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Utopia Talk / Politics / Black bad asses
Wed May 31 17:42:00


Read those bios and tell me you rather see black elves/aragorn/cleopatra.

Why are we getting lazy horse shit? Why have no one ever heard of Yasuke, a black fucking samurai. Why is there no movie about Robert Smalls stealing a confederate ship, freeing himself and the crew, handing over the ship to the Union. And that was just the beginning of his story.

Why? There is intention behind what is going on. It's not just happening.
Wed May 31 18:07:10
Robert smalls can be a movie because people can imagine that happening in real life. A black samurai, even though it's a true story, would be hard for audiences to take seriously. You would have to make it a grindhouse style movie to sell tickets.
Wed May 31 20:14:45
"Why? There is intention behind what is going on. It's not just happening."

Diversity mandates (including having to have x% of your cast and/or crew be minorities in order to be eligible for certain awards) and industry groupthink, combined with studio demands for quantity over quality of product.

You have an entire generation of entertainment writers who are leftwing in politics, bereft of talent and ignorant of world history previous to the year 2001. They believe in blackwashing not only because it aligns with their politics but because they legitimately aren't aware of any real life historical black people outside of Harriet Tubman, MLK and Malcolm X.
Wed May 31 20:51:06
The producers behind cleopatra were fully aware the historical cleopatra wasn't black. They purposely made her an African queen for modern day American centric political purposes. They aren't ignorant and they aren't stupid. They have an agenda that they view (I'm talking about the activist section of the industry, most people in the industry are lazy and just go along with what the money tells them to go along with) and they are willing to sacrifice historical truth to push a fictional truth that helps that agenda.

Because of that black casting decision that documentary got a lot more buzz than it would've ever gotten without the controversy. They got their message out there, it doesn't matter how many bought into it because that isn't their goal, putting the message out there is victory enough because people talk about it.

Those of us who mock cleopatra were gonna mock it anyways. On top of that none of the people involved are gonna be hurt by it. Jada Smiths career is entirely unaffected.
Wed May 31 21:04:53
I would watch a black samurai film.

Definitely before I watch that made up enslaver warrior woman film.
Wed May 31 21:41:30
Nat Turner
Wed May 31 21:55:19
Why do I get the sinking feeling that Y2A would absolutely love a movie featuring 2 hours of black slaves raping and murdering white people?
Interesting Facts
Wed May 31 23:02:29
Thu Jun 01 00:08:53
” Why is there no movie about Robert Smalls stealing a confederate ship, freeing himself and the crew, handing over the ship to the Union”

Because no white has been interested in playing that character?
Thu Jun 01 00:41:53
wrong answer.

It is because no white guy is interested in financing it. Or black guy for that matter I suppose.
Thu Jun 01 02:25:06
Well, to their credit, Yasuke seems to be stuck in development hell or something. I would pay to see that movie. That is a real story that sounds unreal, which makes it even more powerful. They shouldn't even run the "based on historical events" until the end :) make people think it is some Japanese manga fantasy.
Thu Jun 01 05:43:48
Y2A is literally incapable of coming up with a unique idea unless it involves racial murder

The side of tolerance
Thu Jun 01 06:30:56
It all makes sense if you establish as a baseline, that to be on whatever side it is he is on, means you are to varying degrees, mentally unwell/insane.

Think about it.
Thu Jun 01 13:53:40
What was that HBO show with cowboys and samurai? The first 2 seasons were awesome, especially the 1st.

Westworld, just remembered.
Thu Jun 01 14:29:03
why havent u heard of it.

coz u live in a whitey world that portrays 24/7 propaganda and whitewashes everything around u in2 u believin da world revolves around whitey.

da original real 21 members who broke da casinos were 90% chinese

da movie was full white with 2 asian token characters.

thats why raghead
Thu Jun 01 17:05:08
curious. what movie?
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