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Utopia Talk / Politics / Colorado Springs Shooting
Member | Sun Nov 20 11:45:28 5 dead, over a dozen injured. Looks like yet another moderate republican: Anderson Lee Aldrich http://heavy.com/news/anderson-lee-aldrich/ |
Member | Sun Nov 20 11:55:03 The plan: Walk into a gay nightclub and kill everyone. Plot twist: Ends up a bottom. |
the wanderer | Sun Nov 20 12:14:28 "the night club was hosting a drag show" DRAG SHOW... Republican trigger |
Member | Sun Nov 20 15:46:17 moderate republican confirmed, parents must be proud: 1. Anderson Lee Aldrich, Whose Grandfather Ran for Office on a Platform Against ‘the Swamp’ & Whose Mother Once Tried to Find a Private Boxing Coach for Him, ‘Immediately Began Shooting People Inside,’ Police Say Randy Voepel with his daughter Laura (kicking leg in the middle of the photo next to Randy Voepel) and other family members. Online records show Aldrich living at an apartment complex address in Colorado Springs. Online records indicate he shares that address with his mother, Laura Voepel, 44, who works as a support engineer and previously lived in California. Laura has praised her father, outgoing state Rep. Randy Voepel, in Facebook posts, writing, “Keep up the work Dad~~ You work hard to improve our lives and a lot of us take notice.” On Aldrich’s birthday, Laura Voepel wrote on Facebook, “My boys 15 birthday! He got head to toe (6’3″) ghillie military suit ànd he is surfing cloud 9.” She tagged her mother in the post, who is Randy’s ex-wife. Heavy was not able to find any social media profiles for Aldrich. But Facebook posts made by his mother reveal he had been dealing with mental health issues. She posted often about her son in a Facebook group for women involved in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Colorado Springs area. In one post in July 2021, she asked for help finding a criminal defense attorney, “Hello Sisters. Does anyone know of a fantastic defense attorney? I ask this with a heavy heart but my family really needs some help at this time. We have cash to retain good counsel. Thank you.” In February 2022, she wrote, “Hello Sisters. Can anyone please recommend a great trauma/ptsd therapist?” and indicated it was for a 21 year old, which Aldrich then was. She asked in May 2022, “Can anybody refer my son to a private boxing coach? He’s 6’6” tall and hits like a freight train. Cannot find a good gym or anyone serious. He has made huge life changes and needs this!” In 2021, she wrote, “Does anyone have an extra heavy duty fan they would like to donate to my son? He’s in University Village Apartments and it’s 80 degrees in his apartment and no fan. They put in a new ac but it doesn’t blow any air out. I swear they need to clean those ducts. He doesn’t have any cash so thought I’d ask you. Thanks all!” Randy Voepel was defeated after redistricting forced two Republicans to run against each other. Heavy has reached out to numerous members of Voepel’s office to seek comment from him, including his chief of staff. “Randy Voepel was elected to represent California’s 71st Assembly District in 2016. Before joining the Assembly, Randy served on the Santee City Council between 1996 and 2000, and then served as Mayor between 2000-2016,” his bio reads. “Randy is a Vietnam veteran, serving two tours in the conflict with the US Navy. After leaving the service, he worked nearly forty years in the insurance industry. Randy and his wife Susan live in Santee, where they raised their two children.” |
Member | Sun Nov 20 15:54:01 "This" = The January 6th Coup attempt. Yep, the usual moderate republicans. San Diego Union Tribune http://www.../capitol-siege-san-diego-roots “This is Lexington and Concord. First shots fired against tyranny,” said California Assemblyman Randy Voepel, a former Santee mayor who at one point left the Republican party for the tea party movement because he deemed the GOP too “liberal.” “Tyranny will follow in the aftermath of the Biden swear in on January 20th.” |
Member | Sun Nov 20 17:16:48 How is that he can have access to guns when he in June 2021 was arrested for making multiple bomb threats and refusing to surrender to police? |
Member | Sun Nov 20 17:17:15 * How is it that… |
Member | Sun Nov 20 21:51:55 "How is that he can have access to guns when he in June 2021 was arrested for making multiple bomb threats and refusing to surrender to police?" Because in America any moron can arm themselves to the teeth. In fact it is encouraged. |
Member | Sun Nov 20 22:33:09 he's a white kid with republican political connections. that he was able to get guns no questions asked following an event like that should be no surprise. I will give you a pass since you're Swedish though. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 01:10:18 this guy's dad was a crystal meth addict ex-porn star and had been harassed online to the point of having an encylopedia dramatica page. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 05:43:18 Shooter calls himself non-binary. Game over, Y2A. He was one of your guys, not ours. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 05:46:34 But thanks for falling into the trap of amplifying this story by posting it and speculating on the details, the shooter's background and motives, etc. Media obsession over shootings is the single biggest cause of copycat incidents. That other shooting in VA is likely a result of that. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 11:49:10 ""the night club was hosting a drag show" DRAG SHOW... Republican trigger" The shooter apparently was non-binary...so an angry lib. |
the wanderer | Wed Nov 23 12:59:16 maybe he's a self-hating log cabin Republican type the dramatica page on him is still up: http://encyclopediadramatica.online/Anderson_Lee_Aldrich not hugely informative other than he must've been into anime... and was fat |
the wanderer | Wed Nov 23 15:55:09 his father's (Dick Delaware) biggest concern about shooting was if son was gay http://twitter.com/NoLieWithBTC/status/1595519454900805649 |
Member | Wed Nov 23 15:56:38 As he should have been. LGBTism is a major warning sign of severe mental illness. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 18:16:02 rugian thinks that he "won" against my "team" on this. they in group/out group propaganda has really gotten to him. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 18:29:51 a few things to those of us with common sense: (1) his lawyers have said in a legal statement that he is "non-binary". they would naturally try to get the most sympathy for their client as possible. (2) he could easily be trolling after the fact. (3) stochastic terrorism doesn't always work in neat ways that fall in line with pre-conceived notions of identity. someone who "identifies" as "non-binary" or LGBT could easily be radicalized into hating who they are and taking violent action against others who they think made them that way. Just yesterday two guys were stopped in Penn station because they were going to go after a synagogue. turns out one of them is at least partially jewish with a holocaust surviving grandfather. It's not that hard to radicalize people into hating themselves especially if they have pre-existing trauma or mental health issues. |
the wanderer | Wed Nov 23 18:36:43 hot take: "The 5 people killed who were killed in the nightclub that night, there is no evidence at all that they were Christians. So assuming they have not accepted the truth of the gospel of Christ and affirmed Jesus Christ as the lord of their life, they are now reaping the consequences of having eternal damnation. And that is far far greater, and we should be having -that- conversation instead of just the tragedy of what happened to the body. We need to be talking about what happened to the soul that they are now in eternal separation from out lord & savior Jesus Christ." ~ Jenna Ellis (of the Four Seasons Landscaping & treason Giuliani legal team) http://twitter.com/andrewkimmel/status/1595492438033936385 |
Member | Wed Nov 23 18:44:41 secularism and atheism needs to start going on the offense instead of just playing defense all the time. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 19:26:55 Y2A literally opened this thread with a snide remark about "moderate Republicans." Now he criticizes me for making this all about political teams. Lol you hypocrite. |
Member | Wed Nov 23 20:20:30 The cognitive dissonance within y2a looks painful at the moment. |
Jebbebiah Wilkins
Member | Thu Nov 24 08:54:32 "Dick Delaware" porn movies are still online, I don't know why his son did chose a different career path, his father looks quite good in the movies. |
Member | Thu Nov 24 19:42:48 CNN brought on a Tranny, obvious man. Who claims the shooter is not non-binary because (your going to love this) he looks like a man! |
Member | Thu Nov 24 20:31:43 Y2a fell flat on his face by jumping to conclusions. But can't blame him. The media he follows did the exact same thing before any facts or information came out. This is what happens when you "never let a good disaster go to waste". |
Member | Thu Nov 24 20:51:00 "tumbleweed the wanderer Wed Nov 23 18:36:43 hot take:" Exactly what is wrong with her statement? Or are you suddenly on team Ye too? |
the wanderer | Thu Nov 24 20:59:13 that what happened to their soul is a far greater concern than their deaths? and to claim they are now in eternal damnation... how compassionate... no, we don’t need to be pushing accepting Jesus as our savior in a country founded on religious freedom |
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