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Utopia Talk / Politics / HIMAR destroyed
Sun Jul 17 14:38:14

Image posted in /chug/ this morning
Sun Jul 17 14:48:20
Zelensky dismissed the Attorney General and Head of Security Services today. The reason is because 'over 60 government officials began collaborating with Russia in occupied terrorities' wtf that means.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 17 14:56:50
Lol. Quoting russian propaganda. How silly.
Mon Jul 18 14:38:28
It's funny how Russians are trying so hard to prove they've killed any... even 1 would be considered such a great success. While NATO has thousands of them between the various models/types.

Never in my life would I have guessed 4-12 American rocket artillery would be a massive, nasty wrench in the gears of the Russian war machine.
Mon Jul 18 15:28:57
There are 540 HIMAR launchers in existence. You sent the hohols a total of 4.

And so far, they've had no significant impact on Russian operations.
Mon Jul 18 17:47:55
540 HIMAR systems. There are shit ton more M142 based platforms, all have the same artillery delivery potential.

Why do you - and anyone else - care if one got blown up if they are so meaningless? Certainly, dozens of other destroyed Ukranian machines should be more Russian propaganda newsworthy than these 4 trivial, useless systems.
Mon Jul 18 18:42:22
Pillz has a hard on for Putin. It's his mini rebellion against his political overlords in Canada.
Tue Jul 19 09:10:56
After the special operation is done I will invite pillz and habebe to the Crimea, we will have a good time and maybe they will never want to return.
Sam Adams
Tue Jul 19 09:35:16
"And so far, they've had no significant impact on Russian operations."

Then why did you make a thread with unverified claims about the loss of one?

Tue Jul 19 23:57:26
"Then why did you make a thread with unverified claims about the loss of one?"

Because you are going to cry like a bitch when Ukraine loses and the HIMARS counted for nothing.

"Pillz has a hard on for Putin. It's his mini rebellion against his political overlords in Canada."

Not at all.

Sam Adams
Wed Jul 20 13:53:29
"Because you are going to cry like a bitch when Ukraine loses and the HIMARS counted for nothing."

So this caused you to make a post about the unverified destruction of a single piece of artillery which you almost immediately thereafter claimed wasnt important?

Sure it wasnt your lack of logic that caused this?
Wed Jul 20 16:37:56
The relevance of this post at the moment is largely irrelevant, although lol @ America for being impotent.

Consider it a reservation for front seats to your inevitable meltdown
Sam Adams
Wed Jul 20 17:56:08
Seems like you are the butthurt one... crying because worthless ukrainian peasant conscripts are assfucking the entire russian army with the mere addition of a handful of western supplies.

The lulz is glorious.

If there is anything to make one feel better about the sheer incompetence of western leadership... its that eastern leadership is way fucking worse.
Thu Jul 21 09:48:10
3rd high ranking officer confirmed dead in Vinnitsa.

Ukrainian MoD claims it was in a strike on a civilian theater lol

"Ukraine’s Head of Armament and Logistics Service of the Ukrainian Air Force, Colonel Oleg Makarchuk was killed as a result of the strike in Vinnitsa that “hit a civilian theatre building” according to Ukrop propaganda.

This is the 3rd Ukrainian Air Force officer casualty to surface," since the strike on the Naval headquarters last week

Sam Adams
Thu Jul 21 14:06:05
Thats like 1/20th of what the filthy russians have lost.

Guess us elint targetting is better than soviet, eh comrade?
Thu Jul 21 15:50:00
What fairy universe do you live in? It's also true that battalions of trans Ukrainians are so fearsome that Russian troops run away at the mention of them

Thu Jul 21 16:05:37

That makes sense. If they catch the gay Putin will have them executed.

Sam Adams
Thu Jul 21 18:02:14
"What fairy universe do you live in?"

The one where kiev was brilliant putins masterful feint and russian tanks can move?


Imagine thinking that the russians are doing well. Like how does your mind reach this conclusion pillz?
Fri Jul 22 11:55:25
There are presumably now 12 HIMARS in Ukraine, with 4 more to be delivered to vered.

US has also agreed to provide up to 30% of missile stock piles, which would be about 6000.

However in the past several days successful strikes have decreased considerably, and one UAF official said one strike had a 100% interception rate.

Should be interesting to see developments in the next couple of weeks.

The friendly fire incident a couple of days ago has been attributed by analysts as a result of a massive increase in the number of AA defense.

So does America find a way around Russian countermeasures they're willing to reveal, does Russia continue to shoot down their own planes? Russia has already decided to extend the territorial goals of the special operation, and threaten further escalation if Ukraine continues to hit targets in Russia.

A logical alternative to defeating Russian air defenses in Donbas would be to strike soft targets within Russia or Belarus.

In other news, someone from Ukraine declared they have amassed enough weapons to sink the entire Russian black sea fleet and return Crimea to Ukrainian control.
Fri Jul 22 11:59:09
Oh, and Ukrainians claim NATO is interested in opening up a 2nd front in Transniatria. They claim that the Ukrainians have begged them not to, as they're having a difficult enough time and don't need to split their attentions or risk further escalation.
Fri Jul 22 12:02:07
Ukrainian brigades are reportedly suffering 60-80% casualties before being rotated out.
Fri Jul 22 14:43:50
Germany says it no longer has any weapons to supply to Ukraine, the remainder being reserves they aren't willing to dip into.
Fri Jul 22 15:23:36

"Oh, and Ukrainians claim NATO is interested in opening up a 2nd front in Transniatria."


Average Ameriacn
Fri Jul 22 17:43:44
Russia has not destroyed any Himars. The filthy Canadian Pillz is a liar like his filthy president.


To date, the HIMARS that we have provided them – and we're not the only country, by the way, other countries are providing long-range fires as well. Britain, for example, and some others are donating long-range rocket artillery.

To date, those systems have not been eliminated by the Russians and I knock on wood every time I say something like that. And they're being very effective at using them, employing precision weapons against targets.
Sat Jul 23 18:49:18
Yesterday, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine signed a treaty allowing Ukraine to retain control of the city of Odessa and the other ports in Odessa province. For the purposes of grain & energy exports.

This morning Ukraine claimed Russia struck a shipment of grain in Odessa, for the very first time immediately releasing the details of missiles used.

UAF has never before been the first to report on a Russian missile strike, let alone provide details.
Sat Jul 23 19:32:27

Imagine wasting your time negotiating anything with Russia. Imagine expecting them to honor any agreement.

Sat Jul 23 19:39:20
Imagine believing Ukrainians
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 24 06:03:53
Ukrainians are about as trustworthy as you would expect typical reporters and politicians to be in a war... very unreliable in initial reports, becoming modestly credible after some time passes. Obvious lies get told and are believed by plebs, ie the star-wars-homosexual "ghost of kiev".

Russians on the other hand have 0 credibility. They only lie. There is no truth, ever. Such dishonesty justifies cleansing by nuclear fire.
Sun Jul 24 08:01:06

Poor Sam can't stand losing

Lost in syria
Lost in Afghanistan
Gonna lose in Ukraine

Must be sad
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 24 08:09:07
^believes russia.

Nuff said.
Sun Jul 24 08:13:06
What I can't stand is holier-than-thou Americans castigating Russia for being dishonorable or liars...when nearly all of those same people supported the invasion of Iraq, a far larger war crime that was based on lies, resulted in hundreds of thousands dead, permanently uprooted ancient communities, destroyed entire cities, and destabilized the entire Middle East for at least 20 years (including being a major driver behind the SSW and the rise of ISIS).

Like it's honestly bizarre to me that such people think that they're in any position whatsoever to criticize Russia.
Sun Jul 24 08:13:19
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 24 08:29:40
1) Iraqis are not ukrainian
2) its the threatening of nuclear war by these russian clowns that really makes the deserve death.
3) US lies are no where near as total and complete as russian lies.
Sun Jul 24 08:47:55

"What I can't stand is holier-than-thou Americans castigating Russia for being dishonorable or liars...when nearly all of those same people supported the invasion of Iraq, a far larger war crime that was based on lies, resulted in hundreds of thousands dead, permanently uprooted ancient communities, destroyed entire cities, and destabilized the entire Middle East for at least 20 years (including being a major driver behind the SSW and the rise of ISIS)."

Yeah ... remember when we annexed part of Iraq and took their oil?

Sun Jul 24 08:49:27

And of course there was the toppling of the ever popular democratically elected Saddam Hussein.

Sun Jul 24 08:50:50
1) Ukrainians are Slavic, thus automatically worthless. No more or less so than Russians. Comparable to Iraqi Muslims.

2) Russia is threatening nuclear war because the US has demonstrated that won't keep it word or honor any agreements while pushing towards Russia's borders for 30 years.

Russia should nuke DC, and then the US forced to pay Russia in perpetuity.

3) lolno
Sun Jul 24 08:51:46
"And of course there was the toppling of the ever popular democratically elected Saddam Hussein."

Saddam, like. Ghaddafi, was infinitely preferable to what you left behind.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 24 09:12:42
"the US has demonstrated that won't keep it word or honor any agreements while pushing towards Russia's borders for 30 years."

Lol. The US pushing towards russia means they should annex the ukraine and rape their women. Good logic.

"Ukrainians are Slavic, thus automatically worthless. No more or less so than Russians. Comparable to Iraqi Muslims."

Ukrainians are worth 0.1 people or so. Iraqis are 0.0. Russians -1.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Jul 24 09:14:33
Filthy Canadian Pillz owned again!


Russia has admitted its forces are responsible for launching the missiles that hit the Ukrainian port of Odessa on Saturday, backtracking from its initial denial of involvement in the attack.
Sun Jul 24 09:48:20

"Saddam, like. Ghaddafi, was infinitely preferable to what you left behind."

Yeah Iraq is a much bigger mess than it used to be ... unless you are part of the formerly oppressed majority.

Sun Jul 24 10:49:58
"Yeah Iraq is a much bigger mess than it used to be ... unless you are part of the formerly oppressed majority."

Are you able to do anything but repeat administration bullet points?

Sun Jul 24 10:58:24
A military vessel and a stockpile of Harpoon missiles were hit during Saturday’s Odessa port attack, the defense ministry has said

The Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed striking targets in the major Ukrainian port of Odessa on Saturday, revealing that its missiles hit military infrastructure and arms stockpiles.
“In the seaport of Odessa, on the territory of a shipyard, a docked Ukrainian warship and a warehouse of Harpoon anti-ship missiles, supplied by the US to the Kiev regime, have been destroyed by sea-based high-precision long-range missiles,” the ministry said on Sunday.
The attack also crippled a repair facility where vessels of the Ukrainian navy have been fixed, it added.
The strike on the target in Odessa, which is a major trade hub in the southwest of Ukraine, came a day after the signing of a UN-brokered deal to unblock grain exports from Ukrainian ports.
During the conflict that has been underway since February 24, Moscow has insisted that its troops only fire at Ukrainian forces and military infrastructure, not civilian facilities.
Sun Jul 24 11:02:30
A warehouse was destroyed. By Sam and murder logic the war is now over for Ukraine, 1 warehouse is a devastating loss

Sam Adams
Sun Jul 24 11:26:34
^this is what you say when your iq is 79.
large member
Sun Jul 24 13:09:28
Grain port infrastructure is specialized. Anyone here claiming Russia hit the port grainsilos or transport towers?

The agreement does not provide the Ukrainian military with a safe haven in Odessa.
Mon Jul 25 07:05:51
"Russian military industry specialists have received GMLRS missiles from the American MLRS HIMARS system. 3 rockets were found at the site of the shelling in Krasny Luch. They failed and did not explode. They were produced in 2019.

In total, a salvo of 6 HIMARS missiles was fired at the city, meaning HIMARS has a 50% failure rate in each salvo of missiles. This is 2x higher than the outdated grad system."
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 25 07:35:24
So outdated that you copied a russia propaganda post about the made up loss of just one.

Mon Jul 25 14:58:46
Quick analysis: Russian military specialist recovered unexploded HIMARS shells & fragments.

What happens next: Russian military specialists will order a full size replica of the American missiles to be made. The replica will then be shipped to Russia’s central military district area where air Defense specialists are based who dial in scans of mock-ups of foreign missiles. Russia has previously aired footage which showed a warehouse where Russia has a “gallery” if you will, of US, British and other missiles including American hypersonic missiles from the secretive DARPA program which the U.S. is struggling so hard to develop. Russia already had full size replicas of their missiles

These missiles are then hung onto a specialized crane & suspended mid air in a setting surrounded by lasers & scanning tools. These tech tools then scan the missile from 360 degrees & upload the dimensions to Russian radar networks. This data is then transmitted to Russian military & ensures the detection by Russian Air Defences.
Mon Jul 25 15:00:57
Zelensky has fired the head of Special Operations of the Armed forces and Deputy secretary of the nation security and defense council.
Anarchist Prime
Mon Jul 25 15:11:14
must be due to all the winning.
Mon Jul 25 15:18:54

"Russia has previously aired footage which showed a warehouse where Russia has a “gallery” if you will, of US, British and other missiles including American hypersonic missiles from the secretive DARPA program which the U.S. is struggling so hard to develop. Russia already had full size replicas of their missiles"

lol! :o)

Sam Adams
Mon Jul 25 21:18:15
"These missiles are then hung onto a specialized crane & suspended mid air in a setting surrounded by lasers & scanning tools. These tech tools then scan the missile from 360 degrees & upload the dimensions to Russian radar networks. This data is then transmitted to Russian military & ensures the detection by Russian Air Defences."

Rofl. Tell me more about how you dont understand radar. "We didnt have the dimensions of the rocket which is why we didnt detect it". Lulz.

Also didnt you just say the himars was inconsequential? Yet why are you devoting so much effort to it? Hmmmm?
large member
Thu Jul 28 01:26:09
Targetting is multispectrum. Scans are appropriate.
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 28 12:31:01
State Department
Thu Jul 28 16:39:09
So uh, about those Neptune missile scans...
Thu Jul 28 16:39:46

They are still being processed. ;o)

large member
Thu Jul 28 18:55:48
What did they supposedly do?

Though hardly better that a shipboard fire cause the sinking, bigger better ships have been written off to onboard fires while docked, so it happens.
large member
Thu Jul 28 19:09:50
"he history of Ukraine's statehood can be described in one sentence: "We existed, exist and will exist!""

Wow. Paraphrasing lenin there. "lived, live and will live".

Well, why not?
Sat Jul 30 13:07:50
Russia probing Donetsk front

Kherson offensive #9000 about to begin

Russia announced mandatory evacuation of the city of Donetsk, claiming that infrastructure has been to severely damaged and it will be impossible to guarantee heating to the remaining 240k residents

Fighting ongoing in the Svitlodarsk area where Russia has captured most of the remaining settlements

Fighting/shelling ongoing around Bakhmut

Fighting/shelling for Siversk continues, Russia continues to press the the South Bank of the Siversk river
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 01 13:47:50

Lol. Pillz probably fell for this.
large member
Mon Aug 01 13:54:51
Norway has 10 Himar launchers it could give Ukraine. The vehicles are mothballed as Norway signed the anti cluster-mine convention...

...and found the precision missiles to be prohibitively expensive, so did not buy any.

We dont have ammo for the 10 launchers.
Mon Aug 01 17:09:06

"...and found the precision missiles to be prohibitively expensive, so did not buy any."

That doesn't make any sense. The US should partially subsidize all (US) weapon system upgrades just to help maintain the industry, if not to make it much less likely that we ever have to actively engage a nuclear power on the European continent.

I know I've said it before but ... the easiest way to fulfill our obligation to defend NATO is to make NATO countries less inviting targets. That just seems like common sense. It also seems like the least expensive option.

Mon Aug 01 22:34:42
Seems like we are supplying Ukraine with most of its arms. Europe is taking it on the chin economically by moving away from natural gas. Biden should definitely be guaranteeing the safety of Odessa though but I can see why we would avoid it too because Ukraine also launches attacks from there which could escalate things.
Tue Aug 02 18:49:37
Ukrainian journalist says there are up to 6500 shells striking individual villages per day.

Russia destroyed AA in Lvov

300 casualties in one day near Bakhmut, for Ukraine.

And the 72nd mechanized has been elimited.
Tue Aug 02 18:50:00
Average Ameriacn
Wed Aug 03 10:16:22
America makes filthy Canadian Pillz cry again!


Rare footage of no less than four M142 HIMARS in action, firing 24 M31A1 GMLRS unitary rockets at Russian targets.

This footage is notable not just for the quantity but also the daytime usage of HIMARS.
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 03 10:40:06
But pillz told me those were destroyed!!

large member
Wed Aug 03 14:49:30
He 2 were destroyed. Daytime/nighttime. Does not matter.

That is 6 million dollars flying towards a single target (see how the missiles align their trajectories.

The Kherson bridge. Volley and 4 vehicles required to saturate air defences. Not the best missiles for the job either. They just punch a two-foot hole into the surface. But enough holes will close the bridge.

Worth it? Well, the vaunted million man offensive started outside of Kherson. Lets see how it plays out.
Anarchist Prime
Wed Aug 03 15:24:07
Wed Aug 03 16:48:59
Zelenskyy: "We cannot completely break the advantage of the Russian army in artillery and in manpower... especially in Donbas and other directions. It's hell there."
Wed Aug 03 20:48:25
Russian forces reported storming Avdeevka.

One of the most well entrenched Ukrainian positions along the line. This follows ~2 months of probing and shelling.
Thu Aug 04 15:17:30
The Russian Guard detected and eliminated 24 operators of Ukrainian army drones in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), the Guard’s press office told TASS on Thursday.
"In conducting radio-electronic intelligence, the Russian Guardsmen ferreted out 24 operators of the Ukrainian army’s unmanned aerial vehicles who were eliminated by artillery fire," the statement says.
Over the last three days of their operations in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the Russian Guard’s personnel uncovered two Javelin anti-tank missile systems, 17 grenade launchers, including Swedish-made hand-held anti-armor weapons, 46 small arms and hunting rifles, over 500 shells and mines, 140 grenades, 70 rounds for grenade launchers, more than 3,000 pieces of ammunition for small arms and also a PARD-TA32 thermal imager, the press office said.
The Russian Guard’s press office told TASS on August 2 that its personnel had spotted and eliminated 13 Ukrainian operators of military drones in the Lugansk People’s Republic.
Thu Aug 04 15:18:36
Unconfirmed reports Wagner is has enter Bakhmut.
Tue Aug 09 15:26:02
Large explosion at the air base in Crimea. Russian MoD says it was an accident, Ukrainian MoD says they didn't do it and accuse the Russians of preparing to use it as an excuse for retaliation (lol)

Zelensky and the rest if Ukrainian high command has been evacuated from Kiev/into bunkers.

Also, Steven Segal has touched down in Ukraine and joined Russian forces for a tour.
Tue Aug 09 15:28:34
Also, independent groups using monitoring Russian/DPR releases and social media concurs with Jergul's estimates on ~5000 Russian casualties.
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 09 15:29:19
"the Russians of preparing to use it as an excuse for retaliation"

Correct. This is what honorless russias do.
Tue Aug 09 15:36:28
So how much longer until Russia manages to take Kiev? 8, 9 years?
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 09 16:11:43
Steven seagal will save them. Lol.
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 09 16:13:22
"independent groups using monitoring Russian/DPR releases and social media concurs with Jergul's estimates on ~5000 Russian casualties."


You mean per week, right?
Tue Aug 09 17:26:26

With as much armor as got wrecked early on, that ~ 5000 number is a joke.

Sam Adams
Tue Aug 09 17:31:39
"The russian ministry of truth told me that no armor was destroyed"

Tue Aug 09 17:33:00
No evidence to suggest high losses amongst Russians. Even DPR/LDP forces don't seem to be suffering much, with estimates around 15k for them.

Outside if the first counter offensives by Ukraine, they've released relatively little to suggest they're inflicting heavy losses on Russian or allied forces.

Ukraine on the other hand, ouch.
Tue Aug 09 17:49:34
I think Ukraine must have lost somewhere between 50-60k. Voldemort Zelenskyj said earlier that they were losing like 300 soliders per day.

Ukraines forces are mostly entrenched in and around cities. I guess they expected that they would be fighting there, but instead they are being pulverized by Russian artillery.
Tue Aug 09 17:53:00
Russias casulties, somewhere around 12k I think. Based on what U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor has estimated.
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 09 17:59:24
Member Tue Aug 09 17:31:39
"The russian ministry of truth told me that no armor was destroyed"


Member Tue Aug 09 17:33:00
No evidence to suggest high losses amongst Russians.

Rofl buttpwnt
Tue Aug 09 18:40:08

"Russias casulties, somewhere around 12k I think. Based on what U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor has estimated."

That guy is a Putinite, so if he's estimating 12,000 then you can bet on a significantly higher number.

Sam Adams
Tue Aug 09 21:37:23
US to massively increase missile defense spending. Someone in the government is finally waking up to reality... it should be the primary policy of our military to be able to defeat russia in a nuclear war while keeping the majority of our cities safe.
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 10 13:05:45

Russian colonists fleeing crimea en mass and complaining about how they have to leave their stolen homes.

Wed Aug 10 13:15:01
"Even DPR/LDP forces don't seem to be suffering much, with estimates around 15k for them."

In relation to population size this is a lot. Would be like the USA losing more than 1 million soldiers.
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 10 14:00:31

Russia desperate to replace casualties, turning to prisons to recruit soldiers for the war.

Wed Aug 10 14:08:47
Probably counter-propaganda since it became known that Zelenskyj released murderers and pedos to fill the ranks.
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 10 14:18:48
Satellite images are in. That russian airbase is fucking toast. Great aim. Many burnt up russian jets.

Sam Adams
Wed Aug 10 14:43:17
Remember when jergul thought russian air defense would work?

large member
Wed Aug 10 16:13:13
It works terrifically well.

Months into conflict and Ukraine still can deploy aircraft thanks to outdated variants of Russian air defence systems.

The reverse of course also true. This is not much of an aircraft war beyond expendable drones.
large member
Wed Aug 10 16:14:01
Outdated varians of Russian systems Ukraine is using*
Wed Aug 10 16:30:01

Satellite imagery of the air base.

Four craters that look like missile strikes, main ammo dump in tact, several destroyed planes.

It does not look like a special forces raid (craters too big for bombs I think you'd be able to sneak in) nor ammunition dump to me (craters in the wrong places and widely dispersed with intact areas between them so hard to see even if there were munitions waiting to be loaded or something, how they set each other off).

Wed Aug 10 16:30:06

Satellite imagery of the air base.

Four craters that look like missile strikes, main ammo dump in tact, several destroyed planes.

It does not look like a special forces raid (craters too big for bombs I think you'd be able to sneak in) nor ammunition dump to me (craters in the wrong places and widely dispersed with intact areas between them so hard to see even if there were munitions waiting to be loaded or something, how they set each other off).

Wed Aug 10 16:30:06

Satellite imagery of the air base.

Four craters that look like missile strikes, main ammo dump in tact, several destroyed planes.

It does not look like a special forces raid (craters too big for bombs I think you'd be able to sneak in) nor ammunition dump to me (craters in the wrong places and widely dispersed with intact areas between them so hard to see even if there were munitions waiting to be loaded or something, how they set each other off).

Wed Aug 10 16:33:46
^please ban for spamming. thank you
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 10 16:39:38
"It works terrifically well."

Against 777s sure.

Against rockets and drones? Not so much.

You should probably call up israel and beg them for iron domes.
large member
Wed Aug 10 17:20:46
Works great against against fixed wing and rotary aircraft, rockets and drones.

There are reasons Ukraine and Russia both use saturation tactics when they want missiles to get through to critical targets.

I thought you might of noticed how important arty and infantry are in this conflict. The reason is because airpower has been canceled out by air defence systems.

So you are not just wrong, you are totally wrong.
Wed Aug 10 17:23:02
jergul. u nuked my serious post and left up Seb's spam.

i'm filing a motion with the advisory board
large member
Wed Aug 10 17:55:15
My bad. I deleted 1, but not 2 :(
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