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Utopia Talk / Politics / Officially mid-term season
Sat Sep 17 10:15:44
Well we went from Red wave to, moderate Republican win and now it might as well be a reoublican wave again.

Dems best bet is to keep gas cheap for two more months.

Lindsey Graham fucked shit up, but Trump/Abbot/Desantis changed the entire talking point back to immigration real quick.

Fetterman is rapidly losing support, and it has less to do with OZ and more to do with Fett cant talk, its sad to watch.

However Im glad Mastriano has no chance, that guy is too wierd, plus the democrats have been wiping my criminal record clean in PA considering I have no seriously violent charges.

Fett was a mixed bag, I support releasing non Violent criminals amd legalizing weed. I can even get on board with his union stances on some cases. (Not public unions)

But wow other than that he was pretty bad. Wanting to release murderers and end life in prison?

Taxed gasoline and everything else like it was going out of style?

However he did chase a man down and tackle him while carrying a shotgun, that was cool.
Sun Sep 18 16:31:21
” But wow other than that he was pretty bad. Wanting to release murderers and end life in prison? ”

Why not. We release murderers in Sweden. And Life in Prison means 15-16 years in prison, in average. Nimatzo may correct me if I’m wrong.
Sun Sep 18 18:58:27
We release them here as well, but not all, for especially aggrivated cases and repeat offenders we keep the option of never releasing them until elderly/dead.

For example some states after 60 yrs old you can get apply for elderly release, with the idea that they are unlikely to re offend.

16 years for aggravated rape & murder for example is not a good idea.

The only reason I'm usually against the death penalty is because than just could have got the wrong guy, it happens more than we think.
Sun Sep 18 19:24:17
Focusing on Fetterman as a specific individual is almost missing the point. If he wins, he'll vote in lock-step with whatever the Leader puts forward (assuming they stay in the majority).

Other than Manchin and maybe Sinema, when you're voting for a candidate you're voting for someone who will loyally toe the line with the party. Fetterman's personal beliefs and policies are irrelevant.

That being said, "Fetterwoman" alone should have permanently disqualified from holding any elective or appointed office.
Sun Sep 18 19:37:37
It's going to be a gop landslide and the meltdowns on msnbc and other liberal networks/podcasts will eclipse the meltdown of 2016. And I will furiously masturbate to all of them.
Sun Sep 18 21:52:06
I don't buy the BS polls "major swing".

The polls I seen with such pro den swings were not LV or regular pollsters generally.

Although feel free to point out those I missed.

Special elections I think they seen what they wanted to see like in Kansas or Alaska.
Tue Sep 20 20:39:48

Seen everything?


Now you have.

That's a Democrats accusing her incumbent Republican opponent of wanting to turn the US into a socialist dictatorship.

Tue Sep 20 22:02:19
miami cubans will vote Salazar in no matter what her opponent says. the only real response is to end the embargo and re-establish full foreign relations with Cuba as punishment.
Tue Sep 20 22:04:57
also, it wouldn't matter if her mom and dad were killed in a FARC bombing, it's all about me me me for the miami crowd.
Wed Sep 21 00:08:26
So a guy (41) got into a political argument with an 18 year old Republican and than ran him over with his car because he said "He was part of an extremist group"

Pretty sure this is going to be in the news alot the next few days, at least the right wing ones & maybe JRE.
Wed Sep 21 00:09:41
Whatever could have inspired the murder of this young man?
Wed Sep 21 00:16:41
A former strategist for President Obama says he fears some polls might be heavily skewed towards Democrats. His reasoning is what Habebe is pointing to. Republicans in the current climate are reluctant to express their views in public or when answering polls for fear of being targeted.
Wed Sep 21 00:26:23
Kargen, Its more than that.

Although I should point out recently even the NYT has pointed out the pro democratic polling numbers seem suspicious.

I went through 538s lists before about the time of the shift. Thw polls that were far democratic leaning were one's Id neber heard.of before, and by 538s own account for example the one had only predicted 2 races correctly before and were off by 11%.

Polls like this were skewing the averages.

Now when we look at specific issues, yes clearly I think the dems successfully got their base enthusiastic over abortion, but that's already fading, the economy while not as bad feeling is still number one and 2 to one ppl think Republicans are better at handling the economy.

Immigration is important but primarily in border states.
Wed Sep 21 06:06:53

"So a guy (41) got into a political argument with an 18 year old Republican..."

Do these people have identities beyond 41 year old man and 18 year old Republican? If not then I'm pretty sure the only place you'll hear about it is right wing sites.

Wed Sep 21 06:11:38

"Republicans in the current climate are reluctant to express their views in public or when answering polls for fear of being targeted."

HAHAHA! Maybe a decade ago. Since Trump ran for office Republicans are not only unapologetic about their shit behavior and attitudes, they have dialed it up to 11 and take great pride in shoving it in everyone's face.

Tue Sep 27 22:30:16
Oregon is an interesting race.

Democrats will hate it, the Republican is slightly ahead in polls, but within margin of error statistical dead heat.

But it seems that's only because Johnson (I) is taking 21% of the vote.
Thu Oct 06 03:13:44

Now I do think OZ is gaining and will eventually win in PA, but it will be close.

However, this is a FOX news poll, so maybe factor that in.

The trends however is clear and is more important anyway, and they come up in both left and right polls.

Nevada could be awesome. The Dems gerrymandered all 3 districts in their favor spreading out their base. However they could have easily controlled 2/3 guaranteed, they opted to put all of them in like a plus 5 Democrat favor.

However, the state has suffered more than almost any because of covid restrictions. Voters are angry at incumbents apparently. Not to mention local democrats murdering reporters.

Anyway, they gambled and it now looks they stand a good chance the GOP sweeps the state.

Wisconsin has also seen some growing support for GOP candidates.

The revenge of the Prince? Lol
the wanderer
Fri Oct 07 12:16:06
so after the midterms we have indictments of Trump & his co-conspirators & Hunter Biden

plus impeachments of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, & Alejandro Mayorkas

& Jim Jordan-led investigations of Fauci & Hunter Biden & the FBI & more
Fri Oct 07 12:18:27
TW, It looks that way. I said this was the case.
Fri Oct 07 20:34:50

Sawyer Hackett @SawyerHackett

Earlier this week @JohnFetterman said Dr. Oz was a Simpson’s character.

Then he did this last night.

Click ... http://twitter.com/SawyerHackett/status/1578458575596187648

lol! :o)

Fri Oct 07 20:37:39

The dude literally murders puppies and holds rallies in front of Hitler's car.

Of course Republicans are going to support him. :o)

Cherub Cow
Sat Oct 08 05:25:12
The DNC appears to be doing blanket commercial coverage of the U.S., calling all of their local-election opponents "extremists" and focusing heavily on abortion. It's pretty much the same exact commercial copy&pasted for dozens of different states, having scare-red visuals and audio recordings of various GOP candidates saying things like, "[It's probably wrong to kill babies, right?]". The commercials almost look like advertisements for their opposition, which they may very well be, given that the DNC has definitely funded controlled opposition before... but that was in the primaries.. so this is weird.

Do they *want* a red wave? Is that the *goal*? Is it because they've already accomplished enough via their WEF infiltration (e.g.; helping to ruin the world economy via suicidal trade, economic, and war policy) and just need an excuse to blame their own bad results on GOP obstruction for two years? ("[Gee folks, sorry! Our intent to cause economic catastrophes is only painful because the GOP is stopping us from causing even *more* catastrophes! Our democracy!! :'( :( :'(]")

At any rate, the DNC has failed on every policy front. People apparently don't like the economic effects of totalitarians. This focus on abortion is probably just to warm up their psychosis demographic for psychosis sweeps (may the best psychosis-booster win!!).

Next week (Week 2!), their mid-term bonanza includes the final January 6th* show trial, scheduled for October 13th because its theme is "Halloween Spooktacular!". This was partly a scheduling error; they already had a costume party planned and reluctantly merged the two. Liz Cheney will be dressed as a Handmaid (super popular with the left-wing idiots), and Raskin will be dressed as a banker. Psychopaths will be putting peanut butter in their underwear for that one.

Week 3 may be a continuation of January 6th propaganda, but they still need to sandwich in some gun control insanity. The low-IQ key demo really only knows these three issues (Trump/January 6th, abortion, gun control), so don't be surprised if we see *lots* of re-runs before election day. Speaking of entertainment media, don't pay to see the new Halloween movie. They seem to be on a super-woke trajectory, and the shared death the writers have planned for Michael and Laurie will probably have some slave-morality feminist symbolism attached. Meh.

*For those unfamiliar, January 6th is the anniversary of the Ganghwa massacre. The DNC is super focused on this because the Ganghwa massacre saw the deaths of several hundred commies, and they're still pretty sore about that.
Sat Oct 08 08:51:25
Its crazy that Fett is attacking the Turkish Muslim man for campaigning at a convention Center that happens to have a replica of Hitlers car (replica?)

But also chased down and tackled a random black guy who was jogging, and did so with a loaded shotgun in hand.
Sat Oct 22 16:04:32
So we are down to the wire less than 3 weeks.

Michigan Governors race tightens. I want to see them wrestle in bikinis.

Kari Lake looks an easy win in Arizona.

The Senate is interesting.

I guess the top races are

PA- Fetterman V Oz

GA-Walker V Warnock

These two races are legit dead heats, if Fett can pull it off I think the Dems will just barely hold the Senate.

My gut still says most likely Republican sweep of both races.PA is tough though, because Fetterman has a split ticket advantage, the governor will be Democrat and how many people will vote Oz & Shapiro? Probably a fair amount, but we will see.

NV looks like Reoublicans will sweep the entire state for federal elections.

Ohio is an easy win for Vance.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 22 21:50:43
Rs should take both houses easy as tight races in polling will break for Rs (as so many embarrassed to admit they are voting R ever since a certain guy seized the party)

I look forward to seeing their solutions to inflation, crime, and the border as they aren’t saying much (other than wanting to destroy the FBI and impeach Garland, all seemingly motivated to protect a certain guy)
the wanderer
Sat Oct 22 22:02:42
...or maybe Ds can swing another 15+ million undetectable fraud votes again, as pushed by a certain cancer
Mon Oct 24 06:37:01

Rolling Stone @RollingStone

EXCLUSIVE: Trump is gathering MAGA diehards and state officials for a series of meetings on how to challenge the results of midterm elections if they lose.


Democrats just keep letting these treasonous shitheads plot to dismantle our democracy in plain sight.

Mon Oct 24 11:02:16
Maybe they only want to plan on how to act and what to say if the Democrats tries to cheat. Diehard Democrats are probably doing the same.
Mon Oct 24 12:15:18
Paramount, Democrats do the same thing, but murder is ok with that.

Questioning the government is only democratic to him if its democrats.

Anyway, the redwave seems to be back on.
Mon Oct 24 16:59:53
They are already challenging the process in some states and are winning some of those challenges. Not really a Trump thing though as it is a RNC thing.
They decided to be proactive instead of reactive with all the Democrats trying to change rules at the last minute. Democrats got away with rule changes in 2020 with "but COVID". Now they have no excuse and courts are telling them they have to live by the rules that are in place.

THe issue that is questioned by Republicans most often the past week or so and going forward is the access monitors have (or lack of access usually) when votes are being counted.

You gotta call out the cheaters (Democrats) before the game is played.
Mon Oct 24 17:23:38

Marco Rubio @marcorubio
US Senate candidate, FL

Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida

He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery


Mon Oct 24 18:11:34
Murder, Yo, if you scroll down, Kathy Griffin had a whole thing and defiant L pwned her...as he does.
Tue Oct 25 16:13:11
I really want simplicity in my politics.

I want

1. Stop solicitation calls.
2. Make food cheaper and healthier.
3. Make my wage go further.
4. Dont get us involved in foreign wars.

Thats it.Id be thrilled with that.
Tue Oct 25 16:16:34
As much as my phone going off during the day annoys me...I hope those aren't in priority order :)
Tue Oct 25 18:34:01
Nhill, At that exact moment in time I literally* just got off the phone for the 4th time today for someone trying to sell me some sort of insurance (mostly car)
Tue Oct 25 19:06:28
Fetterrman is already bombing.

He is obviously just reading cards.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 25 19:26:33
when he opened with “Goodnight” I knew it was over :P
the wanderer
Tue Oct 25 19:29:25
the good news is Oz doesn’t seem like a Trump thumper, Trump just likes him as he was on TV and Celebrity Apprentice
Tue Oct 25 19:45:46
Yeah, OZ is pretty centrist IMO.
Tue Oct 25 19:47:07
I will say, I hate* the structure ofnour debates. It's like a wierd gameshow.

Id rather see a real in depth sit down conversation between the candidates.

Tue Oct 25 19:50:19
How would you fix Medicare? You have 15 seconds to respond.

How dumb does that sound?
the wanderer
Tue Oct 25 21:20:13
probably won’t change as news and social media like short clips
Wed Oct 26 08:11:38

"Nhill, At that exact moment in time I literally* just got off the phone for the 4th time today for someone trying to sell me some sort of insurance (mostly car)"

It's 2022 and you don't have caller ID?

Wed Oct 26 09:35:51
I usually get a "spam risk" caller ID from Verizon for those. Otherwise, if someone is calling that I don't have a contact for, I ignore it.

Sorry if y'all are trying to get me to bail you out in jail. I'm more likely to respond to a DM here than answer an unknown number. :P
Wed Oct 26 12:08:26

I can't remember the last time I answered a call from someone I didn't know or wasn't expecting a call from.

I do know people that feel compelled to answer the phone though.

Wed Oct 26 16:48:43
"It's 2022 and you don't have caller ID?"

I do, but I was waiting for a call to verify my dad's surgery stuff and all I knew was it would be from an 843 area code.I should get around to setting up my voicemail.

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