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Utopia Talk / Politics / Duterte leaves office
Thu Jun 30 04:54:08
Duterte will leave office today. I came here to praise him, because he always was a good friend of Russia and Putin.

But then I looked up what he was saying about the special operation in the Ukraine, WTF!


24 May 2022

Moreover, Duterte called the invasion of Ukraine a full-scale war waged against “a sovereign nation” and not a “special military operation” as Putin has been labelling it since March.

“Many say that Putin and I are both killers. I’ve long told you Filipinos that I really kill. But I kill criminals, I don’t kill children and the elderly,” Duterte said. “We’re in two different worlds.”

Гори в аду, ублюдок!
Thu Jun 30 05:05:46
Lot of killers out there, Bill.
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