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Utopia Talk / Politics / Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu Jul 28 13:56:59
Surprise Manchin isn't a complete piece of shit.


Some good things but we will have a votearama and house vote before Biden signs it.
Thu Jul 28 14:54:21
This is going to be immediately repealed in 2025, which is just as well considering that every single number on that page is glorified fiction anyway.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu Jul 28 15:35:35
The only thing that will get repealed if Republicans take over is deficit reduction.
Thu Jul 28 16:39:08

I'll wait to see details of the so called agreement.

Thu Jul 28 17:17:36
"Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ Thu Jul 28 15:35:35
The only thing that will get repealed if Republicans take over is deficit reduction."

18 months ago you Democrats were slobbering all over shit like MMT and $6 trillion budgets.

For you to now try to pivot to Democrats being the party of fiscal responsibility is laughable. That's some serious gaslighting you're attempting on us bro.
Thu Jul 28 17:28:31
The COVID money printing was solidly bipartisan and a one-off, can't really point fingers there in good faith Rugian.

If we're going to do a long term comparison of discretionary optional expensive things Reps and Dems did but didn't really *have* to do, please be sure to include Iraq in the comparison (Afghanistan is debatable), as well as the unfunded liabilities that naturally come with making all forms of contraception harder to access (welfare, food stamps, prison, and so on). On the other side, you certainly get to point to ACA and social security, as well as Obama's spastastic expansion of the drone wars.

The unnecessary extra ballpark half dozen surplus carrier battle groups we have, but don't really need, is probably bipartisan.
Thu Jul 28 17:46:03
Covid bailouts? I was talking about GND there chief.


But fine, let's talk Covid bailouts. I personally never supported them in the first place, so yes I'm more than qualified to cast stones here. And as for the GOP, they pivoted away from bailouts and lockdowns LONG before the Dems did.

Dems are of course gigantic whores of the military-intelligence complex now, especially since they effectively merged with the neocons. So that argument doesn't fly.

We don't murder people in order to save money on the federal budget, so I just ignored your entire section about contraception etc. as the vile ramblings of a modern Moloch worshipper.

Look, this isn't even close to debatable. Republicans want to spend money on fat aerospace contracts and give tax cuts to billionaires. Democrats want to transform the entire American economy into a cradle-to-grave welfare state and barrel out quadrillions of dollars on the "climate emergency" and "racial justice." The two aren't even on the same order of magnitude.
Thu Jul 28 17:48:45
Thu Jul 28 17:49:10
It actually checks out pretty well that you're unable to separate out things actually done, from proposals. Words speak louder than actions, apparently.
Thu Jul 28 18:49:38
Rugina likes to cite his own imagination too much to be taken seriously.
Thu Jul 28 19:00:29
"separate out things actually done, from proposals. Words speak louder than actions, apparently."

I just want a reminder of this when we discuss Trump. Who as Ive pointed out before, with the exception of immigration policy (which was popular) he was very much so a moderate.
Thu Jul 28 19:40:31
"he was very much so a moderate."

LoL, no.

*Pardons. He pardoned war criminals. He pardoned his friends. He pardoned his lackeys. For example, Trump showed a flagrant disregard of the rule of law by pardoning Blackwater contractors who massacred unarmed Iraqi civilians, including innocent women and children.

*Pulling out of the Paris climate accords and reinforcing ignorance is one thing. Using the excuse of the coronavirus to suspend all EPA enforcement was another example of the ignorant leading this country into the abyss.

*Supreme Court nominees - 3 Ignorant Yahoos picked because of how they would rule rather than on their qualifications. Roe v Wade is just the beginning.

* His nominees in general - Most incompetent group of idiots ever. The state department is now gutted hurting our ability to pursue diplomatic options. Corporate cronies in the EPA means probably a thousand flynt michigans are going on across the country ready to explode as an issue and be blame on the current political leader. It goes on and on and on. Many of these nitwits are still in office like fucking DeJoy who did his best to ratfuck our elections and ruin the USPS.

*Coronavirus Response - He failed to ban travel from Europe when Corona was getting bad. He failed to acknowledge it as a problem. His anti-mask stance made America a flaming hotzone of Coronavirus infection.

And he was so flaming incompetent and obsessed about the election results, he didn't care about Coronavirus until it started affecting Red states because "Fuck the libs amirte?" How could they be real Americans. And he failed to deliver almost half of the vaccine in December of 2020 when we had over 40 million doses because his appointees were incompetent and he could care less about the American people after having lost the election.

*Which leads to January 6th and trying to usurp power because he wanted to pull a Hitler and burn the Reichstag down.

That's not even the tip of the iceberg. Anything good that happened, would've happened under Jeb or Hillary anyways. All the bad stuff is absolutely unique to Trump as an incredibly horrible, malicious, and idiotic human being.
Thu Jul 28 20:05:19
Pardons, not exceptional in anyway.

Clinton pardoned domestic terrorists (the weathermen) and his brother in law (twice IIRC)

Going way back Washington pardoned "imsurectionists" IE the Whiskey rebellion, and post civil war 13k! Confederate were pardoned.

I could go on.

The Paris agreement was so controversial that it was never ratified, not policy, pure rhetoric.

SCOTUS, My God, a Republican Potus put forth textualist!!! tey harder.

He banned travel from the source. (china) and was called a xenophobia. And he did ban travel to Europe IIRC*.

Regardless , nothing that wasn't really a moderate approach.

Nothing you posted was far right btw. All pretty moderate approaches.

Except he didn't get us into a new war, Biden was quick to fix that.
Thu Jul 28 22:43:23
I guess pardoning Whiskey Rebellion insurrectionists... let's see... they were refusing to use US currency at all, which would seem like it gives the dollar less value, which we typically think of as 'inflation'... eh, I'll give that more thought.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 29 03:31:38
"Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" is an excellent example of DNC Newspeak. The parallel to "Patriot Act" is inescapable. It will actually *cause* further inflation, devaluing the dollar, and furthering economic turmoil.

Of course, this is again an attempt to take part in the global ESG/DIE strategy. The DNC is just taking orders from the UN/WEF Malthusians again. Its hyper-focus on climate is part of the strategy of forcing the conversion of trillions in functional industries into inefficient and poorly managed synthetically propped up industries. World governments are being led into a massive pyramid scheme, burning all the bridges behind them to ready their planned cataclysms. And the useful idiots are still looking at words like "green" and seeing "good" instead of visualizing things like mass graves and famine.
Fri Jul 29 03:44:00
The whiskey rebellion I think got more attention in school because ot was localized. Historically alotnof shit, probably seen the liberty Bell 3x on various field trips, ghettysburgh was cool, six flags for physics.
Fri Jul 29 13:13:39
@cc - I read that Glenn Beck book too. It's science fiction fyi.
Fri Jul 29 13:22:50
For those unaware, here's the vibes I picked up on from CC.


She didn't explicitly state that conspiracy theory, but what she said isn't *exactly* incompatible either. I'll post a summary of the novel referenced earlier in the next post (it's not an unenjoyable read, but you have to pretend it's satire at points to achieve "not unenjoyable" status).
Fri Jul 29 13:23:55
Fri Jul 29 13:33:27
Maybe just ask her if she endorses or believes in the Agenda 21 theory.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu Aug 11 00:38:47
It passed.
Thu Aug 11 06:46:52
Using ”conspiracy theory” to dismiss things is not appreciating/understanding 1. cult like effects/zeigeist 2. how none of these things are being done in secret, the opposite in fact and as something critical for the good of mankind 3. The road to hell paved with good intentions.

It’s time to retire “conspiracy theory”.
large member
Thu Aug 11 06:51:16
I dunno, theories of about a unipolar world lead by **Soros** resisted only by enlightened patriots is close enough to deserve the tag CT.
large member
Thu Aug 11 06:53:06
That we all know the **xx** relevant dogwhistles enlightened patriots use does not make it less CT-nuttery.
Thu Aug 11 07:05:22
It's (((Soros))) btw. Learn to anti-semite!

I'm not sure exactly what is a wacky idea about Soros and those pushing for increased globalization and a global order, not just with economic integration, but also social policy and governance? That is pretty much what ESG is trying to do. And it is also a fact the nationalist movements oppose these very same ideas.

The devil is in the details, but the central claim is true and has been true for decades. I was a supporter of this Star Trek future. Perhaps you were/are too.
large member
Thu Aug 11 07:08:25
Right, ty!

Christians have been on about ((Soros)) since the Roman era.
Thu Aug 11 07:12:50

Here is George Soros admonishing China over ESG.

What is the "conspiracy theory"? ESG is a pretty open and straight forward platform for global cooperation, which will inevitably lead to _less_ variation across governance type and social policy, AKA culture. Ever notice that Jean Luc Picard can't speak french? French is an archaic language by his era. Some people are very proud of their culture and language ;)
Thu Aug 11 07:26:11
And like CC, I and others have pointed out, you can not reconcile the worlds ideologies and cultures. And it makes you wonder/fear how far are these financial cabals, throwing around trillions of USD, invested in all the worlds major companies and connected to every OECD country, willing to go?
large member
Thu Aug 11 08:00:23
Sounds like you are describing the Norwegian Oil Fund :D
Thu Aug 11 08:30:25
I will take your word for it :) as it supports what I am saying.

Norway is a tiny country with a very homogeneous population, the only other culture they have had to contend with, does not have a word for war. Even so the assimilation effects on your people are real and much more forceful historically. Even in one of the best examples, Scandinavians vs Sapmi, there was real darkness. Extrapolate that to the entire planet. Does not take a lot of imaginative journeys down rabbit holes to see the globalized tragedy.
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