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Utopia Talk / Politics / Quid pro quo? US V Saudi
Fri Oct 14 06:46:15

Did the Biden administration threaten to withhold weapons sales if Saudi Arabia cut oil production before elections?

$5 this gets floated to impeach Biden, just for the irony.
Fri Oct 14 07:11:49
Definitely an impeachable offense by thr standards of the sham 2019 impeachment. Hope the senile idiot is ready to spend the next year defending this.
Fri Oct 14 09:19:56

I'd prefer he just drone the Saudi royal family.

Fri Oct 14 10:22:13
Yeah this is funny. Biden actually did what democrats accused trump of doing. But don't expect tw to spend his life posting about bidens clear and obvious corruption
Fri Oct 14 10:23:54

Feel free to haul Joe Biden away any time you like.

Fri Oct 14 10:29:51
Murder, You may get your wish.

Im sure we will get all sorts of nee house investigations.

Talk of impeaching joe has been brought up.

He did bring a get out of impeachment card with him though as finding the one person worse than Hillary as his VP.
large member
Fri Oct 14 10:38:28
That would actually work well for the DNC. Harris becomes president, so can run with the incumbant advantage in a few years.

So careful. The GOP might get the votes to convict :D
Fri Oct 14 10:40:12

"Murder, You may get your wish."

Yeah when the nurse finds him.

Fri Oct 14 10:55:34
Jergul, I would love Harris running, that may be the only candidate Trump could easily beat.
Fri Oct 14 11:35:09
So when will the impeachment hearings start? Or will the GOP let it go?
Fri Oct 14 15:22:09

It doesn't matter. They don't have a leg to stand on. They've been screaming for lower oil/gas prices.

Of course not having a leg to stand on has never stopped them before.

Fri Oct 14 15:28:58
Agreed, a leg to stand on isn't required to impeach.
Tue Oct 18 02:00:27
So we are all agreed that this is atleast equivelant to what Trump did?

Another Biden scandal swept under the rug because he is a Democrat.
Tue Oct 18 05:35:44

We're all agreed that you're free to try to manufacture any scandal you like.

Tue Oct 18 06:16:35
Murder, Why do you think this is not a scandal but that Trump's phonecall was?
Tue Oct 18 07:33:42

Which Trump phone call? There are so many.

1. Trump was trying to benefit himself.

2. He was using taxpayer funds to do so.

3. He was trying to extort a foreign government to make false accusations to take out a political opponent.

Also I don't believe anything the fucking terrorist sewer rat Saudis say.

the wanderer
Wed Oct 19 11:46:48
it would be in the ballpark if true (although i see nothing about threatening to withhold weapon sales in exchange), and i doubt Biden has a Giuliani on the ground in Saudi Arabia pressuring anyone

...man, that situation was so ridiculously fucked up

but R's ruled it was not an impeachable offense (w/ enough finding him guilty to impeach), so that's that
Wed Oct 19 12:15:06
1. Biden was trying to benefit himself ahead of midterms.

2.He was using tax payer funds to do so.

3.He wad trying to extort a foreign government to pump more oil to boost his chances against his political opponents durong midterms.

4. Its a dumb tactic. The Saudis know they will do better dealing with Republicans than democrats.

Plus lets be honest, the Saudis are fully in bed with Trump/Trumpism.Theybpay for weapons and we don't bitch about them killing journalists or bombing Yemen etc.

They side with us when we need it and in exchange we have their back against Iran and such leaving SA ad the dominant regional force.
Wed Oct 19 12:19:36
"(although i see nothing about threatening to withhold weapon sales in exchange), "

I'll look but that's the crux of it, Biden already withheld weapons before from the Saudis.

Regardless of the sales his words were they will face "consequences"

Now the media has made this out to be the Saudis siding with Russia.

That's absurd. The Saudis IMHO are doing two things.

1. They really don't like oil dropping below $100/barrel, for obvious reasons.

2. MBS hates Biden and admittedly is in bed with MAGA. IE Kushner.
the wanderer
Wed Oct 19 13:10:48
the threat of halting sales has to be related to just a one-month delay, not the act in general otherwise just diplomacy
(to be similar to Trump's extortion)

we agree, Saudis, like Russia, massively prefer Trump who proved his loyalty to them & is easily manipulated... the guy chooses our allies based on who pampers, praises & pays him the most
Wed Oct 19 13:17:10
The timing is highly suspect.

Honestly why wouldnt the Saudis prefer Trump?

Biden came in, publicly talked shit on MBS, refused to talk to him for over a year, drug his feet on weapons sales all so he could virtue signal "Oh I'm taking on the tough guys and calling them killers"

Look what it accomplished.
Wed Oct 19 13:35:16
”There’s going to be some consequences for what they’ve done, with Russia,” Biden said. “I’m not going to get into what I’d consider and what I have in mind. But there will be — there will be consequences.””

Why would the Saudis want to help Biden when all he is doing is threatening countries, blowing up pipelines, and sanctioning countries?

What is Biden going to do with the Saudis? Instigate anti-regime protests in Saud’s Kingdom? Blow up Saudi pipes? Arm Iran?
Wed Oct 19 13:39:29
Saudi prince sends threat to the West after Biden warns of consequences for kingdom

A Saudi prince related to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's seemingly took aim at President Biden and the U.S., warning leaders not to threaten Saudi Arabia.

"Anybody that challenges the existence of this country and this kingdom. All of us, we are products of jihad, and martyrdom," Saudi Prince Saud al-Shaalan, who is married to one of the grandaughter's of the late King Abdulaziz Al Saud, said in a video that was posted to Twitter Saturday. "That's my message to anybody that thinks that it can threaten us."


^ See, look what Biden has done. He is endangering American people. There will be JIHAD on USA if Biden tries anything.
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