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Utopia Talk / Politics / So Biden is just full-on evil now
Fri Sep 02 05:30:15
I think his handlers are taking the Dark Biden thing a little too far.


At least he didn't bring up his usual talking point about how he would be more than happy to bomb his political opponents with F-15s.
Fri Sep 02 06:29:16
"That was the most demagogic, outrageous, and divisive speech I have ever seen from an American president. Joe Biden essentially declared all those who oppose him and his agenda enemies of the republic. Truly shameful."

It is the same thing that the Social Democrats are doing in Sweden. Branding the opposition as a "security threat" and a "threat to democracy". Basically saying that the only ones who should be allowed to rule the country are the Social Democrats because the opposition "has connection to Russia". The opposition calls the latest statements by the Swedish government to be "dictatorship manners".

It's weird that the Biden's statements are kinda syncronized with the Swedish government in that they are making the statements at the same time.
Fri Sep 02 07:21:00
Finally some fire. Fuck the MAGA-tards.
Fri Sep 02 07:26:43
‘You Can’t Love Your Country Only When You Win’ | “Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election, either they win or they were cheated,” the president said Thursday

Every president has basically said some version of this. Biden. Bush. Reagan. Everyone except Trump. I wonder why.
Fri Sep 02 07:56:03
You say that, then will happily vote for any of the 3 parties that will let the social democrats rule again. Do not underestimate the power of the deep social democracy: ABF, LO, Hyresgästförening, A-lotterier etc. not to speak of all the authorities and institutions that supposedly should be not be political where 90% of the GDs are former social democratic politicians. Do not underestaimate the brinksmanship of S. They will come on top in a wrestling match, especially as C and V are gonna have a difficult time getting along.

Do the right thing, don't vote.
Fri Sep 02 08:15:29

You, your party, and the media spent four fucking years engaging in wild conspiracy theories about how Trump collided with Vladimir Hitler Putin to steal to 2016 election.

Biden himself has said that the 2022 elections could very well be illegitimate (if the Democrats lose, of course).

Stacey Abrams still insists that she's the rightful governor of Georgia, because the 2018 election was stolen from her.

And to this day, you can still see bumper stickers about how George Bush and the Supreme Court stole the 2000 election.

So shut the fuck up with your insincere "oh we TOTALLY respect the outcome of elections" bullshit. You only respect elections when you win, when you don't win you guys go absolutely apeshit about how you were robbed.
Fri Sep 02 08:22:11

The Western international left all swim in the same circles. Its amazing how much crossover there is in talking points in different countries these days.

Listening to Trudeau for example, he frequently acts like he's campaigning as a Democrat in an American state election, talking about issues that apply more to the US than to Canada itself.

It makes sense. News media is international in scope now, and Swedes and Americans and Britain and Canucks and Aussies can be influenced by the same small group of media sources. Its no wonder you're seeing significant overlap across countries these days.
Fri Sep 02 08:32:29

"At least he didn't bring up his usual talking point about how he would be more than happy to bomb his political opponents with F-15s."

Every idiot who tries to overthrow the government or conspires or plots to should get bombed whether they were born Americans or not. If we had started doing that back in the 1990s when these right wing militias were organizing, we'd have far fewer retards today.

Fri Sep 02 08:33:34

But yeah that backdrop and the angry old guy ranting about todays youth tone didn't do him any favors.

Fri Sep 02 08:35:52
Seems like just yesterday Hillary threw an election with a similar speech...
Fri Sep 02 09:21:18

The deplorables weren't voting for her anyway.

Fri Sep 02 10:01:56
I love the lighting. Really brilliant to use black and red to highlight biden as a facist dictator.
Fri Sep 02 10:18:47
The screaming the entire speech in German seemed a bit much.Just saying.
Fri Sep 02 10:21:49
You, your party, and the media spent four fucking years engaging in wild conspiracy theories about how Trump collided with Vladimir Hitler Putin to steal to 2016 election.

Biden himself has said that the 2022 elections could very well be illegitimate (if the Democrats lose, of course).

Stacey Abrams still insists that she's the rightful governor of Georgia, because the 2018 election was stolen from her.

And to this day, you can still see bumper stickers about how George Bush and the Supreme Court stole the 2000 election.

So shut the fuck up with your insincere "oh we TOTALLY respect the outcome of elections" bullshit. You only respect elections when you win, when you don't win you guys go absolutely apeshit about how you were robbed."

100% accurate.

The same people who cry the loudest about respecting elections, only do so when they win.Its another example how both parties pull the same BS but media will spin it as one sided.

Remember the war on "Two sidedness" few years ago to justify not giving equal air time to multiple opinions.
Fri Sep 02 11:08:17
"You only respect elections when you win, when you don't win you guys go absolutely apeshit about how you were robbed."

Rugian thinks bumper stickers & sour grapes are "absolutely apeshit about how you were robbed," but the actual insurrection attempt was just peaceful protestors holding hands and singing happy songs.
Fri Sep 02 11:14:00
Increasingly all we are seeing is:

"whelp, they're right, some conservative/republican people did do that thing. So let's just find some BS narrative allowing us to present a 'yeah but they are the same' false equivalency claim."
Fri Sep 02 11:19:09
There actually was singing involved as well as selfies.

What Rugian is reffering to is the onslaught of far left media and politicians undermining election integrity.

The majority of Democrats beleive(ed) the 2016 election was stolen by Russia.

Because HRC went on a campaign to spread false accusations, hired people to deceive the FBI etc.

Jam. 6th wasnt good, there are alot of questions still in answered.

But it doesn't change the fact that when democrats lose they claim the election was rigged/stolen.

When Republicans lose they claim the election was rigged and stolen. Both use un proven claims mixed with some truth.

Is there a difference? Yeah, they have different MOs, butnthe result is the same
Fri Sep 02 11:21:58
Seventy-two percent (72%) of Democrats believe it’s likely the 2016 election outcome was changed by Russian interference


How is that different from Republicans thinking 2020 was rigged?
Fri Sep 02 11:25:54
Wow, I must have mind reading abilities, to have so thoroughly and completely anticipated exactly what habebe was writing, even making my post while he was composing his, describing it to a T.
Fri Sep 02 11:33:09

You didnt do as good a job as you think in preemptively responding to habebe.

The problem on the left isn't a marginal one. A clear majority of the left believes that one or more elections have been stolen/will be stolen from them. The Democratic Party encourages this belief, and their media allies amplify it.

This is a problem that is general for the entire Democratic side.

Anyway, habebe covered the points I would have said pretty well. I'll just add that, on the subject of January 6, I have repeatedly said that that was a protest that turned into a riot. I don't pretend otherwise.

Now how about we compare which side was responsible for the *vast majority* of politically-motivated rioting/violence during 2020/2021? I feel comfortable in saying that it wasn't Trumpists.
Fri Sep 02 11:34:06
How is that different from Republicans thinking 2020 was rigged?

I'm not going to have that debate with you, not my responsibility, we're past that.

You need to interact with the majority of fellow conservatives, the ones in particular who aren't willfully ignorant, who have some semblance of patriotism and respect for the rule of law left, or at least appreciate those things *more* than you appreciate the would-be God Emperor.

Here's something you're unlikely to be able to draw a false equivocation on. Biden's a very mediocre president, on a good day. And I'm happy to acknowledge that, rather than putting him on some ridiculous pedestal, living in some psycho delusion that he's merely a victim of conspiracy theories and mainstream media agenda (reminder that Fox News is #1, they are the biggest "MSM" of them all).
Fri Sep 02 11:43:43
A clear majority of the left believes that one or more elections have been stolen/will be stolen from them.

"Stolen" bears definition.

1st meaning/point. It's broadly acknowledged that several presidential elections have been won by Republicans in the electoral college, while losing the popular vote. That 70%ish or whatever percent of democrats believe that, almost to a person. *And it's undeniably true.* If you like the electoral college you don't call that "stolen," and if you don't like it then you call it "stolen." I don't think anyone serious would deny any of that. If you don't like the 2 point conversion and trick plays in the NFL, then you might call some games "stolen," but if you like trick plays and 2 point conversions, you wouldn't call those games "stolen."

This is not the definition in operation when Trumpeteers allege that the 2020 election was stolen, not according to any of the frivolous lawsuits, not according to any tweet I've seen, not according to any of that. "Stolen" here means stuffing ballot boxes, or something clearly outside the laws and norms of the land, very clearly and explicitly.

These are not equally credible allegations. One is undeniably true, the other has so scant evidence that Republican appointed judges (whom I suppose have been mind controlled by MSNBC's insidious brain slugs?) threw those cases in the trash left and right.

So let's stop with that particular idiotic false equivocation. "72% of democrats believe something that is undeniably true <that the electoral college is real, and makes duly won elections feel 'stolen'>" is not the equivalent of "X% of republicans believe made up gibberish."

(For the record I am not part of that 72% or whatever. I wouldn't stay "stolen." I would say they played by the rules as they existed, and who is to say that if it were a popular vote that decided the outcome, Trump/Bush/etc wouldn't have campaigned differently, and *still* won. I can't promise you that would have been the outcome, far from it)

The 2nd meaning/point is attempting to make it easier/harder to vote, to gerrymander, to rig the rules in one's favor. If we squint, I can see an equivocation that isn't being made in bad faith.

But the "derp dems believe elections have been stolen too" one is not in good faith.
Fri Sep 02 11:43:56

How many conservatives do you interact with in Southern California, again?

"we're past that"

We're not. Speaking as someone who lives in a leftwing state and consumes leftwing media, the insanity on that side of the aisle is both real and mainstream.
Fri Sep 02 11:44:26
Wow, I must have mind reading abilities, to have so thoroughly and completely anticipated exactly what habebe was writing, even making my post while he was composing his, describing it to a T."

Or it plays into the common left wing tactic that only one narrative is the right one and there is no use in hearing more than one side, that way they dont have to argue the facts and just say "only one side is valid".

the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 11:54:29
after election, Trump pressured multiple officials, & state legislatures & his VP in effort to change the electors to his own, based on things he was repeatedly were told were lies by his own people (& a disturbingly large # of his cultists were totally fine with it... chucking votes w/ no evidence of mass fraud beyond his word... & many willing to engage in violence over it, repeating his same false claims)

& he hasn't stopped, two recent efforts...

after Wisconsin ruling on dropboxes, Trump decided that made him winner... & not just as a thought experiment that he'd lose, but actually asking WI legislature to declare him winner

after the false Zuckerberg/Rogan story, Trump crazily demanded to be appointed 'president'

Hillary do all that? anyone ever do all that?

there's a difference
Fri Sep 02 12:02:47
"I'm not going to have that debate with you, not my responsibility, we're past that."

Also, Trump is no longer in office,is that not also in the past?

1st meaning/point. It's broadly acknowledged that several presidential elections have been won by Republicans in the electoral college"

These are the rules we have used to win elections for 200+ years.

Democrats are now against it because they struggle to win elections using the agreed upon rules, so they seek to change them.

Also, Russia has nothing to do with the EC.

"This is not the definition in operation when Trumpeteers allege that the 2020 election was stolen"

Ive argued for a while that 2020 election was won using legal although shadier tactics than usual.

Everything from accepting ballots that do not meet requirements to changing election laws arguably in an unconstitutional manner, meaning not by state legislature but governors picks and judges.Banning opposition parties, even when they met legal requirements.

These are not equally credible allegations"

The attack on two sides of the story again. Mabey Im psychic.

And again, how does Russia play into the electoral college?

The 2nd meaning/point is attempting to make it easier/harder to vote, to gerrymander, to rig the rules in one's favor."

I've gone over this before. Both parties rig rules in their favor, generally through different means.

Republicans are more likely to use gerrymandering, largely because they more often get the ability.

Democrats are more likley to usurp authority on election rules that they think will benefit them, they also are far more likley to blame and ban 3rs parties (greens) in swing elections.

I don't see how one is worse than the other.Both are unfair but "legal".

But the "derp dems believe elections have been stolen too" one is not in good faith."

This is hogwash, HRC waged a campaign of ACTUAL mis/dis information.

Basically fabricating conspiracies that Russia is why Trump won.

We heard variations on it for 6 years now.Most proven false, a small amount not proven either way.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 12:03:10
...ugh, & i keep forgetting one of worst parts, his efforts to put a piece of shit shill as acting AG just so he'd tell the states COMPLETELY FALSELY that the DOJ/FBI was concerned about mass voter fraud in their states (a letter already drafted by the piece of shit, that the DOJ heads refused to sign, plan thwarted only by mass resignation threats... w/ WH people already believing the change in AG had already happened... it was -that- close)

... all part of the effort to have State legislatures chuck the votes & just appoint his electors (in fully corrupt fashion)
Fri Sep 02 12:03:54
"Hillary do all that? anyone ever do all that?

there's a difference"

With the same end result.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 12:05:17
no... plus the actor's actions matter ENTIRELY

guy tried (still trying) to overthrow gov't
girl complained

Fri Sep 02 12:18:54
I'm going to sign off for the day, I will leave you with this.

There are Republicans and conservatives who love their country more than the particular populist geriatric, and the future of our republic increasingly rests on their shoulders, and their shoulders alone along with the persuasive abilities of the heads attached, the two party system doesn't work when one no longer believes in the rule of law and democracy.

Please go interact with those folks some, they are more likely to speak your language and share common ground. *They* aren't the RINOs.
Fri Sep 02 12:22:28
The left just doesn't get it.
Fri Sep 02 12:36:44
DUrr, every1 disagrees meee is LeFt DURRRR
Fri Sep 02 12:38:22
Your wife fucks other men while you play keyboard warrior arguinf that TW and EP are not leftwing, hows that going?
Fri Sep 02 13:06:36
I didn't watch the speech but will read the transcript. When I saw the image with the red backdrop I thought it had been photoshopped by someone that hates President Biden.

This gives me more confidence in my thought that someone behind the scenes is purposely undermining President Biden. This backdrop couldn't have been much worse. Red affects people negatively at a subconscious level and it created a stir beyond the subconscious.
Another example is the $10,000 student debt relief. The only way that could have been worse is if he decided the relief should be one dollar. The fact that he is trying to do it pisses of the right, many independents and some of the left middle class. The 10,000 figure pisses of the progressives. Whoever has his ear is trying to destroy him.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 14:19:58
but will read the transcript

be sure to notice this part...

"Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know, because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.

But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country."

...as team fucking liars seemed to have missed it:

"Angry man smears half of the people of the country he is supposed to lead & promised to unite"
~ Sen Marco Rubio (typical "half the country" bullshit)

seems it's the Fox/GOP machine trying to tie all R's to Trump... (not that R's are even half the country)


but i agree the red was bad, & the speech itself pointless as no one is changing their mind about Trump based on what Biden says... no idea what can change someone's mind on Trump, there's instant reflexive defense for him regardless of what fucking nuts shit he does, plus largely his propaganda networks just don't report what he says/does, as defending is so hard)
Fri Sep 02 14:22:13

Sums up the speech to me.
Fri Sep 02 14:40:45
TW, Yeah, IMO they attempted to lean into "Dark brandon" and went overboard with the lighting/Marines symbolism etc.

It wad comically symbolic of Fascism.Atleast the visually.

The thing with Trump/supporters is that the more they attack him/his supporters, the greater his support grows.

You see it as here is a guy who breaks the law all the time and gets away with it.(deal with the devil)

The other side (myself included) see a guy they have thrown everything at the wall to see what sticks and they still cant prove anything, seems like a witch hunt.

Anytime its attempted to compare Trumps situation(s) with anyone else the consesus from then left is

"But it's Trump, he is different, no comparisons are valid, he is uniquely the cause of everything bad"

Which sounds crazy.
Fri Sep 02 14:44:41
It especially looks worse when people wantnhim.charged and locked up over anything, regardless of how inane or small.

Like we probably agree its a bad look for Republicans to harp on Hunters drugs use and love of hookers, it looks petty.

Like an ex potus charging him with not returning documents and personal letters.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 14:46:50
it IS different... & they -have- proven things

numerous R's agreed he extorted the Ukraine president, they didn't impeach claiming 'not impeachable offense', not Trump innocent

same for impeachment 2, they cleared him on grounds he was no longer president, not for being innocent

his actions on Jan 6th hearings are factual, no one has disputed the substantive parts (just how angry he was in the SUV/limo...), plus so much public impossible to refute

his taking of documents he shouldn't have also proven, as well as lying about it via a lawyer soon to be run over by a bus

& plenty of other shit proven (like siding w/ Putin then making a stupid obvious lie about it when Fox finally had enough of it)
Fri Sep 02 14:53:51
As for the narrative of one side being peaceful and pro democratic and the other a bunch of violent fascists, that's absurd.

Politicians, journalists, pundits and influencers are collectively viewed as one side or another in this view. People will cite Tucker, for example like he is uniquely different from say Don lemon, the coumo brothers etc.


Not so peacefull.

It seems reasonable to say both sides have alot of anger and violence associated with them.

But of course that will be deemed "Two sideism" or "muddying waters"
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 14:55:47
"Like an ex potus charging him with not returning documents and personal letters"

Sandy Berger - copies of 1 classified document taken, charged
Trump - 100s of classified documents taken... plus hidden/lied about... plus some just flat missing perhaps (numerous empty folders found)

(plus Trump spewing obvious lies about declassifying that even his lawyers aren't mentioning in court filings... not that him spewing obvious lies ever gets him in trouble w/ the cult for some reason)
Fri Sep 02 14:56:07
"numerous R's agreed he extorted the Ukraine president,"

Another bs tactic, you use all the time "But a Republican agreed"

But again, if say Tulsi, Manchin say something (Democrats) "Oh well that's just different"

The R & D mean little.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 14:59:00
if the impeachments were total bullshit, so many R's wouldn't have agreed, there would be zero

Tulsi nor Manchin have said the FBI corruptly acting against Trump (at least, i would hope) as the Fox/GOP repeatedly lie about

Tulsi is a regular on Fox, seeming to buy more & more into their message... not sure her game plan, or if just getting brainwashed
Fri Sep 02 15:00:10
Cheney & Kinzinger going on ledtwing media is different, how?
Fri Sep 02 15:00:42
Man I should have predicted this would turn into a TW Trump rant thread. We could have took bets.
Fri Sep 02 15:02:01
Tulsi has called the raid a Blatant abuse of power.

Manchin AFAIK hasn't really mentioned it.

Cuomo has claimed "They better habe something serious or this is awful" paraphrased.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 15:18:04
if Tulsi said that, she's gone full brainwashed... there's no indication of abuse of power, Trump had plenty of chances to comply, then his team lied that they had done so... what else should they have tried to get the criminal to return shit?

"Trump rant thread"
Habebe started it :p, but point taken
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 15:24:23
hmmm... she said it Aug 9th, the day after the raid (so with ZERO info on it), on Jesse Waters (full propaganda) Fox show


including buying that it was to target political opponents & not really about Trump (zero evidence of that even now, with no even possibility of evidence when she said it)

well, bye Tulsi... you really fell far

(& won't talk of Trump or associates more here :p)
Fri Sep 02 15:35:23
I merely responded I this.

"But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump"
Fri Sep 02 15:36:07
well, bye Liz/Kinzinger/Bushites... you really fell far
Fri Sep 02 15:39:42
Again it to me, just points out popular left beleif that

If someone who has an R next to their name (or anyone)disagrees with "MAGA" it's because of integrity.

If it's the other way around, its brain-washing.

A few have relatively principled arguments. Briana Joy Grey for example has some principled beliefs, I usually disagree with them, but they are independant of being pro or anti Trump.
Fri Sep 02 15:45:38

The majority of the list seems to be literally nothing (empty folders) and magazines/news clippings.
Fri Sep 02 15:58:05
Like most Republicans, I don't care what you or other ex-felons think.
Fri Sep 02 16:18:53
Lol. So biden portrays himself as a sith lord and tw attacks trump. What a fucking tool.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 02 16:20:10
"If it's the other way around, its brain-washing"

Tulsi was fully buying 'the FBI must be corrupt' Fox/GOP narrative when she had NO info... she couldn't possibly have had any on Aug 9th

what are Cheney & Kinzinger putting out that is baseless? who is even refuting any of the Jan 6th stuff? (beyond limo fight)
(and those two aren't nearly the only Rs who found Trump to have done what he was impeached for both times)
Fri Sep 02 16:33:17
"be sure to notice this part..."

I will give the entire speech equal consideration as well as the overall tone. I don't suffer as you do from some form a delusion that prevents me from seeing and acknowledging when someone I disagree with says or does something right.

President Trump got 46% of the vote so smearing half is just about right. Had to round up a little.

All kinds of people across the political spectrum were opining the day after with nothing to go in. That is the result of needing to fill a 24 hour news cycle.
Democrats were saying nuclear secrets were a part of the documents confiscated but hard copy nuclear documents do not exist. They haven't for decades. Anything printed out for a meeting is destroyed in room before the people are allowed to leave the room. Nobody gets to take a hard copy with them. Not even the president.
Truth is both sides are still pretty much just making shit up as they go along with this raid thing. The DoJ is playing the vital to national security card to keep as much a secret as they can. They admitted to "considering" the action for months so obviously there was no serious threat.

President Biden's entire speech though was just trying to add one more layer to the January 6th foundation so Democrats have something to run on. It was all about trying to prevent Trump from running again in 2024. It is hypocritical of him to be talking about undermining an election when he and his team are doing all they can to prevent a person from running through any means necessary.

And when he was talking about how bad the violence was why did he not mention the summer riots? When he was talking about public figures being attacked why did he fail to condemn the illegal protests taking place in front of Supreme Court Justices homes?
"Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today."
People still claim the Supreme Court stole the election from Gore. People still believe Hillary was screwed out of winning in 2016. Stacey Abrams still says she should be governor of Georgia.

President Biden is correct that rights are being taken away. As example the governor of New York is once again trying to end round the Supreme Court to take away 2nd amendment rights. Many Democrats in Washington support removing 2nd amendment rights.
Fri Sep 02 23:07:41
"Tulsi was fully buying 'the FBI must be corrupt' Fox/GOP narrative when she had NO info... she couldn't possibly have had any on Aug 9th"

We still don't have anything at all incriminating.

But it generally looks bad when political opponets order raids on one another's homes.

Yes , yes, you beleive the WH had no idea, which makes no sense.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 03 00:03:28
there's a complete lengthy history timeline of Nat'l Archives, then later adding FBI, trying to get the docs back, so yeah, absolutely zero reason to believe WH ordered it (& he HAD the documents - he has confessed to it repeatedly, admitting he knew those docs were in cartons in his office and that they were not on his floor, a very important fact to him... & that's -after- certifying a search was done & all returned, so multiple criminal cases proven)

yet your most plausible explanation is the WH ordered a raid on the guy hoping he was committing a crime & got lucky? (then the FBI is completely lying in court filing after court filing to cover for it)
the wanderer
Sat Sep 03 00:38:20
here's Tulsi even guest-hosting for Tucker:
w/ her again smearing FBI, plus attacking Merrick Garland for simply saying 'he won't stand for the unfounded* attacks against FBI'... which she labeled the hallmark of a dictator... really?

& he's referring to the unfounded attacks such as Tulsi herself made, obviously unfounded as they had NO info about the raid when they made them

so anyway, Tulsi fully disgusting now

maybe she's just looking for a Fox hosting job or something
the wanderer
Sat Sep 03 00:41:09
actually, she's not even in Congress anymore (i hadn't realized), so yeah, just definitely looking for a Fox job
Sat Sep 03 00:49:15
lol, I don't give two shits what Ben Shitiro thinks.
Sat Sep 03 02:28:12
"Yes , yes, you beleive the WH had no idea, which makes no sense."

"so yeah, absolutely zero reason to believe WH ordered it"

Perfect example of your derangement.

Habebe didn't say the White House ordered it. He insinuated the White House knew about it in advance. The two are not really even similar. Your mind is seeing what isn't there in an effort to confirm your delusions.
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 03 06:13:02
[earthpig]: "but the actual insurrection attempt was just peaceful protestors holding hands and singing happy songs."

By "the actual insurrection", I'd guess that ep is talking about the 5/29 Insurrection, when left-wing Antifa and BLM thugs under the protection of the D.C. mayor — who had branded the street in a declaration of DNC endorsement — attempted to storm the White House, injured hundreds of police and Secret Service, set fire to a church and public buildings in Lafayette Square, set fires across White House-adjacent streets, rioted, broke into and looted nearby stores, staged a guillotine complete with a Trump epithet, broke through security barriers, assaulted White House figures and White House gate security, and were such a security threat that the Secret Service insisted on placing Trump in the presidential bunker.

I don't think any reasonable person would call that "just peaceful protestors", yeah.

[earthpig]: "(reminder that Fox News is #1, they are the biggest "MSM" of them all)"

lol. Fucking delusional. :D
They are the #1 most watched on *cable* by ratings — i.e., by boomers and people who still have cable. By monthly website traffic, CNN and MSN lead, with Fox in third. And which organizations make up most of the rest of that list? Left-wing owned and corporate-funded news:
4) New York Times'
5) Google News
6 and 10) Yahoo!
7) Washington Post
8) New York Post
11) Daily Mail
12) BBC
13) USA Today
14) People
15) NBC News
16) The Guardian
17) Business Insider
18) Wall Street Journal
19) Forbes
20) Huffpost
I.e., Fox is more or less the only place that conservatives can get their news in the corporate press. Elsewhere they have maybe New York Post and (often) Daily Mail. Nearly everything else is left-wing owned.

This "hur hur, Fox News!" bullshit is pathetically dated. No one with a functional brain can look at the left's massive control and massive fund-backing of all major media and say, "[Fox is the problem!]" The left can complain about "Fox" while sitting on the media shoulders of CNN, MSNBC, Time, NPR, NYT, The Hill, BBC, Politico, Vox, Vice, Slate, Salon, etc., DNC-propaganda doublers such as Colbert, Trevor Noah, Stewart, Oliver, Kimmel, Meyers, etc., and social media ownership such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The right, meanwhile, is a bunch of indy shows that are easily dismissed by people of the managerial state, who only respond positively to the credentialed elites — i.e., left-wing indoctrinated sycophants whose status is granted more authority than their actual arguments, like the British tyrants of old. The left is funded by Malthusians at Pfizer, Moderna, and Microsoft while the right is funded by MyPatriotSupply, VPN services, and some crazy old man screaming about gold — but *Fox* is the fucking threat? Maybe the trillionaires trying to get everyone to think the exact same thing are at least a *little* bit of a fucking problem.

[earthpig]: "These are not equally credible allegations. One is undeniably true, the other has so scant evidence that Republican appointed judges (whom I suppose have been mind controlled by MSNBC's insidious brain slugs?) threw those cases in the trash left and right."

False and delusional. Straight from the left-wing propaganda mills and into earthpig's awaiting smooth brain. I wonder how many court transcripts he read versus just having DNC media tell him "[Those cases were all dismissed! Must not have been any evidence! Don't talk about it anymore, please!]"

[earthpig]: "the two party system doesn't work when one no longer believes in the rule of law and democracy."

Weird for ep to say this and still vote DNC, since it is the DNC that does not believe in law and has replaced "democracy" with uni-party totalitarianism. "Democracy" for them is merely a propagandized popular vote with hidden ballots under the watch of corrupted A.I. See again their total control of media. And "rule of law" for them is slave morality's "repressive tolerance", the total state's monopoly on authority, removal of private enterprise, the disarmament of citizens, and the removal of competing interests. Much law! So democracy!


[TDS Bot]: "after the false Zuckerberg/Rogan story"

lol. Fucking idiot :D

[TDS Bot]: "Hillary do all that? anyone ever do all that?"

Oh yeah, speaking of "False equivalency", we know that Hillary is FAR FUCKING WORSE. After losing in 2016, she and the DNC activated the entire left-wing psychosis circus to brainwash useful idiots such as tw. People who got their news entirely from corporate-backed monopolies did not stand a fucking chance.

[TDS Bot]: "same for impeachment 2, they cleared him on grounds he was no longer president, not for being innocent"

Oh look, tw suddenly fucking cares about the grounds on which a case is dismissed. Fucking amazing. Now do voter fraud cases, you fucking hack. lol

[TDS Bot]: "his actions on Jan 6th hearings are factual, no one has disputed the substantive parts"

lol!!!!!! "No one"
tw HAS to be another satire account — just another UP multi. No one is this fucking retarded :D

[TDS Bot]: "if the impeachments were total bullshit, so many R's wouldn't have agreed, there would be zero"

lol, yeah; tw is fucking retarded :D
He really cannot even see the next step in a process or strategy. He can only see what's put in front of him and works with bland heuristics. He cannot seem to realize that many in the GOP voted against Trump because they wanted to re-consolidate their uni-party powers, being as they are the remnants of the NeoCon war factory.

[obaminated]: "Lol. So biden portrays himself as a sith lord and tw attacks trump. What a fucking tool."

It's at least hilarious :D

[kargen]: "I will give the entire speech equal consideration as well as the overall tone."

Good post.

[kargen]: "And when he was talking about how bad the violence was why did he not mention the summer riots? When he was talking about public figures being attacked why did he fail to condemn the illegal protests taking place in front of Supreme Court Justices homes?"

That was a glaring hole in his speech. It's one thing to make his usual and idiotic statements about the "MAGA" crowd and demonize populists — dangling the smooth-brain deception of "[Oh! I'm only talking about *certain* Republican politicians! I'm *certainly* not talking about the millions of people who voted for them and are thus being demonized as well by extension!]" — and it's another thing to completely omit the DNC's active and willing endorsement of violence and insurrection in 2020. His speech was pure projection and gas-lighting on that front. He was describing the DNC's evils while pretending that the real enemy is the "MAGA" threat.

If he were at *all* interested in unity — which I think no reasonable person believes at this point — he would have floated some DNC responsibility for this civil conflict rhetoric, but this would require some level of self-reflection or honesty, and the diaper-shitting pedo's speechwriters (e.g., Vinay Reddy) do not have this in them. Which makes one wonder: was this mere polarization to get useful idiots like tw and ep to remember to vote in November, or was this intended to create conflict as a means to consolidate further uni-party powers? Presenting himself so plainly as a tyrant could easily read like an intel op designed to get some unhinged lunatic to make a useful Franz Ferdinand out of Biden — thus justifying further totalitarian measures ("[See how bad the enemy was all along!]"). Biden may have even agreed to that, since he's so mentally invalid, pissing and shitting himself in public, that he'd probably be happy to do his part for some fleeting relevance. It would be best, instead, if he were merely forgotten. It's enough that he be the ultimate symbol of the DNC's control of their useful idiots: that they could get the useful idiots to vote for an obvious pedophile of the managerial state who has no virtues to speak of.

I listened to the audio alone before seeing all the PedoHitler memes, and the speech itself was fucking awful. I think I called him a Commie about a dozen times. He very overtly littered the Bolshevik–WEF's "our democracy" bullshit into the speech, signaling the totalitarian motive here. Again, for the people who have not been paying attention: "our democracy" does not mean some benevolent mantra like "The people will be empowered in society again!"; it means enabling mob rule in the short term to get that mob to vote away its own representation and authority, feeding instead the uni-party, who then controls all elections and does not need consent — only the appearance of it via its own self-serving propaganda apparatuses. The "dictatorship of the proletariat" is merely a perpetual slave morality revolution for the proles (divided and conquered; constant in-fighting) while uni-party oligarchs live in uncontested luxuries.

"Division is Unity"
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