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Utopia Talk / Politics / The women won!
Sun Dec 04 03:04:19
There are reports (AP, SVT) on that Iran will remove the hijab requirement and abolish the morality police.

If true, then the women won!

Women always win in the end. Future is female in Iran too!!
Average Ameriacn
Sun Dec 04 03:33:25
But are women allowed to carry guns in the public in Iran? Only then they will be really free.
Sun Dec 04 03:58:22
obvious syntax errors reveal that Average Ameriacn is more than likely Paramount
Sun Dec 04 03:59:45
But, wow, yeah, they're apparently closing down that chapter of the police force. if thats true, thats very big
Average Ameriacn
Sun Dec 04 04:41:38
Yeah I was never on a LIBEARL university where the teach you some bullshit British accent!

Sun Dec 04 04:54:03
I think Average Ameriacn is maybe Nimatzo or Seb. Or, he is simply Average Ameriacn, an original person.
Sun Dec 04 05:26:07
I am not a childless incel like you though, I have not had this little time for UP since forever. Wife is studying, I am working 25% and taking care of two boys 100%. Do you understand what a project a 5 year old and and a 9 month old crawler is? No. Hence you can live in this fantasy where I have time to post on troll accounts.

AA is created to make Americans look like morons and has all the hallmarks of your average Euro lefty. Most likely Dukhat, WTB or yourself. There is an element of he who smellt it dealt it here that is difficult to shake off.

As for the story, too soon, the laws are beeing reviewed, closing down the moralty police that were only instituted in 2005 means little. Prior to that committees had the same function.

The conclusion I have made is that the mullah’s role is to eradicate Islam from Iran. The things people are saying in broad daylight in public about Islam, have not been said in 1400 years.
Sun Dec 04 06:07:30
Parents sits with their iPhones all the time while their children is playing. I know. That's like the only time they have got time for their iPhones. It is when da children are playing.
Sun Dec 04 06:18:39
You don’t understand his 9 month olds work. The only time I can not pay attention to him is when he is sleeping. He is either eating, shitting or trying to scale or taste some object. And when he sleeps I try to do something useful.
large member
Sun Dec 04 07:42:14
That should be about 14 hours a day though. It just seems like he only sleeps for 20 minutes :D.
Sun Dec 04 08:21:06
Sadly my own sleeping hours overlap with his. At least he is out of the power nap phase he had.
Sun Dec 04 08:53:38
Today its the removal of hijabs, tomorrow its seeing Iran's daughters getting high at debauched parties and starring in Jewish-financed porn films.

I give it 20 years before the Supreme Ayatollah is a female.

Hope Iran enjoys its newfound path toward moral degradation. You Farsi cucks.
large member
Sun Dec 04 09:02:20
Do I really have to wait until tomorrow to check pornhub's selection of Farsi porn?

I do have a feeling there would be 1234567 hits today.
Sun Dec 04 09:53:32
Don’t forget that the Iranian women, like the women in US, will also start to wear men’s clothing like jeans, boots, etc. and they’ll start to listen to rap music, and then they’ll start to demand more things and voice their opinions more louder. Yeah, the Ayatollah will definitevly be female in 20 years.
Sun Dec 04 10:02:10
"I give it 20 years before the Supreme Ayatollah is a female."

Nah, they will be transgender.

That said, who watches Muslim porn without the Hijab?
Sun Dec 04 22:15:37


After the Revolution
The new religious government that came to be established after the 1979 Iranian Revolution classed transgender people and crossdressers with gays and lesbians, who were condemned in shah's era and faced the punishment of lashing or even death under Iran's penal code.

One early campaigner for transgender rights was Maryam Hatoon Molkara, a transgender woman. Before the revolution, she had longed to become physically female but could not afford surgery and wanted religious authorization. In 1975, she began to write letters to Khomeini, who was to become the leader of the revolution and was in exile. After the revolution, she was fired, forcibly injected with male hormones, and institutionalized. She was later released with help from her connections and continued to lobby many other leaders. Later she went to see Khomeini, who had returned to Iran. During this visit, she was subjected to beatings from his guards because she was wearing a binder and they suspected she could be armed. Khomeini, however, did give her a letter to authorize her sex reassignment operation, which she later did in 1997.[11] Due to this fatwa, issued in 1987, transgender women in Iran have been able to live as women until they can afford surgery, have surgical reassignment, have their birth certificates and all official documents issued to them in their new gender, and marry men.[12]

Khomeini's original fatwa has since been reconfirmed by the current leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and is also supported by many other Iranian clerics.[13] Hojatoleslam Kariminia, a mid-level cleric who is in favor of transgender rights, has stated that he wishes "to suggest that the right of transsexuals to change their gender is a human right" and that he is attempting to "introduce transsexuals to the people through my work and in fact remove the stigma or the insults that sometimes attach to these people."[2] In 2010, the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization formulated the first national standardised protocol of the diagnosis and treatment of gender dysphoria.[14] In 2014, the Transgender Studies Center was founded as part of the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.[14]
large member
Mon Dec 05 03:37:51
That is one of the reasons I consider Iran a fascist technocracy.

Homosexuality obviously bad. But of the poor people trapped in the wrong bodies? Obviously something that can and should be surgically corrected Inshalla.
Mon Dec 05 05:53:51
I consider them an Islamic republic. Descriptive, pointing in the right direction for further inquiry and most importantly, not reductivly euro centric.

Break the shackles Jergul! Free your mind from European colonialism.
large member
Mon Dec 05 06:01:37
Evokes the image of goat herds and camel beauty pageants.

While in fact, many Iranians spend more time haunched over bootleg copies of autocad than praying.
large member
Mon Dec 05 06:06:49
As for eurocentric. European culture rests heavily on impulses from the Med basin. You might be able to argue that Persian is a different sphere, but you are citing the same blight that came out a small ME Roman province as the plague that spread its way across Europe too. Abramic faith is as inherently European as they are Persian in other words.
large member
Mon Dec 05 06:07:24
Abramic faith is as inherently European as it is Persian in other words*
Mon Dec 05 06:40:38
Inherently semitic actually and the path they took are as important as their point of origin obviously, like a river has many tributaries and flows through different geography. Melting snow is perhaps the least interesting thing about them.

It’s not an argument for Iranian exceptionalism, but against reductivism and cultural bias.
Mon Dec 05 06:47:10
But I would agree Iran and Europe have things in common, since the injection of the semitic god was on a shared cultural foundation, although the relationship is very ancient. Iranians played the same role for Islam that the Greeks did for Christianity. Speaking of exceptionalism. You see some of these similarities in the Catholic and Shia pantheon of imams and saints. These are not semitic in origin.

Much better to just view things as they are instead of analogizing via things we know.
Mon Dec 05 06:49:57
The veneration of the saints and imams that is, rivaling Jo and Mo and even god himself.
Mon Dec 05 07:09:56
Might I interject out of some ignorance on my part?

I was under the impression that Imams are living human beings. I would think they are more on a par with Priests.

Saints are all dead. Elevated to sainthood for their actions while alive. I also believe the Vatican has to judge if they deserve Sainthood.


Mon Dec 05 07:12:17
There are similarities in the structure of Islam and Catholicism, in that they both seem to be quite content to leave women as breeding stock.
Mon Dec 05 09:04:52

They also both like molesting children. ;o)

Mon Dec 05 09:09:13
Different meaning in sunni and shia Islam.

I am not even sure sunnis use "imam" and it does not mean cleric, that would be "mullah". Imams can of course be living or dead. There is a concept of infallibility that some imams are thought to have, twelver shia have 12 of these infallible imams.
Mon Dec 05 09:13:15
Since celibacy isn't required of Islamic clergy, they position doesn't attract pedophiles. On the other hand it makes sure there is a steady stream of religious nutbags of the highest order as these people have many children and one of them always goes in the fathers footsteps.
Mon Dec 05 16:55:26
So it looks like the morality police is not all going to be abolished. It was just Western fake news media who reported wrong.

Mon Dec 05 17:02:18
Western media inaccurately reported that the Iranian regime abolished its morality patrol on December 4.[1] The regime has not made such a concession. Western outlets misinterpreted remarks from Prosecutor General Mohammad Javad Montazeri on December 3. Montazeri noted in response to a journalist’s question that security forces have reduced morality patrols in recent months—a statement that some Western media has mistakenly framed as confirmation that the regime abolished the patrols.[2]

Tue Dec 06 07:42:48
A bit shocking, I didn't bother to check the original statement, since so many western news outlets reported it.

Shame on me.
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