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Utopia Talk / Politics / Brett favre
Sat Oct 01 08:45:18
So can we all agree that Brett & the governor deserve real jail time and punitive offenses that impoverish them.
Sat Oct 01 10:29:26

I haven't really followed along. All I know is that Favre earned $140 million playing football. There's no reason for him to play with welfare funds.

Sat Oct 01 10:46:52
Murder, You and I both probably support jailing a Republican governor.

Basically they agreed to to siphon $6 million for his daughter to get a new gym at school and $1 million for Favre personally at the expense of people trying to get $190/month in assistance.

Welfare fraud gets jail time, that shouldn't be excused because it was on a larger scale is my position.

The response to this IMHO should be punitive enough to make others not want to risk it next time.
Sat Oct 01 10:58:59

Brianna joy grey did a decent piece on it.
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