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Utopia Talk / Politics / I'm an alpha male
Jebbebiah Wilkins
Fri Nov 25 06:32:05
Is this the reason? Can any doctor test my blood?


Parasite gives wolves what it takes to be pack leaders

Study is one of the few to show the behavioural effects of Toxoplasma gondii in wild animals.

The team looked at 256 blood samples from 229 wolves, which had been carefully watched throughout their lives, and had their life histories and social status recorded. Meyer and Cassidy found that infected wolves were 11 times more likely than uninfected ones to leave their birth family to start a new pack, and 46 times more likely to become pack leaders — often the only wolves in the pack that breed.

“We got that result and we just open-mouth stared at each other,” Meyer says. “This is way bigger than we thought it would be.”
Fri Nov 25 11:58:48

We need to spread this far and wide so that every incel will try to get themselves infected so they can be alpha males too.

Fri Nov 25 12:38:38
I'm lousy with worms and parasites! Vindication at last.
Tue Nov 29 15:21:48
Why does everyone want to be an alpha male? Also, what does that even mean. It's context dependent. Only one people can be the alpha in any given group. It's not a lifestyle. Fking idiots these days.
Tue Nov 29 15:22:34
Ignoring the fact that if you say you're an alpha male, you definitely aren't. Your actions should make that evident, not your words.
Tue Nov 29 15:59:39
" Tue Nov 29 15:22:34
Ignoring the fact that if you say you're an alpha male, you definitely aren't. "

Reminds me of That GoT' s quote.

"Any man who has to say I am yhe king, is no true king"
Tue Nov 29 18:55:20
"Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!"
Tue Nov 29 19:13:26

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Tue Nov 29 19:15:28

"... if you say you're an alpha male, you definitely aren't."

Jebbebiah has to demand a duel now or admit that he's no alpha male. :o)

Tue Nov 29 22:19:00
""Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!"
Member Tue Nov 29 19:13:26

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

We all know you have trust issues with Jews.

"Jebbebiah has to demand a duel now or admit that he's no alpha male. :o)"

coincidentally the 18th most said quote in the US.
Wed Nov 30 17:09:51
Alpha males == mentally ill

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