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Utopia Talk / Politics / I don't know if this is a parody.
Fri Sep 30 12:23:18
In fact I refuse to read it. But the tweet made me laugh.


Variety @Variety

Jordan Peterson Breaks Down in Tears When Asked About Olivia Wilde Calling Him a ‘Hero to the Incel Community’: ‘Sure, Why Not?’

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri Sep 30 12:45:26
He was crying because "so many young men are dying because of a lack of a kind word"
Fri Sep 30 12:56:21
Thats not a parody. This is a parody:

Fri Sep 30 13:06:13

Incels are nothing more than guys whose taste in women far exceeds their own attractiveness.

Ugly guys get laid.

Fat guys get laid.

Poor guys get laid.

Unemployed guys with no job, no motivation, and no future, who live at home with their mothers get laid.

Jerks get laid.

Abusers gets laid.

Guys with thumb dicks get laid.

Just don't expect to date a supermodel if you are lacking, and especially if you are some combination of the things listed above.

I'm sure I missed stuff, but I'm sure you get the point.

If you can't get laid it's because you are holding others to standards that you yourself cannot meet.

Fri Sep 30 13:13:01
Video here:


His eyes got watery, but no tear fell. His voice broke and chin quivered, however.

Oop, I take that back. He wiped back tears (that were about to fall) in the last 10 seconds.
Average Ameriacn
Fri Sep 30 13:23:07
Isn't he a drug abuser????
Fri Sep 30 13:24:27
” If you can't get laid it's because you are holding others to standards that you yourself cannot meet.”

Maybe. But ugly guys can also get laid with a supermodel. It’s all about attraction, and not every woman wants a Chad.
Fri Sep 30 13:34:20
Murder's points are right, but so are Peterson's.

What the incel dudes have going on I think is bitterness and frustration. Some little thing, a typical teenage lack of confidence perhaps, got in the way back when they were 13 or 17. But they had an atypical response to it, they went down the rabbit hole of blaming the women, of getting frustrated, etc. They tried the "don't be a man, be gender blind, error hard in the direction of avoiding ever mansplaining bla bla bla" gibberish, and *obviously* that didn't get them laid, so they went another direction. And social conservatives have a near monopoly on "blaming women," so it ends up being a right wing woman hating rabbit hole. So it gets blamed on and associated with the right or "alt right" or whatever (I personally do not lay the gauntlet of blame at mainstream traditional social conservatives, note that I do not define continued authoritarian support after 1/6/21 as within that mainstream). The dudes still don't get laid, but at least they've got an external bad guy or whatever.

But really it's just frustrated man-children, and to the extent that Peterson is a "champion" in that he gives them answers that don't involve unhinged beliefs and woman hating, and that might actually help some folks get themselves attractive enough to get laid... GOOD. Where demand exists, supply will be created, there's a parallel universe where Peterson lives his entire life as an unknown clinical therapist because his down to earth take on shit isn't unusual in that universe, but that's not this universe, and that's why he's famous.

Peterson is a "net good" in that there's likely fewer right wing woman hating whack jobs out there, than there would be, if not for him. This is impossible to measure, but I'm guessing in the parallel world (this is another parallel world, not the same one as above) without Peterson at all, but everything else is the same, more school shootings occur.
Fri Sep 30 15:31:26
My dumbass cousin fell in love with Jordan Peterson. Sad thing is he's not even white. All of Jordan Peterson's followers would rape his dumb ass or shoot him in a mass shooting.

He's also 17 but I don't think he will grow out of it. He's borderline autistic and probably will never develop the basic levels of empathy necessary to realize how fucked up the alt-right viewpoint is.
Fri Sep 30 15:33:02
What's sad is how stupid Peterson's pandering is. His teachings are all full of logical non-sequiturs.

He'll say something that everyone can agree with like, "Men should take responsibility for themselves" and follow it with "and women can't so they are inferior." Just fucking retarded all around.

Fri Sep 30 15:42:33
"He's also 17 but I don't think he will grow out of it. He's borderline autistic and probably will never develop the basic levels of empathy necessary to realize how fucked up the alt-right viewpoint is."

"Alt-right" is of course a fuzzy term with a fuzzy definition, but I personally wouldn't lump him in there.
Fri Sep 30 17:02:59
Diktat also considered Mr. Rogers to be alt-right.
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