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Utopia Talk / Politics / 10 yr old going to prison
Sun Dec 04 11:28:07

The story is so outnof whack, back and forth, sounds like a terrible liar.

I thinknit was Granny who called the cops. The day after killing his mom which he first said he was playing with the gun he took her credit account on Amazon and bought himself the VR headset.

Said he was sorry for killing his mom and then asked if his package came yet.

Has to be a little white kid, maybe east Asian.90% chance white.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Dec 04 11:55:01
Why wasn't the mother armed?
Sun Dec 04 12:25:49
Good point, she may have been a commie.
Sun Dec 04 14:37:04
Jesus christ.
Sun Dec 04 16:11:13
The entire point of a lockbox is lost if the brat could just open it. Lesson learned (unfortunately).
Sun Dec 04 19:20:08
"Family members told detectives the child experienced "rage issues" his whole life, the complaint says. At four years old, the boy allegedly held his puppy by the tail and whirled him around until the dog "whined and howled in pain." He also allegedly started a fire in the home by filling a balloon with flammable liquid and setting it aflame, per the complaint.

A family member also told investigators the little boy "has five different imaginary people that talk to him." These imaginary people are described as two sisters, an old lady, and two men, the complaint states.

The boy recently received a "concerning diagnosis" from a therapist, leading Mann to place cameras around the home, the complaint says, according to documents from a therapist. Unfortunately, someone unplugged the cameras before the shooting.

"He's always said that he hears voices," the child's grandmother, Lueritha Mann, told The Daily Beast. "We tried helping her with him," Lueritha also told the Beast. "All of us, everybody that knows her, even her church people. We all tried helping her with him because we knew he had a mental illness."

and here is a photo from a different site.

Sun Dec 04 19:25:39
The voices thing is BS, they just want leniency.

That boy sounds like a monster who should have been drowned in the tub.
Sun Dec 04 19:26:37
A sane state will give him life in prison, outside of TX I doubt you can execute.
Sun Dec 04 20:01:32
Even if the voices thing is real he still needs to be institutionalized for the rest of his life. Prison or a mental hospital doesn't matter so long as he doesn't get out.
Sun Dec 04 20:37:50
The family took him home, even after.

Clearly coddled, even throughout his violent behavior.
Sun Dec 04 20:38:18
Also on race this is 100% a fat white kid
Sun Dec 04 20:47:00
check the photo in my first post.
Sun Dec 04 20:51:51
That's...surprising, actually. Milwaukee does have minorities but I absolutely would have guessed white too.
Sun Dec 04 21:38:21
Because of the attitude, its very spoiled brat white kid vibe.The kid was not spanked.

If you read the story its worse than my summary.

He got the gun out mybfirst because he was woken up 30 minutes early.
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