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Utopia Talk / Politics / Diaper-Shitting Ped0 & Totalitarians #10
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 00:32:09
Full title:
"Dementia/Parkinson’s Diaper-Shitting Ped0phile and Totalitarian Ass-Clowns and Sycophants" the thread series!

Contained in this thread series is a road map elucidating the actions and imperatives of the rising totalitarian state.

Previous Thread (#9):
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 00:32:32
Thread Series Synopsis:

Comments here will generally stick to these categories:
The Octopus Model of Totalitarianism (via Neema Parvini in his book "The Populist Delusion")
• The [Money] Chest — Investment Banks
• The [Idea] Network — Foundations, Corporations, NGOs, World Organizations
• The [Legislative] Crown — National Governments, Lobby Groups, Policy Agenda, Legislature
• The [Local] Chamber — Local government, Civil Service, Secret Services
• The [Legal] Bench — Judiciary, law enforcement, lawyers
• The [Religious Control / Paul's Catholic] Church — I'll also call this the Synagogue
• The Head — Funding Bodies, think tanks, elite universities
• The Mouth — Media, Arts and Culture, Social Media; Zeitgeist propaganda

These heavily align with the 8 imperatives of ESG's infiltration of world governments. These imperatives are elucidated in the UN's asset-manager document "Who Cares Wins" (2004). I described these 8 imperatives in my July 11th Article on the House Oversight Committee:

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) — The "Sustainability" Economic Framework for Totalitarianism

ESG's 8 Imperatives

1) Analysts / Brokers
ESG funds Analysts and Brokers, getting them to incorporate ESG into their evaluations of ESG businesses (i.e., the evaluators are encouraged to positively evaluate based on ESG criteria).

2) Investors / Asset Managers
ESG rewards investors and asset managers for integrating ESG into their corporate frameworks and punishes those who do not.

3) Pensions trustees / Governments and Multilateral Agencies
ESG supports and funds politicians, managers, multilateral agencies, and pension trustees who mandate and/or adopt ESG principles.

4) Regulators / Stock Exchanges / Governments
ESG funds regulators, stock exchanges, and governments that implement ESG reporting standards.

5) NGOs
ESG funds NGOs that carry the social imperatives of ESG (i.e., they pay for activist organizations that will create "grassroots" (read, "Astro-turfed") movements that support their goals. This scheme can be traced to nearly all of the recent climate activists, for instance.

6) Consultants
ESG funds consultants who support ESG, give ESG positive evaluations, and conduct research for ESG industries.

7) Accountants / Educators
ESG funds educators and accountants to "train" people to think in terms of ESG and to standardize the goals of ESG. This means ESG-funding of education.

8) Companies
ESG funds companies that adopt ESG governance. The key note here is that this is the virus giving itself a mechanism of replication. Every corporation becomes a clone working on behalf of the asset-manager imperatives. This is everything from corporations offering food, beverages (e.g., Budweiser), entertainment (e.g., movies, streaming), gaming (e.g., computer, console), computing (e.g., Microsoft), media (e.g., Fox News, CNN, Facebook), clothing and home goods (e.g., Target), and nearly any other imaginable service. All become factories which replicate the ESG virus.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 00:33:03
For a general outline of totalitarian power, see thread 5:
"The Levels of the Agenda — Macro to Micro"

Reposted from previous threads:

The Overall Goals of the Totalitarians:

• World Serfdom; what they call the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", the "post-economic state", or the Western service economy; this is a movement to total control through "Sustainability", which is the merging of Environmental ("Green" policies), Social (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE)), and Economic/Governance controls. This is enforced through ESG, which captures businesses and governments under this totalizing plan.

• Massive depopulation; eugenics and dysgenics has been applied for generations in order to create slave groups (groups more likely to possess slave morality; a compliant, servile caste). These eugenics programs have in the last few decades more brazenly begun targeting Western groups which are likely to oppose this enslavement. Where famine and pestilence fail to wipe out billions, hot wars are to be used to push these target groups into destroying themselves while the totalitarians watch from "neutral" positions. A facet of this is mass-migration, which is used to collapse Western birth rates, out-pace integration/assimilation efforts, allow global education to further infiltrate, and cause migrants to out-breed their host populations.

• Medium-term (2030 – 2040 goals), the West collapses itself with "Green" energy policies while Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and a rising coalition of nations which includes Saudi Arabia (i.e., BRICS+) increase oil and nuclear production, vastly outpacing Western energy. The West finds that all of its energy then comes from BRICS+, with ESG being its ruin.

• Long-term (2040 – 2050 goals), the East and BRICS+ find that their destruction of the West was not actually their win; they too are infiltrated and were merely used to destroy the Western powers.

Totalitarian State Tools:

• Problem-reaction-solution — the totalitarian state seeds and creates problems, propagandizes the problems in the Zeitgeist, and offers "solutions" which expand totalitarian controls.

• Divide and Conquer Propaganda — false binaries of populism/conservativism versus progressiveness, left versus right, and oppressor versus oppressed. This is the government-led influence and funding of "Antifa" and "Nazi" groups; the seeding of threats which the government uses to justify the suppression of anti-totalitarian dissidents.

• Dissolution of Western Power — to effect total power, the global totalitarian order seeks to destroy the foundations of Western civilization; ideas such as liberty, individualism, anti-totalitarian gods, and private property are to be eroded in favor of carbon collectivism (the collective belief in a necessary self-policing of carbon) and perpetual serfdom under the oligarchs ("sustainability").

• Slave doctrines — Maoism, Marxism, Leninism, Hegelianism, socialism, and other slave dialectics are to be treated as an à la carte menu of control options. People have already begun going through struggle sessions such that they repeat the Party Dogmas.

The true binary is totalitarians versus the world, as no one should desire his or her own enslavement. A totalitarian movement would necessarily debase humanity into a species not fit for survival.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 00:33:34
This article (from above and last two threads) works as a kind of master list on ESG's legal developments and its functions:

"The House Oversight Committee Discovers ESG"
"A Look at the Legal Arguments Forming Around ESG"
[CherubCow; Totalitarian Antidotes; July 11th, 2023]


• ESG is an anti-competitive scheme
Businesses and governments that do not adopt ESG are targeted for destruction by the asset managers (e.g., via NGO activism, board replacements, proxy voting, compliance and regulatory fines, refusal to deal), and those that do adopt the scheme are given exclusive dealings (e.g., support for Chinese technology monopolies, horizontal mergers, artificial investments, market security). ESG engages in price fixing by falsifying the true cost of “green” substitutes.

• ESG is a pyramid scheme
ESG requires a growing amount of wealth under management to fund its market losses. It siphons wealth through government subsidies, horizontal agreements, corporate participation/compliance fees, proxy wars and conflicts (e.g., Ukraine), international money laundering, and strategic market manipulation. Red flags are that ESG managers specifically reward “companies that take early action”, and companies pay into ESG to “earn” higher scores and expanded benefits.

• ESG is a protection racket
ESG positively evaluates its own market manipulations. ESG protects businesses from its own attacks if these businesses adopt ESG compliance. Asset managers sell ESG as a protection from the market while they themselves manipulate market conditions in favor of ESG.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 00:34:17
This article (also posted before) explains how ESG totalitarianism translates into media:

"A Guide to the Total State's Cultural Messaging
"How the WEF's ESG/DIE Plan Reveals Itself in Narrative"
[CherubCow; Totalitarian Antidotes; December 19th, 2022]

ESG's capture of nearly every corporation includes the entertainment industry and therefore means the wholesale transmission of Marxist propaganda designed to demoralize and collapse the West by debasing heroes and promoting resentful client groups.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 00:35:45
[New thread content begins here]
large member
Tue Oct 24 01:05:33
A manifesto is born! Verbously and ponderously like it should. Good job CC!
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 01:47:57
[jergul]: "A manifesto is born!"

How many times have you posted that in tw's threads?
Zero times?

Don't worry! I've just posted it over there for you. :)

[Nim]: "In a perfect world [...] Yes. But looking at the state of Western civilization and how the winds are blowing, wouldn’t you try to hedge your bets in Israel’s shoes?"

I don't think this is them simply hedging, and I wouldn't deceive people into conflict for a nation, since that admits that the nation lacks the virtue to inspire people to support it.
I explained this in one of the conflict threads (Tue Oct 10 00:34:03 http://uto...hread=92223&time=1696972622503 ), but Israel has waged a dysgenics war on the Middle East since the start of 19th century Zionism.

The Dysgenic War formula for Palestine is simple: repeated controlled wars that provoke Palestine's best and brightest into hot conflict in which they are killed. The subsequent generation is a little dumber and a little crazier, but the best and brightest of this subsequent generation eventually try the same thing. After multiple cycles of this, the Dysgenics War justifies a total genocide against the remaining degenerates, since it becomes more and more difficult to find moderate intellectuals in the remaining population, which has become dogmatic, low-IQ, and without productive recourse.

This same strategy is used globally. In WWII, nations were provoked into battles against each other on behalf of bankers, causing massive dysgenic losses in the target nations. This strategy was used by the Soviet Bolsheviks, expanded to Germany, and Germany became the wedge issue to draw the world into further dysgenics wherein young soldiers — often without children — died on foreign soil for the bankers.

Israel is being used as such a wedge issue — by its own oligarchs.
It is a ploy to coax East and West into conflict on the behalf of the asset managers.

And as a reminder..
ESG is most largely controlled by the banking elite, with the Jewish Larry Fink heading the strategy in the West. ESG intentionally creates a wedge between East (BRICS+) and West through energy monopolies. As China/BRICS+ bolsters its energy monopoly, the West is threatened by its loss of power (i.e., the West "threatened" by the loss of power that the West itself causes). The designed result of this is an increase in proxy wars (e.g., Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, Iran, Lebanon) followed by direct hot conflict between the West and BRICS+, causing all global nations to lose in a shared exchange of dysgenics and population reduction from famine and energy collapse.

This is the creation of a global slave caste.

So the social turmoil felt in the West is explicitly being directed. Western oligarchs are following the lead of the asset managers, who are largely Jewish. We are being pulled into a conflict with BRICS+ not because there is some natural conflict there but because this conflict is the strategy of the oligarchs. Israel complains about being surrounded by Palestinians while *sending* those flag-waving Palestinians into the West and advocating for their human rights only when they exist within the West. This actively degrades Western nations. It seems not enough for Israel to simply become stronger; it insists on making the rest of the world weaker at the same time.

So when I see Israel dealing with Palestine and see also the West seeing Palestinian protestors locally, I don't think, "Oh, wow. The West and Israel have the same enemy," I think, "Israel created these enemies and exported them to the West to provoke us into action on its behalf."

[Nim]: "So, Israel is not a monolith, any more than black people or immigrants."

This is again why I think support for Israel should be conditional. My comment on the DarkHorse video was sort of a vain attempt to see if Jewish intellectuals such as Bret Weinstein, who claims to support Western values, could understand that the Jewish use of globalism and slave morality is a direct contradiction of those same Western values.

And addressing this can just use the same ESG strategy in reverse as a support for noble morality:
• Stop funding slave castes
• Stop promoting "equity"
• Stop promoting migration to the West
• Stop supporting the "Global South"
• Don't support Israel's left-wing parties or politicians
• Don't support Israelis / Jewish groups who believe they are "Chosen"
• Don't support Jewish NGOs that adopt the UN's SDGs
• Total divestment from ESG
• Have Israel condemn Jews who support slave morality in its common form (e.g., condemn the belief that Jews must be the "Master Race")

If the Jewish right or if "pro-Western" Jewish intellectuals such as Bret Weinstein agree with the Western principle of a common nobility to sustain decentralized sovereignty (i.e., a people resistant to slave morality who individually carry sovereignty within their families), then I think they would be happy to support these positions.

As an example, though, Ben Shapiro, despite being "right-wing", is not one of these people. He demands unconditional support for Israel as a monolith, and one of his "solutions" is to send refugees to nations which will send those refugees to the West (he mentions Turkey and North Africa):

I posted a similar list there:
• Have Israel divest from any NGOs, asset managers, or politicians who promote ESG/Sustainability and diversity programs
• Have Israel stop promoting programs/policies which result in immigration to the West or to West immigration feeder-nations such as Turkey or the nations of North Africa
• Have Israel support the sinking and turning back of migrant crossings over the Mediterranean and advocate for those policies before the UN
• Have Israel only back cultural productions in the West which praise Western Enlightenment values and uniquely European and American culture
• Have Israel promote single-nation citizenship and laws which remove the franchise from non-Western residents within Western nations going back multiple generations
• Have Israel support the West's deportation of the caliphates from the West
• Have Israel condemn, defund, and shun any Jewish figure who opposes any of the measures mentioned above

If Israel truly faces an existential threat, then surely its politicians wouldn't mind negotiating terms which merely support the sovereignty of its "allies".
large member
Tue Oct 24 01:57:44
TWs is more an obsession. Admirable in its own way, but lacks the ponderous elan of your dedication.
Tue Oct 24 04:08:13
“those flag-waving Palestinians into the West and advocating for their human rights only when they exist within the West.”

Those flag waving people are not Palestinians! They are all kinds of people, arabs and non arabs from all kinds of countries. They did not come to the west because of something Israel did, they came here because the west told them to come here, explicitly, or implicitly. They are turks, Egyptians, Lebanese, Iranian, Algerian etc. Most of them born in the west, went to western schools and had western teachers. Some ungodly proportion of them are of European lineages even, just like the BLM movement.

“It is a ploy to coax East and West into conflict on the behalf of the asset managers.”

The conflict predates asset managers by over a millennia, it’s ideological and in the case of Islam vs the West, not entirely material in nature. Your country’s Liberals are slowly figuring out that they are not going to get Muslims on board with their LGBTQI+ platform, beyond the value it has for them specifically as minorities. This is kind of a big piece missing from your analysis, where Islam fits into all of this. The Klaus Schwab type characters and asset managers are not going to change Islam, Islam will kill change them or kill them. Look at what is going on in the west: the destruction of the wester male, and then the invitation of a culture of people who are unapologetic about the virtues of masculinity and have no concept of toxic masculinity.

The story of Andrew Tate is indicative of the problem we are facing. Tate is the kind of male the western culture despises and pathologizes and he was allegedly some kind of lightly colored Christian. He converted to Islam. It’s not a mystery why, where the west has abdicated the metaphysical battle, Islam is steadfast, where Christianity is bowing to all the latest depravities in western society, Islam has remained impervious. Where the west pathologizes masculinity, Islam sees the marshal nature of men as virtuous and holds the patriarchy as the hierarchy god intended. And worst of all Christians are not really taking on that battle, and they are unfortunately going to lose badly, because Christianity is not nearly as well-crafted as Islam is. Christianity is simply not a religion you take in during a weekend and then you have a set of instructions for how to live life. Islam is.

The asset managers may think they are going to ride the Islamic tiger and use it for their purpose, but they are severely underestimating how much better of a mind virus Islam is and how many clear answers it can provide, especially to the underclass of men they have created and turned into toxic losers.

The seeds of the Israeli-Palestine conflict is 1400 years old and come from when the Jews rejected Muhammed, which actually had a significant impact on Islamic tradition. The early Muslims prayed towards Jerusalem as did the Jews of Medina, then suddenly Allah revealed that they should pray towards Mecca. If you look at the map, you will see that this meant they turned almost 180 degrees, backs against Jerusalem and the Jews. This revelation took place in 623 a bit more than a year that Muhammed entered Medina, thinking the Jews would welcome him, but ultimately most of them rejected him. Allah makes a lot of these convenient changes in Islamic tradition when things don’t go according to his plan.

The contemporary conflict is a confluence of this Islamic tradition and the socialist ideologies the Arabs adopted in the 20th century. You have a religiously informed resentment towards Jews, the leftist resentment towards success and competency. Then you add the humiliation of the Arabs, who see themselves as the inheritors of Khalid ibn al-Walid, Saladin and other mighty Islamic warriors who defeated the Jews, Persians, Romans and ousted the Crusaders: defeated multiple times by the western Jewish colony, all the while the Jews built a prosperous nation, while their nations are either failed states or teetering on becoming one. It’s like an open wound infested with maggots for Muslims.

Yes, the Israelis are fighting the enemies of the west, who have wanted to take over the west for 1400 years, who see Israel as a western colony. If it’s not clear to you, it is clear to the Muslims in the region that Israel is a western settler country. Islamists have been infiltrating Europe through various mosque projects and groups directly affiliated with the Muslim brotherhood. They proselytize in western cities and convert western men. The asset managers, they are basically sebs and jerguls in their thinking, people I have had long discussion with around this very issue. They are analyzing through analogy, applying reductive and parochial reasoning to Islam. They have no clue what they are talking about. These are people who are hyper-materialists, in that they sincerely doubt anyone actually really believes in things like god or an afterlife, everyone is really a materialists and have material concerns.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 24 07:37:50
"The conflict predates asset managers by over a millennia"

I'd agree, but the value of pointing out the asset managers is that they currently own the wealth of the world and have been using it to effect totalitarianism through debt — this debt and usury being old strategies. Without global banking, this scheme fails, since their infiltration of governance and corporations requires the Ice-Nine of global wealth management. This is where the value of abolishing the Fed, divesting from foreign banks, and requiring fiduciary duty comes in. It does not altogether stop the ancient imperative of destroyers who wish to enslave the world, but it interrupts the current version of the scheme.

"The story of Andrew Tate is indicative of the problem we are facing."
"This is kind of a big piece missing from your analysis, where Islam fits into all of this."

I agree on Tate as a problem and mentioned as much in wtb's Tate thread some months ago. Pretty sure that wtb thought that I was on team Tate, but my point was similar to yours: Tate is providing a masculine example to people who are lost (and men need to be masculine), but Tate is just another immoral enslaver, given how he treats women and given his opportunistic conversion. (The "player" lifestyle is not a positive example in the West.) And that enslaver logic is something I've mentioned of Islam in previous threads too (e.g., previous thread comment "Sat Sep 16 23:59:36", talking about "Dune" and its envisioning of a future where the West, Islam, and Judaism must at last face the disbandment of their slavery logic through the presence of an «Übermensch»).

The short version of my comment there is that Islam is not the answer. Many NRx people think that Islam is somehow an ally in this because of Islam's shared aversion to LGBTQ2S+, but Islam was created as a competing enslavement strategy against Judaism. (This connects to the point about Islam feeling its dogma's rejected by Judaism, which had inordinate control of the canon and could propagandize others with who was or was not a "true" prophet.) I've mentioned before "Aurelian of Rome" on Twitter — lots of "based" takes, but then he talks about a caliphate taking over the West to save it from its self-destruction and decadence — hardly something the West should want.

My incorporation of Islam into my analysis is that they are being used to collapse the West since they are such a destructive element and have such an open logic of total enslavement. China and the asset managers are happy to see them infiltrate and establish caliphates under the nose of Western oligarchs who are too cowardly to purge them for fear of the UN's distaste.. while China and Israel get to reject the caliphate almost totally (just consider China's open rejection of the Uyghurs). Much of Islam in the West are an invasion force and represent settler colonialism. I very much support the mass deportation of Islam from the West. It again goes to my point that if Israel gets to deport them then so too should the West. I'd also prefer a Christian Crusade in Jerusalem rather than a Jewish occupation.

"These are people who are hyper-materialists, in that they sincerely doubt anyone actually really believes in things like god or an afterlife, everyone is really a materialists and have material concerns."

I don't post too much about it here, but I *have* been keeping up with the religious elements, including the delusions that materialistic Jews use to deceive the religious. That's part of where the subversion comes from: many Chabad Jews will simply say what they need to say for power, including "tricking God", which cynics among them take to mean simply deceiving the ruling elites of any given society (e.g., deceiving the West). There's also a lot of talk of them believing that if they replicate the conditions of the end times then they can bring about their messiah, but they falsify also this messiah. Fox News was even made fun of in these circles last week for having on a Christian pastor who thinks that it's his duty as a Christian to help Jews bring about their end-times prophecies so that Christians can be slaves to the Jewish vision. That vision is weirdly popular among people such as Mike Pence and Nikki Haley, which is a big fuel for their unconditional support for Israel.

And many of the NRx people (e.g., Auron MacIntyre, the Prudentialist, the Distributist) are Christian and have a legitimate belief, but they seem not to realize that the Pharisees infiltrated much of Christianity with slave morality to enslave Christians on behalf of the Jewish state. People most often need the sacred and surely benefit from it to evade nihilism, but the sincere need to know how to detect these subversions to divide between them and the sacred. Otherwise, the cost is falling into the traps of "inevitability" that are written by the determinists. (Many NRx people are convinced by arguments of "inevitability".)

And this is that connection between slave morality, determinism, and materialism. Materialists incorrectly believe that life operates on simple physical principles and therefore is deterministic (e.g., confusing the laboratory controls with real life which has no such controls), but life is only deterministic where it is simple — as in the life of the slave, whose will is determined by the master (hence why slavish people such as Seb are so convinced by determinism and materialism). To evade this slave–determinist–materialist delusion, the sacred must be deeply connected with life, life being most successful when it has the complexity to be thoroughly anti-deterministic (i.e., strong life is that which best resists the determinism of the cosmos). In other words, the sacred must at its core resist the enslaving elements within Islam, Judaism, and Catholicism.

To do my usual Nietzsche citation, he experimented with this in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" (i.e., finding a religious/sacred which resisted slavery), but in "The Anti-Christ" he attempted to extricate slavery from Christianity, seeing the value of keeping the lessons of Christ himself while removing the Pharisee deceptions of debt and slavery. There's a practical dimension to retaining Christianity which was tested in Germany after Nietzsche, which is that you cannot re-make a religion for all of society in a moment (e.g., a neo-Zoroastrianism or new mysticism), but you can work within the existing frameworks of the religious to show them where heresies have degraded them.
Thu Oct 26 10:27:30
The uncanny thing is, we agree on so much and have reached the same conclusions in so many areas. I agree with 95% of what you just said. The 5% is significant, though.

About the old Tate threads, apart from being the perfect patient to illustrate the diagnosis, of course, I remember your thing with wtb :-) At the same time, I found myself explaining to Seb that there are things to get about Tate, that you will only get if you’re a man (appreciate the masculine). I also get fascism, Islam, even communism. WTB and Seb don’t understand that it’s a strength to be able to truly understand the attractiveness in dangerous ideas and wrestle with them, without falling for them. I don’t see how you will have any credibility deconstructing them if you don’t understand why people, the young in particular, are attracted to them in the first place. It’s trivial to be outraged by obvious indignity.

Tate would have been a genius if it was all a LARP. The irony in a degenerate character going around exposing the depraved individuals and mentalities in Western society. The hero we don’t want, but need. Unfortunately, he was a real degenerate.

To underscore my point about Tate, the lure in his degenerate persona is one problem (prior to conversion), his conversion an even bigger problem. And while we will wholeheartedly agree Islam isn’t the answer, it is providing a lot of answers, even for men with means and above-average intellectual capacity like Tate.

It was not my intention to say you don’t bring up religion, you do. It is true that all three Abrahamic religions have a common foundation: submission, worship of death, a desire to bring the end of times, and ultimately a devaluing of this life. But praxis and tradition matter, and there are qualitative differences beyond the shared foundation in slave morality.

I don’t need to get deep into the Sharia and Islamic state concepts, but their existence speaks to the all-encompassing aspect of Islam, and more importantly, provides a transcendental goal to strive for as a community to manifest in this world. I don’t know if you have heard of it, there is a book by Sayyid Qutb (of the Muslim Brotherhood) called “Social Justice in Islam.” It’s exactly what it sounds like; he argues that Islamic principles should guide economic and social institutions and systems, to ensure fairness, equity, and equal distribution of wealth. Moreover, he suggests that the state should be used to achieve these goals and safeguard them. Qutb has been very influential in the Islamic world broadly, Salafi jihadi movements like the Islamic State specifically, but even the Iranian Islamic Republic and Khomeini are all heavily influenced by his work. It’s worth mentioning that without the help of European leftist intellectuals and left-wing movements in Iran, the revolution would never have happened.

These are the enemies of Israel; these are my enemies and the enemies of enlightenment values, life, liberty, and prosperity.

I don’t believe trying to ride the tiger of Islam will work. It will work in as far as breaking things; I agree that is the reason the gates were opened and why the behavior is relativized and so on. It will ultimately blow up in their face, and I think it is obvious because the misdiagnosis is so severe. In 1400 years, reform of Islam has failed, not for the lack of trying, it’s that they will kill you if you try :-) Islam is simply more dangerous; it’s a better-designed mind virus and not a spent force like Christianity.

I hear you about money, but money isn’t power and is useless if it isn’t backed up by violent capital; violence is the oldest and ultimate currency of power. It begs the question; who is going to protect these asset managers and their assets when they have deconstructed the male, diversified the military, and defunded the police? These are huge blind spots and holes in the game plan and go back to completely misdiagnosing Islam as analogous to Christianity and the god-fearing as materialist. If you go back to some old thread I had with Seb during the Syrian war, you will find he thought Jihadis were suffering from mental illness, mental hospice patients the lot of them. This is the frame of reference they have to make sense of why someone would gladly blow himself up or behead people.

The danger of those trying to create chaos to usurp power lies in the chaos itself, which by its nature is difficult to control. And this is precisely where the collectivist, community-oriented, and codified tradition of Islam has a 1400-year-old edge; to resist and survive the asset managers' attempt of corruption and chaos and implement their own agenda.

I have been reading your texts for some time, and I am concerned you are not trying to make friends where friends can be made. There is a degree of intolerance for less than ideal states and a lack of pragmatism. For instance, I get what you say about Eric Weinstein, spooky, verbatim the very same thing you find problematic. It was him speaking about how he met his wife (Indian Jew mathematician) where it was clear he embraced his tribe over others, and it made me uneasy because he spoke of it as a virtue. Yet, he is immensely brilliant, heterodox in his thinking and useful. I could say something along those lines about Sam Harris and his TDS. I could say these things about so many others whom I know through their work so well; they have almost become like friends. You accept their flaws and contradictions; you see the nuances.

We need to make friends and allies, and for all the above reasons that includes Israel and an acceptance of their flaws, contradictions, and not living up to the ideal state of affairs. They are fighting our enemies in the Middle East, and in doing exactly that, they have provoked a massive triggering of the woke, second only to the BLM meltdown.

If that is not good enough, Cherub Cow, then I hope there is a god to save us, because we are not going to get to the discussion of the ideal society; we will be dead or conquered.

I’m a very practical person, and our problems need practical pragmatic solutions. I find it difficult to apply what you are saying to the problems without ending up alone and isolated. And I know this is something you want to avoid, being broken into isolated atoms. This would play into the hands of the instigators of chaos.

I can’t undermine the Israeli front.
Cherub Cow
Fri Oct 27 07:18:23
[Nim]: "If you go back to some old thread I had with Seb during the Syrian war, you will find he thought Jihadis were suffering from mental illness, mental hospice patients the lot of them. This is the frame of reference they have to make sense of why someone would gladly blow himself up or behead people."

That's hilarious thinking. I've seen people similarly say that suicide itself is a sign of mental illness, which completely disregards rational suicide in some extreme events (e.g., suicide because one is about to be crucified).

[Nim]: "It begs the question; who is going to protect these asset managers and their assets when they have deconstructed the male, diversified the military, and defunded the police?"

Yes! Exactly! I've been pointing that out for a while, e.g.,
[Franklin]: "I can't see it ending well for Western elites though."
[CC]: "That is one thing that they are missing.
Many of the oligarchs who have some glimmer of what is coming believe that they'll get a 2008 collapse bailout-check for their complicit role.
But even the owners of remote New Zealand mansions will see Marie Antoinette's visitors."

That is.. people will come for the asset managers this time. Even Larry Fink realized that people *see* him. People *see* Davos. People film outside the Bilderberg meetings, and people watch the guest lists. Many of these oligarchs think that because they were not elected that they must be immune from political scorn, but people have woken to power.

[Nim]: "go back to completely misdiagnosing Islam as analogous to Christianity and the god-fearing as materialist."

For clarity, I have not suggested that Islam is materialistic. It is Judaism in particular that has many cynics, materialists, and determinists (e.g., Spinoza). This is because the cynicism of Judaism borders on outright atheism so that they can use anti-religious ideology to destroy the religions of their competitors while effecting their own practical goals. Cynical adherents even laugh at the idea that they took Hellenism away from the West through the deception of an adapted monotheism (Prager non-cynically praises Judaism for ending Hellenism). They think it's hilarious when people respect symbols or simulations that they use as carrots.

Catholicism is far less materialistic and cynical, but it samples determinism when it listens to the will of Judaism, which directs Catholics into slavery. Various Christian groups struggle with this, some better than others. Christianity's separate vision is largely atomized at the moment, but I think it's in the best position to overcome materialism.

Islam is not cynical or materialistic, but it samples the self-fulfilling prophecy of Judaism as its separate will to power. Its "determinism" is its belief that it alone represents the spirit of Allah and cannot be corrupted against this singular goal. This is borrowed from Judaism's belief in a singular vision for the world (the monotheistic totalitarian), but Islam makes sure that its vision is *separate* (e.g., the iconoclastic design of the anti-numerology mosque). It rejects Judaism's deceptions and focuses on pure power for its people.

[Nim]: "And this is precisely where the collectivist, community-oriented, and codified tradition of Islam has a 1400-year-old edge; to resist and survive the asset managers' attempt of corruption and chaos and implement their own agenda."

Agreed. Saudi Arabia's resistance in particular has been of note to me:
"This Saudi flirtation with BRICS been building for years, but recent White House actions solidify the move.
Between the emerging UN/WEF-ESG and BRICS totalitarian states, the Saudis see a very apparent threat from ESG, under which their power/legacy would be totally dismantled."

The Saudis were taking the ESG bribes but they refused to implement ESG at the level of actual governance (hence low G-Index). That's what's so hilarious to me about the Western oligarchs who *actually* believe that BRICS+ could accept ESG: the "Global South" is the most likely to *reject* the "Globo-homo American Empire". BRICS+ appreciates ESG only as a means to destroy the West.

[Nim]: "I have been reading your texts for some time, and I am concerned you are not trying to make friends where friends can be made."

I think I've said it before, but that's definitely becoming an issue for me. My Twitter bio has even said for a couple months now, "Overcoming the Cassandra Complex", since that's something that requires real effort for me.

After the 2016 psychosis took hold of the left, I *really* resisted going full-throttle on a lot of the left in the hopes that being mild and respectful would calm them down, but some of these people really are legitimately learning disabled and cannot be reached. On Imgur, if you even *slightly* say something against the narrative, they go through your entire comment history and Google you looking for ammunition (something Jergul once did too). And when you know what's at stake, it makes it difficult to simply take treatment like that and not at least hold up a mirror to it.

Still, I would agree if you mean I need to be more convincing rather than zero-sum for only those who completely agree already. I'll at least point out now that I only swear in UP ;p ... I'm much nicer outside of UP.

[Nim]: "They are fighting our enemies in the Middle East, and in doing exactly that, they have provoked a massive triggering of the woke, second only to the BLM meltdown ... I can’t undermine the Israeli front."

That's fair, but I cannot ignore that they helped create that same woke army.
It is good in theory to have a Western-lite element in the Middle East that fights Islam, but I would prefer them not to fund BRICS+ with Western wealth while they do it. Western wealth is giving our competitors some of the strongest population pyramids in the world, and Israel just asks for more money to fight the bad-guy generator instead of divesting from bad-guy-generator companies.

That's why I'm simply saying that support must be conditional. If Israel wants to fight Islam, have at it, but don't make the West fund Islam and its enemies at the same time. The solution cannot be deporting Palestine to the West. A shared goal would be deporting Palestine to Madagascar. There exist lots of opportunities for win-win scenarios like that.
Fri Oct 27 09:59:57
We obviously agree on many things, obviously more than I initially thought. We clearly see the same problems, you even see the vector that Islam is. There is no sense for me to respond to the minutiae of disagreement in what you said and get stuck in the narcissism of nuances.

“I think I've said it before, but that's definitely becoming an issue for me. My Twitter bio has even said for a couple months now, "Overcoming the Cassandra Complex", since that's something that requires real effort for me.”

I see in myself too, FYI.

“Still, I would agree if you mean I need to be more convincing rather than zero-sum for only those who completely agree already. I'll at least point out now that I only swear in UP ;p ... I'm much nicer outside of UP.”

I don’t for a second try to hold you to a standard that I think is even possible with the characters that LARP here, by all means have at it! It's not about UP, but see it as feedback to your intellectual output, not the time we get embroiled in the mud wrestling :)

“That's fair, but I cannot ignore that they helped create that same woke army.”
“That's why I'm simply saying that support must be conditional.”

My take on Israel is that they have the same diversity politically as we do, they were in fact embroiled in a tug of war between left and right for the soul and future of their nation, contributing to the damage they took form the Hamas attack. Consider that elements within Israeli society at least partially agree with you, some are receptive to be swayed. I think it would help to speak to those elements, rather conditioning support for their country. That is the gist of my input, that we should speak in a way that does not alienate those that can be allies.

With that said, I think there is currently a lot of soul searching going on right now among the western Jews that support Israel, who at the same time support all the woke stuff. They should see, that the monster they helped feed is trying to bite their heads off. Choices need to be made.
Fri Oct 27 11:49:24
Lol. The judge ruled trumps daughter must testify against her father.
Fri Oct 27 11:50:22
I interrupted a nim and cherub moment. Fuck. I'm sorry.
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 29 08:14:43
[Nim]: "Consider that elements within Israeli society at least partially agree with you, some are receptive to be swayed. I think it would help to speak to those elements, rather conditioning support for their country. That is the gist of my input, that we should speak in a way that does not alienate those that can be allies ... They should see, that the monster they helped feed is trying to bite their heads off. Choices need to be made."

I definitely agree.
If I can beat a dead horse, it's that Judaism — or at least many Jews — can be redeemed if they see the folly of slave morality.

Well, it had to be something:
[Ramaswamy]: "the Jewish State has an absolute right to exist. A Divine gift, gifted to a Divine nation, charged with a Divine purpose."

Goodbye, Ramaswamy. I don't even support him in principle as a candidate now. He's just a nice C.V.
I appreciate that this long-winded Tweet was trying to differentiate itself by being super-strong, and I appreciate the other aspects of it, namely that no matter who you are you have a right to defend yourself and your nation.. but "Divine purpose"? No. Divinity sees itself in its fruits, and so far those fruits have been poison. Divinity cannot be pre-determined, it must be earned.
Sun Oct 29 14:15:56

You might want to refer back to nimatzo's remarks about perfect being the enemy of the good.

Not even 10% of this country supports your comprehensive programme for America and the world. You need to learn to pick your battles.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 30 02:42:55
[Rugian]: "Not even 10% of this country supports your comprehensive programme for America and the world. You need to learn to pick your battles."

I am not a politician or some YouTube influencer and therefore do not need to be a coward for likes or interactions on the Internet. I do not need to lie to myself to maintain status. I will only admit that a better course might be to steer Ramaswamy off this path via his podcast circuit appearances.

Ramaswamy has been a hair away from being a opportunist of the scheme of international Bolshevism. His policies have been very close to the use of ESG/DIE for India's favor, and this unconditional support for Israel shows that he is merely asking the bankers to route wealth most largely to India instead of China by coaxing the donor class with the Israeli vision for totalitarian slavery — this being the "Divine purpose" of Israel in its current state.

This is the Peter Keating of "Fountainhead" failure. If you appeal merely to popular tastes in order to gain power and influence, you do not insulate yourself from the inverse of that gained power and influence when you turn against it. That is, you cannot be a whore to gain wealth and then use that wealth to be a virgin — it takes every drop of wealth gained to reverse course, and one still finds him or herself to be in debt.

Ramaswamy incorrectly believes that soliciting the banker wealth to gain power will put him in a position to undermine that wealth. Many have made the same mistake and found that they do not have the will to oppose the debtors when they come to collect.

In other news, let's check in on black trail-blazers in hockey:

"CONTENT WARNING (Graphic Video)
The attacker Matt Petgrave (player in red, pictured below, left) purposefully kicks the victim Adam Johnson (player in white, pictured below, right) with his skate directly in the throat. Adam unfortunately died from his injuries."
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 01 22:45:03
I posted a little Twitter thread in response to a Musky Re-Tweet of his appearance on Joe Rogan on October 31st:

This is the text, but I have images mixed in that won't show up here, obviously:

26:30 — Musk: "What philosophy led to that outcome? ... [it] was given an information weapon."

The philosophy is the Master–Slave dialectic, wherein slave morality is intentionally weaponized so that the masses will serve a "Master" class.

This is "woke": slave morality — the inversion of noble morality; the elevation of the resentful.
In a functioning society, those of slave morality do not have the capacity to revolt, sickly as they are. The revolt is thus artificial; it must be funded.

This is no accident of Silicon Valley merely being geo-positioned; that is not enough. Through "sustainability" frameworks such as ESG, those of slave morality are specifically selected and promoted so that they will become the programmers of society.

Selecting those of slave morality into positions of power across all industries via "sustainability"/DEI ensures the further propagation of slave morality because immoral slaves can only design society in their own debased image; they project their slavery and re-enslave society.

33:50 — Musk: "If A.I. gets programmed by the extinctionists, its utility function will be the extinction of humanity."

This is indeed a threat of slave morality as a global "sustainability" program, but the Malthusians are one client group among many.

The "Master" class coaxes immoral slaves into destroying the Master's competition: the sovereigns of society (the falsely named "oppressors" to the "oppressed"). The enslaver-"Master" wears the clothes of the "oppressed" but retains power via propaganda.

Malthusians and other client groups are thus activated most expressly in target nations. ESG creates a polarity between global adherents at the level of the Governance-Index: the ESG-West vs. BRICS+
This is formalized adherence to slave morality at the corporate–government level.

The binary is entirely counterfeit, coaxed by asset managers acting as "Masters" of the dialectic:
• The ESG-West *funds* BRICS+ under the "equity" of "sustainability" initiatives in the "Global South".
• BRICS+ gains a resource monopoly and sees in the West its "oppressor".

The end state is dysgenic warfare to erode national sovereignty, the collapse of world economies, the increased control of debt by asset managers, and a "Post-Economic State" wherein the role of "oppressor" and "oppressed" is merely reversed for a new global slavery.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 06 01:52:12
Hmm. Interesting.

"Israel Projects 2009 Global Language Dictionary"
Mon Nov 06 06:03:46
I have to give props for Cherub keeping this going as long as she has now.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 09 05:16:24
Ramaswamy will be on WeAreChange today (November 9th, 3PM EST). This is because Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange is associated with TimcastIRL, on which Ramaswamy appeared back in July 2023. WeAreChange channel:

Should be interesting. It'll probably be a 20-minute segment like Ramaswamy has been doing on these smaller channels. Luke posted to his community page asking his audience for questions, and I asked him to ask Ramaswamy about the problem of transferring Chinese investments to India when they're both part of BRICS. I've been commenting on Luke's channel off-and-on since May 2021, but I get the impression that there's only a remote chance that he'll see my comment much less forward it. Still, it should be interesting to see what Luke will ask since he's about as wild as Woody Harrelson's character from "2012" ;D
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 09 14:58:20
Direct link to the appearance, Ramaswamy has just arrived in the studio:
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 09 16:00:57
Don't bother watching the above. The hosts went ADD and didn't ask any real questions. Even An0maly did better, even with his misinformed questions and his attempted smears of Vivek's pharma connections.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 16 02:24:36
Hmm. Very troubling:
"What Jewish people are pushing hate towards whites[?]"
[Aristophanes; November 15th, 2023]

Certainly very new information that no one could have ever known before this moment. Certainly.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 16 05:58:14
Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to America" had been on the Guardian since 2002 ( https://www.theguardian.com/info/2023/nov/15/removed-document ), but some sort of TikTok psy-op/trend emerged and it was removed after getting too much attention.
Archived here:

The TikTok trend is basically just Zoomers joking about finding out that Bin Laden called the West "[The Great] Satan" because of its obsequiousness to Jewish oligarchs and to Israel's destabilization of the Middle East.

While this is true, seeing it coming from TikTok makes it seem like a Chinese psy-op that's taking advantage of the latest Western wedge issue. It's worth remembering that any wedge issue is going to be doused with accelerants by agitators, similar to showing old videos of police brutality alongside a new video of the same so that people mentally prioritize a particular "pattern". This is part of the synchronicity issue I mentioned of tw's psychosis ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92288&time=1700080255411 ).

As thought reform in propaganda, it is not necessarily that the information is untrue (though synchronicity may well produce false patterns). The information is often true, but it is used to coax a certain thought process.

In this case, by bringing up Bin Laden's old letter in the midst of the latest Israel/Palestine conflict, the propagandized subject is likely to take Bin Laden's perspective, which is Arab-centric and thus supports Hamas against Israel.

But, as a comparison, people might wonder why the TikTok trend did not use a Westerner's perspective on the same exact pattern. For instance, the trend could have highlighted Winston Churchill or the warnings of Europeans who — in particular after WWI — warned that Zionism would destabilize the Middle East, create a migrant crisis in Europe, and make the West the enemy of the East. This kind of pattern would reveal the West's need to stop playing into this game rather than supporting one or the other.

In other words, the propaganda gets people to identify with an enemy's critique rather than a friend's warnings. This can convince people to take an enemy's side rather than siding with themselves.
Thu Nov 16 19:33:55
TW is a little obsessed about Trump but nowhere near Cherub Cow.

He actually cites real evidence and writes in a way understandable to other people. Not really different from any other reasonable poster.

Cherub Cow just goes on forever, citing her opinion and assumptions as fact, and then immediately lauches into logical fallacies like ad hominem attacks and other nonsense.

Responding to her is enabling clear mental illness and obsession.
Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 17 04:43:46
[Dukhat (Projection Bot)]: "[tw] actually cites real evidence and writes in a way understandable to other people. Not really different from any other reasonable poster."

lol. lmao. XD XD

Absolutely hilarious, Dukhat. I sometimes really believe that you're a total fucking idiot and not just someone pretending to be a total fucking idiot :D
Cherub Cow
Sat Nov 18 05:41:21
Canada's "SickKids Foundation" put out this video about reading the signs that your child might present with .. umm.. heart issues... as a teenager... after having mild breathing issues during exercise as a kid..
[October 2nd, 2023]

In completely unrelated news, make sure to get your kids more booster shots! You need to protect your kids from mild flu-like symptoms by giving them access to heart-attack-affirming care.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 20 02:48:26
"Ireland to be liable for more asylum seekers than most other EU countries under new pact"
"Radical reforms will see ‘fair share’ approach to migration based on population size and GDP"
[Ireland Business Post; November 19th, 2023]
(This is part of the EU's "Migration and Asylum Pact", which is a bureaucrat's means of accepting mass immigration in Europe)
http://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/policies/migration-and-asylum/new-pact-migration-and-asylum_en )

This follows after Jozef Puska, a Slovakian "refugee" gypsy who was wanted for sexual assault in two other nations, was allowed to stay in Ireland for 10 years and have five children on welfare before murdering a young Irish woman who was out for a jog. He subsequently sentenced to life in prison on Friday the 17th.

This also follows after Israeli minister Amichai Eliyahu suggested early this month that Palestinians be sent to "Ireland or deserts".

Netanyahu claims to be distancing himself from Eliyahu's rhetoric — particularly about nuking Gaza — but Eliyahu is not alone in this strategy of sending undesirables to the West. Ireland in particular is a target due to propaganda about Ireland not being accepting of Jewish immigrants during WWII ( https://www.timesofisrael.com/when-ireland-rejected-jewish-orphans-fleeing-nazis-this-man-saved-dozens/ ).

It's part of a pretty transparent strategy of claiming a nation has done wrong in the great WWII boomer-narrative and saying that the only solution is to be accepting of Jewish policy-makers and Middle-Eastern destroyers.

It's not all doom-and-gloom, though, since some elements of Irish politics have been pushing for Israel to bring about a cease-fire. The trick in the propaganda is that these efforts have been muddied with the cause of the left-wing "woke" coalition in Ireland (the same strategy seen elsewhere in the left) where opposing the conflict is seen as support for Palestine (e.g., Al Jazeera article framing Ireland's politics this way: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/17/as-israel-bombs-gaza-irelands-enduring-support-of-palestine-gets-stronger ). In this light, Eliyahu's claim that Ireland should take Palestinians could be seen as sardonic, with his meaning being that if Ireland does not support the annihilation of Gaza then it should be happy to take Gaza's refugees.

But, that "sardonic" reading is hollow when the actual policy being effected in Ireland is indeed to accept more migrants. That is, it was not just "How would *you* like it if the same happened to *you*?" logic; it was actual political policy-making that occurred with or without Netanyahu's overt blessings.

And there are plenty of Twitter meme-sters that make fun of this one-way street of Israeli politics. Diversity never seems to be a strength for Israel, and when the truth of that is accepted (itself a difficult rhetorical victory to achieve), the pro-Israel anti-diversity-in-Israel person reverts right back to the claim that White people do not exist as a cohesive ethnic group and that the West is a "melting pot" (this "melting pot" phrase itself a Jewish propaganda slogan driven largely by Jewish immigrant Israel Zangwill in his play of the same name) (e.g., see Jewish comedian Ami Kozak's appearance on Candace Owens from November 6th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0Uk-dHD19g ).

As a simple test of ideological consistency, this same false logic of "[White people do not have a cohesive ethnicity]" could equally be used to describe ethnic Jews, who exist as, for instance, Mizrahi, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Georgian — different categories which could be claimed not to be "cohesive" by the same false distinction made between the English, Irish, Welsh, Nordic, and German peoples. Yet, this does not stop Jewish intellectuals from claiming a shared ethnic-Jewish identity. In fact, they would be angered if people claimed that Jewish people do not exist as a shared ethnicity, but this anger is propagandized as "white supremacy" when it occurs for Whites in the West. Repressive tolerance is always a tell.

Simultaneously, though, many have likely seen the deceptive practice wherein Jewish supporters claim that Judaism is "just a religion" and "not an ethnicity". This is, of course, a red herring, since Israel very clearly has been defined on ethnic lines and most Jewish people are ethnically identifiable through the meme-able "physiognomy check". (Note also that Israel is in no rush to boost its Jewish population through conversion.) Similarly, it is obvious to any honest person that White Irish have far more in common with White English and White Nordic people than with brown Indians and brown Filipinos. People know these genetic markers, and everything else is just words as deception, where this genetic arms race is forced into being when destroyers promote diversity in others but never themselves.

And so the mass-deportations cannot begin soon enough, and, perhaps ironically, it would be far more useful to deport left-wing bureaucrats than the people they introduced into the West en masse. The latter have done a better job assimilating.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 20 07:54:41
Let's check in on the results of Bidenomics:

"BRICS: 155 Countries Now Come Under the ‘Belt & Road Initiative’ With China"
[November 15th, 2023]
"As of 2023, 155 countries signed the Belt and Road Initiative with China to better their chances of trading freely. The 155 countries constitute 75% of the world’s population and account for more than half of the world’s GDP. If BRICS launches a new currency and if China asks the BRI countries to repay the $1.1 trillion in loans in the new currency, the US dollar will slip into the path of a decline.
"China has not yet weaponized the Belt and Road Initiative but might use it over the years to challenge the US dollar. On the other hand, BRICS and ASEAN countries are advancing to dethrone the US dollar from the global reserve status."

155 countries.
Massive divestment from the West while taking the West's wealth to build their belt-and-road monopoly — funded by Biden's "sustainability" programs and the "sustainability" programs of Western nations such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.

A good way to think of this is that the West is being made into the German villain of WWII... and the new "Allied Powers" are going to be BRICS+ under China's belt-and-road.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 20 08:05:49
Big if true.
Mon Nov 20 08:15:02
^ did they really get a child to narrate that drivel?
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 20 08:45:40

Anyways, good to see Scott Adams saying with his 1-million-follower platform what I've been saying in obscurity:

"Has to be eliminated" slipped out.
"We all know what it means.
"Context: Goldman accuses Trump of dangerous rhetoric while at the same time apparently calling for his assassination if all else fails. (That's how I hear it.)
"This is what years of media Hitlerizing and TDS gets you."

As I've been pointing out for years now: the left cannot reconcile its belief that Trump is "Hitler" with their belief that they did not defraud voters. Either they do not believe that Trump is Hitler, in which case they would not defraud voters; or they do indeed believe Trump is Hitler, in which case they would not only defraud voters but would make sure that some Manchurian Candidate tw-type will take direct action against Trump should the lawfare fail.

This is a tough time to be a Secret Service agent.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 23 20:16:59
Lulz, update on the Irish situation:
(Virgin Bono vs. Chad McGregor meme)

(And before the left-fags of UP storm for saying I'm posting a meme instead of (another) well-sourced explanation of how global totalitarianism is expanding, just change your diaper and realize that you'd complain (without argument) about both the well-sourced argument *and* the meme, pretending that the well-sourced argument never existed. See Dukhat and tw for proof of that.)

And to explain the meme for those of good faith who are simply not up-to-date on Ireland's latest issue...

A late-40s migrant stabbed five people in Ireland earlier this week, including three Irish children, ages 5, 5, and 6:
[Reuters, November 23rd, 2023]

Reuters and left-wing/Regime media are, of course, blaming this on "far-right" and "anti-immigrant" factions [whom the Regime codes as unjustified in their dissent], downplaying that one of the victims, a 5-year-old Irish girl, is currently undergoing emergency treatment (as is a 6-year-old girl).

In other words, just like the trans shooter who killed 6 Christians (covered here http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92321&time=1700541408913 ), media focus is not on the victims in a generalized respect for tragedy but specifically frames based on *its* enemies because enemies of the West control Western media. For the trans-shooter, the enemy was the slaughtered Christians, so the media spun the enemy as those who were slaughtered and downplayed their trans-hero (i.e., even when one of theirs outright kills, they are still the "good" guys, and the Christians deserved it for not being "accepting" of their annihilation). For the knife attack, the migrant was similarly heroic for killing the Irish (migrant identity downplayed in the media as the result of income inequality), while the "far-right" is blamed for even caring or responding.

Or, in another show of media double-standards of "repressive tolerance", the main focus is on the riots, not the initiating reason. And, where the media would call BLM's insurrectionary riots "the voice of the unheard", they code Irish riots as "far-right" and unacceptable.

Reuters also proudly states that...

"Such rioting is almost unprecedented in Dublin. There are no far right parties or politicians elected to parliament, but small anti-immigrant protests have grown in the last year."

In other words:
"[We have owned Irish governance, and yet the plebs are still not happy that we are destroying their nation as so many other nations. Don't they know they are conquered?]"

I remind that Ireland has one of the highest ESG G-Indexes in the world, sitting currently in 8th place with a 91.8% rating per WorldEconomics.com. This represents the successful capture of Irish governance. However, Ireland's social infiltration lags slightly behind at 27th place with a rating of 89.5%, meaning that the diversity propaganda worked on many people but is not keeping pace with its governance capture.

To the meme, many are saying that Connor McGregor's Tweet was an initiating factor (or *the* initiating factor, if you believe the hype) in the riots:
McGregor: "Ireland, we are at war."
[November 22nd; 11pm Dublin time]

And only about 20 minutes ago, McGregor Re-Tweets a video by Keith Woods (a good follow) of an ultra-soy-boy journalist who had smeared protestors months ago as "far-right":
"Isn’t that something. The absolute picture of weak and feeble. The most divisive of all is the weak man. One of the most horrific crimes this nation ever seen has occurred, we do not care anymore what you sad cases have got to say. In a war you are nothing. We are not backing down, we are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real change is implemented for the safety of our nation. We are not losing any more of our woman and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place. Call it what you want. We do not care. May God help us all. Ireland for victory"

It is worth repeating the refrain that has gained steam under this march of the new yellow journalism:
"You don’t hate journalists enough
"You think you do but you don’t"

These leftist-journalists care more about smearing protestors as "far-right" or "white supremacist" than they do about recognizing that their policies directly encourage migrants to attack Westerners in their own lands. These are the weak and slavish destroyers of their own nations; those who would prefer to identify with their would-be destroyers than with their own countrymen. It is no coincidence that these people almost universally look sickly and ineffective. Their cultivated weaknesses of body breed their ideology. A people incapable of true action necessarily debase themselves with slave morality.

Regime media:
"[The worst thing about a migrant attacking 5 Irish people is the anti-migrant 'division' it generates among the 'far-right'! That's the *worst* thing!]"
Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 24 02:30:12
Let's check in on leftists who advocate for diversity:

"Remember that libral dude in NYC that got stabbed to death? This is the GF, as you can see... she is really broken up."

People may remember her from this video, where her BF dies in front of her by getting stabbed by a crazy homeless man:

So the best part is directly juxtaposing him putting himself between her and a knife-wielding psycho and her saying she is "grieving while hot" less than two months after his death.

Clearly, his death was not in vain, and everyone learned to be better from this experience. :|
Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 24 06:34:03
Oh, look, leader of Ireland (Taoiseach), Leo Varadkar, who, incidentally, was born of an Indian father and lived in India and is also "openly gay", just happens to want to use the November 23rd response to 5 Irish people being attacked by a migrant to......... expand Panopticon powers and crack down on "hate speech" as it relates to incitement. :|

"Taoiseach says rioters brought ‘shame’ on Dublin"
[Irish Journal; November 24th, 2023]

"Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said this morning that the Government will pass laws in the coming weeks to “enable the gardaí to make better use of the CCTV evidence they collected yesterday”.

"“Also, we’ll modernise our laws against incitement to hatred and hatred in general. That is more required than was evwer (sic) the case before.”

"He added: “The Minister of Justice will coordinate with the Commissioner to ensure we never witness such terrible scenes as the 23rd of November 2023 ever again.”"

I sometimes take it for granted that this is totalitarian logic, so I'll re-explain briefly:
• Passing laws which enable the collection of CCTV evidence is a means of expanding the sight of the state Panopticon. The Panopticon invariably becomes totalitarian in the same way that Sauron's all-seeing eye can gaze malevolently across Middle Earth, terrorizing its people through its very existence. It starts with an "innocent" premise, such as "We need to see what happened here to solve this crime" but quickly descends to "Now that we can see what happens *everywhere*, we can selectively prosecute our political enemies, blackmail people into compliance, and control the political direction of the entire state in our anarcho-tyranny."

• Laws against "hatred" are necessarily totalitarian because this is an obvious bypass of free speech, where the central state determines what is "hateful" to *it* and its core ideology. The reality is that "hate speech" is not even a real thing. It is a false-framing designed to entrap fools in a dialectic where the only "solution" once inside this false belief is to address it. So, a "moderate" who believes in "hate speech" will *still* call for the censorship of free speech — just as would an extremist. Once the dialectic is entered, power always flows towards the state. The question is only **how much** does it flow towards the state.

• "Ensure we never witness ... ever again" is the impossible logic of the utilitarian psychopath and the totalitarian. Anything which purports to put an end *forever* and *totally* to a behavior in society is necessarily going to have to take steps which remove liberties from society (the old refrain of the cost of trading liberty for security: receive neither, lose both).
It's like saying, "No child will ever skin a knee again." In making this statement, what steps would need to be taken? Well, given a child's tendency towards schoolyard risk-taking and the "risk" inherit even in the fabric of a padded cell, people would have to be rendered immobile entirely. This, incidentally, was the logic of the totalitarian state during COVID. When the state makes claims of prevention such as this, it can move only towards the imprisonment and destruction of society. And, within an anarcho-tyranny, this means imprisoning in their homes the native masses of the West while giving the streets to lawless foreigners (see "Fahreinheit 451" and the nihilists who own the streets).

So there it is.
A BRICS+ infiltrator within Irish governance is using a knife attack against 5 Irish people to expand totalitarian powers in Ireland — effectively acting on behalf of the migrant perpetrator.

And think of the noble contradiction to this.
How would a politician act were he not totalitarian and not an infiltrator?
Simple: maintain focus on the knife attack. Assuage the rioters by telling them that this migrant will be prosecuted to the maximum extent. That migrants will be deported. That — if any laws were to be passed — it would be to revoke citizenship for migrants with criminal histories.

The imperative would be on keeping Irish people safe from migrants, *not* on taking away more rights from the Irish as punishment for overreacting to a migrant going on a stabbing spree.

But Leo Varadkar and other infiltrators are defined by what they are not.
Fri Nov 24 08:38:08
Unsurprisingly far worse things are going on at the EU level (dubbed Chat Control 2.0) to encroach on privacy and security (I think they are too stupid to understand this as with every aspect of security they dismantle) to further the agenda of the totalitarian surveillance state. There is a proposal (paused right now as the EU is split over the issue) that would effectively ban end to end encryption. The "marketing" talks around it has been confusing to say the least, given that the EU tells their own employees to use Signal for secure communication, are they still to have secure communication?! And this is being excused with a thought terminating cliche, you wouldn't want people to disseminate child pornography, would you?! The CP train is never too late, you can use it practically anywhere to justify anything.

I have listened to *THE* Swedish EU PM's (social democrat Ylva Johansson) who proposed Chat Control 2.0 to the EU commission. She is a complete moron, perfectly clueless about the consequences, how the tech works and contradicting herself from one sentence to another.

Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 24 18:29:40
"would effectively ban end to end encryption."


(Aside: That made me nostalgic for the BlackBerry days. I use Signal, but clicking at that little keyboard gave me a permanent association between end-to-end encryption and BlackBerry phones, lulz.)

"you wouldn't want people to disseminate child pornography, would you?!"

That's the same thing Apple was doing with their photo-scanner software, though that fell through:
[Wired; December 2022]

It sounds great in theory when people focus on the red herring, but having Apple scraping all of your content is obviously a huge red flag. I worry enough about India having a backdoor to everyone's files through Windows 11, which would allow political "dissidents" to be targeted when their manifestos reach a certain length ;D

"She is a complete moron, perfectly clueless about the consequences"

Makes me wonder how many puppets realize that they have been selected specifically for their stupidity. A lot of these politicians are selected because there exists leverage against them, such as
• legacy families who are sexual-blackmailed (probably the case with Biden), more are selected because they're
• outright sociopaths who don't care what it takes for them alone to become rich (e.g., Pelosi, Newsom), others are
• literal actors looking to satisfy their narcissism (e.g., AOC, Zelensky),

..but there's also a class of total idiot politician whom the Regime could slip anything past. I'd bet that they're evaluated for high levels of credential trust and low levels of independent thinking. If you have a politician of their party telling them, "This protects children," then they just read their talking points and sign.
Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 24 21:09:32
Wrongly convicted police officer Derek Chauvin was stabbed in prison:

[AP News; November 24th, 2023]

• "In a statement, the agency said responding employees contained the incident and performed “life-saving measures” before the inmate, who it did not name, was taken to a hospital for further treatment and evaluation."

• "Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Chauvin’s appeal of his murder conviction. Separately, Chauvin is making a longshot bid to overturn his federal guilty plea, claiming new evidence shows he didn’t cause Floyd’s death."

Sounds serious, though he at least made it to the hospital. Chauvin needs to be freed. George Floyd was a criminal who deserved to die and was going to die regardless of Chauvin's presence.
Cherub Cow
Sat Nov 25 03:59:25
I responded to this Spike Cohen Tweet on the impending bailout logic:
[November 24th, 2023]

My reply:
@RepTimmons pointed out this impending bailout logic at the May 2023 ESG hearing.
Many have known it's coming. The government–corporation "sustainability" merger is "too big to fail" logic applied to the West's entire market, but CEOs/asset managers won't get to cash-out.

Cohen is a little late to the game here, though he has spoken out about ESG in some cases (e.g., https://twitter.com/RealSpikeCohen/status/1693739944584351894 ), so the timing is more likely *early* as a way to prime for impending market conditions. Still, his Tweet is mostly worthless, since this is an impossible demand:
"demand that elected officials let the correction happen without any bailouts".

And why (mostly) worthless?

Because how did that go in 2008?
The public did *not* want the bailouts to occur, but they proceeded anyways. Obama was in power and had the mandate of the leftist masses, and people such as Elizabeth Warren were pretending to fight against Wall Street while merely awaiting their bribes and setting in motion ESG's power expansion via Dodd–Frank.

(Aside, whenever I see Warren I can't help but remember her spot in Michael Moore's propaganda movie "Capitalism: A Love Story" (2009), where she's brought in as some kind of down-to-Earth outsider who's going to stand up to the banks ( http://vimeo.com/53358311 ). She was placed on the Congressional Oversight Panel investigating 2008, and what did she do? Most likely, she took her cut and ran. She has been a Wall Street lackey since then. I wonder if she has any idea that her politics were specifically used to get the changes that the bankers wanted. It was a red flag even then that Michael Moore approved of her and that she was overseeing the fallout.)

In other words, the asset managers intentionally collapsed the market in 2008 and were able to get the government to fund bonuses for their CEOs while also getting terms favorable for a merger of asset-manager and government interests, where the asset managers could direct government policy by controlling the government purse (Oops! Congress is supposed to do that! .. Not anymore.).

The ESG scheme intends to repeat this collapse in order to empower BRICS+, and public opinion will have little effect on the plan without significant counter-propaganda. Funny that! A million-dollar movie could spell out the plan in wide-release at cinemas, but it (likely) won't be made.

So, Cohen's attempt to influence public opinion is worthless in *preventing* this bailout logic (the bailout debate would have to happen after a GOP win in 2024; if the DNC wins, it's a moot point), but it *is* useful in getting public opinion to prepare for an impending narrative, much as it is useful to point out that the White House has an obvious narrative ready of "[Biden's health was hidden just like FDR's! It was for the good of 'our democracy'!]" And preparing people for the lie and the fallout is useful for creating counter-action.

That is, if you *knew* that Western governments and asset managers intended to create an economic collapse through sustainability programs to bailout CEOs and asset managers in another strategic wealth transfer (again), what would people do this time?

Cynically, Cohen, probably in a self-serving capacity, is setting himself up as a candidate who *wouldn't* vote for bailouts, but this is likely the big-L Libertarian spoiler deception (i.e., get one-issue voters to vote for someone who doesn't have a chance and who isn't a total-package candidate anyways).

Optimistically, Cohen is just being obvious: yeah, don't vote for people who want bailouts, so basically don't vote for any DNC politicians and only vote for a few GOP candidates; same as with most issues.

But there's a more important counter-propaganda issue here which can be useful and which I hinted at in my Tweet: "CEOs/asset managers won't get to cash-out".

And it is not that the West's total market failure will mean that CEOs and asset managers will not have any money to steal. Of course they will. They would leave obscenely rich. A collapse is highly beneficial to them. That is the fruit of ESG and sustainability frameworks: market collapse and wealth transfer.

But counter-propaganda can illustrate that they will not get to *spend* that wealth.
Because what happens to the wealth of bankers and CEOs when a nation is brought to war?
The wealth is seized, and the wealthy are targeted.
Even today, the Rothschilds are still suing to have their fortunes returned, and Larry Fink is planning to step down as BlackRock CEO because publicity grew too great.

So a key element could be producing art which warns bankers and CEOs of the West that if they go through with this that they will not get the 2008 bonuses that they desire.
Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 26 07:43:15
James Lindsay points out an interesting re-brand of DIE happening at a Tennessee college:
[November 25th, 2023]

"The University of Tennessee is rebranding its Division of Diversity and Inclusion as the Division of Access and Engagement to try to get around lawmakers and the public, which have caught on to the scam."

This sort of tactic would have to be localized, however; an individual location can adopt it, but not the entire system.

I've pointed this out here before, but the claim that people such as Larry Fink will simply re-brand ESG as something else and just continue it (unseen/disguised) is not quite correct. The reason that they cannot do a large-scale rebrand (instantaneously) is that a lot of this language has already been adopted by legislature (locally, nationally, *and* internationally), so in order to qualify for legislative and business backing in an ESG/DIE endeavor, an organization must use language that matches the legislature (i.e., matching takes place from global to local).

Another factor is that rating agencies *also* must evaluate both on matching language *and* on output. So, for instance, if a Tennessee school were to change its DIE language to "Access and Engagement", a rating agency would *still* have to rate that school based on its DIE adherence, so it would still be clear whether or not the school were infiltrated via the reporting standards. That would be as simple as an "Access and Engagement" school having a high DIE rating by a rating agency. That is, the language obfuscation still has an objective metric attached to it, so the scheme is still transparent if you know where to look (e.g., looking at ESG rating agencies such as WorldEconomics.com).

A quick sample of language used to refer to the same set of standards:
• Critical Theory / Critical Race Theory / Critical Praxis / racial justice
• pedagogy of the oppressed
• historically oppressed/marginalized
• indigenous peoples
• unhoused peoples
• Sustainability / (Environment, Social, Economic (ESE))
• Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE)
• Diverse workforce / Inclusive settings / Equitable outcomes
• Belonging / World of Belonging
• LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA / allyship / underrepresented communities
• Implicit bias
• Coherence (part of the theory of the post-economic state)
• Resource-based economy
• Human Capital Management
• "Green" resources
• Global Citizenship
• Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
• Pay Gap / "Addressing the pay gap"
• Women in Leadership / Representation / Executive Incubator
• Stakeholders / Stakeholder capitalism (compare to shareholders)
• Social Impact / Social Impact Organizations / NGOs
• Stakeholder/Community Engagement
• Climate Solutions / Climate Change / Climate Goals / SDGs / Net Zero

Whether or not this language will appear in a particular framework is context dependent.
• Educators/universities will include all of it and far more, while
• businesses will typically offer the more "inert"-sounding terms (e.g., sustainability, ESG/DIE, coherence).
• Legislative work tends to be a middle ground, offering the same "inert" material as businesses but pushing the envelope towards educators (e.g., "historically marginalized", "indigenous", "unhoused").

I've covered this before in the example of Disney here:
"Disney's ESG History
"Tracing Disney to the Obvious Conclusion: 2004"
[May 29th, 2023]

And you can see a huge amount of this language used in Disney's ESG reports, such as their 2021 ESG report:

People such as Academic Agent (Neema Parvini) particularly enjoy reading Larry Fink's yearly letters to the stakeholders, but Fink is releasing those less publicly now that he knows that critical outsiders read them..

I prefer Disney's ESG reports because they are so directly connected to the propaganda we're seeing. It completely blows apart the "conspiracy theory" thought-terminating cliché because Disney just openly says that ESG informs its storytelling — as do all other ESG enterprises. Here's an example of them applauding themselves for meeting ESG's "inclusive" requirements, which — in the same report — they tie to Net Zero goals and all of the Sustainability requirements they actively seek to meet [bullets added for ease of reading]:

"Recent examples include
• Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Raya and the Last Dragon;
• Disney and Pixar’s Soul;
• Marvel Studios’ Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings;
• Disney+'s Diary of a Future President,
• Doogie Kameāloha, M.D., and the French Original Oussekine;
• Disney Junior’s Mira;
• ABC News’ six-part series Soul of a Nation on Hulu;
• ABC’s The Wonder Years;
• FX’s Mayans M.C., POSE, and LGBTQ+ docuseries Pride;
• FX's Reservation Dogs on Hulu;
• Hulu, Searchlight, and Onyx Collective’s Summer of Soul;
• Freeform’s Good Trouble;
• Pixar’s SparkShorts Twenty Something and Nona;
• Star Original’s Sultan City;
• and more"
(Disney 2021 ESG Report, p20).

Page 36 also shows how climate propaganda is a big part of their storytelling imperatives, and they mention that they try to meet storytelling imperatives designed by the "Environmental Media Association" (EMA).

I point the bulk of this out in my core ESG article:
"A Guide to the Total State's Cultural Messaging
"How the WEF's ESG/DIE Plan Reveals Itself in Narrative"
[December 2022]

The bottom line is that these frameworks are across nearly all governments and corporations, and their direct product is "sustainability" propaganda. None of this is hidden, though many people still seem not to recognize this propaganda in common movies. That movie "The Creator" (2023) was a great example, which I review here ("Tue Oct 03 04:16:29"):

Now that that movie has made it to streaming, I can clean up the review for my Tumblr, but, in short, it's an overt ESG-by-numbers movie. Pretty much anything you watch in theaters at this point that was produced by a major studio rather than by legacy actors with their own funding is going to have this same messaging. Even Scorsese jumped on the bandwagon with "Killers of the Flower Moon".

Local Marxists, mid-level politicians, and asset managers can *attempt* to change the language and move things around (with it being more difficult the closer the language gets to law), but the themes and outputs are part of stock formulas of Western destruction, "indigenous"/marginalized empowerment, and China-as-a-successor propaganda. It doesn't matter what you call a car that's traveling 150mph towards a brick wall when the outcome is the same.
Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 26 23:02:24
Nice little re-cap of the Ireland propaganda:

Short version is that pro-stabbing Regime media attempted to obfuscate that it was a migrant who did the stabbing by pretending that the migrant was "Irish" because he'd been in Ireland for 20 years. Do the math, of course, since the migrant is in his 40s. Their argument is that a piece of paper says that he's "Irish" so there is no distinction. Classic bureaucratic thinking. He was apparently "French Algerian", which itself probably means black or (more likely) Arabic, per UK Times:

Another tactic they're using is pretending that another migrant stopped the stabber-migrant, whereas ground sources are claiming that an ethnic Irish person disarmed the stabber and two other people afterwards jumped in. The media is applauding the man who jumped in afterwards rather than the Irish person who jumped in first. Even if the media narrative is correct, it's a transparent reversal card, like, "It's okay if migrants stab Irish people so long as other migrants stop them after they get in some good stabs."

And, of course, as covered before, this propaganda is shifting the framing from "migrant stabs Irish" to "Irish upset about being stabbed, and that's very 'far-right' of them".
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 27 07:21:39
It's kind of worthless to debate tw on this, but I might be due to clarify my position on Trump again, but in shorter format.

I have covered my position on Trump previously, but the short version is that I do totally agree that he is a narcissistic sociopath, I just think that simultaneously he has become something of an issue for the Regime — and genuinely so, at least at the low and medium level (not necessarily for the Inner Party), simply because his narcissism means that he'll defy would-be handlers in order to do his own thing. So, tw thinks that his thread series is somehow data that is ignored by people with "TDS" (his weird projection of actual TDS; an Uno-reverse card of "TDS" onto the right that he can't get to work), whereas, in reality, I would largely agree that Trump is fast-and-loose with data and repeats specific claims in general terms (e.g., citing a number of "problematic" ballots as *confirmed* faulty ballots when, in reality, a subset of them are illegal but not the entire number that he cited).

Even so, I do have real concerns with Trump.

Putting aside the Neo-con category that simply wants another establishment candidate (e.g., Nikki Haley, DeSantis), there are three general narratives critical of Trump that exist even within the right which combine into one:
1) The Q-Tards who "trust the plan" and think that Trump is playing 5D chess (this is typically tw's straw man of the right)
2) Christian end-times prophecies that posit Trump as an intermediary to the messiah
3) Zionism watchers who see Trump bargaining with Zionists

1) Q-Tards kind of go without saying, but... This moniker has largely become a false title that psychosis-leftists apply to *any* Trump supporter, whereas when you actually find the real Q people the narrative is intensely specific. There are people on Twitter who literally just sit there interpreting Q posts like it's scripture, even arguing about which "scripture" is from Q himself versus a Q acolyte. It's crazy and hilarious, but it's also passive since these people don't necessarily have influence beyond having a weird heuristic for their voting patterns.

2) Christian end-times people are a little different. These people actually get on Fox News and have influence within a particular sect of Christianity that has actively attempted to infiltrate the military and political elite. The narrative tends to be from a Christian—Zionist coalition wherein the messiah arrives, raptures faithful Christians, and restores the Jewish state (this order is falsified, however; some point out that the rapture is supposed to happen *after* Jerusalem is saved — that too being a deception, but the order's reversal is designed to get Christians to believe that they won't have to see the horrors that the Jewish state brings about and won't have to be Jewish slaves). Dr. David Jeremiah is a Fox News contributor who gets into this, and there are also Christian people such as "Donnie Darkened" (@DonnieDarkened) who post frequently about Trump being a groomed anti-Christ/messiah-precursor figure. Another figure here is Robert Sepehr, who made a video recently laying out his argument that Trump is part of a Jewish-bred caste of Aryans who are placed in society to drive the West under Jewish control (see "The Trump Bloodline" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szrb6QoYhAU ). Pretty funny stuff. I mostly follow them ironically.

3) So these first two tend to be the more unhinged segments, whereas the third category is much simpler: Trump supports Israel and would potentially fall into the same traps by funding the same Israeli asset managers who gave birth to "woke" in the first place.

The three categories merge because all intuit the same issue of controlled opposition. It's part of this larger issue of people wanting a Caesar to fix a broken republic, since the problems of the republic have become so widespread.

The toxic element of this are the Christian accelerationists (part of category 2) who possess slave morality and therefore fall into the Jewish dialectic. Some are part of the crazed element I described above, but others are part of the NRx movement, who take a more practical assessment of the expansion of the managerial state but who still have a religious twinge, thinking that once the West falls apart that good Christians who kept their cool will rise above the ashes for a newly minted Christian West. Some of these Christians are falling for the same lie of "historical inevitability" that ensnares the Q people (whereas, anything described as "inevitable" is only intuiting the will of the current oligarchs). The better ones among the movement are at least arguing for a Christian Caesar like Constantine who will seize power *before* a collapse, but these tend to be meme accounts rather than popular figures such as Auron MacIntyre, MacIntyre being a little more vague about a direct vision and simply thinking that it needs to be a Christian one.

Category 3 people (myself mostly here) think that since most candidates are controlled opposition that the best move is to get a candidate that at *least* will dismantle the bureaucracies and can be convinced to move against subversives. Lots of Nietzscheans fall here, such as Chad Crowley (@CCrowley100), since people who recognize the issue of slave morality and of Nietzsche's knowledge of these deceptions are coming to the same conclusions. This category is less popular, sadly, but it has a much more positive vision for a virtuous society. It also has a lot of alignment with more pragmatic politicians such as Thomas Massie and Rep. Palmer — people who seem to recognize both Israel and BRICS+ being at play here and know specifically how their strategies are being used in Western governance. NRx people, meanwhile, seem to appreciate the theory but stop short before it gets too practical. I think that it is both practical and noble-Nietzschean to dismantle the bureaucracies (e.g., purge "sustainability" from legislature).

And in practical terms, what does that have to do with Trump?
Trump already has the Ramaswamy politics but has a Western heritage, so it is more likely that he can be convinced to act against Israel even after running on promises to Israeli donors. I.e., at *least* this would mean removing left-wing Israeli politics from the U.S. (e.g., mass migration). Right-wing Israeli politics still favor Middle East wars, but Trump has resisted those. He'd (hopefully) just be an arms dealer who will divest from BRICS+. Not ideal, obviously, but it is only a Libertarian candidate that no one has heard of who has Ramaswamy politics and a no-Israel position (Michael Rectenwald).

So that's about my opinion on Trump. I do not deny his narcissism or his frequent exaggerations, but I also recognize that he is a threat to the uni-party — even if accidentally. He is not even a totally reliable Israel candidate, since he would dismantle bureaucracy which was placed by Israeli interests. There *is* a threat that he is indeed just controlled opposition who *will* enact Israeli interests — meeting the predictions of the category 2 people — but Trump may be too narcissistic even for *that* (lol). It would be nice to have a perfect candidate, but the Overton Window still prevents one.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 30 04:22:16
Sadiq Khan goes to a chirp-Briton's home to inspect the absolute state of things:
[November 29th, 2023]

The smoke detector seriously chirps like three times in this video. Khan and these immigrants need to be deported.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 30 06:19:03
Ol' Musky's lawsuit against Media Matters [and potentially against the advertisers who were part of the Media Matters coalition] is getting pretty interesting:
"BREAKING: Elon Musk to advertisers trying to blackmail [X] into censorship: 'Go f*ck yourself.'"
[November 29th, 2023]

The quick back-story for those not up-to-date:
• Elon Musk responded positively to a Tweet which exposed the Jewish dialectic at work in pop culture
• Media Matters and a coalition of ADL sycophants launched an ad war against Twitter
• Whale-users of Twitter (e.g., Tate, Timcast) pledged more than $250k in Twitter advertising in the next few months to soften the blow, potentially contingent upon whether or not the ad boycott continues
• Musk and others traced Media Matters' use of bot armies and sock puppets for this ad war and Musk initiated legal action against Media Matters
• Musk went on a tour of Israel with Netanyahu, which many suspected was him paying the political price ("kissing the ring") for going against the Zionists

That catches up to the video linked above, wherein Musk explains that his field trip to Israel is not relevant and he will go total war with the advertisers. His short threat is that if the advertisers do indeed destroy Twitter, they will have destroyed Twitter in front of the world. The speaker responds with the Regime argument that perhaps Musk will be blamed, but Musk is confident that the world will see it his way.

His last point is largely accurate. It's the easiest narrative to recognize:
• Musk bought Twitter to take away the Regime's primary social-media propaganda weapon (even Facebook is less effective now)
• The Regime lost their minds and has been trying to get Twitter shut down
• The Regime found a pretext for this and took it
• The Regime was exposed for manipulating this pretext to falsify consensus
• The Regime is using this falsified pretext to threaten the destruction of Twitter

The Regime seems to be hoping that Musk will yield, but Musk taking the nuclear option would completely expose them, since they would have to admit that Musk not apologizing for a Tweet got Twitter shut down.

This is similar to a tactic that leftists agitators use:
• provoke a reaction
• make the reaction the story (not the provocation)

If the Regime over-reacts and destroys Twitter over a Tweet, it will be *very* difficult for them to not reveal themselves to be the bad guys.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 02 05:21:49

"COMPILATION: Irish politicians spewing vile self-hatred against the Irish people."
[November 29th, 2023]

"While it's true that the Irish have known a fair share of oppression, the reality is during that oppression, we still maintained our invisibility cloak of white privilege."
— Catherine Murphy of Irish Social Democrats, June 2020
(luckily, she left office in March 2023)

These Marxist scum are hilarious :D

A Marxist could literally look at the Irish War of Independence (1919 – 1921) where an ethnically homogeneous White nation fought the oppression of the White British..... and still they'd say that the Irish are "oppressors" because of "white privilege". I pointed out this logic in UP's/Nim's "The Creator" thread ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92371&time=1701449669437 ).

This dialectic is designed to cut off the enemy's retreat. By their reckoning, even *if* your White people *were* oppressed, they still deserve to be eradicated. It is their racialist strategy.

And, again, anti-Whiteism is just one iteration in the destruction of the West. This is the graveyard spiral of the slave revolt in morality. The slave revolt is designed not to stop until the final "Master" is anointed. The revolt destroys all "oppressors" not to end oppression but to ensure that the Master Race is left completely unopposed.

As White people are annihilated, the next "oppressor" group must be annihilated. Then the next. Then the next. This is the entire point of the "intersectionality" hierarchy: it identifies the enemies in the "Oppression Olympics", and it removes "oppressors" to design the perfect slave, whom all conquered survivors must emulate.

One must simply ask: globally, who are the perfect slaves?

This is who is meant to be selected for in the dysgenics war. It's not going to be some resentful latte liberal who betrayed his race after getting a PhD in some community college philology department. Those people are completely disposable. It's going to be some Indian untouchable, some Chinese Foxconn worker, some Bengali sweat shop worker. The totalitarian psychopaths using this strategy see utility in someone who will make a $5,000 Gucci bag for them and only ask for a cup of rice a day. That's corporate efficiency!
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 02 07:40:51
As covered before, Derek Chauvin, a DNC political prisoner who is innocent and did not kill the fentanyl addict known as George Floyd, was stabbed in prison... and an update reveals that he was stabbed by a former FBI informant.


"Derek Chauvin was stabbed in prison 22 times by a former gang leader and one-time FBI informant who told investigators he targeted the ex-Minneapolis police officer because of his notoriety for killing George Floyd, federal prosecutors said Friday."
[AP News; December 1st, 2023]
• "John Turscak was charged with attempted murder a week after the Nov. 24 attack at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona. He told correctional officers he would have killed Chauvin had they not responded so quickly, prosecutors said."
• "Turscak told FBI agents interviewing him after the assault that he attacked Chauvin on Black Friday as a symbolic connection to the Black Lives Matter movement,"

I like that AP News tries to downplay it by saying, "one-time".
Like, he just informed for the FBI that *one* time, guys. It was a fling. It was summer love. The FBI means nothing to him!

..except that by acting on BLM's behalf he was acting on the DNC–FBI's behalf, since BLM is one of the DNC–FBI's civilian counterparts. It's the same poisoned ideology.

And "22 times" also makes this sound even more serious than we've been told. This could put him in the hospital for months or longer if major organs were hit. This would also explain why there have not been followups on Chauvin's health. He may still be in danger and going through surgeries. Lots of speculation, though.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 03 08:38:22
"That’s Not Happening and It’s Good That It Is!"

I didn't post this when it was initially making the rounds, but given wtb's vindictive downplaying of the global targeting of White people:

Migrants, before a stabbing spree in a small village in South-East France: "We are here to kill white people."

"«On est là pour tuer les Blancs» : dans le Dauphiné libéré, des amis de Thomas racontent le raid mortel à Crépol"
[Le Figaro; November 23, 2023]

Basically, nine migrant youths traveled 15 km from a nearby city, showed up at a small village's ball attended by some local teenagers, surrounded the venue, and just started attacking and stabbing people for no reason at all — oh, and were reported by multiple witnesses as saying the motive-free statement of, "We are here to kill white people." Eighteen people were injured, four with stab wounds, one killed.

As pointed out by Lotus Eaters ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNOUVNhk8yk ), if you search for news on this Crépol stabbing, Google populates articles from BBC and France24 that are really upset about...... the "ultra-right" response ( https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67548173 ).

So, again, where the Regime is okay with BLM causing billions in property damage after one fentanyl addict ODs on the street, they are *not* okay with local people having a response to people being stabbed by settler colonists. It's also the Norm MacDonald joke again: "What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?" ( http://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/809637479674281984?lang=en ).

And, hilariously, if you search for France stabbing *now*... you find stories of the German tourist in Paris who was stabbed to death yesterday by a migrant who went on a stabbing spree:

But notice Al Jazeera's framing:
"German tourist killed in stabbing near Eiffel Tower in Paris
"A 26-year-old French citizen arrested in connection with the stabbing that killed one person and wounded two others."

A "French citizen" did this! Nothing to worry about. He's "administratively French", as they say. He was also mentally ill by the Regime's reckoning, so this Frenchman was just off meds is all. And we *don't* need our mentally ill people off the streets, thank you very much; we just need to get them more access to Chinese fentanyl and TikTok — like the Kensington Philadelphia Paradise ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUer1y83lpw ).

Oh, but this French citizen "shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest") before being arrested" (CBS News; http://www.cbsnews.com/news/paris-fatal-stabbing-attack-suspect-arrested/ ).

For those unfamiliar, "Allahu Akbar" is a common French saying. Administratively French citizens say it all the time. Super normal. It's a very old French tradition. The super-French Umayyad Caliphate was saying it all the time in the year 719. I think I read about how the Umayyad Caliphate literally built France "Who built this? بني الأمويون هذا". That was written in "The 719 Project" by Fatima Hannah-Jihad.

But it's okay! Al Jazeera also points out that the slain German citizen was born in the Philippines, so, like... (potentially) it's just administratively German people being attacked by administratively French people — assuming that the other two French people attacked were only *administratively* French. If they *weren't* administratively French, then the administratively German man saved a lot of lives by soaking up stab wounds. Really, we need to be importing more migrants to save us from the migrants.

And speaking of the Philippines, a Catholic Mass was bombed in Marawi on this Sunday morning (locally) ( https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67604592 ). The BBC is reporting on it, so the Catholics must not be White. I mean, rather... the BBC would super care regardless of who was involved and definitely isn't selectively hiding or showing details based on whether or not those details support or oppose Regime narratives. :|
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 04 22:19:29
An administratively American man from China named James Yoo whose bio includes "Purge_Them" and the Chomsky quotation, "U.S. is the world's biggest terrorist", just blew up his house when police found out that he was getting ready to do an administratively sanctioned action on behalf of the Glorious and Illustrious People's Republic of China!

(Video of huge house explosion)
[December 4th, 2023]

Sadly, the American imperialists stopped this Glorious Man of the Global South from exacting his revenge, but China's faithful oligarch in the West, Chairman Jao Bai Dun, has been allowing millions of administratively American revolutionaries from China into the United States. Since the United States has been propagandizing its citizens with LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA self-destruction, the disgust felt for America by the Global South has been increased thoroughly enough that these administratively American citizens can strike at the heart of the decadent West!

In other words, the West is being made into a global villain, and infiltrators of the West can no longer be convinced of the goodness of the West through a functional economic system, and this sort of terrorism is the goal of the global elites, who wish for a massive war between the West and BRICS+ to control the debt.
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 04 23:29:51
Hilariously, administratively American citizen Yoo believed that random Walmart Americans — including their young children — were spies collecting information against him:

This should be read as projection rather than this Twitter user simply dismissing it as "schizo" thinking, btw, though "schizo" is also likely true.

The old metaphor for Chinese spy operations is that a Russian spy tasked with stealing sand from a beach will covertly enter the beach at night, gather sand, and leave undetected... whereas a Chinese operation will just send 1,000 Chinese "tourists" to the beach to each take a cup of sand.

So, for instance, when Westerners live in China, Chinese citizens who observe activity by these Westerners will each report one slice of information to information-mining services. One piece of information could be something as innocuous as, "Saw Westerner throw away a cup at this garbage can," and another piece would be, "Westerner turned this corner at this time." With 1,000 Chinese citizens each reporting a small piece of information, an entire information trail can be assembled/consolidated by the mining service. Obviously, this becomes easier with video surveillance, but China still heavily relies on human intelligence and expects of its citizens that they all contribute to these operations. As a tactic of collectivists, this also morally absolves the collectivist of any responsibility for their part in the operation, since the collectivist can simply say, "All I did was say that the Westerner was walking in this direction."

This is all to say that when Yoo in his "schizo" state believes that these obviously pedestrian Americans are collecting information against him, he is projecting his knowledge of Chinese spycraft. He is projecting his knowledge of what he himself would be doing against Westerners in China. The proof of this is that he himself *is* doing it in the United States. He was compulsively cataloguing the activities of his White-Western neighbors, with his manic state possibly activated by the sheer overwhelming task of cataloging at a "7 to 1" ratio.

And consider that conditioning:
• In China as a Chinese citizen, if you are tasked with reporting the activities of all Westerners that you see, this may be an easy task because of the simple rarity of Westerners. But,
• in the U.S. as an administratively American (Chinese) citizen, satisfying this condition of "report all activities of all Westerners" becomes cognitively impossible.

This same psychological issue is seen in people with OCD. If someone with OCD *must* complete a task (e.g., counting an action before proceeding to another action) but *also* bears the psychological burden of a high work load, the compulsion cannot be satisfied, leaving the OCD-person exhausted and subsequently overwhelmed and susceptible to further psychological erosion (e.g., so exhausted that ADD will be entertained to avoid thinking about the compulsions).

The result is that Chinese infiltrators become resentful of the sheer volume of their Western hosts. Many cope with this by..
• assimilating; not reporting at all
• simply de-prioritizing the need to report "all"; reporting Westerner activities when possible or when of particular interest
• retreating to Chinese-majority enclaves where there is no Westerner to report and therefore the "report all" imperative can be claimed as "faithfully observed" should a Chinese authority ask if one has performed their duty as a good communist
• psychologically breaking, as did Yoo

The cost of a high-trust Western society is erroneously believing that migrants from BRICS+ nations (particularly China and India) simply assimilated and would not still work on behalf of their origin nations once settled. The reality is that these BRICS+ infiltrators often retain their origin loyalties and act deliberately on behalf of foreign powers.

We see this also in the Indian "tech bros" who infiltrate information security (IT) fields, secure management positions, and apply pure nepotism to make the entire department Indian. In the West's "progressive" love of foreigners, it somehow does not occur to people — even within the same organization — that these Indians are installing back doors for corporate espionage and planned cyber attacks. And what kind of utility would there be in having these backdoors for the blackmailing of public figures in the West? Twitter was, of course, a great example of this, since both pre- and post-Musk (though mostly pre-) Twitter was heavily infiltrated by Indian and Chinese intelligence actors, very likely including Vijaya Gadde ( https://twitter.com/CherubCow/status/1602661399238410240 ).

As this war between the West and BRICS+ escalates, we will likely see many more fruits of these infiltrators. The Chinese spycraft strategy does not even require total compliance from its infiltrators. With millions of Chinese-Americans placed across Western societies, all that is necessary is a small percentage — a handful — of faithful servants whose ethnic ties can be activated by Manchurian-Candidate propaganda. When Western media resisted Chinese ownership, it was possible to counter-signal this propaganda so that Manchurian Candidates would not be activated local to Western nations, but with media in the hands of the perpetrators, it is a matter of "When?"
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 05 04:57:52
(On Rabbit Holes, Simulation Theory, and Intuition)

I'll often go down fun rabbit holes just to test my character.
A person without character (e.g., Seb, tw, wtb) will stop at the level of the thought-terminating cliché (e.g., racist, science-denier, anti-semite, conspiracy theorist), but if you have some measure of character then you'll test even seemingly absurd theories even if it costs you something to do so (e.g., a cost of confidence in Regime narratives).

A comical example is flat-Earth people who believe that the world is on the Firmament and that Antarctica is all around the world as an Ice Wall rather than being an island on the South Pole. Variations of this include that beyond the Antarctic Ice Wall are infinite resources that humanity has been kept from in a scheme by elites to control the direction of humanity or that the moon is a plasma mirror which reflects the hidden scale of the Earth.

Those sorts of theories don't require much investigation to dispel. This is partly because a good test of a bad theory is how quickly the theory requires that the world be a simulation. The Firmament theory hits this wall pretty quickly because in order to sustain it the believer has to explain-away shuttle launches, satellites, amateur photography, ships on the horizon, shadow tests at different geo-locations, satellite imaging, space shuttle images, trans-Antarctic voyages, etc. Excuses quickly align with those of people whose 9/11 conspiracies are that the planes were holograms, that JFK in the car was actually a mannequin, or that the movies "Donnie Darko" and "Back to the Future" predicted Trump to be the Anti-Christ in a New World Order.

A lot of these bad theories are built on a kind of horoscope logic of Jungian synchronicity (i.e., false connections made out of convenience) that is attempting to channel a much more useful idea: intuition. All sorts of people *intuitively* recognize patterns, but they may not have the framework to express these patterns without falling into a category which displeases them to hold (e.g., white supremacist, commie). Horoscopes are a good example because people intuitively recognize that many people do indeed possess common personality traits, but to give this understanding a theme apart from obvious worldly conditions this intuition is assigned to celestial bodies. So, while people's personalities may well be related to their birth dates, times of birth, and places of birth (details needed for horoscopes), the hidden (practical) dimension is that horoscopes are just asking where and when you were born, since portions of your personality may reflect details such as the regional Zeitgeist of your birth location, weather and nutrition concerns, and perhaps even the effect on the mind to be gestated and born in warm or cold conditions. And this assumes the accuracy of horoscopes, whereas many horoscopes work as cold-reading or give themselves excuses of reversal, such as saying that Water Signs can boil to mimic Fire Signs — at which point the metaphor is simply re-tailored to excuse itself.

In the case of Doomsday cultists (e.g., the "DonnieDarkened" Donnie Darko theory), these people intuitively see that a war is being manufactured, but they likely did not have the time to look at or understand the conditions upon which wars are manufactured in practical reality. "DonnieDarkened" on Twitter is a dogmatic Christian, so he is attempting to apply a religious framework to events that he intuitively recognizes (accelerating global divisions), saying that global conflict is coming specifically to usher in the Trump Anti-Christ. His "solution" is as inept as the "trust the plan" Q people: believe in Christ and be saved (i.e., do nothing to stop it).

A related and actually somewhat believable theory (at least at a squinting glance) is that COVID was rushed as viral warfare specifically so that world elites could build meteor fallout shelters ( https://twitter.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1731868433292149087 ). The theory goes that a convergence event was to occur on April 27, 2020, which would have been an extinction-level event (ELE) wherein many asteroids were expected to strike Earth but ended up barely missing. Due to this, global emergency orders were initiated as a pretext for hidden government projects. But, the theory is forced to find a persistence motive (i.e., the global elites are still similarly motivated), which is that another asteroid, "99942 Apophis", is suspected to hit Earth on April 13, 2029, ( https://twitter.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1731741781761613894 ) and thus elites are organizing world economies for a final push for secret survival bunkers. This theory pulls evidence from projects such as Jeff Bezos' 10,000-year clock ( https://www.10000yearclock.net/learnmore.html ) and world elites building properties in remote locations. But it's very thin. People have quickly pointed out that this Apophis asteroid is likely not large enough for an ELE and world elites would likely need to be convinced by an asteroid far more significant. This borders very closely to people debating whether or not an "Independence Day" psy-op will be used to unite the world against an alien hoax, with the practical solution to these strange government releases of UFO videos simply being that different nations are testing next-gen jet-drone technology and are distracting people with red herrings.

Another example is "Endeavour" on Twitter and YouTube, who also has a generally intuitive sense of the greater picture but cannot find the consistent variable and thus recently figured that the world is being accelerated to a collapse simply because the elites are taking part in a massive "sunk cost fallacy" wherein they do not want to admit that their course is not working ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MINoGQ3zDdI ). But this is another poor theory because it's attempting to apply a single psychology to all world elites — many of whom are perfectly capable of the meta-thought required to know if they are participating in a sunk cost fallacy.

And a final example is Morgoth, who, like Academic Agent, is very good at recognizing the practical strategy at work but who nevertheless operates under some mistaken ideas, such as the belief that China is adopting ESG principles as well ( https://twitter.com/AlanaDa95755062/status/1730915012045394159 ). I've commented under Morgoth several times now explaining that China is only giving lip-service to ESG and is — by rating agency data and actual legislative frameworks — going in the exact opposite direction. But even when he's active in the comments he seems to ignore this information. Some of these people — despite their virtues — tend to be more interested in proving that they have the wisdom to be the new Nostradamus after the next disaster, but this steers them dangerously close to *causing* the next disaster, such as the case with Tim Pool constantly talking about Civil War to the point where he *needs* a Civil War to prove the truth of his claims... as opposed to actively trying to prevent the conditions that fuel such a war. He clearly has the income to create counter-propaganda which could prevent such war, but he has no imagination.

The key issue here is the need for a practical synthesis.

People are generally correct to trust their intuitions, but experimenting with ideas such as DMT machine elves controlling humanity for sport as demonic factions is not exactly a practical search for truth so much as a manufactured excuse to justify debilitating DMT use.

The intuitive elements of some common pundits are these:
• Tim Pool is right to see the symptoms of Civil War, but he refuses to see the agitators or how a Civil War of resentment is managed since he has a very robust thought-terminating cliché: his ego.
• DonnieDarkened correctly sees that the world is heading towards a manufactured pretext for global conflict. This global conflict is — as only one part of its strategy — leveraging religious beliefs to mobilize religious leaders. Everything else he says may as well be augury and haruspicy.
• Endeavour knows of the WEF and the Great Reset, but his delusions of grandeur and inability to see multiple types of actors at work keeps him from seeing the forming structure of these global coalitions.
• Academic Agent rightly sees populism as a deception used to bring people into a controlled opposition, but he holds ethnic and ideological hatred for the United States and therefore believes — against logic — that it is the United States alone that is doing this to the world (i.e., he incorrectly blames the Global American Empire (GAE))
• Morgoth is aware that the green agenda is a central apparatus for the Regime (one which they do not put on the back burner when taking political losses), but he does not know the details of its management (i.e., he does not know why "green" economics are a central indicator of motive).
• James Lindsay is aware that the formulas of Marxist and Maoist Revolution are being copy&pasted onto Western governance, but he refuses to cross into specific truths when he knows that the Regime will use them to purge his audience. That is, he is motivated by audience size and therefore stops short of the truth. He also has plagiarist sensibilities similar to Critical Drinker's — who cemented his worthless status by appearing on Ben Shapiro's show. Both of them (Lindsay and CD) seem to know that stopping short of the truth is key to a growing audience, which means that they are motivated largely by self-serving principles.
• WN movements often find themselves accidentally correct and full of funny memes by simply blaming Jewish people for everything, but many of them seem more motivated by reactionary traps than in coalition-building. If they fail to recognize common reactionary errors, they will simply precipitate another dysgenics war. "Naming them" is not a complete strategy.
• Auron MacIntyre is aware that the expansion of the managerial state (Francis' Leviathan) has systematized these global issues, and he even has a quiet knowledge of who is directing it and whom their targets are, but he is often too close to pursuing self-fulfilling prophecies by not knowing practical preventative measures *before* a collapse, since it is in collapse that he believes NRx thinkers will apply positive vision. However, MacIntyre is also continuously learning and has good character, so he does not resist hard truths.

This basically leaves a short list of people who are closest to the truth: Auron MacIntyre and Michael Millerman. Millerman has translated and written about Aleksandr Dugin, the intellectual behind Putin's worldview of late, and so is aware of an incredibly important detail: that a central aim in this current conflict — as elucidated by Dugin in "The Fourth Political Theory" (See, e.g., p.221 http://sym...gin,%20Alexander.pdf?view=FitH ) — is that the West can be coaxed into a self-harming revolution which can be used as propaganda against it in both the East and West.

That is, Dugin recognized that the West can be made into the villain on the world stage and that a coalition of nations could thus be formed to neuter or destroy the West once the West weakens itself. This same strategy was used in the two major coalitions of nations in WWII: create a villain (e.g., Germany) and mobilize the coalition-masses against each other with propaganda. Dugin recognized the potential of this in 2009 — a key time, being after the 2008 collapse had already taken globalization plans to their next phase.

Dugin's plan was very similar to what I've been saying, though he has a twist on it which is the danger that I've repeated «ad nauseam»: mobilize those willing elements within gender ideology, those of social justice, the left, the right, the atheists, the religious, Jews, and Muslims under a common banner against globalization. And Dugin has read Nietzsche extensively, so he knows what this binding principle is: slave morality (I know; «ad nauseam»). He talks of Nietzsche and these aspects of slavery in The Fourth Political Theory, though he dances around the major issue of the slave morality graveyard spiral: controlling the "off" point where slave morality stabilizes.

That is, if slave morality is mobilized to stop the original slave revolt (i.e., the original slave morality which itself is the progenitor of global totalitarianism: the monotheistic death-deity of certain segments of Judaism), then how can the world be assured that these Jewish destroyers do not simply re-achieve "Master" status during the slave revolt?

For Dugin, the answer is simple: destroy the West, which these Jewish destroyers are using as a skin suit to force their will upon the world. This is, for instance, the propaganda within "The Creator". The West's military capabilities must be totally destroyed to "liberate" the Global South from globalization. It is in the wake of the destruction of the Western villain that Dugin accepts that slave morality *will* persist but *without* a globalist Master Class of Jewish destroyers. Dugin *accepts* that nations such as Russia will subsequently return to a period of slavery not unlike a fiefdom, but he considers this a transition stage that will allow Russia to retain and recover its identity.

So Dugin is clearly very correct about what's happening, but his Russia-based perspective is one that the West cannot support: Western annihilation. The "off" point would be the destruction of Western militaries while leaving the West itself in tact, and, as again like in "The Creator", there's a huge "Trust me, bro" element to having the East fully armed with A.I. and high-energy production capabilities and *not* finishing off the disarmed West through occupation and the East's own brand of globalization. And "accelerating on slave morality" is a highly dangerous strategy. This was attempted during the French Revolution and led to the Terror: slavish factions killing each other off for local "Master" statuses. Any of these "off" moments also invite despot lions of noble morality who will re-establish local military powers which can subsequently be re-seized by banking alliances (e.g., Napoléon), restarting banking control and globalization but *after* further dysgenics.

And that's the key issue: accelerating a slave revolt in morality will always re-establish the "Master" class and cause dysgenics. Dugin does not talk much about this banking issue, but it's possible that the BRICS+ Group's new monetary system is an attempt to insulate itself from the West's globalization banking along this reasoning (i.e., prevent infiltration). But, only China seems poised to do this without infiltration — probably not so much BRICS+ at large.

There's also an argument that there is truth to the claim that Musk's seizing of Twitter increased "anti-semitism" — but not just from the right as the Regime claims. The openness of the Twitter propaganda apparatus allows the left's global slave revolt to attack Israeli occupation, which can destroy propaganda supporting Jewish claims to the final "Master" status. If the prestige of this Jewish "Master" status is destroyed by the broader slave revolt, then the Jewish-destroyer oligarchs will be unable to hold onto banking power in the West. Perhaps it will be held by Bengali refugees in trust until the West's next Napoléon arrives to initiate a fiefdom?
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 07 05:08:17
Okay, we are so back

Vivek: "The Great Replacement Theory is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the Democratic party's platform."
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 07 06:15:17
It's good to see Scott Adams stick with this (as also in comment "Mon Nov 20 08:45:40" above):

"We're watching a slow-motion assassination unfold, led by The Atlantic, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and the other usual suspects."
[December 6th, 2023]

I've said before, but Adams is pretty much always behind on things like this (e.g., ESG), but he brings a big audience with him when he decides to focus on something.

I listed the DNC's more psychotic strategies in precious thread comment "Mon Aug 14 23:49:11" ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=91952&time=1698066193034 ). The one Adams has picked up recently was number 3:
"If polling numbers still look bad, the rhetoric can escalate, with more DNC extremists re-iterating that democracy "literally" "dies" and turns into "autocracy" if Trump were to be elected. This is where the FBI's MSNBC guests such as Donny Deutsch come in ( http://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/msnbc-panelist-warns-trump-could-162904192.html ), and the slack is picked up in left-wing echo chambers such as Imgur, which openly call for Trump's a55a55ination. They use this to provoke their Manchurian Candidates from among fringe groups."

But Imgur has been on this train since 2016. I pointed out an example in March:
"Imgur has been seeding this "baby Hitler" propaganda for years. They're hoping that one of their unhinged and over-medicated psychosis deviants will fall into the Franz Ferdinand pretext-trap."

The less the media feels like their lawsuits are winning, the more likely it is that they'll lean on this a55a55ination option.
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 07 06:16:29
*"in pre[v]ious thread comment"
Thu Dec 07 10:04:12
I saw some clips of the debate, looks like Vivek gave them 5% Trump energy and they basically withered. lol
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 10 19:49:40
It's at least pleasing to see NeoCons such as Haley squirming to have the debate controlled by the format itself (moderators, please step in!) so that she can sell her vacuous messaging. People wouldn't buy her messaging otherwise. I think I even saw tw saying that she's a good candidate (lol).

Some people on the right have pointed out that we may be getting set-up for the same thing the DNC did to Bernie, where Haley is basically being propped up like 2016 Clinton, but I don't think the GOP has the legs behind the scenes to make that happen. Haley also is not part of a dynasty like Clinton. Clinton can on a whim request a sitdown with CNN to talk about her plans of totalitarian censorship/thought-reform of the opposition (October 2023 http://www...blicans-amanpour-cnntm-vpx.cnn ), but Haley can only beg for Israeli dollars and hope to appear the most dogmatic about bombing Iran for them.


I'll sometimes watch "Redacted", though they've had some hilarious mistakes in the past. One example is a video where they complain about ESG being a national security threat that empowers BRICS+ and then immediately cut to an advertisement for a heavily subsidized solar-panel product which is on China's supply chain. Zero self-awareness there. But they sometimes produce gems since they pay attention to fringe spaces.

Whitney Webb, whom I've mentioned here before as detailing the sexual-blackmail operations around Epstein (i.e., how intelligence blackmails politicians into becoming their career-long lackeys), appeared on Redacted 9 days ago:

"She's EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024, Journalist Whitney Webb | Redacted"
[November 30th, 2023]

It's a 26-minute video, but the key takeaway is a sort of answer to something I've pointed out.

Firstly, my thinking is that the Regime *can* do another 2008, but they cannot **get away** with another 2008 because people *will* come *directly* for the bankers and CEOs this time — not just their puppet politicians. This relates to how people such as Larry Fink were made high-profile figures of the ESG movement and why he's planning to step down to avoid further scrutiny... while keeping the plan in motion.

Webb, though, thinks that the Regime will avoid this direct targeting of bankers by staging a massive cyber attack in 2024. (Many others have been pointing out this transparent WEF plan since the WEF's January 2023 meeting wherein they "warned" of an upcoming massive cyber attack, but Webb is making the connection that this is why.) She also paints the mechanism for this, which involves Israeli intelligence already seeded in Western hospital cyber-infrastructure and the ability of intelligence services to either falsify the origin of a cyber attack or to simply sell the origin through innuendo in the press. Webb is also aware that the Israelis very transparently want pretext for war with Iran, where the West preemptively strikes Iran on their behalf. She doesn't mention how this ties into the U.S. election, but this also answers how the U.S. Regime might plan to generate support for Biden in 2024 (i.e., more emergency powers and a lack of Internet access allowing the Regime to control propaganda again despite their loss of Twitter).

So, putting it together, the cyber attack would be staged in the West to blame Iran (and/or other Israeli enemies) as a pretext for preemptive strikes against BRICS+ nations, selling Biden as a proper war-monger.

This also relates to Dugin's strategy of painting the West as a global enemy (the Germany/Hitler boomer-narrative which was used to mobilize the West can likewise be used against the West itself). If the West attacks first based on manufactured intel, BRICS+ has a strong narrative for the immorality of the West needing to be ended through a larger global alliance, so BRICS+ expands and can easily out-compete the West in energy wars. This would cripple Western power and allow BRICS+ to rise.

People such as Fuentes, Academic Agent, and Count Dankula are among those who have fallen into this trap of thinking the U.S. itself is an enemy that needs to be destroyed by Russia/China so that the West can be liberated; but this is suicidal thinking. The best possible outcome being offered by these people who have fallen into Dugin's strategy is that Jewish power will be exposed in the massive loss of Western prestige and the West will therefore deport all Jewish people and then begin a new positive age... but this requires a massive propaganda victory.

There are *hints* that some propaganda victories are taking place, of course, but it's likely not changing the West's trajectory. Penn's president being forced to resign shows that leftists are finding out who the true "Master" class is in the West (see CNN December 9th for her resignation details http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EEFD9rY9Wo ). This is because where the graveyard spiral of the slave revolt reveals its "off" ramps it reveals its new "Masters", and many leftists are being disappointed by the fact that their slave revolt is stopping at Jewish power rather than the power of the Global South whom they serve. This disappointment can cause the left and right in the West to unite against this power.

But this should be extremely familiar to people who know Germany's history. The result of this left–right coalition against the "Master" class was the loss of German power, Germany controlled by debt, and Jewish power merely using Allied power to establish its new base of control. In this new modern context, this would mean the West "betraying" the Jewish people — as in the narrative used against Germany — and BRICS+ becoming the new home for Jewish exploits. This would mean mass-migration of Jewish people to, for instance, China, whose borders would be opened to their Jewish allies as a reward for destroying the West. This would then repeat the cycle used on the West after WWII. As I've said since very early in this thread series, BRICS+ gets the short-term goal of believing it has toppled the West, but it finds itself enslaved.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 10 20:48:16
Fun example of the Regime transparently siding with "academic"-sounding rhetoric:
(SNL clip from yesterday that takes the side of the Penn President)

Notice how they code the professors as high class but the person asking about anti-semitism as low-class. Their underlying position is that academics are high-class and therefore correct to be anti-semitic but the Republican rep questioning them, Elise Stefanik, is low-class and therefore incorrect to question them. This implicitly declares that the Penn president was only rhetorically cornered and was actually correct because she was attempting nuance. This is false, of course, since Rep Stefanik's "yes or no" strategy was pretty easy to defeat and is basically a cliché in these kinds of hostile exchanges.

It's also notable that they completely omit President Magill's duper's delight. They also code Stefanik as not being in a position to say anything about anti-semitism since she is Catholic, this being part of the left's IdPol strategy where you must be one of their client group to say anything.

They also throw shots at Musk's Twitter, the "real" source of anti-semitism, so you can see how they prefer control of Twitter over concern for their academic "elites". Their anti-semitism is preferable since it supports the Master–Slave dialectic whereas Twitter "anti-semitism" often does not.

But, anyways, SNL is bad. That's not new.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 10 21:29:34
Impressive projection by Holder on CNN:

"This is such a crazy clip. These people are INSANE.
CNN host asks Eric Holder, one of the most corrupt AGs ever, what would happen if Trump is reelected and chooses a corrupt AG.
Holder goes on to describe word for word what is happening to Trump right now."
(Holder basically describes Trump potentially using the Cardinal Richelieu strategy that the left has already been using for years)

This occurred on CNN two days ago on the Laura Coates show, but CNN is pretty bad about making full interviews available. They only have this following clip where Holder also defends Hunter Biden, saying that those charges wouldn't have been brought under his DoJ (lol, yeah, we know):

It's pretty hilarious seeing the duplicity.. though, as usual, "it's not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy". The Bidens are absolutely corrupt, and Hunter Biden definitely left a mountain of evidence that leads to his father, but the tw-types of the left will simply believe that there is no evidence against Hunter and that frivolous prosecutions of Trump are legitimate — at least, this is their rhetorical claim. Their *actual* position is that they want the totalitarian Regime to take power, so getting rid of Trump must be done regardless of legitimacy in the means. If all they could find were unpaid parking tickets, tw-types would yelp like dogs that that is "proof" enough. This is cult dogma, nothing more.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 10 21:38:27
"She doesn't mention how this ties into the U.S. election, but this also answers how the U.S. Regime might plan to generate support for Biden in 2024 (i.e., more emergency powers and a lack of Internet access allowing the Regime to control propaganda again despite their loss of Twitter)."

Correction, Webb *does* mention this at about 10:50 in the video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y36ZEKYMvzM ). She even mentions that this could be the strategy for a "cancelled election", which even people such as Roseanne (yeah, that Roseanne) suspect will be the case.
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 12 09:35:36
Christopher Rufo has been outing Harvard DEI hire "Gay" (who was a subject of the SNL recovery propaganda (linked above) after supporting anti-semitism) for being a confirmed and overt plagiarist, but initial reports seem to show that Harvard is sticking with Gay in the short term.

The Harvard friction is something I've been talking about with the slave revolt, but I summed it again here:
"The slave revolt in morality ("woke") only exits at the direction of its funding oligarchs (its true "Masters") or when it is put down by an alternate power structure. These infiltrated colleges are about to discover who their Master class is—if they did not know already."

What we're seeing with Harvard defending its anti-semites (not that I use that term in earnest here; the term should have no power) is that the global slave revolt is hitting directly against the Jewish "Master" class.

In the graveyard spiral of the slave revolt, the "Master" class forms where the slave revolt finds an "oppressed" class which is simultaneously the most degenerate among them but also holds a means of achieving power over the "oppressors". This is where the ideological consistency of the slave revolt appears contradictory to outsiders, since should not the most "oppressed" (most degenerate) slave be its leader? No. Because the slave revolt will merely rally around this most degenerate person as a useful number in its ranks if this degenerate is too incompetent. The degenerate person or class must therefore also possess practical powers to ensure the success of the revolt, whether that be physical strength in an actual (physical) slave revolt or money in today's slave revolt.

So in this slave revolt the funders of the slave revolt must expose themselves. The holders of the purse strings (those who control the "exception" to the rules (exception in the Carl Schmitt sense where he who grants exceptions is the true sovereign)) must demonstrate their power over the revolt.

So far, only *some* Jewish media has been flexing this power to control the direction of the revolt (claiming anti-semitism), but Harvard and others are attempting to flex back, since academia's current version of the slave revolt supports "The Global South", which is itself not Jewish.

But we can cut to the chase. It is largely Jewish bankers who are funding the global slave revolt, so where Jewish opposition to these universities appears, it is merely to immunize itself while continuing the revolt — which places a "Master" class within BRICS+ and directs all resentment against sovereign Westerners. A coalition of left and right useful idiots are therefore championing the rise of Russia and China to destroy the West, with each of these wings believing that they will inherit the ashes. Both are deceived, since the destruction of the West ensures global slavery.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 13 04:32:06
I'm a little annoyed at the moment.
I've known James Lindsay's shortcomings for quite some time now (e.g., his unwillingness to see the full game, his aversion to the JQ), but I still think he's useful for reaching normies specifically because his preference for leftist language lets people see behind the veil on their own. He cannot red-pill beyond that since the left's language is poison and their actions must be described in true rhetoric, but he plays a key role.

Even so, this latest video seems like things I've been talking about here for months... but delivered as "new":

"Understanding Settler Colonialism"
[New Discourses; December 13th, 2023]

I responded there:
21:00 — [Lindsay:] "The Critical Immigration Theory will consume Critical Race Theory"

I'm a little confused because it sounds like Lindsay is presenting this as a new development which is only a "possible" outcome (ahead, in the future) when it's been the explicit plan from the start.

What did we think ESG/"sustainability" was *doing*?
I realize that people such as Peter Zeihan only just learned about ESG and it's therefore forgivable for them to think that it's just an American thing with no foreign dimensions, but those of us in the weeds should know better by now. ESG is not just a Western formula — this is a global governance package whose rating services are ranking all nations based on their performance within the Marxist dialectic.

ESG actively promotes..
• foreign immigration to the West
• Western funding of China's Belt-and-Road resource monopoly
• Western "equity" paid to the "Global South"

This has been its transparent formula, and people talking about ESG have been pointing this out for years now (e.g., see my pinned T).
This is a global slave revolt, and the slave revolt was never meant to stop with the most useful client group within the West — it was always meant to empower the client groups of BRICS+.

I realize Lindsay has third-rail subjects (many of us know those things that he will not address but can perhaps forgive him for the political strategy of that), but is the steel-man argument here that he is simply recognizing a way to name the thing whose symptoms he already knew? (I.e., he knew who the beneficiaries of the strategy were but it recently occurred to him that it could be called "Critical Immigration Theory"?)
That seems fair if so.

But, if you're new to this situation, do realize that BRICS+ has been overtly the beneficiary of ESG/"sustainability".
The most intersectional leftist within the West was never going to be the beneficiary of the slave revolt — because he is still a Westerner.
It is the common BRICS+ citizen who is meant to inherit the final turn of the revolt, and he too is deceived.

I'm also a little annoyed by the timing of this New Discourses video because I've been extremely busy at work the last month but have wanted to finish a detailed explanation of the slave revolt's graveyard spiral. I already explained it above under comment "Tue Dec 05 04:57:52" and have mentioned it many times in these threads and on Twitter, but formalizing it for SubStack helps when it comes to linking the information quickly on Twitter/YouTube.

But my explanation has gamed-out this situation all the way past the West's collapse and subjugation, whereas Lindsay seems not to have gamed-out the situation past five months ago. His explanation of settler colonialism as a consistent framework for the recent Israel/Hamas conflict is barely even coherent — like a shabby skeleton stumbling from a missing leg. It's like he only just realized that the West has foreign enemies and that this Maoist Cultural Revolution in the West is not merely Western academics and politicians having fun on their own or just getting a bit catawampus. No. They are actual foreign agents.

If he has not been gazing internationally until now then he has some immense blind spots. I figured when he spoke previously about Maoism (e.g., here in September https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvrPYaa27pw ) that he was aware that this was not "Chinese" in the abstract, but I may have given him too much credit. His thought-terminating clichés on the JQ have caused him some much larger blind spots.

And imagine that: being so averse to gaming-out the JQ that you force yourself to work in a funnel of darkness with your back turned to the burning eclipse that has forced you to squint.
Wed Dec 13 06:11:10
This Harvard thing, must necessarily be put in the context of how Lawrence Summers, the previous Harvard president was thrown out of his chair, for basically saying gender differences was a topic that had academic merit and needed to be examined and talked about. Meanwhile a plagiarizing, morally confused person, who couldn't give a straight answer on wishing genocide on another group was OK or not.

You keep thinking we have reached the bottom, every time we hit a new low, but no, it just keeps going lower.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 13 06:55:43
It's pretty wild. It's like Ketanji Brown Jackson's "I'm not a biologist" response to "What is a woman?"

They know how to *truthfully* survive the exchange or how to exemplify Western values. Jackson could have just said, "Adult human female", and Gay could have just said, "Genocide is wrong, and while we permit free speech, students cannot make direct calls for violence without repercussions."

But "losing" the exchange (by Western-value reckoning) is more acceptable to them since they know that their prestige within the movement is far more valuable. Jackson knows that she "correctly" deferred to the Regime's "expert" class, and Gay knows that she gave her movement room to commit genocide if it's against the Regime's enemies. They both know that the revolution must swim left, and if they appear to be reasonable then they may slow it down and be discarded — losing all prestige.

It never occurs to them that the fastest leftward-moving useful idiots still end up on the scaffold, the falling blade cheered on by the people they believed they were liberating.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 13 07:37:05
Of fucking course Žižek is pushing Dugin's plan:

"Opinion | Jews and Palestinians Are Both Victims of Western racism
"Context-less shock and grief accompanied by a legal explanation for all aspects of the conflict simply aren't enough. What must be looked into is the general, historical narratives. Until then, the only winner in the Israel-Hamas war will be war itself"
[December 12th, 2023]

I think I remember wtb being a Žižek fanboy a few years ago.

But anyways, here Žižek is pushing the plan where BRICS+ courts Jewish power so that the West can be annihilated on behalf of BRICS+. This is what Blackrock is funding.
Wed Dec 13 08:50:08
>>It's like Ketanji Brown Jackson's "I'm not a biologist" response to "What is a woman?"<<

haha, yea there videos of Charlie Kirk asking college student to define "woman", and you can literally see their brains shutting down, they think it's a trick question. lol :)

"I think I remember wtb being a Žižek fanboy a few years ago."

Paramount as well. Zizek has some interesting takes, he is allergic to wokism which is good, but his take on the Israel-Palestine is among the more retarded things he has said.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 16 04:44:16
In other news..

"Email from Harvard Jewish Alumni group: “We have heard from multiple sources at the University that it is the official, undisclosed policy of the school to drive down Jewish admissions to 1-2% of the student body, proportionately matching Jews’ percentage of the U.S. population.”"

This seems to be semi-confirmed through circulation in Jewish news sites:
(It could be a Jewish hoax, and it leans a lot on a perception of an unwritten rule, but I'll take it as true here for a mental exercise.)

This would be an interesting escalation in the slave revolt. As a reminder, this is two slave groups fighting for "Master" status with the same Master–Slave dialectic. (It's BRICS+ slave client-groups interacting with Jewish slave groups.)

Western pundits have long been pointing out the inconsistency of "equity" in various occupations. For example, Jordan Peterson pointed-out in a 2018 "British GQ" interview that there does not seem to be a push for "equality" in male-dominated work such as the trades — it's only ever a push for women into desirable high-status positions (GQ Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZYQpge1W5s ). Similarly, we have all likely seen the memes of there being strangely no call for White representation in the NBA. That is, should not the NBA have the racial makeup of the American population at large and would that not mean 60% White NBA players, only 13.6% black players, and 0.5% Pacific Islanders? Is not meritocracy "racist"?

But the left would never acknowledge this in terms which disfavor them.
This is because the slave revolt only grants "representation" to its slavish client-groups. That is, the slave revolt will expand "representation" of black people but not White people. Their justifications are always trite (e.g., history of oppression, systemic injustice). In reality, the *exclusive* seeking out of high-status positions is a symptom of slaves seeking the "Master" status. *Reducing* the number of those considered for "inclusion" and "representation" is identifying the "oppressor" classes whereas *increasing* is identifying the
"oppressed" class. Exceeding representation is forgiven for the "oppressed" ascent but never for the "oppressor" descent. Power in the slave revolt only flows one way.

So, as also in the Gay/Magill anti-semitism hearing, Harvard is again declaring that its slave revolt does not include Jews.

The question is the same: is it because they do not yet realize who this slave revolt's "Master" class *is* or because they *do* know?

Žižek and Dugin seem to be counting on this slave revolt *excluding* Jews in the West to force further polarity to BRICS+. Again, this would mean creating a WWII Germany situation where Jews are given an excuse to flee — but this time fleeing the West for BRICS+ nations. Žižek's hope seems to be to get Jews to divest from the Western slave revolt to help the ascent of BRICS+, whereas Dugin *might* be hoping that the slave revolt will exclude Jews worldwide, meaning that Jewish people will have no safe harbors this time. I say, "Might," because with Dugin it's a question of whether or not he prioritizes resentment of the West or knowledge of the JQ. But I'm repeating my comment ("Sun Dec 10 19:49:40") at this point.

TLDR: The fallout at Harvard is a very important show of the direction of the slave revolt. Will Jews be able to join the revolt that they fed or are they to be its enemy?
large member
Sat Dec 16 08:28:16
Do you define slave mentality as a purely spiritual state disconnected from the physical circumstances a person may find themself in?

There are some odd inconsistencies with your world view I am trying to put my finger on.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 16 23:30:40
[Jergul (traitor and slave)]: "Do you define slave mentality"

What's slave mentality? I'm not familiar with that.

Slave *morality* is a concept from Nietzsche. I am using Nietzsche's framework. There are no inconsistencies in this framework, and a leftist slave such as yourself — who has in these very threads attempted to subvert the definition of slave morality — will find no success in inverting definitions, since slave morality cannot be inverted. It *is* the act of inverting, so if this is a renewed attempt at your former attempt to invert it, you prove only your slavery again.
large member
Sun Dec 17 07:58:52

Seems to me that you would have a hard time proving you are not a slave with an inflated sense of self-worth.

Calling a kettle black does not whitewash the pot.

Seb on the other hand seems to represent many of the Master morality traits. The common good here is merely a placeholder for status quo. As the current circumstances is helpful and useful to him as one of the elite.

You on the other hand seem hell bent on citing the common good of the collective "the west" as a goal worthy to strive for, without clearly identifying how that benefits you personally.

According to a classical nietzcsian understanding, you would be demonstrating a pretty clear-cut example of slave morality.

You may want to revise what philosopher you follow.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 17 08:23:47
[Jergul (traitor and slave)]: "Calling a kettle black does not whitewash the pot."

Yeah, yeah, more of the same. You tried this projection several threads ago, and it was just as transparent for its ignorance the first time around and is thus even weaker this time.

The reality is that you cannot leap over your total ignorance of slave morality while attempting your impotent projection, since your projection reveals your ignorance. You even used "Master morality traits" incorrectly, but you're too ignorant to understand how. You *just* learned to say, "morality", instead of "mentality", but you're trying to be taken seriously (lol).

That is, simply saying, "[Hur dur, maybe *you* have the slave mentality (sic)!]" doesn't work, since slave morality has some very specific and non-reversible traits attached to it. These are explicit criteria that both you and Seb have endorsed.

You're too stupid to understand this, little jergul, but this isn't something you get to just invert with your usual leftist shtick of pissing yourself and looking around the room saying, "[Haha! You all just pissed my pants!]" No. Your slavish state is undeniable and non-reversible.

I won't waste further time explaining this to you with crayons. Read this article, read Genealogy of Morality, or get the fuck out with your latest bed-shitting:
"On a Trending Question: What Is 'Woke'?
A Simple Summary"
large member
Sun Dec 17 08:31:39
I am quite secure in my smug knowledge. As I have always been. Are those not traits associated with master morality?
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 17 08:33:04
No, you pathetic weakling, and since you just fortified your ignorance, kindly GTFO or STFU. You are clearly trolling this thread and will now be ignored.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 17 21:27:47
Possible probing attack or just incompetence by a random idiot:

"Car crashes into parked Secret Service SUV guarding Biden's motorcade outside Delaware campaign headquarters"
[CBS News; December 17th, 2023]

This happened just this evening.
"The incident took place as Mr. Biden was leaving his campaign headquarters, walking toward his vehicle. The president was unharmed.

"A man driving a silver sedan crashed into a black SUV about 200 feet from where Mr. Biden was standing. Secret Service personnel surrounded the vehicle and instructed the driver to come out with his hands up."

Image of the man (unconfirmed but likely):

It's probably just a low-IQ man who wanted his favorite thing (entering this particular intersection) and wouldn't settle for anything less, thus striking a Secret Service SUV without any concept that something bigger than "muh right-of-way" was going on. Armored SUVs are incredibly easy to spot, but for a 70-IQ man they probably just look like cape buffaloes or something.

Minor stories like this will probably be a major focus going forward since everyone paying attention sort of implicitly knows that the Regime is trying to start a program of political a55a55inations.
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 18 07:09:52
2017 Evergreen Retrospective

Michael Nanya released his Weinstein documentary on Twitter for free. It's 82 minutes and provides a good retrospective on the Evergreen College protests from 2017, wherein Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather Heying (now of DarkHorse Podcast) found themselves in the middle of a Maoist struggle session driven by the new dean's Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) policy:

"Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying & the Evergreen Equity Council" (2019)

It's pretty terrifying watching these Maoist tactics in action and in narrative form. This is the DIE programming that has been largely funded by ESG/"sustainability" programs. The new dean likely saw the investor wealth that Evergreen would receive for promoting these DIE programs and simply lit the fuse for the Uwe Boll payout. Even today — despite massive losses in student enrollment — Evergreen champions "sustainability" and DIE on its website:

As for the Maoist tactics themselves, you can see very clearly how the arguments of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) advocates provide the unfalsifiable rhetoric of the Marxist religious cult. This is the type of logic that ensnares a Seb or a tw. Most of us know these as thought-terminating clichés (from Lifton's work on thought reform in totalitarian China), but with media and system endorsement these struggle-session tactics found oxygen to burn.

Examples they make (things we all likely know by now):

• The Maoists/Marxists believe in the "original sin" of "racism" and "white supremacy". This sin is possessed by everyone (i.e., "everyone is 'racist'"), and only through their god can it be forgiven. Their god demands constant praxis on behalf of their "Chosen" people: the "oppressed".

• Their god demands total silence from any group with a historic "oppressor" status (e.g., demands the silence of White people, men, healthy people)

• In a good Kafka moment, Weinstein relates that a cynical postmodernist professor tells Weinstein that he is racist, that he cannot defend the accusation in the present hearing or any future hearing, that it is racist to ask for evidence of the accusation of racism levied against him, and that by speaking he is propagating systems of oppression.

• They show clips from the fraud Robin DiAngelo, author of "White Fragility", who gets paid thousands of dollars to tell colleges how to destroy themselves with DIE.

• They show the dean strategically acknowledging that claims of "hate speech" give them "leverage" to purge faculty members who do not agree with their Maoist tactics.

• They show how Maoists/Marxists are able to control spaces by assuming their conclusions in such a way that they are unfalsifiable. One tactic is by declaring that anyone who speaks must already agree with the conclusions (a speaker talks about how one must "commit" to where the "canoe" is going before they are given a platform to respond to any of the true believers of this cult dogma).

• Their struggle-session tactics provide an obvious chilling effect on speech. Anyone who is aware of how idiotic these Marxists are behaving must first attempt to speak, is then seen immediately as disagreeing (even easier to stop if they possess an "oppressor" status), and is therefore shouted down or condemned by all of the present cowards. This forces compliance through fear. Anyone not truly complicit is silenced into complicity, and all avenues of redress are removed (the public square is controlled, no back channels exist, and all speech must first face the mob).

The most frustrating part for reasonable people is that the solutions are so obvious — they simply were not used.

When confronted with a mob of students attempting a struggle session, a dean in control could simply start expelling students. When students protest expulsions, more expulsions could be used on the protestors. If students still protest and attempt to use social media as an expanded lynch mob, expel those students. If expelled students attempt to protest, they can be removed by police since they are not students.

But these actions cannot be taken by a DIE-infiltrated organization, since — no matter how insane the leftist mob becomes — a DIE-captured organization must comply to keep its funding. The lunatics are given power over the asylum, and the asylum's funding apparatus ensures that this model is profitable even as the "language of the unheard" is expressed in the form of feces on the wall.

It is difficult to watch this kind of content and not come to the conclusion that "marginalized" people are simply "marginal" and should indeed be excluded. If a college is a little nation, then it may be reasonable to arrive at the conclusion that larger nations should exclude these people from its borders.

As a first principle, the expulsion of leftists may be unnecessary if the funding apparatus of "sustainability" and DIE is simply exposed as the illegal nation-destroying virus that it is, but if "sustainability"/DIE successfully exposed these traitors of the West living among us, would it be wise to leave them within our borders even with ESG/DIE made illegal?

A mass-deportation seems essential, though there is an admitted crux: even after mass-deporting leftists and DIE activists, *any* society will — as a mere comparative spirit — still possess a "left-wing" of sorts. It is only that the left must be denied power. Deportation accomplishes this, but so too does disenfranchisement. If, by some flawed principle, these traitors are allowed to remain in the West, they must be disenfranchised; and the franchise must only be achieved through difficult service on behalf of the sovereignty of their nation. The reward structure for annihilators must be completely abolished forever and for all history so that the Imperium of our Grand Species will know no bounds.
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 19 01:52:04
"Democracy is a comically easy system to hack

"If your current electorate doesn’t vote correctly just import a new one"
(massive migrant group crosses Eagle Pass, Texas, today)
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 19 04:18:22
White identity is "horrifying" to the Regime, per John Oliver's latest diatribe:

It's part of this same dialectic of having no political outlet, something which makes sinister psychopaths such as wtb smile with glee:

It's just a series of Kafka traps which admit a central truth: the totalitarian Regime wants its enemies dis-empowered.

And I suspect that many White people have learned this uncomfortable truth since — at the very least — 2016. White people, as a statistical reality, are less likely than all other ethnicities to see race in their decision-making, and as a cultural value this saw the beauties of Enlightenment reason grow. The central premise was that a person's virtue could be measured by their cultural output and good works — like that one sliver of truth in the Marxist MLK's speech ("content of their character").

But the West's enemies used this principle against it. If a coalition of ethnic groups are being taught to hate White people, and White people cannot form a coalition against this, then they are doomed. Simultaneously, White people forming a coalition based on race confirms the fears of the resentful destroyers being formed into these ethnic groups. The dialectic thus insists on a slow annihilation of a passive people leading up to Hutu purges. It's a Catch-22 where the Regime intentionally targets based on a racialist strategy while decrying reactionaries who respond with their own racialist strategy.

WN circles seem to declare that they may as well form an ethnic coalition if those are the uniforms demanded by their enemies, but this disregards the alliances they could form with other ethnicities that are *not* living by the racialist strategies of the left. Even the left itself divides between those accepting the racialist strategy (the "critical consciousness" (slave morality) of "woke" doctrine) and those not accepting of it (the "false consciousness" of opposition to slave morality).

But many have pointed out that these coalitions are not seeing their allies stand up. Lucas Gage, for instance, who spends his time posting mainly about Jewish power, repeatedly points out that while Jews who are against global enslavement surely exist, they never seem to speak up against the Jews who are pushing for the enslavement. In other words, many White people believed that Enlightenment values could be shared across ethnicities by virtuous peoples of all sorts, but the non-White benefactors of this ideology are largely silent.

And there are at least two answers to "Why?"
1) Those people who are silent about this intentional replacement of White sovereigns in the West feel that they are benefiting from this replacement since they harbored their own resentment and simply see a competitor being eliminated in the short term.
2) These silent people are *also* being systematically disempowered by the Marxist scheme.

In either case, the conclusion is the same: those who do not fight for the West should not be enfranchised within it.
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 19 05:28:07
Stories from the UK about people being arrested for social media posts have become so common that they almost don't register as an obviously bad thing, but they are. It speaks to just how captured the UK is that that's all it takes: a meme or a comment on social media. It is no wonder that Sebbish traitors exist. This kind of anarcho-tyranny among people addicted to procedure breeds a race of cowards.

"So yeah, they false reported me to the rozzers. On Saturday, I was arrested then interviewed under caution about my interview with @andrewdoyle_com on @GBNEWS and my @StandingforXX speech at #LetWomenSpeak in Leeds. Five hours later I was released from custody and told no action would be taken against me coz I haven't committed any crimes, obvz. The worst part was when they arrested me I was naked except for a towel and still had flippin shampoo in my hair, then had to go get dressed in front of another copper with a bodycam like I'm some kinda terrorist. They took mugshots, DNA swabs and finger prints too. I'm taking those psychos back to court at Twixmas so can't into anymore detail right now. Just wanted to say thankyou everyone for having my back when I was in ze gulag, especially our @Glinner
. What an absolute fucking farce"
[December 18th, 2023]

"If it helps you. When they arrested me, I came to the door in a towel. There were 4 officers: 3 men and 1 woman.
"They gave me 5-10 minutes to get dressed on my own.
"This was over posts on here (still up, not deleted), that a man claimed put his life at risk. Absurd."

The question of "What did they post?" is irrelevant (i.e., it should not matter), and yet, looking at what the Regime finds to be an issue is absolutely illuminating.

In the case of Louise Distras, it's because the left considers her a "TERF" and mass-flags her comments and reports them to the authorities. This connects also to the soy-faced lesbian UK cop who forced the arrest of an autistic girl because the autistic girl said that the cop reminded her of her gay aunt ( http://nypost.com/2023/08/11/autistic-girl-screams-and-cries-as-police-arrest-her-after-comment-about-officer-looking-like-a-lesbian-2/ ). Hilariously, that same lesbian UK officer was later seen *attempting* to use excessive force in a crowd control situation, but she was physically unable to make an impact and stronger officers simply looked on like it was a strange novelty.

People have pointed out that these sort of soy-faced enforcers are a sure sign of anarcho-tyranny. In a normal state, people who must enforce the state's laws are typically strong-bodied, since they must overcome the criminal. In the case of anarcho-tyranny,
• tyranny is exercised over those who are law-abiding (i.e., the people of society who are being conquered), and therefore a soy-faced officer can be sent to their homes and expect compliance despite having no physical power,
• but anarchy is allowed among the criminal class, who will merely be monitored without intervention by the soy-faced officers of the state.

A potent example is Billboard Chris' visit to the UK. While there, he was simply standing wish his usual sign, and Hamas/Palestine supporters began physically attacking him.
How did the police respond?
The considered *Chris* the belligerent and removed him from the attackers to monitor *Chris* for "breaching the peace".
[November 4th, 2023]

This is the type of logic that only makes sense to Sebbish destroyers. It's similar to the "images of Muhammad"/Charlie Hebdo Attack in 2015 where Sebbish destroyers (not even just the Islamic extremists themselves) were saying that images of Muhammad simply should not be shown since those images "provoke" Muslims. That is, the accountability is placed on the person showing the image — *not* on the extremists who respond to those images with violence.

So the entry of DIE classes within enforcement apparatuses can likely be said to grow with the anarcho-tyranny. A soy-faced anarcho-tyranny squad will simply not enforce the law on the destroyer client-groups of the Regime (e.g., BLM), but they can still provide state punishment for the law-abiding (e.g., MAGA people, TERFs, much of the right). Where a DIE hire finds herself feebly unable to manage to apply the law when physical presence *is* required, the state simply buries the loss as a non-issue. The administrative statistics of hiring waves of DIE officers is far more valuable to the Regime than the death of any of these DIE officers.

The psychological impact of this on Sebbish traitors cannot be understated.
This logic means that anarcho-tyranny bureaucracies will similarly find it much easier to prosecute their nation's own people than to deal with an invasion force of migrants. It is much easier for a fool such as Seb to wax-on about "white supremacy" and agree with the state that "the alt-right" are the number one issue facing the state .... than it is for a Seb to realize that the response to a massive invasion may well be large-scale violence against the violent groups invading the nation.

It is much *easier* to stop your citizens from posting a meme than it is to stop migrants from stabbing your citizens, and so the Sebbish cowards will complain about a meme posted on the walls of the ship as it sinks into the ocean from their failure to patch a hole in the hull. A Seb will drown well before it could ever occur to him that the hole even exists much less that it is a problem.
Cherub Cow
Fri Dec 22 04:56:47
Ramaswamy is ready to read my SubStack ;)

"If you really think “they” are going to let either Trump or Biden get anywhere near the finish line, open your eyes folks. There’s something deeper going on. It’s staring us right in the face."
large member
Fri Dec 22 12:44:19
Substack? Never mind the soft-porn. Give Rama a direct link to this thread.
Cherub Cow
Fri Dec 22 18:49:46
Filthy commies at the University of Minnesota doing the usual slave-morality shtick of Marxism/Socialism and outright saying that they're Red Commies:

(James Lindsay screenshots "The Red Nation" website; which is an American Indian organization at the University of Minnesota that waxes on about destroying the United States so that American Indians can enslave and annihilate the "colonizers")

Nice sample here:
[Commie scum]: "will always be met with violence ... Our role is to organize the oppressed to build authentic democracy from the ground up"

That is, they are fully aware that the process of "Decolonization" is a violent act and that they are building "democracy", which, for those who still do not get it, means violent ochlocracy (mob rule) as a means to give power to Marxist oligarchs who control the mob with propaganda.

I keep pointing out this latter point, but it's worth repeating that this is the direct and stated purpose of Marxist/Bolshevik revolutions and is how they define "our democracy". Whenever a left-wing politician is talking about "our democracy" and "a threat to our democracy", they're talking from the perspective of the oligarchs about violent Bolshevik Revolution and the revolution's use of a slave revolt to achieve power. They used this exact same rhetoric after executing the Tsar family, saying that the Tsars were executed "without Bourgeois Formalities but in Accordance with our new democratic principles". These purges included men, women, and children with a first priority of ethnic-genocide and a second priority of genocide to accumulate property for the government.

So far, these modern Bolsheviks have successfully indoctrinated psychopaths among the Western left to begin these purges. The Kulaks of today (those being targeted for the new genocide) are largely White people and the White-affiliated bourgeois. This includes Jewish people but is also being *run* by Jewish people. This strategy is how the Bolshevik oligarchs were largely Jewish and yet Jewish dissidents such as Solzhenitsyn found themselves in the gulags. The Bolshevik oligarchs are "okay" with the slave revolt identifying lower- and middle-class Jews as bourgeois so long as the oligarchs possess ultimate political authority. Once the slave-revolt achieves power for the oligarchs and the oligarchs reign in the revolt, power is restored along ethnic lines to further the ascent of Jewish people in general. All other client groups find that they were deceived and are dispossessed in the new power structure.

"Indigenous" people are just one of these client groups who are to be used and dispossessed after the revolt. Their utility is mainly in the seizing of land. They are given an ultimate "oppressed" status almost entirely because "indigenous" people have remnant loop-hole rights in the West, being a "protected class" with access to "ancestral" lands (i.e., reservations as untapped resources). Once the revolt concludes, their role is over and their lands will be stripped as government property — likely just to be mined by Chinese-owned multi-national organizations.

It's a simple story, as usual. To destroy a target nation, fund its most resentful people (its slavish destroyers), allow them to discharge "vengeance" against "oppressors" ("oppressors" merely being a word to describe those who keep a society from being destroyed), and then control these useful-idiot destroyers through debt post-conflict. The useful idiots believe that they're redistributing wealth from those pesky rich people, but they're merely betraying their nations, destroying the competitors of the new oligarchs, and giving wealth and power to these new oligarchs. The useful idiots are discarded — not empowered through the wealth that they "liberated", since they will never hold that wealth for long, if they ever even hold it.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 02 04:20:47
"let’s ask these 3 random female fortune tellers if they agree w/ CIA regime change talking points
"wow that’s crazy they all said yes in a mainstream media segment"

Look. More people calling Trump "a threat to our democracy".

I wonder if these people ever realize that recycling the same exact talking point just verifies that they're part of the same hivemind.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 04 06:45:36
Bill Ackman finally figures out what DEI is (almost):

Why does Ackman's long-winded discovery of DEI matter?

• Firstly, it's surface-level understanding, but it shows him on the right track. Given that Ackman is an Ashkenazi Jew, you'd think he'd understand what slave morality is (and maybe he does), but it might be enough for him to realize on a practical level that DEI is destructive.

• Secondly, Ackman is CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, an investment group which is a major pusher of ESG ($18.5 billion under management), so he might talk to his CEO friends about how suicidal this all is despite his business having published a positive ESG report in December 2023.

But, as an Ashkenazi Jew, Ackman is another example of someone who only cares about the society-destroying tendencies of DEI when it's revealed that this slave revolt includes Jewish people as an "oppressor" class. If Jewish people had retained their immunity, his silence would (very likely) have persisted.

To a lot of Jewish destroyers, the October 2023 attacks and the Regime's support for Palestine were merely an indication that the propaganda had not protected Jews as it "should". Many Jewish people were fine with the destruction of the West so long as Jews were the benefactors — a case of NIMBYism for the slave revolt. This recent Jewish NIMBYism has left much of the pop-culture/normie right in a kind of subservient position where they were happy that another person was red-pilled — kind of like how Maher gets undue praise from Liberal Hivemind every time Maher says something semi-reasonable.

In other words, this may just be another Bolshevik who is suddenly feeling left behind by the revolution. Worse, Ackman may only be looking at DEI divestment at *Harvard*. He calls out Harvard's "Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging" (ODEIB) in particular as a target for being shut down. But does he care that his own business is using DEI?

So the danger here is that this could be Jewish power merely asserting its immunity in the DEI landscape while demanding that the slave revolt otherwise continue. Without a fundamental understanding that the revolt *itself* is wrong, then he may just seek to get "Jew" removed from the "oppressor" category and then continue to fund the war between the West and BRICS+.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 06 05:45:02
Diversity in leadership is having some hilarious but incredibly predictable results.

Harvard's Gay plagiarism was its own reward, but here's another as illustrated by "Rule303" on Twitter:

This user describes Dr. "Matifadza Hlatshwayo Davis" of St. Louis, a native Zimbabwean who basically studied witch-doctorey and bone-carvings or something...... but because she's a DEI-hire her transfer credits made her a chem/bio honor-student, a masters in public health (a fake degree for bureaucrats), and a medical doctor via internal medicine. The more you think about how a DEI-quota can slime through these professions, the more you may realize that you're often in the company of imposters.

And what are the fruits of an incompetent person artificially promoted into a position of power?

Davis, the "Director of Health for the City of St. Louis Department of Health", issued a public mask mandate......
...... for the flu.
........ without consulting with anyone
........ on the grounds of the "shortage of beds" propaganda from the COVID days...

The Sebguls among us would happily report that after her public mandate that the mandate was rescinded to merely "strongly recommends" on the grounds that Davis was completely full of shit and retarded:

That is, "The system works!" An incompetent person in a position of power is "okay" because other people were like, "This muthafukka tarded tho". So nothing to see here! lol

But, of course, any thinking individual can see something intuitively wrong in having a system that must constantly protect its leaders from massive acts of incompetence. Biden is an obvious example, and his obscene public-health policies during COVID created an overt and malicious tyranny. And corruption is itself a tyranny, since these malevolent beasts use their power against those more noble than themselves.

YouTuber "Actual Justice Warrior" (AJW) has been chronically a DEI-hire who has been using her power in overtly corrupt ways:
"Corrupt Democrat Caught RIGGING Her Election"
[January 5th, 2024]

Covered also by AJW here:
"Woke Mayor ATTACKS & ROBS Citizens"
[November 9th, 2023]

Short version of this mayor Tiffany A. Henyard of Dolton, Illinois is that she...
• hired a sex-offender / child gang-rapist as her campaign worker and code-enforcer
• used this child gang-rapist to intimidate competing enterprises
• was heard coaching this child gang-rapist on the phone when he was being approached by reporters
• used public funds to fly first class to Las Vegas to party
• bribed police to be her enforcers
• is actively committing campaign finance violations
• was voted out off office in a recall but reversed the decision on a technical error (lol)
• is a former car thief (lol)

I've said this dozens of times in UP, but you really have to understand that leftists are criminals. Like, *really* understand. Because the natural consequence of having left-wing psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals in positions of power throughout governments is that there will be massive corruption, immolation, theft, and election fraud.

This last point is key. Regime sycophants such as tw will pretend that there was no election fraud in 2020, but, simultaneously, criminal-leftists such as tw do not have any kind of morality in place that would stop them from defrauding voters — especially to stop Trump, whom they hate. Just imagine a bunch of Sebguls, tw's, and "murder"s in a polling station. Who is keeping anyone honest?

And this is the point of the ESG/DEI strategy: put destroyers in positions of power and society will destroy itself. To useful idiots, it just seems to be coming from everywhere and appears too complex and de-centralized to be the same initiating vector. But it is all one virus. DEI hires and mass-migrants do not suddenly become moral and noble after contact with magic soil or magic institutions. In a society that does not even bother flogging criminals, DEI is merely a way to put a society's enemy in power to intentionally destroy it.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 06 06:57:34
Biden repeating his totalitarian talking-points again for the Capitol protest anniversary:
"President Biden Remarks on the January 6 Capitol Attack"
[C-SPAN; January 5th, 2024]

Relevant clip:
"Biden brags about pro-Trump protesters being sentenced to 840 years in prison"
[January 5th, 2024]

I remind again that Biden's totalitarian speeches and totalitarian optics* are not just demonstrating the totalitarian governance happening behind-the-scenes but are part of a strategy to force a55a55ination.

Truly realize that this imagery is not an accident. This is not just Biden's staffers saying, "[We need to talk tough on Trump and 'MAGA Republicans']", this is his staffers quietly making him look like a psychopath who wants to destroy the nation so that *he* is targeted. The Regime *wants* some Manchurian Candidate or MKUltra victim to make a move because a Biden death gives the Regime legitimacy. Biden's puppet status is a major aspect of this behind-the-scenes psychology, since the totalitarian Regime can merely move another puppet into position while claiming to be responding to the "tragic" loss of their former puppet (i.e., they wish to be "outraged" by the thing that they want to happen and which they will benefit from).

It is obviously a fool's trap, since Biden is indeed a puppet. He himself holds no specific value. He is not an idealist, an idea-man, a creative type, or any kind of strategist. He is just a puppet. The Regime uses him because he's part of the pedo-circles around Epstein's government blackmail operation and will do anything for the Regime. His specific life or death has no value to those who oppose totalitarianism, since totalitarianism is not about one man. This is a mistake that leftists make: they think that totalitarianism *is* "Hitler" (the one man, the symbol), but totalitarianism is a billion "Biden" puppets placed strategically to enslave, degrade, and destroy.

The true holders of power in totalitarianism are those who control the debt generated by them enslaving mankind.

*(e.g., his totalitarian "black/red" imagery in a September 2022 speech http://www.sentinelassam.com/international/what-is-pedohitler-and-why-it-is-trending-on-twitter-610684 )
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 07 02:55:24
This preview for "Trump's New America" is the type of hilarious fear porn that ensnares tw-types :D
[January 4th, 2024]

(as re-Tweeted by REN):
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 07 03:36:44
I'd suspect most people have seen this clip, but it's worth book-marking this super-gay MSNBC reporter who "cries" about what some faggot slinging his shitty book went through during the Capitol protest a few years ago:
I honestly can't watch more than a few seconds of his, "I'm gonna try to get through this, umm, thank you," line before lol'ing XD
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 07 07:42:36
Scott Adams appropriately taking a bow for using his meme platform to point out Biden's totalitarian optics:

"Dementia Hitler is trending on X.
"You're welcome."
[Scott Adams; January 7th, 2024]
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 08 05:23:09
I had been meaning to watching this Carlson interview from a couple days ago. It's pretty good:

(Interview with Representative Clay Higgens (R, LA))
(runtime 38:27)
"Ep. 61 This the smartest, best informed account of what actually happened on January 6th."
[January 6th, 2024]

Higgens is one of the few GOP members who *may* not be a Regime actor. He (correctly) voted against Ukraine spending ( https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022145 ), and he is in a short list of GOP members who appeared at the ESG House Oversight Committee Hearing (which I covered here http://cherubcow.substack.com/p/the-house-oversight-committee-discovers ). The short version of his questions at the Hearing were that
• ESG violates fiduciary duties,
• ESG uses a general pool of wealth to accomplish progressive political projects, and that
• a coalition of 21 attorneys general are rightly suing over the issue.

In the Carlson interview, he explains that his committee positions have given him access to January 6th investigation materials, and there are some interesting drops coming up. On the one hand, this "[interesting material coming up]" is a con that Adam Schiff infamously did with "muh Russia", but on the other hand, Higgens is not a Bolshevik, so he may actually be trustworthy and so far there has indeed been actual payoffs to this (e.g., large video dumps).

*If* he is being trustworthy, then these are some interesting claims:
• Federal agents very likely gave access, directed crowds, and led crowds into specific places for maximum prosecutorial impact
• 18:00 — More than 200 federal assets were in the crowd on January 6th
• evidence shows that the FBI is implicated "at the highest level" (i.e., Christopher Wray)
• There's a circular-reasoning issue right now with criminal referrals; Congress can suggest arrests based on evidence, but the DoJ must decide to make those arrests, and because the DoJ is captured, they will not make those arrests.
• 28:20 — They talk about Ashli Babbitt and the offending officer's "bad shoot".
• They end with talk of January 6th footage being released and additional evidence being litigated for release.

Of the circular-reasoning issue, this is something I pointed out previously with the Department of Labour (DoL) decision on ERISA (same committee hearing link above). That is, the DoL over-extended its authority with a change to ERISA which basically allowed ESG asset managers to not observe fiduciary duties if it served the aims of the ESG asset managers (i.e., "[it's not recklessly gambling if *we* do it.. umm.. for 'sustainability'!]"). Both Congress and the Senate *passed* 2023 H.J.Res.30 to repeal this DoJ ruling... but Biden vetoed it ( https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-joint-resolution/30 ). In other words, with Biden in the White House, ESG still has teeth. The suing attorneys general have other avenues since the DoL ruling isn't an absolute federal mandate, but that DoL ruling can only be overturned with a GOP president.

Connecting this to criminal referrals to the DoJ is the same: Congress can show that the DoJ acted with corrupt and illegal intent on January 6th, but because it is Biden's DoJ, they will not prosecute themselves. (That meme of "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" has been circulating again lately for things like this.) So a lot of the illegal activities carried about by Democrats in the last 7 years can only be exposed.. with a GOP president.

You can likely recognize the potential trap there.
Pragmatically, this makes perfect sense. Biden literally vetoed a bill which would subject asset managers to major lawsuits for fund mismanagement, so there is an active traitor-puppet in executive authority. But, as an election deception it also can read as a transparent election tactic for GOP politicians: "[You have to vote for the GOP in 2024 if you want January 6th issues and ESG fixed.]" It seems like a fair trade if you take it at face value, but if you read it cynically then the "[evidence of FBI wrongdoing]" claims could a narrative ploy. But could it be both? I.e., is it not natural for candidates apply the self-serving work of retaining their positions *and* effect positive change?

This need not be abstract. It is a much easier problem to resolve when looking at individual candidates. We know that the entirety of the DNC is captured, but about 50 GOP politicians have varying levels of Regime support/non-support. Higgens would be an obvious politician to retain not just for his claims here but because his voting track record against Regime policies has been consistent. Regime enemies such as Cawthorne, Biggs, Bishop, Boebert, Gaetz, Gosar, Greene, Hawley, and Massie have been targeted specifically because they have high resistance to almost all Regime policies. They appear as "nay"s on Ukraine spending *and* often on anti-ESG policies. The list of people who stand up to the Israeli lobby is sadly much smaller: basically just Massie.

In other words, even if the "[vote for us so we can do this in 2025]" move is some 4D Chess ploy, there are some obvious and discrete checks that can be used for individual candidates:
• Do they support ESG/DEI?
• Do they support Ukraine spending?
• Do they support Israel spending?

Most other criteria precipitate from these. Things such as mass-migration policy are largely hammered by cutting off ESG's NGO network, since the NGOs that are actively funding and moving migrants into the West are getting that funding from the "sustainability" racket. Ukraine and Israel funding also show whether or not politicians are aware of money-laundering operations, with Israel support in particular showing allegiance to Western enslavement via debt.

"Trust the Plan" Determinism?
A lot of the antsy right are getting annoyed that the GOP isn't actively doing anything to stop anything. Since there are active traitors working within the U.S., it seems imperative to take some kind of immediate steps, where things seem "business as usual" for much of the GOP. The counter to this is the above, which is that a treasonous puppet-president such as Biden holds power, so legislature and attempts to address the DoJ are doomed at the veto. So, just telling people, "Wait until November 2024 and push for a GOP president," is very little consolation — especially for cynics and those unaware of background strategy.

And the other issue is that the above reality means that the left — as they themselves have admitted — are terrified of the consequences of their illegal activity in the last 7 years. A DNC victory is essential for them to avoid these consequences. This is an entire criminal class that knows of its guilt. This is why they push so hard for a55a55inations, red herrings / false flag attacks, and excuses for emergency powers — another DNC term gives time to finalize the destruction of the West. There are some things that not even a massive document-shredding operation can hide.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 09 06:15:00
Are the Jew's rape tunnels an accidental revelation or an intentional one?

There are at least two potential narratives here.

The Regime narrative is that Jewish tunnels are an outgrowth of COVID policies wherein NYC cracked down on large gatherings of people — particularly in Jewish neighborhoods where the Jew insisted on meeting despite lockdown protocols. Leftists overtly complained when Christians continued to attend Church, but the Jew was in a borderlands position here where the Regime could not decide if it was anti-semitic to stop Jews from meeting in large groups or unthinkable to oppose the Regime's lockdown policies. Just as with the Harvard and Palestine issues of late, the left was confronted with a question of the Regime's goal in the slave revolt: is the Jew the "Master" class of the slave revolt or the "oppressor"?

In the case of Jewish meetings during COVID, story suppression favored Jewish "Master" status, since news was largely squelched. But, simultaneously, Jewish parks and meeting places were indeed closed and monitored for COVID compliance rules regarding group sizes. The result was that Jewish people used tunnels and back routes to meet in secret. This is exemplified, for instance, in videos where police broke up large meetings during COVID (e.g., http://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/28/nyregion/hasidic-funeral-coronavirus-de-blasio.html ).

But, narrative "1)" assumes that Jewish tunnels are a new feature that developed in response to COVID. This is false. As even "Inglourious Basterds" points out in its opening scene through the concept of the hidden Jew ( https://youtu.be/K0dAqhxfvlg?si=A3Y_sOB-KGs4eO8k&t=854 — itself a reference to "The Eternal Jew" (1940)), this is the behavior of the Jewish immoralist. While some may claim that this practice is a response to the sacking of Jerusalem by Titus (which had a dysgenic effect on the Jew), the practice of Jewish tunnels pre-dates even Titus ( https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna11813638 ). That is, Jewish tunnel systems were constructed in preparation for their own slave revolts during antiquity and have merely remained a current practice — even within modern, complex cities. Some of these original tunnels are used by "Hamas" today.

Thus, the slight departure in "2)" from "1)" is that it is not necessarily that these tunnels were for COVID but that they were built from the same logic of the slave revolt, which is to have a hidden/subversive option **if necessary**. So, even with COVID ended, the Chabad Group would know the utility of a secret entrance so that they could subvert the law in a future event. Chabad Jews thus occupied the tunnel so that it could not be filled with concrete and had to be physically removed.

This leaves the question of the soiled mattress. People in the comments want to connect this to Jew pedo claims (which is fair, as even Larry David pointed out on SNL during "MeToo" http://youtu.be/G0eeNijdv3I?si=7YDtrmBcm0fxcCwh&t=226 ), but the soiling on the mattress could simply be from feet. It seems probably that the mattress was folded in half and placed below the street-grate so that Jews could drop down without being injured.

The hidden area also seems to have contained books, which is likely an extension of the same hidden tunnel logic or an extension of the "Afikoman" (hidden dessert or hidden stolen items) or the "Tzniut" (false modesty). It is very strange logic, to be sure.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 09 07:14:54
More information and video on the Chabad tunnel here:

The accompanying video appears to be a search from December:
Tue Jan 09 12:40:06
The jews wanted to expand their territory by stealing more land and illegally build tunnels under the synagogue.

Wed Jan 10 01:19:06
It could very well be rape tunnels that the jews have built.

The NYPD has found soiled children’s matresses and baby chairs in the tunnels.

People has supposedly also found hidden entrances to the tunnels all over the place. One entrance was reportedly blocked off by the NYPD in Central Park.

Not 100% shure what is going on. But can we rule out the possibility that jews from the Synagouge may have snatched children from the Central Park or elsewhere in the city, brought them down into the tunnels and to underneath the synagouge where they then were raped? Perhaps even killed and buried and their organs harvested and sold to Israel?

It’s sick.


Perhaps it is another Josef Fritzl case?


The N.Y jews locked up their own children in the tunnels, raped them (incest), and forced them to give birth?

A thourough independent investigation needs to be done.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 10 05:30:54
"The NYPD has found soiled children’s matresses and baby chairs in the tunnels."

That stroller in the exploration video was definitely suspect. I'm hoping that the mattress in the Chabad synagogue was just a landing pad for the grate entrance, but I didn't see footprints on it so.. :| :| :|
Wed Jan 10 08:46:31
But why is the police in such hurry to fill the tunnels with cement? There could be dead bodies burried there.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 11 04:23:39
They'll probably sweep this whole thing under the rug when they should be sending forensic teams in there with gas probes and DNA extraction kits.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 11 07:02:19
In other news, James Lindsay finally got direct pushback from the NRx crowd:
[January 10th, 2024]

Short version of this Twitter exchange:
Auron MacIntyre posted this Tweet:
Auron: "No, civil rights law has made [meritocracy] illegal"

Tim Pool re-Tweeted it in the affirmative, which got it on Lindsay's radar, and Lindsay disagreed. Sargon (Carl Benjamin) then responded, "Communism isn't separate from liberalism, imo." This put Lindsay on the defensive, since Lindsay considers himself a classical liberal who is against communism. The result was that Lindsay blocked Sargon.

This is petty drama but with some layers of right-wing disagreement being played out.

Firstly, Lindsay on Twitter is very different from Lindsay on YouTube. On YouTube, he basically just reads commie/Marxist literature and gives his aside thoughts on the subject. On Twitter, he just acts like a total asshat. He's so routinely out-of-control on Twitter that I consider him a separate person unless he's citing interesting information. This same thing is often true of Academic Agent (OGRolandRat) and often Scott Adams, who both use Twitter to troll even their own followers.

The very frequent result of Lindsay's bad behavior on Twitter is that he blocks a *lot* of people and for very little reason. He also trolls people constantly so that if someone doesn't 100% agree with him, he'll just do what jergul is currently doing: say something small (e.g., "cope"). On the one hand.. on Twitter, this could be seen as a consequence of having a large following; there simply is not time to explain everything for every person. On the other hand.. Lindsay is incapable of figuring out who is a friend or an enemy and basically identifies enemies as anyone who doesn't just want to call out communism and re-start the '90s.

And Lindsay's core errors are emerging.

Lindsay is not a humanities academic. He is a pure STEM academic (a math PhD) who threw himself into the deep-end of humanities outside of university and has been slowly tracing back sources to figure out what is going on (i.e., relying on polymath research skills). One result is that he's often like a college kid who imprints on whatever new class he is taking. But, another result is that you can see him (potentially) getting closer to recognizing core ideas.

About nine months ago now, Lindsay was close to realizing the common threads behind Marxism, the "woke", workers revolutions, Maoism, ESG/DEI, and totalitarianism ... but then he regressed back into a hyper-focus on gnosticism. He had covered gnosticism before (e.g., January 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-vJ_qPPljc ), but this time (starting up again about 3 months ago) it was like the scene in "Pitch Black" (2000) where Riddick does a circle so he can buy time to think. And you can still tell who some of his loyal followers are based on their thinking that simply mentioning "gnosticism" is somehow valuable (it is not). That is, Lindsay was focusing on a non-subject to avoid the next conclusion: the creation of the totalitarian god.

And why would he avoid this?

When you realize that gnosticism is just a simulated space for another's control which can be summed by Baudrillard's "Simulacra and Simulation" (1981), the next step is asking, "Who is simulating this space and what is the core religious premise of totalitarianism?" The answer to that is in tracing back totalitarianism to the birth of monotheism. (Why? Because a singular god creates a singular vision for all of humanity and necessarily condemns humanity to being squeezed and debased into this vision.) And where does that lead? Judaism. And what are alternatives to Judaism which make the same totalitarian error? Christianity and Islam. What are alternatives to monotheism? The old gods: the Norse gods, the Celtic traditions, the Greek and Roman gods — the gods of the West. For Nietzsche, even these were somewhat insufficient, but he retained their symbols (e.g., the Lightning and the Sun). In "Thus Spake Zarathustra" (1885) he attempted to trace back the gods of the West to the core religion of a noble people: "Zarathustra" not as an endorsement of Zoroastrianism but as a bridge to one's true gods and true over-coming.

But Lindsay is looking almost entirely at Marxist literature and not at their counter-examples. So, even in his book "Race Marxism" (2022), he cannot put this final connection together. He knows it's Marxism, and he even understands how thought-terminating clichés work, but he stops short at "anti-semitism" ( https://twitter.com/CherubCow/status/1698519522179707211 ). In September 2021, he even sat with Stephen Hicks and **should have** seen a major puzzle piece in Hicks' explanation of «ressentiment» (from slave morality), but it was like hieroglyphics to him; it was outside of his wheel-house and therefore he did not grow from it ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ4MUBFny80 ).

In short, as I've said before, Lindsay is a good source for reviews of Marxist literature, but he does not have a vision beyond their dialectic. He is not unlike one of these many people who incorrectly believe that the '90s were the ideal society. With that kind of foundational error, you cannot see the subversion of bands such as "Nirvana" being pushed into the mainstream to choke the life out of '90s teens. And without looking directly at the founding myths of liberalism, monotheism, and totalitarianism, you cannot see the source of an ancient battle between collectivist-destroyers and noble sovereigns.

It is Lindsay's unwillingness to look into the explanations of the right — and his insistence on condemning anyone on the right who does not think it is enough to end the latest iteration of the Marxist revolution — that has kept him from these simple truths. This evasion of the "unpopular" conclusions has meant building his audience... but only an audience of people who similarly do not *want* to understand. This is the same trade that Critical Drinker made: it was more important to get a guest spot on Ben Shapiro ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wggKa5d66o ) than to realize the source of "the Message". Why remain a neutered segue when you can have a destiny?

So Lindsay falling into a mix of Sargon, MacIntyre, and the NRx and ending the interaction with mass-blockings is just more of his unwillingness to cross this barrier. He chokes the vision out of Christian Nationalists with the same disdain he shows destroyer-Marxists, seeming not to understand the full conclusions of things that even he has said. Is Christian Nationalism *the* idea? No. But it *is* a vision. "No Enemies To The Right" (NETTR) does not mean no *disagreements* among the right, but it does require that one realize who is a friend and who is an enemy. Lindsay has not fully grasped this distinction.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 14 04:09:27
"Actually there were 4 mattresses"

Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 16 22:47:56
Side project on the Climate Cult:
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