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Utopia Talk / Politics / Last year in Sweden
Thu Jan 12 06:51:51
So what happend after Sweden changed government? We now have a social democratic governmenr that is positive towards nuclear power and not dead set on blood letting the countries energy production by subsidizing “renewables”. And willing to take off the silk gloves and put on cotton gloves to deal with crime. Good right? But on the other hand they somehow managed to raise the energy tax, while also preparing to send us all money for the electricity bills. lol :) and they are going against all evidence, common sense and consensus on drugs.

That is it. We have social democrats that campaign with the color blue and we have social democrats that use red. That is the spectrum of political diversity in Sweden. Really the only saving grace, is the 4 year respite from the greens, 4 years to prepare for their inevitable return to power.

But the nucleae stuff is all meaningless really since Germany, the most powerful economy in the EU has actively been hindering Nuclear at the EU level for yeara and as a consequence of their total war on their own energy infrastructure fucked the entire EU.

Yet the useful idiot like paramount and wtb would have us believe otherwise, that we are reliving the 1930’s. On the day the results were announced all manner of BLM type celebs told us to prepare for violence against immigrants, that it was no longer possible to live in Sweden as a black person (good riddance I said, but he lied he is still living here).

Nothing, zero, nadda. Just more ghetto kids doing what they have been doing since way before “last night in Sweden”. A string of explosions and killings in Stockholm, perpetrated mainly by east africans over christmas and new year.

Same old same old. I am now taking the move to Norway plans 100% more seriously, just let the wife finish her education.
Thu Jan 12 07:16:32
Why Norway?
Thu Jan 12 07:30:29
They have sane drug and immigration policy and believe it or not far less preformatively woke. Still a social democratic system. They are by all accounts 1 or 2 levels leas dysfunctional compared to Sweden. Why that is the case, Nazi invasion? The fact that they only have assholes on one side? One of the mysteries of life I guess, but even their gun and hunting laws are more relaxed. Their mass shooters are of the expected ethnicity. Important one, no country with self respect imports their worst criminals.

Also the language barrier is very low for us and it is close to friends and family. It is fairly easy to guest work as a Swedish citizen in Norway.
Thu Jan 12 08:39:45
” They have sane drug and immigration policy”

What if they don’t let you migrate to their country?

”Still a social democratic system.”

I thought you hated social democracy and wants to destroy it?

So why not move to Poland or to Hungary instead? Isn’t their political system more aligned to what you want?
Sam Adams
Thu Jan 12 09:29:45
It is sad that nice western societies are destroying themselves by letting in huge numbers of the lowest iq africans.

Collective suicide... amazing.
Sam Adams
Thu Jan 12 09:48:47

For example, the muslim city of london.
Thu Jan 12 10:14:56
I just said they have _sane_ immigration policy. Why would they not want an engineer and a dental nurse whose educations are already paid for? Besides my employer already has offices in Norway.

"I thought you hated social democracy and wants to destroy it?"

The fact that people like you *couldn't* appreciate they joke, that was the joke.

What I really meant is that socialism needs to back off and calm down and not suffocate innovation and free thinking. You know like "kill all men" or "defund the police" or the actual source of the joke "crush capitalism".
Thu Jan 12 10:15:56
Yea London is basically turning into Malmö. Is it a coincidence that seb recently moved? Unclear to where, but my bet is that he is no longer living in London.
Thu Jan 12 10:50:43
” You know like "kill all men" or "defund the police" or the actual source of the joke "crush capitalism".”

To me, that is not socialism. It is anarchism or something similar.
Thu Jan 12 10:51:15
Maybe Seb moved to Norway.
Thu Jan 12 10:56:16
Krossa kapitalism is like staple May 1st banner text. Not anarchists, just ordinary socialists.

The point here is that of all the stupid things people say, you were triggered by “crush socialism” and failed to put it in the proper context, thereby exposing yourself as exactly the kind of person the words were meant to trigger.
Thu Jan 12 20:33:17
"We have social democrats that campaign with the color blue and we have social democrats that use red. That is the spectrum of political diversity in Sweden."

Thu Jan 12 22:18:23

Swedes:Is this legit? Is it on your news?
Fri Jan 13 01:39:45
I can’t say whether that photo is authenticate or not, but yes there was a 9 year old girl who was assualted, maybe a year ago? She survived the assault but has suffered a permanent brain damage. The media has been careful to not mention the perpetrator’s race/religion. Social media has focused on the perpatrator’s race and religion.
Fri Jan 13 03:41:47
The picture is real. The boy (ethiopian) was actually 15, but his parentes had ”accidentally” set hos age as 11, he had assaulted a woman previously.

As a parent you know if your child is “special”, certainly I know the mental and psychological boundaries of my children. Well, in many cultures you would try to hide this, since such information would reduce the child’s chances to get married. Say unambiguous information from a diagnosis set by social services. You can refuse this as a parent in Sweden.
Fri Jan 13 07:08:43

Just deport criminal migrants. Particularly violent ones. If they can't behave themselves in a civilized society, then just stamp "return to sender" on them and ship them back.

I hear Mars is hiring. Or Venus or the Sun.

Sat Jan 14 05:04:15
Member Fri Jan 13 01:39:45
I can’t say whether that photo is authenticate or not,”

Words never uttered by paramount about pictures of dead/injured palestinian children. He ”authenticates” all those pictures. Sent to him directly by sources in the occupied territories :)
Sat Jan 14 10:16:02
What I mean is that I can’t say if the girl on picture is the same girl who got assaulted in Sweden. Likewise if you told me about a girl who got assaulted by Israeli soldiers and then showed me a picture of a girl, I would not be able to say whether the girl on that photo is the girl who got assaulted or not.
Sat Jan 14 10:34:33
But if you showed me a picture of a Palestinian girl or boy laying wounded and lifeless on a hospital bed and told me that this was done by Israeli soldiers/settlers, I would believe it. The top 1 cause of injuries among Palestinian kids are Israeli soldiers/settlers.
Mon Jan 16 04:52:08
I just want to say, I have made a 180 on NATO. It is a great idea, but you have a piece of shit like Erdogan either pretending to not understand or actually not understanding how free speech works in this country. Had some group hung a doll of Biden, no one would care. No one, you would have expected it.

So fuck Erdogan and if you thought it was ok/free speech to burn Qurans and think it isn’t ok to hang dolls or vice versa, then fuck you too.
Mon Jan 16 11:18:32
Flamman newspaper announces satire competition - wants to mock Erdogan

A satirical drawing competition, targeting Turkish President Erdogan, has been launched by the socialist newspaper Flamman. The best drawings will be published in the magazine, and a prize money is promised for one of the depictions.

- Not our fault if it has diplomatic consequences, says Flamman's editor-in-chief Leonidas Aretakis to SVT.


I love it. Erdogan might actually declare war on Sweden. He will never approve Sweden to join NATO :)
Mon Jan 16 12:55:50
Turkey's armed forces number 425,000 active personnel. Sweden's have less than 25,000.

Turkey controls the Bosporus and access to the Black Sea and is strategically placed as the bulwark between Europe and Asia. Sweden owns...Samiland.

Erdogan is an asshole but Turkey is still a way more valuable ally than Swedenm
Mon Jan 16 13:38:02
Sweden hasn’t fought a war in more than 200 years. Our army of 25k is parading with the LGBTQ-flag:


All we have is the island Gotland. And Nato/US doesn’t really need it in case they have to defend the Baltic states.
Mon Jan 16 14:35:57

"I just want to say, I have made a 180 on NATO. It is a great idea, but you have a piece of shit like Erdogan either pretending to not understand or actually not understanding how free speech works in this country."

I'm all for kicking Turkey the fuck out of NATO. People keep telling me that there is no mechanism for a expelling a country, but of course there is. Simply make clear that we are no longer committed to defending their territory, and quit inviting them to meetings and counting their votes.

Instant mechanism.
Mon Jan 16 14:37:43
I think we should hang an Erdogan doll every day just to drive home the point.
Mon Jan 16 14:50:41

"Turkey's armed forces number 425,000 active personnel. Sweden's have less than 25,000."

I'll take the Swedes. We have much more in common, and at least I don't have to worry about which side they'd be fighting for.

I don't trust Erdogan and the Turks at all.

"... and is strategically placed as the bulwark between Europe and Asia."

Whatever the hell that means. There are no tanks rolling in from Iran or India or China. The only Asian nation that is any kind of threat to Europe is Turkey.
Mon Jan 16 14:52:17
In other news rare earth moneral deposits found in Sweden on land used by Sapmi.

I guess we just have to keep sucking China’s pipes, so the rain deer can graze. Ain’t no way that can backfire anyway, China is a stand up guy.
Mon Jan 16 14:53:36
Why not enter the drawing competition? You can draw a drawing of Erdogan and maybe even win some moneys.
Thu Jan 19 11:28:02
The freedom of speech advocate Rasmus Paludan has applied for a demonstration permit outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm on Saturday. The idea is that he is going to burn the Koran in front of the Turkish embassy.
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