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Utopia Talk / Politics / Diaper-Shitting Ped0 & Totalitarians #8
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 06:47:45
Full title:
"Dementia/Parkinson’s Diaper-Shitting Ped0phile and Totalitarian Ass-Clowns and Sycophants" the thread series!

Contained in this thread series is a road map elucidating the actions and imperatives of the rising totalitarian state.

Comments here will generally stick to these categories:
The Octopus Model of Totalitarianism (via Neema Parvini in his book "The Populist Delusion")
• The [Money] Chest — Investment Banks
• The [Idea] Network — Foundations, Corporations, NGOs, World Organizations
• The [Legislative] Crown — National Governments, Lobby Groups, Policy Agenda, Legislature
• The [Local] Chamber — Local government, Civil Service, Secret Services
• The [Legal] Bench — Judiciary, law enforcement, lawyers
• The [Religious Control / Paul's Catholic] Church — I'll also call this the Synagogue
• The Head — Funding Bodies, think tanks, elite universities
• The Mouth — Media, Arts and Culture, Social Media; Zeitgeist propaganda
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 06:48:09
For a general outline of totalitarian power, see thread 5:
"The Levels of the Agenda — Macro to Micro"

(Re-post and slightly re-worded from last thread)

The Overall Goals of the Totalitarians:

• World Serfdom; what they call the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", the "post-economic state", or the Western service economy; this is a movement to total control through "Sustainability", which is the merging of Environmental ("Green" policies), Social (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE)), and Economic/Governance controls. This is enforced through ESG, which captures businesses and governments under this totalizing plan.

• Massive depopulation; eugenics and dysgenics has been applied for generations in order to create slave groups (groups more likely to possess slave morality; a compliant, servile caste). These eugenics programs have in the last few decades more brazenly begun targeting Western groups which are likely to oppose this enslavement. Where famine and pestilence fail to wipe out billions, hot wars are to be used to push these target groups into destroying themselves while the totalitarians watch from "neutral" positions. A facet of this is mass-migration, which is used to collapse Western birth rates, out-pace integration/assimilation efforts, allow global education to further infiltrate, and cause migrants to out-breed their host populations.

• Medium-term (2030 – 2040 goals), the West collapses itself with "Green" energy policies while Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and a rising coalition of nations which includes Saudi Arabia (i.e., BRICS+) increase oil and nuclear production, vastly outpacing Western energy. The West finds that all of its energy then comes from BRICS+, with ESG being its ruin.

• Long-term (2040 – 2050 goals), the East and BRICS+ find that their destruction of the West was not actually their win; they too are infiltrated and were merely used to destroy the Western powers.

Totalitarian State Tools:

• Problem-reaction-solution — the totalitarian state seeds and creates problems, propagandizes the problems in the Zeitgeist, and offers "solutions" which expand totalitarian controls.

• Divide and Conquer Propaganda — false binaries of populism/conservativism versus progressiveness, left versus right, and oppressor versus oppressed. This is the government-led influence and funding of "Antifa" and "Nazi" groups; the seeding of threats which the government uses to justify the suppression of anti-totalitarian dissidents.

• Dissolution of Western Power — to effect total power, the global totalitarian order seeks to destroy the foundations of Western civilization; ideas such as liberty, individualism, anti-totalitarian gods, and private property are to be eroded in favor of carbon collectivism (the collective belief in a necessary self-policing of carbon) and perpetual serfdom under the oligarchs ("sustainability").

• Slave doctrines — Maoism, Marxism, Leninism, Hegelianism, socialism, and other slave dialectics are to be treated as an à la carte menu of control options. People have already begun going through struggle sessions such that they repeat the Party Dogmas.

The true binary is totalitarians versus the world, as no one should desire his or her own enslavement. A totalitarian movement would necessarily debase humanity into a species not fit for survival.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 06:48:18
Summary of Select Thread 7 (previous thread) Topics:
• "Let Women Speak" Tour and the Regime's new hatred of TERFs.
• White House and the totally Regime-owned Correspondents' Association (WHCA).
• Science journal openly speaks of population reduction as a goal of equity.
• People speculating on Trump vs. DeSantis and the question of which is less likely to be Regime-controlled.
• DNC's latest attempt at lawfare against Trump (Stormy Daniels).
• Trump lawyer calls for Bragg to be charged for felony-offense of leaking material to press.
• "60 Minutes" and anti-MTG propaganda techniques.
• CEO of Jewish Democratic Council of America overtly aligns with ESG and the broader totalitarian scheme.
• The question of Bolshevik infiltration of the U.S. military.
• "Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash"
• Budweiser boycott, "pay gap" logic, and the errors of the "Get woke, go broke" (false) viral claim.
• Tim Pool mistakenly thinks that "woke" is the result of algorithms; it's due to asset-manager funding.
• James Lindsay's gnosticism obsession as an evasion of slave morality and totalitarian god-making.
• U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosted BlackRock and other totalitarian supporters at the U.S.–Ukraine Partnership Forum.
• Navy celebrates its ability to trans the children of service-members without their knowledge.
• Celebration Parallax regarding Europe's culling of cattle herds to force vegetarian diets.
• Larry Fink's January 2023 Davos interview, revealing that 2023 will have to begin propagandizing ESG as a positive since more people are learning about it.
• New York Post releases article in April 2023 which Ramaswamy's points about ESG being a massive totalitarian scheme.
• James Lindsay summarizes the Marxist infiltration.
• Celebration Parallax regarding the Regime's changing of "cultural Marxism" into a "conspiracy theory".
• Two gay men self-emasculate to become fake lesbians who are still just two gay dudes.
• Charles III crowned amid speculations that he could be secretly based and begin purging the Bolsheviks.
• Biden and the impending FDR narrative that attempts to salvage his image; that or a55a55ination to rile up the reactionaries.
• Michael Knowles finally figures out what ESG is, publicizing Jim Jordan's subpoena of GARM.
• Biden DHS coordinates mass migration from both sides of the border.
• Biden and Bolshevism; the Bolsheviks using the "kulak" game again with their claims of a "white supremacy" threat.
• Jergul the Coward begins arguments in good faith, receives good faith, then starts with ad hominems, then shits his diaper, then claims that ad hominems used against his ad hominems is not cool, then resigns himself to being a conquered weakling who is totes okay to divest from politics due to his learning disability.
• Wtb shits the bed again, gets called out again for ignoring tw's massive psychosis thread-list, then changes tactics from "[Hur, hur, how can you make words and threads?]" to "[Hur, hur, it's not just the words, it's that they're 'OCD' since I can't read so many words]" — accidentally double-shitting the bed by admitting that consistent intellectual effort (an ability that he altogether lacks) can only be referred to as "OCD" in his pathetic shrinking world.
• ESG's absolute conquest of the Nordic nations.
• Larry Fink's address to CEOs trying to change the language about ESG so that his stakeholders do not realize that they're in a pyramid scheme.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 07:00:17
I saw clips of this but did not realize that this was an entire meeting specifically on the subject of ESG, so I'm bookmarking this for later:

"House Oversight Committee Holds Contentious Hearing Over Environment, Social, And Governance Policy"
[Forbes Breaking News; May 10th, 2023]
Directly from House dot gov here:

Some highlights include
• AOC (a puppet who was propped up by a Marxist NGO that literally recruited actors and personalities who would do whatever they wanted and taught them to be activist-"politicians"; see Mr. Reagan's video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h5iv6sECGU ) showing how completely clueless she is about ESG, and
• Raskin (Bolshevik, MD) predictably defending the ESG totalitarian strategy.

One of the talking points used by Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs (pro-ESG) in his pre-planned discussion with AOC, who clearly used his own talking points for his benefit, is that ESG is simply about reducing risk by planning on a longer term.

This is fucking insane and backwards, by the way. ESG allows people to plan on shorter and more insane time lines so long as they adopt ESG's governance standards. They can sacrifice almost all sense of shareholder value so long as they commit to *stakeholder* value, which more explicitly means that they have to commit to the anti-competitive pyramid scheme and then their losses will be shielded from the market. The downstream effect, of course, is that citizens get trillionaires throwing LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA propaganda thrown at them while Western governments destroy their energy to empower BRICS+.

"[Oh! But we're planning really far in advance for totalitarianism!]"

Oh sweet! Totalitarianism is fine so long as you plan ahead!! :|
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 07:02:20
Film review channel "Midnight's Edge" has continued posting videos explaining ESG, such as this one from May 28th:
"The Little Mermaid UNDERPERFORMS, Indiana Jones FLOPS, as Stakeholder Capitalism DESTROYS Disney"
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 07:10:17
I responded in the comments there and also expanded in this article:
"Disney's ESG History
"Tracing Disney to the Obvious Conclusion: 2004"

The short version is that Disney's adoption of ESG is not new; they adopted it in 2007/2008 under the title of "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR), which is the exact same thing. Disney did this very shortly after the 2004 asset-manager coalition created it and right on cue for the 2008 collapse.

The 2008 collapse was created and used as a major vehicle to capture businesses with ESG, since the 2008 market vulnerability had most corporations looking for investment relief. Sure enough, the asset managers who caused the collapse, who had just been bailed out by the government, and who were fed Dodd–Frank to allow them to do whatever they wanted going forward.. were able to capture these corporations at this time.

Another way to look at it is that the asset manager executives had just gotten big fucking payouts and all of their CEO friends in regular corporations were looking for their piece of the action.

Noting that Disney's capture happened much earlier is important for pointing out that Disney's Star Wars productions were a result of ESG — not just coincidental proto-ESG films. Disney has been at this for a while, and ESG has been behind it for quite some time.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 07:14:37
I also responded there with something that I'll slightly change for here:

Is "Get woke, go broke" true?

"Get woke, go broke" is not how ESG functions; that phrase is a misunderstanding that went viral.

ESG businesses get paid significantly to adopt global governance practices — and not necessarily by consumers.
Their major sources of income are..
1) Investments from other ESG companies (a pool of CEO and corporate wealth)
2) Investments from ESG asset managers (BlackRock, Vanguard, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, etc.)
3) Subsidies and direct investments from government ("Green" subsidies and initiatives, DEI investments, EPA investments, etc.)
4) Customers

If an independent company reformats its corporate governance to comply with ESG, it is almost guaranteed survival. This is because "too big to fail" is baked into compliance with ESG due to its history with government enabling under Dodd–Frank ("remedy" of the 2008 collapse), under 2011 EO 13583, etc.

In other words, ESG-compliant businesses get paid more by ESG than they lose from customer boycotts so long as they have high ESG ratings and are designated an important business.
If they "get woke", they are financially assured that they cannot and will not "go broke".

The way that this functions is through..
• ESG's anti-competitive strategy
• ESG's pyramid scheme
• ESG's protection racket

In more detail:
• ESG's anti-competitive strategy is that businesses that do not adopt ESG are targeted for destruction by the asset managers. BlackRock, for instance, forced Exxon's compliance by infiltrating its board with three of their own pro-ESG executives. The asset managers have also used tactics such as paying unions to cause problems in non-ESG businesses, paying media to smear businesses that did not comply, and leveraging a system of NGOs to manufacture "grassroots" activism. And at the government level, businesses that do not adopt "sustainability" reporting are heavily taxed into compliance.
• ESG's pyramid scheme is that it needs more and more businesses to adopt ESG to cover any losses brought on by a failed ESG venture. So, for instance, in the case of Budweiser and Target's recent failures, ESG can cover those losses by leveraging assets gained from infiltrating the wider market.
• ESG's protection racket is that it protects businesses from its own attacks so long as they join the racket. They sell businesses ESG not only as protection from the market but as protection from the asset managers themselves. They ruin businesses that do not comply, and reward businesses that do comply.

The dark aspect of this is that in a total-system monopoly such as this, when the bottom falls out of the pyramid scheme, the result is catastrophic economic failures across all ESG businesses and nations. This is because if too many of these ESG businesses post consumer-side losses, the asset managers can no longer support the scheme, the government hyper-inflates to cover, and all businesses collapse simultaneously.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 07:31:11
In other news, delegates from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) are meeting in South Africa on June 1st, 2023 for BRICS 2023:

Putin will likely not be in attendance due to international laws which South Africa currently must observe which technically require them to arrest him for "war crimes", but this event is incredibly notable because many BRICS hopefuls are going to be in attendance discussing how they can consolidate wealth and protect themselves from the ESG West's collapse.

Saudi Arabia has been flirting hard with BRICS for a while, so that is the major one to watch. They have outright contradicted Biden's attempts to integrate into the ESG/DIE West while comically accepting the West's bribes, but an oil-rich nation *obviously* is not going to play into an anti-competitive strategy designed to *destroy* oil producers, so Saudi Arabia is essentially a BRICS nation in all aspects except those which upset bureaucrats.

Even so, the "theme and priorities" section of BRICS 2023 includes the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which constitute the ideological backbone of ESG.
So, it is worth pointing out that while BRICS' peripheral nations often pretend to appease the ESG/DIE scheme, their *actual* corporate governance is *not* accepting these as actionable policies. They are simply playing both sides by feigning adoption to siphon the West's money. They attract ESG/DIE investors who foolishly think that they can steal from the great bird's nest.

We are essentially talking about phased disarmament with energy, but one player (BRICS) is not stepping down its disarmament at anywhere near the pace as the ESG West. And what happens when BRICS is left holding two pistols and the West is backwards and prostrate before an abyss? Nothing good for the West.
Wed May 31 07:31:12
Don't worry, we can just avoid all this "simply by moving to a virgin territory". :)
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 16:05:45
Totally! ;)
Regular people can just move to Galt’s Gulch and live independent lives!.. oh.. except that we’re all being moved into a resource-based economy, and anyone who has a resource — including water — has a “currency” which therefore must be seized and managed by the asset managers. D:

Oh, watching this full House Committee is scary. Raskin outright *lies* about ESG, saying it’s just “data”, and the Illinois attorney general floats a scary proposal: that, “actually”, *not* accepting ESG is against fiduciary duties and should therefore be illegal. He infers this in the middle of questions about whether or not businesses actually have a choice regarding the acceptance of ESG, so they’re clearly doing the Regime’s doublethink.
Wed May 31 16:21:35
"Galt’s Gulch"

Oh that is a good one :D Where do you even start? Imagine you need to explain to someone that the moon isn't made of cheese. You can technically explain it, not that difficult, the fundamental problem is that you need to explain it in the first place.

"Oh, watching this full House Committee is scary. Raskin outright *lies* about ESG, saying it’s just “data”"

lol yea and cancer is just some "cells". Nothing to worry about. Do you think there is a chance he is just uninformed, or is he compromised and bought?
Wed May 31 16:48:27
"lol yea and cancer is just some "cells"."

Not sure if this was intentional or not, but if so nice burn of Raskin lol
Cherub Cow
Wed May 31 19:36:03
“Nice burn of Raskin lol”

Lol, yeah. And it could not have happened to a more deserving person.

“Do you think there is a chance he is just uninformed, or is he compromised and bought?”

Raskin consistently comes up when there are outright malicious Regime policies. He’s one of the ones who wants the Electoral College abolished, and he was trying to use the January 6th committee to remove the legal ability of the U.S. VP to return votes to the states. He’s also a Harvard grad, and unlike, say, AOC, he seems much more intentional and consistent. I think he’s Inner Party Bolshevik, actively and intentionally making policies that consolidate federal powers. So, I don’t trust that he just doesn’t know what ESG is. I think he knows and is just trying to deceive the public to buy it more time.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 01 05:17:48
The May 29th, 2020, Left-Wing Terror Attack on the White House

I was going to make a thread on the day, but just wanted to point out that on May 29th, 2020, left-wing domestic terrorists of the DNC–Bolshevik Party attempted to storm the White House in Washington D.C., burning down private and public property, injuring police and Secret Service Agents, creating an effigy of Trump and with it staging a mock guillotine-execution, and posing such a significant threat to White House security that the Secret Service deemed it necessary to evacuate then President Donald Trump into the White House's most secure bunker.

The response by the Bolsheviks was a propaganda campaign which mocked Trump for being impacted by this assault on the White House. The useful idiots were trained to call Trump "bunker bitch" in order to cushion them from the reality that they were taking part in an insurrection on behalf of the DNC–Bolsheviks.

It was through this left-wing terror attack and the BLM–DNC–Bolshevik Summer of Terrorist Violence that the Regime was able to demonstrate that it could continue domestic terrorism without repercussions, they owning an entire media and political apparatus which was willing and able to carry water for them. They were even able to re-name and label in graffiti the street of their terror violence "Black Lives Matter Plaza" — a name which remains to this day.

These left-wing terrorists attacked the White House, and their violence was blamed on Trump.
This is repressive tolerance.
This is anarcho-tyranny.
This is the Regime flexing its power to show the new hierarchy.
Thu Jun 01 07:02:11
lol It was an accident, I swear. I had no idea.
Thu Jun 01 15:09:19
Biden almost died again today.
Thu Jun 01 15:23:40

Thu Jun 01 15:53:54
Someone had put a bag full of sand on the stage. It’s almost as if someone wanted Biden to trip, fall and die.
Fri Jun 02 04:21:31
I think Secret Service has spent so many decades preparing for all kinds of exotic threats, that they have forgotten all the mundane ways the world is a threat to an 80 year old. You know, like a bag of sand, or riding a bike.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 02 04:35:32
That's his best fall yet. This guy just keeps finding ways to let gravity win.

The FDR propaganda narrative they've been prepping about that "[diaper-pooping old guy] who knew that his body was giving out but who also knew that he had an obligation to 'our democracy'" is going to be really annoying.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 02 06:05:26
Interesting detail on that bike dispute in NYC (the so-called "Bike Karen" non-story):
"This is missing a big part of the story: e-bikes are free if they’re the only bikes at the station. They dock the bikes, wait for people to come along, find them camping on the e-bikes, and give up and take a regular bike. That’s why they camped for 40 min before undocking again."

For those not up on the story, "Actual Justice Warrior" did a rundown when this first occurred:
"Bike "Karen" Did Nothing Wrong"
[May 18th, 2023]
(He also did a bunch of follow-up videos)

Short version of AJW video:
• Pregnant woman leaves work, goes to bike-share booth, scans a bike, and then has [five?] urban youths try to take the bike from her.
• The youths gaslight her, swear at her, restrain the bike, and try to say that it's their bike.
• They prevent her from scanning the barcode which would allow her to return the bike.
• They initially try to stop her from re-docking the bike.
• NBC News uses this as a racialist strategy event, trying to make the woman appear to be in the wrong and making this into a national story.

The left-wing psychosis accounts had some comically absurd counter-narratives, but that's not my focus here.

One of the things revealed — supposedly by the main thief's own sister (she claims to be his sister in an explanation video) — is that the thief had ridden the bike to that location, docked it for 40 minutes, and then un-docked it after the altercation (i.e., on his account). This was supposed to be "proof" of no wrongdoing, but it just verified that the woman was indeed in possession of the bike when the group tried to take it from her.

So, to the interesting detail:
Why did they want *this* bike and why were they gaining possession of bikes under their own accounts? (I.e., the video shows them trying to take her bike, but there were others, and they checked out the bike after it was re-docked, so the scam is not immediately apparent.)

Citi-bike E-bikes are currently new/rare. The five boys were blocking access to all of the e-Bikes at the docking station (they had collected e-bikes from other stations). They were doing this because their welfare cards give them a discount on bikes but limits the rides to 45 minutes, so they re-docked within 45 minutes to reset the discount.

And, as the comment at the outset mentions, if there are *only* e-bikes at a station, then the ride is free (this is because e-bikes are more expensive, so the ride-share program figures that if they "corner" people into an e-bike, they should discount the ride).

So, the youths were intentionally blocking access to all of the e-bikes while waiting for people to take the normal bikes so that they could get free rides.

Before the video, this pregnant woman, wanting an e-bike, asked each of them in turn if they could move off of the docked bikes. She even pointed out that, yes, she is pregnant, and an e-bike would make her ride easier. Despite having no rights to the bikes, and despite not using them currently, they each declined. She scanned the one e-bike that was least guarded, and that initiated their video. After the video, she then scans the last non-e-bike, which makes all of their e-bikes free, so they leave with free bikes.

Pretty fucked up.

What's sad is that the left-psychosis people defending this (e.g., the sister) claim "squatter's rights" or claim that "dibs" is a real thing in public spaces. The News One article even tries to legitimize their claim that they have a personal connection with the bikes by quoting Hasan (Hasan is called "Michael" in the article), "It’s like my car".

Completely absent from the article is the fact that these kids were using physical intimidation to prevent people from using public items so that they could manipulate the bike system into giving them free rides.
Fri Jun 02 06:22:38
Oof, these little dramas end up having relatively complicated explanations, that take some time after the incident, to arrive at the truth and fore it to spread. The average sheep zoned out ages ago, they saw what they wanted to see in the first video. And that is true regardless of which way this would have landed.

Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 04 04:00:39
That's always unfortunate. The bigger grifters will move in while the story is fresh, then disappear when details emerge. That's a big problem with why so many news vloggers end up saying the exact same thing: they just want to stick to the latest 24-hour outrage. I've complained in particular about Liberal Hivemind and Critical Drinker for this. They're so addicted to rapid video releases that they fall way behind on the reasons behind their complaints.

In other news, Twitter user Lisa Logan points out another dimension of the ESG scheme's use of LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA propaganda:

Logan links to a November 2019 video wherein Beth A. Brooke-Marciniak of Ernst & Young appears at a conference held by "Business for Social Responsibility" (BSR; a "sustainability" racket which seems to coach world businesses into the ESG scheme https://www.bsr.org/ ) talks about a UN–WEF–Corporation–Government power merger to fund and boost LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA groups and to generate corporate policies which force businesses to adopt Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE):

So what's new, right? lulz

This is just a potent example of the Celebration Parallax at work.
You could explain that the UN is collaborating with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and global governments to force businesses to adopt Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) so that the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are mass-adopted by all nations whether or not their people want them as a bypass to law, constitutions, or sovereignty in what amounts to global totalitarianism...

and if you agree, then that's fine and true.
and if you disagree, this is a conspiracy theory.

Yet here is an executive with direct ties to all of it explaining it openly.
The same players, over and over again:
• UN's SDGs
• WEF / Davos
• Western governments
• Corporations
• U.S. Department of Defense / State / the Treasury

And add to the mix another NGO..
• The Partnership for Global LGBTIQ+ Equality (PGLE; https://www.global-lgbti.org/ )

You have to hand it to the asset managers, terrible as they are. The strategy was just too simple from their position: use the West's wealth to fund its own destruction by using all of its investments in whatever way totalitarian oligarchs see fit — all other considerations secondary. Crew expendable.

Just imagine all of the West's generations of work, pooled under Larry Fink's control via his aptly named "Aladdin" A.I. program (i.e., a thief with a vision), and suddenly, the god that the West was building through its values is hijacked into whichever Death God to which Fink prays. Your very "nest egg" poisoned into animating death and devouring its own nest like Arthur's Mordred.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 04 09:29:36
On the "Rebels" Absorbed by the Asset Managers

Looking past the fact that the entire "woke" movement is funded by trillionaire asset managers and that its entire success in the public consciousness is therefore the direct consequence of weak consciousnesses tacitly (albeit intuitively) accepting the directives of an external power structure,

..it is still worth pointing out *why* the so-called "rebels" of, say, the '60s, '70s, '80s, and '90s so commonly became so totally aligned with today's rising totalitarian powers. Would they, in the years before this asset manager trick, not have preferred to reject the corporate messaging and instead embrace the core idea of the unaffected individual living apart from the mandates of bankers who are merely using them to enable easier worldwide trade?

Or, more simply, why would the rebels of the past so totally align with the corporations that they formerly professed to hating?

Firstly, there is doublethink here. Many of these former "rebels" believe that corporations are evil, but they simultaneously believe that corporations are finally obeying a popular mandate.

Secondly, these "rebels" were very fake in a sense — "posers" some would say. These are the sorts of people who believe that rebellion is sold by Hot Topic. Without having a sense of the "real" or, as Walter Benjamin might say, a sense of an object's "aura", their passions can be displaced by simulations in the world of the infinitely reproducible. Upgrading phones has taught them that their "identity" is the copied files rather than the hardware, though even those copied files deceive them as software distorts their perceptions with each upgrade.

Lastly, we arrive at Ted Kaczynski:
"So, in a nutshell, the System's neatest trick is this:
• For the sake of its own efficiency and security, the System needs to bring about deep and radical social changes to match the changed conditions resulting from technological progress.
• The frustration of life under the circumstances imposed by the System leads to rebellious impulses.
• Rebellious impulses are co-opted by the System in the service of the social changes it requires; activists "rebel" against the old and outmoded values that are no longer of use to the System and in favor of the new values that the System needs us to accept.
• In this way rebellious impulses, which otherwise might have been dangerous to the System, are given an outlet that is not only harmless to the System, but useful to it.
• Much of the public resentment resulting from the imposition of social changes is drawn away from the System and its institutions and is directed instead at the radicals who spearhead the social changes."

This mirrors the layered systems of control spoken of by the Architect in the Matrix (i.e., that the "rebellion" of Zion was merely the reconciling of a predictable fringe group which could be controlled in turn). This is also consistent with the Frankfurt School's work on the "culture industry" (Adorno), wherein any former "rebellion" can be merged into the totalizing system in order to incorporate the rebellion into the system's intended direction.

Brought plainly to LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA discourse, we see the fruits of this.

A requirement of the current system under these asset managers is that the world must be eradicated of sex as a meaningful impulse. Praising trans abominations is just the necessary technological leap of this, with complex societies demanding more eunuchs and disposable castes. More importantly, people who believe that sexual characteristics are mutable/Protean possess the same consumer dysfunction as the poser — seeing "rebellion" in Hot Topic and seeing "rebellion" in permanent disfigurement and surgical emasculation.

And in the system's trick, these people want to rebel against the corporations, but the system tells them that rebellion is the very self-emasculation that the corporations demand of them. For the "rebels", "rebellion" is indeed Hot Topic: a corporate consolidation under "Sycamore Partners", the same owner whose holdings include Staples, Ann Taylor, and Express. "Rebellion" is the new trans craze, brought to you by Pfizer and HCA Healthcare.

The system demands that people accept LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA, and it absorbs "rebels" to support this. An entire system of virtue-signaling already prepared the left to suspend its gag reflex such that the sight of a man covered in makeup pretending to be a woman is to them no different than the genuine article. This is "rebellion", brought to you by BlackRock.
Sun Jun 04 10:14:11

A word to the wise. Regardless of merit or demerit, no one ever changed people's hearts and minds by quoting the Unabomber.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 05 02:57:46
Not necessarily:

"Were the Unabomber’s Predictions About Technology Correct?"
[Joe Rogan Experience Clips; January 7th, 2020]

His works are also published and available on Amazon, including his 2016 book, and have generally positive reviews.

Though there is something to say about building an audience. I think this is a big part of why people like Critical Drinker can offer nothing of substance but have 1.6 million subscribers. He will never talk about forbidden subjects, and he will not talk about ESG until it's safe, despite the fact that it's the central reason that he's caught in a loop of having the same complaints about movies and media over and over again.

But, anyways, my SubStack tends to be more formal. I just thought it was interesting for here on UP that Kaczynski was saying the same things that were covered in the Frankfurt School and the Matrix. And it should go without saying that I do not subscribe to his methods or his accelerationism. I'll again remind that victory here is a matter of defeating Regime propaganda, and that has to be done with culture.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 06 00:38:56
Comey, who is a traitor to the United States following the malicious forgery of documents in a scheme to de-legitimize an anti-Regime president, is worried about "retribution" if Trump were to enforce the law against Democrats and corrupt FBI officials in the event of a 2024 win:
["Inside [] Jen Psaki['s poison hole]"; MSNBC; June 4th, 2023]

"It's afraid."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 06 01:27:30
This is a bold claim by Florida Rep Anna Paulina Luna (R):
"Just left meeting for House Oversight. The @FBI is afraid their informant will be killed if unmasked, based on the info he has brought forward about the Biden family."
[Rep Luna; June 5th, 2023]

Could this be the GOP version of Adam Schiff? I.e., is she leaving the SCIF knowing that no one is allowed to leak actual information and is lying out of her ass with innuendo to get her short-term political goals realized?
Honestly, probably so, yeah. She's up for reelection in 2024.

Post Millennial did a writeup which includes a contradictory quotation by Luna:

"but also to that we I think, do a housecleaning within our DOJ because as you had stated earlier, they are protecting this family, the FBI is protecting the Hunter Biden family, and it’s not okay,"

See the contradiction?

Either the FBI is protecting a source who can burn the Biden crime family, *or* the FBI is protecting the Biden family. Which is it?

This could be a distinction between FBI factions, of course (i.e., "Which is it?" assumes a monolithic FBI). I pointed out in August 2022 that Merrick Garland likely is not in control of the FBI:
"What if Newsweek were correct that "Garland had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the specific raid, nor was he asked to approve it", and his admission was a "Sum of All Fears" gambit: claiming responsibility to hide the presence of a rogue element."

So, the source may have become a whistleblower to a non-corrupt section of the FBI, and the FBI at large would want him dead for it. If so, we'd see the FBI pressure the media or use its ownership of NBC to unmask the whistleblower. That's not a direct causality, though, since the Regime is motivated to unmask *any* whistleblower to produce its mandatory "chilling effect" on anti-Regime speech.

At any rate, the only real question is whether or not the whistleblower's information will check out, and that's a coin flip that the Regime wins in either outcome. One side of the coin is that it won't because it's just GOP electioneering, and the other side is that it will because the DNC is still trying to crash Biden's chances so that they can seed a Biden replacement (e.g., Hakeem Jeffries):
"So then..
1) Biden faces manufactured scandal.
2) Semi-related scandal used on VP Harris.
3) VP Harris resigns.
4) Harris' replacement is appointed by Biden — most likely Hakeem Jeffries?
5) Biden resigns.
6) Hakeem Jeffries assumes the presidency.
7) Same Total State, new face."
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 07 05:31:31
James Lindsay has been highlighting this on his Twitter (e.g., https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1666150238585749517 ), but here is the 2023 "Corporate Equality Index Criteria":
[Human Rights Campaign dot org; January 27th, 2022]

For people who know ESG, this is nothing new. I have pointed out here repeatedly that the social imperatives of ESG include Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) which places an umbrella over LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA activities. The Corporate Equality Index is merely the way that ESG's DIE compliance is scored.

That said, some of the items in the list should raise eyebrows. (I remind that businesses that fulfill ESG's indexing criteria get larger investments from the scheme):

"Businesses must demonstrate ongoing LGBTQ+ specific engagement that extends across the firm, including at least five of the following:
• LGBTQ employee recruitment efforts with demonstrated reach of LGBTQ+ applicants (required documentation may include a short summary of the event or an estimation of the number of candidates reached)
• Supplier diversity program with demonstrated effort to include certified LGBTQ+ suppliers
• Marketing or advertising to LGBTQ consumers (e.g.: advertising with LGBTQ+ content, advertising in LGBTQ media or sponsoring LGBTQ organizations and events)
• Philanthropic support of at least one LGBTQ+ organization or event (e.g.: financial, in kind or pro bono support)
• Demonstrated public support for LGBTQ+ equality under the law through local, state or federal legislation or initiatives"

That is, this is how ESG forces businesses to support..
• the artificial hiring and prioritization of LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA persons,
• Regime-friendly supply lines (i.e., supplies from infiltrated/ESG businesses),
• propaganda which normalizes LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA,
• NGOs that are favorable to this Regime messaging,
• compliance and endorsement of LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA laws

Further, this ESG capture extends to medical services, which was something that came up a lot when I was looking at the CMS shot-mandate's revisions in the mandate litigation thread. This capture extended DIE requirements in hospitals that accept federal funding (which is basically all of them).

As an extension of this, for ESG benefits, businesses are required to support the "Healthcare Equality Index" within their health benefits options, and hospitals similarly must support these services.

To rate points under the scheme,
"Covered benefits must include
• Mental health counseling
• Hormone replacement therapy
• Routine doctor’s visits and lab testing
• Surgical procedures
• Paid short-term leave (whether employer
provided or employer purchased)"

Specific to the "surgical procedures" section, HRC sub-divides further:
[Human Rights Campaign Foundation; The Look Forward; 2023 CEI Educational Series]
"Coverage of at least 5 of the following additional essential services and treatments (10 points)
● Hair removal required for reconstructive surgery
● Hair removal, such as electrolysis, laser treatment, etc. (Not as a part of reconstructive surgery)
● Tracheal shave/reduction
● Facial feminization surgeries
● Voice modification surgery
● Voice modification therapy
● Lipoplasty/filling for body masculinization or feminization
● Travel and lodging expenses"

In other words, ESG's health requirements for businesses and hospitals include the funding and expansion of emasculation and sterilization programs. To gain investment points from the ESG scheme, businesses must fund propaganda, services, and other ESG businesses/NGOs.

In effect, the asset managers are using tax-payer investments (e.g., 401(k) plans), corporations, NGOs, governments, and educators to expand programs which reduce, demoralize, and degrade their national populations.

The consistent theme arrives again: they are getting Western governments and businesses to pay to destroy themselves.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 07 07:14:04
Interesting claim by Julie Kelly:
"Exclusive: I spoke with Ryan Samsel, the J6 protester at the first exterior breach of the Capitol.
Ray Epps whispered something to Samsel before he helped knock down a barrier.
“[Epps] said to me, ‘Don’t pull. I’ve got people. We have to push through.’”"
[June 6th, 2023]

I wrote about Ray Epps here, and Samsel comes up:
(This article contains most of the facts we know about Ray Epps, though not all, such as miscellaneous video of him in a golf cart near his property taken by stalkers and some somewhat recent details, such as his "60 Minutes" appearance ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHEEGxQKg20 ).)

As Kelly mentions,
"This appears to contradict Samsel’s original statement to FBI But there’s no doubt DOJ, media, Dems are “protecting Epps” as Samsel told me."

Samsel's January 2022 testimony, corroborated by Epps in Epps' November 2021 testimony before a House Committee, is that Epps whispered into Samsel's ear, "Dude, relax, the cops are doing their job."

So, in response, Kelly claims,
"Samsel said DOJ tried to coerce him into saying Epps tried to calm the situation."

As I discus in the article, it is somewhat difficult to parse Epps' details from reality and the Regime's strange kindness towards him; the strangest thing with Epps continues to be how much the Regime *supports* him as a wrongful martyr by the right. Even in the Committee Hearing, they fail to call Epps on obvious distortions and lies, and they even *coach* him into better answers. This, obviously, was not done for other January 6th defendants, who saw far worse prosecution and far less consideration than Epps' tame interviews and his sympathetic propaganda appearance on "60 Minutes".

This brings me back to my previous conclusion: that Epps became a useful propaganda shield for the Regime. They could..
• use him to claim that the right is betraying one of its own,
• use him as a case study of the right policing its image by calling anyone who is inconvenient "a fed", and
• thus continue with its claims that feds "never" infiltrate or provoke right-wing groups into action.

Having such a propaganda device would make it worth it to the Regime to not prosecute Epps. His appearance on "60 Minutes" would even be part of that no-prosecution deal.

That said, Samsel may just be jumping on the "Epps=fed" narrative and recanting his previous statement to garner support from the right, but this itself is a big issue when it comes to claims of coerced testimony. Samsel would have to explain why he was coerced then — with less jailtime under his belt — versus telling the truth now, with his situation having become more dire. It is always *far* easier for prosecutors to deal with changed testimony than for defendants to claim coerced testimony. The caveat would be if Samsel's testimony were recorded, which would allow the FBI's questioning to be examined.

Kelly ends by saying that Samsel's trial "is now set for October. That means he’ll be in jail nearly 3 years before he can defend himself in court."

That itself is a statement: the American Gulag is real. Samsel has been held for three years awaiting charges for assaulting an officer as part of a riot and impeding a legal process (charges: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/samsel-ryan ).

But additionally, Samsel's claims cannot be fully examined until October 2023, and, even then, the FBI has many protections keeping them from having to reveal the nature of the questions which prompted Samsel's "Dude, relax" corroboration. It is certainly believable that Epps would say, "We have to push through", given his behavior before and after the barricades, but, again, the FBI has a superior position.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 08 06:20:53
Completely aside:
(Questions of becoming a public figure, growing a SubStack audience, accepting payments)

I've been picking up more SubStack subscribers, and my understanding of how SubStack works *was* (i.e., previously) that you only monetize it or accept donations up front (i.e., you have to put buttons and provide those options). That said, my intention with using SubStack was to provide free articles with no expectation of payment or donation at any point, so I never even put "subscribe" buttons much less payment buttons. SubStack was to me basically just the new trendy Tumblr directed at journalist-types, and I already have a Tumblr, so extending to SubStack was just about keeping my movie reviews separate from my cultural critiques and using a site that is more current; SubStack links are easy clicks.

But, I received a SubStack notification explaining that someone had offered me a monthly fee as a donation for my work (not a scam, I promise). That is, they're offering to pay me repeatedly/regularly even though I'm not asking for money and did not provide a donation option. SubStack just allows people to make that request, apparently.

I've been thinking about this for a couple of days, and I'm not really sure how to go ahead.

Hilariously, SubStack has a page that goes into this question of "Should I let people pay me for this?", but you have to read it knowing that SubStack gets a commission off of every subscription:
"Get comfortable with getting paid. Your readers will support you if they love your work. If you put yourself in the mindset of a consumer, supporting artists that you love, remember that’s who you are for your readers."

That's definitely a good argument, and I definitely try to give money directly to the creators I like rather than just letting studios or third parties get fees, but it just seems like a strange hurdle for me.


In thread-related news, I'm working on a very long review of the legal arguments being made for and against ESG. I wish I had more free time for this. :/
Sat Jun 10 13:35:49
Has anyone seen this

Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 11 06:59:16
Absolutely disgusting behavior by Biden, and it's a good reminder of thread 1 clips:

And a reminder that before Biden announced, I pointed out that all the opposition had to do to beat him was run clips of him being a creepy pedo every day before the election.

They did not do this because they are controlled opposition.

Further, Biden's political "successes" as a puppet are very likely the result of decades of sexual blackmail being used against him. The Regime *knows* that he is a pedo, but he is a pedo under their thumb.

The Regime has a long history of creating puppets through sexual blackmail. They entrap sickos such as the Clintons, Bill Gates, and Charles III and then force policy changes within target nations. Whitney Webb chronicles this in "One Nation Under Blackmail" (2022), which uses open sources to point out hundreds of these connections to Epstein blackmail network and the State's knowing use of Epstein to entangle people in the worlds of finance, government, and the corporate.
Sun Jun 11 07:42:46
The United States has officially been conquered:


Nice of the senile idiot's handlers to put American flags to the SIDES of the fag flag. By the rules of flying the US flag, the administration is signaling that this country is actually ruled by the LGBT mafia.

I guess in a sense they're merely acknowledging reality. Pride is basically a state religion at this point.
Sun Jun 11 08:04:32
A bit off topic for this thread, but there was a gay pride parade in my city yesterday.

The amount of spectators who bring young children to such events is shocking. Gay pride parades are by definition devoted to the subject of who people like to fuck, and many of the participants engage in thoroughly adult and lewd behavior, from dressing scantily to committing simulated sex acts on each other.

These parents may as well be showing softcore porn to their kids.

Why the insistence on bringing young children to these events? What are the values that we as a society are seeking to instill in them? "Humping on other people is great, and when two people of the same gender do it it is a joyous act to be celebrated with bright rainbows and boisterous parades?"

What the actual literal fuck is wrong with this country?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 11 08:08:56
It really is.
We are being cultural-revolutioned hard.
Repeal Civil Rights Act *now*.

And this is probably not good either:
"George Soros Hands Control to His 37-Year-Old Son: ‘I’m More Political’
In his first interview as successor, Alex Soros says the family’s $25 billion philanthropic enterprise will boost its support for voting and abortion rights"
[Wall Street Journal; June 10th, 2023]
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 11 08:15:39
Oops, I sat on that comment too late; "it really is" was for "Pride is basically a state religion".

"The amount of spectators who bring young children to such events is shocking."

That's definitely something I do not get at an instinctual level. Even as a teenager, when events like that were going on I knew to stay away because it was sick and degenerate. I get *why* they do it (all the Regime propaganda about "inclusion"), but do they have no instinct or intuition? In the "Moral Foundations Theory" framework it's probably just that leftists lack any sense of purity.
Sun Jun 11 09:03:45
"George Soros Hands Control to His 37-Year-Old Son: ‘I’m More Political’

lol :)

I re-watched the Yuri Bezmenov interview the other day. Seemed more relevant than ever.

Here are all interviews and lectures with him.
Sun Jun 11 10:52:29
Not sure if this substack came up in these threads or if I saw it on twitter:

The Great Awokening as a Global Phenomenon

The striking synchronicity with which Great
Awokening terminology increased in news media worldwide


"Plotting some of the countries that appear to peak first in their usage of prejudice signifying terminology plus the United States, shows that American news media, on average, was not a pioneer in the increasing deployment of references to terms that signify prejudice and that other countries such as Sweden, Canada or Australia began to increase the deployment of prejudice denouncing terminology earlier than news media from the United States."

I told you Sweden is ground zero! Apparently one of three.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 11 15:52:07
You posted that last thread and we talked about it in relation to Tim Pool's "algorithm" error, but I'm not sure I caught that part about Sweden, Canada, and Australia.

That makes sense, though. They're rated very highly in totalitarian infiltration (G-Index). This sort of fell into my timeline after your post:
"Is this the real reason Sweden didn't take part in Lockdowns? Here’s my speculation."

Short version of her argument is that Sweden was an early adopter of the digital gulag architecture. They mass-adopted digital scanning on all levels, which for COVID included bio-tracking and those self-report apps that didn't quite catch on at scale in the States.

One comment lists quite a few services that have been adopted in Sweden:
"We have apps for Swish, BankID, 1177 and Kry, salary and tax filing, vehicle registration/parking/tolls/fines, SL, Visma, Klarna, BG. Self-scanning checkout since 2009 at ICA, then Coop and Willys. Blocket and Tradera validate w/BankID. McD/Foodora. We’re in deep with trust."

(Meanwhile, I don't even trust peer-to-peer payment apps.)

It comes back to them being a foolishly high-trust society. Sweden is #4 in trust-of-government, sharing a list with some of the current most-totalitarian governments:
1. Norway
2. Denmark
3. Canada
4. Sweden
5. Switzerland
6. Finland
7. New Zealand
8. Belgium
9. Netherlands
10. Australia

What "works" in inter-personal relationships between a homogeneous people can be totally exploited by an infiltrated governance structure. And infiltration was very much the strategy with this asset manager takeover. Even if a nation has many trustworthy people as an overall percentage, the asset manager strategy is to find the most exploitable people and place them in positions of power (e.g., ESG identifying and funding "ideal" candidates), allowing the country to be captured.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 11 15:52:11
In other news, Critical Drinker plagiarized more of my content.
I tagged him on my article here in December 2022:

Since then, he's made several videos that describe characters and use terms which I specifically used in the article. Yesterday he directly stole the idea I used about small characters being given absurd powers:
I commented there:
I am more and more convinced that Critical Drinker read the ESG article that I tagged him in on Twitter and is slowly plagiarizing it for his audience — minus the actual causality behind the "why", which he does not want to tell his audience.

And this has been a weird thing for Critical Drinker. He's in a position to *actually* explain why movies are bad (ESG), but he's just stealing the easy material. With channels such as Midnight's Edge releasing explanations, he'll start to look *very* slow if he continues to ignore just how pervasive ESG propaganda has become in movies.

How does someone who does so many movie reviews not know why these changes have occurred across cinema?
With him, I'm thinking that the answer is that he wants to stay in his lane and does not have the curiosity to get into the systems-level thinking required to understand these changes. He wants to just blame writers, not seeming to realize that writers in these big-budget studios are *selected*. Does he really think that billion-dollar studios don't have money for *writers*? They'll spend a billion dollars on animation, but there's a shortage of good *writers*? Lol, no.
Sun Jun 11 17:01:30
"With channels such as Midnight's Edge releasing explanations, he'll start to look *very* slow if he continues to ignore just how pervasive ESG propaganda has become in movies."

Um, what is your assertion for this? CD might not address DEI by name but like half of his videos (particularly on his After Hours channel) revolve about how DEI-inspired initiatives and mentalities have destroyed countless modern movies.

The other components of ESG are irrelevant for explaining why movies today suck, so obviously he doesn't address them.

If you're disappointed that his main channel videos aren't 3-hour long investigative pieces on the historic background of wokeness, then you're missing the point of his content. He makes short movie rants that are supposed to be comedic. Rants about Larry Fink and George Soros would 1) have little to do with his channel's subject (movie reviews) and 2) would run counter to his general content.

And as for the plagiarism charges, could I gently suggest that you may not be the only person who has these thoughts and ideas?

Yes, his content can get a tad repetitive (another Tatianna joke, how fresh). And yes, his rush to get content out can sometimes result in bad takes (The Watchman review being a prime example). But overall, he puts out a solid product which regularly features humorous if predictable takes.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 11 17:34:38
"The other components of ESG are irrelevant for explaining why movies today suck, so obviously he doesn't address them."

Not true. They are *highly* relevant, which is what I pointed out here:

ESG's financial and cultural imperatives are *directly* represented in cinema.

"And as for the plagiarism charges, could I gently suggest that you may not be the only person who has these thoughts and ideas?"

I've definitely considered that, so I'm not just jumping to conclusions here. The issue is that there's a *high* degree of specificity that he echoed only after I tagged him which marks a split between his previous descriptions. It's not just him saying, "This is woke!" and me saying, "He stole my idea!", it's specific examples and even the language that I use but which no one else is using.

I could point out the exact specifics, but the short version is that it would be like if I suddenly started talking about "Gnosticism" being behind everything directly after James Lindsay hyper-focused on it; it would be out of character and an obvious sampling of Lindsay's work.

"He makes short movie rants that are supposed to be comedic."

I get that, and no, I'm not expecting long videos. I know his pigeon hole. He does not have the mind for it (he's basically a retard), so I wouldn't expect him to show that level of commitment. My annoyance is that he is not using even his 10ish minutes to mention it, even though he clearly at least scanned my article. His same exact format could be maintained but summarize the entire issue in about one minute. His unwillingness to do this — even comedically — is a character limitation.

That said, I have to again say that I'm not throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Not everyone knows everything. He has his purpose. Even a bad movie can be enjoyed for its successful moments, and I get the appeal with him.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 13 03:37:41
Lotus Eaters had this video yesterday:
"No More Brother Wars"
[June 12th, 2023]
They focus on an uneasy alliance between Christians and Islam against the.. unnamed religion which pushes LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA policies on children, but I'm only bringing it up because Connor mentions that teenagers — despite all of the Regime's programming — are still well capable of rejecting propaganda.

I've mentioned this before, but yes, many teens still have a rational disgust reflect and can recognize corporate propaganda as alien and lame. The question is the game of percentages; i.e., the LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA propaganda *does* work on *enough* people.

More to the point, Connor mentions that this is like the "Breakfast Club" (1985) rebellion, where kids all recognize that their parents and authorities are messing up their lives. I posted this in response:

11:00 — (Breakfast Club in reverse)
That's actually a really good idea for an actual movie. Just imagine a modern Breakfast Club movie done in that way with the characters updated:
• brain — 4chan autist. Shows the others some open conspiracy charts in the fourth act.
• athlete — a female swimmer who is being pushed to be the best but cannot beat the T athletes and is thus not going to get a scholarship. In Saturday school because she refused to change in front of a T athlete.
• basket case — has to pretend to be T because her single mother has Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP). Flushes her T pills so she doesn't change. Keeps finding excuses to delay surgeries, such as lying to her parents and saying that she has Saturday school. Just wants to graduate so she can evade the medical state. Big reveal at the end when she gets to dress like a girl in front of her new friends. Is pretty sure that her parents are lying about being chosen.
• princess — e-thot. Obsessed with her subscriber count. Doesn't want to tell the others that there's no content behind her paywall, but she had to make an OF account to impress her friends.
• criminal — tortures other kids for not being "affirming" because he knows the school protects him. Goes to Antifa rallies because he's resentful. Is in Saturday school because a teacher saw him posting a positive comment under a Tucker Carlson clip.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 14 05:00:54
People have been calling out Fox for being controlled opposition for a long time, especially so after firing Tucker Carlson, not covering ESG, and being an ESG company, but...

[Actual Fox Chyron]: "Wannabe Dictator speaks at the White House after Having His Political Rival Arrested"

"Fox News labels Joe Biden a ‘wannabe dictator’ during Trump speech
"Fox was the only major cable news network to carry the former US president’s speech live following his arraignment hearing earlier in the day"
[The Guardian; June 13th, 2023]

It could have just been a single staffer in the producer's box throwing in a "This'll get me fired, but I don't care," joke, or it could have been the producer's own call (even more hilarious). I'm betting that a staffer will be fired for this, and Fox will go back to being controlled opposition. But! The white pill would be that they stand behind this truth and truly mean to oppose the Regime where they can (not on Hannity, of course).

The white pill would be consistent with them being the only ones to cover Trump's speech. Meanwhile, videos of Jake Tapper on the verge of tears have been circulating, showing him doing the Regime's tactic of "[I couldn't possibly look at counter-signalers to our propaganda! It would be so uncouth!]" before having his producers turn off Trump's post-court speech. This deprivation of the opposition's argument is again part of the Regime's repressive tolerance strategy and is a fixture of Marxist infiltration of media.

I mentioned this in the last thread, but a tenant of Marxist film theory is to not represent the "enemy" or to represent them incorrectly/poorly so that viewers do not know what actual power looks like and only accept the false presentation of it as mediated by the Marxists. Christopher Nolan's "Dunkirk" (2017) is a modern example of this. I am not necessarily calling Nolan a Marxist, but he employed this Marxist film technique in "Dunkirk" by never showing a Nazi. This comes directly from theory written about movies such as "Shoah" and "Schindler's List" and how the propaganda of these films could be adjusted for mass-messaging. I'm hoping to finish an article on that soon, but I'm still working on the article about the Regime's upcoming ESG propaganda.

At any rate, it's hilarious to run a Google search for the Chyron and to see Regime media shitting their diapers about it.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 14 05:01:06
(Would recommend)
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 17 20:01:12
"Greek migrant boat wreck may be Mediterranean’s ‘worst ever tragedy’ with hundreds still missing"
[CNN; June 17th, 2023]
Given the swim-skill rate of African migrants, it's pretty unlikely that any of the "missing" made it to shore.

"Daily Roman Updates" on Twitter has a funny response:
He basically points out that the 255 BC "Roman withdrawal from Africa" resulted in the loss of about 384 Roman warships due to a summer storm off the coast of Sicily — the point being that, by a warrior's reckoning, a migrant boat sinking is absolutely nothing compared to the loss of Roman vessels.

This also shows a huge disconnect between the Regime's perception of these invasion forces (i.e., "migrants") and what a sovereign nation with an intact survival instinct would consider them to be (i.e., invaders). Bureaucrats have their hands so tied with the lie of "universal human rights" (not a sovereign kind of rights but a globalist kind of rights which allow nations to be conquered) that they cannot simply sink the boats of any would-be invaders. In other words, these boats *should* be sunk, and invaders should fear passage over the Mediterranean. *That* would be a strong "immigration policy" — *not* more detention centers and processing facilities. Warships should patrol the Mediterranean with sink-on-sight rules of engagement for over-capacity ships. In the States, this could be echoed with sniper crews in the desert.

And of that Mediterranean passage: it is particularly notable that African-to-European migration routes fall along a predictable pattern:
[Economist dot com; 2016 Migration Patterns]

Why, for instance, would it be more logistically sound for a people who cannot swim to prioritize sea travel across the greatest stretches of the Mediterranean rather than rounding the eastern Mediterranean in a land route through Israel?

We know why.

Israel's political sovereignty is respected while the sovereignty of European nations is subject to "human rights violations". Would the International Organization for Migration (IOM), who called for "urgent and decisive action" (CNN article) make demands of Europe or of Israel? Of course not of Israel! Per the article as well as their website, the IOM is blaming the Greek Coast Guard for the boat's sinking, making a fallacious demand via the responsibility of rescue in international waters while ignoring the Coast Guard's technical inability to do so ( https://www.iom.int/news/iom-and-unhcr-call-decisive-action-following-mediterranean-tragedy ). And they state, "The EU must put safety and solidarity at the heart of its action in the Mediterranean."

The *EU* member states — not anyone else — bear responsibility, and this is a responsibility to save its invaders rather than itself. This is the result of bureaucracy and decades of lawfare which narrows their actions into a slow suicide.

Could we not build Paris' «arrondissement» migrant apartments on the planned site of Jerusalem's Third Temple? Would that not redeem Israel?

Of course, this is an old subject. The destabilization of the Middle East and Africa was seen as the looming threat by Winston Churchill and others as the Bolsheviks expanded through Russia and Europe. We are more than 100 years into the results of these predictable policies, where, even then, it was known that Zionism and a Jewish state would cause regional instability and subsequently mass migration to Europe. But this duty to Europe and free peoples was sold to the next generation for the convenience of 20th century policy-makers who wanted to appear benevolent in their times. But what good is the benevolence of traitors?
Sat Jun 17 22:44:23
Cherub's pyschopathic rants are embarassing. Truly a complete and total internet troll bereft of empathy ... saying any lie to blame others.
Sat Jun 17 23:25:40
Almost as embarrassing as lying about your social status.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 01:04:06
[Left-Wing Projection Bot]: "[tw's] pyschopathic rants are embarassing. Truly a complete and total internet troll bereft of empathy ... saying any lie to blame others."

Interesting, interesting.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 02:14:12
"Federal judge rules Massachusetts student's 'there are only two genders' T-shirt ‘invades the rights of others,’ is NOT protected by free speech"
[Post Millennial; June 18th, 2023]
""School administrators were well within their discretion to conclude that the statement 'THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS' may communicate that only two gender identities–male and female–are valid, and any others are invalid or nonexistent," the ruling said."

Post Millennial links the court document here:

The ruling points out a few key items:
• this is not merely dress-code enforcement, since other political t-shirts were allowed.
• the competing political positions *were* allowed (e.g., pro-pride messaging), and the defendant cited this as "impermissible viewpoint discrimination" (p7).
• connections are made to court cases of "bullying" (p6), but the defendant counters that there was no specific target (p10).
• the judge cites public schools' ability to suppress speech that is against its educational imperatives (p9).
• The issue of "protected classes" is raised (p9–10).

It basically boils down to this:
The Regime has control of the politics of education, so they can communicate their left-wing messages while stifling counter-claims by saying that left-wing messaging is "on-mission" and right-wing messaging is not. This means that they can push LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA propaganda while controlling opposition messaging towards their asymmetric control. That is, the right gets to talk to people one-on-one (the last domain of their free speech), but the left gets to place LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA flags everywhere, lie to students about biology, and send children up the grooming pipeline into the BigPharma and government capture of bodies.

"Protected class" legislation (e.g., Civil Rights Act) allows the Regime to Trojan-Horse its toxic ideology. It can designate dysfunctional people as "protected" then dare the opposition to apply Western reason to their delusions and immorality. The Regime did this most effectively through its reclassifying of gender dysphoria from a disorder (per pre-2013 DSM) into "psychological distress" (per DSM-V https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria ).

So, if these people are merely "distressed" rather than "disordered" then the state has a "clinical" reason to "treat" them through "affirmation" procedures (e.g., surgical emasculation, legal/social pressures). This allowed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to add the "trans" delusion under its umbrella of protections, makes way for "hate speech" law expansion, and hedges on a Supreme Court case to make the classification a federal requirement (this judicial need being one reason that the DNC wants to a55a55inate conservative judges and/or pack the Supreme Court).

All of this means allowing slave morality's repressive tolerance to become codified by law, at which point delusional people are legally allowed to treat their delusions as reality and to have the full force of the federal government protect those lies in the public sphere. Allowing these lies to promulgate allows the totalitarian government to keep lower castes from properly reconciling cause and consequence, which makes them more easily controlled by those who are allowed to properly reconcile cause and consequence (the deceptive oligarchs).

This legal infiltration also coaxes reactionaries into violence, which can be used to further propagandize totalitarian imperatives as "positives" and enable further totalitarian legal claims. Any single group or nation which acts against these "universal human rights" (the WEF/UN/Global claims on "rights" which are actually violations of any John Locke natural rights) can impel global coalitions to act against the sovereignty of these groups/nations.

For instance, Uganda was recently in the news for standing up to the global-totalitarian imperative of LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA expansionism, and for their laws they became a major target of Regime propaganda (e.g., NYT and WaPo https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/27/opinion/africa-homosexuality-illegal.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/02/uganda-africa-lgbt-intolerance-bill/ ).

The lynchpin of their arguments is not "empathy" — though that is what low-IQ useful idiots such as murder and Dukhat would believe — but is rather domination. The expansion of "universal human rights" allows world governments to infiltrate sovereign nations through pretext and manufactured consent. They get overly-emotional midwits such as Dukhat to believe that an important global imperative is...... protecting Ugandan "trans" people...... :| ..... yet Uganda's "crime" is not opposing natural rights but opposing the *Regime*.

"Trans" rights and "human rights" (again, a deceptive name) grant the Regime control of populations. This is why they push so hard for a population demo- that is such a small fraction of the larger population: control. They do not give a shit about the feelings of some small group, they simply need *any* minority group to act as a wedge of infiltration.

And what do they do with that infiltration?

In the case of this court case, they can indoctrinate students with unopposed left-wing global-totalitarian principles, while the right is silenced and made to look "low class".

In the case of Uganda, Uganda was opposing China's Belt-and-road expansion (something I pointed out in thread 4: http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=90310&time=1662987565167 ). Thus, for China to further infiltrate Uganda, they need to expand "human rights" for LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA citizens, since these slavish people will subsequently be placed in positions of power within Ugandan legislature ("pay gap" imperatives), erode Uganda's *actual* rights and sovereignty, and allow foreign occupation by the Chinese, who need Ugandan resources and railway projects to sell the West its "green" energy.

It's not that complicated:
• Erode nations with "human rights" policies,
• Replace a nation's leadership with slavish, globalist sycophants,
• Further destroy national sovereignty from these leadership positions,
• Simultaneously encourage cultural revolutions through this managerial state,
• Use the new governance documents of these nations to capture their resources and lands.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has recently been on Forbes clips for exposing this exact scheme under 2023 H.R. 3397:
[June 15th, 2023]

China is using its globalist sycophants to pass land-laws which would allow foreign powers to purchase lands in the United States. Just think of the strategy there:
• The West goes "green" by transferring all energy into a consumer/post-economic/resource-based economy which must purchase Chinese energy internationally in order to survive off of solar and wind locally.
• Simultaneously, the West passes laws which allow China to purchase lands in the United States which have rare-earth minerals that the West cannot mine itself due to environmental regulations.

That second point may have eluded some people.
Firstly, if regulations are *worse* (i.e., more preventative) for domestic rare-earth mining than domestic oil, then is it "green"?
Secondly, why is it that the United States possesses so many rare-earth minerals but does not mine them? Would it not be *more* "green" to mine in Alaska with EPA regulations rather than simply purchasing products from China?

Of fucking course! But one strategy (reliance on China) expands totalitarian power while the other does not (U.S. energy independence). And, hilariously, that land in the United States will likely get mined by China anyways, since a weakened West will end up becoming an economic zone controlled by Chinese multi-national corporations.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 06:10:14
Montana Reprepsentative Matt Rosendale points out that the IRS was able to seize firearms transaction forms from a gun shop in Montana:
"I met with Tom Vanhoose this morning after 20 armed IRS agents raided his store in Great Falls earlier this week.
Tom informed me that these agents confiscated all the 4473 forms, none of which contain any financial information; instead, the IRS now has access to these forms with sensitive personal details of every customer who purchased a firearm from Highwood Creek Outfitters."
[June 16th, 2023]

What's relevant here is that this is a kind of backdoor into firearms registries. It's even such an obvious issue that the original "Red Dawn" movie (1984) pointed it out:
It is typically illegal for states and the federal government to amass registries, but if they seize documents such as these then they can hold registries covertly. The ATF already does this with its National Tracing Center (NTC), and local bureaucracies have their own backdoors.

For instance, a DNC-owned state may not be able to outright bypass the Second Amendment, but after putting up road blocks for the purchase of firearms, they can pass laws which make it nearly impossible to carry firearms without it being illegal. One method is disallowing open carry and requiring permits for concealed carry. Looking past whether or not concealed carry should even require a permit (it shouldn't), the scheme here is that some states establish what amounts to registries for concealed carry permits, even requiring finger-printing and that one's address be kept up-to-date. These seem like soft tactics, and most people with no survival instinct see no problem.

But, if a government — captured by another government or malicious against its own citizens — were to desire the specific targeting of sovereign citizens or those suspected of having firearms, they could simply go to these pseudo-registries and have a target list. Given that the U.S. government has shown many signs of being captured already, IRS actions such as this do not amount to good omens. People in the comments are already pointing out the obvious: those 87,000 new IRS agents, whom only idiots believed were for targeting the rich, are amassing for tasks such as these.

Something to remember is that totalitarian states initially expand through bureaucracies, not necessarily through force. Seizing armed forces comes after every bureaucratic reprieve that the military could rely upon has itself been seized. The Soviet Bolsheviks, for instance, already controlled nearly all of the managerial state before it moved on to consolidating its generals. It had already used Soviet bureaucracy to place Bolshevik generals, and the remaining anti-Bolshevik generals found themselves swallowed up in unwinnable civil conflict.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 19:14:34
"Sam Bankman-Fried wins a small victory as prosecutors agree to withdraw 5 charges — but ask for a separate trial for these next year"
[Business Insider; June 15th, 2023]

People on the right such as Laura Loomer are trying to make this story sound like charges are being dropped against SBF, but it's more tactical than that: SBF's lawyers are tying up the courts with separated charges across jurisdictions to play the game of legal venues. They can fight one charge in the States and other charges internationally. This delays the results of the court proceedings, meaning that the Regime can hide their own role in SBF from the public until after the 2024 election. If the Regime wins in 2024, they can use further lawfare to protect SBF's connections with the Regime.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 20 06:44:56
I'm almost tired of the Early Life check being so accurate.

I was reviewing Vermont Rep. Becca Balint's time at the ESG Part II hearing, and she was being *incredibly* disingenuous, was lying, and was distorting. While writing up my article on these hearings, I was in the middle of typing out a question of whether or not she was ignorant of the issue or maliciously deceptive... but then decided to check her Wiki page.


Given the Regime's intentional promotion of political candidates who wish to collapse the West, I wonder again if people such as Balint are merely players of that strategy or willing participants. Was she selected like so many others because she wants to destroy the West, or is it more widely the merger of this motive *with* nepotism?

Given the early life checks on the asset managers, I think it must be both nepotism and resentment, with the nepotist asset managers promoting particularly resentful compatriots. Larry Fink's investment group, for instance, was known on Wall Street as "Little Israel" because of his open nepotism. It is worth looking into specifically how *he* found himself in a position to control assets under management from the ESG coalition following the 2008 crash. An itemized look at the original 2004 asset managers was for the next article, though, and I still need to wrap this one.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 01:30:23
"The House Votes to Censure Rep. Adam Schiff
"The House votes 213-209 on party lines, with 6 Republicans voting present, to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) over his comments regarding former President Trump's ties to Russia. The House Ethics Committee will now open an investigation into his conduct."
[C-SPAN dot org; June 22nd, 2023]
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 01:30:40
The document of censure is here:
[Congress dot gov; June 21st, 2023]
Key points:
• "Schiff ... occupied positions of extreme trust, affording him access to sensitive intelligence unavailable to most Members of Congress"
• "Schiff abused this trust by alleging he had evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed;"
• "Schiff has spread false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia;"
• "Steele Dossier" lies
• "memo justifying the accuracy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application on Trump associate Carter Page, of which was later found by Inspector General Horowitz to have 17 major mistakes and omissions, provoking FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer to state unequivocally that the Federal Bureau of Investigation “misled the FISC”;"
• "Schiff behaved dishonestly and dishonorably on many other occasions, including by publicly, falsely denying that his staff communicated with a whistleblower to launch the first impeachment of President Trump;"
• "Schiff misled the public by reading a false retelling of a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky;"
• "Schiff hindered the ability of the Intelligence Committee to fulfill its oversight responsibilities over the Intelligence Community, an indispensable pillar of our national security;"
• "Schiff misled the American people and brought disrepute upon the House of Representatives"
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 01:30:49
Schiff's lies were largely responsible for the Regime's false propaganda regarding the "Russia Collusion" hoax, with Schiff being a major player in the DNC Hoax Pattern, as elucidated by Scott Adams here:
• Start by leveraging "anonymous" sources.
• Initiate legal action for the appearance of legitimacy.
• Amplify "what if" (i.e., present speculations and smears as reality).
• Adam Schiff misinterprets and lies about original documents for effect.
• Draw out through the voting period the litigation process for propaganda effect.
• After the target election period has passed, finally enable investigations that can lead to actual information, which is ultimately uninteresting.
• Do not correct the useful idiots with the investigation's conclusions — their belief in the hoax is still useful.

The short of Schiff's part is that Schiff would go into the SCIF, read classified documents, and then lie via innuendo and distortion to the media about what existed in these documents. The downstream effect was that useful idiots such as tw would take the lies of people such as Schiff at face value and incorporate them into their already distorted world views.

Ironically, the role of the useful idiot has them trust overtly malicious people, such as the Bolsheviks Schiff, Schumer, Raskin, Nadler, Cohen, Porter, Balint, Magaziner, Feinstein, and Moskowitz. All of these people are actively against founding principles, seek to destroy the electoral college, want to abolish Second Amendment protections, and want to expand the power of the rising totalitarian state.

And they are treated as "trustworthy".
They are examples of treason in the American political system, and censure is not enough; and a braver era, they would have risen onto a scaffold above the national mall and would have been hanged by the neck until they were dead. The time for these things approaches and more people realize that we do indeed have malicious traitors in our midst.

Hilariously, in the Schiff video, you can see the DNC traitors chanting "Shame!"
I posted this comment elsewhere:
"It's always hilarious to see the left adopting the "Shame!" chant from Game of Thrones (GoT). They did the same at Pence in 2017, again when Minneapolis Mayor Frey refused to fully abolish the police in June 2020, again when activist-Democrats in Tennessee used the hate-crime deaths of six Christians by a trans murderer to break floor policies, and in many other mob instances.

The particular reason that this is hilarious is that when the "Shame!" chant was adopted post-GoT, it was done so without seeming to realize that the Sparrows in GoT were villains in that scene. This was not about Cersei Lannister finally being punished for mis-deeds, this was about a slave-morality cult attacking anyone with power so that they alone could seize power and destroy society. "Shame!" is the chant of enslavers, and the DNC is adopting it, now at the highest levels."
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 23:55:34
Clips from today's White House Press Briefing have been making the rounds because both KJP and John Kirby were repeatedly asked by the Press Corps about an apparently authenticated text from Hunter Biden which described a scenario where Hunter claims to have been sitting next to his father while threatening action from Chinese officials:
[C-SPAN; June 23rd, 2023]
Text here:
[White House dot gov]

The oft-clipped portion occurs at 25:35, when Fox and Newsmax reporter James Rosen reads the entire text of the Hunter Biden message:
“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge, that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Rosen then follows-up:
"First, does this not undermine the President’s claim during the 2020 campaign, and the reaffirmations of that claim by his two press secretaries since then, that he never once discussed his son’s overseas business dealings with him?"

Kirby says, "No," (i.e., that it does *not* undermine Biden's claim) but refuses to elaborate further. This, again, is because the White House has played a game of legal obfuscation,
• referring the press to the White House Counsel,
• strategically limiting who can access the Counsel,
• having the Counsel refuse to answer "ongoing" questions.

In this way, the White House can pretend to be "transparent" while actually having the Press Corps spinning in useless circles.

Kirby does not answer Rosen's question about whether or not anyone can confirm Joe Biden's whereabouts at the time that the text message was sent by Hunter Biden, and just for being asked the question, Kirby flees the room.

Interestingly, after Kirby flees the room, Zeke Miller's audio fails, has to be corrected, and then KJP's audio malfunctions for a long enough period that one could presume a kind of NBA timeout was used to break up the pacing of opposition questioning. But, towards the end of the briefing (around 35 minutes), the gallery all returns to Hunter Biden and KJP is bombarded with questions and stonewalls.

People have long pointed out that whenever the Regime allows anti-Joe material to surface or be brought into the mainstream, it is likely as a way to push Biden into alignment or suggest to him that running in 2024 would be very "uncomfortable" for him. So, it is not that this question existed, it is that the White House was willing to call on a Newsmax reporter **at all** to risk the question, despite seeding Rosen in the back and the White House generally having a blackout on unfavorable media sources. One option is that the message is fake and the Regime wants to discredit it as a way to discredit the entire laptop in the minds of low-information voters, but..

In January, 2023, following a Carlson report that pointed out that the White House puppeteers were pressuring Biden out of 2024, I posted this:
So then..
1) Biden faces manufactured scandal.
2) Semi-related scandal used on VP Harris.
3) VP Harris resigns.
4) Harris' replacement is appointed by Biden — most likely Hakeem Jeffries?
5) Biden resigns.
6) Hakeem Jeffries assumes the presidency.
7) Same Total State, new face.

This scenario repeats any time this outcome is threatened by the Regime, but it is by no means their only options. They have seeded political a55a55ination narratives against both Trump and Biden, each option favoring Regime outcomes.
1) A Biden a55a55ination would allow unanimous manufacturing of consent for any DNC candidate
2) A Trump a55a55ination would manufacture civil conflict and total-state expansion

While I'd like to discard Gavin Newsom as a serious option since he is basically Will Arnett's portrayal of a sociopath, the most insane option seems to be the option that the DNC chooses, since in 2020 they outright chose a pedophile who was entirely controlled by sexual blackmail.

But, forgoing all the options (i.e., no a55a55inations and no pushing Biden out), the Regime could simply rig the elections again and maintain their puppet, who will continue to pass China-favorable "sustainability" measures. One of few realistic options left for anti-totalitarian voters is to simply take a chance on Trump and hope that he will survive his term and oppose the fall of the West.

In the meantime, questions such as this can be used to hide what else occurred in the same White House Press Briefing.

One thing is that Zeke Miller calls out the White House for using "MAGA" as a thought-terminating cliché and catch-all for any policy which opposes them, possibly violating the Hatch Act, with KJP being legally liable. KJP falsely claims, "We never directed it towards a campaign," and she reads legal arguments from her binder which include their plan to pretend that "MAGA" is not covered by the Hatch Act. Her argument is flimsy, but she seems pleased. I would wager that this is because the White House legal team has assured her that these are sound legal arguments (they are not), when, in reality, the only thing stopping KJP from being prosecuted is the Biden Regime's control of the DOJ.

And a major issue discussed was the expansion of ties with India under ASEAN and the IPEF after Biden's meet with the Indian PM (and in anticipation of G20 in India in September), which is relevant to the current BRICS+ vs ESG/DIE West war. But, Kirby himself, trying to express that they're not stepping on China's toes with these recent actions, relates that this expansion of ties is via "sustainability" governance (e.g., "climate" action, climate "justice"), which basically means that the United States just agreed to send more money to India in good faith, still not caring that BRICS+ is using the West's "sustainability" moves to destroy itself on BRICS' behalf.

Many of the West's oligarchs still believe that these "climate pledges" are being adopted everywhere, but it's just an excuse for BRICS+ to siphon Western wealth to expand its own middle class. And, inevitably, when BRICS+ does *not* adopt these pledges, the West will be forced into additional proxy wars (e.g., Taiwan, North Korea), presumably unaware that these proxy wars are misallocating these "good faith" funds to BRICS+ while slowly losing the battles to BRICS+ proper. All proxy wars inevitably favor the asset managers, and they are hedging on BRICS+.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 26 19:30:32
As part of this thread's utility as an index, just adding this subject:

"I need some tax help" by Rugian
[June 23rd, 2023]

A point I make there is that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's collusion with Chinese interests represent further examples of ESG's expansion under BRICS partnerships to destroy the West:
From NY Post:
"He told them that Joe Biden had attended a meeting at the Four Seasons with CEFC he believed in 2016. He also told them that CEFC had paid $100,000 a month to Hunter Biden and $65,000 to his uncle Jim, in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world."
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 26 19:37:33
This is an interesting one:

As mentioned, Biden met with India PM Narendra Modi last week, the rotten-fruits of which were an expansion of U.S.–India economic ties under the ESG/"sustainability" legal frameworks, which benefits BRICS+ energy.

To focus on an aspect of the meeting for this comment, though, a clip from a state dinner with Biden, Modi, and Technology CEOs (e.g., Apple CEO) yielded an interesting line from Biden:
"President Biden and Indian Prime Minister Modi Meet with CEOs of Technology Companies"
[C-SPAN dot org]

[Biden]: "Okay. We — I was just thanking the — anyway, I started off without you, and I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared. (Laughter.)"

Remarks there are captured by the White House in their remarks archive:
"Remarks by President Biden and Prime Minister Modi of the Republic of India in Meeting with Senior Officials and CEOs of Technology Companies"
[White House dot gov; June 23rd, 2023]

Interestingly, while the transcripts include Biden's "sold a lot of state secrets" line, the C-SPAN audio is mute when he delivers these lines. Other networks play the audio, and it is relayed in this RNC Research clip:

"NEW: Just one week after a whistleblower claimed Biden’s DOJ interfered in an investigation into Hunter Biden where he threatening a Chinese official to send money because his father was in the room, Biden ‘jokes’ about selling state secrets.
“I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things..."
1. Hunter Biden allegedly used his father to pressure a Chinese official to send money.
2. One week later, $5M hit the Biden bank account from China.
3. Biden is now talking about selling state secrets.
Nothing to see here."

• The good faith interpretation of this is that Biden was joking or misspoke, which would be semi-confirmed by the fact that people in the East Room laughed as his joke. That would be the end of it.
• A more cynical interpretation is that Biden was sun-downing (again) and spoke truth which was then covered up by nervous laughter and subsequently obfuscated by C-SPAN audio records exactly so that such clips would not circulate of the meeting.

But, "good faith"/joking or cynical/not, there is truth to the statement. Biden has been openly working with representatives of BRICS to ensure the success of ESG's collapse of the West. Strengthening U.S. ties with China, India, Brazil, South Africa, and the Saudis under "sustainability" frameworks directly undermines U.S. sovereignty on BRICS' behalf. I omit Russia there only because they are playing the "bad guy" for the DNC narrative, yet they are quietly being bolstered by the same BRICS scheme.

Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 26 23:19:28
Lotus Eaters did good coverage of Australia's expansion of Aboriginal programs:
"Australia’s Aboriginal Shakedown Referendum"
[June 26th, 2023]

The Wiki for the referendum is here, which does a better job of organizing the Australian website's information (that being below the Wiki link):

Reuters article on the vote:

I remind that Australia has an "A" rating when it comes to accepting ESG governance (G-Index), currently sitting in the top 20 nations of totalitarian acceptance at an 86.8 per WorldEconomics.com accounting ( https://www.worldeconomics.com/Indicator-Data/ESG/Governance.aspx ).

This is notable because the bill for this referendum passed both the House (on 31 May; 121 to 25) and the Senate (on 19 June; 52 to 19) without issue, meaning that Australia's ESG governance capture is reflected directly in their voting records (i.e., their politicians are largely captured). However, due to Australia's Constitutional protections, the bill must be presented to the people as a referendum and pass via a double majority.

And what does the bill *do*?

It expands the "Aboriginal Heritage Act" of 2021, which grants expansive rights to aborigines by allowing them to claim heritage essentially over all of Australia, and

Per the amendment to the Constitution:
"In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia:
"1) There shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice;
"2) The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
"3) The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures."

If that doesn't sound bad already, the descriptions of the language in those provisions further spells it out:
• "Members of the Voice would be Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, according to the standard three part test."
• "The Voice will have balanced gender representation at the national level."
• "The Voice would consult with grassroots communities and regional entities to ensure its representations are informed by their experience, including the experience of those who have been historically excluded from participation."

What is the connection to "sustainability" governance (ESG)?

The slave morality death spiral of Marxist "sustainability" infiltration is that the ultimate vengeful enslaver in the West is the trans or female indigenous person and the fighting-age migrant — respective to the nation which can be better conquered by either (e.g., Britain infighting is going through semantic manipulations to get indigenous British (white people) to accept that they are not actually indigenous; if that fails, migrants (settler colonists) still have rights to British lands anyways). That is, the most resentful people are the ultimate target of elevation by Western conquerors, and thus these resentful/slavish people, in particular, must be elevated into power so that the West can be more easily conquered.

So what this referendum does (if passed) is expand indigenous powers in Australia. They would have the ability to seize "ancestral" lands, demand reparations, and would have their representative rights in Australian governance expanded by a magnitude far greater than their virtue or even their relative population size. This will all occur under the leftist façades of harm reduction and "fairness", principles which they hold at the expense of authority, ingroup sovereignty, and purity, thus allowing society's annihilation.

This connects also to the Marxist academic logic of "lived experience" and "other ways of knowing". As pointed out before, this sort of logic is designed to cause the error of confusing cause and consequence; it places people into dissimulation spaces which are not robust by any Western Enlightenment standard but are instead based in absurd ahistorical fantasies. An example given in the Lotus Eaters video is an Australian farmer who was prosecuted under the Aboriginal Heritage Act because his digging near a stream to create a bridge interrupted the "flow" of an Aboriginal diety — even while not interrupting the flow of the river.

In other words, you have hard policy being effected through the most delusional myths.

This connects back also to something I pointed out above (comment "Sun Jun 18 02:14:12"):
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is facing the exact same attack in the United States via a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) bill (2023 H.R. 3397; https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3397 and https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/04/03/2023-06310/conservation-and-landscape-health ).

The bill interrupts "conservation" protections as a pretext for government capture of all BLM lands; it is a massive expansion of federal control of land. And more than that, per the document,
"The proposed rule requires meaningful consultation during decision making processes with Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations on issues that affect their interests, including the use of Indigenous Knowledge."

So hopefully we see how all of these Marxist absurdities arrive at a consistent scheme:
This is *not* just about some leftist belief in "harm reduction" and "fairness" and other pathos pleas for "underprivileged" people. The real, actionable policy being effected is the seizing of lands and placing them in the hands of people who lost them decades or centuries earlier.

And in even more concrete details, placing Aboriginees in power in Australia, Native Americans in power in the United States, and settler colonists in charge in the UK means that the very people who lost their own lands at the height of their civilizations will now be in charge of Western wealth — and will lose that wealth as well.

And lose it to whom?
The usual suspects: BRICS+.

All of these policies of self-destruction in the West benefit BRICS+ land-expansion and asset manager debt consolidation. The asset managers and BRICS are not empowering the indigenous because of some sincere pathos argument about their sympathy towards "historically marginalized communities". No. These foreign and monied interests did not amass and steal the wealth of nations out of sympathy. They are using "indigenous" people to secure a global empire. The West's pathos weaknesses are merely the wedge by which they activate the resentful left into enabling this world-conquering strategy.
Wed Jun 28 18:36:18
Biden now uses a breathing machine so people can make sure if he stops breathing in his sleep they can revive him.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 29 05:36:19
Yikes D:

Probably not a good sign for a president to be using a CPAP, but here's Regime media trying to normalize again:

"Biden Has Begun Using a CPAP Machine for Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which one’s breathing is interrupted as one sleeps. The president has had the condition for more than a decade."
[The New York Times; June 28th, 2023]

"Common disorder", guys!!
Like, we've all got that cousin, right? Or that uncle? You all know *someone* on a CPAP!

So, anyways, now that we've established that normies sometimes use CPAPs, just thought we'd let you know that the leader of the free world is using one. Nothing to be concerned about. Your retired uncle? A president? What's the problem? lol

I think this is further proof that they have no intention of employing a strategy that requires Biden to be alive. They really have the executive branch locked in, so if they have to hit him with impeachment, a55a55inate him, or have him step down for a hop to Hakeem Jeffries, they'll do it.

And they've really been pushing the pathos angle lately (e.g., the View congratulating Biden on being nice to his son despite all the crackhead stuff (a deflection from focusing on Biden criminality)). They're readying that FDR propaganda. "How Biden knew his health was failing but stepped in to 'save our democracy'". People will fall for that garbage. They'll vote for a pedophile diaper-pooper who's installing Chinese totalitarianism in the West.. all because of some FDR propaganda.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 29 05:38:30
Thought I'd post this here.
This will be familiar to most people who have read me complain constantly about slave morality, but I wrote this to explain why the LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA alphabet continues to grow:

[Right-wing "trans" Activist Rita Love]: "Where's the straight people at, then? So eventually they're going to either get to the other side of it and realize, oh, we've included everybody; so, now it's just everyone's included so why have it in the first place?"

This is an old error. People were pointing this out when postmodernism was on the rise in the 2010s and when the idea of "intersectionality" came up in the '90s. The short version of the counter-argument was, "[If intersectionality accounts for more and more niche and cross-related traits, then we're just talking about individuality, right? So we're all unique individuals again?]"

You'll find that very little of intersectional discourse admits individuality as an acceptable strategy.

This is because the expansion of letters under LGBTQ2S+ is not actually about becoming more inclusive; total inclusion of society is not their goal.
"Inclusion" in Marxist discourse is a red herring and a semantic manipulation.
Intersectionality has a very specific exclusion strategy at work; it intends to exclude anyone who does not identify as "oppressed".

Test this by doing a ctrl+f search for "oppress" on the intersectionality Wiki. Oppression is the key factor of intersectionality's sense of "inclusion".
You are only high in "intersectionality" if you possess the most cross-related " oppression " traits — not simply the most niche traits of all possible types.

This is because the expansion of LGBTQ2S+ as the "intersectionality" Venn Diagram is about including more and more people who can be oppressed — as opposed to people who are in fact oppressed.
They are intentionally building a coalition of resentful people while selling them the lie that it is to overcome an "oppressor".
If you are not resentful, if you do not identify as "oppressed" — even if you identify as some letter of the growing LGTBQ2S+ list — then you are excluded and become the opposition.

This is an old strategy. It's Hegelian division of society into a master and slave class. To de-stabilize a society, one simply funds and elevates its most resentful people — people who will believe in the lie of their "oppression" and can be turned against an "oppressor" class (a false label; this is the class that must be defeated so that the third party (the "master" class) conducting this plan can defeat the society; the kulaks of Soviet Russia were such an "oppressor"). They need people who can be tricked into destroying their own society.

In short,
When you hear "inclusion", you're hearing the intentional inclusion exclusively of groups willing to be oppressed or who otherwise support society's oppression — all while erroneously believing that this "oppressor"/"oppressed" discourse is designed to liberate them. The LGBTQ2S+ list is meant to grow until the Mega-Identity of a "slave" caste has become useful enough to collapse society. Anyone possessing Western Enlightenment ideals that reject this enslavement are not meant to be included.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 01 08:36:51
New JFK records released, though, at 1,103 documents, you'd really have to love the Warren Commission's hidden documents:
[Archives dot gov; 2023 JFK releases]
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 02 23:45:32
Ana Kasparian is doing the rounds for her variation of a "why I left the left" tour, and she ended up on Sitch & Adam today:
[July 2nd, 2023]

About Sitch & Adam
These two are basically retarded. I landed on them about a year ago (or more?) when going down social media rabbit holes, and their "specialty" was commenting on comments about comments. They're one of these channels where there are so many overlaid comments, video panels, and advertisements that you're getting a good visual representation of how chaotic and weak their minds are. Some of their streams are *13* hours long, and they basically just zone out watching Vaush and Destiny talk about being left-wing losers. Their *clips* end up being too long too, since their thoughts meander without effect during those clips. They **look up to** people like Destiny. It's incredibly sad. They're basically getting their "news" from horoscopes at that point, since it's just engaging with simulations. It's people without personalities eating the Internet's leftovers.

Kasparian's Awakening
Ana Kasparian has *slowly* been realizing that DNC media has been outright lying to people.
• She's done debate and conversation appearances on Daily Wire, has *un*blocked people who have made fun of the Young Turks (E.g., "ActualJusticeWarrior"),
• has admitted to being late to the truth on the Rittenhouse case details (e.g., her "crossed state lines" refrain being false and misleading),
• has stated that the DNC's crime policies are insane and *causing* more criminality, and
• her personality has become a lot less resentful in the last year.
Resentment is a major sign of someone in the left-wing psychosis, but she — a person of the Young Turks, no less — has started to shed that resentment. My suspicion is that it's because she and her husband quietly had a child together, but I have no direct evidence of that.

In the Sitch and Adam Interview
• 12:00 — She talks about how she's tried to get out of echo-chamber news sources, realizing that DNC media is intentionally omitting details to cultivate narratives.
• 13:30 — Realized that she does not want to be another left-wing disinformation repeater.
• 16:00 — She talks again about how she was assaulted by two homeless men and how TYT's own viewers tried to lie about the realities of crime. Also the false narratives from the left about "right-wing hate" inspiring anti-Asian hate crimes.
• 21:30 — Talks about the risks of cross-sex hormones, the lie of "reversible" puberty blockers.
• 23:00 — Rebecca Jones' lies exposed; Kasparian distancing herself from Jones.
• 24:00 — The accusations of being "right wing" simply for disagreeing with various items of left-wing dogma.
• 26:30 — How the left has maliciously omitted context for dogma purity tests (e.g., burning anyone who said, "nigger," — regardless of whether or not that person was quoting a racist).
• 18:45 — The discussion of what is causing the "shift" to left-wing psychosis. Kasparian talks about purity tests (she may not realize it, but this is Maoist struggle-session dogma). Also talks about financial motives and how she (Kasparian) may unintentionally be self-sabotaging by seeking out truth rather than continuing to appeal to these purity tests.
• 31:00 — They talk about how she and Cenk are now at odds, with her now becoming the voice of reason between them. She indicates that she's trying to diversify their sources so that Cenk is less radical.
• 35:30 — She talks about the especially psychotic and immature members of the left ("children") who are giving the left a bad image. This segues to talk of good faith debates and actually understanding opposition arguments in order to have less radical conclusions. They talk polarization.
• 44:00 — She then gets into her positions, such as universal health care and protecting "marginalized communities". She mentions the "bonus hole" phrase that was floated in psychotic trans discourse as a means to make the vagina into an "extra" body part and normalize trans delusions.
• 49:00 — They talk about liberalism versus socialism. Kasparian indicates that she's a socialist but is trying to find more moderate means of reform. She mentions that she is against the "nihilism" (again, fitting, given her shedding the resentment).
• 52:00 — They talk about how "colorblindness" was an actual and good goal which has been abandoned to society's detriment. They talk about the lie of "inherently racist" white people. They talk CRT.
• 55:00 — She floats the lie that CRT is only taught in grad school, but she does admit that *aspects* of CRT are indeed taught beyond grad school.
• 58:00 — She talks about English as a second language.
• 1:02:50 — Nice. She talks about how she was tricked by the lie that CRT was "just teaching history" and how the left was outright lying about just wanting to teach a history of racism.
• 1:04:00 — Lulz. She was reported to HR by TYT staff based on Tweets she's made.

• 1:07:00 — "I feel like I just woke up and got out of a cult." BINGO

1:10:30 — They talk about how the left even tries to get people to struggle their own families when they present opposition viewpoints.
• They talk Haidt, "The Coddling of the American Mind", and "The Righteous Mind".
• 1:13:50 — She basically scrubs Kierkegaard's "If you label me, you negate me."
• 1:14:50 — They talk about youth revolutions and ideal societies.
• 1:24:00 — Sitch talks about the lie of systemic racism and how the DNC's racialist strategy has people identifying first by their race.
• 1:30:00 — Kasparian talks about the "soft bigotry of low expectation" without maybe realizing it; she talks about the DNC's racialist strategy with regards to affirmative action, which is "infantilizing" minority communities by *assuming* that they are incapable of excelling without telling them that their weaknesses must be accommodated.
• 1:33:00 — She seems to support "Build Back Better" (the Inflation Reduction Act), but she doesn't go into detail.
• 1:38:00 — Politicians insider-trading
• 1:41:00 — They point out that the DNC is using culture wars to control their constituents with false promises.
• 1:45:00 — Kasparian mentions "Serfs" host Lance's appearance on TimCast, but she does not understand Tim Pool's hypothetical, taking the false line that "[it's not happening anyways.]"
• 2:00:00 — The talk about how she was sincere here, and she departs.

So, short version is that Kasparian is still very much a leftist on key issues, but she is attempting to leave the psychosis. It is always nice to see that left and right can both realize that oligarchs use culture issues as divide and conquer strategies, though she maybe does not realize that the left has *not* abandoned economic policy — the policy is simply ESG now, which employs divide and conquer as its smokescreen.

On the cynical side, when people post Kasparian or Bill Maher being "reasonable", the catch is always the simple fact that these leftists will vote for totalitarians without a thought. That choice is already made. And if that choice is already made, then being "reasonable" is merely window dressing.

What good does it do to understand a deterministic system if one still insists on being determined by it?

This is the Donnie Darko metaphor: Darko still remains in the "plan" and walks directly to his death.

When a person learns how a broken system works, he or she should consider the anti-deterministic solutions. Kasparian is not necessarily there yet, since she still believes in the deterministic talking points, such as "climate action" and "universal health care" — traps of the totalitarian state. Truly, the most anti-deterministic solution is to directly address the asset managers rather than swimming in the lies and simulations of their downstream wealth exercises.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 05 09:37:34
This is probably fine.
Nothing to see here.

"The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support"
[The Federalist; July 4th, 2023]

The basic template is that in an "emergency" the UN can activate ultra-"sustainability" governance.. so like.. ESG on steroids with no inter-governmental barriers:

"Once triggered, the emergency platform would give the U.N. the ability to “actively promote and drive an international response that places the principles of equity and solidarity at the centre of its work.” The U.N. would bring together the “stakeholders” of the world, including academics, governments, private sector actors, and “international financial institutions” to ensure there is a unified, global response to the crisis."

Because Biden is a puppet to the UN/WEF, he is, of course, signed onto the expansion of these UN emergency powers, which include all the usual global governance buzz items (e.g., SDGs, 2030/2050 goals). Legal adoption is set to take place before the 2024 U.S. election, so this would be more bait for an a55a55ination since Manchurian Candidates would have motivation to act even before election results arrive.
Wed Jul 05 09:52:46
I'm not going to read all that, but I will argue with you.

On a serious note, Kasparian's de-conversion from the cult, is great news. I had written her and TYT off, probably mostly because of Cenk.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 05:18:42
"I'm not going to read all that, but I will argue with you."

lulz :D

"Kasparian's de-conversion from the cult, is great news."

Yeah, I admit that it at least seems sincere. Even if she ultimately keeps the same policies, it's a big step since she was basically one of those Imgur/Reddit left-wing psychosis people who could not engage in good faith if her life depended on it. It's almost impossible to break through that kind of ideological capture, but it *is* possible. It makes me wonder (again) if people like tw can be de-radicalized..

In other news, Missouri AG Andrew Bailey, who is one of the AGs in the coalition of states suing ESG asset managers, posted a summary of Louisiana judge Doughty's decision in *favor* of Missouri and a coalition of states to sue the Biden government for using an FBI–social-media—government network to illegally suppress speech across a broad range of issues:
[July 5th, 2023]

The court filing itself:
"Case 3:22-cv-01213-TAD-KDM"

Items pointed out in the Twitter thread (all which directly reference the judge's ruling):
• "the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario” and that the feds appear to have “assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth."
• "The Court points out that the 20,000+ pages of evidence my office uncovered display the frightening coercion and collusion occurring between the feds and social media companies."
• "The Court found that this evidence showed “unrelenting pressure” by federal officials and “had the intended result of suppressing millions of protected free speech postings by American citizens.”"
• "The Court also found that the evidence shows the feds targeted almost exclusively conservative speech—except when they decided to target the President’s political opponent who is running against him in the Democratic primary."
• "Here, the Court finds that the feds didn’t just force content takedowns. They also coerced “social-media platforms to change their policies.”"

I'll stop the list with that last one because this confirms what has been covered here before regarding the Twitter leaks:
It was not *just* the FBI intentionally using Twitter's terms of service to get the FBI's list of targets removed, it was *also* the FBI coercing Twitter to *change* its terms of service **so that** more of the FBI's targets could be removed.

The findings also go into how the FBI's expansion of Twitter's terms of services to stop "hack-and-leak" operations was a part of this. This is notable because this goes along with the media's "sudden" reversal of thinking on a decades-old practice established with the Pentagon Papers. The idea with the Pentagon Papers was that whistleblowers could hold the government to account, and the media would reflect its role as a check against government overreach by at least platforming whistleblowers (established in a Supreme Court victory for the press). With today's expansion of Regime-controlled media, that position is slowly being reversed — and more and more openly and *willingly* by controlled media such as the New York Times.

With the operation that the FBI ran on Facebook and Twitter, we see how that Regime capture is occurring: more managerial-state lawfare. The same ESG mechanism is used wherein they get organizations to change their own corporate policies such that their decision-making is ultimately positive for the Regime. In the case of the New York Times, they probably didn't even have to do this externally (NYT has long been a Regime outlet), but in the case of Twitter, they performed this rapidly as part of 2020 election subversion.

At any rate, big caveats:
• this judge's decision admitted evidence that was already known (e.g., COVID data suppression, White House directly pushing for big tech censorship, Zuckerberg's FBI revelations, Twitter Files)
• this judge's decision denied the AG's wish for a class action filing (i.e., this will be limited to Missouri)
• this ruling currently presents a stay while court proceedings occur — and this stay can (potentially) be overturned by a higher court.

On the plus side:
"If the allegations made by plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history" — Judge Doughty

Also, the current ruling for a stay means that the Biden government is not allowed to collude with social media companies for their policies. Because it is an ongoing investigation, this means that the government cannot even pursue their supposedly "routine relationships" with tech CEOs.

What does *that* mean?
We're about to have less Regime propaganda on social media — at least for the moment.

Even better:
Because Regime propaganda is *so* important for social control, this means that the Regime will be forced to sacrifice one of their judges via a reversal of the lower court's stay. The judge will have to do this *very* quickly, which means we'll get a desperate and likely obvious play at a reversal (i.e., a poorly written document that puts the judge's career in jeopardy). There are probably going to be a lot of cocktail parties this weekend or the coming weekend where judge's are offered a lot of post-retirement book deals and speaking tours in exchange for falling on their swords.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 06:38:46
While the annual WEF meeting in Davos occurred in January, the "Summer Davos" meeting was re-initiated this year... and took place in Tianjin, China :|

1,500 global leaders who are totally not bad actors because that would be "conspiracy theory" met rather quietly last week (June 27–29, 2023):
[WEF dot org; events 2023]

See the «Programme» tab for the videos.

Oh, weird. One of the subjects was the future of China's Belt-and-road initiative. I wonder why the WEF would be concerned with the prosperity of China's belt-and-road? Hmm.
(to speak less ironically: it's because all of these traitor oligarchs know that selling "green" tech to their Western citizens requires direct reliance on Chinese energy)

One clip that's been making the rounds comes from this video with Indian-American Cornell professor Eswar Prasad:
"The Future of Money"
[WEF dot org; June 28th, 2023]
(Here's that BRICS connection again, btw; another Indian selling the West its own destruction)

A relevant section is clipped here on Twitter:
"You could have ... a potentially better — or some people might say a darker world — where the government decides that units of central bank money can be used to purchase some things but not other things that it deems less desirable — like, say, ammunition, or drugs, or pornography, or something of the sort — and that is very powerful in terms of the use of a CBDC, and I think also extremely dangerous to central banks."

What's interesting here is the way that he codes his language around this. He describes these things as the ingredients of a "better" world and uses the *de*-qualified language of "or some people might say a darker world".

As a rhetorical admission, people tend to only place their "some might say" when they are trying to raise opposition arguments *while* discrediting them. I.e., *his* opinion seems to be that these would be "better" things.

I just realized that my writeup that includes a note on "Operation Choke Point" isn't here yet (I've needed to finish that for an entire month now), but we know already that the Regime within the U.S. government has used and would absolutely use CBDCs to bypass the Second Amendment and would use CBDCs to further direct consumer purchases into desired funnels (e.g., as has already been done with asset-manager manipulation of markets via ESG into "green" markets). The ability to put time limits on currency is also a way to bypass inheritance, which allows oligarchs to control who can generate lasting wealth in society.

CBDCs should absolutely be rejected with or without these kinds of provisions. We already know the "social credit score" results of this in China proper, and if UN/WEF imperatives continue destroying Western corporate-governance, then the West receives the same treatment. Governments cannot be trusted *not* to use CBDCs as a foot-in-door for their top-down policies.

Anyways, while I suspect that Eswar Prasad does indeed support CBDCs being used in this way, I added his book to my list, so I'll have to see what his deal is. He might just be one of those creepy autists who smiles regardless of what crazy shit he's saying.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 21:17:51
Fareed Zakaria, a war-profiteer whose specialty is supporting UN/WEF/Bilderberg propaganda towards the detriment of the West, interviewed Biden today (July 7th) and let Biden defend a NATO decision to use cluster munitions in Ukraine:

"CNN Exclusive: Biden says sending cluster munitions to Ukraine was ‘difficult decision,’ but ‘they needed them’"
[CNN; July 7th, 2023]

In the interview, you can see that Biden tries to disguise the line between a simple need for "munitions" versus the specific acceleration to *cluster* munitions:
"This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it,” Biden said. “And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period, while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians."

This is the typical propaganda technique of low-resolution versus high-resolution. The casual viewer will simply see "[Ukraine needs more ammunition. Can't fight a war with ammunition!]" whereas the higher information reality is "[Cluster munitions are often considered war crimes because they maim and permanently disfigure personnel who survive them and they remain in battlefields decades after the wars have ended]."

A classic example of this would be Vietnam and Cambodia, where the U.S. littered entire sectors with cluster-mines so that they could funnel enemy assaults into controlled directions wherein the U.S. could maintain fire superiority (this was a way to "win" against guerrilla tactics; force the enemy into your preferred sectors of fire). The cost was random civilian casualties and an entire generation that would be brutalized (after the war) by having their limbs blown off for simply walking in fields.

Biden hints at this in part, but with modern cluster munitions the strategy is to set detonation timers on deployed mines, meaning that an artillery round can be launched into a field to deploy mines but those mines will self-explode after a pre-set period (e.g., a day, a week). He mentions that the cluster munitions being deployed have a lower error rate, meaning that post-war cleanup could be minimized.

Even so, this follows after video emerged of Ukrainians being subjected to Russian cluster munitions:
(GRAPHIC content)

You get a pretty good idea of how these munitions work against personnel: heavy casualties, no sectors of retreat once in a field, demoralizing maiming, and additional casualties during rescue operations.

And seeing that these were likely *Russian* munitions, you can see how the next layer of propaganda is already in place: "[They did it, so we will do it.]" Twitter is already screaming with examples of how the Russians have been deploying cluster munitions since the beginning of the conflict.

The problem is that regardless of the "fairness" of this logic, we're seeing an open acceleration of war crimes in what amounts to a banker's war.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 08 08:14:08
Morgoth posted a nice little explanation video of "client groups" in the work "On Power" by Bertrand de Juvenal and how it relates to useful voting blocs:

"Power And Its Clients"
[July 5th, 2023]

It's a quick 18-minute video, and Morgoth speaks slowly, so it can be played at 2x speed, but..

Short version:
In right-wing circles, de Juvenal comes up a lot in terms of how power is actually managed by a ruling class. A common phrase that people in the NeoReactionary movement tend to mention is that the "high" align with the low to destroy the middle ("high-low vs. middle alliance" (HLvM)).

I've covered this in terms of slave morality, where oligarchs looking to destroy a civilization will weaponize groups possessing slave morality because they are most likely to be obedient to the oligarch's new order. The slave group is promoted, wipes power from the former middle class, and then is discarded when the new template of society is ready to be implemented. The discard of the slave group is inevitable because they lack the competency to sustain the new middle class; they are useful as destroyers, but when society is pushed by the oligarchs towards its "strong" phase, oligarchs inevitably must begin promoting noble morality again since it needs soldiers who can win its "wars".

In the Morgoth video, he refers to these slave groups as "client groups", which is a way to show the association between the oligarchs and the slave groups. That is, the slave groups are the "clients" of the oligarchs.

So, the oligarchs make "clients" out of people who are likely to destroy or change society in a way which is favorable to the goals of the oligarchs. In France, one client group is the Maghrebis. In the United States, it's Antifa, BLM, LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA, mass migrants, and indigenous peoples. These insurrectionist/client groups are granted special privileges by the Regime oligarchs, and so their activities are hidden from the mainstream or justified by the same.

A key understanding here is that oligarchs do not necessarily represent their people during the destruction phase of society. They intentionally represent the interests of these client groups so that these groups will mobilize into a useful voting bloc or political-action bloc. This bloc changes society in the direction that the oligarchs prefer.

If you want..
• Roman paganism destroyed, then empower Christian groups,
• churches burned, then empower anti-Christian groups,
• the West destroyed, then empower Marxist groups,

Looking again at France, it is not that the people unanimously want France to be destroyed, it is that French oligarchs are employing client groups whose goal is the destruction of France.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 08 18:54:19
I know this thread is sometimes a blog already, but to go ultra-blog for a second:
I'm a little disappointed that I sat on my writeup of the House Committee Hearing on ESG for so long. It's now been a month since the second meeting, and I got to about 95% finished around June 20th. I abandoned it for a few reasons.. like, I had a race one weekend, got sick the following weekend (maybe even because of the race dimming my immune system?), and by the next weekend I kept thinking about how James Lindsay referenced my comment on the Midnight's Edge video and basically did not credit me.. which made it feel futile.. like.. I do the work to organize the information for people, but then an aggregator like Lindsay just takes the work for his ever-growing Katamari Damacy while I shed subscribers every time I post a single comment on Twitter. It makes it seem like a game where only the people who rush to print are rewarded, even though taking extra time means higher resolution information.

But! The proof is in the pudding :p
That is, Lindsay *never* followed up on the details that I was organizing. He just aggregated the information and moved on. He did not look into the hearing for himself. I was worried that he'd get ahead of me and report the additional details, but he never did. One of Lindsay's shortcomings is that he is purely an audio vlogger and Twitter personality; he literally cannot clip videos or organize even his own information (he is not an organized person). He also doesn't have the patience to read through the actual legal documents; he's the type who reads the review articles rather than the journals.

So! Even though I'm way behind, no one has organized this information yet. Not even the people who were *in* the hearing have done that!

TLDR: *Really* hoping to finish this today. The main thing left is clipping the video to show samples of the arguments for a simultaneous post to Twitter.
Sun Jul 09 05:29:22
What kind of racing is it that you take part in?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 09 06:18:18
Just half-distance triathlon at the moment. I'm not competitive or anything. The best I've done is maybe 17th in my age group (years ago). I just do it for fun at this point ;D
But yeah, it's an all-day event, so it usually takes a week before I'm fully recovered. I think pollen allergies got to me before that, lulz

Do you do anything like that? Weights, running, etc.?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 09 09:40:52
Mark Dice is a little wacky sometimes, but, in light of RFK's recent media tours, Dice did a nice little re-cap of Operation Mockingbird and the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which basically amounts to the CIA being allowed to infiltrate media to propagandize American citizens:
[July 9th, 2023]

"Operation Mockingbird" comes up as a kind of boogeyman sometimes, but it's relevant because the CIA did openly admit that they were doing this.

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act sometimes get presented as a totally open gateway into the government being allowed to spread propaganda onto its own citizens, but the legal language is not that explicit:
[Congress dot gov]

The main revision in 2012 was that American propaganda viewed abroad could be viewed in the States as well, but the Act actually prohibits the DoS and U.S. Agency for Global Media from using its funds to propagandize in the States. The wiggle room it gives itself is that it can claim to be making propaganda for an international audience and then just show that propaganda in the States. An obvious connection would be the funding of major Hollywood productions that support Chinese interests and are tailored to Chinese audiences but which are shown also in all major U.S. theaters.

It's also a little more complicated to say whether or not it is *this* document which empowers the CIA and FBI to infiltrate media. The FBI was clearly able to run operations on Twitter and Facebook, and the FBI basically owns any network with NBC in its name, but I suspect that they would be able to conduct these operations with or without the Act.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 10 23:03:54
Lotus Eaters today posted a funny video centered around Nick Fuentes winning over a group of black women on the Fresh&Fit Podcast:

They expand on the theme of "woke in the streets, oppressed in the sheets" wherein racist people of color "inexplicably" tend to marry or date white men (or a white woman in the case of Lori Lightfoot).

Examples given:
• Ash Sarkar
• Adjoa Andoh
• Ilhan Omar
• Kamala Harris
• Karine Jean Pierre
• Ketanji Brown Jackson
• Don Lemon
• Lori Lightfoot
• Brittani James

It's an interesting phenomenon wherein *particularly* racist people tend to make this selection, since all in the above list have very performatively espoused anti-white politics. Ash Sarkar, for instance, is basically a UK version of a Young Turks pundit, very adamantly talking about the destruction of British identity for her brand of settler colonialism. Adjoa Andoh has stated these same beliefs when doing commentary on the Coronation. Lori Lightfoot, too, has expressed the kinds of views which decades previously were stated by former KKK member David Duke (i.e., refusal to deal with another race politically).

There are a few dimensions to this:

1) This is consistent with some factions of the right trading in the idea of open racism, where they simply say, "[Yeah, I'm racist. What next? What's your next rhetorical deflection? Do you want to have a conversation about real issues?]" In these meme spheres, the right posts memes showing racially diverse groups of people all united by racism (e.g., http://9gag.com/gag/aKmxEv1 ). The left erroneously makes fun of these memes as "[I have a black friend]"-cope by the right (e.g., https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/ypkfk6/a_bit_of_a_im_not_racist_i_have_black_and_asian/ ), seemingly unaware that right-wing social media spheres do indeed form these race-blind alliances. The binding feature of these alliances seems to be noble morality as independent of race.

2) This is consistent with the want of subversive groups to intentionally dilute European races. Every one of these relationships waged by settler-colonialism activists is taking white genetics out of the equation. One of the stated goals of globalist organizations is a homogenized race, this being such an open secret that South Park made fun of it years ago in an episode that showed a time-traveling race of tan-looking NPCs looking for jobs ("Goobacks", April 2004, S08E07). Much of our modern propaganda favors first the imperative of white people self-selecting out of the gene pool through suicide (a '90s propaganda imperative), secondly via surgical self-emasculation and the other LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA options, thirdly through being loners and "incels" (despite the Regime's condemnation of this), and fourth through marrying outside of their race. The Regime even seems to oppose what is mentioned in the video: white people marrying Japanese and Korean people (some erroneously say "Asian" more generally). The reason would be obvious: two noble races maintaining their IQ Gaussian-distribution to the *right* rather than diluting to the *left*.

3) This is consistent also with people simply recognizing nobility in their mate selections. I.e., regardless of stated racialist politics, people recognize healthy relationships. As in-group preferences, the right tends to support healthy and strong people who can demonstrate meritocratic victories, whereas the left supports dysfunctional and ineffective people with mental health issues. In both cases, however, (right and left), a natural case of attraction is towards the right — to the noble, to the strong. This is something that is always visible (intuitively) outside of the masks of ideological performance that a particular person may wear for their in-group socialization. Marxist dogmas would have people believe that this mate selection is "internalized oppression" or incentivized purely for economic and social ascent, but it is simple chemistry.

The issue persisting across all of these dimensions, of course, is how they are handled during an active Eugenics/Dysgenics War.

Un-coerced by Regime propaganda, the Star Trek TNG future occurs wherein people may retain their in-group selections while small percentages diffuse across racial barriers, thus allowing distinct races to be maintained while race-blindness sees no issue with mixed-race couples. But, *during* a Dysgenics War, as we are in, the question is muddied.

People may want to follow pure relationship-chemistry as a proof of their natural inclinations, seeking out life in their personal vision for their future (e.g., children had in a race-blind context), but if active conquerors see that as a victory over your progeny, then ideology must re-assert itself. This is the force imposed by Dysgenics Wars: *you* may wish to remain race-blind, but your conquerors benefit from that blindness. The Dysgenics War actively attempts to remove individual choice from the equation for its top-down goal of total dilution. This dilution is important to them in the dropping of the population-wide Gaussian distribution of IQ, the consolidations of a hidden Enslaver Race, and the breaking down of society's ability to form strategic unions against a totalitarian society using client groups for its power.

Envisioning a society *beyond* or *after* a Dysgenics War becomes difficult when these strategies constitute "wrongthink" in the Zeitgeist. This is not a matter of law not existing to prevent Dysgenics Wars; the Geneva Convention includes provisions against such genocide. It is simply that modern sellers of these provisions assume the more *obvious* genocide of direct force is the only one that can be addressed.

At any rate, there is little to recover of society after de-evolution to a "Time Machine" Morlocks and Eloi future. Wars of Dysgenics inevitably create a debased humanity.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 10 23:05:30
A comment there also pointed out a bold statement by AOC!

"You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve."

Hopefully the joke is obvious without clicking the AOC Tweet link ;D
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 07:30:54
Okay, finished the article.

"The House Oversight Committee Discovers ESG
"A Look at the Legal Arguments Forming Around ESG"
[CC SubStack; July 11th, 2023]

SubStack claims that it's a 50-minute read, but I warn in the introduction that it's best to just read the bullet-point summary, which is this (the article has clickable links which I won't attempt to duplicate for the forum):

All said, the Regime’s narratives exist as a scale from “early” in the Celebration Parallax (“It’s not happening!”) to “late” (“It’s a good thing!”) roughly along these lines:
• Anti-ESG narratives amount to “conspiracy theory”.
(gas-lighting; thought-terminating cliché)
• Anti-ESG narratives only exist due to “dark money” groups.
(false; ESG visibility is increasing because it is becoming increasingly pervasive)
• ESG is “just data”; it just gives investors more details for informed investing
(false; ESG is a whole-of-market and whole-of-society governance strategy).
• ESG is necessary as reparations for “marginalized” communities.
(this begins to admit the scheme, which it re-evaluates as “good”)
• ESG replaces white people on boards, but there are a lot of those anyways.
(slave morality’s repressive tolerance scheme on full display)
• ESG — whatever its consequences — is necessary to address “climate change” for a “sustainable” and “green” future.
(the final admission that fiduciary duty is not the priority of ESG)

Additionally, these are key lies told by the Regime:
• Lack of diversity in boards creates groupthink
(false, ESG’s DEI expands groupthink since it standardizes social/political perspectives)
• ESG reflects fiduciary responsibility
(false, it subverts it, violating fiduciary duty in service of UN Net Zero goals)
• ESG is “free market” / “voluntary” / “choice” / “democracy” / “options” / “freedom” / “capitalism”
(false, ESG is anti-free-market, anti-competitive, reduces choice, suppresses freedoms, is a pyramid scheme, is overtly Marxist in practice and in origin)

These issues, presented by anti-ESG proponents, were wholly ignored by the Regime’s politicians:
• Causes major National Security issues
• Displaces world pollution to China and Africa resulting in an increase in world pollution due to the decreased use of clean production options and market capture
• Increases reliance on foreign energy
• Violates discrimination laws
• Forces an inability to meet energy demands during or after “green” transition
• Is wildly unpopular, as demonstrated by boycotts
• Uses proxy voting to align the entire market, creating a total-market vulnerability which subjects world markets to a massive and simultaneous collapse
• Gives political power to asset managers rather than to their clients
• Destroys Western energy while empowering China’s energy in an absolute strategic military and political failure

ESG violates the law under at least three primary umbrellas:
• ESG is an anti-competitive scheme
Businesses and governments that do not adopt ESG are targeted for destruction by the asset managers (e.g., via NGO activism, board replacements, proxy voting, compliance and regulatory fines, refusal to deal), and those that do adopt the scheme are given exclusive dealings (e.g., support for Chinese technology monopolies, horizontal mergers, artificial investments, market security). ESG engages in price fixing by falsifying the true cost of “green” substitutes.
• ESG is a pyramid scheme
ESG requires a growing amount of wealth under management to fund its market losses. It siphons wealth through government subsidies, horizontal agreements, corporate participation/compliance fees, proxy wars and conflicts (e.g., Ukraine), international money laundering, and strategic market manipulation. Red flags are that ESG managers specifically reward “companies that take early action”, and companies pay into ESG to “earn” higher scores and expanded benefits.
• ESG is a protection racket
ESG positively evaluates its own market manipulations. ESG protects businesses from its own attacks if these businesses adopt ESG compliance. Asset managers sell ESG as a protection from the market while they themselves manipulate market conditions in favor of ESG.

The main legal pathways cited to oppose ESG:
• “Racial equity audits” and DEI policies violate discrimination laws and for this can be prosecuted by the SEC (via Reyes).
• ESG’s proxy-voting constitutes a market monopoly and violates the Deceptive Trade Practices Acts of various states (via Marshall).
• ESG violates fiduciary duty in favor of chasing Net Zero goals; these violations can be prosecuted under ERISA (via Reyes) and possibly the “sole interest rule” of trust fiduciary law (see Biggs above).
• H.J.Res.30 of the Congressional Review Act is under review to change a Department of Labor ruling which overstepped via a change to ERISA, a move which enabled ESG in violation of fiduciary duty (via Reyes). After passing in the House and Senate, Biden vetoed this resolution in March 2023, with the resolution likely facing revisions for another attempt.
• FERZ, NZAM, and Climate Action 100+ should be assessed as “holding companies”; they are owners of multiple utilities and are overstepping legal requirements that they remain politically passive (via Reyes and see Luna)
• ESG presents an extra-governmental tax which may violate the line between corporatocracy and government sovereignty; Congress may have a legal obligation to bring ESG’s “taxation” scheme to a vote. ESG may also represent a “legally binding international treaty” which bypasses Congressional approval (Marshall).
• ESG violates anti-competitive law under the Sherman Act (via Marshall and FTC).
• Attorneys General are investigating Net-Zero Banking Alliance and its members, Climate Action 100+, and Morningstar Investment Management (Marshall).
• Attorneys General are demanding S&P not make ESG a part of credit ratings (this S&P strategy pre-figures a Chinese social-credit system) (Marshall).

Additionally, on July 6th, 2023, Jim Jordan expanded the Judiciary Committee’s inquiry into ESG asset managers.
Tue Jul 11 07:40:23
"Do you do anything like that? Weights, running, etc.?"

Weights (basic compounds, kettlebells), hitting/kicking bags, running up/down hills :)

You have to. THat said, the last year with the second kid has been rough on time allocation and the body. It is what it is, gotta get back in there.

"I think pollen allergies"

I feel your pain. On the worst days I feel like 20-30% performance is gone.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 08:08:10
"I feel your pain. On the worst days I feel like 20-30% performance is gone."

And it's been crazy this year!!
We had a lot of extra rain here, which made everything green and beautiful, but after a few dry days you can *see* clouds of pollen just floating around in waves. lulz

"Weights (basic compounds, kettlebells), hitting/kicking bags, running up/down hills :)"

Nice!! Hills are great, and bag work is awesome.
Makes me realize that I used to do hill runs so much more.. so, good for you :D

"THat said, the last year with the second kid has been rough on time allocation and the body."

I believe in you!! :D
I torment myself with that quotation, "It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste so much of it." — Seneca
..but like.. what if you're already making major cuts of the waste to do important things? What then, Seneca!? Just enjoy it better!? ;D

Completely unrelated, I'm book-marking this list of committee members because I want to look into why so many GOP members were absent at Part II of the ESG hearing:
Some of them were excused because they attended Part I, but that narrows it down to about four who were scheduled but did not attend.
Tue Jul 11 13:32:22
This year, I swear the god I thought I had a chest infection. I was coughing up green stuff, then after a week I was ok. Been crazy here as well.

Have you or do you aspire to do an ironman? I can swim to save my life, for a while, but I am a very weak swimmer. You remind me I have a mental note to work on this.

"What then, Seneca!? Just enjoy it better!? ;D"

Wasting time is underrated these days :D You know, just being.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 12 07:15:01
True! :)

"Been crazy here as well."

Hopefully will calm down :/
Pollen here has at least gone down since June, but now it's just hot :p

"Have you or do you aspire to do an ironman?"

I've done one full-distance Ironman event, but that was years ago now. It required my base training from half-distance events and then a 6-month workup of absurd amounts of mileage. I was doing things like riding 45 miles to a lake, swimming 2 miles, and riding back home. Lulz. It was such a huge time commitment that I went back to half-distance events and just do those once a year.

It would be nice to do another full, though... this conversation has me looking at 2024 events and wondering if I could change my work schedule to make it happen.. something to think about.

"I can swim to save my life"

Swimming is so good! :D
Once technique is locked, it almost requires no maintenance training ;D
Thu Jul 13 13:43:18
Now we know where you get the stamina for all this writing :-)
Thu Jul 13 15:11:59
Biden unintentionally comes off as a creepy old man by telling a young female reporter she can't be certain she will make it home tonight. Gotta love the leader of the free world.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 14 06:45:29
"stamina for all this writing :-)"

lulz. Celebrate relentlessness! :D

[obaminated]: "Biden unintentionally comes off as a creepy old man by telling a young female reporter she can't be certain she will make it home tonight. Gotta love the leader of the free world."

Oh wow... D:
This is what obaminated referenced:
"Biden says Finnish reporter may not ‘be able to go home,’ confuses Iceland and Ireland"
[New York Post; July 13th, 2023]

I get what he meant, which is that there's no sure thing in the world (even whether you'll make it home at the end of the day) but that a U.S. connection to NATO is basically a certainty..

..but it's like decoding a toddler. The words are all there, but it's just firing from random places in his brain, so he says garbage. It's like that puff-piece interview where he's walking outside and just strings together random phrases.. the mind behind them is just gone.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 14 07:21:21
John Kerry's testimony clips have been hilarious. He testified for about 2 and a half hours on July 13th:

"John Kerry Testifies Before House Subcommittee on Climate Agenda"
[C-SPAN; July 13th, 2023]

He is asked about the obvious, which is that "climate change" policy is *not* being applied to BRICS:
(Clipped here; ignore Tweet's commentary; relevant section happens in the first couple minutes)

Representative Perry mentions the "Byrd–Hagel Resolution" (1997), which was basically the phased stand-down legislation which I mentioned was *not* occurring in my ESG writeup.

That is, Byrd–Hagel was a resolution that said that the United States would not put itself into an economically weak position via energy reduction if other nations were not repairing their own climate impacts themselves. So, for instance, the U.S. would not reduce its own energy to reduce emissions while ignoring Chinese pollution. Such a move would be energy suicide, allowing Chinese power to overtake the West.

But, this was effectively reversed by the UN's Kyoto Protocol (1998), which, of course, favored BRICS, since BRICS and its 3rd world alliances would be exempt from phased energy standdowns. This makes it further transparent that the UN is actively undermining Western strategy in favor of BRICS.

As I say in the article conclusions, a proper and unanimous world climate policy would have *all* nations reducing for 2030 / 2050 goals, but, in reality, the *West* is reducing for these goals while China and other BRICS+ nations *increase* energy monopolies. In effect, this is the West totally disarming itself while its enemies seize all weapons.

Another funny exchange was clipped by Forbes:
Kerry actually thinks that it's a "win" to say that *he* doesn't own a private jet........ his *wife* does. (lol!!)
The context here is that Kerry keeps getting pictured attending private flights to places such as Davos for the World Economic Forum. Another attempt to downplay this bad publicity is that those flights are merely government-funded private jets (the government services these sorts of flights if the right papers are stamped).. which is another hilariously oblivious statement. He's basically saying, "[Yeah, those are private jets, but I took them because the *government* wasted that money on me!]" It's like the Arrested Development scene:
"I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? $10?"

And as a side note on BRICS+ benefiting from Western energy suicide, I also mention that the FTC is legally obligated to sue ESG businesses for violating anti-competitive laws under the Sherman Act.. but FTC Chair Lina Khan was questioned yesterday, and it's absolutely clear that the FTC is infiltrated too:
[C-SPAN; July 13th, 2023]
(They question her a lot about the politicization of the FTC, with right-leaning executives quitting and being forced out)

FTC Chair Khan is Pakistani, btw... Pakistan having a 2022 G-Index of 29.8%, meaning that they have largely rejected ESG. They are part of the BRICS+ coalition, benefiting from the fall of the West and the rise of a BRICS+ energy monopoly. These people are infiltrating our governments.

On a similar line, ESG's discrimination laws violations (e.g., DIE, racial audits, artificial hiring practices) should be prosecuted by the SEC... but the SEC Chair is Gary Gensler, whose "Early Life" check should not surprise anyone.

One of Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of politics:
3) "The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies."
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 17 20:18:13
I follow "Liberty Lockdown" on Twitter and YouTube because he is one of a handful of people who actually understands some of ESG's threats. Despite being a small channel, he has a lot of presence in circles around the Redheaded Libertarian and Timcast, so he managed to get a quick interview with Vivek Ramaswamy today:

I left this comment:
19:10 — "That administrative state — that Leviathan."
Oh snap. Ramaswamy just casually citing Francis' Leviathan? That's a good sign.

31:00 — (Questions of China)
That's definitely the issue: China is a threat but only because of the administrative state. I think that's why Ramaswamy has it right; going after bureaucracies means that ESG loses its teeth, and without ESG, China is no longer a rising threat. I think a lot of us have been pointing this out (e.g., Rep. Palmer (AL), Rep. Perry (PA), Jason Isaac), but ESG directly supports China's belt-and-road expansion. We even have the WEF openly supporting the Belt-and-road resource monopoly in its 2023 Summer Session because these non-strategic bureaucrats foolishly think that China will simply supply these resources without having any national ambitions of its own.

But cutting out ESG (e.g., by going after SEC and FTC bureaucracies) and revoking the Biden Executive Orders that expanded "sustainability" governance bureaucracies means cutting belt-and-road expansion downstream. The West would have to see the direct costs of rare-earth mining in, for instance, Alaska, without the head-in-the-sand belief that massive subsidies that support Chinese expansion in Africa somehow make "green" energy "clean".

My only concern with Ramaswamy is that ESG is not just a Chinese economic warfare engine; it favors BRICS+ more broadly, and that includes India. BRICS already has a lot of notable bureaucrats in positions of power in U.S. 3-letter agencies, and we see how often this Venn Diagram (BRICS+ personnel and a retention of global allegiance within their host nations) comes with intentionally undermining U.S. sovereignty. This makes it difficult to simply be blind to national origins.

To his credit, Ramaswamy has a chapter in "Capitalist Punishment" called "No Manager Can Serve Two Masters", which signals the importance of dissolving dual loyalties. Also, a lot of these BRICS+ infiltrators have very transparent resentment of U.S. institutions (e.g., Lina Khan), whereas Ramaswamy seems to genuinely support the U.S. free market's meritocracy without any resentment. It's something to think about, though.

Between the lines on my comment:
Ramaswamy's familiarity with Samuel Francis' "Leviathan and Its Enemies" means that Ramaswamy is aware of how totalitarian states infiltrate bureaucracies. Francis learned the lessons exposed by Soviet Bolshevism and applied them to emerging corporate interests in the West, which were designed to slowly creep into all of Western governance and overcome sovereign checks and balances, reasserting the will of oligarchs over all of society.

In other words, just as in Russia before the fall of the tsars, the infiltration of bureaucracy allows oligarchs to place loyalists in all important positions within society. The key means of this was one I've repeatedly pointed out: placing resentful people into positions of power (people of slave morality given power). This "works" because these resentful people will serve the new oligarchs through their resentment, bringing down the former state's functions and serving those oligarchs who allow them to destroy.

Of course, also as I've repeated, these useful idiots are themselves deceived. They are only able to destroy, lacking any creative will, so they must be discarded when the newly conquered managerial state must assert power. I.e., place incompetent people in charge for the destruction of the state, but place competent people in charge when the state has been owned and must be empowered again. The Vanguard is always liquidated. Ideologues such as Robespierre serve their purpose and then make way for those who quietly managed the power vacuums. See also the waning power of black movements in the States: their power is already making way for more useful client groups. We see this in U.S. black groups now complaining about immigration; they do not seem to realize that their utility as a client group is waning.

Regarding Ramaswamy and BRICS+, the issue with Ramaswamy is that he is a second-generation Indian immigrant, which means that he may have allegiances to the BRICS+ strategy.

We see this same potential allegiance across the entire Western managerial state, where people with first, second-, and third-generation status from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa; Israel; and low G-Index ally-nations such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Somalia, and Thailand all have a strong motivation to infiltrate Western governance and strategically apply decisions which undermine the West. Any nation that has a history of warfare with the West may have a particular incentive to play this long game; it is revenge for perceived ancestral losses, all which can be focused on hatred for Western sovereignty (most transparently against white people but not limited to this racial uniform), like crabs pulling each other into the bottom of a bucket so that none can know freedom.

And once you start paying attention to this, the pattern is clear:
• London Mayor — Sadiq Khan (Pakistan)
• UK PM — Rishi Sunak (India)
• Ireland PM — Leo Varadkar (India)
• DNC Squad — Ilhan Omar (Somalia), Tlaib (Palestine), Casar (Mexico), AOC (Puerto Rico)
• Canadian PM — Justin Trudeau (Cuba) ;)
• Random resentful DNC figures — Ro Khanna (India), Robert Garcia (Peru), Becca Balint (Israel), Raskin (Israel), Jared Moskowitz (Israel), Seth Magaziner (Israel).
• DNC total-state bureaucrats — Sanjay Gupta (India), Ashish Jha (India), Rochelle Walensky (Israel), Leana Wen (China), Janet Yellen (Israel), Antony Blinken (Israel), Merrick Garland (Israel).

The major beneficiaries of bureaucratic infiltration in the West are BRICS+ nations, and the major infiltrators come from the same nations. The more strategic infiltrators are those of Israel, China, and India; but their downstream useful idiots come from the extended cast of resentful actors, such as black communities and LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA communities — the latter often acting as mere eunuchs without any kind of farcical "Varys" of GoT insight (i.e., placed as theater rather than as strategists). Inner and Outer parties are arranged by these priorities of resentment and destruction, with those having more of a concept of the Bolshevik plan being placed where they have more bureaucratic oversight.

And does Ramaswamy possess such transparent resentment? He seems not to and even enthusiastically supports the ideals of American liberty. But could he be a controlled opposition subversive? Potentially. His willingness to go into Libertarian circles for votes could likely be a way to pull votes from GOP candidates, the primary two being DeSantis and Trump, who have no such sovereignty issues beyond their support for Israel. Unless Ramaswamy is delusional, his long game would be a cabinet position or access to the fame stage.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 18 06:57:38
Here we go!

"Hearing on Impact of Environmental & Social Advocacy on Industry
"Industry stakeholders testify on the impact of environmental, social, governance (ESG) mandates on insurance and housing before a House subcommittee. ESG is an investment framework for an organization’s environmental, social, and ethical practices."
[C-SPAN; July 14th, 2023]

The DNC is starting to melt down more on the subject of ESG, and in this hearing they were forced to answer more arguments on the subject. Squad member Rashida Tlaib pretended not to have ever heard of ESG before this meeting (lol), which Twitter user Mythinformed points out is hilarious since the WEF promoted Tlaib as a fruit of its DEI initiatives in 2018:

The WEF video itself is more just a celebration of 2018 "victories" more so than the WEF claiming credit (and this does not contradict Tlaib's statement), but the WEF can *definitely* take credit for her via its idea and funding networks. Many such cases of politicians funded by this scheme.

AOC is also listed in the video, and I should remind that AOC was a manufactured candidate who simply responded to a casting call for actors who could pretend to be politicians. She was basically hired by a political action firm that itself was an artificial NGO activism project (Mr. Reagan did a video on this years ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-3_FGyhg4k ).

I'll start another write-up on the latest hearing..
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 24 21:30:00
Every once in a while Rand Paul gets back in the news with Fauci attacks. On the cynical side, it can feel no different from the DNC periodically attacking Trump to stay relevant in the outrage cycle ("[The walls are closing in! For real this time!]"), but, more optimistically, Fauci's little island of lies do seem to be eroding around him.

Twitter user KanekoaTheGreat assembled the latest list of issues:

A major thing is that Fauci previously claimed that there was no gain-of-function research being funded by the NIH at Wuhan. Fauci was able to float this lie because the NIH had changed its definition of gain-of-function research on their website to make it seem like Fauci's statement had become true (the Regime tricks of obfuscated chronology and semantics). This, at the very least, shielded Fauci behind language.

But, a February 2020 email authored by Fauci which was previously shown only as a heavily redacted black box was un-redacted last week. In it, Fauci specifically uses the language "gain-of-function" as a "fact" of Wuhan laboratory experiments. This means that Fauci's next legal defense would likely have to be that Wuhan was conducting these gain-of-function experiments but that the NIH was not *funding* them, which will require more bureaucratic time lost to seeing if Wuhan mixed funding or kept funding separate and to seeing if the NIH funding was intentionally sent to a lab which was conducting this research as a means of indirectly funding the research (these being *huge* asks given that Chinese authorities have no reason to comply and the NIH would not have any such hidden motives expressed in its funding statements).

In messaging with Fauci, a Dr. Andrew Rambaut also shows that he is more concerned with political fallout:
"Given the shit show that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release... We cannot possibly distinguish between natural evolution and escape so we are content with ascribing it to natural processes ... Lab passaging might also generate this mutation".

But, Rambaut replied via email to House Republicans two weeks ago, saying that what he *meant* was that it would be a shit show because "We had no evidence from the genome that it was anything other than a virus from nature". This claim is not fully supported by his previous Slack messages, since he basically said that his thought process was that they could not tell the difference between natural and artificial so they would default to "natural". This willingness to have a default position, the preface that he was concerned with political fallout, and the discussion of gain-of-function research being conducted, makes it sound very much like Rambaut was intentionally minimizing the possibility of a lab origin, but, even if Rambaut were subpoenaed, it is unlikely that the hearing would be productive — he simply needs to repeat his talking point and House Republicans will be again left fishing.

I've pointed it out in the mental health confusion threads ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=91859&time=1689804046392 ), but bureaucrats in league with each other do not even *have* to worry about the Prisoner's Dilemma; they simply operate like Vogons, referring people to other departments which in turn refer people to other departments. This is because any individual bureaucrat knows that the entire bureaucratic apparatus must persist in order for the individual to be shielded, thus, they never blame others (no fall guy) and instead obfuscate through perpetual paperwork dissimulation (i.e., "Refer to attachment which refers to attachment which refers to attachment..."). It takes an intense and persistent effort to pin down such a heavily bureaucratized structure, and, while Rand Paul has made *some* headway, Fauci and the NIH can simply rely on the Regime "winning" in 2024, delaying accountability while they isolate any accountable persons from the overall managerial-state structure.

They've done this same thing with Hunter Biden. Psaki *repeatedly* referred reporters to Hunter's personal counsel because they were insulating themselves from Hunter. Even as more connections between Hunter and Joe are pinned down, the bureaucratic structure benefits from delay and the owning of punishments (e.g., how Hunter accepted some misdemeanor charges, which the NYT used as "proof" that the story was closed https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/20/us/politics/hunter-biden-plea-deal-tax-charges.html ).

The Rand Paul / Fauci news cycle continuously amounts to bureaucratic shuffling of responsibilities. This is a *feature* of the managerial state. Resisting accountability merely requires holding power in the state bureaucracies.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 28 05:18:33
Jim Jordan released "The Facebook Files", which is basically just a confirmation of what we already knew, which is that the Biden White House leveraged governmental pressures on social media to effect compliance and control on the population.
Still, I'll post here for reference.

Clandestine rightly points out..
"Alright, so the Biden admin are a totalitarian fascist regime, and they are violating the Constitution.
Now what are you going to do about it?"

I appreciate that Jim Jordan has been on the forefront of a lot of issues that the totalitarian state has been implementing over the last few years, but so far it's amounted to letters and hearings, which are good for getting the word out to the public but which are otherwise just things that have been known.

For instance, Jim Jordan subpoenaed GARM and the WFA, which are agents of the ESG scheme, but there has been zero followup after nearly three months. He also sent letters to BlackRock and a few asset managers for ESG details, but.. okay.. letters? We fucking *know* what they're doing. Letters to a team of the best-paid lawyers in the world is not going to be productive; it's like giving Batman prep time.

Without followup on GARM, the WFA, the BlackRock/ESG inquiry, and a bunch of other issues, Jordan is starting to look like just another establishment clown chumming the waters in anticipation of election season.

To be less cynical, the anti-Regime members of the GOP may simply realize that without a GOP House *and* executive branch, all they can do is build up evidence without being able to take action on that evidence. We saw this with the failed bill to stop an edit made to ERISA, which would have maintained ESG's status as against fiduciary duty by stopping a Department of Labor ruling (I detail this in my article (comment "Tue Jul 11 07:30:54")). This bill passed the House *and* the Senate, but Biden simply vetoed it, allowing ESG to metastasize by expanding the definition of "fiduciary duty" into "[whatever the state wants]".

So the GOP may be aware that they can attempt to push through legislation to stop ESG's destruction of the nation, but drafting those bills only for Biden to veto them is simply not going to work — and it's a waste of good bills. So I at least *understand* why they have a reason to be performative on some of these issues. Even so, Jordan may not realize that biding his time for 2024 while building up talking points for presidential candidates is not enough to stop a rising totalitarian state.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 28 07:41:14
You have to appreciate these videos that show how standardized the media narratives are:
(Media unified on placing "whistle blower" in scare quotes when it suits the Regime)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 31 05:14:46
A very interesting thing about Vivek Ramaswamy is that his high-information status regarding ESG and the current economic warfare against the West has *necessarily* meant that he is *also* aware of ethnic warfare being waged on the West. And, more interestingly, despite being a presidential candidate, he is having open dialogues and open appearances with NeoReactionaries (NRx), libertarians, and the dissident right — a very bold stance given that DNC media immediately seizes on such alliances to poison the well against GOP candidates. The GOP may finally be learning that appeasing the uni-party Regime is a fool's errand, which is a big reason why candidates such as Pence have become so unpalatable (i.e., they stink of the uni-party).

Of such bold alliances, Fischer King, a figure of the right who is careful with his words but nevertheless speaks (albeit often cryptically) about the racialist strategies against the West, quote-Tweeted Ramaswamy on July 30th, and Ramaswamy actually *responded*:
• John Doyle: "Just because you have a piece of paper saying that you're an American doesn't mean that you have equal claim to this country as those who can trace their ancestry on this land back to before the government that gave you that paper."
• Ramaswamy: "Being American isn't about whether you can 'trace your ancestry on this land.' It's about whether you're committed to our nation & its core ideals. The problem I see is too many people who *can* 'trace their ancestry' don't actually give a damn about the nation. This guy is wrong"
• Fischer King: "Below you see the limit of high IQ candidates who don't actually feel rooted in this place. No matter how many smart things a guy says - when he basically views the land as an economic playground - that's disqualifying."
• Ramaswamy: "I’m an American nationalist. This country isn’t just an "economic zone", but it's not defined by ethnicity either. We’re *not* bound by the blood in our veins, we’re bound by the ideals that our Founders spilled blood to preserve. They wrote them out & we fought a Revolution, a Civil War, and Two World Wars to save them. I refuse to let the woke left or their intellectual cousins on the right browbeat us into thinking otherwise. I’m rooted *deep* in this country & I’ll stand my ground to the end if I have to. This is a good debate to have in the GOP, let’s smoke it out."

Firstly, this "economic zone" phrase by Fischer is not just accidental language. This comes from Michael Anton, the same Anton who described the "Celebration Parallax" ("economic zone" described here: http://compactmag.com/article/the-pessimistic-case-for-the-future ). Auron MacIntyre basically summarizes the Anton article here:
"America: A Country or a Cash Register? | 5/10/23"

The short version is that a consequence of the globalist mind-virus is that opportunistic oligarchs will have no allegiance to any one nation and will simply move wealth across the world in terms which benefit themselves with no care for the individual nations destroyed in the process. This is, for instance, the consequence of complying with China's corporate-structure wishes at the cost of Western Enlightenment ideals. I.e., caving to China's wishes means destroying the West to prepare it for the suicide that is collectivism.

So, treating nations as mere "economic zones" means destroying the individual identities of these nations to make business more efficient for globalist oligarchs. Fisher was keying in on Ramaswamy's casual use of an anti-ethnos America as an extension of this "economic zone" logic since the two are highly paired under ESG's racialist imperatives (ESG's DIE imperatives), which target men and the sovereign as a means of eroding nationalism.

This itself relates back to my earlier comment on our current Eugenics/Dysgenics War ("Mon Jul 10 23:03:54"), the short version being that if an ethnic war is being waged as a means of destroying the West, then it is foolish to pretend that ethnicity has no sway in the United States or the West at large. *Clearly* it does, if our enemies make it such a priority; and beyond the West's enemies targeting-priorities being a revelation in themselves, the simple fact is that the West's sovereignty is indeed most largely supported by particular ethnic groups, something clearly gauged by looking at which ethnicity most largely volunteers to defend any particular Western nation (e.g., in the United States, white men are most likely to volunteer to defend the United States via military service, in particular being the most likely to fill combat roles).

Secondly, Ramaswamy is calling upon what Neema Parvini (@OGRolandRat) casually calls "boomer truth", which is the Star Trek TNG writer's room believing in a future where race is irrelevant so long as the Federation believes in Western Enlightenment (also spoken of in comment "Mon Jul 10 23:03:54").

And a point made in the dissident right is that this attempt to unite the world with Enlightenment ideals allows enemies of the West to use racialist strategies to destroy the West, since using resentful non-white ethnicities to destroy white ethnicities causes reactionary movements among whites who can then be targeted by the state for further eradication (i.e., eradication via manufactured pretexts, such as the prodding and creation of reactionary groups). As battle lines are drawn, many whites cannot help but notice that its core assumptions in Enlightenment ideals as "universal" are forming most unanimously among ethnic groups rather than within groups possessing a noble morality.

That is, many white people still maintain Enlightenment values, but entire non-white racial groups are adopting slave morality, becoming reliable voting blocs for Western destruction. The proof-of-concept for the West should have been a unanimous uniting of noble moralities against Marxist enslavers, but for whom do the resentful vote and who are these resentful people? Pew research showed that black communities (again) and hispanic communities most largely voted for enslavers (i.e., voting for the DNC; https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/ ). This forces the issue of uniformed combat along racial lines, since this Marxist strategy showed that non-white ethnicities can be activated as anti-Western agents at will via propaganda and hijacked state power. If ethnicities within a nation can be targeted successfully via propaganda to become nation-destroyers, then Western nations can be forced to respond to these destroyers or simply be destroyed via their own passivity/nihilism. This is the strategy that the Bolsheviks have used historically and continue to use today: the importation and activation of resentful groups, whoever they may be.

This is viral logic: what type of virus best destroys a multitude of hosts? Commonly, this would be one which can infect the largest amount of people before its symptoms become deadly, playing a balancing game of transmission, symptoms, and prognosis. If a group can be largely accepted into a society but then "activated" against that society at will, then it is incredibly useful for society destroyers.

Thirdly, and perhaps as a minor point, some of Britain's right-wing are either chumming the water for the American right (i.e., provoking them into taking a firm stance) or are truly resentful operators when it comes to American identity. Parvini, for instance, Tweeted this:
"[America is not bound by blood or ethnicity] though is it. That’s how comes an Italian who is comically Italian is also American"

Some comments have rightly attacking Parvini and pointed out the difference between "Italian" and "Indian", with it being intuitively strange for Ramaswamy to claim "our Founding Fathers" as an Indian man whose genetic heritage is clearly more distant than that of an Italian. Other comments surrounding the issue (not in that Parvini Tweet) have been pointing out that the original Immigration document of the United States specifically defined "a free white person ... of good character", as determined by the United States judiciary and accepted by the legislature, and whose father was a U.S. resident.
I.e., "American" was clearly meant to at the very *least* be European.

This is sort of an example of Parvini's resentment, however. He is very useful for outlining totalitarian power, but he uses a large number of his own thought-terminating clichés, "boomer truth" being one of them and his disdain for America being another, since he seems to find that the "Global American Empire" (GAE) is the reason for his own country's ills, given that the UK often mirrors American policies shortly after the U.S. sets its own policies.

Still, this relates to a peripheral issue, which is that the U.S. itself had trouble defining "white" in its origin, often defaulting to "[former British]", excluding even the Irish (until the Civil War) and French (until the Louisiana Purchase), and changing these stances only as alliances turned favorably against the British or succeeded in removing Irish slave morality through American assimilation. The question quickly becomes the Ship of Theseus, where time itself tested whether noble morality (as a "ship") could persist across white sub-group unification.

This itself seems to dispel the left-wing narrative wherein a white ethnos would merely devolve into old factions forming under an all-white umbrella. I.e., the Marxist left believes that whites would again employ racialist strategies against itself even if there were only whites in the West, but this is not reflected in voting records, wherein white American sub-groups tend not to vote via those identifiers and instead freely adopt noble morality once assimilated into America's Enlightenment ideals. This is even a meme, such as Irish diasporas having no concept of Catholic/Protestant rivalries and Italian diasporas having no concept of Italy's current politics (e.g., Sopranos meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX0PAHWTZ-I ). Worse, the Bolsheviks are seeing to it that no single white sub-group has an ancestral land to which he or she can return, given the success of the racialist strategies in European nations.

The question, then, considering/projecting Ramaswamy's potential perspective, would be whether or not Ramaswamy can recognize this racialist strategy for what it is and effect policy which would oppose it.

Direct laws against Dysgenics Wars might include
• breeding incentives and breeding bans, such as not allowing immigrants of certain nations and ethnicities to out-breed white Westerners or denying citizenship beyond certain quantities (e.g., making it illegal for an Indian family to move into the United States and subsequently have 10 children for their second generation or else disallowing citizenship for any second-generation child after the second child). Another law would be
• denying the franchise (the vote) to non-white ethnicities — something that people are already pointing out in response to this Ramaswamy exchange by citing the original Naturalization document (above). Another would be
• the Heinlein formalization of authority and responsibility, where the franchise requires hard service as proof that one fights only for their respective state.

Ramaswamy's "nationalist" Tweet seems aligned with this last possibility, albeit because it evades the harshness of the first two items, which would be unpalatable to the masses. While his personal physicality also assumes pure intellectual meritocracy — a domain that favors Indian infiltration — his policies seem to support enfranchisement at a greater age (25) with only a military-service exception.

In this Dysgenics War, questions of policy would be difficult without the population at large being *aware* of the War. That is, how do you prevent the enemies of the West from using racial genocide against the West when Western media still uses a thought-terminating cliché by calling the "Great Replacement" an "anti-semitic conspiracy theory"? Many people have no clue that it is even occurring, reject it since they implicitly know that it is "wrongthink" condemned by the Regime, or code it as "good" under rules of nihilistic self-destruction. This makes it difficult to codify laws against it, and our current political reality shows that the Zeitgeist owns the framework for this genocide (e.g., through media/propaganda, through DIE law).

An idealized Star Trek or Starship Troopers future would require proof of support for Enlightenment sovereignty, whereas no slave society could survive the current racialist strategies, hence why the West is being converted into a slave society by the globalist oligarchs. Ramaswamy seems to believe that his strategy of liquidating the bureaucracies could re-instate the meritocracy which sustains Western Enlightenment. He is not necessarily incorrect, and the NRx and dissident-right — with all of their accelerationism and pessimism — seem not to understand the depths of the ESG framework well enough to see the fruits of this vision.

This is why it is so cutting to understand slave morality here: it is the core. Disempowering the will of the slavish while using meritocracy to elevate the noble itself prevents the power of these globalist-racialist strategies, since the Western system — when run correctly — specifically selects for the noble while de-selecting for the slavish. The harsher legislation against Dysgenics Wars (e.g., breeding bans) can be avoided by cutting off the funds and bureaucracies of the Marxist hydra.

This would be wholly inadequate for the NRx and dissident right, who mostly make the error of seeing history as cyclical or inevitable. Their belief is that liquidating the bureaucracies would merely reset the West to the '90s, whereupon the march through the institutions would re-commence but with more insanity attached because the Marxists would not want to have lost ground.

But, the "reactionary" element of the NRx is why its evasion of ESG bureaucracy dooms it: early 20th century Germans already *tried* brute force, but they were defeated by the bureaucracies of captured nations, since captured nations mobilized force to meet force. Is some nation of the West *stronger* than were these Germans? Absolutely not. Americans, even, would learn what it's like for UN Peacekeepers to set foot in the United States as Russians and the Chinese were comically enabled to stop "humanitarian crises" in the West. The DIE strategy is already infiltrating U.S. military leadership through its officer programs, and so force is doomed without first disentangling the bureaucracies and the bankers.
Mon Jul 31 06:16:42
I will input that this immigrant -> democratic party voter dynamic is about as old as your country is, but in particular immigration from Europe during the 20th century apparently shifted the USA to the left.


In some of my personal research years ago, I found that there is also a breaking point I think in the early 20th century where the gender of immigrants shift from being majority male to majority female:


I think one sad realization, for me, to paraphrase Douglas Murray, is that enlightenment ideas were never deeply rooted or widespread in the west to begin with. Going by Parvinis ideas, it was the work of a small organized elite.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 31 07:52:01
That's depressing
Mon Jul 31 09:10:38
Truly. The gender ratio is to some degree balanced out by the fact the it is the reverse when it comes to illegal immigration. But the problem is that you have zero capability to select the illegal immigrants. So you get low skilled low education men as illegals and educated women as legals. These are both groups that will fall into the arms of the democrats.
Mon Jul 31 10:15:05
The saving grace of immigration in Canada and the United States is that the Muslims are beginning to vote conservative because the social agenda has finally irked them enough.

You see, here our politicians did not begin with decades-long appeasement policies that permit sharia or encourage terrorism. Unlike the UK, we are not New Pakistan. The muslims accordingly arent beholden to voting Liberal, and are beginning to peel away.

Cherub Cow
Sat Aug 05 07:16:54
"Muslims are beginning to vote conservative because the social agenda has finally irked them enough."

That seems to be the problem with former "client groups" by the Regime's reckoning. The resentment of these groups is used to demolish some foundational principle of the target nation, but once their role is over, some other client group takes its place for the next stage of the demolition.

Black communities have found this out the hard way through their support for the DNC. People have been posting videos of black communities complaining to DNC politicians about waves of migrants in NYC and Chicago...
(e.g., CBS; August 2nd, 2023; http://www...elter-in-college-point-queens/ )
...but these communities do not seem to understand that their complaints go against the Regime's goals. All the supposed "acceptance", "fairness", and "harm"-reduction of the left is merely designed to get people to accept their destruction ("[Don't be mean to your conquerors!]"). Black people were fine to see the destruction of white communities under the DNC's racialist strategies, but their utility as a client group is not the Regime's end stage. The Regime is looking *past* black communities even as they use those communities.

It's just the "distracted boyfriend" meme.

In other news, peeps here have probably already seen the video floating around of South Africans singing the song "Dubul' ibhunu", which translates to "kill the Boer" and means "kill the [white farmers of South Africa]".

The New York Times defended it here:
The short version is "[it's been around for a long time! What's the big deal *now*? It just means the *idea* of whiteness anyways! Trust us!]"
(This as "Radio Rwanda" gets ever more aggressive)

Auron MacIntyre points out the obvious repressive tolerance, which is that "kill the Boer" is fine and just misunderstood, but the "okay" hand gesture was taken as a "dog whistle":
[August 3rd]

shoe0nhead notes the same a day later:
[August 4th]

People had been mentioning the renewed relevance of Lauren Southern's 2018 documentary on the very real genocide of white people in South Africa, and she posted that documentary on Twitter/X last night:
[August 4th; 1:13:31 video]

It includes previous singing of the "Dubul' ibhunu" song, and it also makes some interesting parallels to the West's situation at large, such as government creating more and more pretext to outright seize the lands and wealth of its opposition target.

South Africa is a case much like Brazil when it comes to BRICS; it is not *core* BRICS, but it is a proxy for ESG/DIE lawfare. Lula's victory in Brazil was a big win for the Regime, and South Africa may act as an early warning for Western cataclysm, but there seems to be a vested interest in keeping farmer killings quiet in the media. The most interesting thing, to me, about Southern's video is that South African media hides killings, these instead having to be uncovered through crime scene cleanup services. This is, again, a continuation of the Marxist strategy of controlling representation, such as how many globalist-controlled nations hide criminal statistics and/or distort them in their news reports.
Sat Aug 05 07:24:24
You must not criticise any BRICS member. It does not matter if they kill whites as long as they obey to Putin.
We kill masses of white Christians in Ukraine, so what?
Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 06 05:09:48
I didn't intend to give David Pakman any clicks, but I saw a clip of this and decided to watch the whole thing:

"Vivek Ramaswamy: Full interview on wokeness, Trump conspiracies, trans rights"
[David Pakman; July 31st, 2023]

About Pakman
Another crazy-eyed sociopath, Pakman of the Early-Life check is pretty much the bottom of the barrel in terms of Bread-Tubers (left-wing YouTubers). He's not as bad faith as Sam Seder, who has terminal ADD and constantly tries to "win" by re-framing the debate (i.e., the Cathy Newman and "Destiny" device of, "So what you're saying is... [massive straw man fallacy]"), but Pakman is one of the worst of these disingenuous propagandists, taking a lot of insane left-wing positions as valid (e.g., that the 2020 election was blessedly pure, that everything right-wing is a "conspiracy theory").

Pakman is in a short list with Vaush, Seder, Keffals, Hasan Piker, and ContraPoints: people on the edge of the psychosis who have just enough IQ to *know* that they're lying and distorting, but for them "the end justifies the means". I previously listed Pakman in the Regime's Psychosis Accounts, whom I first listed in Thread 2 comment "Tue Jun 14 10:06:39" ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=89974&time=1656327448729 ). That list includes people such as Acyn, JoJoFromJerz, and BrooklynDadDefiant — the type of people that tw follows and has linked in his threads (Acyn in particular).

Pakman is disingenuous enough to be in this list because his Twitter hot-takes are most often delusional straw man arguments designed to get low-IQ leftists enraged while sacrificing nuance or understanding of the opposition's actual positions and reasoning. But he is also in the short list with Vaush, Seder, et al. because his left-wing-addled brain has *just* enough of an attention span to produce longer content (albeit garbage content which amounts to them streaming their YouTube-wandering and their gaming habits), whereas most of the psychosis accounts intentionally huff paint so that they can appeal to society's most resentful idiots almost exclusively on Twitter.

Most of these Psychosis Accounts were rewarded with a White House visit last year, but even the left has pointed out that they're starting to "age out" of the next round of useful-idiot DNC voters: the fresh Gen Z crop that's just barely going to be conscious and of age to legally vote in 2024 (there's that trend of the DNC needing the most ignorant people they can get). People don't exactly care what Jeff Tiedrich says anymore given that he has no Trump account to respond to on Twitter (at least at the moment), whereas younger people such as Brian Tyler Cohen (BTC) still get re-posted constantly to left-wing psychosis-den Imgur
(e.g., four instances of BTC on the front page in the last 24 hours
• https://imgur.com/gallery/ZDc4FDZ ,
• https://imgur.com/gallery/yyo8WH4 ,
• https://imgur.com/gallery/37Q2Tzl ,
• https://imgur.com/gallery/HIgfgm6 ).

Rising useful idiots of the DNC now include the Krassensteins, "Chris and Harry", "Gen-Z for Change", and "Pallette Management", the latter two funding the kind of weirdos that in my high school memory I would have immediately recognized as total losers whose politics are vapid and shortsighted.. but apparently these people are worth the DNC funding for their propaganda. Hilariously, some of them think that their success is organic, seeming not to know that the DNC typically pays companies to boost these names in the algorithm rather than paying these people directly (though the DNC does that *too*). This is the same project as rock stars waiting to be "discovered" by a record studio, but it's YouTube pundits spouting DNC talking points and hoping to get picked up by Pallette Management's funding schemes.

The Ramaswamy Interview Start
Pakman surprisingly doesn't go full retard off the start when Ramaswamy points out that the simple reality is that if the Hunter Biden laptop story had not been suppressed that many voters — regardless of their reasoning after seeing the story — would not have voted for Biden if they had seen the New York Post story and that this amount of voters would have turned the election in Trump's favor.

Pakman tries to bait by getting Ramaswamy to say whether those voters would be right or wrong to be swayed by lewds of Hunter (itself a red herring of the laptop's depth), but Ramaswamy doesn't take the bait. Ramaswamy says that *he* would not have focused on that detail, but he reiterates the point that a government–social-media coalition decided to make that decision *for* voters. And while Pakman tries to play the game of "[no proof of Hunter/Joe–Ukraine–China collusion]" by pretending there's "[no evidence yet]", Ramaswamy points out that there are compelling ties there. Pakman, surprisingly, does not challenge this, likely because he has limited time to get to his next bullet points. This may be because Ramaswamy tries to knock these interviews out quickly in 30-minute blocks.

2020 Election
One thing Pakman tries to do to poison the well is refer to some of the more sensational claims about the 2020 election. Naturally, this means picking at issues for which the Regime had its most successful counter-claims, such as ballots pulled from under tables, untraceable vans delivering ballots in the night, and Mike Lindell's 2021 Cyber Symposium. The DNC's propaganda for each respectively were that the ballots were stored properly under the tables, that those vans were traceable, and that Lindell's Symposium exposed that he had no actual evidence. Each is a kind of red herring defense, given that the stored ballots were pulled out after counting had officially concluded for the day (a strange reversal), that the vans were part of a trend of ballots counted outside of the legally allowed windows, and that Lindell's Symposium's major point was that U.S. election systems are largely owned by foreign interests and malicious actors who have funded activist organizations to run elections (traced as docu-entertainment here: http://rumble.com/vkze5h-mike-lindell-cyber-symposium-your-wake-up-call-col-phil-waldron.html ).

5:50 — Pakman tries to throw in the DNC's Marxist–Racialist strategy by getting Ramaswamy to feel resentment against Trump for Trump pronouncing his name improperly. Lulz. The absolute shamelessness of Pakman trying to work this incitement of resentment is a true credit to subversive rhetoric. Ramaswamy does not take the bait, even when Pakman tries this again at 9:20 by saying that people (supposedly) just refer to Ramaswamy as "that Indian guy". At 14:00, Pakman tries to affect the proper pronunciation of "Vivek", and Ramaswamy, sadly, feeds Pakman's deranged ego-play in the latter case by thanking him for the pronunciation, though hopefully Ramaswamy doesn't buy this deception, since the goal of the deception is to activate Ramaswamy's ethnic identity and see Pakman as a supporter of that identity, when the reality is, again, that Pakman is attempting to activate Ramaswamy's resentment.

6:40 — Pakman tries to float the possibility that Ramaswamy is just there as an echo of Trump, but Ramaswamy does not take the bait.

Ramaswamy's Point About the Left-Wing Psychosis
Ramaswamy has floated this before (and Pakman notes this, having prepped for this interview), but saying it directly to a leftist is a bold show that Ramaswamy does not tailor his talking points: "30%" of the left effectively has TDS and therefore cannot hear anything that Trump says as anything other than negative (See tw's threads as proof). When he explains, Ramaswamy's evidence is that many American agree with border control and Trump's policies, but when they hear that they're *Trump's* policies, their brains melt down.

8:40 — Pakman uses the Regime tactic of credentialism, trying to insinuate that neither he nor Ramaswamy is qualified to call people crazy since they are not psychiatrists/psychologists ("doctors"). Lol. The fact that Pakman still uses this rhetorical manipulation is telling of how trapped much of the left's thinking is when it comes to credentialism. It is telling of their bureaucratic mindset, their belief in the Regime's credentialing programs as markers of expertise (rather than a critical recognition of sound argument), and their Marxist *aversion* to the Enlightenment polymath who can perhaps be an expert in one career-bound area while still being fully capable of learnéd observations in other fields (e.g., as one would commonly have a background in Greek and Latin poetry while professionally working as a lawyer and is thus free to speak of such poetry without being silenced for not having the correct diplomas).

Pakman combines this deception with a case study of a conversation he supposedly overheard, which he codes as "conspiracy theory" talk from the common right-wing, associating that with more of the Regime's easily propagandized narratives, such as "JFK Jr. is alive" — a trope which was at least half-sarcastic even among the people who showed up in Dallas in November 2021 with the same meme logic as Naruto-running Area 51. The Regime's downstream propaganda victims (e.g., tw again, who specifically mentioned this event in one of his Gish Gallop fallacies) truly believe that this is "the cult" of Q-Anon or Trump, apparently having no sense of humor left to tell when people do things ironically or just to have fun with like-minded people.

Most of the Regime's coverage of the Dallas 2021 event, meanwhile, simply shows crowd-shots and applies Regime voiceover to assume the motivations of these people for the viewing audience. Only a few organizations actually interviewed those people, and of those interviewed the clips are heavily edited yet show those interviewed laughing or slyly smirking after they say why they're there (e.g., WFAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE9mTr2uI10 ). The preceding WFAA clip is itself heavily narrativized, feeding the left-wing psychosis people with a belief in the "cult" logic at work *generally* in the right — based almost *entirely* on the short clips of a couple of religious people who probably get their political information from Bible memes. (Compare this, for instance, to long-form interviews of event *organizers* or intelligent bystanders.) The editorialized work amounts to the man-on-the-street manipulation, but people fall for this since the comedy shows pick it up (e.g., Colbert, Kimmel) and the DNC's propaganda networks release their own lies to tell people what to think of an idle crowd (e.g., AFP, Scripps, MSNBC's Maddow). But that's the goal, and it was transparently stated by the DNC. I spoke about this in Thread #1 comment "Sun May 29 06:09:06", wherein the DNC conducted focus-group research that found that transferring "MAGA" and "Trump" into descriptions of the opposition (e.g., "MAGA Republican", "Trump Republican") was an effective way to poison the well.

11:30 — Ramaswamy describes the Deep State and the managerial class. Ramaswamy points out that the three branches of U.S. government do not have checks on this managerial state.

13:00 — Ramaswamy points out that Biden is a puppet for the managerial class.

13:40 — Pakman tries to derail with a silly conspiracy that's not even popular about Trump still (supposedly) being in charge. This is again the "trust the plan" nuttery of a fringe controlled opposition. This is seriously sad stuff from Pakman, since it shows that *this* is his perception of the right.

14:00 — Ramaswamy tries to find common ground about the original principles of the United States. He takes this into a sly undermining of Pakman's rhetorical strategies, saying that the technique of grabbing on a thread, misrepresenting it, and using it to bury a person is not good faith. Instead, Ramaswamy tries to look at the underlying principles of a person to search for common ground. He uses this as a bridge to the "moral vacuum" of a people without an American identity.

16:00 — Ramaswamy points out the "conspiracy theory" rhetoric being fallacious and a thought-terminating cliché. Pakman quickly concedes the point in the interest of time, but he re-floats the especially absurd point about Trump still being in charge, lulz.

18:00 — "Woke Issue"
Pakman asks if "Woke" and "anti-Woke" binaries make sense given that the U.S. has different regional acceptance and rejection of this term.

19:50 — Ramaswamy gives his definition of woke. Ramaswamy's definition is correct, since he talks about how it demands that people see things in terms of oppressor and oppressed and that seeing in this way makes people "aware" ("woke") to this binary (i.e., this is slave morality described without the term itself).
Pakman gives a counter-definition that is childishly stupid, saying that it's just being aware of society: "Becoming aware that there are problems in our society bigger than any one person's circumstances."

Ramaswamy correctly pushes back on this absolutely shit definition and Pakman's rhetorical manipulation, saying that Pakman's definition is transparently a way to get people to accept "woke" as "[good thing]", when the downstream boardroom results of "woke" are far more pertinent to the definition. He does this far more kindly than Pakman deserves, but that is to Ramaswamy's credit. Ramaswamy talks about the specific examples of the woke idealogues, ESG board room decisions, and ESG policies.

23:00 — Pakman tries to re-frame and float red herrings on trans issues.
Ramaswamy allows the change of debate, but rightly says that "trans" is a mental health issue that should not be addressed surgically or with pharmaceuticals.

26:00 — Ramaswamy points out that *if* we accept that gender dysphoria creates more suffering (Pakman agrees with this claim, albeit from the progressive lens), then it is certainly interesting that the Regime wants *more* of it.

28:00 — Ramaswamy subtly attacks Pakman again, saying that people need to find the *best* arguments of their opposition rather than "[lazy] caricatures" of the opposition's argument. He identifies how Pakman was using fringe cases to code the opposition as low class. Pakman then projects by saying that *Ramaswamy* was blurring issues — in a *closing* statement wherein someone *should* review all issues — which is comical after Pakman's re-frame only minutes earlier, but Pakman uses this as a way to get the last word.

TLDR: Pakman used several key rhetorical deceptions:
• red herrings for the Hunter Biden laptop ([it was just lewds! nothing else is proven!])
• credentialism as a thought-terminating cliché (e.g., that Ramaswamy is not a doctor and therefore cannot call people crazy)
• red herrings for right-wing positions (e.g., that Trump is currently "in charge" quietly)
• low-class coding deceptions (e.g., that Trump voters and/or the right are all cultists who think that JFK Jr. is alive)
• revisionism and foot-in-door (e.g., falsifying the definition of "woke" to make it more appealing to general audiences)
• Re-frame and projection (e.g., re-stating Ramaswamy's positions to attempt to code them as Pakman's own straw man arguments).

Even so, this interview was *not* as bad as people such as Vaush, who uses a rhetorical deception every other sentence, or Matt Binder, who is maliciously deceptive. Pakman is usually worse, but he was limited here by the rushed timeframe. This allowed Ramaswamy to own Pakman's comment section, which is mostly positive in Ramaswamy's favor.
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