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Utopia Talk / Politics / rememba how barely 1 year ago
Mon May 29 01:53:27
some of u yankeez literally thought that china had no car capabilitiez?



they literally have da best carz, superior 2 teslaz. superior safety, superior comfort, superior tech, superuor luxury, superior pricin

do u now undastand da level of brainwashin and lies ur fakenewsmedia spits at u.
they ban and simply dont talk about this shit so if u never heard of these carz be4, unlike me, ull never know until da media can no longer black it out.

then da reality comes face 2 face 2 ur stupidity and u realize u been kept stupid for yearz. lol

Mon May 29 01:58:12
ur fakenewsmedia is so fuckin idiotic and racists, they prolly thought they culd black it out like forever evaar evaar???
like what kind of moron actually thinkz u can just black out and censor da best productz in da world as if da rest of da world is simply gonna use ur productz only?

like, imagine da level of arrogance and racism. aint nobody gonna stop usin better productz just coz u censor and ban and forbid ur platforms from evaar talkin about them.

Sat Jun 03 00:55:39

No I don't remember that. What kind of backward ass society can't produce cars?

Sat Jun 03 01:38:25
We said China is five or six decades behind. Not two centuries behind.
Sat Jun 03 03:20:00
Do they make money selling cars yet?

PS Chinese top scientists now admit....that shit came from the Wuhan Lab.
Sat Jun 03 08:04:14
doctor martin basically said xposed u and said it came from ur country. why u still livin in denial

Sat Jun 03 17:04:51
What he said is the rest of the world was forty years ahead of China when it comes to gain of function technology.
China once again several decades behind and manages to fuck things up.

The virus China released was not the same as the one developed years before. It was a unique strand with its roots traced back to a certain lab in China. THe US may have provided the beginning strand but China mutated it then released it.

And they are still behind with every other form of technology.
Sun Jun 04 00:54:15
wut he said was, it comes from u, ur guilty, we shuld bring nuremberg trials

Sun Jun 04 01:05:48
U=Wuhan Lab.
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