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Utopia Talk / Politics / The Great Reset is here.
Thu Aug 25 20:31:32
Emmanuel Macron: "What we are living through is a time of great upheaval. Firstly, because we are witnessing – and not since just this summer, but for the past few years – the end of what we might have seen as abundance. And for those who enjoyed it, it is also the end of a carefree time. Our freedom, the liberty to which we have grown accustomed to in our lives has a price, and sometimes when we have to defend it, we have to make certain sacrifices as we fight to defend it."


For those of us who aren't members of neoliberal elite, this is the end of the "carefree time." Your wealth, your prosperity, your very liberties must be sacrificed in the name of a never-ending list of causes such as fighting climate change, pandemics, the Russian Hitler, etc.

Your days of owning a car or heating your home are coming to an end. Your online bank accounts will be subject to random seizures by the government (a la Cyprus). You will be locked down and sealed up in your home every time someone in Kashgar sneezes the wrong way. Your voice will be censored in the name of combatting "misinformation" or "hate speech." Your phones, and televisions, and personal assistants, will be used to track your every movement and word.

And for all of this, you will be thankful. You will beg "please, daddy government, rule over me more." And don't worry about your kids, the state education system will instill a proper respect for the new world order in their impressionable young minds.

We are fucked.
Thu Aug 25 20:42:42
Best be good at killing. It's always been a very marketable skill regardless of the economy.
Thu Aug 25 20:45:27
Yes, you better be good at killing. Especially since meat is about to be forcibly taken out of your diet.

"England must reduce meat intake to avoid climate breakdown, says food tsar

Tue 16 Aug 2022 08.26 EDT

The only way to have sustainable land use in this country, and avoid ecological breakdown, is to vastly reduce consumption of meat and dairy, according to the UK government’s food tsar.

Henry Dimbleby told the Guardian that although asking the public to eat less meat – supported by a mix of incentives and penalties – would be politically toxic, it was the only way to meet the country’s climate and biodiversity targets.

“It’s an incredibly inefficient use of land to grow crops, feed them to a ruminant or pig or chicken which then over its lifecycle converts them into a very small amount of protein for us to eat,” he said.

Currently, 85% of agricultural land in England is used for pasture for grazing animals such as cows or to grow food which is then fed to livestock. Dimbleby, the Leon restaurant chain co-founder and a respected voice in Conservative circles, believes a 30% meat reduction over 10 years is required for land to be used sustainably in England. Others go much further: Greenpeace, for example, say we must reduce our meat intake by 70%.

“If we fail on this,” Dimbleby said, “we will fail to meet our biodiversity or climate goals in this country. We also have a huge opportunity to show thought leadership worldwide, and show them that this can be done, that we can farm sustainably and still feed people.”

Thu Aug 25 20:55:54
Of course, at the end of the day we're the ones who are responsible for allowing this to happen. Every single politician, bureaucrat, academic, and media figure should have been taken for a free helicopter ride as soon as they started supporting the Great Reset.

Instead, we just let them do it to us.

"Professor Neil Ferguson has given an extraordinary interview to Tom Whipple at The Times, in which he confirms the degree to which he believes that imitating China’s lockdown policies at the start of 2020 changed the parameters of what Western societies consider acceptable.

“I think people’s sense of what is possible in terms of control changed quite dramatically between January and March,” Professor Ferguson says. When SAGE observed the “innovative intervention” out of China, of locking entire communities down and not permitting them to leave their homes, they initially presumed it would not be an available option in a liberal Western democracy:

"It’s a communist one party state, we said. We couldn’t get away with it in Europe, we thought… and then Italy did it. And we realised we could."

He almost seems at pains to emphasise the Chinese derivation of the lockdown concept, returning to it later in the interview:

“These days, lockdown feels inevitable. It was, he reminds me, anything but. “If China had not done it,” he says, “the year would have been very different.””"

Thu Aug 25 20:59:24
More NWO fuckery:

"Spain bans setting the AC below 27 degrees Celsius

By Jennifer Pattison Tuohy@jp2e Updated Aug 3, 2022, 6:02pm EDT

As Europe grapples with a scorching summer and skyrocketing energy prices, Spain has become the latest government to tell its citizens to turn down the AC.

A decree published on Tuesday morning in the official state gazette and scheduled to go into effect next week mandates that air conditioning in public places be set at or above 27 degrees Celsius (about 80 degrees Fahrenheit) and that doors of those buildings remain closed to save energy.

Those public places include offices, shops, bars, theaters, airports, and train stations. The decree is being extended as a recommendation to all Spanish households. The rules include maintaining heating at or below 19 degrees Celsius (about 66 degrees Fahrenheit) in the winter and will remain in place at least through November 2023."


Coming soon to an American city near you, no doubt.
Thu Aug 25 21:01:10
Now place this in the context of the Democrat's attempts to restrict energy production, encourage unquestioning loyalty to "the science," indoctrinate your kindergarteners at school, and pressure Big Tech to silence non-orthodox opinions.

This is all happening by design, people.
Thu Aug 25 21:07:03
Nine years ago, Cyprus raided the bank accounts of its citizens and outright stole cash from them.

Now in 2022, 80,000 IRS agents are being hired to *not* audit you and *not* increase the government's ability to track your money.

Remember when AOC's office released that plan of the Green New Deal that included bans on cows and planes? And how all the sheeple "oh that was just a draft, no one's actually proposing that stuff?"

It is the proposal. Your freedoms need to make way for The Greater Good (TM).
Thu Aug 25 21:24:37
"“It’s an incredibly inefficient use of land to grow crops, feed them to a ruminant or pig or chicken which then over its lifecycle converts them into a very small amount of protein for us to eat,” he said."

I keep saying the answer is switching over to rabbit. They don't compete with humans for a food source and takes much less water per amount of protein provided than just about any other source.
Thu Aug 25 23:00:56
Time to buy a reloading press and voting libertarian.

Ive got 7 Mac 11s, about 8 .38s , 9s ,10 mac tens my shit never ends, you cant touch these riches, 3ven if you had MC hammer and them .357 bitches.

Seriously though I have the official US Army handbook to care for you MAC 10, ot was my grandfather's, he killed commies for a living (Korea), not a more Noble profession has there ever been.
Fri Aug 26 01:57:08
A friend of mine that lives in Louisiana claims there is no place in his apartment where he can't reach a gun. He might be exaggerating a bit but I'm guessing every room has a couple at least.

I've only got one gun (shotgun) but my dad and brother both live within a quarter mile of me and have all kinds of guns. Both have also been reloading for a long time so we might be good to go.
Fri Aug 26 05:30:42

"For those of us who aren't members of neoliberal elite, this is the end of the "carefree time." Your wealth, your prosperity, your very liberties must be sacrificed in the name of a never-ending list of causes such as fighting climate change, pandemics, the Russian Hitler, etc."

I can only imagine the meltdown you would have had during WWII.

Fri Aug 26 07:56:59
It's remarkable how stupid people can reinforce each other's stupidity.
Fri Aug 26 09:13:12
What is not remarkable however, is that stupid people never consider themselves belonging to a group of stupid people who reinforce stupidity.
Fri Aug 26 09:34:46
^the great part of that comment is that it could potentially apply to literally anyone.

Which means it definitely applies to Dukhat and not myself. Eat shit, Dukhat.
Fri Aug 26 09:38:04
Habebe / kargen

Guns are only one element of fending off the NWO. You also need tangible assets that they can't touch.

In all honesty, we're all probably too plugged in to the grid right now. Shit goes sideways and we're going to be ill-prepared to handle what follows.
Fri Aug 26 14:22:37
If The world is ending, and I need shit, Im just taking it.

Hence the gun.

Fri Aug 26 14:24:46

You are well armed. So is 70% of the rest of South Carolina.

Really, you should come up here to Democratland. You would be a king among peasants with your arsenal.
Fri Aug 26 14:42:24
Oh definitely, not mention in SC they don't have much other than pick up trucks and guns.

Demland probably has way nicer shit to take.
Fri Aug 26 15:07:40
"You are well armed. So is 70% of the rest of South Carolina."

Reminds me of the most unbelievable part of Walking Dead. They are in rural Georgia and can't find weapons or ammo.

I've got a source of water and food available even if the grid comes crashing down so I could survive. Would suck though. Right now I would be majorly fucked. I need a knee replacement and that probably will not happen until next April. After I get the knee I am good to go.

I live in a county that has 2,577 square miles of land and 3,500 people. Going to take a while for the horde to get here.
Fri Aug 26 15:17:40
So...if the world starts collapsing who else wants to do a bunch of drugs and try to build a bulldozer and go on a looting spree?
Fri Aug 26 15:17:40
So...if the world starts collapsing who else wants to do a bunch of drugs and try to build a bulldozer and go on a looting spree?
Fri Aug 26 15:17:41
So...if the world starts collapsing who else wants to do a bunch of drugs and try to build a bulldozer and go on a looting spree?
Fri Aug 26 17:27:16
The lack of fuel is what will fuck up rural areas. Vast distances and dependency on machinery and fossil fuels that is not made anywhere near where you are.

Fri Aug 26 17:32:27
Fri Aug 26 17:51:59
Lack of fuel is going to fuck up everything. I'm near the source of several natural gas and a few oil wells. I'm not near a refinery but then again neither is most the population whether it be rural or urban. If fuel can't get to rural areas no way in hell it is getting to the cities.
Rural areas we are spread out enough fending for ourselves for a month or two won't be a problem for most. The city though once the zoo meat is gone you are going cannibal to survive. 10,000 maniacs all wanting the last can of SPAM isn't going to be pretty. All that food you eat other than maybe Twinkies originates in a rural area.

I think instead of a bulldozer and California style shopping spree I am going to go fish like there is no limit.
large member
Sat Aug 27 03:47:23
You expect something worse than Europe's wwii?

If not, then distribution systems can function and basic levels even under extreme pressure.

People did not begin to truly starve until allies occupied areas (Holland, Germany, Eastern Front).
Sam Adams
Sat Aug 27 07:56:52
More anti-west propaganda from jergul.
large member
Sat Aug 27 08:16:48
Sat Aug 27 09:24:34
Some people definitely were starving in camps.

Probably in Soviet areas too.
Anarchist Prime
Sat Aug 27 09:58:19
millions of indians and bengalis were starved to death thanks to britain and churchill.
Sat Aug 27 10:29:54

Where millions of Brits?
Sam Adams
Sat Aug 27 10:37:10
"millions of indians and bengalis were starved to death thanks to britain and churchill"

Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 28 00:05:31
[kargen]: "I keep saying the answer is switching over to rabbit."

The problem there is protein poisoning. Rabbit is considered "lean meat", so people cannot satisfy dietary requirements from that meat alone. It's at best a supplement.
Or.. maybe.. if rabbit-farming, don't forget to stockpile vitamins! :)

[Henry Dimbleby] (above article): "“If we fail on this ... we will fail to meet our biodiversity or climate goals in this country. We also have a huge opportunity to show thought leadership worldwide, and show them that this can be done, that we can farm sustainably and still feed people.”"

I've pointed it out in the totalitarians thread, but it might be good for people to ask, "What happens if 'we' do not meet 'our' goals?"

Will the climate spiral out of control?
Will rising oceans turn the planet into Water World?

The UN's 2030 and 2050 goals are not about preventing some climate cataclysm — the *goals* are man-made. Climate is just their excuse to wield perpetual emergency powers and consolidate a permanent world government. A compressed timeline probably has more to do with narcissistic world leaders wanting to see this great genocide in their own lifetimes.

And people should probably not become complacent with the possibility of a red wave in November. The DNC is losing on policy now, but they are attempting anything and everything to squeeze votes (abortion, guns, January 6th propaganda, and now student debt forgiveness?). With the DNC intending an assault weapons ban if they have election wins in 2022, these last few months may well be the last chance for people to stock up.
Sun Aug 28 07:20:41

"The UN's 2030 and 2050 goals are not about preventing some climate cataclysm — the *goals* are man-made."

As opposed to all the other goals before that were set by beavers.

Sun Aug 28 08:10:48
Hmm, seems good at first, but cement itself isn’t recyclable. You can use it as gravel. As with plastic, very often reycling often means you end up with a material of severaly reduces quality and application.
Sun Aug 28 11:06:39
CherubCow has a pHD in youtube comments and a master's in fucking bullshit.
Sun Aug 28 12:17:14
And you only have a BSc in tweets and GED in stupid comments.
Sun Aug 28 13:35:02
Nobody intelligent cares what either one of you thinks anyways. You’re just an affirmative action muslim working some mediocre business job dreaming of crypto riches. You know not to subscribe to absolute stupidest far right ideas but have no problem enabling the ignorance of an obvious deranged narcissist like cherub cow because internet morality is basically kindergarten morality.

Sun Aug 28 13:55:00
"You’re just an affirmative action muslim"_The anti racist who calls everyone bigots, racists, xenophobes etc.
Sun Aug 28 18:07:23
There is nothing more that a Democrat hates than a minority who has the audacity to express any disloyalty to the party.

Minorities do rightfully belong to the Democratic Party after all. Because the Democrats support welfare checks and project housing, or whatever.
Mon Aug 29 04:13:07
Nobody cares what you think anyways. You’re just a mediocre nobody LARPing wealthy on a god forgotten forum. You subscribe to the absolute stupidest far right insults, but still virtue signaling leftist positions and enabling their ignorance. You are a psychopath and have no morality.

lol :)
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