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Utopia Talk / Politics / The Twitter files!!!!
Member | Fri Dec 02 18:05:55 http://twi...?t=fVABHR9yFGWK_R5lRtbP1Q&s=19 Binge watching Twitter threads! |
Member | Fri Dec 02 18:33:32 Now we know why They needednso many useless workers, to keep up deleting truthfull tweets about the bidens. http://twi...?t=gGMV7U09ryTZA0XhiFEwHA&s=19 |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 02 19:08:40 not terribly meaningful w/o knowing the content of the tweets |
Member | Fri Dec 02 19:49:01 The URL's to the tweets are there. Matt is a well respected journalist by those on thebledt and right, good choice. Its best this sort of thing is released by a journalist clearly not aligned with Trump. Im sure by tomorrow we will get more info. Matt is a frequent guest on a bunch media outlets and friend of the show to breaking points.So Im sure we will hear plenty. Pretty sure he has been on Joe Rogan before, not certain. |
Member | Fri Dec 02 20:00:51 *yawn* a lot of bots are pumping this nonsense up on twitter now, guess they had to silence ye and the meeting between the clown, ye and skinhead junior. |
Member | Fri Dec 02 20:37:17 Seems credible. "2. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter." Those sources at Twitter wouldn't be named Elon Musk, would they? *eyeroll* Starting out with transparent bullshit is never a good sign. |
Member | Fri Dec 02 20:41:02 Judging by that string of tweets it sounds like Matt Taibbi is being paid to spin a narrative ... probably because the evidence is as thin as Mike Lindell's evidence of election fraud. |
Member | Fri Dec 02 20:49:09 "Those sources at Twitter wouldn't be named Elon Musk, would they?" Is there a better source at Twitter than the chief Twit? |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 02 21:32:43 minimally, Elon has promoted an obvious nonsense Paul Pelosi article and lied about Apple dropping Twitter, so Elon not a credible source as to the links, if the posts were deleted then we won’t be able to see the content, and he notes Trump admin made similar requests |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Fri Dec 02 22:02:17 Is it true that Hunter was the real CEO of Twitter and ordered the Trump ban????? |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 02 22:04:50 for the record i checked the 'ozwenya' link... (it's gone as i expected), the account is some Chinese one & the post was likely about Covid |
Member | Fri Dec 02 22:23:03 http://twitter.com/micahflee/status/1598840967016042496 "I just deleted the first tweet in this thread because it accidentally contained revenge porn. It said: That first tweet contained nude images of Hunter Biden and a woman without their consent... that should have stayed up?" |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 02 22:38:03 if people had seen Hunter's dick, they would've voted for Trump! |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 02 23:08:55 & i see Elon being a total dick about it as replies to the post of those 5 links team Biden asked about: " “Handled” If this isn’t a violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment, what is? " ~ Elon "It 100% is, collusion between govt. and big tech to violate the First Amendment" ~ Hodgetwins "Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is" ~ Elon nope... Biden's campaign team wasn't the government... not violating 1st amendment in any way also those appear to be just nude photos of Hunter (from those recovered)... afaik, Twitter deletes -any- nude photos posted w/o consent |
Member | Fri Dec 02 23:24:02 TW, "minimally, Elon has promoted an obvious nonsense Paul Pelosi article and lied about Apple dropping Twitter, so Elon not a credible source" Weakest stretch ever. Retweeting and then deleting something now means he will just fabricate documents. Come one now. By that measure, absolutely no living human adult is a credible source. "as to the links, if the posts were deleted then we won’t be able to see the content, and he notes Trump admin made similar requests" So if it is anti Trump he is credible again? The one sidedness just confirms what many sane people (Not Seb) knew already. Twitter was acting as an arm of the Biden regime and would do almost anything to interfere in the election to promote democrats. "nope... Biden's campaign team wasn't the government... not violating 1st amendment in any way" Seems far woese than $50k worth of tweets/memes that the dems still havn't let go. How is this not election interference? |
Member | Fri Dec 02 23:38:38 At the very least if this doesn't lead to impeachment this will get congressional investigations. Have to hand it to Elon, this is probably the highest daily user rate of Twitter ever and it feels like it ended on a cliff hanger, tune in for more. He has kept Twitter as front page news every single day since he took over.Often multiple daily stories. The news cycle will have a field day with this.Maybe Ill get my Christmas wish and Trump will return to Twitter and start caling out pervert alerts again...lol |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 02 23:43:41 i don't think Elon is the source of any of it so his credibility doesn't matter (though he's adding fucked up commentary) the initial posts seem misleading bullshit... deleting naked photos Hunter is not corrupt (which is definitely all the James Wood one was, plus at least one other) and then none of the rest of the posts seem about Biden requests at all, just Twitter employees unsure what to do about it as concerned if hacked or whatever plus there's this: " 22. Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the problem " (Matt Taibbi) which the Right won't talk about as they are determined to claim the FBI tried to silence the laptop story on social media (jumping on the TOTALLY FALSE story by Fox News about Zuckerberg supposedly saying it on a video where he definitely doesn't) |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 02 23:46:23 there's nothing remotely impeachable here they don't connect Biden to censoring the laptop story at all (not that that won't be lied about massively) |
Member | Sat Dec 03 00:30:37 "which the Right won't talk about as they are determined to claim the FBI tried to silence the laptop story on social media " Right, but this meshes with Zuckerburgs take as well. Which clearly seemed like the FBI pressuring this. As for Elons comments, are you sure they are legit? I cant seem to find them, but I see that 1st amendment is trending along with Twittergate, Matt Taiibbi, and a bunch of other related videos. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 00:30:50 Er, posts. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 00:32:09 "there's nothing remotely impeachable here they don't connect Biden to censoring the laptop story at all (not that that won't be lied about massively)" Did they ever connect Trump to anything? Didnt stop them. |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 01:14:10 "Which clearly seemed like the FBI pressuring this" nope, exactly the opposite Zuckerberg didn't say it at all, said only a general warning and Taibbi is specifically saying only general warning & found NO indication of gov't involvement for Twitter --------- this is the Elon post (being a misleading asshole yet again)... he has no respect for Uncle Ben's wisdom (great power/great responsibility) http://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1598853708443357185 -------- Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine's president (which he did) & for being responsible for the Jan 6th attack (which he was) -both- times many R's voting against it specifically NOT on grounds of him being innocent there's nothing here at all... requests of removing naked photos of Hunter from mostly randos... that doesn't suppress anything or violate anything |
Member | Sat Dec 03 01:29:23 "The Twitter files!!!!" Behind those tattooed eyelids, Habebe has a rare talent, one he shares with my cat: when she's bored, she pretends theres a fly or something to chase which gets her really excited and zooming about the place until its time for a nap. Oh, how sweet to be simple. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 01:52:10 "Musk tweeted Friday night, amid the Taibbi posts, that Twitter had acted “under orders from the government.” Taibbi said in his series of tweets that “there is no evidence - that I’ve seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story.”" Lol. Nap time. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 02:21:51 TW, "nope, exactly the opposite" You may need more lithium than Kanye. WTB is a witch! My tattoos on my eyelids was done in the a color matching my skin, can't just know that, plus he has a cat and lives in France, what more do we need before we drown him to prove he is a witch? |
Member | Sat Dec 03 02:25:58 TW, We have been over this a million times. If you are found not guilty, that means your innocent in this country. You may not beleive so, nor my old PO (she was salty when I beat cases) but if youbare innocent until proven guilty and you are found not guilty, that means your innocent. They don't have the votes and no wants Harris as Potus (OMG unless she would run in 24!) But again, in this day im age, that means nothing, Bidens impeachment has been talked about before the crime, Trumps too for that matter. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 02:34:31 Next week I'll cook crack in the microwave using hunters secret recipe of herbs and spices. In the season finale Ill teach you How to make your own homemade anhydrous Acetone with rock salt a cookie tray and a low temp stove so you clean out impurities in your Meth! |
Member | Sat Dec 03 02:40:47 Vajayjay (foreign born) just HAPPENED to coincidentally get a job at DHS after she silenced hunters laptop. Hmmm, I wonder why? Sometimes when I try to understand a person’s motives I play a little game. I assume the worst. What’s the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? |
Member | Sat Dec 03 02:42:54 http://www...bersecurity-advisory-committee |
Member | Sat Dec 03 04:53:08 Habebe it's what happens when you mainline on partisan bullshit. Looking at the actual emails matt taibbi is quoting it looks like a company struggling between the tensions of a lax content policy, an election, and their legal and social duty not to provide a mechanism to allow elections be manipulated. The free speech brigade think that the solution to this is that platforms do not do due diligence. Habebe though is an example of what happens when you let social media platforms become an unwitting vehicle for the weaponisation of the info sphere. For social media companies, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 06:41:03 Seb, What have I said that has your panties in such a bind? Do you think this will not be investigated by Congress now that that the GOP has that power? $50 gentlemans bet says it is. They may not impeach but there is already greater evidence against Biden than Trump. But sure the other guys are always partisan, it just happens that the other guys are always wrong. Reminds me of who is greedy , well not me, its always the other guy whonis greedy. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 06:45:57 Remember this is a potus thatnis already under investigation for all sorts of crimes.Most of it is partisan BS in retaliation for the dems doing their partisan BS when they were in power.The cycle continues. They knew they wouldn't get a conviction on Trump for either impeachment, the goal was the trial and horse and pony show. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 06:48:40 He'll, even the Democrat investigations are likely to be investigated. Now Id rather see Hawley reolsce McCarthy, that would be fun, but even McCarthy has pressure on him. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat Dec 03 07:06:02 This is clearly the government violating the First Amendment in a multitude of ways. This is also worse than the factual and confirmed story of Facebook agreeing to the FBI's demands to censor on their own platform — as told by Zuckerberg himself in words too explicit for even the left's pedophile-totalitarian cultists to deny — unless they're *really* into pedophile-totalitarians, such as their diaper-shitter-in-chief whose diarrhea they drink every time they speak the God Emperor's name in vain. These were hugely impeachable actions. We have a direct line from the DNC to Twitter systematically suppressing stories which were not favorable to the Totalitarian Pedophiles of the DNC. This is massive partisanship and the weaponization of the Twitter propaganda apparatus. Meanwhile, they impeached Trump for a Ukrainian connection which he factually did not have. That was, in fact, the *DNC's* and *Biden's own* connection which they projected upon Trump to hide their own wrongdoing and which we now know without a doubt was their covering for the massive money-laundering that is happening full-scale via the Ukraine proxy war — money-laundering that was visible before to informed voters in 2020 but which was suppressed in the mainstream by outlets such as Twitter. The pedophile-totalitarians also lied about Trump "inciting" January 6th, but the pedophile-totalitarian cultists are too deep into the psychosis to see how fucking crazy that take is. This is likely also due to Twitter brainwashing them with Acyn, JoJoFromJerz, and Ron Filipkowski hot-takes. Total-state propaganda will have these fucking idiots voting DNC for 200 years. (Incidentally, saying the opposite of tw is a good route to the truth.) .. [Habebe]: "Vajayjay (foreign born) just HAPPENED to coincidentally get a job at DHS after she silenced hunters laptop." Yep! The connection is obvious, too. The ESG/DIE oligarchs of Five Eyes are collapsing the West on behalf of.. whom? The BRICS Group. Which are the primary nations of BRICS? Brazil, Russia, INDIA, China, and South America. And extended candidates? Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Sénégal, Thailand, UAE. Vijaya Gadde was born where, again? Yep. It is no coincidence that the Twitter propaganda apparatus was a primary interest of BRICS actors and Five Eyes traitors, such as former ESG/DIE terrorists and Twitter board/executive members.. • CEO - Parang Agrawal (born in India) • Vijaya Gadde (born in India) • Mimi Alemayehou (Ethiopia) • Fei-Fei Li (China) • Omid Kordestani (Iran) • Patrick Pichette (Canada) • Martha Lane Fox (England) And who were the top investors in Twitter in 2020? Oh look! The same ESG/DIE totalitarian companies we see all over this totalitarian design: • The Vanguard Group, Inc. • Morgan Stanley • BlackRock Inc. • State Street Corp. So weird that the architects of the 2008 crisis (an ESG/DIE initiative) are so interested in Twitter! Twitter was a tool to propagandize the West, and so it was of keen interest to BRICS nations and Western traitors. It is used by traitor deep-state apparatuses to bring totalitarian oligarchs such as the Biden, Clinton, and Zelensky families into power, and it is used similarly around the world to propagandize the masses into pliable subjects of the planned world serfdom. So of *course* they suppressed.. • Hunter Biden's statutory rape of Natalie Biden (pregnant at 16), • Hunter Biden acting directly on behalf of his father to funnel money from Ukraine and China, • dissenting voices in their Western sterilization protocols (e.g., people speaking out against "trans children"), • conservative voices, • free thinkers, • advocates of the United States Constitution's protections, And of *course* they promoted.. • DNC misinformation (e.g., "insurrection" lies, fraud deniers) • LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA and DIE propaganda • The lie of "hate speech" (hate speech isn't a thing that exists, fyi) • Total-state candidates • World Bolshevism The West is being infiltrated by BRICS terrorists, and they long-used Twitter to propagandize the West's peoples into accepting their totalitarian dream. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 07:08:07 "and their legal and social duty not to provide a mechanism to allow elections be manipulated." The sebs will eventually hang for their assault on democracy, not Elon & Twitter. But keep pretending that it's Russia and China subverting US elections. They're obviously the ones suppressing right-wing content, celebrities, public figures, and embarrassing facts about democrats.... Retard |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat Dec 03 07:27:34 "They're obviously the ones suppressing right-wing content, celebrities, public figures, and embarrassing facts about democrats...." Factually yes. Thank you for agreeing. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 08:13:41 There are literally dozens of examples of organised campaigns to ban various figures from Twitter by exploiting the increasingly automated process Elon has set up pillz. And from 2016, loads of examples of political Subversion on multiple platforms. But sure, pretend this isn't problem (so long as it's benefiting your party). |
Member | Sat Dec 03 08:28:45 Political subversion is when parties are so "concerned" about foreign social media astroturfing that they suppress real stories. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 10:19:18 Remember folks, the term "Election Denier" only refers to Republicans, not the act of denying an election. TIME made that into an article...seriously. http://twi...?t=iy12mPx4_9g0SGHO_p-w-w&s=19 |
Member | Sat Dec 03 10:53:18 "nope... Biden's campaign team wasn't the government..." Are you going to argue with the genius Elon Musk? If he says that Twitter was acting under orders of Joe Biden's campaign and that Joe Biden's campaign was the government, then god damn that is the absolute truth. Elon is slipping from conman to clown. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 10:57:01 "i don't think Elon is the source of any of it so his credibility doesn't matter (though he's adding fucked up commentary)" He literally teased the drop of the files. He said that he discovered them. He said that he was going to release them. And he said when. Of course he's the source. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 11:00:20 As predicted this was as big a nothingburger as Mike Lindell's forensics evidence of voter fraud. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 11:04:22 "Vajayjay (foreign born) just HAPPENED to coincidentally get a job at DHS after she silenced hunters laptop." Yes, foreign born ... unlike twitter's new Führer? |
Member | Sat Dec 03 11:05:56 Any other company is going to be thinking 15 more times about what he might publish about them if they sell to him. Elon is looking like he's going to be as entertaining a self-inflicted car crash as Trump, Ye, Alex Jones and all the other Maga neonazis heading off the cliff. |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 12:01:54 "If you are found not guilty, that means your innocent in this country" completely wrong in an impeachment trial (w/ a jury of 100% biased people) there were R's who said out loud: 'yeah he did it, but not an impeachable offense' (not only is that not finding innocent, it's finding guilty) the were R's who said out loud: 'we aren't impeaching as he was out of office' (a dodge on guilt)... though McConnell seemed fine w/ Trump facing criminal charges |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 12:12:59 " [Elon] literally teased the drop of the files. He said that he discovered them. He said that he was going to release them. And he said when. Of course he's the source " well he may be who turned over emails to Taibbi or something, just saying i don't see him as likely affecting the evidence (which shows nothing... Taibbi did a shit job where listed Biden camp asked for 7 posts reviewed/removed (not even clear what they asked), but there's absolutely no indication the posts all didn't violate ToS... the ones revealed by -others- doing his job for him, are just nude photos of Hunter) yet the Right running nuts with that post (point #8 & #9) OMG fed gov't suppressing free speech, impeach! & "Election Fraud!" via fucking liar... when Biden wasn't in gov't & again no indication not just his camp pointing out violations of ToS, so all totally meaningless plus point #10 is that Trump was doing SAME FUCKING THING & Twitter "honoring" them too & he actually WAS gov't... (but it's still no indication of corruption by even Trump admin, imo) such constant fucking bullshit... (& Elon adding to it w/ his typical misinformed commentary, what a disappointment he is) |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 12:20:43 the Right (including Elon) wanted it to be a story of Biden/Dems corruptly shutting down legit info so that's what they pretend it is the only real thing revealed is confusion by Twitter employees what to do as unsure if hacked/stolen/fake, whatever... there's no 'we gotta shut this down to help Joe!' emails (like the National Enquirer did for Trump, including them paying off people, for example) & that confusion is on top of knowing of the proven interference in 2016 to perhaps lead to overcompensation so, that's the actual story... confusion leading to tough choices & mistakes (it wasn't even a particularly bad story, was just speculation of corrupt actions, no solid evidence of it, thus why there's still none after 2 years... plus it was all over the Right that Twitter was suppressing it at the time, so i'm sure it drove eyeballs to the story just by suppressing) |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 12:34:12 i don't really want to engage insane CC, but this is too stupid: "Meanwhile, they impeached Trump for a Ukrainian connection which he factually did not have" a) there's the 'perfect' phone call, where Trump's 'only' topic is noting 'hey we helped you, you're not being reciprocal enough, investigate my opponent' (rather than anything his team prepared for him to discuss, a complete waste of time for every call he ever made probably) b) apparently CC is unaware Trump had a team of goons, led by Giuliani (who was not in our gov't at all, Trump's personal lawyer), on the ground to pressure Zelensky to comply (including texts proving it) so very much connection established, hence why there were multiple R's saying 'yeah, he did it' (& absolutely no one testified that 'no, he didn't' as Trump wouldn't let a single person testify even though D's wanted any & all people involved to do so... who wanted the truth out?) |
Member | Sat Dec 03 13:01:06 "The Twitter files!!!!" Four exclamation marks...the poor guy must be so disappointed. But, like my cat, he'll pretend there's a new fly on the wall tomorrow and get excited and chase it until its time for a nap, and again the day after that, and the day after that |
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Member | Sat Dec 03 13:06:03 What actually happened ignoring habebe and cherub cows rage and spam. Someone was posting dick pictures of hunter biden on twitter and the biden crew asked twitter to take them down. http://twi...?t=ZY7K5aYdSroFnfmdbkMwVw&s=19 Such a scandal dude, everyone knows youre allowed to post revenge porn on twitter |
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Member | Sat Dec 03 13:07:53 thinking habebe really wanted to see pics of hunters dick to satisfy his obsession with the dude |
Member | Sat Dec 03 13:38:00 "If you are found not guilty, that means your innocent in this country." Where did you get this crazy idea? The only thing "not guilty" means is that the government can't lock you up or overtly punish you in some other fashion for that particular charge. |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 16:43:46 i don't know if Taibbi being a dick or just made a mistake, but not investigating -what- the Biden camp was asking to be taken down was a HUGE fuck up (photos violating ToS, NOT the laptop story) also, the Right in general are being huge lying dicks for not caring what it was & ignoring how Taibbi said Trump WH was making requests too (& Twitter acting on it) |
Member | Sat Dec 03 16:52:55 Liz Cheney's rampage thebleft covers, no one watches. The sitting potus conspiring to censor bad press and the same outlets who covered Ligma Nits being "fired" from Twitter now either have nothing to say or cry "Nothing burger" No wonder they are slowly going out of business. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 16:57:20 Murder, We all know Elon is an African American, no secret. vijayjay however seemed to have interfered with elections, Musk did not. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat Dec 03 17:06:36 [wtb]: "and all the other Maga neonazis heading off the cliff." That's right, people; to retarded left-wing Bolshevik-totalitarian dick-suckers, Alex Jones and Ye are "neonazis". These low-information useful idiots probably even think that Ye talking about "loving" Hitler was proof of this idiotic notion, since they haven't a fucking clue what Ye meant. lol :D [Habebe]: "If you are found not guilty, that means your innocent in this country" [TDS Bot]: "completely wrong in an impeachment trial" lol. Tw is so clueless :D [TDS Bot]: "'yeah he did it, but not an impeachable offense' (not only is that not finding innocent, it's finding guilty)" ROFL!!! :D :D :D Tw is so fucking stupid that he thinks that people of "your" party saying you "did it" means "guilty". This has to be one of tw's most retarded takes :D I'm absolutely adding this to the list of dumbass hoaxes for which tw has fallen :D For the record: no, you dumb bitch. Lindsey Graham, the turtle, and total-state NeoCons trying to get rid of a political opponent is not the requirement for "guilty". Suggesting this is even more retarded than suggesting that Liz Cheney is suddenly not part of a war-monger profiteer family just because she was part of the Bolshevik show-trials to squeeze a few midterm votes out of the low-IQ left. [TDS Bot]: "when Biden wasn't in gov't" lol. These fucking idiots think that Biden's admin only started in January 2021. Which party has most been infiltrated by the totalitarian state? The DNC. Did that party suddenly surrender all their total-state machinations when Trump assumed office? Of fucking course not, dumbass. [TDS Bot]: "the Right (including Elon) wanted it to be a story of Biden/Dems corruptly shutting down legit info [and] it is" I agree with this at least. [TDS Bot]: "& that confusion is on top of knowing of the proven interference in 2016 to perhaps lead to overcompensation" Oof. The TDS Bot is an election denier! I can't believe it! And he's such a total-state lackey that he thinks that "overcompensation" is necessary to "fortify" the 2020 election through immoral wielding of the Twitter propaganda apparatus. His ideological consistency begins and ends at the total state cock. [TDS Bot]: "[Biden laptop] was just speculation of corrupt actions, no solid evidence of it," lol. TDS Bot still incredibly low-information on the subject :D [TDS Bot]: "a) there's the 'perfect' phone call, where Trump's 'only' topic is noting 'hey we helped you, you're not being reciprocal enough, investigate my opponent' (rather than anything his team prepared for him to discuss, a complete waste of time for every call he ever made probably) " I noticed that you put that in quotation marks even though it's not a quotation. Do you *often* lie like this, you fucking liar? :D [TDS Bot]: "b) apparently CC is unaware Trump had a team of goons, led by Giuliani (who was not in our gov't at all, Trump's personal lawyer), on the ground to pressure Zelensky to comply (including texts proving it)" That is the total-state narrative and a lie — a lie that you fell for because you are a useful idiot of the total state. That so-called "pressure" was them recognizing that the Biden family were traitors who had worked against the American people on behalf of the total state and needed to be exposed for it. Zelensky, naturally, being a total-state lackey, revealed as much through his role as a money-laundering platform for international Bolsheviks. [TDS Bot]: "who wanted the truth out?" lol!!!! This is too rich :D The liar party of totalitarian psychopaths (the DNC) is not interested in the truth, but TDS bot thinks that that's what's going on here. No fucking wonder useful idiots like tw are voting the West's rights away, eroding their constitutions, euthanizing its problem citizens, and stupidly bringing the West to collapse at the behest of totalitarian oligarchs. These "moral busybodies" really think that killing freedom is a virtue. Fucking weak-minded death cult. [Cowardly multi-account]: "What actually happened ... Someone was posting dick pictures of hunter biden on twitter" Looks like that talking-point is already working on the idiots. Useful idiots can easily be tricked into thinking that one semi-dismissible facet of an issue can totally sink the entire issue. It's part of the constant fallacies of authority in their weak-minded thinking. They are too stupid to realize that such nudity could easily be given a content warning rather than being pulled completely following a conversation between upper management. And that, too, is the issue: this wasn't just low-level moderators seeing a "nudity" flag and saying, "Oh no! Penis! Delete!" No. This was upper management suppressing visuals which they openly knew would tank Pedo Pete's chances at the White House. [murder]: "Where did you get this crazy idea?" He probably got them through its foundational principles, you nihilistic psychopath. .. [Habebe]: "Remember folks, the term "Election Denier" only refers to Republicans, not the act of denying an election." Yep. Yet more "repressive tolerance" and slave morality. Totalitarians are not interested in ideological consistency. They simply want the rules applied asymmetrically, where they are always correct and their enemies are always wrong. Low-IQ people fall for these rhetorical traps all the time, thinking idiotic things such as, "[Denying the 2016 results was okay because Trump bad, but denying the 2020 results was good because Trump bad!]" They literally cannot think beyond that. They cannot see that placing such ideologies in power means that all power structures go to the Bolshevik Party — the same Bolshevik Party that means to annihilate the West. These useful idiots celebrate their own suicide. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat Dec 03 17:12:16 *"such as, "[Denying the 2016 results was okay because Trump bad, but denying the 2020 results was [bad] because Trump bad!]"" |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 17:55:30 "Tw is so fucking stupid that he thinks that people of "your" party saying you "did it" means "guilty"" i'm sorry you can't read my posts... at least you can see them unlike Trump's i said "(not only is that not finding innocent, it's finding guilty)"... yes, that's them FINDING him GUILTY... you can decide they were all corrupt in their decisions in your diseased mind, but it's still finding him guilty (& i wasn't talking about Lindsey Graham... it was many, including Lamar Alexander, not a usual suspect, never heard of him outside of this) in no way does an impeachment trial ever establish innocence (even real trials don't establish innocence, hence why verdicts are 'not guilty' as in guilt not proven... not innocence proven) ---------------- "Do you *often* lie like this, you fucking liar?" i use single quotes when paraphrasing, it's fucking obvious it's a paraphrase (just like when Adam Schiff wasn't quoting him, yet Trump wanted him tried for treason over it) k, done reading your stupidity |
Member | Sat Dec 03 17:56:14 CC, Did you happen to see that TIME article! Hakeem Jeffries they claim is not an election denier, even though he denies the 2016 election because iys not fair to call non GOP election deniers....do they not hear themselves?!?! hahaha |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 17:59:37 here's Trump's assessment of these revelations: "...A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!" not sure if CC can see it even as a copy/paste, but if so, let me know how sane that conclusion is is it rooted in truth that 'termination of all rules & regulations including in the constitution' can now be thrown out? am i being brainwashed by the DNC to find that fucking nuts? (+ there's no 'massive fraud' at all here, not that your diseased mind can notice) |
Member | Sat Dec 03 20:28:18 " am i being brainwashed by the DNC" The answer is a solid yes. However in your case you may be brainwashing them. The Democrat party did actually just get caught in anfraud case in I think* Brooklyn. Basically they fraudently have "Little Pakistan" leaders positions on committees, forgedntheir names and with out permission were voting on their behalf. I havnt got to see Twitter today yet for part 2, been running around doing Santa shit. |
the wanderer | Sat Dec 03 21:37:59 I don’t see a part 2... could’ve been just Elon lying yet again for traffic |
Member | Sat Dec 03 21:47:53 TW, Totally separate story. Unrelated to Twitter. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 21:50:18 Supposedly Yoel Roth has sworn under an affidavit law enforcement did speak directly to Twitter, so it also seems Matt has not seen everything yet. Hence his statement "I have not personally seen" But it is THOUSANDS if not tens if thousands of documents. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 22:40:56 I find it funny wth 51 intel agents claiming it "had all the hallmarks of russian disinfo" Media outlets getting mass censored, and Biden knew that was him and his legitimate laptop all along. |
Member | Sat Dec 03 22:41:16 This guy make Trump looknlike Honest Abe. |
Member | Sun Dec 04 00:14:07 "i don't know if Taibbi being a dick or just made a mistake, but not investigating -what- the Biden camp was asking to be taken down was a HUGE fuck up (photos violating ToS, NOT the laptop story)" What do you think he is, a journalist? |
Member | Sun Dec 04 00:24:33 Apparently the Biden government in exile had Jack Dorsey ban me 5 times from Twitter, since that's obviously the way that accounts and tweets get censored. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Dec 04 02:12:28 [TDS Bot]: "i'm sorry you can't read my posts... at least you can see them unlike Trump's" You're seriously going to keep sticking with this "[hur, hur, you don't read Trump,]" straw man? Even after I've now at least 4* times specifically addressed it to you? *(And more times than that outside of tw's psychosis threads.) For observers, note that tw's shitty straw man for me is that "[I don't know who Trump is and that's why I disagree with tw about tw's love of the totalitarian state]". This is, of course, ridiculous. I, not being a total-state cultist like tw, can both selectively disagree with Trump *and* simultaneously disagree with the DNC's implementation of a totalitarian state. Tribalists such as tw, of course, cannot offer such nuance — they can only hate Trump, investing 23 threads (and more?) to that impotent sexual frustration, with Trump's cock being a cock that they can only suck in their fantasies. As I have told tw multiple times, the reason that the totalitarians disliked Trump and weaponized useful idiots such as tw against Trump is because Trump was — on a very basic level — committed to "profit motive". Profit motive ("shareholoder capitalism") is antithetical to "stakeholder capitalism", which is the imperative of the ESG/DIE totalitarians, who wish not to implement a society where people who work harder are rewarded with greater capital. Instead, the ESG/DIE totalitarians wish to reward only those who are loyal to the Party of the Totalitarian State. This is the exact model used by the Soviet Bolsheviks following the purging of the tsar family. Their goal was to create a society of useful idiots who would be perpetually at the bottom structure of their pyramid scheme as laborers and enablers of Inner Party Bolshevik decadence. The tool for this cause is slave morality. By enabling people of slave morality (placing Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity hires into positions of power), the Inner Party is assured that low-IQ and low-effectiveness weaklings occupy all of the levers of power. By having weaklings upon the levers of power, the Inner Party can be assured that their Party directives are obeyed. I.e., these weaklings are "accommodating" and appeasing fools who merely need to recognize that the Party's will is upon them, at which point they act without question. They are the ideal servants of totalitarianism. Tumbleweed, being a weak-minded nihilist who observes perpetually the Totalitarian Party's directives, is an ideal candidate for ascension or irrelevance within this immoralist system. If he is a DIE candidate, he will be artificially rewarded with positions of power because his incompetence will collapse organizations from within (an imperative for the larger picture of collapsing the West's institutions). If not a DIE candidate, he will step aside as a coward while weaker people (DIE candidates) ascend into these positions, he allowing this collapse on behalf of the totalitarians. .. [TDS Bot]: "... yes, that's them FINDING him GUILTY..." Incidentally, as I have mentioned before, people of slave morality are denied proper causality. In Enlightenment causality — i.e., the causality established by the most proximate causalities of direct observation and thorough examination, such as in the unvarnished scientific method — people are "guilty" of crimes only by the proof of courts, reliable testimonies, and the overwhelming acceptance of virtuous people (e.g., a jury) of the facts of the matter. In slave morality, meanwhile, foolish slaves such as tw will accept "guilty" as merely "[this totalitarian Party Member said that he was guilty]". That is the entirety of tw's mental process in this matter. He believes that "guilty" rests in the belief structure of useful idiots such as himself. This is why he believes that totalitarian sycophants such as Lindsey Graham and the turtle are "proof" of "guilty". This is the total delusion of his thought processes. He literally cannot see the flaw in this logic. Even if I were to hold tw's hand step-by-step, teaching him Western values from the bedrock of Blackstone's ratio into Enlightenment anti-determinism into the present, he would still prefer instead the Bolshevism of Otto von Bismarck and Che Guevara, insisting instead that "it is better that ten innocent men suffer than one guilty man escape" (as revealed by tw saying, "in no way does an impeachment trial ever establish innocence"). Tw's sense of "guilty" is, of course, not at all supported by facts, Enlightenment proceedings, the establishment of a chain of evidence, or even the jury of virtuous citizens. He is left instead with spectral evidence, being as he is a product of a totalitarian's want of power without virtue — a mere boy who believes that holding a sword is virtue enough, lacking even the perception to understand why his enemies are not felled by his merely grasping the handle without having the power to swing. In short, totalitarian state sycophants saying that Trump is "guilty" does not mean that Trump is indeed guilty. This is such an obvious fallacy that tw's inability to grasp it merely reveals how deeply he lives within the total-state psychosis. [TDS Bot]: "(just like when Adam Schiff wasn't quoting him, yet Trump wanted him tried for treason over it) " Schiff is indeed a treasonous scumbag who should be hanged for his Bolshevism, yes. He is often the originator of DNC hoaxes, as elucidated by the partially red-pilled Scott Adams here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmIivm6ZaKw What is still more incredible about tw's psychosis is that he can look at a crazy-eyed halfwit such as Schiff and see a reliable source of information. A person with even mediocre perception can see in Schiff an opportunist who will literally say anything if it means tasting a moment's power. [Trump quotation]: ""...A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!" " [TDS Bot]: "not sure if CC can see it even as a copy/paste, but if so, let me know how sane that conclusion is" It is quite sane and rational, yes. The U.S. Constitution was designed to protect the rights of the people — not to infringe upon them. The DNC's consistent use of fraudulent elections has shown that they are determined to undermine the Constitution on behalf of a totalitarian enterprise. And what of the DNC's fruits? I.e., what are the fruits of their successful elections? The DNC has consistently proven that their imperative following such fraudulent elections as 2020 is the further erosion of the liberties of their own citizens. They are, indeed, terrorists, traitors, and international Bolsheviks. They mean to abolish the First Amendment through fascist mergers of state with corporations, tricking their useful idiots into believing that the First Amendment is optional if destroyed by corporations who "just happen" to act on behalf of the totalitarian order. They mean also to remove the citizen's ability to defend herself, attacking at every opportunity the Second Amendment — something that even tw would willingly admit to supporting, being as he is a coward, traitor, and useful idiot of a total state that would place him against a wall and have him smile graciously at his bullet simply because it was stamped in a Chinese factory (so diverse!). And I have many times listed the other DNC totalitarian motives, such as D.C. statehood (extra total-state senators!), packing of the Supreme Court (destruction of checks and balances), and the abolishment of the Electoral College. As insane as these ideas are, to tw, they are beautiful, since his consciousness has been eroded by a need to dominate his fellow Westerner on behalf of the totalitarian state. If ever a policy results in more freedom for his brothers, he would condemn it. This simple fact even he could not deny, since the nihilist has no conscience — only the total-state's belief structures to fill the void of his impotence. People who wonder if they are spellbound by a totalitarian order may ask of themselves these questions: • When was the last time I stood bravely in the sun? • When did I last stand with my shoulders back, triumphant and not ashamed of my strength? • When did I last show people the great expanse of my mental aptitudes and my great governance of reason through the creation of robust systems which serve only the virtues of mankind rather than its pathetic vices? • When was I last free and untouchable, not waiting for some weakling to give me permission to live but instead a pure and present Goliath who would crush any scheming David? • When did I last oppose the totalitarian orders — whether their DNC total-state candidates, their war-monger Ukrainian money-laundering, their BLM/Antifa insurrection, or their fraudulent elections? • Do I believe that the strength of the world requires that I be a coward and hide my strength until the grave? Cowards know themselves, though they sleep quietly and away from scrutiny. They die a thousand deaths waiting to be put out of their misery. Tw has become such a coward. It was not always this way. There was a time when men knew their strength and used it to make a virtuous world. The total state has them instead lopping their balls off to avoid an HR issue. |
iChihuaha | Sun Dec 04 06:09:58 Eunuchs of the state. |
Member | Sun Dec 04 10:20:42 Circling back to the hunter nude photos part. Few things. 1. As I understand it many were requests to take down nude photos of hunter. They were not ALL of the requests, so yes they did have Twtter 1.0 censor non nudity posts as well. 2. This seems to be lost on the left. THE BIG LIE, if the Biden Campaign was not acknowledging the veracity of the laptop. But they did of they requested the photos be removed. 3. Blatant proof that Twitter 1.0 was run by alt left partisans was the hacked policy. On one hand Trump's tax returns were supposedly hacked material, by the posters. That was allowed to be shared. However the not hacked laptop was claiming that was the reason for the mass censorship state. This collusion to interfere in elections must be investigated. |
Member | Sun Dec 04 10:31:41 Fun fact The former vice president does get a government office from the federal government. So yes he was technically part of the USA federal government arguably. More importantly*** scrap the semantics, a presidential campaign that couls very likely be the head of said government very soon has immense power stemming from that position. Its the elephant in the room the left wants to ignore, so I grant you the technicality above if that makes it easier for you, bit even if Biden didnt have a government office this was wrong and arguably unconstitutional. If only we had a body of people to judge what was constitutional???? |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 11:33:56 "Tw's sense of "guilty" is, of course, not at all supported by facts" ~ crazy person who claimed "factually" Trump had no link in the Ukraine impeachment i know Trump was guilty as i saw the overwhelming evidence at the hearings (certainly NEVER relying on Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell's opinions)... it definitely happened... Trump is on record asking, Giuliani is on record asking & heaps of other evidence & no credible alternative was proffered (not that Trump allowed anyone to talk, but even by his lawyers) also your diseased mind claim that R's were just trying to get rid of him as he's not a neocon warmonger yadda yadda doesn't even make sense as i was referring to all the R's who said 'yeah he did it', but voted AGAINST impeachment i didn't read much of your post, as such continuous garbage, i'm sure i disagree w/ all of it |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 12:53:53 "The former vice president does get a government office from the federal government. So yes he was technically part of the USA federal government arguably" this still ignores that the only requests Taibbi showed were to remove posts against ToS... same as anyone anywhere could do... and the sitting 'president' was ALSO DOING |
Member | Sun Dec 04 12:59:21 If there was even the slightest merit to the infantile fantasy that Twitter was a leftist place, the left wouldnt detest Twitter as much as the banned nazis, which they do. |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 13:17:01 James Woods says he will sue... " ... On Friday, as Musk continued to release his findings, Woods phoned in to Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and said he now plans to sue the Democratic National Committee over the damage done to his career after he was censored for speaking out on Hunter Biden's laptop. "I can guarantee you one thing more than anything else you'll ever hear in your life: I will be getting a lawyer. I will be suing the Democratic National Committee no matter what," he said. "Whether I win or lose, I am going to stand up for the rights that every American – not a so-called celebrity. I'm not a celebrity -- I'm hardly recognizable anymore because my career has been destroyed by these very people." " http://www...sorship-tucker-carlson-tonight yeah, he's going to lose w/ 100% certainty... his post was definitely a nude photo of Hunter in violation of ToS, there is zero scandal in it being reported by anyone at all i wonder if Tucker noted that............. |
Member | Sun Dec 04 13:50:56 "If there was even the slightest merit to the infantile fantasy that Twitter was a leftist place" If there was even the slightest merit to the infantile fantasy that Donald Trump was ever anything but a statesman and gentleman with a heart of gold and ethics beyond reproach.... |
Member | Sun Dec 04 14:41:17 tw: Only the owner of the site appears to be saying that removing it was an act of left wing censorship, so you know, maybe he will be able to get Twitter to settle to avoid dragging Musk to court to testify about his tweets and the extent to which he released data to wassname that posted all about the supposed bias. Musk (as do most billionaires) tend to settle rather than be forced to testify about what they did personally in case it provides more loose threads to pull on. |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 14:55:26 yeah Musk is being a huge dick, but James says he's suing the DNC (or just claiming he will to get applause & attention from Tucker & the cult)... there's no lawyer who would say he had a case, but possibly some who would take his money & not tell him no chance in hell |
Member | Sun Dec 04 15:29:19 "yeah Musk is being a huge dick" For being transparent? |
Member | Sun Dec 04 16:07:06 Tumbleweed has reached the point where he thinks that shedding light on how Big Tech works with the government, politicians, and advocacy groups to censor dissident voices and news makes someone a "huge dick." Its sad how badly Trump broke him and the rest of the Democratic Party. They believe that "saving OUR DEMOCRACY" means that only they should be allowed to win elections, and if they have to become full-blown authoritarians to ensure that outcome then so be it. Trump and the Democratic Party are too sides of the same coin. The difference is that we know that Trump's nuttery is eventually going to go away (when he dies or retires from politics). What evidence is there to suggest that the Democrats will EVER stop their march toward far-left authoritarianism? |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 18:07:38 to "For being transparent? " & Rugian's post... no, not what i'm talking about... it's for how Elon misled on Taibbi's point #8 (link in 2nd post of this thread) his replies to that post: ""Handled" (fire) (fire) (fire)"... & made that his pinned tweet for awhile "If this isn’t a violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment, what is?" "Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is" -------- all point #8 showed was requests for posts violating ToS be removed... ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS but thanks in part to Elon's misleading, the Right going wild with it (plus he was a dick on Paul Pelosi story & seemingly lying about Apple dropping Twitter & in general propping up shitbag Trumpers like Tom Fitton & Dinesh D'souza) & more dickery is he thinks it's 'possible' Twitter interfered somehow in Brazil election (something he might want to get fucking FACTS on before saying) |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 18:08:36 he's been exercising no responsibility whatsoever |
Member | Sun Dec 04 18:59:04 Rugian, "Its sad how badly Trump broke him and the rest of the Democratic Party." Much like the voice of God, Trump is too much for many mortals to handle. I kind of miss old Trump, but this new reserved Trump is meh. I like a little bit more gangster in POTUS. Biden is olenty criminal, but for all the wrong reasons. |
Member | Sun Dec 04 19:02:56 Twitter absolutely interfered in the 2020 US election. The DNC conspired with a "Shadow campaign" and admitted it in TIME magazine, they even literally called it a shadow campaign. |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 19:09:17 so time to terminate the Constitution and appoint Trump as overlord? |
Member | Sun Dec 04 19:17:18 Why abandon the constitution? Outside the US the POTUS is legally borderline dictator. Like he nixed Solemani, that was cool, but a little pizzaz woild have been nice. Maybe present his head at a oress conference (is that illegal?) |
Member | Sun Dec 04 19:18:20 Ps...im just trolling tonight. Although.... |
Member | Sun Dec 04 19:22:58 Well, actually I do like a bit od gangster as leader. No one wants a boy Scout, right? |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 21:02:55 he has repeatedly said he should be installed as leader claiming he won the 2020 election has been far and away his top talking point... in second place is claiming the whole DOJ is corrupt (based on issues always involving him for some reason), so once he’s installed, dismantling the DOJ would be next... which would be replaced with an agency led by him to seek revenge on all his opponents (his third place topic)... and evidence would be whatever he makes up so just as the founding fathers & Jesus intended I guess |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 21:18:25 Russia intentionally interfered in 2016, it didn’t make Hillary president National Enquirer intentionally colluded with Trump to catch & kill stories, it wasn’t election fraud, and didn’t make Hillary president (though they got fined for doing a payoff on Trumps behalf) so far, nothing shows Twitter was intentionally trying to suppress a story they thought was legit just to help Biden... and nothing shown (so far) shows involvement by Biden in that act at all... so installing Trump not warranted at all, a new election not warranted at all, and even a fine (for Twitter) not warranted at all... an impeachment or anything against Biden is ridiculous (based on what was revealed so far... maybe part 2, if it exists, has real bombshells) |
Member | Sun Dec 04 22:25:11 The irony is the left always claims its Trump who demands absolute loyalty alone. But really anytime a left leaning person doesn't side with the current democrat position on anything they suddenly become alt right to them. Tulsa Bill Maher Joe Rogan Elon The irony of Manchin getting a half a pass because he will support democrats shows it has nothing to do with policy, its all.about loyalty. |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 04 23:01:14 Elon definitely fucked up... he posts "It 100% is, collusion between govt. and big tech to violate the First Amendment" after point #8 about Biden (which is total nonsense) then point #10 says Trump White House did same thing... w/ not only nothing from Elon, but he pins his bullshit post about Biden that's clearly picking a side (& being completely wrong on top of it) Tulsi has gone to the Fox side, Rogan is just another sucker like Elon might be (buying into the bullshit... although i'm leaning to him purposely being deceptive given he mixes in how great the Twitter traffic is amongst the hoaxes he generates) Maher is a good guy |
Member | Mon Dec 05 06:09:26 "However the not hacked laptop was claiming that was the reason for the mass censorship state." The pictures didn't have to have been hacked from the laptop to have them taken down. Those pictures were not the property of whoever the hell posted them online. And that so called repair shop owner should be in jail. If someone abandons a laptop at your shop, the laptop and its hard drive may well become your property, but the contents of it do not. If Hunter had left his banking information on the laptop, neither the shop owner nor whoever the fuck bought the laptop would've had a right to clean out Hunters bank account or even log in to check the balance. |
Member | Mon Dec 05 06:23:20 "Tulsa Bill Maher Joe Rogan Elon" None of those people is even remote left. |
Member | Mon Dec 05 06:27:01 "then point #10 says Trump White House did same thing... w/ not only nothing from Elon, but he pins his bullshit post about Biden" Funny how that works, huh? Not a peep about the actual president violating people's 1st amendment rights by ordering Twitter to remove tweets and ban people, but a massive production about the Biden campaign. If this was coming from Trump I would guess that he was expecting to be indicted for something soon. |
Member | Mon Dec 05 08:21:05 Murder, Atleast you admit Trump is the actual president. |
Member | Mon Dec 05 09:02:38 At least you admit that Trump is a Russian asset. |
Member | Mon Dec 05 10:07:35 I did not. But you did literally call Trump "The actual president". |
Member | Mon Dec 05 10:08:40 I did not. But you literally called Trump a Russian asset. |
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