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Utopia Talk / Politics / Soon the USA will be #1 again!
Average Ameriacn
Tue Jan 17 10:50:00
We're growing, they're shrinking!


China's first population drop in six decades sounds alarm on demographic crisis

China's population fell last year for the first time in six decades, a historic turn that is expected to mark the start of a long period of decline in its citizen numbers with profound implications for its economy and the world.

The country's National Bureau of Statistics reported a drop of roughly 850,000 people for a population of 1.41175 billion in 2022, marking the first decline since 1961, the last year of China's Great Famine.

That possibly makes India the world's most populous nation. U.N. experts predicted last year India would have a population of 1.412 billion in 2022 though they did not expect the South Asian nation to overtake China until this year.

Long-term, U.N. experts see China's population shrinking by 109 million by 2050, more than triple the decline of their previous forecast in 2019.

That's caused domestic demographers to lament that China will get old before it gets rich, slowing the economy as revenues drop and government debt increases due to soaring health and welfare costs.

"China's demographic and economic outlook is much bleaker than expected. China will have to adjust its social, economic, defense and foreign policies," said demographer Yi Fuxian.
Tue Jan 17 10:56:06
So they are so ugly they won't even fuck themselves.
Tue Jan 17 10:56:56
China's GDP growth was reportedly cut back to 3%. Given that China routinely lies about this stuff, its actually probably closer to 1%. Either way, we really are outperforming them.

Get fucked, commies.
Tue Jan 17 11:25:08
One child policy was gonna catch up to them eventually.
Tue Jan 17 20:18:22

Good. They've been breeding like cockroaches for centuries.

Tue Jan 17 21:19:16
The demographics crisis is something I've talked about before, the one child policy was gas on the fire.

Demographics also largely explain the great advancement in econokic terms.

China had a massive baby boom, when that boom became of working age they had few dependants, so they didn't spend much money on those who were not workers.

If you look at the dependency ratio of Japan it also explains their economic plateau.China is about to hit a demographics crisis far worse than Japan.

now, we have more automation and technology, so that may help alleviate a small fraction of things, but it's doubtful to have a noticeable impact.

And almost no one wants to move to China, so immigration can't help them out either.
Tue Jan 17 21:29:07
The worrisome bit is now china is gonna have tens of millions of young men with no possibility of finding a woman (as female babies get aborted over male babies). So what to do with men who have no females around to take care of their basic needs?
Tue Jan 17 21:44:03
half of them will have to transition.
Wed Jan 18 11:50:39

"The worrisome bit is now china is gonna have tens of millions of young men with no possibility of finding a woman (as female babies get aborted over male babies). So what to do with men who have no females around to take care of their basic needs?"

You probably think that is an insurmountable problem. Prepare to have your mind blown.

1. Convert all the excess men to Islam.

2. Enact a female babies only policy.

3. The men marry the girls as they come off the assembly line.

Easy peazy.

This solution is 100% halal and Muhammad approved.
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