to yes.. moonshine. My dad and some other Iranian dads in the small village we ended up in actually. They used raisins I remember, it was not very tasty, but it did the job. And it was kept them occupied.
Tue Jul 05 07:58:54
Maybe wine, I rarely drink liquor. Maybe like once every few years.Even soaking fruit...IDK, maybe, I could go and get another probably 40 lbs if I wanted.The tree is wierd, it never got stronger branches and they all drastically sag.

I was thinking of canning or fruit popsicles.Got to be healthier than real popsicles.
Tue Jul 05 08:13:37

Just filled another basket.Its alot, but I feel like booze takes a whole lot.

I have maybe 4 or 5 baskets worth. The tree is still loaded though.

I got a bunch of blueberry bushes and black raspberry too, but we just eat them, my nieces will legit eat a pound themselves easily.

I figure if they are going out out of food it might as well be berries.
Tue Jul 05 10:34:33
20 lbs of pears would prbly give you 3-4 bottles of 40-ish% (vol) calvados. Theyd be better if they were overripe though, its the sugar content you use
Tue Jul 05 10:47:44
or make pear scrumpy
Tue Jul 05 11:35:05
We have a plum tree. I could give it a go. It didn't fruit this year, but last year there was more fruits that we wanted. Filled the freezer, gave fruits away and still so many rotted on the ground.

google tells me plum brandy is big in the Balkans and called Slivovits. Anyone drank this?
Tue Jul 05 11:56:44
I haven't had plum brandy. But I also have a pear tree that is going to be giving us like 200 lbs of pears (it's already drooping to the ground). Last year there was a late frost that killed the fruit, but the year before we had so many pears I was trying to basically live off eating pears lol. I didn't want to see a pear ever again by the end of the year. We ended up canning the rest and giving some away.

But I'm interested in this thread, how time consuming is it to distill or make wine out of pears?
Tue Jul 05 12:13:15
I've done some sort of cider but dont quite remember the process. I think I added half a teaspoon of sugar to each finised bottle which is enough to get the trace elements left in the cider to start to carbonate.

To distill it, you'll make the simplest pear wine first, just dump the pears in water, yeast, some sugar, 5-10 days depending on temp, yeast, etc.
Making drinkable wine might require taking a little more care.

Then you'll need to simmer it and, of course, you want to save the steam and throw away the actual "wine". I made a very simple large saucepan with a simple copper pipe thing through the lid and sealed it the classic way: rye flour and water. I got it down to knowing the strength by counting drops per second. 1 drop per second means roughly 50% vol alcohol. Then I distilled it once more and got to around 90%. After that, I added some good water, oak flakes and Bobs your uncle.
Tue Jul 05 12:24:17
wine shops sell all kinds of sherry/port/wine/etc cask chips. That together with small containers means the moonshine gets loads of exposure to the wood, works really well in just a few months. Cheap chardonnays etc often do that to cheat, but its frowned upon
Tue Jul 05 12:34:24
Then, of course, you need to find nice looking bottles and make some labels. Heres one of the labels I used

Tue Jul 05 13:03:18
If youre into baking, the whole fermenting thing is very similar to the whole sourdough process, btw.
Tue Jul 05 13:20:52
Look at how WTB corrupted a thread about health and fitness into one about making alcoholic beverages.
Wed Jul 06 11:50:19
lmao do spartans sit on there toilets 2 take a pee?

owned owned owned

Wed Jul 13 11:40:14
So, the power of diet prevails.

I took my dad to his deabetic specialist today, his A1C dropped down to 7.4. (Was 11)

Earlier I mentioned how his blood sugar was noticably lower, to the point Ive had to get him to eat extra at times because it was too low since the lower sodium diet, which is also very little processed foods.

Well its a mix of heart/kidney working better and likely a reduced glycemic index I suppose.

They took him off injectable insulin.

I dont its JUST the glycemic index though as even the same foods he used to eat that would spike his sugar just don't anymore. He can eat oatmeal with blueberries/strawberries and either honey or coconut sugar (1 tsp) and 1 tsp of butter at the end and that used to jump his sugar up to 300+

Now 140-160 range.
Wed Jul 13 13:35:48
Glad to hear it. Now the next part is sticking to the diet long-term, and not falling into the "I'm feeling better so I can go back to before" trap.
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